`(202) 772-8667
`December 11,2015
`Commissioner for Patents
`PO Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`Confirmation No. 3403
`Art Unit 2482
`US. Utility Patent Application
`Appl. No. 14/876,276; Filing Date: October 6, 2015
`For: Video Data Compression Systems
`Inventors: FALLONet ai.
`Our Ref: 2855005000
`Transmitted herewith for appropriate action are the following documents:
`Preliminary Amendment Under 37 C.F.R. § 1.115;
`First Supplemental Information Disclosure Statement;
`Form PTO/SB/08a (1 sheet) listing 1 docurnent (US1);
`Form PTO/SB/08b (2 sheets). listing 12 documents (NPL1-NPL12); and
`. Copies of cited documents (NPL1-NPL11).
`The above-listed documents are filed electronically through EFS-WebJn the event that
`extensions of time are necessary to prevent abandonment of this patent application, then such
`extensions of time are hereby petitioned.
`The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office is hereby authorized to chargeany fee deficiency
`and any additional fees required to continue prosecution or appeal of this application (including
`issue fee, fees for net addition of claims or forwarding to appeal) or credit any overpayment to
`our Deposit Account No. 19-0036.
`Respectfully submitted,
`‘SackVv. MeSsinget”™
`Attorney for Applicant
`Registration No. 37,575
`fi cee eyo cnet
`cf Unboh lsi
`metehiinnitee TESUREMASE 0
`SOS So gs 2S
`Sony EX1002 Page 1509
`Sony EX1002 Page 1509


`Commissioner for Patents
`United States Patent and Trademark Office
`(Att €
`NOV 17 2015
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`Decision Granting Requestfor
`Prioritized Examination
`Track | or After RCE
`Application No.: 14/876,276
`10/6/15 _
`The above-identified application has met the requirements for prioritized examination
`for an original nonprovisional application (Track |).
`[] for an application undergoing continued examination (RCE).
`The above-identified application will undergo prioritized examination. The application will be
`accorded special status throughoutits entire course of prosecution until one of the following occurs:
`filing a petition for extension of time to extend the time period forfiling a reply;
`filing an amendment to amendthe application to contain more than four independent
`claims, more than thirty total claims, or a multiple dependentclaim;
`filing a request for continued examination:
`filing a notice of appeal;
`filing a request for suspension of action;
`mailing of a notice of allowance;
`mailing of a final Office action;
`completion of examination as defined in 37 CFR 41.102; or
`abandonment of the application.
`Telephoneinquiries with regard to this decision should be directed to Cheryl Gibson-Baylorat
`(571)272-3213, Office of Petitions.
`In his/her absence, calls may be directed to Brian W. Brown,
`Cheryl Gibson-Baylor
`/Cheryl Gibson-Baylor/
`Petitions Paraleqal Specialist
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
`PTO-2298 (Rev. 02-2012)
`Sony EX1002 Page 1510
`Sony EX1002 Page 1510


`Substitute for form 1449/PTO
`Complete if Known
`|October 6,2018
`: Art Unit
`(ise as nicayst
` aan)
`ee eiuivalent of Form PTO/SB/08b {7-09)
`Tnclude name ofthe author (in CAPITAL LETTERS), title ofthe article (hen
`Examiner |
`| appropriate), title of the item (book, magazine, jouraal, serial, symposium,catalog, etc.),
`| T’
`| No:!
`date, page(s), volume-issue number(s), publisher, city and/or country where published
`Realtime's Response in Opposition to the Defendants’ Joint Objections to Report and.
`: Recommendation ofMagistrate Regarding Motion for Partial Summary Judgmentof
`i Invalidity for Indefiniteness, in Realtime Data, LLC d/b/a/IXO. v, Packeteer, Inc.-et al,
`: Civil Action No. 6:08-cv-00144-LED; U.S. District‘Court for the Eastern District:of
`| datedJuly27,2009,
`ply to Realtime's Response to.Blue Coat Defendants’ Objections:to Report:and
`Recoinniendatidn ofUnitéd States Madistrate-Judge Regarding Motion for Partial
`{| Summary Judgmentof Invalidity for Indefiniteness Entered June 23, 2009, in Realtime
`: Data, LLC d/b/a/LX.O v: Packeteer, al., Civil Action No. 6:08-cv-00144-LED;
`_U.S.DistrictCourt for theEasternDistrictofTexas,July31,2009,3Pgs.
`| Realtime Data's Sur-Reply in Opposition to the Defendants’ Joint Objections to-Repert
`‘ and Recommendation of Magistrate Regarding Motion for Partial Summary Judgment
`of Invalidity for Iridefiniteness, in Realtime Data, LLG:d/b/a/EXO v. Packeteer, Inc. et
`tal, Civil Action No. 6:08-¢v-00144-LED;U:S.District Court for the Eastern District of
`| Texas,datedAugust3,2009,3fages.
`MAST Financial Offers Manipulation, Redistribution of Ticker III", Inside. Market. Data,
`Vol. 4 No. 14, September 5, 1989, 1 page.
`! 8/, 1998,.2
`+ ANDREWSet al., "A Mean-Removed Variation of Weighted Universal Vector
`| Quantization for Image Coding", IEEF, 1993, pages 302-309.
`~V"asserted ClaimsChartUSPatent No.6,624,761, RealtimeData, LLCD/B/AIXO|
`iv CME Group Inc.-et al. , 6:09°¢y-327sLED-JDL, 6:10-cv-246-LED-JDL, United
`PStates District Court for thé Eastern District of Texas Tyler Division, October 19,:2010,
`“crcurted Clans ChanTorU.S.PatentNo.7,161,506.RealtimeData,LLCD/B/AIXOv.|
`‘ NPLS CME Group Inc:, etal. , 6:09-cv-327-LED-JDL, 6:10-cv-246-LED-JDL, United States
`' District Court for the Eastern District of Texas Tyler Division, October19, 2010, 5
`woken PARESsoso
`" Asserted Claims ChartforU.S. PatentNo.7.400.274,Realtime Data,LLCD/B/A IXO|
`hy. CME Group Ine.etal. , 6:09-cv-327-LED-JDL, 6:10-cv-246-LED-JDL, United
`States District Court for the Eastern District of Texas Tyler Division, October: 19,2010,
`etnawedO PEBES:
`'Asserted Claims Chart for1S.PatentNo.7,417,568,RealtimeData, LLCD/B/AIXO|
`NPL.10 pv. CME Growp Inc., , 6°092¢v-3272LED-JDL, 6:10-cv-246-LED-JDL, United
`+ States District Court for the Eastern District of Texas Tyler Division, October 19, 2010,
`} 13
` neeattireSAARIneencnartaiipinenia sinaaltossenomnannraiaanann
`| Date
`i Examiner
`| Considered
`i Signature
`*EXAMINER:Initial if-reference considered, whether or not citation is in confotmanc¢e with MPEP .609. Draw line through citation if not in
`conformance’ and not considered. Include copy of this:form with siext communication to applicant.
` Applicant’s:tinique citation designation ‘umber(optional)..” Applicant is to placea:check mark here if English language Translation is-attached.
`‘ NPL2
`Sony EX1002 Page 1511
`Sony EX1002 Page 1511


`Substitute for form 1449/PTO
`Equivalent of Form PTO/SB/08b (7-09:
`Complete if Known
`(Use as many sheetsas necessary)
`tw ANS
` ony
`Include name ofthe author (in CAPITAL. LETTERS),title of the article (when
`Exariiner |
`appropriate),title of the item (book, magazine, journal, serial, symposium,catalog,
`etc.); date, page(s), volume number, publisher, city and/or country where. published.
`vstLe eeeeTeeeneeeoedeerentcect
`: Asserted Claims Chart-for'U.S. Patent No. 7,714,747, Realtime Data; LLC D/B/A EXO
`« yv. CME Group Inc:, etal. , 6:09-cv-327-LED-JDL,6:10-¢v-246-LED-JDL, United
`States District Court for the.Eastern District of Texas Tyler Division, October 19, 2010,
`i 19wages.
`| BARTON,Rich, S&P ComStock Network Character Set Definition, 19.2.KB Network,
`| Version 1.7.0, February 10, 1995, 29 pages.
`i NPLI2
`BEECH: W.Au,etal., "AX.25 Link Access Protocol for AmateurPacket Radio,”
`Version 2.2, Revision: July 1998, 143 pages.
`. BORMANN,Carsten, "Providing Integrated Services over Low-bitrate Links," Network 4
`| NPLI4
`| Working Group Request for Comments: 2689, Category: Informational, September
`| 1999,14 pages.
`ComStock Services Pamphlet, McGraw-Hill Financial Services Company, purportedly
`published by July 19, 1995, 6 pages.
`CORMACK, Gordon V., "Data Compression on a Database System", Conimunications
`: of the ACM, Volume 28, Number 12, December, 1985, pages 1336-1342.
`DANSKIN,John Moffatt, "Compressing the x raphics Protocol: A Dissertation
`| NPL17|-Presenited'to the Facult.of Princeton University in Candidacy for the Degree.of Doctor
`of Philosophy," January 1995, 147 pages.
`~~, "BataNetworksandOpen SystemCommunications,”InformationTechnology-
`Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) Specification ofBasic Notation, International
` Telecommunication Union, [TU-T Telecommunication Standardization Sector of ITU

`Defendants’ Invalidity Contentions, Realtime Data, LLC D/B/A EXO v..CME ‘Group
`i NPLAQ | al. , 6:09-¢y-327-LED-JDL, 6710-cv-246-LED-JDL, United States District Court
`for the Eastern District of Texas Tyler-Division, October 19, 2010, 19 pages.
`| DEGERMARK,Mikael, "IP Header Compression", Network Working Group Request
`; for Comments: 2507, Category: Standards Track, February 1999, 47 pages.
`«EXAMINER:Initial if reference’ considered, whicther or not citation is in conformance with MPEP 609. Draw line through citation if not
`conformanceand.tiot Considered.‘Include copy, ofthis forrn with next-communication to applicant.
`' Applicant’s unique citation designation number (optional): ? Applicant:is to place‘a check mark here ifEnglish langtiage Translation is attached.
`Sony EX1002 Page 1512
`Sony EX1002 Page 1512


`Substitutefor form 1449/PTO
`(Useas many sheers asnecessary)
`: NPL22
`: NPL23
`Equivalent of Form. PTO/SB/08b (7-093
`Complete ifKnown
`[October 6,2013
`:Sheet ~“Attorney.Docket Number|2855,005000C13 ckof cue a
` poerneececesecnoninnyenwereemeryninninninnnnannrnnnannnpe tenth
`Include-nameof the author (in CAPITAL LETTERS),title of the article. (when
`appropriate), title ofthe item (book, magazine,journal, serial, symposium, catalog,
`| No!
`ete.te); date,,page(s), volume numberspublisher. city.and/orcountry where:pubilished
` NPL21 aDeveloper'sGuide, Version 1.0.2, S&P ComStock, February 15, 1994, 186pages.
`DOMANSKI,Dr. Bernie, "All the news you caneat,1, Department:IDr. Bernie's
`Digestions and Digressions", Demand Technology's Capacity Management Review,
`i Volume 25, No. 1,July 1997,Pages24,18-22
`EFFROS, Michelleand Philip A. Chou,"WeightedUniversal“TransformmCoding:
`| Universal Image:Compression with the Karhunen-Loeve Transform", IEEE, 1995,
`_ ENGAN, Mathias, "IP Header Compression over PPP", Network Working Group
`| Request for Comments: 2509, Category: 2509, February 1999, 10 pages.
`i ExhibitA,‘A,Invalidity‘ClaimChartsAl-4SforU.S.Patent6,624,161,“RealtimeData,
`| LLC D/B/A IXO'v. CME Group Inc., et al. 6:09-cv-327-LED-JDL, 6:10-¢v-246-LED-.}
`| JDL, United States District Court for‘the Eastern District of Texas Tyler Division,
` ; ealtimeneData,
`| Exhibit B, Invalidity Claim ChartsB1-BAS‘forU.S.“Patent4,161,50
`LEC:D/B/A EXO.V, CME’GroupIne., et al. , 6:09-cv-327-LED-JDL, 6:10-cv--246-LED-
`|NPL26|SDL,UnitedStatesDistrictCourtfor‘theEasternDistrictofTexas:TylerDivision, "ExhibitbitC, nvaalidity feaimmCharis Cl-“C7,C9-C3l,31,C33-C45forU.S.Patent7,400,400,274,
`' Realtime Data, LEC D/B/A (XO v. CME:Group Inc.,et al. ,.6:09-ev--327-LED-AIDL,
`+ 6: 10-cv-246-LED-JDIy- United States District. Court for the‘astern District. ofTexas
`! NPL27
`| Tyler.Division,October19,2010, 1528pages.acstteeter
`| Exhibit D,‘Invalidity ClaimCharts D1“D7,D9-D45forU.S.Patent1,417,7,568,‘Realtime |
`: Data, LLC D/B/A 1X0 v. CME Group Inc., et al. -6:09-cv-327-LED-JDL, 6:10-ev-246-
`: NPL28
`: LED-JDL, United States District Court fortheEastern District ofTexas Tyler Division,
`i . |October19, 2010,2458pages.
`\Exhibit E, Invalidity Claim Charts E1-E7,“ES,9El,EL-E15, E17-E30,"E32-E45for
`i NPE29
`| US. Patent 7,714,747, Realtime Data, LLC D/B/A IXO v. CMEGroupInc., et al.
`© 6:09-cv-327-LED-JDL, 6:10-cv-246-LED-JDL, United States District Court for the
`‘ GREENE, Tim, "Squeeze your "Net links", NetworkWorld, Volume 14, Number 28,
`| NPL30
`July 14, 1997, pages 1 and 56.
`. pnpcneneshendenraeminnininwpeeepnnreOARRSLALRAVRreecinannsecetenn raneeeOUnaNENN
`| Examiner
`vercarininneeeieennnnnnnneinicaannagnninrateeenmnnneinaaiahaanAAARNRRARI sitsaeraaeineblncclaiinneitennnpreh
`Initial. if reference. considered, whether or not eitation is in conformance with MPEP 609. Draw line: through citation if-not? in
`conformancearid not considered. Include copy of this form with next:communication: to applicant.
`' Applicant’s uniquecitation designation number (optional)? Applicantis to place.a check mark here:ifEnglish language-Translation is attached.
`Sony EX1002 Page 1513
`Sony EX1002 Page 1513


` sti
`¥ Substitute for form 1449/PTO
`Equivalent of Form PTQ/SB/08b (7-09)
`Complete ifKnown
`(Use-as many sheets asnecessary)
`Sheet4 of 105
`Include nameof the author (in CAPITAL LETTERS),title of the article (when
`i No!
`appropriate),title of the item (book, magazine, journal, serial, symposium, catalog;
`etc.), date, page(s), volume number, publisher, city and/or country where published
` }
`High-performance schema-specitic compression for XML data formats," XML-
`Xpress: Product Overview,Intelligent Compression Technologies,
`HSU, William H. and Amy E. Zwarico, "Atitomatic Synthesis of Compression
`: Techniques for Heterogeneous Files," Software - Practice and Experience, Volume 25
`10), October 1995, pages 1097-1116.
`HELCK,ChristopherJ., "Encapsulatéd Ticker; Ver 1.0," July 14, 1993, 22 pages.
`"Information processing systems - Data communication - High-level data link control
`+ procedures - Frame structure", UNI ISO 3309, 1984, 11 pages.
`“Jon's RemoteScript speeds transmission", Seybold Report on Publishing Systems,
`| NPL38 Volume 22 Number 5, November 9, 1992, pages 21-23.
`i JACOBSON,V., "CompressingTCP/IPHeadersforLow-SpeedScrialLinks,"
`KULKOSKY,Victor, "Upping the Atite", Wall Stréet & Technology, Volume 11
`‘ Number5, October 1993, pages 8-11.
`: Tostalling and Administering PPP; Edition |, Hewlett-Packard Company, 1997, 169
`| pages.
`"Introducing XpressFiles”, Intelligent Compression Technologies,
`| NPL37, 1998,
`1 page.
`| February 1990, 45 pages.
`| NPL40
`i Date
`“EXAMINER:Initial if reference considered, whether-or not citation is in conformance with MPEP 609, Draw line through citation if not in
`confortrance-and aot-consideréd. Include copy of this form with next communication to applicant.
`‘ Applicant’s nique citation designation number (optional), ? Applicantis to place a check -mark here if English language Translation is attached.
`Sony EX1002 Page 1514
`Sony EX1002 Page 1514


`Substitute for-form 1449/PTO.
`Examiner {Cite
`= No."
` Wasa
`Equivalent of Form:PTO/SB/08b 17-09+
`Complete if Known
`|ApplicationNumber — 14/876.276.a
`enegt i
`(Use as many sheets ds necessary)
`et tturna}
`+ Attorney Docket Number
`: Sheet
`i of
`Include nate. of the author (in CAPITAL LETTERS),title of the article (when
`appropriate), title ofthe item.(book, magazine, jouraal, serial, symposium, catalog, Pr
`@tc.), date, page(s), volume number, publisher, city and/or country where published
`LIEFKE, fartmut:and Dan Suciu, "An Extensible Compressor: for XML Data,”
`‘ SIGMOD Record, Vol. 29, No. 1, March 2000, pages 57-62.
`| NPL46
`: LIEFKE, Hartmut and Dan Suciu, Xmill: an Efficient Compressor for XML Data,
`| October 18, 1999, 25 pages.
`nothcaneetiPS ete
`i McGREGOR,Glenn, "The PPP Internet Protocol Control Protocol (EPCP)", Network
`' Working Group Request for Comments: 1332, Obsoletes: RFC 1172, May 1992,14
`ViguenessChat for US.Pat.No.6,624,761,RealtimeData,LLCD/B/AIXOV.|
`| CME-GroupInc., etal. , 6:09-cv-327-LED-JDL,6:10-cv-246-LED-JDL, United States
`| District Court for the Eastera District of Texas Tyler Division, October 19, 2010, 19
`- Obviousness ChartforUS$PatNo.7.161.806,RealtimeData,LLC D/B/A IXOv.
`: CME.Group Ine.,-et al. , 6:09-cv-327-LED-JDL,, 6:10-cv-246-LED-JDL, United States
`: District Court for the Eastern District of Texas Tyler Division, October £9; 2010; 49
`eenPAROSaecltt nbathtmemories heeehateeeeusensteepamncnegcerca
`‘ Obviousness Chart for U.S. Pat. No. 7,400,274, Realtime Data, LLC D/B/A EXOv.
`: CME GroupInc., etal. , 6:09-cv-327-LED-IDL, 6'10-¢v-246-LED-JDL, United States
`? Distkict Court for the Eastern District of Texas Tyler Division, October 19; 2010, 41
`* Obviousness Chart for U:S. Pat. No. 7,417,568, Realtime Data, LLC D/B/A IXO Vv.
`CME Group Inc., et al. , 6:09-cv-327-LED-JDL, 6:10-cv-246-LED-JDL, United States
`| NPL48
`: District Court for the Rastern District.of Texas Tyler Division, October 19, 2010, 75
`Obviousness Chart for U.S»Pat. No. 7,714,747, Realtime Data,.LLC D/B/A TIXOr7.
`i NPL49
`i CME Group Inc., etal... 6:09-cV-327-LED-JDL, 6:10:ev246-LED-JDL, United States
`* District Court-for the Eastern District of Texas Tyler Division, October 19,2010, 97
`Open Financial Exchange Specification 2,0, Initait In¢., Microsoft Corp., April 28, 2000,|
`: 537 pages.
`; Considered
`¥EXAMINER: Initial if reference considered, whether or not citation is in conformance with MPEP: 609, Draw line through citation if-not in
`conformancearid not considered. Include. copy ofthis form with next communication to ‘applicant.
`' Applicant’s unique citation designation number(optional). ? Applicant-is to place a check mark here ifEnglish language Translation is attached,
`Sony EX1002 Page 1515
`Sony EX1002 Page 1515



`{ No.’
`i NPL31
` SdoodURapeueeerRNANNN
`Equivalent of Form PTO/SB/Q8b (7-09
`Substitute for form 1449/PTO
`Complete if Known
`(Use as many sheets as necessary}
`“Sheet 05AttorneyDocketNumber |2855pace
`title of the article
`e ofthe
`(in CAPITL ALY ETTE RS}, title ofthe role (when
`the author
`clude name of
`appropriate), tie atthe lent (book, magazine, journal, serial, sympasiamy catalog,
`ete).¢date,pagel(3); volumeAmumiber,fypubliohesher, chyyandlor:countrywh ©©published
`RAND, Dave, "The PPP Coitipression Control Protocol (CCP)", Network Working
`‘ Group Request for Comments: 1962, Category: Standards Track, June 1996, 9 pages.
`ROGERS, Amy, "Bandwidth Bargain IT hot on products that squeeze more out ofthe
`pipe",. Number 673, July 21, 1997, pages | and 65.
`ROTH, Mark A. andScott J. Van Horn, "Database Compression", SIGMOD Record,
`Vol. 22, No. 3, September 1993, pages 31-39.
`; SCHMERKEN, Ivy, "Time.Running Out for Old Technologies", Wall Street Computer
`' Review, April 1990, pages 14-16, 23-24, 28, 56.
`precenannnrsocinedfieeeune inneeteasah
`| "ScrollingNews", Inside MarkctData, February27, 1995, 2pages.
`| NPLS55
`- SIMPSON, W.,"PPPiin HDLC-like Framing”,“NetworkWorkingGroupRequest fefor
`: Comments: 1662, STD 51, Obsoletes 1549, Category: Standards Track, July 1994, 26
`\ pages.
`Cheaaaeaesoecreee o
`| NPLS7
`SUCIU, Dan, Data Management onthe Web, AT&T Labs, April 4, 2000, 52 slides.
`| suc, Dan, "Data Management on the Web: Abstract," University ofWashington
`[Comoe Science & Engineering, April 4, 2000, 1 page.
`"Telekurs Buys S&P Trading Systems AndIts Ticker III Feed", Inside. Market Data,
`!. Vol. 4, No. 11,July 10, 1989, 1 page.
`} "Telekurs MayDebut 128 KPS Ticker By Year's End", Inside Market Data, July 18,
`1994, 2 pages.
`/ Date
`| Examiner |
`; Considered
`is in conformance with MPEP 609: Drawtine through citation if not:
`*EXAMINER: Initial if reference. considéred, whether or not citation.
`conformance -and-not considered. Include. copy ofthis form with next communication to applicart.
`' Applicant’s unique citation designation number(optional). ? Applicant’is to place-a check mark'Here'if English langtiage Translation is-attached:
`Sony EX1002 Page 1516
`Sony EX1002 Page 1516


`Substitute for form 1449/PTO
` Exuivalent of Form PTO/SBIO8b (7-09).
`‘Complete ifKnown
`| Octobe
`(Use. as many sheers Gs HECesedry)
`Include name.of the author (in CAPITAL LETTERS),title ofthe article (when
`i T
` Tnitials* Nol appropriate),title ofthe item (book, magazine,jouraal,serial, symposium, catalog,
`@tc.), date, page(s), volume number, publisher, city and/or country where published
`| “Telakiits Now Catzies All Dow Jénes' News’on S6-Kbps Ticker,” Inside Market Data,
` - "Telekurs Sells No. American Division in Mgmt. Buyout", Iriside Market Data, October
`December20, 1993, 2 pages.
`| NPL62
`+ 23, 1995, 2. pages.
`i NPL62 "Télekurs to:Launeli New: Int'l Feed/Internet Server", Wall Street & Technology,
`? Volume’15, No. 1, January 1997, page-14.
`"The Technology Behind XpressFiles", Intelligent Compression Technologies,
`http:/ 8053634/, 1998,
`\ NPL64
`1 page.
`TID Information: Revisions to TID Prograrn Since the Dawn of Time!!! Version 1.0,
`: 23 pages; TID Codes 1,
`1 page; TID Codés 2, 1 page, purportedly by July 19, 1995.
`TypéWorld: The First.and Only Newspaperfor Electronic Publishing, Volume 16
`: Number 9, June 17, 1992, 3 pages.
`{ "XpressFiles White Paper", Intelligent Compression Technologies, 1999-2001, 3 pages.
`ttnearness SAUL.Loot roiee
`United States Provisional Patent Application No. 60/309,218, filed July 31, 2001,
`t. Telekurs Manual, January 11, 1993, 184 pages.

`i Examiner
`i Signature
`*GXAMINER: Initial if teference considered, whether or not citation is in eonformance with MPEP 609. Draw line through citation if mot
`conformance: and not. considered:. Include copy.ofthis: form with next communication to: applicant.
`| Applicant’s unique citation designation number (optional). 2 Applicantis check mark here if English language Translation is-attached.
`Sony EX1002 Page 1517
`Sony EX1002 Page 1517


`Substittite for form 1449/PTO
`Exuivalent of Form PTO/SB/08b.(7-09)
`Complete ifKnown
`: 14/876,276 -
`(Useasmarysheetsasnecessary) 3 Examine Name
`| James J. FALLON
`|Attorney Docket Number||2855.00S000C
`: Byarather |
`Include name. ofthe author (in CAPITAL LETTERS),title ofthe article (when
`appropriate), title ofthe item (book, magazine, journal, serial, symposium, catalog,
`etc,te),date,,page(s),volume:number, publisher,cityand/or counwhere© published
`| HOPEMAN, Ray, “Data Compressionin Digital Systerns,” Digital Multimedia
` i
`| Standards Series, Chapoian & Hall, 1997, 426 pages.
`fa, LLC D/B/A INO v. Morgan
`Stanley, etal, &09-cvS86LED-IIDE,"teLO-oye248-LEDIJBL, 6:10-cv-426-LEDIDL,
`Realtinie Datta, LLC DYB/A FXO v. CME Group Inc., ct al, 6:09-¢v-327-LED-~HDL,
`6:70: cUD4GLEDADE, 61 U-ev-424-LER-IDL; Realtime Gata, LLC D/B/A TAO v
`? Vhoiisom Reuters Corp.» St al., G£09-cv-333-LED-FDL, 6:10-cy-247-LER-IBL, 6: 10-“v=
`i 49 S-LED~IDL, United States District Court for the Eastern Cistrict of Texas Tyler
`i Appendix A, Obvious
`jart fort
`5h, not dated, Realtiras
`No. 7777,
`Data, LLC IVB/A TXO-v.
`Morgari Stanley, et all, 6:09-6v-326-LED-IDIL, 6:10-cv-248-
`[LEDEDL Oo UGsev-426-LED-JDL, Realtime Data,LLC D/B/A UXOv. CME Group
`i ing, et al, 6:00-ev-327-LED-IDL, 6: 10-cv-246eLED-IDL, 6:10-cv-424-LEDJDL,
`i Realiime Data, LLC DYB/A INO v. Thamsou Reuters Corp., ¢t al., 6:09-cv-333-LED-
`IDE, 6:10-ov-247-LED-JDL, G:10-eved25-LED-JDL,YUited StatesDisttCourt for
`Pat.No. 7
`77, vheekieData,
`DecVe56-1EDFDL, 6:10-ev-248-LED-
`: TDL, 6:16.“oy1-426LEDDL,RealnmeData.TLC EYB/A INO. v. CME Group Ine.ct
`i al., 608-ey-927-LED-IDL, 6:)0-¢v-246-LED-IDL, 641 0-ev-424-LED-IDL, Realtime
`i Data, LEC D/BIA TXO v¥Phoitson Reuters Cor, etal, @:00-0v-253-LETNIDE, &: 18-
`6v-247-LBSD-JOIL, 6: $O-cv-425-LEDIDL, United States District Court for the Easter
`lerDivision, February4,
`Chart for
`Pat No. 7,777.63 & RealiimeData,LLCBIA
`| Ye Motwan Stanley, atalo @:0G-cv-3264LED-IDL, 6:10-0v-248-LEDAIDL, 6:10-cv-426.
`PLEDJDLy Realtime Dats, LEC DAA TRO, OME GroupIne.ef aly &NOapyed?327
`LLED-AJDL, G@1G@-cv240-LEDADL, 610s44EPPADL: Realise Data, LEC DYB/A
`IXG. Théinson Reuters Corp., cb aly 6:00-0v-233-LEGIDE: G Lb-ev-247-LED-IDL,
`PO)WO-cved2 Sel.ED-IDL, United States‘District Courtforthe Eastern District of Texas
`Tyler Division, Rebruaty 4, 2011, 16b pages, cling Aakreet aL, US. Patent Ne.
`1 4.956,808.
`Exhibit2,PrPriorArtChartfor Lis . 5 time Data,LLeDIB/A1xO-
`Py Morgan Stanley, et alt:09-ev-226-LEDDL. &10-ovieLED-IDL, 6:}O-ev-426-
`LEDUPL, Realtime Data, ELC D/B/A EXO vy,
`SD.HDL, 6: 10-ow246-LED-IBL, 6:10-cv-d2
`NOv, Thomson Reuters al.&09~o¥-393-LED-IDL, &iG-ev-247-LPEDATOL,
` fG-09-425-LED-JDL, United
`WE Count for the Easton District ofPexas
`Ter UNVvision,_ February4, 2011PL 206
`FannienenieSienaRAIMAA 0oSRRR [aaES
`*EKAMINER:Initial if reference. considered, whether or not citation is in conformance with MPEP 609, Draw line through citation if not
`conformance.and hot considered. Include copyofthis form ‘with next:communication:to applicant.
`1 Applicant’s unique citation designation number (optional).? Applicant is to place-a check mark here ifEnglish language Sranslation is:attached.
`Sony EX1002 Page 1518
`Sony EX1002 Page 1518


`Substitute for form 1449/PTO
`Equivatent of Form PTO/SB/08b (7-09;
`Complete ifKnown
`Examiner |
`| No.’
`' LLC-D/B/A IXO-v. Thomson Reuters Corps, et als. 6:09-cv-333-LED-JDL, 6:10-cv-
`_ NPL80
`i 7?
`(Use'as many sheeis‘as necessary)aesNumber|2855.005000ChieeeenenneneeADODOOONNIS
`a a
`Include (in.CAPIFAL LETTERS),.title of-the article (when
`appropriate), title.ofthe item (book, magazine, journal, serial, symposium,.catalog,
`ete.), dates page(s). volume number, publisher, city and/or country where published
`Exhibita“PriorArtChartforU.S.Pat.No.4,171,651, Realtime‘Data,LLCD/B/A1XO
`Ve Morgan Stanley;et al., 6:09-cv-326-LED-JDL, 6:10-cv-248-LED-JDL, 6:10-cv-426-
`LED-JDL,. Realtime Data, LLC D/B/A IXO.v. CME Group Inc., et al., 6:09-¢v-327-
`LEDIDI.;6:10-cv-246-LED-JDL; 6:10-cv-424-LED-JDL, Realtime Data, LLC D/B/A
`i [XO Thomson Reuters Corp., et al.; 6:09-cv-333-LED-JDL, 6:10-¢v-247-LED-JDL,
`| 6: 10sev-425-LED-IDL, United StatesDistrict Court for the Eastern District'of Texas
`| Tyler. Division, February4, 2011, 95 pages, citing B. Andrews, P. Chou, M. Effros and
`| R.Gray:"A Mean-Removed Variation of Weighted Universal Vector Quantization for
`_|bmage|Coding," IEEE.0-818
`3,302-309 (1993).
`Exhibit 4, Prior“AttChartChartfor S.
`. 7,777,651, 144pages,“Realtime Data,‘LLC
`D/B/A IXO v..Morgan Stanley, et al., 6:09-cv-326-LED-JDL, 6;10-cv-248-LED-JDL,
`: 6:10:¢v-426-LED-JDL, Realtime Data, LLC D/B/A [XO ¥. CME GroupInc., et al.,
`| 6:092¢V2327-LED-JDL, 6:10-cv-246-LED-JDL, 6:10-cv-424-LED-JDL,Realtime Data,
`247-LED-JDL, 6:10-cv-425-LED-IDL, United States District Court forthe Eastern
`-Pistrict.of Texas Tyler Division, February:4, 2011, citing Barnesetval., U.S.-Patent No.
`Exhibit 5, PriorArtChartforU.S.Pat.No.7,TT,651, 216.P ges,“Realtime Data, LLC
`. D/B/A 1XO vy. Morgan Stanley, et al., 6:09-cv-326-LED-JDL,6:10+ev-248-LED-JDL,
`| 6:10:¢v-426-LED-JDL,RealtimeData,LLCD/B/AIXOv. CMEGroup Inc.,etal.,
`6:0926V2327-LED-JDL, 6: 102cv:246-LED-JDE, 6:10-ev-424-LED-JDL, Realtime Data,
`| LLC. D/B/A. 1X0 'v. Thomson Reuters Corp., et al., 6:09-cv-333-LED-JDL, 6710-cv-
`247LED-IDE,6:[0-cv2425-LED-IDL, United States District Court forthe Eastern
`: District of Texas Tyler Division, February:4, 20 11, citing. Birdwell et al., U.S. Patent
`xhibit 6, Prior Art ChartforU.'S.Pat.No.%777,651,"257pagespages,“Realtime‘Data, LLC
`: D/B/A EXO v. Morgan Stanley,et al., 6:09-¢v-326-LED-JDL, 6:10-cv-248-LED-JDL,
`6: {0-cv-426-LED-IDL,-Realtime Data, LLC D/B/A EXO v. CME Group Inc., et al.,
`6:09-cv-327-LED-JDL; 6:10-cv-246+LED-JDL, 6:10-cv-424-LED-JDL, Realtime Data;
`LLC D/B/A IXO v. Thomson Reuters Corp., et al., 6:09-cv-333-LED-JDL, 6:10-cy-
`247-LED-JDL, 6:10-cv-425-LED-JDL, United States District Court for the Eastern
`‘ District of Texas. Tyler Division, February 4, 2011, citing Bledsoe, U-S. Patent No:
`TExhibit7, PriorArt ChartforU.'S.Pat. No. 7,No.7,771651,“169:pages,,Realtime Data,LLC
`| D/B/A IXO v. Morgan Stanley,:et al., 6:09-cv-326-LED-JDL, 6:10-cv-248-LED-JDL,
`6:10-cv-426«LED-JDL, Realtime Data, LLC D/B/A [XO v. CME Group Inc,,-et al.,
`6:09-cv-327-LED-JDL, 6:10-¢v-246-LED-JDL, 6:10-cv-424-LED-JDL, Realtime Data,
`LLC D/B/A IXO-v. Thomson Reuters Corp., ét al.,.6:09-¢v-333-LED-JDL, 6:10-cv-
`947-LED-JDL, 6:

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