`(202) 772—8667
`December 11, 2015
`Commissioner for Patents
`PO Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313—1450
`Contrmzatitm Na. 3403
`Art Unit 2432
`U .8. Utility Patent Application
`App]. No. 14/876,276; Filing Date: October 6, 2015
`For: Video Data Compression Systems
`Inventors: FALLON et al.
`Our Ref: 2855.005000C
`Transmitted herewith fer appropriate action are the following documents:
`1. Preliminary Amendment Under 37 C.F.R. § 1.] 15;
`2. First Supplemental Information Disclosure Statement;
`3. Form PTO/SB/O‘Sa (1 sheet) listing 1 document (U81);
`4. Form PTO/SB/OSb (2 sheets) listing 12 documents (NPLl-NPLIZ); and
`5. Copies of cited documents (NPLl—NPLl 1).
`The above—listed documents arefiled electronically through EFS- Wehln the event that
`extensions of time are necessary to prevent abandonment of this patent application, then such
`extensions of time are hereby petitioned.
`The US. Patent and Trademark Office is hereby authorized to charge any fee deficiency
`and any additional fees required to continue prosecution or appeal of this application (including
`issue fee, fees for net addition of claims or forwarding to appeal) or credit any overpayment to
`our Deposit Account No. 19-0036.
`Respectfully submitted,
`chael V.Mes‘singer
`Attorney for Applicant
`Registration No. 37,575
`':i-:- :
`a 1
`.W ..; .3. ,
`«“2 {1
`.\ 3 \3 \
`x‘“ ~‘“~ ‘5
`x \. \3 FXE
`Sony EX1002 Page 1509
`Sony EX1002 Page 1509


`Commissioner for Patents
`United States Patent and Trade'mafx Office
`PO. Box 1450
`Alexandria. VA 22313-1450
`NOV 17 2015
`Decision Granting Request for
`Prioritized Examination
`Track I or After RCE
`Application No.: 14/876,276
`10/6/15 _
`The above-identified application has met the requirements for prioritized examination
`E for an original nonprovisional application (Track I).
`E] for an application undergoing continued examination (RCE).
`The above-identified application will undergo prioritized examination. The application will be
`accorded special status throughout its entire course of prosecution until one of the following occurs:
`filing a petition for extension of time to extend the time period for filing a reply;
`filing an amendment to amend the application to contain more than four independent
`claimsI more than thim total claims, or a multiple dependent claim;
`filing a reguest for continued examination;
`filing a notice of appeal;
`filing a request for suspension of action;
`mailing ofa notice of allowance;
`mailing ofa final Office action;
`completion of examination as defined in 37 CFR 41.102; or
`abandonment of the application.
`Telephone inquiries with regard to this decision should be directed to Cheryl Gibson-Baylor at
`(571)272-3213, Office of Petitions.
`In his/her absence, calls may be directed to Brian W. Brown,
`Cheryl Gibson-Baylor
`IChe[y| Gibson-Baylor/
`Petitions Paralegal Specialist
`US. Patent and Trademaflx Office
`PTO-2298 (Rev. 02-2012)
`Sony EX1002 Page 1510
`Sony EX1002 Page 1510


`Substitute for form 1449/PTO
`No 1
` ‘\
`Equivalent of Form PTO/SB/OBb i709)
`Complete if Known
`ENFGRMATEGN Breatosuaa 13:1,inane;pgw
`Art Unit
` “NW“ «wwmwwm
`Include name ofthe author (in CAPITAL LETTERS), title ofthe article ”(when
`appropriate), title of the item (book, magazine, journal, serial, symposium, catalog, etc),
`date, page(s), volume-issue number(s), publisher, city andjor country where published
`l Realtirzie's Response in Opposition to the Defendants' Joint Objections to Report and
`Recommendation ofMagistrate Regarding Motion for Partial Summary Judgment of
`Invalidity for Indefiniteness, in Realtime Data, LLC dfb/a/IXO v. Packeteer, Inc. et al.,
`Civil Action No. 6:08-cv-00144—LED; US. District Court for the Eastern District of
`p y o Realtime‘s Response to Blue Coat Defendants' Objections to Report and
`Recommendation of United States Magistrate Judge Regarding Motion for Partial
`: Summary Judgment of Invalidity for Indefiniteness Entered June 23, 2009, in Realtime
`Data, LLC d/b/a/IXO v. Packeteer, Inc. et a1., Civil Action No. 6:08-cv-00144-LED;
`:flflc‘ktce“ ‘
`, Realtime Data's Sur-Reply in Opposition to the Defendants' Joint Objections to Report
`and Recommendation of Magistrate Regarding Motion for Partial Summary Judgment
`of Invalidity for Indefiniteness, in Realtime Data, LLC d/b/a/IXO v. Packeteer, Inc. et
`, al., Civil Action No. 6:08—cv—00144-LED; US. District Court for the Eastern District of
`' TexaswAuustflflwagesw
`i "A-T Financial Offers Manipulation, Redistribution of Ticker III", Inside Market Data,
`Vol.4 No. 14, September 5, 1989, 1 page.
`i "Add-on Options for the XprcssFiles", Intelligent Compression Technologies,
`, 1998, 2
`a ANDREWS et al., "A Mean-Removed Variation of Weighted Universal Vector
`l Quantization for Image Coding", IEEE, 1993, pages 302-309.
`E Asserted Claims Chart for US. Patent No. 6,624,761, Realtime Data, LLC D/B/A IXO
`v. CME Group Inc, et al. , 6:09-cv—327-LED-JDL, 6:10-cv-246-LED—JDL, United
`i NPL7
`States District Court for the Eastern District of Texas Tyler Division, October 19, 2010,
`........We, agesww WWW
`l Asserted Claims Chart for US. Patent No. 7,161,506,Realtime Data, LLC D/B/A IXO v.
`CME Group Inc., et a1. , 6:09—cv-327-LED-JDL, 6:10-cv-246-LED—JDL, United States
`i NPL8
`District Court for the Eastern District of Texas Tyler Division, October 19, 2010, 5

`Assertedelaiinfis Chai‘t‘i'ciiiiis. Patéfii’iliéfi;ibfiifiijfiéé‘ifime DAiEfilEiSlfi/meom
`v. CME Group Inc., et a1.
`, 6:09—cv-327—LED-JDL, 6: 10-cv-246—LED-JDL, United
`l States District Court for the Eastern District of Texas Tyler Division, October 19, 2010,
`l NPL5
`Asserted Claims Chart for US. Patent No. 7,417,568, Realtime Data, LLC D/B/A IXO '
`v. CME Group Inc., et al. , 6:09—cv—327-LED-JDL, 6:10-cv—246—LED-JDL, United
`States District Court for the Eastern District of Texas Tyler Division, October 19, 2010,
`v“ mem‘“ \
`i 13
`i Date
`i Examiner
`l Considered
`‘1 Signature
`lnitial if reference considered, whether or not citation is in conformance with MPEP 609. Draw line through citation if not in
`conformance and not considered. Include copy of this form with next communication to applicant,
`1 Applicant’s unique citation designation number (optional). 2 Applicant is to place a check mark here if English language Translation is attached,
`Sony EX1002 Page 1511
`Sony EX1002 Page 1511


`Equivalent of Form PTO/SB/U8b (7-09}
`Substitute for form l449/PTO
`I BEECH, W. A., et al., ”AX.25 Link Access Protocol for Amateur Packet Radio,"
`NPLU i Version 2.2, Revision; July 1998, 143 pages.
`(Use a: many shears as Wes»: >3)
` \WV“
`.;‘ Attorney Docket Numbe 8
` “\
`,, WWW
`Include name of the author (in CAPITAL LETTERS), title of the article (when
`appropriate), title of the item (book, magazine, journal, serial, symposium, catalog,
`No 1
`etc), date, page(s), volume number, publisher, city and/or country where published
`‘ “
`j'2;gggagéi‘as‘;Ettatm‘st‘ragrt“sis: 7,711,727,7Rea1tiine Datfil'cii/‘iéiii 1x0
`i v. CME Group Inc., et al. , 6:09-cv-327—LED-JDL, 6: 10-cv—246-LED—JDL, United
`1 States District Court for the Eastern District of Texas Tyler Division, October 19, 2010,
`BARTON, Rich, S&P ComStock Network Character Set Definition, 19.2 KB Network,
`i Version 1.7.0, February 10, 1995,29 pages.
`E BORMANN, Carsten, "Providing Integrated Services over Low-bitrate Links," Network ,
`l NPI.14 Working Group Request for Comments: 2689, Category: Informational, September
`l 1999,14 pages.
`ComStock Services Pamphlet, McGraW-Hill Financial Services Company, purportedly
`published by July 19, 1995, 6 pages.
`l NPL17
`CORMACK, Gordon V., "Data Compression on a Database System”, Communications
`ofthe ACM, Volume 28, Number 12, December, 1985, pages 1336-1342.
`DAN KIN, John Moffatt, “Compressing the X raphics Protocol: A Dissertation
`Presented to the Facult of Princeton University in Candidacy for the Degree of Doctor
`i of Philosophy," January 1995, 147 pages.
`"Data Networks and Open System Communications,“ Information Technology -
`: Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN. 1) Specification ofBasic Notation, International
`i Telecommunication Union, lTU-T Telecommunication Standardization Sector of ITU
`J. X68w11994,,,WW
`Defendants’ Invalidity Contentions, Realtime Data, LLC D/B/A IXO v. CME Group
`Inc., et a1.
`, 6:09-cv—327—LED-JDL, 6:10-cv—246—LED-JDL, United States District Court
`5 for the Eastern District of Texas Tyler Division, October 19, 2010, 19 pages.
`WW“ ‘
`l DEGERMARK, Mikael, "IP Header Compression", Network Working Group Request
`for Comments: 2507, Category: Standards Track, February 1999, 47 pages.
`-- ~.>.-»‘
`“EXAMINER: Initial if reference considered, whether or not citation is in conformance with MPEP 609. Draw line through citatior: if not
`conformance and not considered. Include copy ofthis form with next communication to applicant.
`1 Applicant’s unique citation designation number (optional). 2 Applicant is to place a check mark here ifEnglish language Translation is attached.
`Sony EX1002 Page 1512
`Sony EX1002 Page 1512


` Tl
`Substituterer form l449/PTO
`tNroNyiasioN 666:66t661666666
`Equivalent of Form PTO/SBIO8D (7-093‘
`Complete ifKnown
`"'1'14/876 76 l
`Appllcatlon Numb
`[$66662620125 W
`(Use as many sheets as access/1‘.:917’
` .................m~x~~xfin~~v¢¥1=n$vr _,
`7777 T70B7_e_Assrgned
`1 3
`a 61 5
`1 Attorney Docket Numbe
` \\
`Includename of the author (in CAPITAL LETTERS), title of tile article (when
`appropriate), title ofthe ltem(book, magazinejournal, serial symposium catalog,
`etc), date pagc(s) volume number,publisher cityand/orcountry where publlshed
`7 Examiner 7
`i N01
`Developer's Guide, Version 1.0.2, S&P ComStock, February 15, 1994, 186 pages.
`.6.“w....—a-u“‘l-----»,.....222........2 ..
`.2unw‘W «------»......».n““w____2~.u._
`\ T
`: NPL22
`DOMANSKI Dr. Bernie ”All the news you can eat, Department Dr. Bernie‘s
`Digestions and Digressions", Demand Technology's Capacity Management Review
`E v6lum6 25 No 7, July 1997 pages 24 1822
`-, ElFROS, Michelleand Philip A. Chou,"WeightedUniversalTransformCoding.
`Universal Image Compression with the Karhunen-Loeve Transfor‘:11", IEEE, 1995,
`:7EN,GAN Mathias "IP Header Compression over PPP", Network Working Group
`:Request for Comments: 2509, Category: 2509, February 1999, 10 pages
` ExhibitA, InvalidityClaimChartsA7l-A451‘67:U.S7Patent 6767274,7767717,RealtimeData
`T NPL25
`7; LIC Dfl3’A IXO v. CME Group Inc et al., 6.09-c-v--32—7LED-JDL, 6:10-cv-246-LED— I
`.1DL United States District Court for the Eastern District of Texas Tyler Division,
`October _T9, 2010,616pages
`Exhlblt B invalidity Claim ChartsB17-B45TorU.7S. Patent 7,1617%,507277
`ILC D/B/A IXO v. CME Group Inc, et al., 6.09——cv——327-LED—JDL, 6: 10--cv--24-6IED— 9
`i JDL, United States District Court for the Eastern District ofTexas Tyler Division,
`ExhibitWC: nvadity ClaimChartsC1-C7C97-7C31,WC5577C457:76: US. Patent 7,7400,2774,
`iRealtime Data, LLC D/B/A IXO v. CME Group Inc., et al., 6.09-c-v--327-LED-JDL,
`$6: 10--cv——246-LED—JDL, United States District Court for the Eastern District of Texas
`TvTerDivision October T9,2OT0,1528\eanes__
`:Exhibit D,Invalidity ClaimCharts D1 —,D7 D9-D457f70r U. S. 1157:7156:7,74717,56778777 Realtlme *
`iData, LLC D/B/A IXO v. CME Group Inc, et al., 6:09-c-v--327-LED-JDL, 6. 10-cv-246-
`iLED-JDL, United States District Court for the Eastern District of Texas Tyler Division,
`_ October 19, 20102458“ages
`l ExhlbrtE Invalidity Claim Charts Til-7157,7159, 1311:15715-713771757 El7-E30E5727-E45 f7o7r7777
`= NPL29 US. Patent 7,714,747, Realtime Data, LLC D/B’A IXO v. CME Group Inc. et al.,
`E6:09—cv—327-LED—JDL, 6:10—cv-246—LED-JDI, United States District Court for the
`aster:1Districtof TexasTi,lerDivision,October T9,20T0,55T2 raresW
`GREENE, Tim, ”Squeeze your 'Net links", NetworkWorld, Volume 14, Number 28,
`1 July 14, 1997, pages 1 and 56.
`$ NPL26
`i NPL27
`‘ ‘\!~\9~-~I>.>“
`E Examiner
`1 Signature
`. .....»Ww..n,.....
`W L
`www. 646‘»
`*EXAMINER: Initial if reference considered, whether or not citation is in conformance with MPEP 609. Draw line through citation if not in
`conformance and not considered. Include copy of this form with next communication to applicant.
`‘ Applicant’s unique citation designation number (optional) Applicant15 to place a check mark here if English language Translationls attached
`Sony EX1002 Page 1513
`Sony EX1002 Page 1513


`Equivalent of Form PTO/SB/08b (7-09)
`5 Substitute for form 1449/PTO
`Complete ifKnown
`STATEMENT BY APPLICANT ‘ First Named Inventor
`Art W _____________
`(Use as many sheets as necessary)
`Sheet‘z tor 105
` ‘\
`Include name of the author (in CAPITAL LETTERS), title of the article (when
`appropriate), title of the item (book, magazine, journal, serial, symposium, catalog,
`etc), date, page(s), volume number, publisher, city and/or country where published
` Examiner §
`HELCK, Christopher J., "Encapsulated Ticker: Ver 1.0," July 14, 1993, 22 pages.
`specific coififiiéééi‘éfii'réi'i‘iitie dattit‘c‘ifiiiéiéfiifiiim
`Xpress: Product Overview, Intelligent Compression Technologies,
` 5/
`. 8520012ase-
`HSU, William H. and Amy E. Zwarico, "Automatic Synthesis of Compression
`Techniques for Heterogeneous Files," Software — Practice and Experience, Volume 25
`10), October 1995, pages 1097-1116.
`i ”ICT's XML—Xpress", Intelligent Compression Technologies, December, 2000, 6 pages.
`procedures - Frame structure", UNI ISO 3309, 1984, 11 pages.
`"Ion's RemoteScript speeds transmission", Seybold Report on Publishing Systems,
`3 Volume 22 Number 5, November 9, 1992, pages 21-23.
`KULKOSKY, Victor, "Upping the Ante", Wall Street & Technology, Volume 11
`Number 5, October 1993, pages 8—1 1.
`"Information processing systems - Data communication - High-level data link control
`i i
`Installing and Administering PPP, Edition 1, Hewlett~Paeltard Company, 1997, 169
`i pages.
`"Introducing XpressFiles", Intelligent Compression Technologies,
`i, 1998,
`1 page.
`MW.....u....1,1“unmwcamw"mewmdn . mm.
`NFL": 8
`JACOBSON, V., "Compressing TCP/IP Headers for Low-Speed Serial Links,"
`February 1990, 45 pages.
`x I
`if reference considered, whether or not citation is in conformance with MPEP 609. Draw line through citation if not in
`*EXAMINER: Initial
`conformance and not considered. Include copy of this form with next communication to applicant.
`1 Applicants unique citation designation number (optional), 2 Applicant is to place a check mark here if English language Translation is attached.
`Sony EX1002 Page 1514
`Sony EX1002 Page 1514


`Substitute for form 1449/PTO
`\w~ Wu
`. Equivalent of Form PTO/SB/OBb LIT-09:
`Complete if Known
`mmmmrtoa BESCLGSURE Lin-Ling D339LLLLLLL
`sarrantmr BY APP'EJCANT 1:;,First..tianssiyxsytga
`(Us: as many sheezs 2S necessary
`1.. W
`Attorney Dock Number
`. mm
`Include name of the author (in CAPITAL LETTERS), title of the article (when
`appropriate), title of the item (book, magazine,journal, serial, symposium, catalog,
`etc), date, page(s), volume number, publisher, city and/or country where published
`LIEFKE, Hartmut and Dan Suciu, "An Extensible Compressor for XME Data,"
`l SIGMOD Record, Vol. 29, No. 1, March 2000, pages 57-62.
`LIEFKE, Hartmut and Dan Suciu, "XMill: an Efficient Compressor for XME Data,”
`2000, pages 153-164.
`l NPL43
`LIEFKE, Hartmut and Dan Suciu, Xmill: an Efficient Compressor for XML Data,
`1 October 18, 1999: 25 pages.
`; McGREGOR, Glenn, "The PPP Internet Protocol Control Protocol (IPCP)", Network
`Working Group Request for Comments: 1332, Obsoletes: RFC 1172, May 1992, 14
`l NPL48
`: NPL49
`“New “Wm.
`Viousness Chart for US Pat. No. 6,624,761, Realtime Data, LLC D/B/A IXO V.
`L NPL45
`l CME Group Inc., et al. , 6:09-cv-327—LED-JDL, 6:10-cv-246-LED~JDL, United States
`District Court for the Eastern District of Texas Tyler Division, October 19, 2010, 19
`Obviousne s chait‘iéimuZ‘s‘f'EEEiliEi"'i,‘iEiEBETfiESiEiEQEQEZ LLC D/B/A 1x0 v.
`CME Group Inc., et a1. , 6:09-cv-327-LED-JDL, 6:10-cv-246~LED—JDL, United States
`l District Court for the Eastern District ofTexas Tyler Division, October 19, 2010, 49
`Obviousness Chart for U.
`at. No. 7,400,274, Realtime Data, LLC D/B/A IXO v.
`, 6:09-cv-327-LED-JDL, 6:10-cv-246—LED—JDL, United States
`i CME Group Inc., et a1.
`District Court for the Eastern District of Texas Tyler Division, October 19, 2010, 41
`geSWWaVW “W ,
`‘ Obviousness Chart for US. Pat, No. 7,417,568, Realtime Data, LLC D/B/A IXO v.
`CME Group Inc., et al. , 6:09—cv—327-LED—JDL, 6:10-cv—246-LED—JDL, United States
`District Court for the Eastern District of Texas Tyler Division, October 19, 2010, 75
`ages W
`Obviousness Chart for US Pat. No. 7,714,747, Realtime Data, LLC D/B/A IXO V.
`CME Group Inc., et al. , 6:09-cv-327-LED-JDL, 6:10—cv-246—LED-JDL, United States
`i Distréct Court for the Eastern District of Texas Tyler Division, October 19, 2010, 97
`Open Financial Exchange Specification 2.0, Intuit Inc., Microsoft Corp, April 28, 2000,
`537 pages.
`“ i ‘
`w '
`i Considered
`“We,a,W«.«m“wmmuw w...“
`*EXAMINER: Initial if reference considered, whether or not citation is in conformance with MPEP 609, Draw line through citation if not
`conformance and not considered, Include copy of this form with next communication to applicant.
`‘ Applicant’s unique citation designation number (optional). 2 Applicant is to place a check mark here ifEnglish language Translation is attached,
`Sony EX1002 Page 1515
`Sony EX1002 Page 1515


`Equivalent of Form PTO/SB/OSb (7-09
`Substitute for form 1449/PTO
`RAND, Dave, "The PPP Compression Control Protocol (CCP)", Network Working
`3 Group Request for Comments: 1962, Category: Standards Track, June 1996, 9 pages.
`Complete If Known
`tnnonararron meetosone *
`(Use as many sheets as macaw/jig;
`include name at the author [in CAFI’E‘AI. LETTERS}, title of the article {when
`Examiner i
`No 1
`appropriate), lute of the item {book magazine, journal, serial, symposium, catalog,
`etc). date, pagexfs), volume number, pubiisher, city antifor country wh e published
`ROGERS, Amy, "Bandwidth Bargain IT hot on products that squeeze more out of the
`pipe", Number 673, July 21, 1997, pages 1 and 65.
`ROTH, Mark A. and Scott J. Van Horn, ”Database Compression", SIGMOD Record,
`i Vol. 22, No. 3, September 1993, pages 31-39.
`NP] 54
`SCHMERKEN, Ivy, "Time Running Out for Old Technologies", Wall Street Computer
`1 Review, April 1990, pages 14-16, 23—24, 28, 56.
`, E
`"Scrolling News", Inside Market Data, February 27, 1995, 2 pages.
`SUCIU, Dan, "Data Management on the Web: Abstract," University of Washington
`Eomputer Science & Engineering, April 4, 2000, 1 page.
`"Telekurs Buys S&P Trading Systems AndIts TickerIII Feed", InsideMarketData,
` . “mute”
`SIMPSON, W., "PPP in HDLC—like Framing”, Network Working Group Request for
`Comments: 1662, STD 51, Obsoletes 1549, Category: Standards Track, July 1994, 26
`i NPL57
`SUCIU, Dan, Data Management on the Web, AT&T Labs, April 4, 2000, 52 slides.
`Vol. 4,No. 11, July 10, 1989, 1 page.
`‘ "Telekurs May Debut 128 KPS Ticker By Year's End", Inside Market Data, July 18,
`1994, 2 pages.
` \\\\
`H Date
`3 Considered
`1 Signature
`*EXAMINER: Initial if reference considered, whether or not citation is in conformance with MPEP 609, Draw line through citation if not in
`conformance and not considered. Include copy ofthis form with next communication to applicant.
`‘ Applicant’s unique citation designation number (optional). 2 Applicant is to place a check mark here if English language Translation is attached,
`Sony EX1002 Page 1516
`Sony EX1002 Page 1516


`Eauivalent of Form PTO/SB/08b (7-09)
`Exa .
`'The Technology Behind XpressFiles", Intelligent Compression Technologies,
`i, 1998,
`TlD Information: Revisions to TID Program Since the Dawn of Time!!! Version 1.0,
`23 pages; TID Codes 1,
`1 page; TID Codes 2, 1 page, purportedly by July 19, 1995.
`i NPL66
`i TypeWorld: The First and Only Newspaper for Electronic Publishing, Volume 16
`Number 9, June 17, 1992, 3 pages.
`i "XpressFiles White Paper", Intelligent Compression Technologies, 1999-2001, 3 pages.
`t.~.....~.\.»uw..........m..““W~tw.....mum“... . “m
`United States Provisional Patent Application No. 60/309,218, filed July 31, 2001.

`*EXAMTNER: Initial if reference considered, whether or not citation is in conformance with MPEP 609. Draw line through citation if not in
`conformance and not considered. Include copy of this form with next communication to applicant.
`1 Applicant’s unique citation designation number (optional). 2 Applicant is to place a check mark here if English language Translation is attached.
`Sony EX1002 Page 1517
`! Substituteforform l449/1‘TO
`“Complete ifKnown
`(Use as many sheets: as necessary}
`Include name of the author (in CAPITAL LETTERS), title of the article (when
`a o‘t
`fth't bk
`. El
`ppr pria e),
`1 e o
`e 1 em ( oo , magazme, Jouma , seria , sympostum, cata og,
`etc.), date, page(s), volume number, publisher, City and/or country where published
`i "Telekurs Now Carries All Dow Jones‘ News on 56-Kbps Ticker,” Inside Market Data,
`5: T ‘
`December 20, 1993, 2 pages.
`"Telekurs Sells No. American Division in Mgmt. Buyout", Inside Market Data, October
`23, 1995, 2 pages.
`Sony EX1002 Page 1517


`Substitute for form 1449/PTO
`Equivalent of Form PTO/SBIOBb (7—09)
`Complete 1f Known
`‘ 14/876 276
` Appllcatlon Number ..
`‘ JamesJ. FALLON
`{Use as (may sheets a: necessary
`Examine Name
`IIoII3_e__ Ass1gned
`’Attorney-Docket Number 28550050000
`Include name of the author (in CAPITAL LETTERS) title of the article (when
`appropriate) title of the item (book, magazine journal, serial symposium catalog,
`N .1
`etc.IIIII)IIIdate,Ipage(s),vIcItIlIuImIcInumber, publisher,IcIitIyIand/or countrywhere publlshed
` 11151611115;
`Standards Series, Chapman {3; Hall, "1997, 426 pages.
`Stanley, et “11].,
`1111111111E116, at 211.:21:99ev——’327-L1:DJD;
`Rcafitiute Data, LLC DI’B/A EXO V. CM
`5 6: l t3-cv«246»LED=—JDE.., 6:19—cv~424-LE31 EDL, Reaitirne Data, LLC D/B/A EXO V‘.
`'E’i1otnson Reuters Corp, st. 31., 6:99-cv-135.1~LED«.EDL, 6:lO-cv-—247wE..ED~JDL, 61l9—cv—
`2 United States Dish":
`' ‘Zourt for the Eat-tern District of Texas Tyler
`'51, not dated, Reaitime
`.A111,..116i>1 A, C?1V10 .,
`1art for t S. Fat
`‘ Data, LL12“ D/B/A EXO V
`erg-52111 S lev at at.., 6:99cV—3I26LBD-J'DL, 6:‘19»cv~248»
`1 DLLXEDL, 6: 19—W»426-LE?D-Em, Rea'1tirr1e D ", LE.CL)
`,’. EXT} V CME Group
`1116., et a}, 6:99cV—321 LED101., 6:19(V246. LED«JDL, 6:l6»cv—424-LED~JDL,
`Realtime Data, LLC D; 1.'E‘ nsou Reuters Corp, 6'1 211..
`3DL. 61E0~CV~247~LEDJTEE
`HELDEDL Uni:ed Smes Di:t1ietCour:1.):
`letzme Data
`9-1":an.33(1»E.EDJDL, 6:19-6V~Z45§LED-
`DEE. 6:19——CV——426ELil)-'DL{161.16111: D361LL13 DID/.4EXO V CMF. L1r61plnc,ct
`1 al., 6:99—IV 2’7LED~EDL,6 .li)cv~246LEDEDL,6119oV424LEDTDL, Reaitime
`Data LLC D/B/A 1X0 V'. "Thomson Router Corp, et 21.1., 6299oV'»3;13-E.EDJDL, 6:11)
`cv~24 7~LED--EDL, 6: ‘1 G-cv-425~LED-JDL, U1111ed States District Court tor the E;1sts1:1
`er Division F 3ruar1-‘4I
`GE {07646211.129 ..
`int Chart tor
`Eat No 7,,11/,65l Realumt Data LLLDIES/'14.
`V 11101-31321 Staniev (4.211., 67;IE9c‘I-1.2.6LED—E DL, 6: 1'01:V‘—248.E.FDJDL, 6:10»rev426
`EL‘DJDL, Realti1:111: Data. LLC D,’B’A EX’Q V. CE14B Group Inc.., et a1. 6:99~1:v—1.2 ~
`L.EDJDL, 6: 19——cv246-LBD~JDL, 6. 196V424LED-lDL, Rea time Data,1..LCD/I’B.A
`IlXUV‘ .Enormson Rout1"; Lora., et a}, 6. CE.9~cV~333—L111)i)—JDL, 6: E99»247-EFD~EDL
`6: E9cv—426»l.EDJDL, United States District Court tor the Eastern L)1strict otlkxas
`3.4-cr DiVisxou, Fe-111L131“; 4, 2911., lot pages, dung Aakre et 9.1 ,US 1311:1111 No
`.. It 4 956,808
`anfoit 2, Prior A1“: (‘1 rt“1 ,r l' S.Pa1.N
`. 1(". Data: ELL Di'E31’1 EXO
`VI Morgan Stanley,” 6:99-(fiV‘-326LETDEDL, 6:19cv-—246E1FD3EE,)Lo:19»CV429
`g LED-EDE, Real-time Data,EEJC.1DI’BI’4EX0 V
`“I‘ EE‘E (1:19cV~"461EU WEDL 6: 19(th13
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`X0 V‘ TE‘OT)SOEE\€UE¢“\ CorpIfit 9.1.52I99-(.V335491)lDL, 6: .11—CV~24I»LLLJEDL,
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`' ‘ C0911 tor the Eastern Dis-rictI61I(.an
`ivler E.)iVist-or1,February-4 29E!-, 2C f
`§ Date
`*EXAMENER: Initial if reference considered, whether or not citation is in conformance with MPEP 609 Draw line through Citation if not
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`66661 of
`Attortey Docket Number2855.005000C
` m
`Include name of the author (in CAPITAL LETTERS), title of the article (when
`appropriate), title of the item (book, magazine journal, serial, symposium, catalog,
`etc), date, page(s). volume number publisher city and/0r country where published
`Exh1b1t36,PriorArtChartfor USPat.No7,777,651, Realtim; Data LLCD/B/AIXO
`l V Morgan Stanley, et a1., 6: 09—c—v--326—LEDJDL, 6: 10-cv—248-LED-JDL, 6: 10-cv—426-
`LED—JDL, Realtime Data, LLC D/B/A IXO V CME Group Inc. et a1,:6 09———cv—327-
`LED-JDI, 6: 10—cv--246—LED—JDL, 6: 10-cv-424—LED-JDL, Realtime Data LLC D/B/A
`IXO v. Thomson Reuters Corp, et a1,6: 09—cV—333—LED—JDL, 6. 10-cv-2-47-LED-JDL,
`6:10-cv—425-LED-JDL, United States District Court for the Eastern District of Texas
`Tyler Division, February 4. 2011, 95 pages, citing B Andrews, P. Chou, M. Effros and
`R. Gray ”A Mean- Removed Variation of Weighted Universal Vector Quantization for
`‘i‘fiwhlrfinggeCodin)3......66.IEEE 0818
`ngxhibit 4, Prior Art Cha1t for
`.7,777,651, 144 pages,Realtime Data,LLC"-
`1’B/AIXO V. Morgan Stanley, et a1., 6:09--cv---326LED-JDL, 6: lO-cv-248-LED-JDL,
`‘ 6:10—cv-426-LED-JDL, Realtime Data LLC D/B/A IXO V. CME Group Inc., et a1.,
`6:09-cV—327—LED-JDL, 6:10-cv-246-LED-JDL, 6:10—cV-424—LED—JDL, Realtime Data,
`, LLC D/B/A IXO v. Thomson Reuters Corp, et a1., 6:09-cv-333—LED-JDL, 6:10-cv—
`i Examiner
`247-LED-JDL, 6:10-cv-425-LED-JDL, United States District Court for the Eastern
`District of Texas Tyler Division, February 4, 2011, citing Barnes et a1., US. Patent No.
`Exhibit 5, Pric616rArtChartf6rU.S.Pat.No.7,777,651, 21666p ges,Rea1t1me Data LLC
`D/B/A IXO V. Morgan Stanley, et a1. 6: 09--cv—326—LED-JDL, 6: 10—cv--2-48LED-JDL,
`‘ 6:10——cv———426LED-JDL, Realtime Data, LLC D/B/A IXO V. CME Group Inc. et a1.,
`6:09--cv——327-LED-JDL, 6:10-cv-246-LED-JDL, 6:10—cv-424-LED-JDL, Realtime Data,
`1 LLC D/B/A IXO v. Thomson Reuters Corp, et a1., 6:09-cv-333-LED-JDL, 6:10-cv-
`247-LED—JDL, 6: 10—cv-425-LED-JDL, United States District Court for the Eastern
`District of Texas Tyler Division, February 4, 2011, citing Birdwell et a1., US. Patent
`xhibit 6, Prior ArtChartforU.S. Pat. No67,777651,257 pages, RealtnneData, LLC
`D/B/A IXO v. Morgan Stanley, et a1., 6. 09-cv-326-LED-JDL, 6: 10—cV—248 -LED—JDL,
`i6:10—cv-426~LFD-JDL Realtime Data, LLC D/B/A 1X0 V. CME Group Inc, et a1.,
`LLC D/B/A IXO v. Thomson Reuters Corp, et a1., 6. 09-cV—333 —L-EDJDL, 6:10-cv-
`NPLSO E 6:09--cv--—327LED—JDL, 610cv-246—LED—JDL, 6:10—cv-424-LED-JDLRealtimeData,
`247-LED-JDL, 6:10cV——425—LED-JDL, United StatesDistrictCourtfortheEastern
`iDistrict of Texas Tyler Division February 4, 2011, citing Bledsoe, U.S. Patent No.
`3'4 ,646,961.
`Exh1b1t7 PriorArt Chart for U.S.Pat. No 7,767667,651169paggs,Rea the Data,LLC
`D/B/A IXO V. Morgan Stanley, et a1., 6: 09-

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