`Corcept Therapeutics, Inc.
`Exhibit 2009
`Neptune Generics, LLC v. Corcept Therapeutics, Inc.
`Case IPR2018-01494
`Ex. 2009-0001


`Videotaped Deposition of MIKKO OSKARI
`HEIKINHEIMO, Ph.D., held at the offices of:
`Page 2
`Massey & Gail, LLP
`1000 Maine Avenue, Southwest
`Washington, D.C. 20024
`Taken pursuant to notice before Tina M.
`Alfaro, a Notary Public within and for the District
`of Columbia.
`TSG Reporting - Worldwide 877-702-9580
`4 5
`8 9
`Ex. 2009-0002


`Page 3
`1000 Maine Avenue, S.W.
`Washington, D.C. 20024
`555 11th Street, N.W.
`Washington, D.C. 20004
`ALSO PRESENT: Joshua Harris (Burford Capital)
`Eric Stops (Quinn Emanuel)
`David Campbell (videographer)
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`Ex. 2009-0003


`Page 4
` I N D E X
` By Mr. Frazier 7
` By Mr. May 116
` Exhibit 1 37
` Table
` Exhibit 2 50
` Article published in Journal of
` Contraception
` Exhibit 3 89
` "Clinical Pharmacology of RU486 and
` Antiprogesterin and Antiglucocorticoid"
` Exhibit 4 91
` "Effects of the Antiprogesterone RU486
` in Normal Women"
` Exhibit 1001 39
` 348 Patent
` Exhibit 1004 26
` Declaration
` Exhibit 1005 9
` Curriculum Vitae
` Exhibit 1006 73
` Murphy et al., article from 1993
`TSG Reporting - Worldwide 877-702-9580
`Ex. 2009-0004


` Exhibit 1007
` Belanoff article
` Exhibit 1008
` Sitruk-Ware article
` Exhibit 1010
` Belanoff '953 Patent
`Page 5
` Exhibit 1012
` "Plasma Concentrations and Receptor
` Binding of RU486 and Its Metabolites in
` Humans"
` Exhibit 1013
` "Pharmacokinetics of the
` Antiprogesterone RU486 in Women During
` Multiple Dose Administration"
` Exhibit 1014
` "Pharmacokinetics of mifepristone after
` low oral doses"
` Exhibit 1023
` Chu and Belanoff article
` Exhibit 1024
` '848 Belanoff application
` Exhibit 2006
` "Mifepristone: Clinical Pharmacology"
`TSG Reporting - Worldwide 877-702-9580
`Ex. 2009-0005


`Page 6
` THE VIDEOGRAPHER: This is the start of
` media unit No. 1 of the videotaped deposition of
` Mikko Oskari Heikinheimo in the matter of Neptune
` Generics, LLC versus Concept [sic] Therapeutics,
` Inc. This is in the United States Patent and
` Trademark Office before the Patent and Appeal Board,
` IPR No. 2018-01494.
` This deposition is being held at 1000 Maine
` Avenue, Southwest, Suite 450, Washington, D.C. 20024
` on May 2nd, 2019 at approximately 9:07 a.m.
` My name is David Campbell from
` TSG Reporting, Inc., and I'm the legal video
` specialist. The court reporter today is Tina Alfaro
` in association with TSG Reporting.
` Counsel, will you please identify
` yourselves for the record, and then the witness will
` be sworn in and we can proceed.
` MR. MAY: Christopher May for the
` Petitioner, Neptune Generics, and with me is Kenneth
` Goldman of Massey & Gail and Joshua Harris of
` Burford Capital.
` MR. FRAZIER: David Frazier from Latham &
` Watkins for Corcept. I'm joined today by Michelle
` Ernst, also of Latham & Watkins.
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`Ex. 2009-0006


`Page 7
` MR. MAY: Should we --
` MR. FRAZIER: Just observing --
` MR. STOPS: Eric Stops from Quinn Emanuel.
` MR. FRAZIER: And to be clear, Eric is not
` appearing on the record, he's just observing.
` MR. MAY: Understood.
` called as a witness herein, having been first duly
` sworn, was examined and testified as follows:
` Q. Good morning, Dr. Heikinheimo.
` A. Good morning.
` Q. Have you been deposed before?
` A. Have I been to --
` Q. Have you been deposed before?
` A. No.
` Q. Okay. So you understand that you are under
` oath today?
` A. Of course.
` Q. And -- and there's no reason that you can't
` testify truthfully, correct?
` A. No reason.
` Q. Okay. You're not taking any medication or
`TSG Reporting - Worldwide 877-702-9580
`Ex. 2009-0007


` anything that would affect your ability to testify
`Page 8
` truthfully, correct?
` A. No.
` Q. All right.
` And you understand that we are on an oral
` record here. We have a court reporter writing down
` everything we say. So it's important that we get
` our answers out orally and not just nod or say
` uh-huh, things like that. Can you do that?
` A. I understand that.
` Q. Excellent.
` Also, I'll be asking a number of questions.
` If at any time you don't understand my question,
` please ask me to clarify it. If you don't ask me to
` clarify it, I'll have to assume that you have
` understood it. Is that fair?
` A. I understand that.
` Q. And I'm happy to accommodate any breaks
` that you need. Just let me know. I would ask that
` you finish the answering -- if I have a pending
` question, answer that, but just let me know if you
` need a break at any time. All right?
` A. That's fine.
` Q. And then the other thing that -- that your
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`Ex. 2009-0008


`Page 9
` counsel's probably already told you, but, of course,
` you're not allowed to discuss your testimony with
` counsel during the breaks. Do you understand that?
`A. Okay.
`Q. All right. Let's look at Exhibit 1005.
`A. Thank you.
`Let me show you, Doctor, what's been
` already marked in this case as Exhibit 1005.
`MR. MAY: Are you planning to independently
` mark that or we're just going to go with
` Exhibit 1005?
`MR. FRAZIER: I think we'll just call
` them -- if they're already marked, we'll leave them
` marked as they are. I'm sorry. Is that all right
` with you?
`MR. MAY: Okay. That's fine.
`Q. All right. And, Doctor, is this a copy of
` your curriculum vitae?
`A. Yep. This is a copy of my curriculum vitae
` about -- a little bit more than one years old,
` but...
`Q. A little more than one year old?
`A. Yeah.
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`Ex. 2009-0009


`Page 10
` Q. And is it a complete copy or just a partial
` copy?
` A. It is a -- I believe a complete copy of the
` CV that I've provided. It's a two-page CV.
` Q. It's a two-page CV. And I notice
` there's -- there's no list of publications on this
` CV?
` A. Not on this one.
` Q. Okay. And do you have another version of
` your CV that includes a list of publications?
` A. Surely. On my computer.
` Q. On your computer you have a list, but in
` terms of the general CV that you use, do you
` typically have a list of publications on the CV?
` A. That depends on the purpose.
` Q. Okay. And was there a reason that you
` didn't include the publications on the CV that you
` used in connection with your declaration in this
` case?
` A. Some people like short versions of CV
` rather than tens of pages. So I didn't come to
` think of it.
` Q. So you just didn't think of using the
` version that had your publications on it?
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`Ex. 2009-0010


`Page 11
` A. No.
` Q. All right.
` Have you testified as an expert before?
` A. Not in an occasion like this.
` Q. Okay. In -- in any sort of proceeding have
` you acted as an expert witness?
` A. Not outside of academic events.
` Q. I see. So are you saying you've been an
` academic consultant?
` A. Multiple times.
` Q. And have you ever provided any consulting
` services in the context of a legal proceeding
` before?
` A. No.
` Q. Now, your CV provides your training and
` background, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And your medical training is listed here
` under the heading of "Training"; is that correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Actually, just for my information, is
` your -- this CV is written in English. Do you also
` have a Finnish version of the CV, or do you
` typically use the English CV?
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`Ex. 2009-0011


`Page 12
`A. I typically use the English -- English
` version.
`Q. And -- and I should just comment, so we're
` speaking in English today and you're comfortable
` speaking in the English language for this
` deposition?
`A. Yes. And I shall ask if I don't
` understand.
`Q. Excellent. Thank you.
`Okay. So could you just help me understand
` your medical training here. When did you begin what
` would be essentially a medical school type of
` training?
`A. That was '83.
`Q. In 1983?
`A. 1983.
`Q. All right. And -- and then it says you
` became a medical doctor in 1989; is that correct?
`A. Yes. In Finland medical school lasts for
` six years if you don't take any pauses in between.
`Q. And is medical school in Finland
` essentially sort of a combination of an
` undergraduate general education and then medical
` training on top of that?
`TSG Reporting - Worldwide 877-702-9580
`Ex. 2009-0012


` A. They are sort of combined from the very --
`Page 13
` very beginning.
` Q. Right.
` And then after your medical school training
` you specialized in surgery; is that correct?
` A. No. In obstetrics and gynecology.
` Q. Okay. It says "Doctor of Medicine in
` surgery in 1990." What is that?
` A. That's a Finnish -- Finnish academical
` degree that one can be awarded after having
` presented Ph.D. work.
` Q. I see. And so was there a particular
` specialization for your Doctor of Medicine degree?
` A. So I did my thesis work on the
` pharmacokinetics of mifepristone which was presented
` some 30 years ago.
` Q. And as part of your thesis work, then, did
` you have specialized training in pharmacokinetics?
` A. Yes, and, of course, through the research
` work.
` Q. What specialized training in
` pharmacokinetics did you have?
` A. Courses -- several courses, conference
` attendances, those kinds of things.
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`Ex. 2009-0013


`Page 14
`THE REPORTER: I'm sorry. I didn't
` understand.
`THE WITNESS: Attending various scientific
` meetings.
`Q. And what led you to study mifepristone for
` your thesis?
`A. I was offered a possibility of doing
` research in a group specializing in female
` healthcare, contraception, family planning, and
` mifepristone had just been introduced as a new
` molecule at the time and that was something that the
` laboratory was working with and I got this project.
`Q. And was there a particular clinical
` application of mifepristone that you were interested
` in in 1990?
`A. 1990.
`Q. Or before.
`A. At that time mifepristone was not on the --
` on the Finnish market or actually was only in the
` French market. So my thesis work was more
` theoretical. Of course, it had some sort of
` clinical applications which were -- were discussed
` in the scientific papers.
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`Ex. 2009-0014


`Page 15
`Q. And in considering the pharmacokinetics of
` mifepristone that you were studying as part of your
` thesis, were you primarily focused on its
` antiprogesterone characteristics?
`A. So my work was -- was on establishing assay
` methods, looking at -- analyzing the serum levels,
` looking at the metabolism of -- of mifepristone
` following single dose and multiple dose
` administrations.
`Q. And after your thesis on your CV it
` indicates that you did a postdoctoral fellowship?
`A. Yes.
`Q. And what was the subject matter of your
` postdoctoral fellowship?
`A. I had two separate study subjects. I was
` looking at the effects of antiprogestins in the
` Eastern Virginia Medical School using a primate
` model which was very well established there at the
` time. I also did some gene expression studies.
`Q. And what antiprogestins were you looking at
` as part of your postdoctoral studies?
`A. Mifepristone.
`Q. Any others besides mifepristone?
`A. No.
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`Ex. 2009-0015


` Q. Then it says in 1996 -- or from 1996 to
` 2007 you held a position at the University of
`Page 16
` Helsinki, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And the position was called docent?
` A. Yes. That's a typical Nordic and German
` academical degree. It's like a senior lecturer.
` Q. And you indicate there that that was in
` endocrinology?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And did you have specialized training in
` endocrinology as -- as part of that position?
` A. As theoretical endocrinology. At the same
` time I was doing the residency in obstetrics and
` gynecology.
` Q. And were you doing research during that
` time period when you were a docent?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And what was the subject area of your
` research?
` A. During those years family planning,
` abortion care, long-term reversible contraception.
` Q. Were you still studying mifepristone at
` that point?
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`Ex. 2009-0016


`Page 17
` A. Partly.
` Q. Did there come a time when you stopped
` studying mifepristone?
` A. There really hasn't come a time.
` Q. So you've continued to study mifepristone
` continuously from the late 1980s until today; is
` that fair?
` A. Yes, further developing the clinical
` applications, medical abortion care, special
` endocrine effects.
` Q. And the endocrine effects you said?
` A. Uh-huh.
` Q. And have you done any study of the
` psychological effects of mifepristone?
` A. Not directly, no. We have looked at the
` psychological effects of medical abortion, but --
` but in that way.
` Q. Have you studied the use of mifepristone
` for mental health applications?
` A. No.
` Q. It says from 2004 to 2005 there's a course
` on university pedagogy. What is that referring to?
` A. Yeah. That's something which is needed
` currently for if one wants to aim for academical
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`Ex. 2009-0017


`Page 18
` position -- positions, like a professorship, you
` need to show that you have done studies on pedagogy.
` Q. And what -- what is involved then in the
` course on pedagogy?
` A. It was something that one would do along
` with their regular work, different teaching methods,
` for example.
` MR. MAY: Don't you wish we'd had that.
` Q. And was there -- was there classwork
` involved in that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And what kinds of classes were you taking?
` A. It was a group of about -- of about 20 --
` 20 people, you know, being at the sort of senior
` lecture level teachers. It was fairly new when I
` did -- when I did that course in 2004. Now it's
` commonly required.
` Q. So essentially the coursework was in
` training you had to be a better instructor; is that
` the idea?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Understood.
` Then -- then it says from 2007 you were a
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`Ex. 2009-0018


`Page 19
` docent in obstetrics and gynecology, correct?
` A. Yes. Or starting from 2007.
` Q. And was there coursework in connection with
` that position?
` A. No. No.
` Q. Was there practical training associated
` with that?
` A. You can become a docent in a clinical
` specialty, for example, in obstetrics and gynecology
` once you have been a specialist for two years and
` once you have sort of shown significant scientific
` merits and it's been evaluated by external
` evaluators.
` Q. And then in 2009, 2010 it says you were
` qualified in medical administration by the Finnish
` Medical Society; is that correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And what is that?
` A. Similarly, a course lasting for about a
` year that you take along your work, maybe two days
` per month studying medical administration.
` Q. And by "medical administration" do you mean
` things like running an office or a hospital?
` A. Hospital, yeah.
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`Ex. 2009-0019


` Q. A hospital.
` And then in 2007 you had training in good
`Page 20
` clinical practices?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And that's generalized clinical training;
` is that fair?
` A. Yes. And it's also an official training
` needed, you know, to run a clinical -- clinical
` trials.
` Q. To run clinical trials, right?
` A. Uh-huh.
` Q. So what training did you receive in running
` clinical trials?
` A. Coursework, some reading material, and so
` forth.
` Q. Any instruction in statistical methods?
` A. Yes. Yeah.
` Q. What training did you have in mental
` health?
` A. In mental health?
` Q. Yes.
` A. Obviously during my medical student there
` was a fair -- a month of psychiatry, but I'm not a
` psychiatrist by training.
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`Ex. 2009-0020


`Page 21
` Q. So you had exposure to psychiatry as part
` of your medical school training?
` A. As part of my medical school training.
` Q. Any -- any further training after medical
` school in mental health or mental healthcare?
` A. In our system all specialists need to do
` general practice for about one year, and obviously
` there you run into some hands-on situations.
` Q. Did you have a specific rotation or
` training period in mental health care, psychiatry as
` part of your general medical training?
` A. No.
` Q. So you're saying that as part of the
` general medical training there were just patients
` who came in who had medical -- mental health issues
` that you would have to deal with as part or your
` general practice?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And would you typically refer such patients
` to a mental healthcare specialist or clinic?
` A. That, of course, depends on the severity of
` a case.
` Q. So the more severe patients would be
` referred, the less severe --
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`Ex. 2009-0021


`Page 22
` A. Yeah, would be treated in the primary
` healthcare.
` Q. What is your relationship to Neptune
` Generics, the party in this case?
` A. The name has become familiar on this -- on
` these documents that I've seen. No other
` relationship.
` Q. And when did you first come into contact
` with representatives of Neptune?
` A. Ken Goldman contacted me in early 2018.
` Q. And had you had any other contacts with
` representatives of Neptune before early 2018?
` A. No.
` Q. And you're being compensated for the
` services you're providing in connection with this
` case, correct?
` A. Well, in order to come here I needed to
` take time off from work. I'm hoping to be
` compensated for -- for that certainly.
` Q. You're being reimbursed for your travel,
` you're saying?
` A. Plus the time -- you know, I took unpaid
` leave from work. So I'm hoping not to make
` financial loss because of this.
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`Ex. 2009-0022


` Q. But are you -- are you receiving an hourly
`Page 23
` consulting fee for your services?
` A. I believe so, yes.
` Q. And how much is that hourly fee?
` A. In the contract that we signed previously
` it was 400 euros per hour.
` Q. 400 euros per hour?
` A. If I recall right, yeah, 400 euros or
` dollars, yeah. I would have to check that.
` Q. All right.

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