
`Merrill Communications LLC
`d/b/a Merrill Corporation
`Exhibit 1002


`Case 1:17-cv-00933-RGA Document 3 Filed 07/11/17 Page 1 of 1 PagelD #: 494
`AO 120 (Rev. 08/10}
`Mail Stop 8
`Director of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
`P.O. Box 1456
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`in Compliance with 35 ULS.C, § 290 and/or 15 U.S.C. § 1116 vou are hereby advised that a court action has been
`fled in the U.S. District Court
`District of Delaware on the following
`[] Trademarks or
`ff Patents.
`the patent action involves 35 U.S.C. 8 292.3:
`District of Delaware
`2 8,185,816 Be a e-NumerateSolutions, Inc.
`pases|2/16/2016 | e-NumerateSolutions, Inc.
`i] Amendment
`[i Apswer
`Li} Cross Bill
`[] Other Pleading
`{n the above—entitied case, the following decision has been rendered or judgement issued:
`Copy 1-—Dpon initiation of action, mail this copy te Director Cepy 3--Upon termination of aclion, mail this copy te Director
`Copy 2—-Upeon filing decument adding patent(s), mail this copy te Director Copy 4-—Case file copy
`Exhibit 1002_0001
`Exhibit 1002_0001


`United States Patent and Trademark Office
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, Virginia 22313-1450
`‘ThomasD. Fortenberry, Attorney at Law
`P.O. Box 2099
`Woodville, TX 75979
`The projected patent numberandissue date are specified above.
`Determination of Patent Term Adjustment under 35 U.S.C. 154 (b)
`(application filed on or after May 29, 2000)
`The Patent Term Adjustmentis 0 day(s). Any patent to issue from the above-identified application will include
`an indication of the adjustmenton the front page.
`If a Continued Prosecution Application (CPA) wasfiled in the above-identified application, the filing date that
`determines Patent Term Adjustmentis the filing date of the most recent CPA.
`Applicant will be able to obtain more detailed information by accessing the Patent Application Information
`Retrieval (PAIR) WEBsite (
`Any questions regarding the Patent Term Extension or Adjustment determination should be directed to the
`Office of Patent Legal Administration at (571)-272-7702. Questions relating to issue and publication fee
`payments should be directed to the Application Assistance Unit (AAU) of the Office of Data Management
`(ODM)at (571)-272-4200.
`APPLICANT(s) (Please see PAIR WEBsite for additional applicants):
`Russell ‘I’. Davis, Bethesda, MD;
`e-Numerate Solutions, Inc., Great Falls, VA
`The United States represents the largest, most dynamic marketplace in the world and is an unparalleled location
`for business investment, innovation, and commercialization of new technologies. The USA offers tremendous
`resources and advantages for those who invest and manufacture goods here. Through SelectUSA, our nation
`worksto encourage andfacilitate business investment. To learn more about why the USAis the best country in
`the world to develop technology, manufacture products, and grow your business, visit SelectUSA. gov.
`IR103 (Rey. 10/09)
`Exhibit 1002_0002
`Exhibit 1002_0002


`United States Patent and Trademark Office
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, Virginia 22313-1450
`Russell T. Davis
`ThomasD. Fortenberry, Attorncy at Law
`P.O. Box 2099
`Woodville, TX 75979
`Please find below and/or attached an Office communication concerning this application or proceeding.
`The time period for reply, if any, is set in the attached communication.
`PTOL-90A (Rev. 04/07)
`Exhibit 1002_0003
`Exhibit 1002_0003


`Application No.
`Responseto Rule 312 Communication
`Art Unit
`-- The MAILING DATEofthis communication appears on the cover sheetwith the correspondence address —
`The amendmentfiled on 27 December 2015 under 37 CFR 1.312 has been considered, and has been:
`a) entered.
`b) KX]
`entered as directed to matters of form not affecting the scope of the invention.
`c) 1) disapproved because the amendment wasfiled after the payment of the issue fee.
`Any amendmentfiled after the date the issue fee is paid must be accompanied by a petition under 37 CFR 1.31 3(c)(1)
`and the required fee to withdraw the application from issue.
`d)( disapproved. See explanation below.
`e)( entered in part. See explanation below.
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
`PTOL-271 (Rev. 04-01)
`Primary Examiner, Art Unit 2144
`Reponseto Rule 312 Communication
`Part of Paper No. 20151229
`Exhibit 10020004
`Exhibit 1002_0004


`Complete and send this form, together with applicable fee(s), to: Mail Mail Stop ISSUE FEE
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`Thomas D. Fortenberry, Attorney al Law
`Woodville, TX 75979
`Russell T. Davis
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`OMB 0651-0033
`U.S. Patent and ‘l'rademark Office; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Page 2 of 3
`Exhibit 1002_0005
`Exhibit 1002_0005


`Electronic Patent Application Fee Transmittal
`Application Number:
`Filing Date:
`Title of Invention:
`First NamedInventor/Applicant Name:
`Russell T. Davis
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`Filed as Small Entity
`Filing Fees for Utility under 35 USC 111(a)
`Utility Appl Issue Fee
`Sub-Total in
`Fee Code Quantity AmountDescription USD(S)
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`Exhibit 1002_0006
`Exhibit 1002_0006


`Total in USD ($)
`Exhibit 1002_0007
`Exhibit 1002_0007


`Electronic AcknowledgementReceipt
`Title of Invention:
`First Named Inventor/Applicant Name:
`Russell T. Davis
`Customer Number:
`Utility under 35 USC 111{a)
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`Charge any Additional Fees required under 37 CFR 1.17 (Patent application and reexamination processing fees)
`Deposit Account
`Authorized User
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`Exhibit 1002_0008
`Exhibit 1002_0008


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`t_B Issue_Fee pdf
`7Fa636037C775320ea9347932c2c1 foc0c944
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`If a new international application is being filed and the international application includes the necessary componentsfor
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`If a timely submission to enter the national stage of an international application is compliant with the conditions of 35
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`national stage submission under35 U.S.C. 371 will be issued in addition to the Filing Receipt, in due course.
`Exhibit 1002_0009
`Exhibit 1002_0009


`In re application of:
`Russell T. Davis
`Application No.: 14/724,801
`Filed: 5/28/2015
`Confirmation No.: 4824
`Examiner: STORK, KYLE R.
`Art Unit: 2144
`Atty. Docket No.: ENUM020
`Commissioner for Patents
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`In response to the Notice of Allowance mailed 11/9/2015, please enter the following.
`Exhibit 1002_0010
`Exhibit 1002_0010


`1.-10. (Cancelled)
`(Currently Amended) An apparatus, comprising:
`a device; and
`an application including a network browser onthe device for accessing a system
`configured for:
`identification of at least one computer-readable Extensible Markup Language
`(XML)-compliant data document[[capable of ]]including:
`a plurality of line items with a plurality of data values, and
`a plurality of computer-readable semantic tags that describe a semantic
`meaning of the data values and are each computer-readably coupledto at least one
`of the data values, where the at least one computer-readable XML-compliant data
`document is capable of including multiple hierarchical relationships between two
`line items;
`parsing of the at least one computer-readable XML-compliant data document;
`accessing a plurality of computer-readable rules including:
`a computer-readable datatype rule for validation of a type of data values,
`a computer-readable calculation rule for validation of a calculation
`involving data valucs, and
`Exhibit 1002_0011
`Exhibit 1002_0011


`a compuler-readable unit rule [or validation of a unit of data values;
`validation of the at least one computer-readable XML-compliant data document
`identifying at least a subset of the computer-readable rules including at
`least one of:
`the computer-readable datatype rule for validation of the type of
`data values,
`the computer-readable calculation rule for validation of
`calculation involving data values, or
`the computer-readable unit rule for validation of the unit of data
`processing at least a portion of the data values of at least a portion of the
`line items of the at least one computer-readable XML-compliant data document,
`utilizing the at least subset of the computer-readable rules and at least a portion of
`the computer-readable sematic tags of the at least one computer-readable XML-
`compliant data document;
`said apparatus configuredfor:
`accessing al least a portion ofthe al least one compuler-readable XML-compliant
`data documentutilizing the application including the network browser.
`(Previously Presented)
`The apparatus of Claim 11, wherein the system is
`configured to allow a user to select one or more of the computer-readable semantic tags
`from a predetermined set of computer-readable semantic tags and select one or more of
`Exhibit 1002_0012
`Exhibit 1002_0012


`the data values for mapping the one or more of the compuler-readable semantic tags lo
`the one or more of the data values.
`(Previously Presented)
`The apparatus of Claim 11, wherein the system is
`configured such that the computer-readable semantic tags are searchable.
`(Previously Presented) The apparatus of Claim 11, wherein the system is
`configured such that the computer-readable semantic tags each describe the semantic
`meaning of the data valucs via a computer-readable association between cach of the
`computer-readable semantic tags and a corresponding line item of the data values.
`(Previously Presented)
`The apparatus of Claim 11, wherein the system is
`configured suchthat at least one of the computer-readable semantic tags includes a level
`tag for use in displaying the line itemsin a tree view.
`(Previously Presented)
`The apparatus of Claim 11, wherein the system is
`configured such that the multiple hierarchical relationships between two line items are
`(Previously Presented) The apparatus of Claim 11, wherein the system is
`configured to cause referencing of a portion of an original document in connection with
`at least one of the data values, such that, based on the referencing, a change to the portion
`of the original documentresults in a corresponding changeto the at least one data value.
`(Currently Amended) The apparatus of Claim 11, wherein the system is
`configured such that the at least one computer-readable XML-compliant data document
`includes an extensible semantic tag-equipped markup language component and a
`hypertext markup language (HTML) component, and theat least one computecr-readable
`XML-compliant data document is capable of being displayed utilizing the network
`Exhibit 1002_0013
`Exhibit 1002_0013


`browser [or allowing review of the HTML componentin addition to access, through one
`or more additional actions,
`the extensible semantic tag-equipped markup language
`(Currently Amended) The apparatus of Claim 11, whercin the apparatus is
`configured such that at least oneof:
`said identification of the at least one computer-readable XML-compliant data
`document includes receiving the at least one computer-readable XML-compliant data
`said at least one computer-readable XML-compliant data document includes a
`reusable data markup language (RDML) document;
`said line items are associated with a record, row,
`table, or other entity of a
`relational database;
`said computer-readable semantic tags are applied to the line items;
`said computer-readable semantic tags result from tagging;
`said computer-readable semantic tags reflect characteristics including at least one
`of a magnitude, scale, modifier, unit, and measurement;
`said computer-readable semantic tags reflect structure;
`said parsing includesat least one of: eliminating white space, dividing input into
`words or groups of words, searching for opening or closing characters, relaying an error
`notice, or coordinating updating of componentstates;
`said computer-readable rules are stored in a document type definition (DTD);
`Exhibit 1002_0014
`Exhibit 1002_0014


`said computer-readable datatype rule for validation of the type of data values
`includes a computer-readable datatype rule for validation of a data value format;
`said computer-readable calculation rule for validation of the calculation involving
`data values includes a computer-readable calculation rule for validation of a summation
`involving data values;
`said computer-readable unit rule for validation of the unit of data values includes
`a computer-readable unit rule for validation of a currency of data values;
`said processing includes error checking; or
`said result includes an indication as to whether a defect is critical or not.
`(Currently Amended) A computer program product embodied on a non-transitory
`computer readable medium, comprising:
`code for storing a plurality of original documents including a plurality of original
`values, including a first documentincludingfirst values and a second documentincluding
`second values;
`code for processing at least a part of the first document and at least a part of the
`second document, resulting in at least one object including at least one reference to at
`least one of the plurality of original values of at least one of the plurality of original
`code for receiving a user selection of one or more computer-readable semantic
`code for receiving a user selection of one or more ofthe original values;
`Exhibit 1002_0015
`Exhibit 1002_0015


`code for mapping the one or more of the computer-readable semantic tags to the
`one or more ofthe original values;
`code for outputting a presentation that is based on at Icast a portion of the at Icast
`one object, the presentation capable of including at least a portion of the original values
`including the at
`least one original value, where the computer program product
`configured such that, based on the at least one reference of the at least one object to the at
`least one original value of the at least one original document, a changeto the at least one
`original value of the at least one original documentresults in a corresponding change in
`an instance of the presentation;
`code for outputting a report that is based on at least a portion of the at least one
`object, the report capable of including at least a portion of the original values including
`the at least one original value, where the computer program product is configured such
`that, based on the at least one reference of the at least one object to the at least one
`original value of the at least one original document, a change to the at least one original
`value of the at least one original document results in a corresponding change in an
`instance of the report; and
`code for outputting at least one computer-readable Extensible Markup Language
`(XML)-compliant data document that is based on at least a portion of the at least one
`object and at least a portion of the mapping, the at least one computer-readable XML-
`compliant data document capable of including a plurality of line items with at least a
`portion of the original values including the at least one original value and at least some of
`the computer-readable semantic tags, where the computer program product is configured
`such that, based on the at least one reference of the at least one object to the at least one
`original value of the at least one original document, a changeto the at least one original
`value of the at least one original documentresults in a corresponding change in an
`instance of the at least onc computer-readable XML-compliant data document;
`Exhibit 1002_0016
`Exhibit 1002_0016


`said computer program product configured such that_the at least some of the
`computer-readable semantic tags are each computer-readably coupled to the at least
`portion of the original values_of the at least one computer-readable XML-compliant data
`(Currently Amended) The computer program product of Claim 21, wherein the
`computer program product is configured for utilizing a plurality of compuler-readable
`rules for processing the at least one computer-readable XML-compliant data document,
`the computer-readable rules including at least one of:
`a computer-readable datatype rule for validation of a type of original
`a computer-readable calculation rule for validation of a calculation
`involving original values, or
`a computer-readable unit rule for validation of a unit of original values.
`(Currently Amended) The computer program product of Claim 21, wherein the
`computer program product is configured for utilizing a plurality of computer-readable
`rules for validating the at least one computer-readable XML-compliant data document,
`the computer-readable rules including:
`a computer-readable datatype rule for validation of a type of original
`a computer-readable calculation rule for validation of a calculation
`involving original values, and
`a computcr-readable unit rule for validation of a unit of original valucs.
`Exhibit 10020017
`Exhibit 1002_0017


`(Currenly Amended) The computer program product of Claim 21, wherein the
`computer program productis configured for validating the at least one computer-readable
`XML-compliant data document by:
`identifying at lcast a subsct of [[the]]a plurality of computer-readable rules
`including atleast oneof:
`a computer-readable datatype rule for validation of a type of
`original values,
`a computer-readable calculation rule for validation of a calculation
`involving original values, or
`a computer-readable unit rule for validation of a unit of original
`values; and
`processing at least the portion of the original values of the at least one
`computer-readable XML-compliant data document, utilizing the at least subset of
`the computer-readable rules and at
`least a portion of the computer-readable
`sematic tags of the at
`least one computer-readable XML-compliant data
`(Previously Presented) The computer program product of Claim 21, wherein the
`computer program product is configured such that the at least some of the computer-
`readable semantic tags describe a semantic meaning of the at least portion of the original
`values via a computer-readable association between each of the at least some of the
`computer-readable semantic tags and a correspondingline item.
`Exhibit 1002_0018
`Exhibit 1002_0018


`(Previously Presented) The computer program product of Claim 21, wherein the
`computer program product is configured such that at least one of the computer-readable
`semantic tags includes a level tag for use in displaying the line items in a tree view.
`(Currently Amended) The computer program product of Claim 21, wherein the
`computer program product is configured such that the at least one computer-readable
`XML-compliant data documentis capable of including multiple hierarchical relationships
`between twoline items.
`(Currently Amended) A method, comprising:
`storing a plurality of original documents including a plurality of original values,
`including a first documentincluding first values and a second documentincluding second
`processing at least a part of the first document and at least a part of the second
`document, resulting in at least one object including at least one reference to at least one
`of the plurality of original values of at least one of the plurality of original documents;
`receiving a user selection of one or more computer-readable semantic tags;
`receiving a user selection of one or moreof the original values;
`mapping the one or more of the compuler-readable semantic tags to the one or
`more of the original values;
`outputting a presentation that is based on at least a portion of the at least one
`object, the presentation capable of including at Icast a portion of the original valucs
`including the at least one original value, such that, based on the at least one reference of
`Exhibit 1002_0019
`Exhibit 1002_0019


`the at least one object to the at least one original value of the at least one original
`document, a changeto the at least one original value of the at least one original document
`results in a corresponding change in an instanceof the presentation;
`outputting a report that is based on at Icast a portion of the at least one object, the
`report capable of including at least a portion of the original values including the at least
`one original value, such that, based on the at least one reference of the at least one object
`to the at least one original value of the at least one original document, a changeto the at
`least one original value of the at least one original document results in a corresponding
`change in an instance ofthe report; and
`outputting at least one computer-readable Extensible Markup Language (XML)-
`compliant data document that is based on at least a portion of the at least one object and
`at least a portion of the mapping, the at least one computer-readable XML-compliant data
`document capable of including a plurality of line items with at least a portion of the
`original values including the at least one original value and at least some of the computer-
`readable semantic tags, such that, based on the at least one reference of the at least one
`object to the at least one original value of the at least one original document, a change to
`the at
`least one original value of the at
`least one original document results in a
`corresponding change in an instance of the at
`least one computer-readable XML-
`compliant data document;
`wherein the at
`least some of the computer-readable semantic tags are each
`computer-readably coupled to the at least portion of the original values_of the at least one
`computer-readable XML-compliant data document.
`(Currently Amended)
`The apparatus of Claim 11, wherein the system is
`configured such that the at least one computer-readable XML-compliant data documentis
`encapsulated, in machine-readable form, with at least one reusable document including
`routines that are capable of being utilized for data valuc formatting and data valuc
`collating in connection with the at least one computer-readable XML-compliant data
`Exhibit 1002_0020
`Exhibit 1002_0020


`document as well as other XML-compliant data documents insofar as the other XML-
`compliant data documents meet requirements set forth in the at least one reusable
`(Previously Presented) The computer program product of Claim 21, wherein the
`computer program productis configured such that the first documentis a first spreadsheet
`and the second documentis a second spreadsheet that is different and separate from the
`first spreadsheet,
`the first spreadsheet and the second spreadsheet being stored by a
`system that also stores the at least one object along with one or more user-defined rules
`for normalizing at least one of the first values of the first spreadsheet and at least one of
`the second values of the second spreadsheet, where the one or more user-defined rules are
`capable of being applied to additional values of additional spreadsheets in connection
`with the at least one object and outputting at least one of the presentation, the report, or
`the at least one computer-readable XML-compliant data document.
`(Previously Presented) The computer program product of Claim 21, wherein the
`computer program product is configured such thatat least one of:
`said at least portion of the original values of the at least one computer-readable
`XML-compliant data document include different instances of the same values as the
`corresponding original values of the at least one original document;
`said at least portion of the original values of the at least one computer-readable
`XML-compliant data document include different instances of the same values as the
`corresponding original values of the at least one object;
`said at least some of the computer-readable semantic tags are each computer-
`readably coupled to the at least one original value of the at least one object;
`said at Icast some of the computcr-readable semantic tags are cach computcr-
`readably coupled to the at least portion of the original values of the presentation;
`Exhibit 1002_0021
`Exhibit 1002_0021

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