United States Patent (19)
`Anigbogu et al.
`75 Inventors: Julian C. Anigbogu; Kim Reniska,
`both of Austin, TeX.
`73 Assignee: Schlumberger Technology
`Corporation, Tex.
`21 Appl. No.: 08/772,712
`22 Filed:
`Dec. 23, 1996
`(51) Int. Cl." ........................................................ H04L 9/00
`52 U.S. Cl. ................................... 380/9; 380/49; 341/51;
`367/60; 704/501
`58 Field of Search .......................... 380/9, 49; 395/600;
`704/501; 341/51; 367/21, 60
`References Cited
`4,686,625 8/1987 Bryan.
`5,229,768 7/1993 Thomas ..................................... 341/51
`5,235,680 8/1993 Bijnagte.
`Patent Number:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`Feb. 1, 2000
`5,243,341 9/1993 Seroussi et al. .......................... 341/51
`5,646,997 7/1997 Barton ............
`... 380/49
`5,704,060 12/1997 Del Monte .
`5,884,269 3/1999 Cellier et al. ........................... 704/501
`Poo, G. et al., File recovery by ISO FTAM, Computer
`Communications, vol. 16, No. 12, Dec. 1993.
`PKWARE Press Release PKWARE Ships PKZIP fo Win
`dows, Feb. 16, 1996.
`Primary Examiner Salvatore Cangialosi
`Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Danita J.M. Maseles; Pehr B.
`The present invention provides a System for handling and
`transmitting a file over a communication channel wherein
`the file may be adaptably compressed to improve through
`put. The invention also provides for a method of recovery in
`the event of a communication failure. The file may be
`encrypted while it is being transmitted. The compression and
`transmission may occur while the file is being written, So
`that the receiving location receives the data in near real time.
`78 Claims, 13 Drawing Sheets
`ATA, T1
`3. 78O
`Sony EX1024 Page 1


`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 1, 2000
`Sheet 1 of 13
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`Sony EX1024 Page 2


`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 1, 2000
`Sheet 2 of 13
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`US. Patent
`Feb. 1, 2000
`Sheet 3 0f 13
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`US. Patent
`Feb. 1, 2000
`Sheet 4 0f 13
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`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 1, 2000
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`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 1, 2000
`Sheet 6 of 13
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`U.S. Patent
`Sony EX1024 Page 8


`U.S. Patent
`US. Patent
`Feb. 1, 2000
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`Sony EX1024 Page 9
`Sony EX1024 Page 9


`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 1, 2000
`Sheet 9 of 13
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`Sony EX1024 Page 10


`US. Patent
`Feb. 1, 2000
`Sheet 10 0f 13
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`Sony EX1024 Page 11


`U.S. Patent
`FIG. 10
`Feb. 1, 2000
`Sheet 11 of 13
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`ATA, T1
`Sony EX1024 Page 12


`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 1, 2000
`Sheet 12 of 13
`F.G. 1 1A
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`Sony EX1024 Page 13


`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 1, 2000
`Sheet 13 of 13
`F.G. 1 1D
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`Sony EX1024 Page 14


`Surrounding the borehole. The wireline Supports the tools as
`they are lowered into the borehole, Supplies power to the
`tools and provides a communication medium to Send Signals
`to the tools and receive data from the tools. Commonly, tools
`are lowered to a depth of interest in the well and are then
`retrieved. AS the tools are retrieved, they send data about the
`geological formations through which they pass through the
`wireline to data acquisition and processing equipment at the
`Surface, usually contained inside a logging truck or a logging
`The data acquisition and processing equipment, including
`Software, compiles the data from the tools into a "log,' a plot
`which presents the geophysical information concerning the
`geological formations encountered by the well, frequently
`by depth. Logs can also be used to evaluate current produc
`tion from producing wells or to inspect the integrity of
`production equipment in a producing well. In any case, the
`data gathered during the logging operation is generally
`presented on the log by depth, but may also be presented by
`time, or any other indeX by which multiple physical entries
`are recorded. U.S. Pat. No. 5,051,962 (incorporated by
`reference) describes Such a well logging System controlled
`by a general purpose computer programmed for real time
`operation. Various data acquisition and processing Software
`programs are known in the art. An example of data acqui
`Sition and processing Software is Schlumberger's propri
`etary MAXISTM system, which is a suite of separate com
`puter programs.
`The data acquisition and processing Software writes the
`log data to two types of locked format files on disk. By
`“locked,” it is meant that the format files cannot be written
`to and read from at the same time. The two types of locked
`format files are distinguished by the type of information they
`contain: one is a data format file and the other is a graphics
`format file. The data format file contains the numerical
`properties of the log data; the graphics format file contains
`the pictorial representation of the data. The data acquisition
`and processing Software continues writing the log data to the
`locked data format file and the locked graphics format file
`until the log is complete. Then the data from the locked data
`format file and the locked graphics format file may be
`translated from digital readings into physical form by a
`marking device Such as a printer. In addition to the locked
`data format file and the locked graphics format file, the data
`acquisition and processing Software may send the log data to
`a viewing monitor, via a renderer. Using the monitor, the
`well logging professional ("logging engineer”) conducting
`the logging operation can view the log as it is being
`After the log is compiled, it may be transmitted to the
`operating company's headquarters for interpretation and
`review by management. The paper log may be sent directly
`from the Wellsite to the operating company as a facsimile.
`Alternatively, the completed locked data format file may be
`Sent from the Wellsite to a data processing center via Satellite
`using a protocol Such as DECNET. The data processing
`center could in turn transmit the log as a facsimile to the
`operating company. AS another alternative, the completed
`locked data format file may be sent from the wellsite to an
`operating company using a computer program Such as
`BlastTM by U.S. Robotics.
`The data acquired by logging is often crucial to the
`decision-making process on what will be done with the well
`being logged. Take, for example, a well which has just been
`drilled and logged. Depending on the results of the log, the
`well could be drilled deeper, plugged and abandoned as
`non-productive or cased and tested-or perhaps the decision
`This invention relates in general to the field of file
`compression and transfer, and more particularly to an
`improved apparatus, System and method of achieving
`Secure, recoverable, adaptably compressed file transferS.
`The ability to move data reliably and securely from one
`location to another has become an important key to Success,
`and in many cases to Survival, for many companies and
`businesses. In businesses for which the primary product or
`Service delivered is data, this ability is even more critical.
`Recent years have Seen a proliferation of computers and
`people connected on a network, in one form or another.
`Companies have come to depend on the ability to move data
`on the network to accomplish their tasks and to ensure the
`continuation of their businesses. A wide variety of connec
`tions and Speeds are inherent on these networks, ranging
`from cellular phone modems and dial-up low-speed connec
`tions up through ISDN lines, T1 dedicated lines, and high
`speed ATM connections. A wide variety of different com
`puters with different processing Speeds and communications
`capabilities are attached as nodes on these networks. In
`many cases, especially in the oil and gas industry, many of
`the computers are mobile and come and go (attach and
`detach) from the networks from different locations.
`The need to transmit information on these widely varying
`networks has created a demand for methods, processes, and
`Standard techniques for moving data from one computer
`System to another in a Secure, efficient, and reliable manner.
`Many of the lower to mid-level protocols have been
`accepted as Standards. Among the most notable of these is
`the Transport Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP).
`This is the basic method for moving packets of data on
`Standard networks, including the Internet.
`While there have been various applications developed
`using TCP/IP for transmission, the most widely known is the
`File Transfer Protocol (“FTP). FTP was developed to
`Support many different hardware and operating System plat
`forms and is widely used to move data files around net
`works. It works fairly well in well established, reliable
`networks but has Some limitations on noisy, unreliable, very
`low bandwidth network connections. Another disadvantage
`of FTP is that FTP does no compression of data, so all data
`must be transmitted as is. FTP also provides no recovery
`mechanism for file transfers. This means that if the connec
`tion is lost during a file transmission, the file transfer must
`be restarted from the beginning. FTP has no inherent Secu
`rity mechanism for protecting the data “on the wire' during
`the transmission. FTP also requires that the all data to be
`transmitted is available, i.e. that the complete file is
`available, before transmission can begin. Yet another disad
`vantage of FTP is that FTP requires that the file is not being
`written when the transmission begins or is in progreSS.
`One of the many needs for Secure, recoverable, adaptively
`compressed file transferS may be found in the oil and gas
`industry. In the oil and gas industry, operating companies
`which own and/or manage hydrocarbon wells evaluate the
`Wells by wireline logging. In wireline well logging, one or
`more tools are connected to a power and data transmission
`cable or "wireline' and are lowered into the well borehole to
`obtain measurements of geophysical properties for the area
`Sony EX1024 Page 15


`will be that additional logs are required before the decision
`on the disposition of the well can be made. The results of the
`log may also help determine whether the well requires
`Stimulation or special completion techniques, Such as gas lift
`or Sand control. In any case, these decisions are critical and
`have to be made very quickly. Mistakes or even mere delay
`can be extremely expensive.
`Because log interpretation is part art and part Science, the
`operating company which is drilling or producing the well
`frequently desires to have its own perSonnel Viewing the log
`data as the well is being logged. But the operating company
`may be located half a world away from the well itself.
`Drilling and production activities are often located in remote
`locations and it is difficult for the operating company to have
`its own perSonnel, Such as a geologist or petrophycist, join
`the wireline company's logging engineer on Site during the
`logging operation. Sometimes logistics or Severe weather
`conditions prevent the operating company from Sending
`anyone to the Wellsite for the logging operation.
`Furthermore, Sending perSonnel to Wellsites is expensive
`and exposes them to all of the hazards of the drilling or
`production operation, as well as the hazards and inconve
`nience of travel. As a consequence, tentative decisions often
`have to be made before the operating company can complete
`its own review of the actual logging data, relying Solely on
`the interpretations conducted at the Wellsite.
`Accordingly, a need exists for a System or method which
`would allow files to be transferred securely, especially while
`“on the line.
`A further need exists for a system or method which would
`allow a file to be transferred while making maximum use of
`low bandwidth connections.
`A further need exists for a system or method which would
`allow a file to be transferred while adaptably compressing
`the file to improve transmission throughput.
`A further need exists for a system or method which would
`overcome the disadvantages of the File Transfer Protocol.
`A further need exists for a system or method which would
`allow files to be transferred taking into account the unique
`requirements of mobile network connections.
`A further a need exists for a system or method which
`would allow files to be transferred as they are compiled in
`at least near real time from one location to a remote location
`remote from the primary for viewing or other use.
`A further need exists for a system or method which would
`allow well data files to be transferred as they are compiled
`in at least near real time from a wellsite to a remote location
`remote from the well site for viewing or other use.
`A further need exists for a system for or method of file
`transfer which would provide a recovery method should
`communications be lost.
`Because the data from the logging operation is of a highly
`competitive nature and is extremely confidential, a need
`exists for a system or method which will send well data files
`from a wellsite to a remote location in near real time, in Such
`a way that the data files are not Susceptible to being
`misdirected or lost.
`A further need exists for a System or method which can
`maintain the confidentiality of the well data while it is being
`A further need exists for a system or method of transfer
`ring files in near real time from one location to a remote
`location So that So that perSons can view the files in near real
`time, without the expense of travelling to the primary
`A further need exists for a system or method of transfer
`ring well data files in near real time from Wellsite to a remote
`location remote from the Wellsite So that perSons can view
`the well data files near real time as they are being compiled,
`without the expense of travelling to the wellsite and without
`being eXposed to the hazards of the Wellsite.
`In accordance with the present invention, an apparatus,
`System and method are provided that Substantially eliminate
`or reduce the disadvantages and problems associated with
`the previously developed file transfer Systems.
`The present invention provides a System for handling and
`transmitting a file over a communication channel which
`includes a file having a degree of compressibility; a com
`munications channel having a physical bandwidth; a file
`transfer Server at a first location; a file transfer client at a
`Second location and a means for compressing the file based
`on the physical bandwidth, the capabilities of the transmit
`ting and receiving processors and the degree of compress
`ibility of the file.
`The present invention also provides for a System for
`managing and transmitting a file over a communication
`channel which includes a file having a degree of compress
`ibility and a plurality of buffers, a communications channel
`having a physical bandwidth, a file transfer Server at a first
`location, a file transfer client at a Second location, a feedback
`loop for optimally compressing the file for transmission,
`including a means for compressing a first buffer to a first
`level of compressibility; a means for evaluating the effi
`ciency of the compression of the first buffer, a means for
`adjusting the compression of Second buffer based on the
`evaluation of the compression of the first buffer.
`The present invention also provides for a System for
`managing and transmitting a file over a communication
`channel which includes a file and a means for compressing
`buffers of the file in a stream in real time while it is being
`The present invention also provides for a System for
`managing and transmitting a file over a communication
`channel which includes a file, a transmission of the file
`having a State and a location, and a means for maintaining
`the State and location of the transmission within the file So
`that transmission can be resumed in the event of an inter
`ruption at the point of the interruption. The interrupted
`transmission may be automatically resumed or manually
`The present invention also provides for a System for
`managing and transmitting a file over a communication
`channel which includes a file, a means for encrypting the file
`in a stream before and during transmission, and means for
`de-crypting the file after receipt of transmission.
`The present invention also provides for a System for
`managing and transmitting a file over a communication
`channel which includes a file having a degree of compress
`ibility and a plurality of buffers, a communications channel
`having a physical bandwidth, a transmitting processor, a
`receiving processor, a means for optimally compressing the
`file based on the physical bandwidth, the capabilities of the
`transmitting and receiving processors and the degree of
`compressibility of the file, a means for compressing the
`buffers of the file in a stream in real time while the file is
`being written, a transmission of the file having a State and a
`location, a means for maintaining the State and location of
`the transmission within the file So that transmission can be
`resumed in the event of an interruption at the point of the
`Sony EX1024 Page 16


`interruption, a means for encrypting the file in a stream
`before and during transmission; and a means for de-crypting
`the file after receipt of transmission.
`The present invention also provides for a method of
`compressing a Source file, having a plurality of buffers, for
`transmission over a communication channel, which includes
`Selecting a first buffer of the Source file, compressing the first
`buffer to a first compression level, marshalling the first
`buffer, transmitting the first buffer, decompressing the first
`buffer, writing the first buffer to a destination file, determine
`a first throughput which was used for steps (a) through (f),
`Selecting the compression level of a Second buffer based on
`the first throughput, repeating steps (a) through (h) for each
`of the buffers in turn until all of the buffers of the Source file
`have been transmittedand have been written to the destina
`tion file. The marshalling Steps may include encrypting the
`buffers and the de-compressing Steps include de-encrypting
`the buffers. There may also be a further step of writing to the
`Source file while performing one or more of steps (a) through
`The present invention also provides for a System for
`handling and transmitting a first file over a communication
`channel which includes a means for reading while writing a
`first file, a means of compressing the first file, a means of
`marshalling the first file, a means for transmitting the first
`file from a first location to a Second location, a means for
`unmarshalling the first file, a means for decompressing the
`first file, a means for writing the first file to a second file. The
`means for reading while writing a first file, a means of
`compressing the first file and means of marshalling the first
`file may comprise a file transfer Server. The means for
`unmarshalling the first file, a means for decompressing the
`first file, and a means for writing the first file to a second file
`may be a file transfer client. The file transfer server may
`include a read while write module and/or a compression
`module. The compression module may use a deflation
`algorithm and or a Huffman tree. The compression module
`may compress in a first Stage to produce literals and point
`ersand may compress in a Second Stage to produce a Huff
`man tree and a block. The invention may also include a
`means for encrypting the first file before marshalling the first
`file and a means for decrypting the first file after the first file
`is transmitted. The file transfer client may include a read
`while write module. The first file may be a sharable file.
`The present invention also provides for a System for
`handling and transmitting a first file over a communication
`channel which includes a means for reading while writing
`data to the first file, a means for compressing the first file, a
`means for queueing the first file, a means for marshalling the
`first file, a means for transmitting the first file from a first
`location to a Second location, a first means for unmarshalling
`the first file, a means for re-queueing the first file, a means
`for re-marshalling the first file, a remote procedure call for
`Sending the first file within the Second location, a Second
`means for unmarshalling the first file, a means for decom
`pressing the first file, a means for writing the first file to a
`Second file. The means for reading while writing data to the
`first file, for compressing the first file, for queueing the first
`file, and for marshalling the first filemay be a first file
`transfer Server. The means for a first means for unmarshal
`ling the first file, a means for re-queueing the first file, a
`means for re-marshalling the first filemay be a file transfer
`client. The file transfer server may include a read while write
`module. The file transfer Server may include a compression
`module. The compression module may use a deflation
`algorithm or a Huffman tree. The compression module may
`compress in a first Stage to produce literals and pointers. The
`compression module may compress in a Second Stage to
`produce a Huffman tree and a block. The present invention
`may further include a first means for encrypting the first file
`before marshalling the first file and a first means for decrypt
`ing the first file after the first file is transmitted. The present
`invention may further include a Second means for encrypting
`the first file after the first file is transmitted and a a first
`means for decrypting the first file after the first file has been
`Sent through the remote procedure call within the Second
`location. The means for a Second means for unmarshalling
`the first file, a means for decompressing the first file, a means
`for writing the first file to a second file may be a second file
`transfer Server. The file transfer client may include a read
`while write module. The first file is a sharable file. The
`second file may be a sharable file.
`The present invention also provides for a method for
`handling and transmitting a first file over a communication
`channel including the Steps of reading while writing data to
`the first file, compressing the first file, queueing the first file,
`marshalling the first file, transmitting the first file from a first
`location to a Second location, unmarshalling the first file,
`decompressing the first file, and writing the first file to a
`Second file. The Steps of reading while writing data to the
`first file, compressing the first file, queueing the first file,
`marshalling the first file may be accomplished by a file
`transfer Server. The Steps of unmarshalling the first file,
`decompressing the first file, and writing the first file to a
`second file may be accomplished by a file transfer client. The
`file transfer server may include a read while write module.
`The file transfer Server may include a compression module.
`The compression Step may include the use of a deflation
`algorithm for a first Stage of compression or a Huffman tree
`for a second stage of compression. The use of the deflation
`algorithm in the first stage may produce literals and pointers.
`The use in a Second Stage of the Huffman tree may produce
`a Huffman tree and a block. The present invention may also
`include the futher include the Steps of encrypting the first file
`before marshalling the first file and decrypting the first file
`after the first file is transmitted. The file transfer client may
`include a read while write module. The first file may be a
`sharable file. The second file may be a sharable file.
`The present invention also provides for a method for
`handling and transmitting a first file over a communication
`channel including the Steps of reading while writing data to
`the first file, compressing the first file, queueing the first file,
`marshalling the first file, transmitting the first file from a first
`location to a Second location, unmarshalling the first file,
`re-queueing the first file, re-marshalling the first file, Sending
`via a remote procedure call the first file within the second
`location, unmarshalling the first file a Second time, decom
`pressing the first file, and writing the first file to a Second file.
`The Steps of reading while writing data to the first file,
`compressing the first file, queueing the first file, marshalling
`the first file may be accomplished by a first file transfer
`Server. The StepS unmarshalling the first file, re-queueing the
`first file, re-marshalling the first file may be accomplished by
`a file transfer client. The file transfer server may include a
`read while write module. The file transfer server includes a
`compression module. The method for handling and trans
`mitting a first file as in claim 52 wherein the compression
`Step includes use of a deflation algorithm for a first Stage of
`compression. The compression Step uses a Huffman tree for
`a Second Stage of compression. The use of the Huffman tree
`produces a Huffman tree and a block. The use of the
`deflation algorithm in the first Stage produces literals and
`pointers. The present invenirtion may also futher comprise
`the Steps of encrypting the first file before marshalling the
`Sony EX1024 Page 17


`first file, decrypting the first file after the first file is trans
`mitted to the Second location.
`FIG. 1 illustrates a primary location in communication
`with a remote location according to the present invention.
`FIG. 2 illustrates the data acquisition and processing
`equipment of the primary location, including inputs and
`FIG. 3 illustrates the remote location equipment, includ
`ing inputs and outputs.
`FIG. 4A illustrates the components of the primary
`FIG. 4B illustrates the components of the remote memory.
`FIG. 5A illustrates the data acquisition and processing
`Software and other Software programs at the primary loca
`tion and the file transfer to the remote location.
`FIG. 5B illustrates the remote data processing software
`and other Software programs at the remote location and the
`file transfer to the primary location.
`FIG. 6 illustrates the transmission process if near real time
`display is not desired.
`FIG. 7A and FIG. 7B illustrate the transmission process if
`near real time display is desired.
`FIG. 8 illustrates the communication system.
`FIG. 9 illustrates the compression details.
`FIG. 10 illustrates adaptable compression.
`FIGS. 11A-11F illustrate different Scenarios for file trans
`The above-noted and other aspects of the present inven
`tion will become more apparent from a description of a
`preferred embodiment, when read in conjunction with the
`accompanying drawings. The drawings illustrate the pre
`ferred embodiment of the invention. In the drawings, the
`Same members have the same reference numerals.
`I. Overview
`AS described in co-pending U.S. patent application Ser.
`No. 08/772,956, incorporated herein by reference and as
`illustrated in FIG. 1, during logging operations, log data is
`Sent from a logging tool 10 through wireline 20 to a data
`acquisition and processing System 30 at a Wellsite or primary
`location 40. (“Primary is used in the sense of the word
`“first,” not “most important.") A primary input device 50,
`Such as a keyboard, allows human input into the data
`acquisition and processing System 30. Outputs to the data

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