Electronic Patent Application Fee Transmittal
`Title of Invention:
`Video Data Compression Systems
`First Named Inventor/Applicant Name:
`James J. FALLON
`Attorney Docket Number:
`Filed as Large Entity
`Filing Fees for Utility under 35 USC 111(a)
`Fee Code
`Sub-Total in
`Sony EX1002 Page 1268
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`Total in USD ($)
`Submission- Information Disclosure Str
`Sony EX1002 Page 1269
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`International Application Number:
`Confirmation Number:
`Title of Invention:
`Video Data Compression Systems
`Electronic AcknowledgementReceipt
`Application Number:
`The Director of the USPTO is hereby authorized to charge indicated fees and credit any overpaymentas follows:
`Sony EX1002 Page 1270


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`Non Patent Literature
`Fee Worksheet (SB06)
`the application.
`New International Application Filed with the USPTO as a Receiving Office
`If a new international application is being filed and the international application includes the necessary components for
`an international filing date (see PCT Article 11 and MPEP 1810), a Notification of the International Application Number
`and of the International Filing Date (Form PCT/RO/105)will be issued in due course, subject to prescriptions concerning
`national security, and the date shown on this AcknowledgementReceiptwill establish the international filing date of
`This AcknowledgementReceipt evidences receipt on the noted date by the USPTO of the indicated documents,
`characterized by the applicant, and including page counts, where applicable.It serves as evidence of receipt similar to a
`Post Card, as described in MPEP 503.
`Total Files Size (in bytes)
`New Applications Under 35 U.S.C. 111
`If a new application is being filed and the application includes the necessary componentsfora filing date (see 37 CFR
`1.53(b)-(d) and MPEP 506), a Filing Receipt (37 CFR 1.54) will be issued in due course and the date shownonthis
`AcknowledgementReceiptwill establish the filing date of the application.
`National Stage of an International Application under 35 U.S.C. 371
`If a timely submission to enter the national stage of an international application is compliant with the conditions of 35
`U.S.C. 371 and other applicable requirements a Form PCT/DO/EO/903indicating acceptanceof the application asa
`national stage submission under35 U.S.C. 371 will be issued in addition to the Filing Receipt, in due course.
`Sony EX1002 Page 1275
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`February 1, 2016
`tf y
`ffi gt
`Sainatarn Ey
`Oe a
`Commissioner for Patents
`PO Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`Conzirmation No. 3403
`Art Unit 2634
`Attn: Mail Stop Amendment
`U.S. Utility Patent Application
`Application No. 14/876,276; Filing Date: October 6, 2015
`For: Video Data Compression Systems
`Inventors: FALLONet al.
`Our Ref: 3421.005000C
`Transmitted herewith for appropriate action are the following documents:
`1. Online Credit Card Payment Authorization in the amount of $180.00 in payment of
`the fee under 37 C.F.R. § 1.17(p);
`2. Third Supplemental Information Disclosure Statement;
`Form PTO/SB/08a (1 sheet) listing 18 documents (US1-US17 and FP1);
`4. Form PTO/SB/08b (4 sheets)listing 32 documents (NPL1-NPL32); and
`5. Copies of cited documents (FP1 and NPL1-NPL32).
`The above-listed documents arefiled electronically through EFS-Web.
`In the event that extensions of time are necessary to prevent abandonmentofthis patent
`application, then such extensionsof time are hereby petitioned.
`Fee payment is provided through online credit card payment. The U.S. Patent and
`Trademark Office is hereby authorized to charge any fee deficiency, or credit any overpayment,
`to our Deposit Account No. 19-0036.
`Respectfully submitted,
`<" Michael V. Messinger —
`Attorney for Applicant
`Registration No. 37,575
` IPR2018-014188*. <8
`Sony EX1002 Page 1276
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`Inventors: FALLONetal.
`Confirmation No.7 3403
`Applicant: Realtime Data, LLC
`Art Unit: 2634
`Application No.: 14/876,276
`Filing Date: October 6, 2015
`Title: Video Data Compression Systems
`Atty. Docket: 3421.005000C
`Third Supplemental Information Disclosure Statement
`Mail Stop Amendment
`Commissionerfor Patents
`PO Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`NoticeofPrior and Concurrent,Proceedings
`Applicant hereby calis to the attention of the Patent and Trademark Office the following
`reexamination proceedings involving patents that are commonly-assigned with the patent in the
`above-identified patent application:
`“| Inter Partes Reexamination-
`“Inter Partes Reexamination ofU,‘S. Patent No.
`6,604,158(Control No, 95/000,486) |Certificateissued 10/10/2012|
`“InterPartes ReexaminationofU.S. Patent
`_No.7,321,937 (Control No. 95/000,466)
`| Certificate issued05/15/2012.
`“InterPartes Reexamination ofU.S.Patent
`No.6,604,158(Control No, 95/000,453).
`TEX‘Parte.Reexamination of U.S. Patent No.6,601,“104
`Ex ParteReexamination
`(ControlNo. 90/009,428)
`4 Certificateissued.02/28/2012|
`InterPartesReexamination of U.S. Patent
`| Inter PartesReexamination
`No. 7,378,992(ControlNo, 93/000,478)
`|Certificate issued 10/04/2012
`jnter Partes ReexaminationofU.S. Patent —
`“Inter Partes Reexamination
`No, 6,624,761 (ControlNo. 95/000,464} |Certificateissued 06/12/2012|
`inter Partes ReexaminationofU.S. Patent No.
`Inter Partes Reexamination, ~
`Sony EX1002 Page 1277
`Sony EX1002 Page 1277


` ~Status_
`Btn ____Proceeding_
`' Inter Partes Reexamination of U.S. PatentNo.
`Appeals for the Federal
`7,714,747 (Control No. 95/001,517)
`Circuit dismissed 6/4/2015
`Application No. 14/876,276
`“Inter Partes Reexamination of U.S. Patent No.
`7,417,568 (Control No. 95/001,533)
`InterPartes ReexaminationofU.S. PatentNo.
`7,777,651(Control No. 95/001,581)_
`Inter Partes Reexamination ofU.S. PatentNo.
`|7,400,274(ControlNo. 95/001,544)
`Decision on Appeal mailed
`' Decision onAppealmailed
`| Decision on Appealmailed
`Applicant hereby calls to the attention of the Patent and Trademark Office the following
`reexamination proceedings filed by Cellco Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless, involving patents
`that are commonly-assigned with the patent in the above-identified patent application:
`”_Status _
`“ Tnter PartesReexamination—
`i“InterPartesReexamination of U.S. ‘PatentNo.-—
`|Certificate issued 1 2/05/720.130
`7,321,937(ControlNo. 95/001,922)
`“Inter Partes ReexaminationofFU S.Patentee
`“Inter Partes Reexamination
`3|Certificateissued 04/17/2015
`|No.46,604,158 (ControlNo, 95/001,923)
`Inter PartesReexamination
`InterPartes ReexaminationofU.S. Patent
`No.7,352,300 (Control No. 95/001,924)
`InterPartesReexaminationofU.S. Patent
`Certificate issued11/03/2014
`No. 7,395,345(Control No. 95/001,925)non
`YnterPartes Reexamination of U.S.Patent
`| Inter Partes Reexamination
`|Certificate issued 01/08/2014|
`: No. 7,161,506(ControlNo, 95/001,926)
`InterPartes Reexamination
`: Inter PartesReexaminationof U.S. Patent
`_ Certificate issued 08/16/2013|
`i No. 7,415,530(ControlNo. 95/001,927)
`/ Inter Partes Reexamination‘of.U. S. Patent No.—"
`“Inter Partes Reexamination
`|Certificateissued 01/08/2014 |
`Applicant invites the Examiner to review the Requests for Reexamination, issued Office
`Actions, replies, and any other papers in the above-identified reexamination proceedings.
`If the
`Examiner is unable to obtain copies of papers in any reexamination proceeding, copies can be
`Atty. Dkt. No. 3421.005000C
`Sony EX1002 Page 1278
`Sony EX1002 Page 1278


`FALLONet al.
`Application No. 14/876,276
`provided to the Examiner upon request. Those documents which may be material that are not
`already ofrecord in this patent applicationare listed on the accompanying Form PTO/SB/08.
`Applicant herebycalls to the attention of the Patent and Trademark Office the following
`inter partes reviewproceedings involving patents that are commonly-assigned with the patent in the
`above-identified patent application:
`-! Petition filed —
`OracleAmerica, Inc. v. Realtime Data, LLC, | 7.378.992.
`_TPR2016-(-00373, |December 22,2015_
`Oracle America,Inc. v. RealtimeData,LLC,|8,643,513 Petitionfiled ;
`Oracle America, ‘Inc.v.RealtimeData,“LLC, (7s“T7415,530
`'Oracle America, Inc.y.RepaltimeDatData,"LLC, FasSI0
`Petition filed
`| _ |December28,2015
`OracleAmerica, Inc.v. ‘RealtimeData, LLC,ac9,116,908
`_TPR2016-00377_ tbnnnn
`Applicant invites the Examinerto review the petitions for infer partes review and any other
`papers in the above-identified inter partes review proceedings. If the Examineris unable to obtain
`copies of papers in anyinter partes reviewproceeding, copies can be providedto the Examiner
`upon request. Those documents which may be material that are not already of record in this patent
`application are listed on the accompanying Form PTO/SB/08.
`Applicant notifies the Patent and Trademark Office of the following litigation involving
`U.S. Patents commonly-owned with the current patent application, the subject matter of which may
`be related to the present patent application:
`Atty. Dkt, No. 3421.005000C
`Sony EX1002 Page 1279
`Sony EX1002 Page 1279


`Application No. 14/876,276
`No “CaseStats
`al _ RealtimeDataLLCdba11XOv.Iv. Packeteer, Inc. etal.,| Dismissed
`Applicant also notifies the Patent and Trademark Office of the following additional
`litigation involving U.S. Patents commonly-owned with the current patent application, the subject
`matter of which mayberelated to the present patent application:
`‘ ~~ a /
`‘ Realtime Data LLC d/b/a LXO v. Thomson Reuters
`- 11/9/2012; Opinion
`4 Corporation et al. No, 1:11-cv-06698-RJH (S.D. New ’ of the Court of
`York) (transferred from E.D. Texas; 6:09-cv-00333-
`Appeals for the
`| Federal Circuit
`' LED)
`YCase Terminated
`| 11/9/2012; Opinion
`| Realtime Data LLC d/b/a IXO v. MorganStanley et al., "ofthe Court of
`| No. 1:11-cv-06696-RJH (S.D. New York) (transferred |
`from E.D. Texas; 6:09-cv-00326-LED)
`vee et eee cutrimeFoceived01/27/2014||
`~ ~
`‘ Case Terminated
`| Realtime Data LLC d/b/a IXO v. CME Group Inc., et
`/ 11/9/2012; Opinion
`_al., No, 1:11-cv-06697-RJH (S.D. New York)
`| of the Court of
`(transferred from E.D. Texas; No. 6:09-cv-00327-
`Appeals for the
`‘ LED)
`| Federal Circuit
`Chicago Board Options Exchange, Inc., y, Realtime
`é ' ThomsonReutersrsCorporationvy. RealtimeData,LLC “Consolidatedwith|
`| DataLLCd/b/aIXO,No. 09-cv-4486(N.D. Tl.)
`d/b/a IXO, No. 1:09-cv-07868-RMB (S.D.N.YD.N.Y)
`| Case No, 2
`a>Realtime1Data,LLC“d/b/aLXOv.CMEGroupInc.,et Consolidatedwith|
`“al. (II),No. 6:10-cv-246(E.D.Texas)
`Case No. 4
`:3“RealtimeDataLLCd/b/aIXOv. ThomsonReuters | Consolidated with|
`Corporationetal.(1et al. (1), No. 6:10-cv-247 €. D. Texas) | Case No.2
`: RealtimeData,LLCd/b/aIXOv.y.Morgan“Stanley, et Consolidatedwith|9
`al. (II), No. 6:10-cv-248 (E.D. Texas)
`| Case No. 3
`Yq|Realtime Data,LLCd/b/a IXOv. MetroPCS Texas,“Appeal Terminated|
`ntLLCetal,No.6:10-cv-00493 (ED.Texas)
`Atty. Dkt. No. 3421,005000C
`Sony EX1002 Page 1280
`Sony EX1002 Page 1280


`Application No. 14/876,276
`| Dismissed May _
` Realtime Data, LLC d/b/a IXO v. Microsoft
`|Corporation, et al., No. 4:14-cv-00827(E.D.Texas)2015
`’ Amended
`' Complaints for
`: Realtime Data, LLC d/b/a IXO v. Actian Corporation,
`Patent Infringement
`‘et al., No. 6:15-cv-00463 (E.D. Texas)
`filed September 14,
`Transferred to the
`Northern District of
`Realtime Data, LLC d/b/a IXO v. Dropbox, Inc., No.
`' California, January |
`| 6:15-cv-00465 (E.D. Texas)
`14 Realtime Data, LLC d/b/a IXO v. Echostar
`bs __Corporation, et al., No. 6:15-cv-00466(E.D.Texas)_ | Case No. 12
`Realtime Data, LLC d/b/a IXOvy.Riverbed
`| Consolidated with
`P45 _ Technology, Inc., et al., No. 6:15-cv-00468 (E.D.
`| Case No. 12
`| October5,2015
`6|Realtime Data,LLCd/b/aIXOv.BMC Sofiware, Inc.,
`Realtime Data, LLC d/b/a IXO y. OracleAmerica, Inc., ‘Consolidatedwith—
`_e etal., No. 6:15-cv-00467 (E.D.Texas)
`| Case No. 12 ee
`13 RealtimeData,LLC d/b/a IXOv. SAP America,Inc., et|Consolidated with
`Lal.No.6:15-cv-00469 (E.D. Texas)enh ASE NOW IZ
`Transferred to the |
`| Northern District of |
`| Realtime Data, LLC d/b/a IXOv. Teradata
`| California, January _
`_ Corporation, et al., No. 6:15-cv-00470 (E.D. Texas)
`"RealtimeData,LLC d/b/a IXOv..Apple,“Inc.,No.6:15- |_ Complaint filed
`_ov-00885(E.D.Texas) __.October6,2015
`InformationDisclosure Statement
`Listed on accompanying IDS Forms PTO/SB/08a equivalent and PTO/SB/08b equivalent
`are documents that may be considered material to the patentability of this application as defined in
`37 CLE.R. $1.56, and in compliance with the dutyofdisclosure requirements of 37 C.F.R. §§ 1.97
`and 1.98.
`Atty. Dkt. No. 3421.005000C
`Sony EX1002 Page 1281
`Sony EX1002 Page 1281


`Application No. 14/876,276
`Applicant has listed publication dates on the attached IDS Forms based on information
`presently available to the undersigned. However,the listed publication dates should not be
`construed as an admissionthat the information wasactually published on the date indicated.
`Applicantreserves the right to establish the patentability of the claimed invention over any
`of the information provided herewith, and/or to prove that this information may not be prior art,
`and/orto provethat this information may not be enabling for the teachings purportedly offered.
`This statement should not be construed as a representation that a search has been made, or
`that information more material to the examination of the present patent application doesnotexist.
`The Examineris specifically requested notto rely solely on the material submitted herewith.
`Filing under 37 C.F.R.§ 1.97(¢). This Information Disclosure Statement is being filed more
`than three months after the U.S. filing date AND after the mailing date ofthe first Office Action on
`the merits, but before the mailing date of a Final Rejection,or Notice of Allowance, or an action
`that otherwise closes prosecution in the application. The required feeis provided through online
`credit card paymentauthorization in the amountof $180.00 in payment of the fee under 37 C.F.R. §
`Copies of documents FP1 and NPL1-NPL32are submitted. However, in accordance with
`37 C.E.R. § 1.98(a)(2)(ii), no copies of the U.S. patents and patent application publications cited as
`documents US1-US17 onthe attached IDS Formsare submitted.
`It is expected that the examiner will review the prosecution and cited art in the parent
`application nos. 14/733,565, filed June 8, 2015 (now pending); 14/577,286, filed December 19,
`2014 (now abandoned); 14/134,933, filed December19, 2013 (now U.S. Patent No. 8,929,442);
`Atty. Dkt. No; 3421.005000C
`Sony EX1002 Page 1282
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`Application No. 14/876,276
`14/033,245, filed September 20, 2013 (now U.S. Patent No. 8,934,53 5); 13/154,239, filed June 6,
`2011 (nowU.S. Patent No, 8,553,759); 12/123,081, filed May 19, 2008 (now U.S. Patent No.
`8,073,047); and 16/076,013, filed February 13, 2002 (nowU.S. Patent No. 7,386,046), in
`accordance with MPEP 2001.06(b), and indicate in the next communication from the office that the
`art cited in the earlier prosecution history has been reviewed in connection with the present
`It is respectfully requested that the Examinerinitia! and return a copyof the enclosed IDS
`Forms, and indicate in the official file wrapperofthis patent application that the documents have
`been considered.
`The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office is hereby authorized to charge any fee deficiency, or
`credit any overpayment, to our Deposit Account No. 19-0036.
`Respectfully submitted,
`: ae
` i

`s £a
`eee ee
`r Sy
`“ Michael V. Messinger
`Attorney for Applicant
`Registration No. 37,575
`1100 New York Avenue, N.W.
`Washington, D.C. 20005-3934
`(202) 371-2600
`Atty. Dkt. No. 3421.005000C
`Sony EX1002 Page 1283
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`United States Patent and TrademarkOffice
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, Virginia 22313-1450
`James J. FALLON
`Please find below and/or attached an Office communication concerning this application or proceeding.
`The time period for reply, if any, is set in the attached communication.
`PTOL-90A (Rev. 04/07)
`| PR201 8-01 41 3
`Sony EX1002 Page 1284
`Sony EX1002 Page 1284


`3) | Interview Summary (PTO-413)
`1) Cc] Notice of References Cited (PTO-892)
`Paper No(s)/Mail Date.
`2) XK Information Disclosure Statement(s) (PTO/SB/08a and/or PTO/SB/08b)
`Paper No(s)/Mail Date 10/30/15, 12/11/15 & 1/11/16.
`4)] Other:__.
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
`PTOL-326 (Rev. 11-13)
`Office Action Summary
`PAPIRPOYTB20t2-4 80125
`Sony EX1002 Page 1285
`Application No.
` 14/876,276 FALLON ETAL.
`Art Unit
`AIA (First Inventorto File)
`Office Action Summary
`-- The MAILING DATEof this communication appears on the cover sheet with the correspondence address --
`Period for Reply
`Extensions of time may be available under the provisions of 37 CFR 1.136(a).
`after SIX (6) MONTHS from the mailing date of this communication.
`If NO period for reply is specified above, the maximum statutory period will apply and will expire SIX (6) MONTHS from the mailing date of this communication.
`- Failure to reply within the set or extended period for reply will, by statute, cause the application to become ABANDONED (35 U.S.C. § 133).
`Anyreply received by the Office later than three months after the mailing date of this communication, evenif timely filed, may reduce any
`earned patent term adjustment. See 37 CFR 1.704(b).
`In no event, however, may a reply betimely filed
`1)X] Responsive to communication(s)filed on10/06/2015andPre.Amendmentof12/11/2016.
`LJ A declaration(s)/affidavit(s) under 37 CFR 1.130(b) was/werefiledon__
`2a)L] This action is FINAL.
`2b)X] This action is non-final.
`3)L] An election was made bythe applicant in responsetoarestriction requirementset forth during the interview on
`; the restriction requirement and election have been incorporated into this action.
`4)[] Since this application is in condition for allowance exceptfor formal matters, prosecution as to the merits is
`closed in accordance with the practice under Ex parte Quayle, 1935 C.D. 11, 453 O.G. 213.
`Disposition of Claims*
`5)KX] Claim(s) 1-30 is/are pending in the application.
`5a) Of the above claim(s)
`is/are withdrawn from consideration.
`6)L] Claim(s)
`is/are allowed.
`7)X] Claim(s) 1-30 is/are rejected.
`8)L] Claim(s
`is/are objected to.
`9)L] Claim(s
`are subject to restriction and/or election requirement.
`* If any claims have been determined allowable, you may be eligible to benefit from the Patent Prosecution Highway program at a
`participating intellectual property office for the corresponding application. For more information, please see
`or send an inquiry to PPHteedback@uspte.dov.
`) ) )
`Application Papers
`10)KX] The specification is objected to by the Examiner.
`11) The drawing(s)filed on 10/06/2015 is/are: a)X] accepted or b)(_] objected to by the Examiner.
`Applicant may not request that any objection to the drawing(s) be held in abeyance. See 37 CFR 1.85(a).
`Replacement drawing sheet(s) including the correction is required if the drawing(s) is objected to. See 37 CFR 1.121(d).
`Priority under 35 U.S.C. § 119
`12)[] Acknowledgment is made of a claim for foreign priority under 35 U.S.C. § 119(a)-(d) or (f).
`Certified copies:
`a)LJ All
`b)[_] Some** c)L] None ofthe:
`1..] Certified copies of the priority documents have been received.
`2.L] Certified copies of the priority documents have been received in Application No.
`3.L] Copies of the certified copies of the priority documents have been receivedin this National Stage
`application from the International Bureau (PCT Rule 17.2(a)).
`** See the attached detailed Office action for a list of the certified copies not received.
`Sony EX1002 Page 1285


`Application/Control Number: 14/876,276
`Art Unit: 2634
`Page 2
`The present application is being examined underthe pre-AlA first to invent
`This office action (First Action on the Merit) is in responseto the application as
`originally filed on 10/06/2015 and the preliminary amendmentfiled on 12/11/2015. The
`pending claims 1-30 are fully examined as shownin the detail action below.
`Information Disclosure Statement
`The information disclosure statements (IDSs) submitted on 10/30/2015 (four
`different communications filed separately on the same date), 12/11/2015 (two different
`communications filed separately on the same date) and 01/11/2016 (two different
`communications filed separately on the same date) are in compliance with the
`provisions of 37 CFR 1.97. Accordingly, the information disclosure statementis being
`considered by the examiner.
`Attached with this correspondencearethe initialed copies of the IDSs and the
`noted correspondencesregarding the IDSs.
`The drawings were received on 08/08/2015. These drawings are accepted by
`the Examiner .
`Sony EX1002 Page 1286
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`Application/Control Number: 14/876,276
`Art Unit: 2634
`Page 3
`Applicant is reminded of the proper language and format for an abstract of the
`The abstract should be in narrative form and generally limited to a single
`paragraph on a separate sheetwithin the range of 50 to 150 words. The form andlegal
`phraseology often used in patent claims, such as "means"and "said," should be
`avoided. The abstract should describe the disclosure sufficiently to assist
`readers in deciding whetherthere is a need for consulting the full patent text for
`The language should be clear and concise and should not repeatinformation
`given in the title.
`It should avoid using phrases which can be implied, such as, "The
`disclosure concerns," "The disclosure defined by this invention,” "The disclosure
`It seems the disclosure is describing the claimed subject matter of the parent
`application not the claimed and disclosed invention of the instant application, therefore,
`should be corrected to reflect to the current disclosed invention.
`The disclosure is objected to because of the following informalities: the parent
`application S/N 14/577,286 disclosed in[0001], line 2, should be updated as--- now
`Appropriate correction is required.
`Claim Objections
`Claims 1-30 are objected to becauseofthe following informalities:
`Is the claimed
`“video data”in claim 1, line 9 and claim 19, line 13, the same as the “video data”
`claimed in the preamble of the claims? If so, the oncein lines 9 and 13 of claims 1 and
`19 respectively should be amended to read as---said video data---. Otherwise as
`Sony EX1002 Page 1287
`Sony EX1002 Page 1287


`Application/Control Number: 14/876,276
`Art Unit: 2634
`Page 4
`claimed, it reads that there two deferent videos, the oncein the preamble and the once
`in lines 9 and 13 of claims 1 and 19 respectively. Appropriate correction is required.
`Claims 2-18 and 20-30 are inherently objected as being dependent on the
`objected base claims 1 and 19.
`Claim Rejections - 35 USC § 112
`The following is a quotation of 35 U.S.C. 112(b):
`(b) CONCLUSION.—The specification shall conclude with one or more claims particularly
`pointing out and distinctly claiming the subject matter which the inventor or a joint inventor
`regards as the invention.
`The following is a quotation of 35 U.S.C. 112 (pre-AlA), second paragraph:
`The specification shall conclude with one or more claims particularly pointing out and distinctly
`claiming the subject matter which the applicant regards as his invention.
`Claims 1-30 are rejected under 35 U.S.C. 112(b) or 35 U.S.C. 112 (pre-AlA),
`second paragraph, as being indefinite for failing to particularly point out and distinctly
`claim the subject matter which the inventor or a joint inventor, or for pre-AlA the
`applicant regards asthe invention.
`Claims 1 and 19 are incomplete such that the claimed limitations in both claims
`calls for selecting one or more data compression algorithms without using the selected
`algorithm to compressthe video data. Examiner suggest to add “compressing the video
`data using the selected algorithm”or any similar limitation as appropriate.
`Claims 2-18 and 20-30 are inherently rejected as being dependenton the
`rejected baseclaims.
`Sony EX1002 Page 1288
`Sony EX1002 Page 1288


`Application/Control Number: 14/876,276
`Art Unit: 2634
`Page 5
`Allowable Subject Matter
`Claims 1 and 19 would be allowable if rewritten or amended to overcome the
`rejection(s) under 35 U.S.C. 112(b) or 35 U.S.C. 112 (pre-AlIA), 2nd paragraph, set forth
`in this Office action.
`Claims 2-18 and 20-30 would be allowable if rewritten to overcome the
`rejection(s) under 35 U.S.C. 112(b) or 35 U.S.C. 112 (pre-AlIA), 2nd paragraph, set forth
`in this Office action andto include all of the limitations of the base claim and any
`intervening claims.
`12.—Any inquiry concerning this communication or earlier communications from the
`examiner should be directed to TESFALDET BOCURE whosetelephone numberis
`(571)272-3015. The examiner can normally be reached on 8:30am-to-5:00pm.
`If attempts to reach the examiner by telephone are unsuccessful, the examiner's
`supervisor, Daniel C. Washburn can be reached on 571-272-5551. The fax phone
`numberfor the organization where this application or proceeding is assignedis 571-
`Sony EX1002 Page 1289
`Sony EX1002 Page 1289


`Application/Control Number: 14/876,276
`Art Unit: 2634
`Page 6
`Information regarding the sta

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