`Low Oral Doses
`Raimo Kekkonen, Oskari Heikinheimo,
`of Mifepristone After
`Erik Mandelin and Pekka Lahteenmgki
`low doses of the antiprogestin
`for a variety
`to be efficient
`486) have
`the pharmaco-
`uses of the drug. However,
`low single
`oral doses have not been charac-
`terized. We evaluated
`the pharmacokinetics
`of mifepris-
`of 2 and 25 mg
`of 8 mg
`as well
`as repeated
`women. Maximal
`0.5-2 h) with
`all doses used. Serum mifepris-
`were proportional
`the oral doses
`The mean
`areas under
`the concentration
`(O-24 h) were 1134
`(*144), 4846
`(*64), and
`h x nglmL
`2, 8, and 25 mg doses,
`No cumulative
`in serum
`tions were detected with prolonged
`daily administration
`8 mg of mifepristone.
`The study subjects
`to vary
`their ability
`to metabolize
`as two different
`(tI,,) emerged
`after both 2 and 25 mg single doses
`(24.2 * 0.6 [SD] h for three subjects;
`and 44.4 * 1.8 [SD] h
`for two subjects). We conclude that within the dose range
`of 2-25 mglday,
`the pharmacokinetics
`of mifepristone
`those seen following
`of higher
`doses. Keeping
`in mind
`data on
`biological effects
`low dose mifepristone administration,
`these data
`effects of the drug,
`such as
`of ovulation,
`be achieved
`at serum
`0 1996 Elsevier
`of approximately
`100 ng/mL.
`Science Inc. All rights reserved. CONTRACEPTION
`antiprogestin RU 486, single dose, multiple
`doses, radioimmunoassay,
`using mifepristone
`with a prostaglandin
`is the only
`accepted purpose
`for the clinical
`use of mifepris-
`tone. When used
`for pregnancy
`doses of mifepristone
`from 200-600
`mg. if2 Hence
`the pharmacokinetics
`of mifepristone
`have mainly
`been examined
`in connection with
`large doses.
`target organs appear to have different
`to mifepristone.
`High single doses, 400 mg
`or more, are needed
`to induce an increase
`in ACTH
`secretion. Similarly,
`400 mg of mifepristone
`is needed
`to overcome
`the suppressive effect of 1 mg dexameth-
`(DXM) on ACTH
`and cortisol
`600 mg of the drug is needed
`to overcome
`the clinical
`of hypercortisolemia.4
`of ovula-
`tion has been achieved with daily
`repeated doses of
`2-25 mg of RU 486,5-8 but not in all studies has a dose
`of 2 mg been sufficient.’
`However, when given
`to ovulation,
`as little
`as 1 mg of the drug
`the threshold
`to disturb
`the hy-
`in hu-
`mans appears
`to be about 2 mg.6f7t10,11 Similarly,
`gression of uterine
`has been shown
`in a dose-dependent manner, daily administra-
`tion of 25 or 50 mg being significantly
`more effective
`than 5 mg. l2 Endometrial
`changes which might
`in disturbances
`of implantation
`of fertilized
`ova have
`been achieved
`at both moderate
`(50 mg/day)13
`low (1 mg/day)14
`doses of the drug. Mife-
`is perhaps
`the most promising
`effective emergency
`dose for this
`to be deter-
`of low-
`In view of the various clinical
`dose mifepristone
`its potential
`uses, the purpose of this study was to
`the pharmacokinetics
`of relatively
`low doses
`of mifepristone
`in women. Our hypothesis was that
`the doses used in
`this study
`(2, 8, and 25 mg) would
`serum mifepristone
`of Medical
`of Helsinki,
`Dr. Pekka
`and address
`for correspondence:
`of Biochemistry,
`of Biomedicine,
`8 (Siltavuorenpenger
`of Helsinki,
`for publication
`5, 1996
`24, 1996
`for publication
`12, 1996
`0 1996
`655 Avenue
`Inc. All
`the Americas,
`New York, NY 10010
`ISSN OOlO-7824/96/$15.00
`PII SOOIO-7824(96)00193-X
`Page 1


`230 Kekkonen
`et al
`Materials and Methods
`clinic of
`at the outpatient
`The study was performed
`City of Lohja, Finland. The
`Lohja District Hospital,
`study protocol
`and human
`were ap-
`proved by the ethics committee
`of the hospital.
`healthy women
`l-5), aged between 29 and
`37 years, volunteered
`for the two stages of the single-
`dose study
`(2 and 25 mg).
`consent was ob-
`tained prior
`to initiation
`of the study. The subjects
`did not use hormonal
`or any other hor-
`three months
`study or during
`it. The
`two subjects
`(subjects 6 and 7)
`daily administration
`of 8 mg
`for 30 days
`were part of a previous
`in which we evaluated
`low-dose mifepristone
`We now report
`the pharmacokinetics
`of mifepristone,
`the same samples.
`486; 17P-hydroxy-l l
`17a-[ 1 -propynyl]-estra-4,9-
`as 200 mg
`was obtained
`France) and as 50 mg tab-
`(New York City,
`the Population
`by Roussel-Uclaf].
`The 200
`(also manufactured
`into 2 mg capsules at
`tablets were divided
`of the University
`of Helsinki,
`Finland. Subjects 1-5 received a single oral capsule
`mg) of mifepristone
`the morning
`of one of cycle
`In the next menstrual
`half of a 50-mg
`(25 mg) by the same route. Sub-
`four capsules of 2 mg of mife-
`jects 6 and 7 received
`(8 mg) daily
`for 30 days, starting
`in the morn-
`ing of day 1 of the study. Thereafter,
`the capsules
`were ingested
`in the evenings.8
`and Hormone
`Sample Collection
`Venous blood samples were collected
`from subjects
`l-5 before mifepristone
`and at l/2, 1, 2, 4, 6, 24, and 36 h, then daily until
`days after
`6 and 7, the
`samples were obtained
`the same way for the first
`24 h. Samples were then collected
`for the first
`week of mifepristone
`and thereafter
`times a week until
`the next menstrual
`period, which
`occurred 19 days following
`of the treat-
`in both subjects.’ Serum was separated by cen-
`and the samples were stored at -20°C un-
`til assayed.
`were de-
`of serum mifepristone
`The concentrations
`by a specific
`lowing Chromosorb-column
`of the RIA was 0.61 ng/mL.
`The mean
`intra- and interassay
`of varia-
`(CV) of the RIA were 9.3% and 12.7%,
`To convert metric values (ng/mL)
`the serum
`are multiplied
`by 2.30.
`into molar values
`of mifepristone
`curves of serum mife-
`Areas under
`the concentration
`pristone during
`the first 24 h after drug ingestion
`. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`1. Mean serum concentrations of mifepristone (ng/mL) in study subjects 1-5 over the first 6 h and the first 7 days
`after single oral doses of 2 mg (solid squares) and 25 mg (open squares) of the drug. The data are depicted on both linear
`(lower) and semilogarithmic (upper) scales.
`Page 2


`of Mifepristone
`RU 466
`6 oo-
`500 -
`400 -
`300 -
`200 -
`2. Serum mifepristone concentrations (ng/mL) in
`ingested 8 mg mifepristone orally once a day for 30 days.
`for each subject using
`1 were determined
`( AU&-,a
`of elimination
`rule. l8 Estimation
`the trapezoidal
`life ( tl,,) of serum mifepristone
`was determined
`the method
`of residuals.
`l9 The highest
`in each subject after different doses was de-
`fined as the maximal
`from drug ingestion
`until C,,
`(t,,) were reg-
`(ng/mL; means +
`Serum mifepristone
`SD) in subjects 1-5 after single doses of 2 mg and 25
`mg are shown
`in Figure 1; both
`linear and semiloga-
`scales are shown. Figure 2 shows the concen-
`of mifepristone
`in subjects 6 and 7 during
`daily oral repetitive
`of 8 mg. In Table
`I the pharmacokinetic
`of study subjects
`l-5 are shown after 2 and 25 mg single oral doses.
`Table 2 shows
`the mean
`tr,,, C,,,,
`for all doses ingested.
`Peak concentrations
`of mifepristone
`between 104 and 227 ng/mL
`after a 2-mg single dose
`of mifepristone,
`between 474 and 561 ng/mL after the
`first 8 mg dose, and between
`1285 and 4851 ng/mL
`after a 25-mg
`single dose. Peak
`were rapidly
`all doses.
`The semilogarithmic
`scale (Figure 1) clearly shows
`that although
`the serum
`differed by
`roughly an order of magnitude,
`the rate of metabolism
`was similar
`the two single doses of 2 and 25
`of 25 mg
`mg. The C,,,
`of mifepristone
`was I8.6-fold
`that after 2
`(Table 2). However,
`there was only a 12.5fold
`two doses. The decreases
`in serum
`from C,,, were more
`subjects 6 (solid squares) and 7 (open squares). The subjects
`than after 8 and 2 mg single
`after 25 mg
`oral doses of mifepristone.
`The mean C,,
`compared with
`the mean mifepristone
`after 4 h of ingestion
`were 3.75 (25 mg),
`1.99 (8 mg), and 2.34 (2 mg).
`The mean
`tr,, values were 32.7 h (2 mg) and 32.0 h
`(25 mg). However,
`two different
`tr,, values were found
`(Table 1). Subjects 3 and 4 showed
`longer half-lives
`after both 2 mg and 25 mg doses, ranging between
`41.7 and 45.5 h. Subjects
`1, 2, and 5 had half-lives
`between 23.8 and 25.0 h. Linear correlation
`the tl,, values
`the 2 mg and 25 mg doses was
`(r = 0.99; p = 0.001). This
`that each subject metabolized
`at an in-
`rate irrespective
`of the dose ingested.
`After beginning
`daily administra-
`tion of 8 mg of mifepristone
`in serum steady-
`state concentrations
`two days. These concentra-
`ranged between 188 and 596 ng/mL,
`the mean
`(*SD) being 308
`(+_82) ng/mL. No cumulatively
`1. Pharmacokinetic parameters in subjects l-5 for
`both single oral doses of mifepristone (RU 486): 2 and 25 mg
`C max
`t nlax
`Subject 2 mg 25 mg 2 mg 25 mg 2 mg 25 mg
`= time
`= maximal
`(hJ; C,,,
`t,,, = half-life
`(h). To convert
`to maximal
`of mife-
`the serum
`into molar
`is multiplied
`by 2.30.
`the 2 and 25 mg doses
`the study
`was statistically
`r = 0.99
`(p = 0.001).
`Page 3


`232 Kekkonen
`et al.
`to Lax
`2. The mean (AD) half-lives (t,,z; h), maximal
`Itmaxj h)
`serum concentrations
`(Cmaxj ng/mL), and times from drug ingestion
`C max
`The mean
`2 mg
`32.7 (i11.7)
`155 (+49)
`1.4 (+0.8)
`h x ng/mL)
`2 and 25 mg
`(n = 5), subjects
`6 and
`7 ingested
`8 mg
`518 (i62)
`1.5 (kO.7)
`8 mg (n = 2).
`25 mg
`32.0 (k10.7)
`1.4 (+0.5)
`h after
`in each
`were seen during multiple
`doses of the drug (Figure 2).
`The clinical
`from subjects 6 and 7 are re-
`ported elsewhere.8
`(RU 486)
`of mifepristone
`The pharmacokinetics
`are characterized
`by extensive metabolism,
`a long half-life
`of approximately
`25 h, and non-lin-
`of 50 mg or more of the
`drug. 17~20-23 The non-linear
`been explained
`in part by saturation
`of the specific
`for mifepristone,
`serum al-
`has been shown
`to become saturated at a serum con-
`of approximately
`2500 nmol
`(1100 ng/mL)
`of mifepristone/L.
`20~25 Thus, after single dose admin-
`of 100 mg or more, serum concentrations
`do not rise in accordance
`to the dose.17r2’
`In the present study, more
`than a tenfold difference
`was seen in serum concentrations
`of 2 mg and 2.5 mg of mifepristone.
`is consistent
`with previous data regarding
`the saturation
`of AAG
`of mife-
`by mifepristone.20125
`(AUCO-24h) were proportional
`the oral
`doses of 2, 8, and 25 mg.
`tl,, of
`the single-dose
`results of this study,
`was similar
`lowing both 2 mg and 25 mg doses. Thus, each indi-
`vidual appeared
`to metabolize mifepristone
`both doses. The correlation
`the two tl,, values was highly
`study subjects appeared
`to vary in their ability
`to me-
`tabolize mifepristone.
`in mife-
`pristone metabolism
`have also been demonstrated
`dogs.26 Studies with
`the hepatic
`have revealed
`that P-450
`is involved,
`inter alia,
`in mifepristone
`and estrogen metabolism,
`and P-450
`in progesterone metabolism.
`netic polymorphism
`as it relates
`to the cytochrome
`P-450 system,
`is suggested
`to be a primary
`in drug metabolism
`with a
`great variety of drugs. 27~28 The results of the present
`study do not, however, allow us to compare details of
`the metabolic
`pathways of mifepristone
`between sub-
`of 25 mg of mifepristone
`Daily administration
`to bring about steady-state
`been demonstrated
`of approximately
`400 ng/mL,29 and with
`50 mg doses, approximately
`1100 ng/mL.25 Recently,
`using a different assay system
`for mifepristone,
`atto and co-workers
`reported steady-state
`levels of ap-
`35 ng/mL
`after 1 mg daily doses, 175
`after 5 mg, and 350 ng/mL
`after 10 mg daily
`of mifepristone.’
`sults of the present study support
`the results of these
`daily administration
`does not result
`in cumulative
`in serum
`drug concentrations.
`the dose of 8 mg were approximately
`3 10 rig/ml,
`is also in line when compared with
`the results
`of these other studies.
`Serum mifepristone
`.4 h after all
`in approximately
`the doses studied. This
`is in agreement with
`the re-
`sults of studies
`in which,
`for the most part, higher
`doses of the drug were used. 1’,20,21,23,25,30,31 1n earlier
`studies with single oral doses, C,,,
`values were not
`the redistribution
`the concentrations
`reached a plateau
`at a level of
`about 1100 ng/mL. These plateau
`not rise in a dose-dependent manner after administra-
`tion of more
`than 100 mg
`in single doses.17t20,21,23 In
`the present study,
`increasing mean C,,
`ues were measured
`2, 8, and 25 mg of mife-
`pristone. Furthermore,
`the C,,, with
`the 25
`mg dose rose above 1100 ng/mL, no clear plateau was
`seen with any of the doses used. This
`is in agreement
`the concept
`that AAG will not be fully saturated
`after a single dose of 25 mg of mifepristone.
`of mife-
`In conclusion,
`peak serum concentrations
`pristone are rapidly achieved
`in 1.2-l
`.4 h. Serum con-
`of mifepristone
`were proportional
`to the
`oral doses of 2, 8, and 25 mg. This
`in consistent with
`the saturation
`of AAG by
`Page 4


`of Mifepristone
`to be interindividual
`2of25 There appears
`the elimination
`of mifepristone,
`low single oral doses.
`staff of the
`assistance of the technical
`Steroid Research Laboratory
`(Ms. Marjatta
`Ms. Sirpa Ranta, and Ms. Eeva Harju)
`is gratefully
`This study was financially
`by the John Noble Foundation,
`the Educational
`dation of America,
`the George J. Hecht Fund,
`the An-
`drew W. Mellon
`the Rockefeller
`the Population
`New York, NY. Financial
`support was also provided
`by the Finnish Obstetric
`and Gynecological
`(to RX.). The contents
`of this
`report do
`not necessarily
`the policy of any of the funding
`a multicen-
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`Page 6

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