Downloaded from
` at ASPET Journals on January 19, 2016
`1987 by The American
`for Pharmacology
`and Experimental
`241, No.
`in U.S.A.
`of the Antiglucocorticoid
`Steroid RU 486 in Man1
`for publication
`21 , 1987
`of Child Health and Human Development,
`of Health,
`1 (cid:1)-[4-dimethyIamino
`RU 486
`(1 7fl-hydroxy-1
`a clinically
`The authors
`and progesterone
`of this drug
`in normal
`a rat progesterone
`to those
`1 1) to normal
`of 25 mg/kg
`1 1) or 1 0 mg/kg
`(n =
`(n =
`of progesterone
`± 288
`± S.D.)
`of 754
`1Lg/dI. This


`(1 0-20
`from 506
`I 1 84
`the active
`to RU 486
`0.5% of
`in a concentration-dependent
`[3HJRU 486
`and progesterone
`A synthetic
`1983; Moguilewsky
`RU 486
`has major
`in the
`of hypercortisolism
`in the
`et a!., 1985b).
`et a!., 1985; Nieman
`et a!.,
`a long
`in a small
`or measurement
`of RU 486
`of receptor-reactive
`coid RRAs.
`in normal
`its metabolites
`in four
`RU 486.
`of RU
`1 Presented
`in part
`the American
`for Clinical
`S Supported
`of Clinical
`from the U.S. Na-
`study was
`for the
`and Biologics
`the Human
`for Drugs
`for the National
`of Health.
`The nature
`study were
`subjects who gave
`to all
`the Clinical
`of Health.
`ages 20 to 49 years
`five normal women,
`men and
`RU 486
`1). The


`It was
`at 8:00
`or 8:00
`fasting. Half
`8 h of
`25 mg/kg
`RU 486,
`10 mg/kg.
`vein immediately
`at 0.5,
`1, 1.5,
`2, 2.5,
`3, 4, 5, 6,
`24 h after
`samples were
`16 and
`7, 8,
`with RU
`RU 486 measured
`of receptor-reactive
`6 h from 8:00
`on several
`received RU 486 tablets
`of these
`sex, diagnosis
`RU 486 doses
`in table
`2. Patient
`3 had chronic
`of RU 486
`of 6 mg/dl.
`2 and
`3 and
`the drug
`in patients
`4 were
`also mdasured
`in patient
`2 weeks
`with RU 486.
`the onset


`Downloaded from
` at ASPET Journals on January 19, 2016
`et al
`of RU 486 after
`In normal
`± S.D.
`± S.D.
`± 7.4
`± 9.9
`a Maxvnum
`S (cid:1)
`of receptor-reactive
`of receptor-reactive
`RU 486
`RU 486.
`24 h after
`Appaint T,(cid:1)
`± 7.0
`± 7.7
`3.1 ± 1.9
`2.5 ± 1.0
`C max
`± 288
`517 ± 183
`C 24 h’
`± 140
`189 ± 100
`Pt., patient; Conc.,
`of receptor-reactive
`RU 486 in biologic
`fluid; CA, carcinoma;
`with Cushing’s
`from patients
`with RU 486
`Age Sex
`Doseof RU486
`25 M
`36 M
`45 F
`40 F
`#{149}Mean ± S.D.
`of samples.
`S Number
`ectopic ACTH
`adrenal CA,
`506 ±
`(n =
`± 27 (n = 4)
`± 152 (n = 4)
`1 184 ± 259 (n = 3)
`35.0 Ci/mmol)
`from New England
`(Bedford, MA).
`[3HJRU 486 ([6,7-3H]RU
`RU 486, RU 42 633
`50.6 Ci/mmol),
`ylated RU 486)
`and RU 42 848 (N-didemethylated
`RU 486) were gifts
`from Roussel-UCLAF.
`All other
`Louis, MO).
`and adrenalectomized
`a source
`Co., Madison, WI) were
`g; Holtzman
`On the 3rd and
`oil was
`in sesame
`i.m. Uteri
`in ice-cold
`0.5 mM dithiothreitol,
`[10 mM Tris-HC1,
`1.5 mM EDTA,
`pH 7.4J. After
`20 mM sodium
`tion with a motor-driven
`I. du
`Pont de Nemours & Co., Newton,
`et a!., 1976).
`by ultracentrifugation
`as previously
`The protein
`and 5.0 ± 0.2 mg/ml,
`4.1 ± 0.1 (mean
`± S.D.)
`assays were performed
`as mentioned
`were used for the progesterone
`for the glucocorticoid
`to denature
`Four milliliters
`to 100 (cid:1)d
`± 2% (mean
`486 was

`20 (cid:1)il of
`to 10 (cid:1)il of ethanol
`then mixed
`in a 12 x 75-mm
`a Buckler
`(cid:1)l of either
`in the homogenization
`100 (cid:1)il of
`or thymus
`6 nM) with
`in assay
`were added
`to the
`tube. The mixture
`for 18 h at 4#{176}C.
`from the
`free with
`0.5 ml
`of dextran-coated
`(0.2% dextran,
`T 70,
`2% charcoal,
`in the
`(4#{176}C)for 10 main at 3000
`15 rain
`was COUnted
`10 ml of counting
`New England
`the proges-
`RRAs were
`2.5 x
`5 x
`RRAs were
`of RU 486 were measured
`by these
`in both


`of RU 486
`in Man
`of vans-
`9 and
`tion were
`RU 486 were undetectable
`in normal
`a patient
`2) and
`of a normal
`on thin-layer
`1) were
`plate; Whatman
`was used
`by addition
`of 10,000
`cpm oftracer.
`for examination
`or purification
`RU 486, unlabeled
`RU 486
`RU 486 tablets.
`The R(cid:1) values
`of RU
`from each
`at 37#{176}C
`RU 486 and cortisol were
`by an equilibrium
`as described
`by Kley et al.
`and 4.5 g/dl
`from the National
`of Health
`0.9% sodium chlo-
`pH 7.4. The
`0.2 nM.
`of albumin
`on the binding
`486 and [3H)dexamethasone
`to intact
`human mononuclear
`a previously
`coat was obtained
`from the National
`et a!.,
`of Health
`Blood Bank. Mononuclear
`Bethesda, MD).
`cells were
`in RPMI-1640
`or without
`and adjusted
`to 1.0 x iO(cid:1) per milliliter.
`They were
`nM [3HIRU
`5% CO2 and 95% 02 for 18 h at 22#{176}Cin a shaking
`was determined
`by the
`of a
`of respective
`three wash-
`steroid. After
`ings with
`in PBS
`cell Viability
`by trypan
`blue dye
`was more
`95% in various
`of media.
`of RU 486 for the human mononuclear
`was determined
`by this method
`(with no added
`of dexamethasone,
`to the
`of the drug.
`of plasma RU 486 levels
`was used
`for determination
`for the
`from the peak
`test was used for comparison
`of RRAs.
`Downloaded from
` at ASPET Journals on January 19, 2016
`3 and

`of 25 and
`10 mgI

`RU 486 was
`in these
`or be-
`we recovered
`4). The
`from a normal
`of unla-
`of unlabeled
`RU 486
`a single
`in figure
`in normal
`in normal
`1. The mean
`25 and
`10 mg/kg
`of RU 486 were
`± 7.7
`of RU 486
`kg of

`the maximum
`3 h after
`still measurable
`24 h after
`and women
`tween morning
`RU 486
`in table
`12 h (8:00
`1 had RU 486 measured
`30 mm over
`The mean
`dl, with
`a coefficient
`of RU 486
`was measured
`in pa-
`2 and
`3. Less
`0.5% of
`dose was
`in the
`In patient
`4, cerebrospinal
`RU 486
`4% of
`RU 486
`in the
`in figure
`4. Although
`4 and
`2 (fig.
`of RU 486, RU 42
`and RU 42
`848 were
`4 and
`a patient
`of RU
`by equilibrium
`in plasma
`as determined
`± 1.8% (mean
`± S.D.).
`RU 486
`(up to 3000
`or progesterone
`± 0.7%.
`The mean
`of bound
`in plasma
`to 64.5% by addition
`to mononuclear
`on RU 486
`to human
`of 20 nM [3H]RU
`(0% albumin),
`8.1% of RU
`to cells when
`the media
`In contrast,
`was minimally
`of 3H-steroids.
`1. The
`in figure
`in the
`50% of
`(in molar)
`in this
`to the
`RU 486,
`(in molar)
`1.0 x iO(cid:1).
`1.2 x 10_a;
`of RU 486
`in 20 plasma
`from a patient
`were measured
`2). No
`(P > .2).

`The mean
`at 24 h
`value may


`Downloaded from
` at ASPET Journals on January 19, 2016
`et al
`of various
`1. CompetItion
`as percentage
`of ccntrd
`are expressed
`Ing in the absence
`shown were
`in duplicate.
`0 l
`0 O
`of RU 486 measured
`Fig. 2. Correlation
`and glucocorticold
`and triangles
`RRAs. Cwcles
`by progesterone
`a patient with Cushlng’s
`from normal
`RRAs was
`(P >
`3. Plasma
`RU 486 after oral administration
`of progesterone
`of 25 or 10 mg/kg
`of the drug to normal
`to that
`et a!.
`is similar
`by Shoupe
`and implied
`by Deraedt
`et a!.
`of RU 486
`of other
`from mini-
`3 to 5 h (dexameth-
`can make
`in the
`of RU 486
`If we
`from the
`of RU 486
`the metabolic
`by the
`RU 486
`in the
`of our
`0.5% of
`in the
`of RU 486 may
`of RU 486
`in man.
`et a!.,
`at hours
`5 to
`6 h after
`of presumably
`In addition,
`in plasma
`in the
`2 days
`a 6-mg/kg
`of RU 486
`In nonhuman
`0.5 h after
`in the
`early morning
`and mode
`of administration
`et at.,
`486 may
`of action
`in man
`and monkey.
`RU 486 may
`be the
`its metabolites)
`to plasma
`to corticosteroid-binding
`RU 486
`was much
`we believe
`of RU 486
`to plasma
`in the
`4% of her
`in agreement


`Downloaded from
` at ASPET Journals on January 19, 2016
`of RU 486
`in Man
`4. Receptor
`of plasma
`in the chromatographed
`(at peak
`from a normal
`24 h after
`a patient with Cushing’s
`RU 486 orally. Shaded
`486 in eech
`are numbered
`from the origin
`RU 486 (RU 42
`rephy. N-rnonodemethylated
`RU 486
`(RU 42
`633) w(cid:1)d N-didemethylated
`4 and 2,
`tivity. We
`in man
`to RU
`RU 486
`or two methyl
`in the
`RU 486
`Terry M. Wood
`for generously
`study. We are also grateful
`to Mr. Gerald
`and Ms.
`J. P., HussoN,
`J. M. AND GmAiw,
`in man.
`J. Clin.
`of micro-
`C., LuT0N,
`RU 486
`new steroid
`M. M.: A rapid and sensitive
`of protein
`the principle
`gram quantities
`C., BusIGNv, M., Ciumizr,
`P., Cous’ry,
`of RU
`J.: Pharmacokinetics
`In The Antiprogestin
`RU 486 and Human
`S. J. Segal,
`New York,
`by E. E. Baulieu
`E. E.: RU 486: A steroid
`at a specific
`time ofday.
`Proc. NatL
`P. W. AND HoDcnN,
`H. M., GOLD,
`D. L, CHRousos,
`G. D.: Increased
`RU 486. Dose
`in primates
`J. Clin. EndocrinoL
`D., TguTscH,
`W., Wysa,
`E. E.: The
`of an antiprogesterone
`the menstrual
`cycle and of early
`Y. AND HoMsu, M.: Differences
`in renal
`Ki.ny, H. K., BARTMANN,
`to measure
`by equilibrium
`B. A., Uoocsei,
`SA5, M.,
`of very
`F., T(cid:1)rr,
`S. A.
`in males
`D.: RU 38486:
`to the
`J. Steroid
`by an
`G., SAiuz, E.
`on women
`in metabolic
`J. Clin. EndocrinoL
`and rapid
`H. L: A simple
`with centrifugal
`by RU 486-an
`F.: The
`J. Cliii.
`z C E 1
`(cid:1) h:
`Albumin Concentration
`and specific
`of albumin
`5. The
`on the
`of 20
`nM [‘HIRU 486
`or [‘HIdeXamethaSOne
`(MNL). Results
`human mononuclear
`in media without
`in duplicate.
`the mean
`3 times
`is approximately
`[or, by deduction,
`of cortisol
`to plasma
`tive material(s)
`to RU 486
`a high
`of RU 486
`of RU 486
`of dexameth-
`18 times
`its N-mono-


`at al
`with estradiolbinding
`in rat uteri.
`E. E.:
`JR., L(cid:1)c(cid:1)aR(cid:1),
`M., Gu’rinminz,
`D. R.,
`P. AND SpiTz,
`RU 486
`I. M.: Endocrunologic
`Steroid RU 486
`of normal women.
`In The
`S. J. Segal, pp.
`by E. E. Baulieu
`New York,
`J. F., T(cid:1)iT,
`S. A. S.,
`in the plasma
`G., Ggoiws
`RU 486
`J. Clin. EndocrinoL Metab.
`it, Hsugs,
`A. J. W.
`E. E.: Binding
`RU 486
`steroid receptors.
`of the
`It: The disappearance
`J. Clin.
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`MD 20893.
`10, Ran.
`in circulating
`D., LoRi(cid:1)ux,
`D. L
`AND LIPS(cid:1)F,
`D. D.,
`T., BsAt(cid:1)DoN,
`M. B.: Glucocorticoid
`B. C.,
`I. M., Nisui.A,
`C., SpiTz,
`L K.,
`D. L:
`C. W. AND
`with the glucocorticoid
`of Cushing’s
`RU 486. J. Clin. EndocrunoL
`L K., Hasiy,
`D. L,
`I. M., MnwuAu,
`of the antiproges-
`G. P.: Use
`of single doses
`D. L AND CHRousos,
`In The
`RU 486
`of menstruation
`in normal
`Steroid RU 486
`E. E.
`and S. J. Segal,
`New York,
`D., Dga(cid:1)givr,
`G.: RU 38486-a
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`of interaction

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