
`Merrill Communications LLC
`d/b/a Merrill Corporation
`Exhibit 1005 pt 2




` "a Jlmlemrand n ‘- "
`’9 I


`Storing data
`Knowing when to use multiple tables
`Understanding the one-to-many relationship


`Understanding Databases
`M ost people are accustomed to working
`with information, which is data that's
`organized into some meaningful
`form. You probably can recognize the information shown in Figure 2.1 as an invoice. You
`can find the customer's name and address, the products that person ordered, and just
`about any other information you might want simply by looking at the invoice. The invoice
`as a whole presents business information-namely, what happened in a transaction-by
`meaningfully drawing together various related items of data.
`Suppose you want to store all your invoices on the computer. You might consider
`buying a scanner and scanning each invoice into a computer file. Later, you could dis(cid:173)
`play a copy of the invoice on the screen and print it. You wouldn't even need a database
`management system; all you would need is a scanner and a simple graphics program.
`Wh~ Store Data~
`The problem with the scanner approach is that all you can do is retrieve, view, and
`print the invoices. You can't analyze or reformat the data on the invoice. For instance,
`you can't print mailing labels, envelopes, or form letters for all your customers. You
`can't analyze your orders to view overall sales. Why not? Because the computer doesn't
`have the eyes or brains it takes to look into the invoice and pull out certain types of
`information. Only you can do that job because you do have eyes and a brain.


`A sample
`printed invoice.
`You probably
`can find what(cid:173)
`ever informa(cid:173)
`tion you need
`about the trans(cid:173)
`action on this
`sheet of paper
`because you
`different types
`of information
`(name, address,
`products, order
`total) based on
`their context.
`1~· & K ,\'portiltJ.: ( iood,·
`1337 W'e1t -lltl1 S!J 'eel
`Frh/h•J•. N< ' 28 ]28
`Phoue (711./) 555-1555 Fox: tlfl./i 555-1 55(1
`ltrl'oke Date
`8/31 / 1)5
`Contact Nflme
`Order ID
`Order Date
`PO Number
`Shi1lcy (jje\'l
`Net /Odo.vs
`Cu.\·tomer 1 D
`1/ };1)5
`Ship To:
`/VorldWid~· lf'id;.:e!\'
`187 .'•lu!Ji1//.: !.n
`/Joi.\'t' , /1) 83 720
`(l{}.''U 555-S()Vl
`Bill To:
`Wo1•/dWide Whlxets
`18 7 S1d{olk Ln
`JJois..:, I D 83 720
`(208) 555·80')7
`Product 10
`Product Name
`Blllia(d balls
`Unit Price
`S12 7 .<15
`0 00%
`Line Total
`$254 90
`Freight Charge
`Sales Tax
`Order Total
`Total Payments
`Total Duo
`S260 56
`$2 00
`S262 56
`You 'll never go IVJ ung wilh nur p1 nduc/s nlong!
`Flexibilitij Is the Goal
`[f you want the a . x.lbllity to dl'irlay, print, and analyze your information in wha tever
`fruma t you wish, you fir t need t
`l re k lown that information into mall units of data.
`For exam pi , a pers n' last name is one unlt of data. Tl1at p .r- n' zip code I another.
`f rth.
`The name of one pr duct tlle cust m r purchased is another unit of data, a11d s


`I 41
`After breaking the information into discrete units of data, you can use a database man(cid:173)
`agement system, such as Access, to analyze and present that data in any way you wish. If
`each person's surname is a discrete unit of data, for example, you can tell Access to alpha(cid:173)
`betize your customers by name or to find the order that Smith placed yesterday.
`You can put the individual units of data into any format you wish-for example,
`mailing labels, envelopes, or invoices.
`You Use Tables to Store Data
`In Access, you must break all your information into data that's stored in tables. A table
`is just a collection of data that's organized into rows and columns. You can put any
`information that's available to you into a table.
`Let's forget about invoices for a moment and focus on storing information about
`customers. Suppose you have a Rolodex or card file containing customer names and
`addresses as shown below. For each customer you maintain the same pieces of infor(cid:173)
`mation-name, address, and so on.
`c <
`Mr. Andy A. Adams
`123 A St.
`San Diego, CA 91234
`(619) 556-9320
`How can you break down the information on this Rolodex into raw data that's neatly
`organized as a table? Easy. Just make a column for each data element, such as last name
`or state, and then list the corresponding data elements for each customer in rows, as
`shown in Figure 2.2.


`Names and
`which might
`once have been
`on Rolodex
`cards, orga(cid:173)
`nized and typed
`into an
`Access table.
`I Shirley
`'Susi! d
`H nley
`s( hutnack
`:~turnit1 ~1i
`/\darn s
`Strappn 1a11
`1137 ~:uffolh Ln
`:'817 lvlillon D1
`53513 E 20th :0::1
`F1 0 . E:o::< 23~lB 1
`87 Polk :::t
`27•13 Bering St
`Santa Fe
`San Diego
`San Fram;is~ CA
`871 10-
`~14'1 17-
`(6 19)555-4725
`(4 15)51".:>5-5938
`Terminologu Time
`Now is as good a time as any to get so me te rminology out of the way so that we ca n talk
`abou t tables :md databases more precisely. Here a re four terms you'll see often as you
`work with any da tabase management system:
`1\ collection of d:tt:l organized into rows and columns.
`Field A single unit (or column ) of information in a table. The sample table in Fig(cid:173)
`ut'c 2.2 consists of fidds named Mr/Mrs, FirstName, L<~slNamc, Address, City, State,
`PostaiCode, and Phone, as you G ill Sl'L' hy looking across th e top of the tabl e.
`Record The set of all datcl fields for one row of the ta ble. The sample table in Fig(cid:173)
`urL' 2.2 contain s seven filled records: one for a customt•r named Andy Adams,
`another for /\nita Adam s, ~1ml so forth .


`Database Contrary to what some people think, a database is not a table. A database
`is a collection of all the tables and other objects (such as forms and reports) that you
`use to manage data.
`We'll tell you more about why a database might contain several tables later in this
`The More Fields, the Detter
`Looking back at Figure 2.2, you may be wondering why we bothered to break the infor(cid:173)
`mation into so many different fields. Isn't using the three fields Mr/Mrs, LastName, and
`FirstName a little excessive?
`Not really, because organizing the data into separate fields now will make it easier to
`arrange the data in a meaningful form later. Here are some ways to arrange the data in the
`first record of the table shown in Figure 2.2:
`Mr. Andy Adams
`Mr. Adams
`Adams, Andy
`Dear Andy:
`Andy Adams
`Yo Andy!
`As you'll see in later chapters, you can rearrange the table columns in any order you
`wish, and you can use forms and reports to organize table data into any format.
`Wh~ Use Multiple Tables?
`Earlier we said that a database can contain many tables. So now you may be wondering
`why you'd want to put more than one table into a database. The simple reason is that
`it's easier to manage data if all the information about a particular subject is in its own
`table. For example, if you're designing a database to track membership in an organiza(cid:173)
`tion, you might create separate tables such as these:
`All Members
`Payments Made
`Your Company or Organization
`Membership Types and Dues
`Committee Members
`Payment Methods


`If you're using Access to manage orders for your company's products, you might use
`these tables:
`Order Details
`Payment Methods
`Shipping Methods
`Remember that these tables are suggestions only. Access really doesn't care what type
`of data you put into tables. All that matters is that you find a way to break the infor(cid:173)
`mation you need to manage into the tabular fields-and-records format.
`The Database Wizard and Table Wizard can create many types of tables for you
`automatically. These Wizards break your database into tables and divide your
`tables into separate fields with only a small amount of guidance from you. The pro(cid:173)
`cess is so fast and painless that you'll be creating complete databases in no time.
`You'll learn more about these Wizards in Chapters 3, 5, and 6.
`When to Use One Table
`Until you get the hang of how to structure a database, deciding whether data should go
`into one table or several tables is a bit difficult. But this general rule of thumb always
`applies: If a one-to-one correspondence exists between two fields, put those fields into
`the same table.
`For example, it makes sense to put all the My Customers information in one table
`because there's an exact one-to-one dependency between fields. That is, for every one
`customer there's one customer name, one address, one city, and so forth.
`When to Use More Than One Table
`just because you put all your customer information into a single table doesn't mean
`you should put all the information for an entire business in one table. After all, you
`wouldn't put all the information for your customers, orders, products, and so forth on
`one Rolodex card. Likewise, you wouldn't put all that information into a single table.


`A better plan is to put customer data in one table, product data in another, and order
`data in yet another because no one-to-one correspondence exists among these catego(cid:173)
`ries of information. Any one customer might place many orders, and any order might
`be for many products. So here we have some natural one-to-many relationships among
`the subjects of your tables.
`The One-to-Man~ Relationship
`The one-to-many relationship describes a situation in which every item of data in a table
`may be related to many items of information in another table. For example, each one
`of your customers might place many orders (at least you hope so!). Therefore, it makes
`sense to put all your customer data in one table and data about the orders they place in
`another table, as shown in Figure 2.3. (In the figure, only the first few fields from each
`table are shown. Additional information about customers and orders is scrolled off
`the screen.)
`If we do use more than one table, however, we also need a way to determine exactly
`which customer goes with each order. And that's where the primary key field comes in .
`Ql >
`A one-to-many
`between orders
`and customers
`(any one cus(cid:173)
`tomer might
`place many
`orders). The
`Customer ID
`field in the My
`Orders table
`identifies which
`placed each
`~ hlocrosoft Access
`[nsert Fwmat B,ecords !ools
`~ ~ ·I ~ i ~ 1:9. ~ I Jt ~ e, :{/ion ~ •I ~l u 1 ~ 1m \~·
`1!1!';1 13
`RNM Associates
`WorldWide Wodgals
`Univers~ y of the Elite
`ABC Corporatoon
`jWorldWide Widgets
`Reese Clinic
`7 • Itt I~ J of7
`817 M11ton o,, Albuquerque
`5356 E 2Dt h St
`Santa Fe
`I P 0 Bo x 23981
`87 Polk St.
`· 27 43 Bering St. Anchorage


`The Primary Key Field
`The primary key field in a table uniquely identifies each record in that table. In the My
`Customers table shown in Figure 2.3, only one customer has the ID 4. Even if that table
`has other people named Shirley Ujest from other cities, only one customer has the ID 4.
`When we added the Customer ID field to the My Customers table we made it the
`primary key so that Access would make sure that no two people were given the same
`Customer ID number.
`Your social security number is an example of a primary key field because it uniquely
`identifies you on the government's databases. Even though other people in the
`country may have the same first, last, and even middle name as you, nobody else
`in the country has the same social security number.
`Notice too that the information in the My Orders tables is compact. For example,
`the customer's honorific, first name, and last name aren't repeated in the My Orders
`table. All the My Orders table needs to get that information is the customer's unique ID
`number. Access can then dig up any information about that customer just by looking
`up the corresponding record in the My Customers table.
`It's Easier Than It looks
`This business of breaking down information into data in separate tables confuses many
`beginners, and it has been known to end the careers of many budding database design(cid:173)
`ers. But there's no need to throw in the towel if you're feeling uneasy. As you'll see in
`the following chapters, Access will help you figure out how to break your information
`into related tables, and it will help you define primary key fields for the tables. So all
`you really need to understand now is that
`• Your database is likely to contain several tables.
`• Your tables will use a primary key field to uniquely identify each record in the table.
`Where to Go from Here
`Remember that the reason for breaking down information into raw data is to give you
`the flexibility to analyze and display data any way you wish. Once your data is orga(cid:173)
`nized into a database on disk, there's no limit to the type of information you can glean


`from that data (Chapters 10 through 14 will explain more about analyzing and display(cid:173)
`ing data).
`Where should you go next in this book? Here are some suggestions:
`• To learn the basics of Access in a hurry, try the hands-on practice in Chapter 3. In
`just minutes, you'll create a fully functional database-complete with data, forms,
`reports, and a push-button menu for managing it.
`• To get an idea about how Access and the other programs in the Microsoft Office
`suite can work together, check out Chapter 4.
`• To find out how to create a database for storing your tables, proceed to Chapter 5.
`(All tables must be stored in a database.)
`• To find out how to create tables for data that's all on paper and not on any com(cid:173)
`puter, see Chapter 6.
`• To learn how to manage data that's already on the computer in some database format
`(such as Access, dBASE, Paradox, SQL, text, HTML, and so forth), jump to Chapter 7.
`You may be able to use that data without creating your own tables from scratch.










`Creating a database
`Creating and customizing a form
`Entering, editing, sorting, and searching data
`Creating and printing reports
`Using queries
`Customizing an application


`Recess in an Evening
`his chnptcr is a hands-on guided tour
`of Access dat aha · -s ln s ven qu i k les(cid:173)
`ns. Th e lessons pro bably won' t
`make you an Access guru, but they'll give you both the big picture of what Access is all
`about and direct experience in using its most important features .
`During these lessons, you'll use Wizards to create an application for managing infor(cid:173)
`mation about your contacts complete with data, form s, reports, and a push-button
`Switchboard form that m akes the database a cinch to use. You'll also learn how to enter
`data, sort it in alphabetical order, find specific information, customize form s and
`reports, isolate specific information by using queries, and tweak the descriptions th at
`appear on the Switchboa rd form.
`Access offers many automated Wizards to help you set up new databases, tables,
`forms, reports, and queries in a flash . We strongly encourage you to use Wizards,
`rather than from-scratch methods, to create most new objects, especially if you're
`new to Access or to database management. Once an object exists, you can tweak
`it as necessary. This "create it with a Wizard and then refine it" approach is sure to
`save you time, and it will help you learn Access more quickly.


`Before You Start These ~essons
`Before you start these lessons, you already should have your basic Windows skills down
`pat-using a mouse; sizing, moving, opening, and closing windows; using dialog boxes,
`and so on. (If you haven't already done so, you should browse through Chapters 1 and 2
`to get an idea of what you'll be doing here.)
`For best results, give yourself 15 to 30 uninterrupted minutes to finish each lesson. If
`you need to pause after a lesson, see "Taking a Break" at the end of Lesson 1. To resume
`with the next lesson, see "Returning from a Break."
`~esson 1: Creating a Database and Tables Rutomaticall~
`The first step to using Access is to start the program and go to the Microsoft Access star(cid:173)
`tup dialog box or the main Microsoft Access window. If you don't know how, see
`Chapter 1 for help.
`Creating an Instant Database
`During these hands-on lessons, you'll create a new database (named Address Book Lessons)
`that can help you manage information about your contacts. You'll use the Database
`Wizard to create this database. Here goes:
`1. If you're starting from the Microsoft Access startup dialog box, choose Database
`Wizard and then click on OK.
`If you're starting from the main Microsoft Access window, choose File ~ New
`Database from the menu bar.
`2. Click on the Databases tab in the New dialog box and then double-click on the
`Address Book icon.
`In Windows 95, file name extensions for registered file types usually are hidden. If
`you've chosen not to hide those extensions, Access and other Windows 95 programs
`will show them in various dialog boxes. For example, the icon for the Address Book
`database will be named Address Book.mdb when file name extensions are displayed. For
`more about showing or hiding file name extensions, see Chapter 5. In this book, we'll
`assume file name extensions are hidden.


`3. Type Address Book Lessons in the Pile Name text box of the File New Database
`dialog box and then click on Create or press Enter.
`Access normally looks for and stores your databases in a folder named
`\My Documents on the disk drive where Access is installed. To change this default
`location, open any database and choose Tools >- Options, click on the GenerGi
`tab, and specify a folder name in the Default Database Folder text box. To returt:J
`to the default setting, change the folder name in the Default Database Folder text
`box back to. (a period). See Chapter 15 for more details.

`You'll see an empty database window titled Address Book Lessons: Database. After a
`brief delay, the first Database Wizard dialog box will appear atop the database window,
`as shown in Figure 3.1. This dialog box tells you something about the database you're
`about to create.
`The Address Book database wiU store:
`• Add1ess infmmation
`Click Ne•t to continue
`The first Data(cid:173)
`base Wizard
`dialog box
`appears on top
`of the Address
`Book Lessons:
`Understanding the Wizards
`The Database Wizard will ask you a few questions and then use your answers to build
`tables, forms, and reports automatically. Read the first Database Wizard dialog box and
`then click on Next. The second dialog box, shown in Figure 3.2, asks which fields to
`include in each table and whether to include sample data.


`The second
`Wizard dialog
`box lets you
`choose optional
`fields for tables
`in the database
`and whether
`to include
`sample data.
`Dat<1base Wizard
`The database you've chosen requires certain lields Possible additionallieJds are shown ~alic
`below, and may be in more than one table.
`Do you want to add any optionallields?
`T eblo in the cla!&>:a
`r.;:Fird Name
`P'La.t N~rne
`P' Spou$e Namo
`r GJilknN~I/1#
`Do you want sample dato iro the database?
`Having sample data can help you to learn to use the database
`r~Yes. incioJde sample data
`All the Access Wizards work in similar ways, and they have the same buttons at the
`bottom of each dialog box (see Figure 3.2).Just follow the directions, answer questions,
`and click on the buttons described below until you finish using the Wizard:
`Cancel Cancels the Wizard and returns to wherever you were before you started
`the Wizard.
`Back Returns you to the previous Wizard dialog box.
`Next Continues to the next dialog box.
`Finish Goes straight to the last Wizard dialog box. The Wizard will use default set(cid:173)
`tings for any dialog boxes that it skips. The Finish button is available only when the
`Wizard has enough information to complete its job.
`Choosing Optional Fields for Your Tables
`A field is a single unit of information stored in a table; for example, a person's name,
`address, or phone number. When you use the Database Wizard to create a database, all
`the necessary tables and fields will be defined automatically and you don't have to
`make any changes. But if you do want to include optional fields, or omit fields, here an
`the steps to follow:
`1. Scroll to and click on the name of the table you want to work with in the tables lb
`at the left side of the dialog box shown in Figure 3.2. (The Address Book databas
`contains only one table, and it's selected already.)


`2. Scroll to the field you want to work with in the fields list at the right side of the
`dialog box. To include the field, check the box next to its name. To omit the field,
`clear the check mark from the box. As usual in Windows, clicking on a checked
`box clears the check mark; clicking on an empty checkbox puts a check mark in
`the box.
`3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 as needed.
`For these lessons, we'll assume you've chosen the fi elds that the Wizard suggested
`initially. That is, italicized fields are not checked, and non-italicized fields are checked.
`Including Sample Data
`The Database Wizard can add some sample data to your database. Using sample data
`will help you learn to use the database more quickly, and it will save you time. (You can
`delete the sample data later.)
`We want you to start with some sample data, so please select (check) the box next to
`Yes, Include Sample Data (refer to Figure 3.2); then click on the Next button to con(cid:173)
`tinue to the third Database Wizard dialog box.
`Ql >
`c: <
`If you forgot to check the Yes, Include Sample Data box before clicking on the Next
`button, it's easy to recover. just click on the Back button in the next dialog box that
`appears, check the Yes, Include Sample Data box, and then click on Next.
`Choosing a Style for Forms
`The third Database Wizard dialog box lets you choose a background color and general
`style for database forms (called screen displays in the Database Wizard dialog box). In
`Figure 3.3, we've selected the Standard style. To choose a style, click on it in the list of
`styles. The left side of the dialog box will show a sample form that reflects your current
`choice. Preview any styles you wish and then choose Standard, which is the style used
`throughout this chapter. When you're ready to continue, click on the Next button.
`Choosing a Style for Printed Reports
`In the fourth Database Wizard dialog box, you'll choose a general style for printed
`reports (see Figure 3.4). Again, you can click on a style in the list and preview a sample
`until you find a style you like. Pick a style that appeals to you (or use the Compact style
`that we chose) and then click on Next.


`The third Data(cid:173)
`base Wizard
`dialog box with
`the Standard
`style selected
`for form s.
`Th e fourth
`Wizard dialog
`box with th e
`Compact report
`style selected.
`Database Wizard
`M "" -•
`Colorful 2
`Cl u'k
`Evergr een
`lnternatiot 1al
`SoH Gr.:':ly
`Dalabaxe Wizard
`\~·'hat slyle- wc•uld }'C•u llke fm pri11ted report:;?
`xHxx XKXK
`Labelfl•om Detail
`Contr ol fr om Delail
`, __ .
`C<3nc.t l
`G In Chapter 1 3 you'll learn how to set up your own form and report styles and how
`to add them to the list of predefined styles. You'll also find out how to reformat an
`existing form or report with a different styl e.


`Choosing a Database Title and Adding a Picture
`In the fifth Wizard dialog box (see Figure 3.5), you can choose a different title for your
`database. This title will appear on the Main Switchboard form (which you'll see soon)
`and on all reports. For now, Address Book is fine, so leave the title unchanged.
`You also can include a picture on all reports. Just for grins, add a picture by following
`these steps:
`1. Click on Yes, Include A Picture to check that option and then click on the Picture
`2. Use the techniques discussed in Chapter 1 to locate the folder named \MSOffice\
`Cl i part in the Insert Picture dialog box (see Figure 3.6). Assuming you did a stan(cid:173)
`dard installation, you can just type \msoffi ce\cl i part in the File name text box
`and press Enter.
`3. Make sure the Preview button is selected (pushed in) on the dialog box toolbar and
`then click on a file name in the left side of the dialog box. Each time you click on
`a file name, a preview of the picture it contains will appear in the preview area. The
`example in Figure 3.6 shows the Music file name and preview selected.
`4. Click on OK when you're satisfied with the picture you've selected. The sample pic(cid:173)
`ture will appear in the Database Wizard text box, next to the Picture button.
`5. Click on Next to continue to the next dialog box.
`Oalaba1u Wrzard
`Wh•t would )IOU like the tOle of the database to be?
`Do J10U want a pictlle on ai repo~ts?
`(;; Yes. I'd like to include a picture
`The fifth Data(cid:173)
`base Wizard
`dialog box lets
`you choose a
`title and a
`picture to use
`for your data(cid:173)
`base. In this
`example, we've
`used the sug(cid:173)
`gested title and
`chosen the
`Music picture
`from the
`Cl i part folder.


`Insert Picture
`Look tn I U Cli!>l>rt
`jta' Sporto
`After clicking on
`the Picture
`button in the
`dialog box
`shown in
`Figure 3.5, you
`can search for
`and preview
`pictures. The list
`of graphics will
`depend on
`which software
`you've installed
`and which folder
`you've chosen
`to search.
`~ACCOU11 !Auto
`Medical -~ Software
`Find files that match these crKeria:
`File !lame: I
`T e]it or property: l
`,.., 01"\)1-•• -ti-me ___ EJ-.
`l..elt QlOdfred:
`f~ ol JVpe, jr:G:-ra--:ph-:-l,c-.~. R:::l.,.- - - - - : -o
`Iii) f3
`£:ind Now
`New Search
`10 file[s) found
`Finishing Up
`That's all the information the Wizard needs. In the final dialog box, you have two options:
`Yes, Start The Database Leave this option checked if you want to go to a Switch(cid:173)
`board form that lets you start working with your database immediately. Clear this
`option if you want to go directly to the database window, bypassing the Switch(cid:173)
`board. For now, leave this option checked.
`Display Help On Using A Database Checking this option will display online
`help about using a database. Leaving this option unchecked won't display any
`extra help. Leave this option unchecked for now.
`To create the database with all the choices you made, click on the Finish button
`now. (If you need to revisit any of the previous Database Wizard dialog boxes, click on
`the Back button as needed.)
`Wait patiently for a few moments while the Database Wizard conjures up an entire
`database of tables, forms, reports, and other objects. (On-screen bars will keep you
`informed of the Wizard's progress as it works.) When the Wizard finishes its job, you'll
`see the Main Switchboard form for your database (see Figure 3.7).
`Congratulations! You've created your first Access database. Easy, isn't it? In the fol(cid:173)
`lowing lessons, you'll learn how to work with and customize your new database.


`~ Mio:r<>sotl Acccs<
`l!lr;;J EJ
`Del EnlerNiew.O.ddresses
`_j Preview Repo1ls
`_j Change Switchboard Items
`_j Exit this database
`~ >
`The Mam
`form gives you
`oil the opt1ons
`you need to
`create and
`Address Book
`data. Access
`creat·eJ a Main
`form automati(cid:173)
`cally any time
`you use the
`Wizard to
`create a non-
`blank database.
`;":= • I I ; , ol
`At Your leisure
`To Jearn more about databases and tables, see Chapters 5 through 7 of this book. Or go to
`the Access Help Contents, open the Creating A Database A11d Working In The Database Win(cid:173)
`dow book, and then peruse the subtopics. Or just skip all that and move on to Lesson 2.
`If you want to take a break at the end of this or any other Jesson, close your database
`as discussed next under "Taking a Break." Before you resume a lesson, reopen the Address
`Book Lessons database (see "Returning from a Break").
`Taking a Break
`Anytime you want to take a break at the end of a lesson, do one of these steps to save
`your work and close the database (before you turn off the computer!):
`• If you're viewing the Main Switchboard form, shown in Figure 3.7, click on the
`button next to the last option, Exit this database.
`If you're viewing the database window (see Chapter 1), choose File ~ Close from
`the menu bar or press Ctrl+W or click on the Close button on the database window.


`Then, if you're done using Access for a while, exit Access by choosing File> Exit from
`the Access menu bar. If you plan to turn off your computer, exit any other programs that
`are running, choose Start > Shut Down from the Taskbar, and then choose Shut Down
`The Computer?> Yes in the Shut Down Windows dialog box. When the message tells
`you it's safe to turn off your computer, go ahead and turn it off (if necessary) .
`Returning from a Break
`To resume with a new lesson after taking a break, use any of the techniques you learned
`in Chapter 1 to open the Address Book Lessons database and its Main Switchboard
`form. Here's a summary of the steps:
`If you're at the Microsoft Access startup dialog box and you see Address Book Les(cid:173)
`sons in the list under Open An Existing Database, double-click on that name.
`• If you're at the Microsoft Access startup dialog box and Address Book Lessons doesn't
`appear in the list, make sure More Files is highlighted, click on OK, and then double(cid:173)
`click on Address Book Lessons in the list of file names.
`• If you're at the Microsoft Access main menu, choose File from the Access menu bar.
`Then, if Address Book Lessons appears near the bottom of the File menu, click on its
`name. If it doesn't appear, choose Open Database and then double-click on Address
`Book Lessons in the list of file names.
`If you're at the Windows 95 desktop and you've used the Address Book Lessons
`database recently, choose Start> Documents> Address Book Lessons.
`The Address Book Lessons database will open, and the Main Switchboard form will
`appear (see Figure 3. 7) .
`Some Important Switchboard and Database Window Tips
`These tips are worth remembering as you work with the Address Book Lessons database:
`• To open the Address Book Lessons database window without opening the
`Main Switchboard first, hold down the Shift key while you open the Address
`Book Lessons database. You'll be taken directly to the database window.
`• To open the Main Switchboard form from the database window, click on the
`Forms tab on the database window and then double-click on the Switchboard
`form name.
`• To open the database window without closing the Swi

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