Morgan Stanley | aesmcu
`September 8, 2017 07:00 AM GMT
`AMAG Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
`Bullish on lntrarosa as the Next
`AMAG Value Driver Following
`Survey; Initiate OW, $26 PT
`E Stock Rat ng
`0 Industry V ew
`© Pr oeTarget
`We are bullish on AMAG, a stock that has been pressured
`from concerns about the impact of Makena generics. an
`overhang that may be overstated. Further, our AlphaWise
`OB/GYN survey sees a differentiated profile for newly
`launched lntrarosa that appears underappreciated at current
`hitiating coverage on AMAG with Ovenrveiglrt rating. $26 PT. AMAG
`Pharmaceut cals s a b opharmaceut cal company that spec al zes n women's
`health prescr pt on drugs and serv ces as well as hematology products. nvestors
`have focused ntently on the companY's largest current revenue drver Makena
`wh ch faces the loss of orphan drug exclus vty and the potent al for generc
`competton n ebruary 2018. We beleve the bear case for Makena s largely
`pr ced n at these levels and look toward the underapprec ated aspects of
`AMAG's future growth nclud ng ntrarosa for dyspareun a (pa n dur ng sex)
`related to menopause n women label expans on for V ron eraheme and
`durable revenue and valuat on support from the Cord Blood Reg stry (CBR)
`serv ce.
`Winter is coming for Makena. but AlphaWise survey and proprietary scenario
`analysis suggest the bear case is largely priced in. Orphan drug exclus v ty for
`ntramuscular Makena a progesterone nject on used to reduce the r sk of
`recurrent preterm b rth exp res on ebruary 3 2018. We antc pate at least one
`gener c entrant nto the market follow ng exclus v ty exp rat on as does the
`company. Our d lgence supported by our propr etary AlphaW se survey of 108
`US OB/GYNs suggests that phys c ans would prefer AMAG's subcutaneous auto-
`njector should t ga n approval and that there 5 some sense of loyalty to
`branded ntramuscular Makena suggest ng there w ll l kely be durab lty for
`AMAG n th 5 segment of the market. urther our propretary scenaro analys 5
`suggests that the bear case s largely pr ced n w th 3 base case NPV for the
`Makena franch se of ~$10 per share a best-case scenar o (2 year delay for
`generc Makena) value of $26 per share and a worst-case scenar o
`(subcutaneous Makena not approvable mult ple gener cs n 2018) of $5 per
`AlphaWise survey supports lntrarosa positive differentiation and shong intent
`Page 1 of 61
`Evidence-based research
`Thomas J Sm th
`hornosJSInl h@rnorgens mleysom
`Andrew S Berens
`Andew.8erer|s@rnorgons enley.corn
`Benjam n J Ad er. Ph D
`Beqamlaneranormns onleysorn
`+ 2276 6209
`+ 2276 307
`+ 2 2 296 5305
`In Lire
`S 8 70
`$36 83 6 00
`12/16 12/17: 12l18e 12/19e
`AMAG Pharmaceuticals, Inc. ( AMAG.0, AMAG US)
`Biotechnology I United Stu: ofAmaioo
`Stock Retirg
`Industry View
`Prioe “get
`Shr price, close (Sep 7, 20 7)
`Mkt cop, ourr (mm)
`52 Week Range
`Fiscal Year Ending
`ModdWae EPS (S)
`Prior Morten/are EPS
`Consensus EPS (S)§
`Div yld (1.)
`Unless otherwise noted. el metrics are based on Morgen SurleyModeque
`§=Consensusdetaisprmidedby1homsmneuers Bflmes
`(1 .33)
`(1 .59)
`2 563
`0 76
`0 34
`0 53
`e = Morgan Sanley Research estimates. a = Actual Comparryrepaled data
`Moga Sa eydoesa dseeks odobus essw
`oompa esooveed Moga Sa eyReseac Asa
`esu. vesossoudbeawae a
`e mmay avea
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`vesoss oudco sde
`Moga Sa eyReseac aso yas geaco mak g
`vesme decso
`Fo a aystoetfcato a dot e mpota tdscosues.
`efe tot eDscosueSecto , outedatt ee doft s
`Biogen Exhibit 2183
`Mylan v. Biogen
`IPR 2018—01403


`%) A<+ &=)#’ 2FG/HI<3 <A’’+<%$#’ B&A#(1 ED#&=$(< B$?+BD %) $=C,)*+9 , ;7%
`<7(79* 03P] <8B)54 9$ 97%#$F ;D P3Q "HI>JK9 B)F9 @ 5,9 ,C @5*$C *)5* *)$F
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`RB5 , C7% ,( 9$OS 5 E5%A$* *)5* 9 @7%%$,*8F 9$%#$C 6F 8$(5@F 6%5,C$C
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`6$@;E$ *)$ ,$& ,;%E58 D;% E;9* C%7( 857,@)$9 &$ 5,* @ B5*$ 5 (%5C758 857,@)
`D;% ,*%5%;95 & *) B)F9 @ 5, 5&5%$,$99 B5F;% C$@ 9 ;,9 5,C D;%E785%F 5@@$99
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`958$9 , ;7% E;C$8 (%;& ,( *; /XX3E, B$5A , 03X32 ,*%5%;95 9 *)$ 85%($9*
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`J1&,+< &B<) &CC+&, %) @+ E$<()A#%$#’ B&@+B +KC&#<$)# >), "L $,)# C,)EA(%
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`$%5)$E$ 95D$*F 5,C $DD @5@F , *)$ 6%;5C$% %;, C$D @ $,@F 5,$E 5 R c<S
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`$OB$@*$C , $6%75%F 03PQ B;*$,* 588F C;768 ,( *)$ 5CC%$99568$ E5%A$*
`;BB;%*7, *F2 4$ 9$$ 03PQ 958$9 ;D /P01E, #9 /PPbE, @;,9$,9792
`N),E FB))E O+’$<%,D @A<$#+<< C,)*$E+< $=C),%&#% EA,&@B+ ,+*+#A+ <%,+&= &#E
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`9*$E @$88 7, *92 <8*);7() &$ D;%$@59* E;C$9* (%;&*) D;% UHV & *) %$#$,7$9
`% 9 ,( D%;E /PPQE, , 03P] *; /P0bE, 6F 030\ &$ # $& *)$ C7%56 8 *F ;D *) 9
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`659$ #587$ D;% <=<> 9)5%$92
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`%$B%$9$,* B;*$,* 58 C;&,9 C$2
`Page 2 of 61


`Morgan Stanley | aesmca
`Risk Reward
`With the Makena bear case largely priced in, we look ahead to Intrarosa as a growth
`Investment Thesis
`I Makena bear case is largely priced in.
`Wh le nvestor focus has been on the
`ant c pated loss of orphan drug exclus v ty
`(ODE) and potent al for lfe cycle extens on of
`Makena AMAG's largest current source of
`revenue we bel eve the bear case s largely
`pr ced n. Our August 2017 AlphaW se
`OB/GYN survey shows phys c ans are pos tve
`on the auto- njector wth some sense of
`loyalty to the branded ntramuscular Makena
`wh le our propretary scenar o analys 5 shows
`NP'V for the Makena franch se of $10 per
`share n our base case $5 per share n our
`worst case scenar o and $26 per share n our
`best case scenar o.
`I Intrarosa is an underappreciated growth
`driver, with AlphaWise OB/GYN survey
`showing strong positive differentiafion and
`presaibing intentions. ntrarosa a vag nal
`stero d to treat dyspareun a (pa n dur ng sex)
`s v ewed as pos t vely d fferent ated by over
`80% of OB/GYNs n our AlphaW se survey
`wth peak usage expected n ~25% of
`dyspareun a patents. The lack of a black box
`warn ng s a s gn fcant postve d fferent at ng
`factor wh ch we th nk s lkely to dr ve uptake
`n patents concerned about the long-term
`use of estrogen therap es and/or at moderate
`r sk of breast cancer. We see peak sales of
`~$330mn for ntrarosa 3x h gher than current
`consensus peak of ~$125mn.
`I CBR and Feraherne provide strong
`revenue/NPV backbone, while Feraherne
`label expansion represents upside. Cord
`Blood Reg stry (CBR) and the eraheme base
`bus ness represent a comb ned ~$16 per share
`of NPV n our model. eraheme label
`expans on nto broad DA wth an DA
`decs on (PDU A) date n eb 2018 represents
`an add t onal ~$65mn of sales at peak ($2
`share NPV) wh ch we do not bel eve s
`reflected n consensus today.
`Key Value Drivers
`I The key valuat on drvers are commerc al
`execut on for approved drugs Makena
`. fihT-pfiep IB
`Milkmen RmManguleyResearch
`Price Target
`We derive our PT from a risk-adjusted sum-of—the-parts (SOP) analysis.
`We forecast expected revenue/profits for each drug/condition
`combination. We assume a 9% WACC and no terminal growth to
`derive our NPV. We then assign a probability factor for each
`drug/condition to reflect clinical and regulatory risks/timing, sum the
`risk-adjusted NPVs and add cash in excess of required investment.
`Risk-adjusted SOP
`n a best-case scenaro Makena gener cs are delayed by 2 or more years and
`AMAG s able to rap dly convert the market to subcutaneous Makena follow ng
`DA approval n eb 2018 result ng n peak Makena sales of ~$§lOmn. The
`ntrarosa launch exceeds expectat ons wth qu ck adopt on and m n mal payor
`pushback wth greater uptake and peak sales of $l+50mn. eraheme usage n
`broad DA dr ves h gher-than-ant c pated revenue growth.
`Risk-adjusted SOP
`Makena faces generc compett on from one gener c upon orphan drug
`exclus vty exp ry n eb 2018 followed shortly thereafter by ntroduct on of the
`company's subcutaneous auto- njector. ntrarosa sees a gradual launch that
`starts to accelerate n 2018 dr ven by the drug's d fferent ated attr butes and
`ncreased phys c an awareness. We see peak sales of ~$330mn n 2030. We see
`peak sales eraheme label expans on nto broad DA 5 successful drv ng
`~$60mn of ncremental peak revenue.
`Risk-adjusted SOP
`n a worst-case scenaro mult ple Makena gener cs enter the market and
`subcutaneous auto- njector Makena never reaches the market. ntrarosa's
`launch d sappo nts and/or market dynam cs change (e black box removed from
`all local estrogens) that make the product's d fferent at on less appeal ng
`lead ng to peak sales of less than ~$100mn. eraheme does not ga n broad
`label expans on.
`Page 3 of 61


`,*%5%;95 $%5)$E$ 5,C *)$ U;%C H8;;C
`V$( 9*%F RUHVS 9$%# @$ 59 &$88 59 B B$8 ,$
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`X 03PQ
`V’9A9 *; <@)’$#’,( L%’@$ e5%($*
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`$OB$@*5* ;,9
`$%5)$E$ 856$8 $OB5,9 ;, C;$9 ,;*
`E5*$% 58 M$ 958$9 D588 9);%* ;D $OB$@*5* ;,9
`L B$8 ,$ C;$9 ,;* 5C#5,@$ 5,C 679 ,$99
`C$#$8;BE$,* 9 #587$ C$9*%7@* #$
`Page 4 of 61


`F.< *)6.&+G.)+ H.6.,& I(, 1213 D’-,G-J.#+%J-$&
`2*+,*$+0j <=<> L)5%E5@$7* @589 9 5 6 ;B)5%E5@$7* @58 @;EB5,F *)5* 9B$@ 58 M$9 ,
`&;E$,N9 )$58*) B%$9@% B* ;, C%7(9 5,C 9$%# @$9 59 &$88 59 )$E5*;8;(F B%;C7@*92
`L% E5%F #587$ C% #$%9 D;% *)$ @;EB5,F ,@87C$ *)%$$ E5%A$*$C C%7(9 , =5A$,5
`$%5)$E$ 5,C %$@$,*8F 857,@)$C ,*%5%;95 59 &$88 59 *)$ U;%C H8;;C V$( 9*%F RUHVS
`9*$E @$88 @;88$@* ;, 5,C 9*;%5($ 9$%# @$ D;% ,$&6;%,92 4$ 6$8 $#$ *)5* *)$ 6$5% @59$ D;%
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`C%7( $O@879 # *F , $6%75%F 03PQ 9 85%($8F %$D8$@*$C , 9)5%$9 5* *)$9$ 8$#$892
`Z7BB;%*$C 6F C7%568$ %$#$,7$ 9*%$5E9 , $%5)$E$ 5,C UHV &$ 6$8 $#$ *)5* *)$
`E5%A$* 9 ;#$%8;;A ,( 5 B%;E 9 ,( (%;&*) C% #$% , ,*%5%;95 5 ,;,-$9*%;($, *%$5*E$,*
`D;% B;9*E$,;B57958 &;E$, $OB$% $,@ ,( CF9B5%$7, 5 RB5 , C7% ,( 9$OS *)5* ;7%
`<8B)54 9$ 97%#$F 97(($9*9 9 ) ()8F B;9 * #$8F C DD$%$,* 5*$C 5,C 8 A$8F *; *5A$ [0\‘ ;D
`*)$ /P6, E5%A$* D;% *)$9$ *%$5*E$,*92 4) 8$ &$ $OB$@* 5 (%5C758 857,@) D;% ,*%5%;95 59
`*)$ C%7( (5 ,9 6%;5C$% 5&5%$,$99 5,C D;%E785%F 5@@$99 &$ 9$$ *)$ B;*$,* 58 D;% B$5A
`958$9 *; $O@$$C /X33E, 5BB%;O E5*$8F XO @7%%$,* @;,9$,979 5,C &;78C $,@;7%5($
`,#$9*;%9 *; 79$ 5,F &$5A,$99 5%;7,C *)$ , * 58 857,@) 59 5, $,*%F B; ,*2
`;$#%+, $< ()=$#’ >), .&?+#&3 @A% -BC1&;$<+ <A,*+D &#E C,)C,$+%&,D <(+#&,$) &#&BD<$<
`<A’’+<% %1+ @+&, (&<+ $< &B,+&ED B&,’+BD C,$(+E $#9 "%B)5, C%7( $O@879 # *F D;%
`,*%5E79@785% =5A$,5 5 B%;($9*$%;,$ ,W$@* ;, 79$C *; %$C7@$ *)$ % 9A ;D %$@7%%$,*
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`& 88 857,@) *)$ % ;&, 57*);% M$C ($,$% @ ,*%5E79@785% =5A$,5 95@% D @ ,( B% @$ *;
`E5 ,*5 , 9)5%$ ;D *)$ E5%A$*2 "7% C 8 ($,@$ 97BB;%*$C 6F ;7% B%;B% $*5%F <8B)54 9$
`97%#$F ;D P3Q YZ "HI>JK9 97(($9*9 *)5* B)F9 @ 5,9 &;78C B%$D$% *)$ =5A$,5
`976@7*5,$;79 57*;- ,W$@*;% 9);78C * (5 , 5BB%;#58 5,C *)5* *)$%$ 9 9;E$ 9$,9$ ;D
`6%5,C 8;F58*F *; 6%5,C$C ,*%5E79@785% =5A$,5 97(($9* ,( *)$%$ & 88 8 A$8F 6$ 9;E$
`C7%56 8 *F D;% <=<> , *) 9 9$(E$,* ;D *)$ E5%A$*2 Z$$ *)$ <8B)54 9$ 97%#$F 97BB;%*9
`ZU <7*;- ,W$@*;% 7B*5A$ D 5BB%;#$C 5,C 5 97%B% 9 ,( 8$#$8 ;D 6%5,C$C = =5A$,5
`C7%56 8 *F 9$@* ;, ;D *) 9 %$B;%* D;% E;%$ C$*5 8 ;, *)$ =5A$,5 B;%* ;, ;D ;7% <8B)54 9$
`Page 5 of 61


`’D4=E=< FG R.2’4. ‘2.’ 0 $\. <8g>B? ’\.^23 &VV2&. ,$ V.2a2. ,#2 *D 5\,$MG0924,$.Q &’’\% 0/
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`EB5@* ;D ;%B)5, C%7( $O@879 # *F $OB %5* ;, , $6 03PQ D;% =5A$,52 4$ )5#$ C$,* D $C
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`-BC1&;$<+ <A,*+D <ACC),%< "#%,&,)<& C)<$%$*+ E$>>+,+#%$&%$)# &#E <%,)#’ $#%+#% %) A<+
`&=)#’ 2FG/HI< P 0+ @+B$+*+ & ’,&EA&B B&A#(1 C,)*$E+< & @AD$#’ )CC),%A#$%D >), &
`C,)EA(% 0$%1 A#E+,&CC,+($&%+E C)%+#%$&B9 , ;7% <7(79* 03P] <8B)54 9$ 97%#$F ;D P3Q
`YZ "HI>JK9 B)F9 @ 5,9 ,C @5*$C *)5* *)$F # $& <=<>N9 ,*%5%;95 59 5 B;9 * #$8F
`C DD$%$,* 5*$C ;B* ;, *; *%$5* CF9B5%$7, 5 RB5 , C7% ,( 9$OS 5 E5%A$* *)5* 9 @7%%$,*8F
`9$%#$C 6F 8$(5@F 6%5,C$C ,*%5#5( ,58 B%$9@% B* ;, $9*%;($, C%7(9 *)5* 5@@;7,*$C D;%
`^/P6, , 03P1 958$92 <9 )59 6$@;E$ *)$ ,$& ,;%E58 D;% E;9* C%7( 857,@)$9 &$
`5,* @ B5*$ 5 (%5C758 857,@) D;% ,*%5%;95 & *) B)F9 @ 5, 5&5%$,$99 B5F;% C$@ 9 ;,9 5,C
`D;%E785%F 5@@$99 8 A$8F *; 6$ (5* ,( D5@*;%9 *; $5%8F 7B*5A$2 _;&$#$% ;7% <8B)54 9$
`97%#$F B%;# C$9 @;,D C$,@$ *)5* ,*%5%;95 &) @) C;$9 ,;* @;,*5 , 5 685@A 6;O &5%, ,(
`7,8 A$ 58*$%,5* #$ 8;@588F-5CE , 9*$%$C $9*%;($, *)$%5B $9 9 B; 9$C D;% 8;,($%-*$%E
`97@@$992 "7% C$*5 8$C B%$9@% B* ;,-659$C E;C$8 9$$9 E5%A$* $OB5,9 ;, C% #$, , B5%* 6F
`E78* B8$ @;EB5, $9 5@* #$8F B%;E;* ,( ,$& B%;C7@*9 59 &$88 59 5, ;BB;%*7, *F D;%
`,*%5%;95 *; (5 , E;C$9* 9)5%$ ;D B5* $,*9 & *) 5 ) 9*;%F ;D 6%$59* @5,@$% 5 B%$# ;798F
`7,@;,9 C$%$C E5%A$* $OB5,9 ;, ;BB;%*7, *F2 4$ 9$$ B$5A 958$9 ;D [/X33E, 6F 03X3
`,$5%8F XO @7%%$,* @;,9$,979 B$5A ;D [/P0\E,2 ,*%5%;95 %$B%$9$,*9 [/P0I9)5%$ ;D KLT ,
`;7% E;C$8 ;% 5BB%;O E5*$8F [X3‘ ;D *)$ % 9A-5CW79*$C #587$2
`Page 6 of 61


`MorganStanley | nzsmcn
`Importantly. over 80% of prescribers in our AlphaWise survey see htrarosa as a
`positively differentiated product for the treahnent of dyspareunia. The most pos t ve
`po nt of d fferent at on for our OB/GYN respondents was the lack of a black box
`warn ng for ntrarosa w th 88% of phys c ans nd cat ng th s was pos t vely d fferent ated
`vs other treatments. Other factors nclud ng the safety/tolerab lty prof le mechan sm
`of act on eff cacy prof le and shape/s ze were also cons dered to be pos tvely
`d fferent ated factors. Also of note phys c an respondents d d not appear to see e ther
`the type of adm n strat on (e v a d sposable appl cator) or dosage/adm n strat on (once
`da ly at bedt me) as a negat ve d fferent at ng factor w th 95% see ng pos t ve or no
`d fferent at on for the d sposable appl cator and 76% for the dosage/adm n strat on
`frequency. See the ntra rosa - AlphaW se Survey Supports D fferent ated Prof le and
`$300mn+ Peak Revenues sect on of th 5 report for add t onal deta ls and ns ghts from
`the survey.
`Exhibit 2: 83% of OB/GYNs n our August A phaw se survey v ew Intrarosa as pos t ve y
`d fferent ated re at veto other ava ab etreatments
`lntranosa's Attributes Relative to Other Available Treatments
`JJ',‘ 40' ‘ LU ‘ tU,‘(1‘. 1U] .
`Lack o a black box wamung
` run-u----
`E \cacy pro Ile
`Dosage and admnnlsltallon
`ype o admlnlslratlon
`IVery postllvely d1 erenllaled
`ISurnewhal posmvely d1 erentlated
`INul dl erenhated
`Shares also appear to be discounting Feraheme label expansion, with FDA decision
`expected in February 2018. The .V. ron product eraheme has prov ded a steady
`backbone of revenue growth for AMAG s nce ts n tal approval n 2009. Wh le
`eraheme has recently faced strong compett on from Vfor‘s njectafer wh ch 5
`approved wth a broader label and no black box warn ng pos tve Phase 3 data reported
`n May 2017 show that eraheme safety and eff cacy n the broader ron def c ency
`anem a ( DA) populat on s s m lar to njectafer wth some potent al d fferent at on vs.
`njectafer's h gher rate of hypophosphatem a. Consensus currently models ~12% YoY
`sales growth n 2018 about n-l ne wth the 9% annual growth n 2017 overlook ng
`potent al growth from an expanded label that could come w th an DA dec 5 on on
`ebruary 2 2018.
`Cord Blood Registry (CBR) provides an important durable revenue stream and NPV
`badcbone. CBR s the world's largest newborn stem cell collect on and storage
`company hous ng 600k+ preserved umb lcal cord blood and t ssue stem cell un ts
`Page 7 of 61


`%$B%$9$,* ,( ;#$% \3‘ ;D *)$ B% #5*$ 9*;%$C @;%C 7, *9 , *)$ Y2Z2 <=<> 5@f7 %$C *) 9
`679 ,$99 , l7,$ 03P\ D;% /]33E, , 5, $DD;%* *; 67 8C ;7* *9 E5*$%,58 )$58*) B85*D;%E
`58;,( & *) =5A$,52 <8*);7() &$ D;%$@59* E;C$9* (%;&*) D;% UHV & *) %$#$,7$9 % 9 ,(
`D%;E /PPQE, , 03P] *; /P0bE, 6F 030\ &$ # $& *)$ C7%56 8 *F ;D *) 9 %$#$,7$ 9*%$5E
`D5#;%568F 59 *)$ ) 9*;% @588F 8;& 5**% * ;, %5*$9 RdP‘ ;D 7, *9IF$5%S 5,C 85@A ;D
`LI$O@879 # *F B%;# C$ 5 9;8 C %$#$,7$ 65@A6;,$ D;% <=<>2 e)$ 679 ,$99 %$B%$9$,*9
`[/P0I9)5%$ , ;7% E;C$8 ;% 5BB%;O E5*$8F X3‘ ;D ;7% % 9A-5CW79*$C #5875* ;,2
`O+=&$#E+, )> %1+ C$C+B$#+3 $#(BAE$#’ @,+=+B&#)%$E+ >), XJTT &#E %1+ L+B) )C%$)# >),
`C,+P+(B&=C<$&3 ,+C,+<+#%< AC<$E+ %) )A, (A,,+#% =)E+B9 <=<> 5@f7 %$C *)$ K;%*)
`<E$% @5, % ()*9 *; 6%$E$85,;* C$ 5 ,;,-9$8$@* #$ 5(;, 9* ;D *)$ E$85,;@;%* , %$@$B*;%9
`, $6%75%F 03P] D%;E L585* , e$@),;8;( $9 D;% /13E, 7BD%;,*2 e&; B;9 * #$ L)59$ X
`*% 589 )5#$ 6$$, %$B;%*$C 5,C <=<> 9 @7%%$,*8F @;,C7@* ,( U=U D ,58 M5* ;, 5,C cc
`9*7C $9 5)$5C ;D 5, 5,* @ B5*$C Kc< 976E 99 ;, , $5%8F 03PQ2 4) 8$ *)$ C%7( @;78C
`)5#$ 5 C DD$%$,* 5*$C B%;D 8$ %$85* #$ *; T58$5,*IZB%;7*N9 <CCF R,; 58@;);8 ,*$%5@* ;,
`B;*$,* 58 D;% ,; 6;O$C &5%, ,( ;% %$9*% @* #$ Vg=ZS &$ 5%$ 9A$B* @58 56;7* *)$ E5%A$*
`B;*$,* 58 D;% 5, ,W$@* ;, 79$C *; *%$5* )FB;5@* #$ 9$O758 C$9 %$ C 9;%C$% R_ZccS 5
`C 9$59$ *)5* 9 )$5# 8F 7,C$%C 5(,;9$C 5,C 7,C$%*%$5*$C & *) 5, $9* E5*$C Q33A B%$-
`E$,;B57958 &;E$, 9$$A ,( *%$5*E$,* , *)$ Y2Z2 5,,7588F2
`4$ 589; ,;*$ *)5* <=<> )59 *)$ $O@879 #$ ;B* ;, *; 5@f7 %$ &;%8C& C$ % ()*9 *; C (;O ,
`EE7,$ D56 Rc S 5 B;8F@8;,58 5,* 6;CF 6$ ,( C$#$8;B$C D;% *)$ *%$5*E$,* ;D 9$#$%$
`B%$$@85EB9 5 , B%$(,5,* &;E$, D;88;& ,( *)$ %$978*9 ;D 5 %$@$,*8F , * 5*$C L)59$
`06IX5 9*7CF2 D 97@@$99D78 *) 9 9*7CF @;78C D;%E *)$ 659 9 D;% 5 %$(785*;%F 976E 99 ;, ,
`03Pb 5,C B;*$,* 58 5BB%;#58 , 03032 > #$, ;7% 8 E *$C # 9 6 8 *F ;, *) 9 B%;(%5E *; C5*$
`&$ C; ,;* @7%%$,*8F E;C$8 #587$ D%;E *) 9 B%;(%5E 5,C 5%$ %$9$%# ,( W7C($E$,*
`B$,C ,( %$5C;7* D%;E *)$ ;,(; ,( 9*7CF2
`;+ +KC+(% @A<$#+<< E+*+B)C=+#% %) ,+=&$# &# $=C),%&#% C$+(+ )> %1+ -.-/ <%),D9 <*
`*)$ 6$( ,, ,( ;D 03Pa <=<> &59 5 *&;-B%;C7@* @;EB5,F R $%5)$E$ 5,C ;%58 E7@;9 * 9
`*%$5*E$,* =7>5%CS %$@;%C ,( %$#$,7$9 ;D [/Q3E, 5,,7588F &) 8$ 5BB%;5@) ,(
`6%$5A$#$, @59)D8;&92 Z ,@$ *)5* * E$ 9 (, D @5,* 679 ,$99 C$#$8;BE$,* C$589 ,@87C ,(
`*)$ B7%@)59$ ;D .7E5%5 _$58*) R=5A$,5S 5,C U;%C H8;;C V$( 9*%F RUHVS )5#$
`*%5,9D;%E$C <=<> ,*; 5 &;E$,N9 )$58*) C%7( 5,C 9$%# @$9 @;EB5,F & *) 5,* @ B5*$C
`03P] %$#$,7$ ;D [/113E, 5,C 5 @59)D8;& B;9 * #$ 679 ,$992 7%*)$% 679 ,$99
`C$#$8;BE$,* *%5,95@* ;,9 @;EB8$*$C , 03P] ,@87C ,( ,*%5%;95 5,C 6%$E$85,;* C$
`9$$A *; 8$#$%5($ *)$ &;E$,N9 )$58*) $OB$%* 9$ 5,C ,D%59*%7@*7%$ *; 6;;9* *)$
`@;EB5,FN9 8;,(-*$%E ;7*8;;A2 4$ $OB$@* 5CC * ;,58 679 ,$99 C$#$8;BE$,* C$589 *; 6$
`@;,97EE5*$C & *) *)$ E;9* 8 A$8F D;@79 ;, 85*$-9*5($ @8 , @58 5,CI;% $5%8F @;EE$%@ 58
`599$*9 67 8C ,( ;, A$F @;EB$*$,@ $9 , *)$ 5%$59 ;D &;E$,N9 )$58*) )$E5*;8;(F ;%
`Page 8 of 61


`HMflE Eflgnmgnamflflnalg Mal! Elm
`Exhibit 3: AMAG: Risk-Adjusted Sum-of—the—Parts Valuation
`AMAG Pharmaceuticals Valuation
`“Ill human
`_ _.j
`U5 Hal-(ma -
`us Mam.
`LIES hull In!" In! 'Wl
`US Frrahnm:
`LIE. Feraheme - non-CHE
`cum Elm firglslr'f
`fi‘uk-Anfi-uea Anal l'nlm:
`Fesldum' Casu'l'
`Sham Cour-r :‘erll
`rural 11.51 -.l.:\‘mm.1 Eqm'l'y mm
`|'.‘.I| Raga-131m? R1111 amusmm
`' 1.
`laun. Id
`US Makena - Intramuscular IIM]
`I US Makena - Subcutaneous [SC]
`11 US Intramsa for WA
`US Feraheme . CKD
`US Feraheme - non-(KID
`l Cord Blood Raaistrr
`PM. I! W to MIG Prohbllyol NIH-MM”
`Irv-NW E‘ mu]
`MW limo]
`Lou neared
`Source: Company data, Morgan Stanley Research
`[01m E3983 Jill fimnfllfflaa LIJE-i BEIGE EH Wamgua [Ian :Emmlifim @[l gallain 1111mm hilt-JEEEE HE]
`Ema QBEEJIUEL Hawkins [131 Ellis EEEHLEEIH :5“ 1131533131312“ {1351le ELEM] U“ alsiflfifl'fifia
`111-1111 MEL—m 131:1in 5133 [Ellis Llalllsll :-
`'1 551511115151 :-1 '9 53111ij EILHEIE-‘KS EAL @151 @5115
`MEL-1E :lraggflgfilfi [G3 :1] as “Mensa Elli iimflra] Ems mzfl lllil'gflflra l'EUlllis {is '1 M flEElfi [Eu 3 (all!
`managiflfiau L-J] Ms IglfillzleEElLS] EH His '-
`Hugh's 511-5 :1; EI‘JIL‘EJWIL-jfljia [to] fly smiling REHAB!
`.- 11mm IE! 15 :5] Hm [i'ial'lHi‘flHE-Jlil :-::'l 3 (aaitlfij'ii'jE-iflfiu
`Emilia Eng-1
`:-;"1 [1: EELIJE [-11 mat-)Ifl'il
`“Is auaasag EH 51mm L-JH [1:39:21 linfiuafla 13 #1315111 m 5915:; LE mm 11131131
`IEIEEDE EEaiflEl mum-am] Illa Eng [:1 Eniiailflm EMHEE Jaiggraafi iguana imam mnflll a
`4555101111 EWEEEEEE lr1‘ HEM amt-fl 5 Emma? allialiagm HEEE§EE :oJrn‘ Mir-111i 111mg lira HERE
`BEBE I'm-111 smnmmnfiflmgg yiamanflag in gammalflfligg E3111: smugmnfiaia Mir-J Ma Hana
`[1‘] r—as EE:
`mlmflgaalafln l ”IIIEEEHIE Ella IAHEEI [all yani nmuailinsna Em MEET-Jammy: a anmgfla Elam
`Ia | :51
`'1' llwmfli‘gg liar
`" a 115 LEE: ln [ills] Jam; maflamn am: gargmranfl
`mammal” Maflana la ":oJli miigi‘lilm imaging! In EEliEillEn amt-fl nallaa [an @ngl‘an Eng
`gmnllalmfllim [CELINE [it-J giamanfl Hanan: EEI’I’HEEHHEEIIWE ELI}: @mfifliaa L011] Walkway EL 1mg!”
`all mm film: :01le :01] 11:11]:
`rm: may @1111“ Elk: 111M111; Ifla [mama-11mg will EMF-J14 [Olfl
`aim alilhamlalias mam Eng agifllialilii‘a HMEEEE “HEEL Ianmaa [WE Em; HE m: iaflanli
`Page 9 of 61


`B%;*$@*$C E$5, ,( <=<> &;78C ,;* %$@$ #$ 5 L5%5(%5B) T ,;* D @5* ;,2 e)$ @;EB5,F
`,;*$9 *&; D5@*;%9 *)5* E5F 5@* 59 5 65%% $% *; $,*%F D;% ($,$% @ =5A$,5 ,@87C ,( 8 E *$C
`97BB8 $%9 ;D =5A$,5 <L 5,C 5 65@A8;( ;D ($,$% @ 5BB8 @5* ;,9 5* *)$ c<2
`e)$ @;EB5,F , @;,W7,@* ;, & *) <,*5%$9 R,;* @;#$%$CS )59 6$$, C$#$8;B ,( 5
`976@7*5,$;79 57*;- ,W$@*;% D;%E ;D =5A$,5 *)5* &59 ,*$,C$C 59 5 8 D$ @F@8$
`E5,5($E$,* 9*%5*$(F & *) <=<> 9$$A ,( *; (5 , 5BB%;#58 5)$5C ;D *)$ 8;99 ;D "cg
`D;% *)$ ,*%5E79@785% D;%E2 e)$ 976@7*5,$;79 D;%E )59 9$#$%58 D$5*7%$9 *)$ @;EB5,F
`6$8 $#$9 & 88 6$ # $&$C D5#;%568F ,@87C ,( 5 9E588$% @;,@$58$C ,$$C8$ & *)
`976@7*5,$;79 5CE , 9*%5* ;, ;@@7%% ,( E;%$ %5B C8F 5,C @;,#$, $,*8F 95# ,( * E$ D;%
`*)$ )$58*)@5%$ B%;# C$% 5,C B5* $,*2 < 97BB8$E$,*58 Kc< R9Kc<S &59 976E **$C *; *)$
`c< , <B% 8 03P] ,@87C ,( E O$C C5*5 D%;E 5 Lh 9*7CF @;EB5% ,( ZU 5,C = =5A$,5
`%$978* ,( , 5 P3 E;,*) c< %$# $& R#9 , * 58 @;EB5,F (7 C5,@$ D;% 5 1 E;,*) %$# $&S2
`4$ )5#$ @;,C7@*$C 5 C$*5 8$C 9@$,5% ; 5,58F9 9 D;% *)$ =5A$,5 D%5,@) 9$ C$,* DF ,( 9 O
`B;*$,* 58 9@$,5% ;9 D;% =5A$,5 7B;, "cg $OB %F & *) #5% 5* ;,9 5%;7,C A$F #5% 568$9
`97@) 59 *)$ * E ,( ;D ($,$% @ 5#5 856 8 *F ,7E6$% ;D ($,$% @ @;EB$* *;%9 8$#$8 ;D
`C 9@;7,* ,(IB% @$ @;EB$* * ;, 5,C 9*5*79 ;D <=<>N9 976@7*5,$;79 =5A$,52 Z$$ *)$
`=5A$,5 >$,$% @ g,*%F Z@$,5% ; <,58F9 9 9$@* ;, ;D *) 9 %$B;%* D;% 5CC * ;,58 C$*5 892
`4$ 6$8 $#$ *)5* 9$#$%58 EB;%*5,* E * (5* ,( D5@*;%9 5%$ 8 A$8F *; )$8B <=<> %$*5 , 5
`85%($%-*)5,-5,* @ B5*$C B;%* ;, ;D =5A$,5 E5%A$* 9)5%$ $#$, , *)$ @59$ ;D E78* B8$
`($,$% @ $,*%5,*92
`%9* &$ 6$8 $#$ *)5* *)$ =5A$,5 U5%$ U;,,$@* )76 &) @) @7%%$,*8F
`)5,C8$9 *&; *) %C9 ;D 588 =5A$,5 B%$9@% B* ;,9 9 B; 9$C *; )$8B <=<> *)%;7()
`8$#$%5( ,( 9*%;,( B)F9 @ 5, %$85* ;,9) B9 5,C &;%A ,( *)%;7() #5% ;79 B5F;% 997$9 5,C
`)7%C8$9 *)5* @;78C 5% 9$ , 5 ($,$% @ M5* ;,2 4$ 589; 6$8 $#$ *)$ 857,@) ,( ;D 5,
`57*);% M$C ($,$% @ D;%E 9 8 A$8F *; )$8B <=<> %$*5 , 9)5%$ 586$ * 5* 5 8;&$% ,$* B% @$
`*)5, *)$ 6%5,C$C 58*$%,5* #$2 < *) %C E * (5* ,( D5@*;% D;% );8C ,( 9)5%$ 9 *)5* ;,8F
`[P\‘ ;D *)$ @7%%$,* =5A$,5 679 ,$99 9 $OB;9$C *; =$C @5 C *)$ E;9* B% @$ 9$,9 * #$
`5%$5 ;D *)$ E5%A$*2 4$ 6$8 $#$ <=<> 9 8 A$8F *; %$*5 , 5 9 (, D @5,* B;%* ;, ;D 9)5%$ ,
`=$C @5 C 58*);7() 5CE **$C8F 5* 5 8;&$% ,$* B% @$ *)5, &)5* 9 %$58 M$C , *)$
`@;EE$%@ 58 B $@$ ;D *)$ 679 ,$992
`, ;7% #5875* ;, &$ @;,9 C$% *)$ = 5,C ZU =5A$,5 %$#$,7$ 9*%$5E9 C 9* ,@*8F2 , ;7%
`659$ @59$ &$ 5997E$ *)$%$ 9 ;,$ ($,$% @ =5A$,5 $,*%5,* , 03PQ 5,C *)5* ZU =5A$,5
`%$@$ #$9 5BB%;#58 ;, *)$ $6%75%F PQ*) LcY < C5*$2 4$ 589; 5997E$ *)5* <=<>
`857,@)$9 *9 ;&, 57*);% M$C ($,$% @ E5*@) ,( *)$ B% @$ ;D *)$ @;EB$* ,( ($,$% @2 , *) 9
`9@$,5% ; &$ 9$$ 6%5,C$C = =5A$,5 9)5%$ $%;C ,( %5B C8F ;DD9$* 6F 7B*5A$ ;D 6;*) *)$
`6%5,C$C ZU D;%E 5,C 57*);% M$C ($,$% @ D;%E ;D = =5A$,52 4$ 9$$ 958$9 C$@8 , ,( X\‘
`, *) 9 9@$,5% ; #9 03P]2 , ;7% 659$ @59$ &$ 599 (, 5 P33‘ B%;656 8 *F ;D 97@@$99 *; *)$
`= =5A$,5 %$#$,7$ 9*%$5E &) @) ,@;%B;%5*$9 6;*) *)$ 6%5,C$C 5,C 57*);% M$C
`($,$% @ 5,C 13‘ B%;656 8 *F ;D 97@@$99 *; *)$ ZU D;%E ;D =5A$,5 ( #$, *)$ E O$C Lh
`C5*52 e) 9 %$978*9 , 5 659$ @59$ #5875* ;, ;D /] B$% 9)5%$ D;% = =5A$,5 5,C /X B$%
`9)5%$ D;% ZU =5A$,5 ;% [/P3 B$% 9)5%$ D;% *)$ @;E6 ,$C =5A$,5 D%5,@) 9$2 <9 &$
`C$*5 8 , *)$ =5A$,5 >$,$% @ g,*%F Z@$,5% ; <,58F9 9 9$@* ;, ;D *) 9 %$B;%* &$ 6$8 $#$
`*)$ D7,C5E$,*58 #587$ ;D =5A$,5 %5,($9 D%;E [/\ B$% 9)5%$ , ;7% &;%9*-@59$ 9@$,5% ;
`R,; ZU =5A$,5 E78* B8$ ($,$% @ $,*%5,*9S *; [/01 B$% 9)5%$ , ;7% 6$9* @59$ 9@$,5% ;
`RZU 5BB%;#58 & *) 0 F$5% C$85F$C ($,$% @ $,*%FS2
`e)$ %$978*9 ;D ;7% 9@$,5% ; 5,58F9 9 97(($9* 5 %5,($ ;D [/\ ;D D7,C5E$,*58 C;&,9 C$ #92
`[/P1 ;D D7,C5E$,*58 7B9 C$ 5,C $#$, , *)$ &;%9*-@59$ 9@$,5% ; ;D ,; ZU =5A$,5
`Page 10 of 61


`MorganStanley | nzsmcn
`approval and mult ple generc entrants our NPV for AMAG shares rema ns ~25% above
`current levels lead ng us to suggest that the bear case for Makena 5 already largely
`reflected n AMAG's current share pr ce.
`Exhibit 4: Makena Revenue Eros on Base Case
`Exhflt 5: Makena Market Share Poa—ODE Exp ry Base Case
` sffifir‘ififififfiif
`htnrosa for dyspareunia: AMAG acqu red ntrarosa a vag nal nsert for the treatment
`of dyspareun a (pa n dur ng sexual ntercourse) a common symptom of vulvar vag nal
`atrophy (WA) due to menopause v a a lcens ng deal wth Endoceut cs n eb 2017
`launch ng the drug n July wth a 137 rep f eld sales force. The current market for
`dyspareun a treatments cons sts of estrogen-based therap es wh ch generate more than
`$1bn n sales annually. ntrarosa wh ch conta ns the stero d prasterone s the frst
`prescr pt on treatment approved w thout a Black Box warn ng related to estrogen-
`conta n ng therap es.
`As deta led n the ntrarosa - AlphaW se Survey Supports D fferent ated Prof le and
`$300mn+ Peak Revenues sect on of th 5 report our August 2017 AlphaW se survey of
`108 OB/GYNs n the US revealed that phys cans overwhelm ngly v ew ntrarosa as a
`pos t vely d fferent ated treatment opt on due to ts lack of boxed warn ng. Wh le we
`bel eve the launch s lkely to be gradual wth gat ng factors nclud ng lack of phys c an
`awareness payor hurdles and formulary acceptance tak ng months to resolve we note
`that th s has largely become the norm w th most recent drug launches. We advocate
`look ng beyond the n t al weekly and monthly prescr pt on launch data to the larger
`potent al of th 5 product wh ch our external d lgence and propr etary AlphaW se survey
`nd cate s substant al w th phys c ans ntend ng to prescr be ntrarosa to ~25% of the r
`dyspareun a pat ents.
`n our deta led prescr pt on-based model for ntrarosa we have d v ded the market nto
`f ve d st nct opportun t es nclud ng (1) ex st ng local cream treatments (Estrace and
`Premar n) (2) ex st ng vag nal nsert market (Vag fern and generc equ valents) (3) other
`dyspareun a prescr pt ons (nclud ng Estr ng and Osphena) and (It) a market expans on
`opportun ty for ntrarosa to potent ally tap nto pat ents w th an elevated r sk of
`develop ng breast cancer ('Moderate R sk') and S) a second market expans on
`opportun ty n pat ents wth a h story of breast cancer who would otherw se not seek
`therapeut c ntervent on w th one of the estrogen-conta n ng alternat ves due to the
`Page 11 of 61


`MorganStanley | REweH
`lack of black box warn ng language. We bel eve the greatest penetrat on s lkely to
`come from the vag nal nserts opportun ty model ng ~2h96 peak share nto th 5 segment
`n l ne w th our AlphaW se survey results. We model sl ghtly less penetrat on nto
`pat ents ut l 2 ng vag nal creams or other estrogen-conta n ng therap es.
`We bel eve the expans on opportun t es represent a un que opportun ty for ntrarosa
`gven the drug's lack of black box warn ng relat ve to other estrogen-conta n ng
`alternat ves. We conservat vely model a s ngle d g t percentage penetrat on nto the
`'Moderate R sk' group of women wh ch we def ne as those women 55 and older who
`have an elevated rsk of breast cancer. nally we model a low 5 ngle d gt percentage
`penetrat on nto pat ents w th 3 h story of breast cancer who also exper ence symptoms
`of WA. Wh le we acknowledge the presence of 'Warn ng and Precaut on' language n
`the label stat ng that ntrarosa has not been tested n these pat ents we do bel eve that
`among the ~2mn women w th late onse

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