`Wayne M. Helge <whelge@davidsonberquist.com>
`Wednesday, February 6, 2019 3:14 PM
`Trials; chris.mizzo@kirkland.com; craig.murray@kirkland.com;
`greg.arovas@kirkland.com; Foster, Billy; #Samsung 1097; service-
`hynix/bitmicro@fr.com; James T. Wilson; Aldo Noto; Ethan Song
`IPR2018-01410/-01411 Recommendation for Precedential Opinion Panel Review
`2019-02-06 IPR2018-01410 Patent Owner's Request for Rehearing.pdf; 2019-02-06
`IPR2018-01411 Patent Owner's Request for Rehearing.pdf
`To the Precedential Opinion Panel of the Board,
`Patent Owner respectfully recommends that the Precedential Opinion Panel review the attached Requests for Rehearing
`filed in IPR2018‐01410 and IPR2018‐01411 today, February 6, 2019, and satisfying 37 C.F.R. 41.71(d). These Requests
`for Rehearing are due today, 14 days from the Institution Decisions issued on January 23, 2019 in each case. Counsel for
`Petitioners are recipients to this email, a courtesy copy of which is also being sent to Trials@uspto.gov.
`Statement of Counsel
`Based on my professional judgment, I believe the Board panel decision is contrary to the following constitutional
`provision, statute, or regulation: 35 U.S.C. 315(a)(1) as addressed in question 1. below
`Based on my professional judgment, I believe this case also requires an answer to one or more precedent‐setting
`questions of exceptional importance:
`First, can a petitioner avoid the bar under 35 U.S.C. § 315(a)(1) by filing a declaratory judgment action of
`non‐infringement only, even though invalidity is a legally cognizable basis for non‐infringement, and a civil
`action alleging non‐infringement necessarily encompasses challenges of validity under 35 U.S.C. § 282(b)(2)?
`Second, can the Board choose not to apply the precedential General Plastic factors where earlier validity
`challenges were expressly asserted by Petitioners in the ITC, and where the 2018 Trial Practice Guide Update
`states that events at the ITC are considered under the General Plastic analysis?
`Reasons for Recommending Precedential Opinion Panel Review
`These questions were raised in Patent Owner’s Preliminary Responses, but the Board’s Institution Decisions did not a)
`address the impact of 35 U.S.C. § 282(b)(2) on the proper interpretation of “civil action challenging validity” in 35 U.S.C.
`§ 315(a)(1), which is also triggered by declaratory judgment complaints for non‐infringement, or b) conduct a General
`Plastic factor analysis accounting for the prior invalidity and claim construction positions taken by Petitioners at the ITC,
`contrary to the 2018 Trial Practice Guide Update’s guidance. As to this second question, a similar question has been
`raised to the Precedential Opinion Panel in Expedia, Inc. v. IBM Corp., IPR2018‐01354, Paper 11 (PTAB Jan. 29, 2019).
`Respectfully Submitted,
`/s/wayne m. helge
`Wayne Helge, Esq.
`Ex. 3001 p. 1 of 2
`Partner & Registered Patent Attorney
`Davidson Berquist Jackson & Gowdey, LLP
`8300 Greensboro Drive, Suite 500
`McLean, VA 22102
`Email: whelge@dbjg.com
`Office: 571‐765‐7700
`Cellular: 571‐271‐9673
`Ex. 3001 p. 2 of 2