
`Merrill Communications LLC
`d/b/a Merrill Corporation
`Exhibit 1005 pt 6


`Rdding, Editing, and Viewing Data
`o hapters 6 and 7 y ·u learned bow
`to op n a database, cr at and pen
`tabl es, and im port or Link to tab les
`from other sources. In this chapter you'll learn how to add, change, and delete data in
`tables. We'll also introduce forms in this chapter, but you'll learn much more about
`forms in Chapters 11 and 13.
`Datasheet View and Form View
`You can work with Access data using either datasheet view or form view:
`(Also called table view.) You can see many records on the screen
`Datasheet View
`in a tabular format.
`Form View You can see one record at a time, in a format that resembles paper
`fill-in-the-blank forms.
`Figure 8.1 shows table data in datasheet view and the same data in form view.


`You can view
`several records
`at a time in
`datasheet view.
`You generally
`work with only
`one record at a
`time in
`form view.
`Sus ita
`4 W,olldWide Widgets Anita
`51 University of the Elite Sheila
`6 Precision Bagpipes Andy
`7 o-···;··; f;rT;'ro~··~· •·-•··
`~ 1 .......... _ .. ~ I
`Fax Number
`Contact Last No jstumi119l
`r.r:-::,or. e;;-o-.~55"'5----'=-------.
`ailing Address
`t ' •IHf;•l ot 7
`Creating an Instant Form
`Normally you'll be taken into datasheet view when you open a table. If you want to use
`form view, you must create a form or use an existing form. (Of course, you need to cre(cid:173)
`ate the form only once, as long as you save it after you create it.) Chapters 11 and 13
`cover forms in detail, but if you're itching to set up a quick-and-easy form right now,
`follow these steps:
`1. Click on the Tables or Queries tab in the database window and then click on the
`name of an existing table or query.
`2. Click on the drop-down arrow next on the New Object toolbar button (shown at
`left, and the second-to-last toolbar button). Then choose AutoForm from the list
`that appears. Or choose Insert ~ AutoForm from the database menu.
`Access builds a simple form and displays it on your screen.


`If you don't mind doing a few extra mouse-clicks, you can get a nicer looking
`instant form than the simple AutoForm feature produces. In step 2 on the previous
`page, choose Form (instead of AutoForm) from the drop-down list on the New
`Object toolbar button. Then double-click on AutoForm: Columnar in the New
`Form dialog box that appears.
`Closing a Form
`To close the form when you're done using it:
`1. Make sure the form is in the active window. (If in doubt, click on the form's title bar.)
`2. Click on the form's Close button or choose File> Close from the menu bar or press
`Ctrl+W. If the form is new or you made changes to an existing form, you'll be asked
`whether to save the form.
`3. Click on Yes to save the form. If you're prompted for a form name, type a form
`name (or accept the suggested name) and click on OK. If you don't want to save
`changes to the form, click on No.
`You can click on the Forms object tab in the database window to view the names of
`all saved forms.
`Viewing Data in Datasheet or Form View
`You can view table data anytime using either the datasheet view or the form you created:
`Datasheet View To view data in datasheet view, click on the Tables or Queries
`tab on the database window. Then double-click on the table or query whose data
`you want to view. Or click on the table or query name and then click on the Open
`button on the database window. Or right-click on the table or query name and
`choose Open.
`Form View To view data in form view, click on the Forms tab on the database
`window and then double-click on the form you want to open. Or click on the
`form name and then click on the Open button on the database window. Or right(cid:173)
`click on the form name and choose Open.
`You can open a table or a query in datasheet view, and you can create a form for
`"--.a a table or a query and then open that form. Any time you open a form, you're
`also opening the underlying table or query automatically.


`Some types of queries change data or create tables rather than display data, so
`be careful about opening just any old query. You'll learn more about queries in
`Chapter 10.
`Switching between Datasheet View and Form View
`When you open a form, you can easily switch between views. To do so, click on the drop(cid:173)
`down arrow next to the View toolbar button (the first toolbar button); then choose an
`option from the menu (Design View, Form View, or Datasheet View). Or choose appro(cid:173)
`priate options from the View menu (Form Design, Form, or Datasheet).
`Th~ form view options won't appear if you open the table in datasheet view. So when
`you want maximum flexibility in switching between views, open the form rather than
`the table.
`The Design View option is always available. How it acts depends on how you got to
`the current view:
`• If you opened the current table in datasheet view, the Design View options will
`take you to the underlying table design (the table's structure).
`• If you opened a form, the Design View option will take you to the form's under(cid:173)
`lying design (see Chapters 11 and 13).
`Table 8.1 shows a summary of the Table View or Form View toolbar buttons you'll
`see from various views.
`To quickly switch to the view shown on the Form View or Table View toolbar button,
`click on that button without clicking on the button's drop-down arrow first.
`Form View or Datasheet View
`Form Design View
`Table Design View


`I I
`Why Design View?
`If you get confused, just remember that design view is for designing (creating and
`changing) objects-not for managing data. You cannot see or change data from design
`view. If you're in design view and want to return to your data, switch to datasheet view
`or form view.
`Here's another way to look at it: If you open a table in datasheet view and want to
`switch to form view, you can't use the toolbar button or View menus to do so because
`Access won't know which form you want to open. So you'll need to open the appropri(cid:173)
`ate form if you want all the flexibility that Access offers.
`If You Get lost ...
`If you get lost, you can close all the objects until you see only the database window, or you
`can quickly bring the database window to the forefront by pressing Fll . From there
`you can click on the tab for any type of object, click on the name of any object, and
`then click on the New, Open (or Preview or Run), or Design buttons, as explained under
`"Working in the Database Window" in Chapter 1. (Believe it or not, this procedure
`becomes second nature after you've done it a few times.)
`Customizing the Datasheet View
`Customizing datasheet view can be a quick and easy way to display and print an attrac(cid:173)
`tive list of data in a table. Figure 8.2 shows the original datasheet for a Products table,
`along with a customized version of that same datasheet. You can use a special Formatting
`(Datasheet) toolbar, menu commands, and right-clicking to change the appearance of
`datasheet view in a flash . The next few sections explain how.
`To print a tabular report that uses the same formatting shown in datasheet view,
`customize datasheet view, and select records if you wish (as explained in this chap(cid:173)
`ter). Then choose File> Print (Ctri+P), fill in the Print dialog box, and click on OK.
`(To preview the records first, choose Print Preview instead of File> Print.)
`Using the Formatting Toolbar
`The Formatting (Datasheet) toolbar, shown in Figure 8.3, enables you to change the
`appearance of text on the datasheet, to choose a color for the datasheet's background,
`foreground, and grid, and to control the appearance of gridlines.


`A sample
`Products table
`in its original
`and customized
`views. We've
`removed the
`gridlines and
`changed the
`font to give
`the datasheet a
`custom look.
`The Formatting
`too/bar lets you
`datasheet view.
`3 Soccer ball
`4 Volleyball
`5 Golfballs
`E: Ctystal ball
`7 Baseball
`8 Billiard balls
`B Tether ball
`10 Foosball
`(AutoN umber)


`To use this toolbar, you first must display it on the screen (of course). Here's how:
`• If you are in datasheet view: Right-click on the current toolbar and then select
`(check) Formatting (Datasheet).
`• If no toolbar is visible, choose View ~ Toolbars. In the Toolbars dialog box, scroll
`down to and select (check) Formatting (Oatasheet), and then click on Close.
`When you want to hide the Formatting (Datasheet) toolbar again, repeat one of
`.,__;;::;;;o.._,. the steps above, except deselect (clear) the Formatting (Datasheet) option.
`Once the Formatting toolbar is visible, you can use it in many ways:
`• To jump to a particular column in the currently selected record, choose a column
`(field) name from the Go To Field drop-down list.
`• To change the font for all text in the datasheet view, choose a font name from
`the Font drop-down list.
`• To change the font size for all text in the datasheet view, choose a font size
`from the Font Size drop-down list.
`• To boldface all text in the datasheet view, click on the Bold button. To turn off
`boldface, click on the Bold button again. Use this same technique with the Italic
`and Underline buttons to turn italics and underline on or off.
`• To change the datasheet's background color, click on the drop-down arrow
`next to the Fill/Back Color button and then click on the color you want. Use this
`same technique with the Font/Fore Color and Line/Border Color buttons, respec(cid:173)
`tively, to choose foreground (text) and gridline colors.
`• To change the appearance of gridlines (or to hide them), click on the drop(cid:173)
`down arrow next to the Gridlines button and then click on the picture that shows
`the type of gridlines you want. Use the same technique with the Special Effect
`button to add a flat , raised, or sunken effect to the gridlines.
`"' "' .Q
`"' c
`"' C'l c:
`"' I!!
`When you choose a sunken or raised effect for gridlines, Access always places hor(cid:173)
`..,..._. izontal and vertical lines on the grid. When you choose a flat effect for gridlines,
`Access can apply horizontal gridlines only, vertical gridlines only, both types of
`gridlines, or no gridlines.


`Changing the Datasheet Appearances
`in One Fell Swoop
`Instead of using the Formatting (Datasheet) tool bar to tweak appearances one at a time,
`you can use the Format >- Cells and Format >- Font commands on the menu bar to set
`several appearances at once.
`• To change the appearance of the gridlines or choose a background color,
`choose Format >- Cells.
`• To change the font name, font style, size, color, and other font effects, choose
`Format >- Font.
`• To change the default appearance of datasheets for all databases that you open,
`choose Tools >- Options and then click on the Datasheet tab. See Chapter 15 for
`more about personalizing Access.
`When the Cells Effects or Font dialog box appears, choose the settings you want. The
`sample area in the dialog box will reflect your current selections. When you're done,
`click on OK to accept the changes; or click on Cancel (or press Esc) to discard them.
`Selecting and Arranging the Datasheet
`Rows and Columns
`While in datasheet view you can rearrange the datasheet columns, adjust the height of
`rows, change the column widths, and even hide columns.
`Selecting Datasheet Columns
`If you want to resize, move, or hide more than one adjacent column at a time, you first
`must select the columns you want to work with. Here are some techniques to use:
`• To select one column, click on the field selector at the top of the column.
`• To select multiple columns, drag the mouse pointer through several field selec(cid:173)
`tors. Or click on the field selector for the first column you want to select. Then use
`the horizontal scroll bar if you need to and Shift-click on the field selector for the
`last column you want to select.
`• To deselect selected columns, click in the data area of any column.
`When you move the mouse pointer to a field selector, the pointer changes to a
`thick, black -1- shape.


`Here's an example of a datasheet with one column selected:
`Arranging Datasheet Rows and Columns
`You can use the following tricks to adjust the height and width of rows and columns,
`to move columns, and to hide and redisplay columns:
`• To change the height of all the rows, drag the bottom edge of a row selector
`(shown at left) up or down. Or choose Format » Row Height or right-click on a row
`selector and choose Row Height; then enter a height (in points) or select Standard
`Height to use Access's standard row height and click on OK.
`• To change one column's width, drag the vertical bar next to that column's field
`selector (shown at left) to the left or right. Or to quickly get the best possible fit
`for the column, double-click on that vertical bar.
`• To change the width of one or several adjacent columns, select the column(s)
`you want to resize. Next, choose Format » Column Width; or right-click on any
`data within the selection and choose Column Width . In the Column Width dia(cid:173)
`log box, enter a width (in number of characters) or select Standard Width and
`click on OK, or click on Best Fit. Alternatively, just drag the vertical bar next to a
`selected column's field selector to the left or right.
`When right-clicking on records after selecting multiple columns, be sure to right(cid:173)
`click on data within the selection. Do not right-click on a field selector or you'll
`turn off the selection in adjacent columns.
`• To move column(s), select the column(s) you want to move. Then click on one
`of the highlighted field selectors and drag the selection to the left or right. (The
`mouse pointer changes to the shape shown at left as you drag.)
`• To hide columns, select the column(s) you want to hide. Next choose Format »
`Hide Columns; or right-click on any data within the selection and choose Hide


`• To hide or redisplay any columns you wish, choose Format~ Unhide Columns.
`Select (check) the column names you want to show, deselect (clear) the ones you
`want to hide, and then click on Close.
`Freezing and Unfreezing Columns
`When the table is wider than the screen, scrolling to the rightmost columns will force
`the leftmost columns off the edge of the window. Instead of scrolling back-and-forth to
`figure out which record the cursor is in at the moment, you can freeze one or more col(cid:173)
`umns so they never scroll out of view.
`In Figure 8.4 we froze the Company Name, Contact First Name, and Contact Last Name
`columns in the Customers table. Notice the heavy vertical line between the last frozen field
`(ContactLastName) and the first unfrozen one (PhoneNumber). This makes it easy to scroll
`to the Phone Number field without losing sight of the customers' names.
`To freeze one or more columns:
`1. Select the column or columns you want to freeze.
`2. Choose Format ~ Freeze Columns, or right-click on any data within the selection,
`and then choose Freeze Columns from the shortcut menu.
`The selected columns move to the leftmost positions in the datasheet automatically
`and remain visible as you scroll the datasheet columns to the right. A heavy vertical
`line separates the frozen columns from the unfrozen ones.
`To unfreeze the columns, choose Format~ Unfreeze All Columns.
`If the horizontal scroll bar disappears after you freeze columns, you won't be able to
`view the unfrozen columns or scroll to them. To solve this problem, either unfreeze
`all the columns or resize the frozen columns smaller. Then resize the datasheet win(cid:173)
`dow larger (if necessary) until the horizontal scroll bar reappears.
`The first three
`columns are
`frozen so they
`don't move out
`of view when
`we scroll to
`the right.
`(907) 555· 7 584
`(505) 555-5939
`(200) 555-8097
`(307) 555-4680
`~ 1 9) 555-4725
`.. -
`- ]IX
`Cump11nv Nnmo I Contact First Name I Contact llllll Name Phone tlumbltrl F~
`.l ABC Corporation
`And y
`Ad ams
`I (91
`- RNM Associates
`' H nley
`- Reese Clinic
`- WorlcN\Iiqe Wrdfl~l r._ si1irley
`- University ofth a Elite Wilbm
`- PreCision Bagprpas
`Database Search and Anita
`Record: ..!!.l!J I
`1 •1•11••1 01 7_
`(505) 555-1232 m


`Saving or Canceling Your Datasheet Changes
`1f you've cust -mi2ed the datashe t view, yo u' ll be asked if you want to save the layout
`changes when you cl e the table. T keep the ustomization settings for future sessions,
`lick on Yes. To discard the setting , eli k on No.
`You also can save your changes to the datasheet layout at any time. To do so, choose
`File> Save or press Ctrl+S or click on the Save button on the Table Datasheet toolbar.
`Now we'll switch gears and show you how to navigate forms and datasheets and
`how to enter data into your tables.
`You can find more details about customizing the appearance of datasheet view by
`searching for topics under Datasheet View in the Access Help Index.
`Navigating Forms and Datasheets
`You can use any of these techniques to navigate (move around in) a table. (Of course,
`you won't be able to scroll from record to record until you put some data in the table.)
`• To move through records, use the navigation buttons at the bottom of the form or
`datasheet window. Or choose Edit > Go To and then choose the appropriate com(cid:173)
`mand from the pull-down menu. The Go To options are First, Last, Next, Previous,
`and New Record.
`• To scroll through records in datasheet view, use the vertical scroll bar at the
`right edge of the window. As you drag the scroll box, the current record number
`and total records will appear next to the scroll bar, like this:
`• To scroll through columns in datasheet view, use the horizontal scroll bar at
`the bottom edge of the window.
`• To scroll more fields into view in form view, use the vertical scroll bar at the right
`edge of the window or the horizontal scroll bar at the bottom edge of the window.


`As usual, scroll bars appear only if the current window is too small to hold all the
`information at once. (If the window is too small, however, scroll bars won't appear.
`just resize the window larger as needed.)
`• To move from field to field and from record to record, use the keys listed in
`Table 8.2.
`• To go to a particular record based on the contents of a field, you can use Find.
`(For example, you can look up Doe or Granolabar in the LastName field of the Cus(cid:173)
`tomers table) . See Chapter 9 for more details.
`Ctrl+ i, Ctrl+l
`Tab, Shift+ Tab
`PgUp, PgDn
`Switches between navigation and editing modes.
`Selects the record number box (see Figure 8.5). Type a new
`record number and press Enter to go to that record.
`Moves to next or previous record (datasheet view), or next or
`previous field (form view).
`Moves to first or last record in a table (highlight remains in cur(cid:173)
`rent column or field).
`Moves to next or previous character (editing mode), next or
`previous field (navigation mode).
`Moves one word left or right in editing mode.
`Moves to next or previous field.
`In datasheet view, moves to next field. In form view, ends a
`short line or paragraph or inserts a blank line in a memo field or
`text field that has Enter Key Behavior property set to New Line
`In Field.
`Ends a short line or paragraph or inserts a blank line, in a memo field
`or lengthy text field that has Enter Key Behavior set to Default.
`In datasheet view, scrolls up or down one window full . In form
`view, scrolls to previous or next record. On a multipage form,
`scrolls to the previous or next page, or to the same page on the
`previous or next record.
`continued n


`Home, End
`In datasheet view, scrolls right or left one window full. In form
`view, scrolls to previous or next record.
`Moves to first or last field of record (navigation mode), or to
`start or end of text line (editing mode).
`Moves to first field of first record or last field of last record (naviga(cid:173)
`tion mode), or to start or end of text or memo field (editing mode).
`For quick reminders about how to scroll through records, search Help for Shortcut
`Keys, Datasheet And Form View Keys or Datasheet View, Navigating, or Form View,
`Adding Data to a Table
`Adding new data to a table is just a matter of going to a new, blank record and typing the
`contents of each field. After filling one field, you can press Tab or Enter to move to the next
`field. Or click on the next field you want to add data to-just as though you're filling in a
`Windows dialog box. Here are the steps:
`1. Open the table in datasheet view or open a form in form view. Then, if the cursor is not
`already in a blank record, use one of these techniques to go to a new, blank record:
`• Click on the New Record toolbar button (shown at left).
`• Choose Edit > Go To > New Record from the menu bar.
`• Click on the New Record button on the navigation bar near the bottom of the
`window (see Figure 8.5).
`buttons on the
`navigation bar.
`II"'"'' ~~,--1-..,.,11~ I/.,. <,6
`~ I
`Scroll left/right
`number box


`2. Type whatever you want to put into the current field (the field where the cursor is).
`Then press Tab or Enter to move to the next field or click on the next field you
`want to fill.
`3. Repeat step 2 until you've finished entering data in the record.
`Tips for Adding Records
`Here are some pointers for adding records to a table:
`If the table contains an AutoN umber field, that field will display
`just the word (AutoNumber) or a portion of that word. Don't worry about it, and
`don't try to change it. Access will fill that field automatically when you enter data
`into some other field in the record.
`Empty To leave a field empty, don't type anything into that field. Just press Tab
`to move to the next field or click on the field you want to fill next. (You cannot
`move to another record if you leave a Required field blank.)
`Date/Time You can press Ctrl+; to insert the current date. Or press Ctrl+Shift+;
`(that is, Ctrl+:) to insert the current time.
`If you want to repeat the field entry from the previous record into a new
`record, press the Ditto key (Ctrl+" or Ctrl+').
`Hyperlink Fields Use the techniques for filling in hyperlinks discussed later in
`this chapter.
`OLE/Memo Fields Use the special techniques for filling in OLE (pronounced
`110lay") object and memo fields, discussed later in this chapter.
`After you fill in the last field of a record, you can press Tab or Enter to go to the next
`blank record. lf you don't want to add another record, close the table or form (or go to
`a previous record). Don't worry about accidentally creating a blank record.
`~ .......
`As you type into a text or memo field, Access will correct certain mistyped words,
`..__. such as hte (changed to the), THey (changed to They), and sunday (changed to
`Sunday) as soon as you move the cursor out of the word. This magic is the work of
`AutoCorrect, which you'll learn about in Chapter 9. There you'll also learn how to
`check spelling in text and memo fields.
`Saving a Record
`Access saves the entire record to disk when you move to another record-you need not
`do anything special to save each record. However, if a record can't be saved because it


`fails validity checks, you'll see an error message describing the problem. See "Trouble(cid:173)
`shooting Data Entry and Editing Problems" later in this chapter for help.
`For quick reminders on how to add records to a table, go to the Access Help Con(cid:173)
`tents, open the Working With Data book, and peruse any of the related subtopics and
`books that interest you.
`The Tiny Icons
`While you're adding and editing table data, you'll see these icons at the left side of the
`datasheet or form window.
`Current record.
`New, empty record.
`Record is being edited; current changes not saved yet.
`How Do I Insert a Record?
`You don't. This might seem odd, especially if you're a spreadsheet user. However, there's
`no reason to insert a new record between existing records in Access because you can sort
`the records in any order, at any time. So just continue to add new records to the bottom
`of the table and then use techniques described in Chapter 9 to alphabetize or sort the
`records later.
`Changing Data in a Table
`Changing the data in a table is easy. Just move the cursor to the data you want to change
`and then use standard Windows text-editing techniques to make your changes. It's
`important, however, to check the screen to see whether the field contents are selected
`before you make a change. Figure 8.6 shows the difference.
`• If the current field contents are selected, anything you type will instantly replace
`the current field contents. To deselect before typing, press F2 or click where you
`want to make a change within the field.
`• If the field contents are not selected, anything you type will be inserted at the cur(cid:173)
`sor position. You can use the f- and~ keys to position the cursor within the field.


`Text selected
`indicates navi(cid:173)
`gation mode;
`text not selected
`indicates edit(cid:173)
`ing mode.
`2 Football
`~ l >t l ~ t1 cl 10
`If you accidentally replace all the contents of a field when you meant to insert text,
`you can use any undo technique to immediately fix the error. That is, press Esc or
`click on the Undo toolbar button or choose Edit ,... Undo or press Ctri+Z.
`Navigation Mode versus Editing Mode
`Whether a field's contents are selected when you first get to that field depends on
`whether you're using Navigation mode (keyboard) or Editing mode (mouse) to move from
`field to field:
`• If you enter a field using the keyboard (for example, by pressing ~, ~, Tab, or
`Shift+ Tab), that field's contents are selected instantly. This mode is called Naviga(cid:173)
`tion mode because the arrow keys navigate you from one field to the next.
`• If you move the cursor to a field by clicking, the cursor moves to the exact mouse
`pointer position and text is not selected. This mode is called Editing mode because
`the arrow keys position the cursor for editing the field's contents.
`To switch quickly between Navigation and Editing modes, press the F2 key any time.
`Keys for Editing Table Data
`Table 8.3 summarizes keys you can use to edit data in datasheet view and form view.
`Remember that you also can use the mouse to select text within a field : Simply drag the
`mouse pointer through text to select that text within a field.
`If you ever need reminders on editing data, look up the topic Fields, Editi11g Data
`Within, and subtopics under Data Entry in the Access Help Index.


`Ctrl+' or Ctrl+"
`(same as Ctri+Shift+')
`Escape (Esc)
`Ctrl++ (plus sign)
`Switches between navigation mode (where pressing
`arrow keys selects a field) and editing mode (where
`pressing arrow keys moves the cursor within a field).
`Deletes selection or deletes character to left of cursor.
`Deletes selection or deletes character to right of cursor.
`Toggles between insert and overwrite modes.
`Copies data from field above.
`Undoes changes to field (first press) then remaining
`changes to record (second press).
`Adds new record .
`Deletes current record .
`Inserts the current date.
`Inserts the current time.
`Saves the current record, as long as data in that record
`passes all validity checks.
`Inserts field's default value (if any).
`Selecting Records and Fields
`The row selector at the left of each record lets you select an entire record with a single
`m ouse-click:
`.([ X
`1, Baskelball
`Jm· ..
`I Pro dud 10 I P1oduct Namol Unit Price. i[
`3 Socc er ball
`4 Volleyball
`5 Golfballs
`Zl ~ l .r l ~.t.J 0110
`$6 75 ~
`Recocd ..!.!.W j


`In datasheet view, you can select several adjoining records (see below) by dragging the
`mouse pointer through their record selectors. Or you can click on the record selector of
`one record and then Shift-click on the selector of another record. Or you can select all the
`records in the table by clicking on the table selector in the upper-left corner of the table
`(refer to Figure 8.1).
`Table 8.4 summarizes ways to select and deselect data in a table. The sections that
`follow explain how to delete, copy, and move the selected data.
`Part of field contents
`Word to left or right
`Full field contents
`Entire record
`Multiple records
`Entire Column
`DO THIS ...
`Drag mouse pointer through a portion of the field, or use
`Shift+~, ShiftH--, Shift+Home, or Shift+End.
`Press Shift+Ctrl+~ or Shift+CtriH--.
`Move to the field with an arrow key or press F2 to switch
`from cursor to selection or click on the field name (the label
`portion, not the field contents) in form view.
`Click on the record indicator at the far left edge of the
`record or form, or choose Edit > Select Record or press
`Shift+Spacebar (navigation mode).
`In datasheet view, drag the mouse pointer through
`appropriate record selectors, extend the selection by
`Shift-clicking on the last record you want to select, hold
`down the Shift key while clicking on adjacent record
`selectors, or extend the selection using Shift+.!- or Shift+ i
`In datasheet view, click on field selector at top of column
`or press Ctri+Spacebar in navigation mode.
`continued n


`DO THIS ...
`Drag mouse pointer through field selectors, Shift-click on
`multiple field selectors, or press Ctri+Spacebar to select col(cid:173)
`umn; then Shift+~ or Shift+f- to extend selection.
`Choose Edit ,... Select All Records or press Ctri+A or
`Ctri+Shift+Spacebar or click on table selector (see Figure 8.1 ).
`Hold down the Shift key while moving the cursor with the
`arrow keys. Or press F8 to switch to "extend" mode (EXT
`appears in status bar) and then use the cursor-positioning
`keys or mouse to extend the selection area. Or press F8
`repeatedly to select the word, field, record, and then entire
`table. To turn off extended selection, press Esc (EXT disap(cid:173)
`pears from status bar).
`Press the F2 key or click on any data.
`Multiple columns
`Entire table
`(in datasheet view)
`Without using
`the mouse
`Cancel selection
`Deleting Data
`Deleting data is simply a matter of selecting the data you want to get rid of and then
`pressing the Delete key.
`Deleting Data within a Field
`Here are two ways to delete data within a field:
`• Place the cursor where you want to start deleting data and then press the Delete or
`Backspace key as needed to delete one character at a time.
`• Select the data within the field and then press Delete or Backspace to delete all the
`selected text at once.
`If you change your mind and want to bring back the deletion, press Esc or click

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