September 19, 2017 19:12 E
`19:12 E '-
`BMO 9 Capital Markets
`Pacira Pharmaceuticals
`Specialty Pharmaceuticals
`Rat ng
`Market Perform
`Pr ce: Sep 19
`ota Rtn
`August Exparel Sales Up From July, but Still tracking
`Well Below 3Q Consensus
`Gary Nachman
`ga y nachman@bmo com
`N coe Ge In no, MPH
`n co e ge m no@bmo com
`Ann-Hunte Van K k
`ah vank k@bmo com
`ega Ent ty
`BMO (ap ta Markets (orp.
`Ana yst
`(212) 883-5113
`(212) 885-4187
`(212) 883-5176
`Bottom line: Symphony sa es data for August were re eased ton ght, and Expare
`cont nues to track be ow expectat ons. August sa es were up 7.7% Y/Y and mproved
`from ju y, but sa es per se ng day were actua y down 0.4% from pr or month. We
`caveat that these th rd party data have not a ways been comp ete y re ab e n the
`past, a though the ast coup e of quarters have been very c ose to PCRX’s reported sa es
`(2017 spot on). We ma nta n our Market Perform.
`ZYR Price Volume Char
`Key Points
`- Accord ng to Symphony, Expare sa es for August were $22.9mm (+17% Y/Y), and
`$3 es per se ng day were $0.996mm, down 0.4% from ju y 2017 and at the owest
`eve s nce January of th 5 year (see Exh b t 1).
`If Symphony’s ju y/August sa es are c ose to be ng accurate, then Expare w have
`to ramp up 5 gn f cant y to ach eve 3Q consensus of $72.5mm (our est mate 5
`$72.8mm). We project the Y/Y growth wou d have to be about 32% for September to
`ach eve our 30 est mate (see Exh b t 1), wh ch we th nk s a very un ke y scenar o.
`It cou d a so be very cha eng ng to ach eve the (U year gu dance for Expare
`(5290 310mm) even at the ower end of the range (we re current y at $292mm and
`consensus s $293mm). We are expect ng a more mean ngfu ramp for the rest of the
`year from the M partnersh p and typ ca seasona ty n 40 for procedures, but based
`on the Symphony data thus far 30 has been more cha eng ng than expected.
`- Aga n, we caveat that the th rd party sa es data (Symphony and IMS) are not
`a ways comp ete y re ab e and accurate, but they have genera y proven to be good
`nd cators espec a y n the ast quarter (IMS August sa es data w be ava ab e 9/29).
`In add t on, PCRX has h gh ghted that a at of the tra n ng that was tak ng p ace
`w th the JNj/DPS team as they beg n to promote Expare n the ortho space was
`substant a y comp eted by the end of August. hus, we wou d expect to see more
`of an nf ect on n the Expare trajectory n the th rd party data beg nn ng next month
`and progress ve y get better for the rest of the year and nto next year. However, the
`bar for ach ev ng that type of sa es trajectory appears to be gett ng h gher and may
`be much harder to reach.
`.10 l
`LHS Price (9/ R113 Volume (mm)
`Source ractSet
`Company Description
`Pac a Pha maceut ca 5 s a spec a ty pha ma company w th
`p oducts nco po at ng DepoFoam de ve y techno ogy,
`wh ch 5 des gned to extended e ease adm n st at on
`of d ugs w thout a te ng the mo ecu 3 st uctu e The
`company’s ead p oduct, Expa e , ut zes DepoFoam
`techno ogy to de ve ong-act ng bup vaca ne to the
`t eatment of postsu 9 ca pa n
`Biogen Exhibit 2182
`Page 1 of 5
`P ease ele to pages 3 to 5 to mp0 tant D sc osu es, nc ud ng Ana yst 5 Ce tl cat on Mylan V. Blogen Resea (h
`IPR 2018-01403
`ndust y
`Resea (h
`Mode s


`BMO 9 Capital Markets
`Exhibit 1: Exparel Symphony and IMS Sales Data
`Jan 2017
`Feb 2017
`Mar 2017
`Apr 2017
`Jun 2017
`Jul 2017
`May 2017
`Aug 2017
`Sep 2017
` ms Reported Sales
`YOY Change
`IMS Quarter
`PCRX reported I BMO Estimate
`IMS 010 change
`Sales per selling day
`MIM Change
`IMS Quarterly Sales/Day
`QIQ change
`Symphony Reported Sales
`YOY Change
`Symphony Quarter
`PCRX reported / BMO Estimate
`Symphony QIQ change
`Sales per selling day
`MIM Change
`Symphony Quarterly Sales/Day
`QIQ change
`20,634,1 79
`21 ,319,797
`$1 ,122,095
`23,742,91 3
`21 ,993,864
`22,911 .686
`Source: Symphony Health, IMS, BMO Capital Markets, Company Reports
`Page 2 of 5
`Pac a Pha maceut (a s Page 2
`Septembe 19, 2017


`BMO 9 Capital Markets
`Undzmoo I:Und:s36.or Undzmoo Undzszsoo Mktsssoo Mktusoo Mktsazoo Mktuooo
`07/26!" W02!”
`W6 06/30/16
`Oct 2014
`Jan 2015
`Apr 2015
`Jul 2015
`0d 2015
`Jan 2016
`Apr 2016
`Jul 2016
`Oct 2016
`Jan 2017 Apr 2017
`Jul 2017
`Target Pr ce
`Outperform (0?); Market Perform (Mkt); Underperfonn (Und); Speculative (S); Suspended (Spd); Not Rated (NR); Restricted (ll)
`Source: FadSet, BMO Capital Market
`Analyst's Certification
`I, Gary Nachman, hereby cert fy that the v ews expressed n th 5 report accurate y ref ect my persona v ews about the subject secur t es or
`ssuers. I a so cert fy that no part of my compensat on was, s, or w be, d rect y or nd rect y, re ated to the spec fc recommendat ons or v ews
`expressed n th 5 report.
`Ana ysts who prepared th 5 report are compensated based upon (among other factors) the overa prof tab ty of 8M0 Cap ta Markets and
`the r aff ates, wh ch nc udes the overa prof tab ty of nvestment bank ng serv ces. Compensat on for research 5 based on effect veness n
`generat ng new deas and n commun cat on of deas to c ents, performance of recommendat ons, accuracy of earn ngs est mates, and serv ce
`to c ents.
`Ana ysts emp oyed by 8M0 Nesb tt Burns Inc. and/or 8M0 Cap ta Markets l m ted are not reg stered as research ana ysts w th FINRA. hese
`ana ysts may not be assoc ated persons of 8M0 Cap ta Markets Corp. and therefore may not be subject to the FINRA Ru e 2241 restr ct ons on
`commun cat ons w th a subject company, pub c appearances and trad ng secur t es he d by a research ana yst account.
`Methodology and Risks to target Price/Valuation for Pacira Pharmaceuticals (PCRX-NSDQ)
`Methodology: Our pr ce target of $40 5 based on our DCF us ng a d scount rate of 9.5% and ext mu t p e of 6x 2021E EBI DA.
`Risks: 1) Caut ous feedback from phys c ans on ncreas ng use of Expare , 2) cont nued pushback from hosp ta formu ar es as they face cost
`pressures and the need to have better everage n the hosp ta sett ng, 3) potent a compet t on to Expare from other ong act ng bup vaca ne
`products down the road, 4) expectat ons that are very h gh for the Expare sa es trajectory and uncerta nty regard ng the potent a mpact from
`N partnersh p and nerve b ock nd cat on, and 5) h gher spend ng eve 5 nc ud ng roya tes to M that w cr mp prof tab ty f Expare sa es
`don't acce erate qu ck y enough.
`Distribution of Ratings (September 18, 2017)
`Rat ng catego y
`BMO at n
`Un ve se'
`Un ve se
`C ents“
`C ents‘“
`Un ve se"""
`C ents“'“
`Sta M ne
`' Ref ects rat ng d str but on of a compan es covered by BMO Cap ta Markets Corp. equ ty research ana ysts.
`“ Ref ects rat ng d str but on of a compan es from wh ch 8M0 Cap ta Markets Corp. has rece ved compensat on for Investment Bank ng serv ces
`as percentage w th n rat ngs category.
`compan es from wh ch BMO Cap ta Markets Corp. has rece ved compensat on for Investment Bank ng
`“' Ref ects rat ng d str but on of a
`serv ces as percentage of Investment Bank ng c ents.
`““ Ref ects rat ng d str but on of a compan es covered by BMO Cap ta Markets equ ty research ana ysts.
`“'“ Ref ects rat ng d str but on of a compan es from wh ch BMO Cap ta Markets has rece ved compensat on for Investment Bank ng serv ces
`as percentage of Investment Bank ng c ents.
`Ratings Key (as of October 2016)
`We use the to ow ng rat ngs system def n t ons:
`Page 3 of 5
`Pac a Pha maceut ca 5 Page 3
`Septembe 19, 2017


`BMO 9 Capital Markets
`0P Outperform Forecast to outperform the ana yst’s coverage un verse on a tota return has 5;
`Mkt Market Perform Forecast to perform rough y n ne w th the ana yst’s coverage un verse on a tota return bas s;
`Und Underperform Forecast to underperform the ana yst’s coverage un verse on a tota return has 5;
`Specu at ve nvestment;
`Spd Suspended Coverage and rat ng suspended unt coverage 5 re nstated;
`NR No Rated No rat ng at th s t me; and
`R Restr cted D ssem nat on of research s current y restr cted.
`8M0 Cap ta Markets seven op 15 sts gu de nvestors to our best deas accord ng to d fferent object ves (CON large Cap, CDN Sma Cap, US
`large Cap, US Sma Cap, Income, (DN Guam, and US Quant have rep aced the op P ck rat ng).
`Prior 8M0 Capital Markets Rating System
`(April 2013 - October 2016)
`research oba .bmoca ta marketscom documents 2013 ratn ke
`2013 to 2016. df
`(january 2010 - April 2013)
`research oba.bmoca ta documents 2013
`ror ratn s stem. df
`Other Important Disclosures
`Important Dsc osures on the stocks dscussed n ths report, pease go to httpzflresearchg oba .bmocap ta (1
`Company D sc osure Pub caspx or wrte to Ed tora Department, 8M0 Cap ta Markets, 3 mes Square, New York, NY 10036 or Ed tora
`Department, 8M0 Cap ta Markets, 1 F rst Canad an P ace, oronto, Ontar o, MSX 1H3.
`Dissemination of Researdl
`D ssem nat on of BMO Cap ta Markets Equ ty Research 5 ava ab e v a our webs te httpszfiresearch ca.bmoca_p ta cLSecurel
`Log n.aspx? ReturnUr
`[Member/Home/ResearchHomeaspx. Inst tut ona c ents may a so rece ve our research v a homson Reuters, B oomberg,
`FactSet, and Cap ta IQ. Research reports and other commentary are requ red to be 5 mu taneous y d ssem nated nterna y and externa y to
`ourc ents.
`~ Research d str but on and approva tmes are prov ded on the cover of each report. mes are approx mat ons as system and d str but on
`processes are not exact and can vary based on the sender and rec p ents’ serv ces. Un ess otherw se noted, tmes are Eastern Standard and
`when two t mes are prov ded, the approva t me precedes the d str but on t me.
`8M0 Cap ta Markets may use propr etary mode 5 n the preparat on of reports. Matera nformat on about such mode 5 may be obta ned by
`contact ng the research ana yst d rect y. here 5 no p anned frequency of updates to th 5 report.
`General Disclaimer
`"8M0 Cap ta Markets" 5 a trade name used by the BMO Investment Bank ng Group, wh ch nc udes the who esa e arm of Bank of Montrea and
`ts subs d ar es BMO Nesb tt Burns Inc., 8M0 Cap ta Markets L m ted n the U.K. and BMO Cap ta Markets Corp. n the U5. BMO Nesb tt Burns
`Inc., 8M0 Cap ta Markets L m ted and 8M0 Cap ta Markets Corp are aff ates. Bank of Montrea or ts subs d ar es ("8M0 F nanc a Group“) has
`end ng arrangements w th, or prov de other remunerated serv ces to, many ssuers covered by BMO Cap ta Markets. he op n ons, est mates
`and project ons conta ned n th 5 report are those of 8M0 Cap ta Markets as of the date of th 5 report and are subject to change w thout not ce.
`BMO Cap ta Markets endeavours to ensure that the contents have been comp ed or derved from sources that we be eve are re ab e and
`conta n nformat on and op n ons that are accurate and comp ete. However, BMO Cap ta Markets makes no representat on or warranty, express
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`s not an offer to se or the so c tat on of an offer to buy any secur ty. 8M0 Cap ta Markets or ts aff ates w buy from or se to customers
`the secur t es of ssuers ment oned n th 5 report on a pr nc pa has 5. 8M0 Cap ta Markets or ts aff ates, off cers, d rectors or emp oyees have
`a ong or short post on n many of the secur t es d scussed here n, re ated secur t es or n opt ons, futures or other der vat ve nstruments based
`thereon. he reader shou d assume that 8M0 Cap ta Markets or ts aff ates may have a conf ct of nterest and shou d not re y so e y on th 5
`report n eva uat ng whether or not to buy or se secur t es of ssuers d scussed here n.
`Additional Matters
`0 Canad an Res dents: BMO Nesb tt Burns Inc. furn shes th 5 report to Canad an res dents and accepts respons b ty for the contents here n
`subject to the terms set out above. Any Canad an person w sh ng to effect transact ons n any of the secur t es nc uded n th 5 report shou (I
`do so through BMO Nesb tt Burns Inc.
`he fo ow ng app es f th 5 research was prepared n who e or n part by Andrew Bre chmanas, A exander Pearce, Dav d Round, Edward Sterck
`or Brendan Warn: h 5 research 5 not prepared subject to Canad an d sc osure requ rements. h 5 research 5 prepared by 8M0 Cap ta Markets
`l m ted and subject to the regu at ons of the F nanc a Conduct Author ty (FCA) n the Un ted K ngdom. FCA regu at ons requ re that a f rm prov d ng
`research d sc ose ts ownersh p nterest n the ssuer that s the subject of the research f t and ts aff ates own 5% or more of the equ ty of the
`ssuer. Canad an regu at ons requ re that a f rm prov d ng research d sc ose ts ownersh p nterest n the ssuer that s the subject of the research
`Page 4 of 5
`Pac a Pha maceut ca 5 Page 4
`Septembe 19, 2017


`BMO 9 Capital Markets
`f t and ts aff ates own 1% or more of the equ ty of the ssuer that s the subject of the research. herefore BMO Cap ta Markets L m ted w
`d sc ose ts and ts aff ates ownersh p nterest n the subject ssuer on y f such ownersh p exceeds 5% of the equ ty of the ssuer.
`0 EU. Res dents: In an EU. Member State th 5 document 5 ssued and d str buted by 8M0 Cap ta Markets l m ted wh ch 5 author sed and
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`0 U.S. Res dents: 8M0 Cap ta Markets Corp. furn shes th 5 report to us. res dents and accepts respons b ty for the contents here n, except to
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`0 U.K. Res dents: In the UK th 5 document 5 pub shed by 8M0 Cap ta Markets l m ted wh ch 5 author sed and regu ated by the F nanc a Conduct
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`BMO F nanc a G oup (NYSE, TSX: BMO) s an nteg ated fnanc a se v ces p ov de offe ng a ange of eta bank ng, wea th management, and nvestment and co po ate
`bank ng p oducts 8M0 se ves Canad an eta c ents th ough 8M0 Bank of Mont ea and BMo Nesb tt Bu ns n the Un ted States, pe sona and comme c a bank ng
`c ents a e se ved by BMO Ha
`5 Bank N A , (Membe FD C) nvestment and co po ate bank ng se v ces a e p ov ded n Canada and the US th ough BMO Cap ta Ma kets
`5 Bank N A, (Membe FD C), BMO
`8M0 Cap ta Ma kets s a t ade name used by BMO F nanc a G oup fo the who esa e bank ng bus nesses of Bank of Mont ea , 8M0 Ha
`e and P c, and Bank of Mont ea (Ch na) Co ltd and the nst tut ona b oke dea e bus nesses of BMO Cap ta Ma kets Co p (Membe 5 PC) n the U S , 8M0 Nesb tt Bu ns
`nc (Membe Canad an nvesto P otect on Fund) II Canada, Eu ope, and As a, BMO Cap ta Ma kets l m ted n Eu ope and Aust a a and IMO Adv so 5 P vate l m ted n nd a
`G) Reg ste ed t adema k of Bank of Mont ea n the Un ted States, Canada and e sewhe e
`1M I adema k Bank of Mont ea
`Page 5 of 5
`Pac a Pha maceut ca 5 Page 5
`A membe of BMO 9 Financial Group
`Septembe 19, 2017

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