
`acylcarnitine in secondary carnitine deficiency. Neurology
`33. Zaccara G, Paganini M, Campostrini R, et al. Effect of associated
`antiepileptic treatment on valproate-induced hyperammonemia.
`Ther Drug Monit 1985;7:185-190.
`34. Haidukewych D, John G, Zielinski JJ, Rodin EA. Chronic val-
`proic acid therapy and incidence of increases in venous plasma
`ammonia. Ther Drug Monit 1985;71290-294.
`35. Warter JM, Marescaux C, Brandt C. et al. Sodium valproate
`associated with phenobarbital: efl‘ects of ammonia metabolism in
`humans. Epilepsia 1983;24:628—633.
`36. Marescaux C, Warter JM, Brandt C, et al. Adaptation of hepatic
`ammonia metabolism after chronic valproate administration in
`epileptics treated with phenytoin. Eur Neurol 1985;24:191-195.
`Autoimmunity in multiple sclerosis
`Jacques De Keyser, MD
`Article abstract—Multiple sclerosis reportedly coexists with disorders of autoimmune origin. The prevalence with which such
`disorders occur in the MS population has not been adequately investigated. We reviewed the medical records of 828 patients with
`definite MS and found that 4.8% had a past or present associated disorder in which autoimmune mechanisms presumably play a
`role. The cumulative prevalence of these disorders was no higher than that estimated for the general population. Serum from 105
`patients, without clinical evidence of an associated autoimmune disorder, was tested for the presence of antinuclear, thyroid,
`parietal cell, smooth muscle, and mitochondrial antibodies. A significantly higher prevalence (p < 0.01) of generally low titers of
`one or more autoantibodies was found in serum from the MS group, compared with a control group of 105 patients with other
`neurologic disorders. The increased frequency of serum autoantibodies probably reflects the existence of a nonspecific B cell
`overactivity in MS.
`NEUROLOGY 1988;38:371—374
`Extensive evidence indicates that immune mechanisms
`are disturbed in multiple sclerosis. However, it is un-
`clear whether these abnormalities play a primary role in
`its pathogenesis or represent only an epi-
`phenomenon.“3 The autoimmune hypothesis of MS is
`based mainly on the pathologic similarity of the disease
`with chronic relapsing experimental allergic encepha-
`MS in most, but not all, ethnic groups has been
`linked with particular HLA antigens,2 and studies of
`peripheral blood T cell subpopulations in MS pa-
`tients demonstrated reductions in the number of T
`suppressor cells.*'*7 An association with specific HLA
`antigens, which are concerned with the control of the
`immune response, as well as alterations in the balance
`of the immunoregulatory T cell subpopulations, have
`been noted in a variety of autoimmune disorders?10
`Autoimmune diseases tend to occur in combina-
`tion. The finding that a disease is more frequently
`associated with recognized autoimmune disorders
`than would be expected by chance may thus provide
`an indication that the disease itself has an autoim-
`mune basis. A classic example is myasthenia gravis.
`Before acetylcholine receptors were discovered, my-
`asthenia gravis was postulated to have an autoim-
`mune pathogenesis,” based on associations with
`other autoimmune disorders.
`MS has been reported in combination with disorders
`of autoimmune origin (see “Discussion”). However,
`most of these proposed associations are based on case
`reports. The prevalence of putative autoimmune disor-
`ders in the MS population has not been fully investi-
`gated. The purpose of this study was to find out if there
`is evidence for more generalized autoimmune reactions
`in MS.
`Patients and methods. We reviewed the medical records
`ofpatients who attended the National Hospital for Nervous
`Diseases (London), between 1979 and 1984, with clinically
`or laboratory-supported definite MS, as defined by Poser et
`al.” The study population consisted of 828 patients (537
`females and 291 males) ranging in age from 12 to 79 years.
`We screened the records for past or present associated dis-
`orders in which autoimmune mechanisms are considered to
`play a role.
`Serum from 105 MS patients without clinical evidence
`of an associated autoimmune disorder was analyzed for the
`presence of antinuclear, thyroid, parietal cell, smooth mus-
`cle, and mitochondrial antibodies. None of these patients
`had been selected on clinical grounds, but the presence of
`autoantibodies was assessed as part of an initial routine
`evaluation before the diagnosis of MS was established. A
`control group consisted of patients with other neurologic
`disorders, matched for age and sex to the patients with MS,
`From the Department of Neurology, National Hospital for Nervous Diseases. London, UK.
`Supported by the British Council.
`Received April 22, 1987. Accepted for publication in final form July 2. 1987.
`Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. De Keyser, Department of Neurology, Akademisch Ziekenhuis, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Laarbeeklaan 101,
`B- 1090 Brussels, Belgium.
`Page 1 of 4
`Biogen Exhibit 2114
`March 1988 NEUROLOGY 38 371
`Mylan v. Biogen
`IPR 2018-01403
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`Biogen Exhibit 2114
`Mylan v. Biogen
`IPR 2018-01403


`Table 1. Associated disorders with autoimmune
`Table 2. Autoantibodies in MS patients and controls‘
`Associated disorders
`Rheumatoid arthritis
`Ankylosing spondylitis
`Polymyalgia rheumatica
`Ulcerstive colitis
`Celiac disease
`Primary biliary cirrhosis
`Chronic atrophic gastritis
`Alopecia universalis
`Cutaneous lupus
`Type I diabetes mellitus
`Primary hypothyroidism
`Chronic inflammatory
`No. of
`1 One patient suffered from rheumatoid arthritis and hyperthyroidism.
`' 1n the population aged 50 years or older.
`who had been admitted during the same period. Patients with
`overt autoimmune disease were not included. The mean age
`for the patients with MS was 35 years; controls had a mean age
`of 39 years. The controls suffered from the following condi-
`tions: cerebrovascular disorders (19), movement disorders
`(11). headache and other pain syndromes (41). functional dis-
`orders (20), idiopathic epilepsy (8), nerve entrapment (4), and
`positional vertigo (2). Indirect immunofluorescence was used
`to screen serum diluted at 1:10 for antibodies reactive with
`cell nuclei. gastric parietal cells, smooth muscle, and mito-
`chondria. Rat kidney, stomach, and liver (Biodiagnostics
`Ltd.) were the receptive substrates. All serum positive at
`1:10 was further titrated. Thyroglobulin and microsomal
`antibodies were analyzed by a Thymune-M kit (Wellcome
`Diagnostic) and titers of, respectively, a 1:10 and Z 1:100
`were considered positive. The 12 test was used for statistical
`Results. Associated autoimmune disorders. Forty pa-
`tients (4.8%) had a past or present disorder in which
`autoimmune mechanisms were believed to be impli-
`cated. A list is given in table 1.
`Rheumatoid arthritis was diagnosed in five patients;
`in one this was associated with Sjogren’s syndrome, and
`one had previously been treated with 13‘1 for hyper-
`thyroidism. One patient had longstanding ankylosing
`spondylitis, and a 50-year-old woman was in remission
`of polymyalgia rheumatica after prolonged treatment
`with corticosteroids.
`Two patients developed a chronic inflammatory de-
`myelinating neuropathy after the clinical onset of MS.
`They are described in detail by Thomas et al13 (cases 1
`and 3).
`age 131'
`MS patients
`(a = 106)
`(a - 105)
`Organ-specific antibodies
`Thyroid (thyroglobulin
`and/or microsomal)
`Parietal cell
`Non-organ-specific antibodies
`Smooth muscle
`Total patients with one or
`more autoantibodies
`48 (41%)
`24 (23%)
`< 0.01
`' Only patients who did not have clinical evidence of associated
`autoimmune disease are included.
`1‘ 12 test.
`Two patients had a history of ulcerative colitis; one
`was in remission for many years, and the other was
`under treatment with sulfasalazine and prednisolone.
`One patient suffered from celiac disease, one had
`chronic autoimmune atrophic gastritis with vitamin
`B12 malabsorption, and in another primary biliary cir-
`rhosis was diagnosed by liver biopsy.
`Vitiligo was present in two patients; in one this was
`familial. One patient suffered from alopecia universalis
`with no regrowth of body hair for a follow-up period of 2
`years. Cutaneous lupus erythematosus was diagnosed
`by skin biopsy in one patient in whom there was no
`evidence of systemic involvement.
`Thirty patients had evidence of past or present thy-
`roid disease. We excluded those who had undergone
`surgical treatment for an adenoma (2), cyst (2), or un-
`known reason (2), and those with a goiter in whom
`available data were insufficient to suspect an autoim-
`mune etiology (5). Hyperthyroidism occurred in 15
`(7 had undergone partial thyroidectomy, and 8 had been
`treated medically with "“1 or antithyroid drugs). Pri-
`mary “idopathic” hypothyroidism was present in four
`patients. Ten were treated for diabetes mellitus, but
`only four suffered from the insulin-dependent form
`(type I diabetes mellitus).
`The estimated prevalences for most of these disor-
`ders (the prevalence for some is not well established) are
`also shown in table 1. The cumulative prevalence of the
`putative autoimmune disorders in the MS group
`(4.92%) was no higher than that expected for the gen-
`eral population (5.12%).
`Autoantibodies. Table 2 shows the prevalence of se-
`rum autoantibodies in the 105 MS and 105 control
`patients, of whom none had clinical evidence of associ-
`ated autoimmune disease. There was a significantly
`higher prevalence of organ-specific as well as non-
`organ-specific antibodies in the MS group than in con-
`trols. Forty-one percent of the MS patients had one or
`more circulating autoantibodies as compared with 23%
`in the control group (p < 0.01). While only titers equal
`to or greater than 1:10 were accepted as positive, the


`levels of antinuclear antibodies were low in both groups.
`The highest titer detected in the MS patients was 1 : 160,
`and in controls 1:80. Similarly, the titers of smooth
`muscle cell, and mitochondrial and parietal cell (with
`the exceptition of four patients) antibodies were low
`(not greater than 1: 10). Four patients (three of the MS
`and one of the control group) had higher titers of pari-
`etal cell antibodies. All four had normal hematologic
`and vitamin B12 values. The patients with thyroid anti-
`bodies were euthyroid.
`Discussion. The present study shows that 4.8% of
`patients with MS had an associated disorder in which
`autoimmune mechanisms are generally believed to play
`a role. However, the cumulative prevalence of these
`disorders is no higher than that expected for the general
`population and is considerably lower than that reported
`for myasthenia gravis (11%).“
`Thyroid disease, rheumatoid arthritis, hypothyroid-
`ism and insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus were most
`commonly encountered. However, these diseases also
`occur with a higher frequency than the others in the
`general population, and their prevalence in the MS
`group did not differ significantly from their expected
`prevalence. The prevalence in the MS group of some of
`the more uncommon disorders, such as primary biliary
`cirrhosis, may well appear to be statistically significant.
`However, the fact that this occurred in only one out of
`828 patients makes such associations clinically insig-
`A similar study by Baker et al15 identified only nine
`cases out of 328 patients with MS (2.7%) who had an
`associated autoimmune disease. They found four cases
`with thyroid disease (one of whom also suffered from
`chronic atrophic gastritis), two with rheumatoid arthri-
`tis, one with pemphigus vulgaris, one with autoimmune
`Addison’s disease, and another with chronic atrophic
`gastritis. None of the previously reported associations
`in case studies, including myasthenia gravis,“19 sys-
`temic lupus erythematosus,”22 bullous pemphigoid,23
`eosinophilic vasculitis,24 and chronic idiopathic throm-
`bocytopenic purpura25 were represented in the present
`as well as in Baker’s series.
`Rang et al26 reported an unexpectedly high incidence
`of MS in females with ulcerative colitis who had under-
`gone total colectomy and terminal ileostomy. A number
`of cases of MS developing in patients with ankylosing
`spondylitis have been described.“29 We found only two
`patients with ulcerative colitis and one with ankylosing
`spondylitis, which does not support a strong association
`between MS and these two disorders.
`Particularly intriguing is the concurrence of a
`chronic inflammatory demyelinating neuropathy
`with MS. A number of cases with the chronic as well
`as with the acute form of inflammatory demyelinating
`neuropathy have been reported.13~3°‘32 The two cases
`included in this study are described in the recent
`paper by Thomas et a1,la who collected four other
`similar cases.
`In contrast with the lack of a significant association
`with autoimmune disorders is the finding that serum
`from MS patients contained significantly more organ-
`Page 3 of 4
`specific as well as non-organ-specific antibodies than
`controls. The increase was mainly due to a higher fre-
`quency of parietal cell and antinuclear antibodies. How—
`ever, the titers of all these antibodies were generally low.
`These data agree with the findings of Dore-Duffy et a],33
`that significantly more patients with MS than controls
`have low levels of antinuclear antibodies in their serum.
`In addition, Kiessling and Pflughaupt34 reported a
`higher incidence of microsomal thyroid antibodies in
`MS patients, although thyroid function was not dis-
`turbed to a greater degree than in other forms of chronic
`T cells seem to play a crucial role in the regulation
`of humoral immune responses by acting as poten-
`tiators (T helper cells) or inhibitors (T suppressor
`cells) of the immunoglobulin production by B cells.
`Tolerance for self-antigens is brought about through
`the action of T suppressor cells.“'10 Impaired T sup-
`pressor cell function is thus one of the proposed mech-
`anisms for the generation of autoimmune responses.
`Reductions in circulating T suppressor cells occur in
`MS patients,”7 but whether these changes contribute
`to the pathogenesis of the disease or represent only
`secondary effects of the disease process is not clear?”-9
`A decline in T suppressor cells could theoretically
`account for the higher frequency of low levels of vari-
`ous autoantibodies in the MS serum. The findings
`that MS patients and their siblings tend to have in-
`creased serum antibody titers against a variety of
`viruses?“-37 also points to the existence of a possibly
`genetically determined, nonspecific B cell overac-
`tivity in MS. However, the role of the T suppressor
`cells in causing this B cell overactivity is uncertain;
`reconstitution experiments with T and B cells from
`MS patients and controls suggest that this B cell
`overactivity cannot entirely be explained by a defect
`in T suppressor activity.38 Further study is required to
`achieve a full understanding of the immune dysfunc-
`tion in MS. Numerical abnormalities of T suppressor
`cells alone probably cannot lead to overt autoimmune
`disease“); this may explain why MS is no more fre-
`quently associated with autoimmune disorders than
`might be expected by chance.
`I would like to thank Dr. P. Rudge from the National Hospital for
`Nervous Diseases (London) for helpful suggestions and advice, and
`the British Council for financial support.
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