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`l999 lEEE Global Telecommunications Conference — Globecom’99
`Copyright and reprint permission; abstracting is permitted with credit to the source. Libraries are permitted to photocopy beyond the limit of US. copyright law for
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`Operations Center, 445 Hoes lane, P.O. Box 1331, Piscatowoy, NJ 08855~133l . Al rights reserved. Copyright © 1999 by the institute of Electrical and Electronics
`Engineers, Inc.
`IEEE Catalog Number 99CH37042
`ISBN 07803-5796-5 (Saltbounrl)
`ISBN 07803-5797-3 (Cosebaund)
`lSBN 07803-5798—l (Microfiche)
`library of Congress Number 87-640337
`Additional copies of this publication are available from
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`Globecom’99 Conference Record
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`”ejsmless Interconnection for Universal Services
`7 Global Telecommunications Conference": 7'
`5-9 DECEMBER I999, Rio cle Janeiro, Brazil
`Intercontinental and Sheraton Hotels
`Symposium on Communication Theory
`Symposium on Future Wireless Communication System
`__.~ f‘
`IEEE Communiwllom
`HOBECDM is sponsored by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc llEEE} Communications Society
`Conference Record
`Volume 5 of 5 - V05
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`2 Table of contents
`General Conference, Part A (Villa)
`Satellites and Wireless Access
`i0:4 54230, intercontinental Room Topozio
`Urgonirers: George Thomas, University of Southeastern louisr'ana, USA; Monsour lbloo, Motorola Eonado, ltd, Eanaa'a
`Ehoir: George Thomas, University at Southwestern louisiuno, USA
`Sponsoring Eernnrittee: Computer Communications
`ABR Traffic {antralIn Satellite ATM Networks...
`Giacomo Morohite, University ofEotnnie, truly ton EAlyildir, Georgie losiihllellfootnolagy USASergioPularro
`A Novel Class at U plink DEDMlSDMA Algorithms for WLAN...
`Patrick Vandenemeele tieslret VonderPerre, ondrltarc Engels iIilEEllugoUelllon,(allelic Unrversrty alleuven, Belgium
`ADAPT: A Dynamically Sell—Adiusting Media Access Protocol Control lorAd HocNetworks
`l. Eltlenrtoc, A. forage, A. U. Myers,
`ti. ti. Symtiul, 6. Zrinrlra, lire University of forces erUallas, USA
`1 2 3 4 5
`Dynamic Dueue Management Mechanism lor Service Enhancement in Wireless Intelligent Network Environment
`tian-Ulr Chai
`l’eooloong Kim, and SunStrin An, Korea University: Elrangrll Elam, Uaeweo leleconr, Korea
`Dynamic Resource Allocation for LED Satellite Systems with 005 Provision for on |va Network
`E. liel Re, KEantach; EPecorelln, l. 5. Range, and E Eostelr‘anr, Unrirersitri lieglr' Sturd'al Eirenze, truly
`ATM Switch
`iU:45-l2:3il, intercontinental, Room lurrnalino
`Organizer: Mohammed Atiaurzonran, University of Dayton, USA
`Eltor'r: 5. 5. Kurt, National Central University Taiwan
`Sponsoring Eommittee: Eommunicotions Snitching
`Perlormance Evaluation ol Relative Rate Marking Switches lor ABR Service in ATM Networks .......................................................................................................................
`Danette itim and leng-Kyung Mm, Electronics Telecommunications Research institute; YouZe Elie, Kyungpoolr National University, Korea
`PPBMR method of blocking probability calculation in switching networks with reservation
`Maciel Stasialc, Marius: filoboIvslri, and Poznan University of Technology Poland
`Duality at Service Analysis at Shared Butler Management Policies Combined with Generalized Processor Sharing
`George iopiotr's, lelcerdio leclInologies,‘ Shivenclro Panwar, Polytechnic University, USA
`Reducing Butler Requirement for VIE-Merge [apable ATMSwitches
`Peilang Zhou and Oliver W W Yang, University at Ottawa, Eanado
`Speedup and Butler DivisionIn lnputlDutput Dueuing ATM Switches...
`liang X’s and [hipIn” [an the ”my Kong University olSrience and TechnologyIllonglong“...
`l 2 3 4 5
`Multimedia Systems I
`lfl‘lfi-lfifl, intercontinental, li’oom Agata
`Urgunizer Moria Bonotti, ltaltel, ltely,‘ Moshe Zulcermon, University at Melbourne, Australia
`Choir: Alex Salmon, Panasonic, USA
`Sponsoring Eommittee' Multimedia Communications
`Multimedia DoS Provisioning"In Wireless-ATM Networks"
`Antonio iero University of Reggie Eolabria; Antonella MolinaroUniversrlyolAlessina,SelvdtoreMoreno“ UniversityelEolobno it‘ll”
`Towards a Ditlerentioted Services Support tor Voice Traffic
`Artur erronI loséE do iiezende, and Otto EorlosM 3. Boone, Eleni Universityalliiorlelaneiro,Uracil“
`A 005 Distribution Monitoring Scheme lor Performance Management at Multimedia Networks
`‘r’umr'ng iiong, Eltenlihong Thom, and EhiElrung lio, NationalUniversityolSingapore, Singapore
`Supporting Multimedia with Soft 005 Guarantee'In Wireless Eommunication Systems...
`Antonio iero andAntonino Modelleri University at Reggie Eolabna; Antonella Molinaro, UniversrtyblMessiah,rill”
`l 2 3
`nlnhamm’qq rnnforonre Record
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`Table of contents
`5 Deadline Eredit Scheduling Policy for Prerecorded Sources ............................................................................................................................................................................. 74
`Zoe Antonino, Nakia Research (enter USA; loonnis Stuvrakukis, University ofAIhens, Greece
`Quality of Service (OoS) and Performance Analysis
`to:45-i2:3u, Sheraton, Room lUdigalA
`Organizers: Werder D. Yu, iteil'y Il’n‘c, tucent Urchnotogies, USA
`Ehair: Weider U. to, lucent Technologies, USA
`Sponsoring (ommr’ttee: Communications {Junior and Eehohiiity
`Perlormance (emporison with Layer 3 Switches in Cases of Flow- and Topoiogy-Driven Connection Setup
`Shane Hakeem I'I'ora ire-unite ofScience and iechnoiogy; Ii’enri Anrvahora, Kyushu institute of iechnetogy;
`Sugura 'I'emoguchr’, tiara Institute of Science and iecltnoiogyc Yuri Ute, Kyushu institute at ieo'rnaiaylt Japan
`2 Procedural Error as Root Cause of Motor Telecommunication Service Outages
`i. E. Bennett andS E. Meier's ieicordio technologies USA
`3 Performance Analysis at Flow Aggregation {it Constant Bit Rate Type Traffic At ingress Router”
`lintsuyoshitideandKeniiKawahara Kyushuinstitute ofiechnology; ietsuya Tnkine Kyoto University; i’IiiiUieAyeshlrlhstiiuteItTechnology, lapahm
`4 Assured Service Evaluation“
`ioséE de Recende Federalr UniversityItRioIE-ldrleirolime-ill"
`' 14.45-18.15, intercontinental, Room iapario
`Urgonirer: Wen-ii Il’uo, AMT iohsheseurch, USA
`(hair: Wen-ii lino, ATRElotheseorch, USA
`Sponsoring Committee: Personal fomrnunications
`Perlormunce Bounds for a UNITS RAKE Receiver with lmperlect Timing Synchronization...
`tens Balteuue GunnarEoclc VollIeI Simon and Heinrich Meyr Aachen University of Technology Germany
`2 Reduced Complexity Blind Rate Detection for Second and Third Generation Cellular EDMASystems 110
`tngolI‘ Held and Albert Chen Phiirps Semiconductors USA
`3 On The Downlinlc {opacity olTDD CDMA Systems Using a Pre- RAKE.
`Andre Hall Barrera and Gerhard P Femveis Dresden University of TechnologySermany
`4 A 100- EDMA System With Pre- phase Subcarrier Equolizer Using Asymmetric Modulation Scheme in anleII Channel
`incheoi ieong and Mason UalcagaIva lleia University Japan
`5 The Linear Method to Evaluate the Frequency Reuse Elliciency ol Cellular CDMA Systems...
`Eesor Ayn dAvila and Michel Uaoud 'I'acoub State University at Eampinos Brazil
`6 One- Shothlulti-UserCcIncellatian ReceiverlarWireless CDMA Eammunication Systems
`IE. Fantnccr‘, 5. Almost, and F. Panchetti, University of Florence, truly
`7 Impact ol Imperlect Pavrer {antral and [hannel Estimation on the Performance at Multiuser Detectors
`Goo fl. Xue, iron E Wang, Tho Eettgoc, and Soh'éne iohor, foncordia University; Canada
`3 Mobile Location Tracking in US [DMA Networks Using Forward Link Time Dillerence oi Arrival and its Application to Zone-Based Billing
`Iii Ugo: Sunny and lbralrirn lelcin, lucent Technologies, USA
`unication Hardware and Implementations
`.14'45-18: 15 intercontinental Room iurmalina
`Wailers: Bin {Jiu Monash Unrversrty, Australia; lion P Smith ERW Space A Electronics USA
`SEW Useraili. Sharma Clemson University USA
`Commr:ttee Signet Processing and (ommanr’corr‘ons Eiectmnics
`‘mtlemtmtion Issues For High Rate Turbo Codes on BPSIUQPSK [honnels
`E Aritrei, New Mexico State University USA
`‘ Ell-0W Power BPS Receiver Architecture... 153
`”We tee and Teresa it. Many, StanfordUnrversrty USA
`_ S-Canlerence Record
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`Table of contents
`Pipelined VLSl Architecture olThe Viterbi Decoder for lMT— 2000....
`Byanghya Shim Korean Airtorce Academy long ChalSotI SofttJSP (”baring.655...
`Multilevel RSlConvolutionol Concatenated Coded 0AM for Hybrid IBDC-AM Broadcasting
`Sxif Chung, Massachusetts institute at' Technology; H. tau, lucent technologies, USA
`A VlSl Architecture for a Frequency-Agile Single-Chip ifi-MBAUD Digital 0AM Modulator
`lininglto Cha leUrey Putnam and Henry Samueti, University of Cotr'toaria atlas Angeles, USA
`A CDRDIC-Based Multicarrier 0AM Modulator.
`tantra Uankkg MUM mung” ion Hobart) and mi.H0559;nggI-Eifmam"?.3} Technology Finland
`Communication ProtocolsIn Integrated Circuits. Experiments and Results....
`Ricardo it. it tiara Enrenan Carti Aloysia C. t? Pedrara tariPinr-er; anrirtntonioCdeMosquito Federal Unrversrtyotti’iodelanerra Uracil“
`Traffic Models and Control lor Multimedia
`14:45-18: l5, intercontinental, Room Agata
`Organizers: Jeff Capone, Arizona State University; Brett Vickers, Rutgers University, USA
`Chair: left Capone, Arizona State University, USA
`Sponsoring Committee: Computer Communications
`Dynamic Resource Scheduling Strategies for DOS in W-CDMA .......................................................................................................................................................................
`Uzgiir Giitbiiz and Henry Owen, Georgia institute of Technology USA
`Eilect of Number of Drop Precedences in Assured Forwarding ......................................................................................................................................................................
`Moka/ Goyal, Arian Uorresi, Padrnini Misra, Chan/oi tin, and Bottom, The Ohio State University, USA
`ClPP Based Characterization oi VBR Traffic and Related Statistical Multiplexer Performance .......................................................................................................................
`it. Manivasairon, U. B. itesai, and Abhoy Kornndikar, lnciian institute of Technology, india
`A Rare Control Strategy lor Embedded Wavelet Video Coders in on MPEG-4 Framework
`Eduardo A. I9. do Silva and Rogerio Caetana. Federal University olti’ia do ianeira. Brozrl
`Burst-by—borst Adoptive Wireless Video Telephony Over Dispersive Channels
`C. H. Wong, E l Cherrinran, and t. Hanzo, University at Southampton, United kingdom
`limitation ol and improvement to Linear Prediction and Smoothing-based Bandwidth Allocation lat VBR VideoTraflrc
`Salli Fang. South China University at iechnotogy. China; liavi SanlIor, University at South Flonilo, USA
`A Synchronization Paradigm with GUS Guarantees for MultimediaCommunications
`MariaC. Young Bird C. ta, to 6. Chen and Pat lien Notional Chino Tang Univereinr, Taiwan
`A Unifying View to Fractional Modeling.
`Reine, mam” with [page and Fuednghfilmy“memmmmsmhe Germany
`Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks
`t4:45-t8:t5, Sheraton, Room VidigatA
`1 2 3
`Urganizers: iakis Mathiapoalos and Aaostalr's Saltintzis, Unriersity at British Calumbia. Canada
`Choir: loha Silvester, USC, USA
`Sponsoring Committee: Communication Theory
`Bandwidth Allocation lor Wireless ATM Considering Priorities ol Component Calls
`Shigeki Shiolrarva and Strait Tusaka Nagoya institute of technology Japan
`A Multicost Routing Protocol lot Multihop Wireless Networks...
`Chunlrang Richard Lin and ShiangWei Chao National Chung Cheng Unrversrty laiwonm
`Fair Allocation of ResourcesIn Moltirate Multrcost Trees
`Sosvrati Sarfrar and teaadros ibssr'alas Universior olMoryland.USA
`Flow Assignment and Pocket Scheduling lar MultipothNetworks
`KaCheang ieung and Victor 0. ll. ii, ilIe University at Hong Kong, China
`A Hierarchical Location Management Architecture lor Wireless ATM Networks
`H. C, Mm Uaewoo iielecomfi if. Siswos NFC. USA
`Evaluation of Optimistic File Replication in Wireless Multihop Networks
`R Abuja R Bugmdig L 30m undid my”; ”mm” at [gitfomm ”Hosmgefés USA
`Globecom’99 Conference R960rd
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`Table of contents
`7 Matti-Code DSSS MAC Protocol For integrated Services Wireless Home Networks ........................................................................................................................................ 266
`PY Kong, 8. Bensoau, and K. C. Chuo, National University of Singapore, Singapore
`IPv6 Flow Handolt in Ad HocWireless Networks Using Mobility Prediction ................................................................................................................................................... 271
`William Su and Mario Gerla, University of California at los Angeles, USA
`Future Satellite Communication Systems
`91301230, intercontinental Roam iopazio
`Organizers: Sotrhondi Verma, Motorola Satellite Communications Group, USA; Kris/man Baiolrn‘shnan, Georgia State University USA
`Choir: Sostri Kora, lockheed Martin, USA
`Sponsoring Committees: Satellite and Space Communications, Computer Communications
`l A Synchronization—based Scheme for Simultaneous Full- and Hall—Duplex Communication in GSM-bosed M60 Mobile Satellite Networks ................................................ 276
`lordanis lloutsopoulas and leandros Tassiulas, University at Maryland at College Park, USA
`2 Elevation Angle Dependent Markov Model for LEO Satellite Communication Systems
`Young Hoon Mean and lJan Kean Sung, Korea Advanced institute al Science and technology, lioreo
`3 Advance Handovets Arrangement and Channel Allocation in LEO Satellite Systems
`Pengiun Wan Vincent Nguyen and Hong lint iiiinois insiinrte ol iechnaiogg USA
`4 Genetic Carrier Allocation'In Satellite Environment"
`IS. Beretta S. CocopoIdi and G. Reaii University ol Peruglaltdlym
`Performance Evaluation oi Prioritized Handover Management for LED Mobile Satellite Systems with Dynamic Channel Assignment
`Vladimir Ulrradaaic and Sascha Cigai Aachen University at lecttaalogyc Germany
`6 internet Access via LED Satellite Networks TCPiiP or ATM?....
`[lean K. longuc Sunii Maloo Aritan Xhala and Somi Sheeshia Slate UnIversrtybiNolaYorkatliufldlaUSA"
`esign and Implementation of Wireless Components
`9::30i23U intercontinental Room lurmol’no
`Urgonirers: Aleltmetlilema, erwoo leis-cam, Hui liu, University of Washington, USA
`Chair: Ctntriiong Wang, Notional lsing Hun Universe}; loitvan
`Sponsoring Committee: iiodio Communications
`1 A Blind Receiver using Optical Hard-Limiters lor Optical Code Division Multiple Access
`Ii’otsutriro Kamoiruro and iwoo Sosose Keio University, .lapan
`2 Millimeter Wave Devices and Networks Based on Dielectric, Ferrite and Semiconductor Waveguide5...
`it triennial; B. A Murmuehev anditl EParichomenico Russian Academy alSciences Russia; Humberto. C.C Fernandes FederolUnIveIsIty {itliteGeodedoliartelimzilw
`3 An Asynchronous Spread Spectrum Multi- Carrier Multiple Access System....
`Stefan Kaiser German Aerospace Center Germany; Witoia‘A. itrzymien UnnersrtyotAiherta Canadaw
`independent Component Analysis with Code lnlonnation Utilization'In {15- CDMA Signal Separafion
`iaponi Risinniemt, University oliyvasiryiii: irriri ioutsensaio, tempera University of technology Finland
`introduction of Linear Cyclostalionary Filters to Model Time-variant Channels
`Alison liaverdier, CUES; Bernard locate and Daniel Roviros, ENSEEiHl/SlC. France
`A Effect oi Non~Reciprocity an [altered Wireless Local-Area Networks
`Francis Ill. Chow andJoseph Al. Il’alrn, Urnuersity al Colrlatnia, USA
`Multimedia Systems ii
`9304230 intercontinental Room Agata
`”Miran: Monolose Mantepetit, Teledesic; iefl‘reylierby: iBAi USA
`(lion: local: RoalSclIem TelAviv University lsrael
`59mm”? Committees: Multimedia Communications Communications Systems integration andModeling Computer Communications
`1 0n Mill"? Di 0 Communication Channel to Accommodate Multimedia Trollic"
`ll ”Mulch National institute of Standards and Technology, USA
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`Table of contents
`2 Multivariate Rote- based Overload Control for Multimedia Communications Traffic Over Hybrid Switch Fabrits"
`iiquIio Uzugur, Georgia institute of ierirooiogy, Alana Molelc, Kozern SoiIrabI; and UnClIiog Yue intent technologies USAM
`3 The Look-Ahead-MaximiseBatch Batching Policym.
`Nelson i. 5 do Foosero State University ofCampinas il’obertoAFarooiroieleinorlirazilm
`4 Scheduling Multisenrire Traffic for Wireless ATM Transmission overTDMAiTDD Channels
`AZM EirraoI Hossoio and ii i’. tilIaIgovo University at Victoria, Canada
`Efficient MPEG Video Troliir Shaping for Next Generation Internet"
`MohammadF, Aloro and Mohammed Atiouzzamon University olUaytoo; MohammadA.Il’orim UorveIsItyoiTennessee USAW
`6 Disaster Scenarios for Hybrid TDMA Wireless MAC Protocols with Contention Based Signaling
`F. Cameron and M. Zuicermon, University of Melanoma, Australia
`7 Estimating Traffic Intensities at Diflerent Nodes in Networks via a Probing Stream
`Fined Shormo, iodioo institute oi Science, iodio
`Emerging Agent Software Technology
`9:30 i230, Sheraton, Roam Gaveo U
`UrgooiIeI: Roy Sundororomon, iuIeot Technologies
`Chair: 6. 5. Ken, National Central University, ioiIvoo
`Sponsoring Committee: Commuoirotioos Soinvare
`A Management Request Broker Based on Transactional Mobile Agents for IN-TINA Services
`inoied Sommoud and Unemie Simooi
`ieleroor Paris France
`2 Evaluating the Periormanre of Mobile AgentsIn Network Management..."
`Marcelo fiooroives Rubinstein and Otto Codes Mani: Boodeira Duane Federol Uorversrty ofIi’ioIieianeiro,trout“
`3 Service DiscoveryIn a Mobile Agent APl using SLP
`iAiIiIei Baroeou, University oiSlIeriIrooire Canada
`4 AJavo-based SNMP Ageotior DynamiIMlBs.-.
`Aiita loiIo lr'eitlI Vonderveen and Uioay Saglo latent iecltnologres USA
`5 Complimentary Polling Modes for Network Perlormance Management Employing Mobile Agents.
`Dominoes Govoios University ofEssex; Uominir Greenwood Fujitsu iieierammanicotions Europe, MohammedGlioobariandIllilreUMaliany University ofEsseiUnitedli’ingriooi
`A Model of Adaptive OoS Management Platform Based on Cooperation ol Layered Multi-Agents...
`Nogaa Ugioo Mosolrotsu itosuga iaisuyo Yoorozalri and ion Motsudo Aiii Adoptive Commonirotions Reseorrblaboratories Apia"
`3- ISBN Control Plane Solutions: Comparison of the Deployment Properties of a Message Based Versus an RPCbased Middleware
`F! Martins and C. liigauit, Ernie Uniionole SopéIieare de Telecommunirotions; U. i’eolrier, Hewlett Packard, Froore
`Channel Modeling and Analysis
`i4:3U- l 6:05. intercontinental Room Unix
`Organize: ieheslrel Bar-Hess. New Jersey institute of iedroology, USA
`Choir: Keith (lingo, University of Southern California, USA
`Sponsoring Committees: Commooirotion Theory
`Statistical Investigation ol Sum-ol-sinusoids Fading Channel Simulators
`Marius F Pop and Norman C. Beoalieu, Queen’s University, Canada
`Level-Crossing Rates and Average Fade Duration for Wireless Channels with Spatially Complicated Multipoth ........................................................................................... 427
`Gregory D. Durgin and Theodore S. Roppaport, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA
`3 Estimation oi the Nonstotionory Mean Signal 'In Wireless Systems Using Wavelets ....................................................................................................................................... 432
`liavi Narasimhnn and Donald C, (ox, Stanford University, USA
`4 Analysis on a Hidden Markov Channel Model
`lie-Pei Siren and John E Gill, Stanford University, USA
`Globecom’99 Conference Record
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`Table of contents
`Equalization and Adaptive Filters
`ld:25-l8:00, Intercontinental, Room Unix
`Organizers: Koinam ihamas Wang, fhinese University at Hong Kong, Hong Kong; Ran t.’ Smith, I’RW Space d Eiecnanics, USA
`[train than Anson; New Jersey institute of technology USA
`Sponsoring Committee: Signal Processing and fommunr'catians Etectranics
`I Non-iterative Joint Channel Equalisotion and Channel Decoding
`it Knickenberg, B.-t. teaa, J. Homarslcy, AI. Breiting, t. Honza, University at Southampton, United Kingdom
`2 Theoretical Performance of Multiple‘Branch Equalization in Broadband Wireless Ehannels44?
`Martin If Clark and Peter J. Smith, AMT labs-Research, USA
`3 Fast Cell Search Dating Fit Code Phase Acquisition Using Adoptive Filters in AWGN Environment452
`Foal: L to, Ute University atHang Kang'Asrar U, H. Stretch, the Hong Kong Pohdechnic University, Hong Kong
`4 Estimation-Based Synthesis of Hm-Dptimol Adoptive EqualiIers over Wireless Channels
`Ardavan Malelriiehroni and Brian Soyyorradsnn‘, Stanford University Renoir Hassibi, lucent iechnatagies,‘ Jonathan E Hour and John M. (tam; Stanford University,- USA
`Interference Suppression
`MUD-tam, lntercantinentat, Roam iapazr‘a
`Urganizers: John E Uaherty, Pennsytvanr‘a State University; ion E Wong, University of Florida, USA
`Chart: Babalc Bonestrraa‘, University of California [as Angeies, USA
`Sponsoring Committee: Signal Processing and Communications Etectronics
`Interference Cancellation hosed Multiuser Receiver with Channel Decoding and Decision Feedback in Asynchronous (DMA Systems
`Wang ttaifeng and Jorma iiilelierg, Ualcia Mobile Phones, Finland
`‘2: Multiple Access Interference Suppression with Linear [hip Equalizers in WEDMA Downlink Receivers
`Keri Haatr; Matti fatvaatra, and Alarlclru Junttr‘, University at' Unto, Finland
`3 Use of Higher-order Moments and a Related Distribution Series Expansions for
`Noise Characterisation and Performance Evaluation in Few-user Asynchronous DStEDMA System
`Gaudio Sacchr; (aria Regazroni Franco Uberti, and Saven'a Eiuiini, University of Genoa, ttaty
`4 Adaptive MMSE Detection far Asynchronous Dual-Rate CDMA Systems: Time-Varying Versus Time-Invariant Receivers
`Stefano Buzzi and Marco tops, Universitci degli Studi di Naaoii ”Federica it”; Antonio M. tulino, Universita degli Studi di itapoli/Secando Universita degli Stadi di Uaaalr, ltaly
`5 Per—Survivarlnterference Cancellation Structures for Low-Complexity ML Detection of DSJEDMA Signals
`Elicia/do Esteves, Uualcamm, Inc, USA
`6 Adaptive Blind Interference Cancellation in CDMA Systems ........................................................................................................................................................................... 487
`MichaelK. isotsanis, Stevens institute of Technology; Zhengyuan (Daniel) Xv, University of California at Riverside, USA
`7 A Single-Pocket Method for Adaptive Maximum Likelihood CCl Identification and Mitigation ...................................................................................................................... 492
`Gent Papnnsto, ViaSot, inc; Prokopios Panagiatou, Stochatix, inc; Keith M. (huge, University ofSouthern (n/ifornia, USA
`3 Analysis of Infrared Wireless Links Employing Multi-Beam Transmitters and Imaging Diversity Receivers ................................................................................................... 497
`l'wyan Diahani and Joseph M. Kahn, Universin/ of (a/ifornia, USA
`Receiver Processing and Decodin
`i4.-3048:OD, Intercontinental Room formation
`Member: for: Rasmussen, Chatmers University, USA
`gm? YfifteskelBar-Hess, NewJersey institute of iectinalflgt’r USA
`Wag Cannuttee: Communication theory
`' Eif'l'eitlnlormunon in Turbo Decoding: a Unified view
`DE. Granlaigi Fermn', and Riccardo Rnhelr', University of Parma, ttaty
`2 EgomheramrurbuDecadlng 51a
`3 T
`Willa, Granluigi Ferrari, and Riccardo Koheii, UniversityofPenna, ttaiy
`”Wat Function Bounds on Performance of Turho Codes for M-ory Orthogonal Signals ......................................................................................................................... 515
`mm“; Sahara University of Tokyo; Joseph .t.-1. Koliri, University of folitarnia, USA
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`I Table of contents
`4 The Union Bound for Turbo Coded Modulation Systems over Fading Channels .............................................................................................................................................
`Tolgo M. Damon, Arizona State University' Masoud Saiehi, Northeastern University, USA
`5 MMSEC—RAKE Receivers with Resolution Reduction ofthe Diversity Branches: Analysis, Simulation and Applications
`At. tiuedo, E. f. Booties, C iadngoez, andC. Marques, Univ. ttac. de Cordoba, Argentina; 0. E. Agazzr; Broadcam fatparatian, USA
`6 Pilot-Signal Aided MultiuserTiming Estimation in DS-EDMA Communications
`(ha’oriiiag (hang, iiatianoi ising tine University ioivvon,‘ Mao Zeng, UniversityatVictoria, fanada; Kwang—Eheng (hen, tiatianoi iaivvon University Taiwan; theyii. Uhargava,
`University at Victoria, (onado
`Exact Error Probability Expression for H-St'MRC in Rayleigh Fading: A Virtual Branch Technique
`rliae 2. Win andtack ii. Winters, AMT tabs-Research, USA
`8 A Fast Burst Synchronization for OFDM-based Wireless Asynchronous Transfer Mode Systems
`iaekvron iiinr, iiantshin (he, iaehee (ha, andiieuiriaaa Bang, Yonsei University; Kwangshai iUrn andiiyonchaii Park, Samsung Eiectranics; Uaesik Hang, iansei University; iiareo
`General Conference, Part B (VUIb)
`scssron TA—GCIi'
`Network Operation and Distributed Management
`treats-as, intercontinentai Roam Agata
`Organizers: fhn'stion Rad, ieicordia I'echnaiagies; Ahhiiit Sengopto, University atSouth faraiina, USA
`Chair: fhristian Rod, Teicardia iechnoiagies, USA
`Sponsoring fomrnittees.‘ tietworic Operations and Management, fompoter Communications
`l Monte Carlo Techniques For Design at Wavelength-Rooted All~[}ptical Network
`E. Booiiietondi E. Stern, foiamhia University USA
`Service Level Routing an the Internet
`Uiicoioas Aneroosis and Uisii itic'rirntysson, Aid iioitsiieseorch, USA
`3 Defining Provably-{orrect Escalation Policies for Multilayer Network Restoration
`ioseph Kracuiicic and Cynthia Hood, iiiinar's institute at iechnaiogy; USA
`Medium Access (antral
`MES-MUD, intercontinentai Roam Agata
`Organizers: Maarair itamdi, USI Hang it'ang; ihrohim Marta, Boston University USA
`(hair: George ihamas
`Sponsoring Committees: ironsrnissian, Access and Upticai Systems, (amputer (ammunicotians
`I An Interlerence Analysis for Pocket Reservation Multiple Access
`George U. i’andyiis and Gregory i. Pattie, Unnersity oi (oiitornia at ins Angeies, USA
`Fair Media Access for Wireless LANs
`iimucin Uztrgor, Georgia institute of iechnaiogy,‘ Mahmoud itaghshineit and Parviz h’ermanr, iUriI ihontas i. Watson Research (eaten
`iahn A, fopeiand, Georgia institute of iechnoiogy USA
`3 Periormance Evaluation of Integrated Video and Data Transmission with the IEEE 802.” Standard MAC Protocol
`iairohira Sozoiri, Uihan Foicoshi University; Shuii Tasairo, tiogaya institute at iechnaiagy, iapan
`4 MMAC: An Efficient wmATM MAEiarMulticostCommunicatians
`Won-Toe .I’inr, Yangiin Poric, andiaeiidung, iianyang University, Korea
`ATM Based Inlarmation Infrastructure
`i4:3Ui8:UU, Sheraton, Room Gavan B
`Organizer: iangiae Patti, Kyongpaak Untienai University Korea
`Chain fengiz Airgun, ieicordia iechnaiagies, USA
`Sponsoring (arnmittee: information infrastructure
`A Signaling Scheme ior Multiple Pre-Estoblished Connections in Mobile ATM Networks
`Yoshihito iairahasiti, Uaritero Shinagawa, and Takehiiro ir’ohayashr;
`I’RPMahiie Eeieramnronirottons iiey i'ecitnaiagy Research laboratories, Japan
`6|abecam’99 Eonierence lieu“d I
`Apple Inc. EX1006 Page 13
`Apple Inc. EX1006 Page 13


`Table of contents
`2 Performance of ATM Optical Wireless LANs with Fixed Channel Assignment...
`Pavia; Theadoroa, iooIaI EInIiIgIIanI', and Robert (cyan, Unioeisity aI IIaIIIIIIInIIII'o III ercastie UniIeIII'I'IngdanI
`3 The Performance of Routing and Capitol Protocols on VirtualRings... 603
`Yoeyae Sang, Rutgeis University; IIII'sIIai Want and BI'I'IenI YeneI, iacent ieIIInaiIIgIes USA"-
`4 Packing Density of Voice Trunking using AAL2...
`Chunlei iI'a, Sohaii MuniI, and Raj Iain i’IIe Ohio State UaneIerySIIdIIIrUIIIIINeldaReseaIcIICenterUSilm
`5 Structures of an ATM Switching System with MPLS Functionality"
`Hyeong Ito iee Ba III RIn Jae Sap tee, and (Ian Hwnn itirn, EIectranicIIIieiecammanIcanans ReseaIcIIIIIintote,IIIIIeII
`6 Role oi ATM Transpon System and implementation of ATM Cross- Canned System...
`litsl‘tinoii Tsultot', IIIIoshI Ohio Ryoichi iwose, Yoshth'IIa UenIoI‘sa, and SeiI'Ihi Iakagi, NITIIIIIIIIIISenate Systems iaharatones Ian}?
`IP-an-the-f|y Pocket Processing Mechanism for an ATMIIP Integrated Switch
`HideyaIIiSIIirnanisiIi intamo Mama, and i’enii t’anIoda tiff Corporation, Inpnn
`8 An Optimal Buffer Management Scheme with Dynamic Thresholds
`Ratxae Fan, AIexander ishii Brian Mark, 5 Ramamarthy, and Oinng Rea NFC,USA-n
`Fadcet Radio Resource Management
`9304230, intercontinentai Roam Unix
`Organizer: Yuqi i’aa, incent iecIInaIagies. USA
`fltair: IfwanoCIte-‘Iy Chen. Nationai Taiwan University Taiwan
`Sponsoring Committee: PersonoI Communications
`1 EfficienIAllacation of Radio Resources for CDMA Based Wireless Packet Data Systems....
`M. Ogaz Sana}; incent Technaiogies; Sin'n Tekinay and SebnenI Zena Ozer, New Jersey instituteIIITechnoiogy, USIlm
`2 Link Scheduling for Enhanced ThroughputIn a DS-SS Multihop Packet Radio Network
`Jelliey Capone; Aranaotia Sen; It. I M. RoIInIan, IIII'Iano State UnineIsity, USA
`3 Scheduling in Packet Radio Networks - A New Approach
`IlraIIolIIIa Sen and IeMeyM. Capone, Adzana State University. USA
`4 Service Fairness'In CDMA Cellular SlottedALOHA Pocket Systems...
`Korea Man' and Toiehiiio Koooyashi
`I'IiI’ Rey iecitnaiogy Research inboIataIIes;IiIiIaIaYamazaiaIIIMiniUpper-n,"Nagoya UnweISIty Inn?"
`Interactions between TCP and RLPIn WirelessInternet... 661
`Gong We, Communications ReseaIIII inanatory, The State UITIRRISIWIIIieIIIIeIseyYangRoitieIII, andAndy Ogieiski"IIIeSInIe UnIversItyoutEFtleTMIerseyInpaII"
`6 Collision ResolutionIn Packet Radio Networks Using Rotational Invariance Techniques..-
`RaiIeng ZI‘Iong. Stevens Institut

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