`United States Patent
`(10) Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 7,249,328 B1
`Jul. 24, 2007
`(75) Inventor: Russell T. Davis, Bethesda, MD (US)
`(73) Assignee: E-Numerate Solutions, Inc., McLean,
`VA (US)
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days.
`(*) Notice:
`(21) Appl. No.: 09/573,419
`(22) Filed:
`May 18, 2000
`Related U.S. Application Data
`(60) Provisional application No. 60/183,152, filed on Feb.
`17, 2000, provisional application No. 60/135,525,
`filed on May 21, 1999.
`51) Int. C.
`G06F 7/II
`(52) U.S. Cl. ....................... 715/853; 715/538; 707/205
`(58) Field of Classification Search ................ 345/853,
`345/854, 855: 715/503, 853–855, 760, 513–514,
`715/509; 707/205
`See application file for complete search history.
`References Cited
`1/1994 Grady et al. .................. T06/48
`5,276,776 A *
`6/1995 Byrd et al.
`5,423,032 A
`5,603,021 A * 2/1997 Spencer et al. ................ 707/4
`5,737,592 A
`4, 1998 Nguyen et al.
`5,838,965 A * 11/1998 Kavanagh et al. ...... TO7/103 R
`5,894,311 A * 4, 1999 Jackson ...................... 345,440
`5.999,944. A * 12/1999 Lipkin .........
`... TO7 104.1
`6,014,661 A
`1/2000 Ahlberg et al. ................ 707/3
`6,026,397 A * 2/2000 Sheppard ....................... 707/5
`6,058,385 A * 5/2000 Koza et al. ..
`... 706.13
`6,097.888 A * 8/2000 Simonyi ..................... T17,144
`6,206.388 B1
`3, 2001 Oluboter
`6,240,407 B1* 5/2001 Chang et al. .................. 707/2
`6.256,030 B1* 7/2001 Berry et al. ................ 71.5/854
`6,314.562 B1* 11/2001 Biggerstaff ................. 717,156
`Bruce Hallberg et al., “Special Edition. Using Microsoft(R) Excell
`97, Bestseller Edition,” Quer) Corporation (1997).
`Primary Examiner Ba Huynh
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Finnegan, Henderson,
`Farabow. Garrett & D
`arabow, Qarre
`Methods and systems provide a “tree view” for a markup
`language referred to as Reusable Data Markup Language
`(“RDML). Generally, a tree view comprises the compo
`nents necessary for automatically manipulating and display
`ing a graphical display of numerical data contained in
`RDML markup documents. RDML is a markup language,
`such as the Hypertext Markup Language (“HTML') or the
`Extensible Markup Language (XML). Generally, RDML
`facilitates the browsing and manipulation of numbers, as
`opposed to text as in HTML, and does so by requiring
`attributes describing the meaning of the numbers to be
`attached to the numbers. Upon receiving RDML markup
`documents, the tree view transforms, formats, manipulates
`and displays data stored in the markup documents using the
`attributes describing the meaning of the data. The tree view
`uses the attributes of the numbers to, for example, facilitate
`the simultaneous display of different series of numbers of
`different types on a single display. It automatically displays
`the relationship between series of numbers while displaying
`appropriate labels, titles, number precision, etc. A tree view
`may be a component of a data viewer used to retrieve,
`manipulate, and view documents in the RDML format.
`16 Claims, 40 Drawing Sheets
`w8w Chart Fawortes Tools help
`start Perioct940
`Tokal Surplus efficit.)
`sy Table at: Take 1: Summary of Recels, Oasys
`Suriansry of Rscsits, outlays
`Focines detaStreetMacros HTMLBrowser


`US 7,249,328 B1
`Page 2
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`2/2002 Chen
`6,356,920 B1* 3/2002 Vandersluis ...........
`6,366,915 B1
`42002 Rubert et al.
`6,370,537 B1 * 4/2002 Gilbert et al. .............. 707/101
`6,370,549 B1
`42002 Saxton
`6,373,504 B1 * 4/2002 Nielsen ...................... 345,739
`6.421,656 B1* 7/2002 Cheng et al. ..
`... TO7.2
`6,460,059 B1 * 10/2002 Wisniewski ....
`6,470,349 B1 * 10/2002 Heninger et al. .
`6,493,717 B1 * 12/2002 Junkin ...........
`6,505,246 B1* 1/2003 Land et al. ....
`... 709,224
`6,507,856 B1* 1/2003 Chen et al. ....
`... 715,513
`6,591.272 B1* 7/2003 Williams ....
`6,594,653 B2 *
`7/2003 Colby et al. ................... 707/3
`6,615.258 B1* 9/2003 Barry et al. ................ 709,223
`6,629,094 B1* 9/2003 Colby et al. .
`... TO7/4
`6,635,089 B1 * 10/2003 Burkett et al. .............. 715,513
`6,745,384 B1* 6/2004 Biggerstaff ................. 717,156
`6,912,293 B1* 6/2005 Korobkin....
`2002/009 1696 A1* 7/2002 Craft et al. ................... 707/10
`2002fO198985 A1 12/2002 Fraenkel et al. ............ TO9,224
`2003/0167213 A1* 9, 2003 Jammes et al. .
`... 705/27
`2005/0182709 A1
`8/2005 Belcsak et al. ............... 705/38
`Elliotte Rusty Harold, “XMLTM Bible.” IDG Books Worldwide,
`Inc.. An International Data Group Company (1999).
`& 8
`David Megginson, “Structuring XML Documents.” Prentice Hall
`PTR, Upper Saddle River, NJ (1998)
`, Upp
`* cited by examiner


`U.S. Patent
`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 24, 2007
`Sheet 1 of 40
`US 7.249,328 B1
`US 7,249,328 B1


`U.S. Patent
`U.S. Patent
`US 7.249,328 B1
`US 7,249,328 B1
`N _


`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 24, 2007
`Sheet 3 of 40
`US 7,249,328 B1
`Sigai erver,
`Oracle, etc.)
`RDSL Style
`Sheet Editor
`RDSL Style
`RMML. Macro
`RMM Macro
`RDML Data
`Various RDML
`FIG. 3


`U.S. Patent
`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 24, 2007
`Jul. 24, 2007
`Sheet 4 of 40
`Sheet 4 of 40
`US 7,249,328 B1
`US 7,249,328 B1
` .Hlnq,1:1‘411111‘V1
` ,4.2.8.”.
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`U.S. Patent
`US 7,249,328 B1
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`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 24, 2007
`Sheet 6 of 40
`US 7,249,328 B1
`User submits data request
`to web server and RDML
`data server via the viewer
`RDML server queries the
`The databases return the
`results to the Server
`The Server Creates an
`RDML document
`The server returns the
`RDML document to the Web
`server and on to the viewer
`FIG. 6


`U.S. Patent
` .832m0/,42k:hummmwnoiSnow—fin:”fir—MsfinwvEoEBoDM_wdam422m2:.7,canSNmnownwow
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`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 24, 2007
`Sheet 8 of 40
`US 7.249,328 B1
`FIG. 7B


`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 24, 2007
`Sheet 9 of 40
`US 7.249,328 B1
`DOCument reader finds
`and receives document
`XML parser parses
`RDML processor
`processes the text into an object
`X-value transformer 810 type
`checks and manipulates x-values
`Primary data store 812 stores active
`objects of the same type for display
`Views display active objects
`stored in primary data store
`FIG. 8


`US 7,249,328 B1


`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 24, 2007
`Sheet 11 of 40
`US 7,249,328 B1
`Locate Documents
`Select DOCument to be
`ACCeSS Line tem
`Determine Desired
`Access Unit, Magnitude,
`Modifier, Scale, Measure,
`and Adiustment Attributes
`Determine Conversion
`Factors for Each Attribute
`Multiply the Conversion
`Factors to Manipulate the
`numbers of the DOCument Or
`Line tem
`Display Transformed
`DOCument. On Line tem
`Line item to be
`ransformed 2
`Document to be
`FIG. 10


`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 24, 2007
`Sheet 12 of 40
`US 7,249,328 B1
`X-value transformer
`receives a new document
`Determines type of active
`documents in primary data store
`Add to currently
`active documents
`object is same
`type as active
`User chooses to
`reject object?
`Reject the
`User chooses to
`erase Current
`Erase Current
`active documents
`Store new
`insert new document
`as standby object
`FIG. 11


`US 7.249,328 B1
`US 7,249,328 B1
`U.S. Patent
`U.S. Patent


`U.S. Patent
`U.S. Patent
`US 7,249,328 B1
`US 7,249,328 B1


`U.S. Patent
`U.S. Patent
`US 7,249,328 B1
`US 7,249,328 B1
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`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 24, 2007
`Sheet 16 of 40
`US 7,249,328 B1
`Primary Data Store
`RDML Lineltem
`FIG. 13


`U.S. Patent
`US 7,249,328 B1
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`US 7.249,328 B1
`US 7,249,328 B1
`U.S. Patent
`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 24, 2007
`Sheet 18 of 40


`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 24, 2007
`Sheet 19 of 40
`US 7,249,328 B1
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`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 24, 2007
`Sheet 20 of 40
`US 7,249,328 B1
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`U.S. Patent
`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 24, 2007
`Sheet 21 0f 40
`US 7,249,328 B1
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`U.S. Patent
`U.S. Patent
`US 7,249,328 B1
`US 7,249,328 B1
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`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 24, 2007
`Sheet 23 of 40
`US 7,249,328 B1
`the Line tem
`FIG. 15A


`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 24, 2007
`Sheet 24 of 40
`US 7,249,328 B1
`Remove existing data
`Get RDMLLineltem
`Normalize X data
`Fill X Axis With data
`Fill YAxis with data
`Mark Which Y Axis This Series is On
`Yes. Add Axis
`Set number formats for axis labels
`Set the number precision
`Update the footnotes
`Run any macros that are applied
`FIG. 15B


`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 24, 2007
`Sheet 25 of 40
`US 7,249,328 B1
`Set Y 1 Title
`Set Y2 Title
`Update the Series Styles
`Update the Chart Title
`Update the Legend
`Update the X Axis
`Update the Number Precision
`Update the YAxis
`Update the Chart Type
`Update the Footer
`Set the maximum X value
`Repaint the Graphical Chart
`FIG. 15C


`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 24, 2007
`Sheet 26 of 40
`US 7,249,328 B1
` .,2w:
` fmxm‘mwmr_;.i;:afiEfiEWBaEEEmEm5m@2525Eu4th.EmEaemSmn£0530:Emmomnm:WEoEmsuoEE238Z_,oucwzofifisEB:25anEE883‘35.85.”.
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`U.S. Patent
`U.S. Patent
`US 7,249,328 B1
`US 7,249,328 B1
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`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 24, 2007
`Sheet 28 of 40
`US 7,249,328 B1
`RMML Document Type Definition
`macro Source
`Contact info
`macro doc
`macro references
`error handling
`- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
`- 930
`- - -
`li class


`U.S. Patent
`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 24, 2007
`Jul. 24, 2007


`U.S. Patent
`US 7,249,328 B1
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`U.S. Patent
`U.S. Patent
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`U.S. Patent
`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 24, 2007
`Sheet 32 of 40
`US 7,249,328 B1
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`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 24, 2007
`Sheet 33 of 40
`US 7,249,328 B1
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`U.S. Patent
`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 24, 2007
`Jul. 24, 2007
`Sheet 34 of 40
`Sheet 34 of 40
`US 7,249,328 B1
`US 7,249,328 B1


`U.S. Patent
`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 24, 2007
`Jul. 24, 2007
`Sheet 35 of 40
`Sheet 35 of 40
`US 7,249,328 B1
`US 7,249,328 B1


`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 24, 2007
`Sheet 36 of 40
`US 7,249,328 B1
`User puts data
`in table form
`Open and
`initialize dialog
`User fills in
`default values
`for attributes
`User clicks
`"OK" to Create
`Open and
`initialize dialog
`Create each
`nesting as
`Save to file
`FIG. 21


`U.S. Patent
`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 24, 2007
`Jul. 24, 2007
`Sheet 37 of 40
`Sheet 37 of 40
`US 7,249,328 B1
`US 7,249,328 B1
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`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 24, 2007
`Sheet 38 of 40
`US 7,249,328 B1
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`U.S. Patent
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`US 7,249,328 B1


`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 24, 2007
`Sheet 40 of 40
`US 7,249,328 B1
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`US 7,249,328 B1
`This patent application claims priority to Provisional U.S.
`Patent Application No. 60/135,525, filed on May 21, 1999,
`and Provisional U.S. Patent Application No. 60/183,152,
`filed on Feb. 17, 2000, which are incorporated herein by
`The following identified U.S. patent applications are also
`relied upon and are incorporated by reference in this appli
`U.S. patent application Ser. No. 09/573,778, entitled
`“Reusable Data Markup Language,’ and filed on the same
`date herewith.
`U.S. patent application Ser. No. 09/573,780, entitled
`“Reusable Macro Markup Language,’ and filed on the same
`date herewith.
`U.S. patent application Ser. No. 09/573,413, entitled
`“Chart View for Reusable Data Markup Language, and
`filed on the same date herewith.
`come some of these limitations. XML is a free-form markup
`language with unspecified tags, which allows developers to
`develop their own tags and, in effect, create their own
`markup languages geared toward specialized tasks. In XML,
`the tags must be organized according to certain rules, but
`their meaning is flexible. Unlike HTML, XML describes
`structure and meaning, but not formatting. As such, different
`professions may develop their own specialized markup
`languages. For example, if a developer were to create a
`markup language that describes books in XML, the devel
`oper could create specifically meaningful tags for "title.”
`“author,” and “publisher, something not possible in HTML.
`Although XML’s free-form structure permits the develop
`ment of markup languages. Such individualized markup
`languages are not compatible with each other because the
`use of the tags is not standardized in that different users use
`the tags for different purposes.
`In today's business world, problems that typically accom
`pany data manipulation often increase expense and diffi
`culty. One such problem is that often data and the docu
`mentation that describes the data are not both in electronic
`form. This conventional approach to database and spread
`sheet information often dictates that expensive database
`administrators are required to make transformations anytime
`data is being transferred from one system to another, expen
`sive analysis of printed documentation is required in con
`nection with any programming tasks, and the output rarely
`contains any indication of the original sources, structures,
`and manipulations that created that output. In PC-based
`systems, creating documentation for data is conventionally
`left up to the user: typically there is no machine-driven effort
`to collect the documentation from the user, format it, and
`save it with the data, thereby eliminating the ease of reuse
`of the data.
`Another obstacle impeding efficiency in conventional
`databases and spreadsheets is that calculations occur at too
`low of a conceptual level. Calculations in typical numerical
`analysis programs operate on a single “cell” in a spreadsheet
`or a single “record in a database. Analytic operations on
`single values at a time can be slow and prove costly when
`many different cells or record values are involved.
`The lack of a standard markup language facilitating the
`browsing of numbers leaves no way to read, automatically
`manipulate and display differing types of numerical data
`read from multiple online sources on a single chart. Human
`intervention is required to recognize differing types of
`numerical data and conform the data so that it may be
`combined and displayed coherently on charts, graphs and
`reports. Conventionally, formatting of graphical charts dis
`playing numerical data requires manual manipulation when
`series of different types of data are combined. Furthermore,
`no visual cue is given regarding the relationship between
`different numerical data sets.
`The computer industry is further hindered by the fact that
`data and analytic routines are not standardized. While the
`computer industry has developed standards for file formats
`and function-level interfaces, it has not developed a general
`data format or content-analysis standards. This results in
`expensive translation of data between systems, industries,
`companies and users using different protocols.
`Analysis routines in conventional spreadsheets typically
`take the form of “spreadsheet macros.” Macros are essen
`tially short programs which perform well-defined, generally
`limited, tasks. Millions of spreadsheet users have used
`spreadsheet macros to automate mechanical tasks involved
`in manipulating the numbers in their spreadsheets. But the
`great investment in spreadsheet macroS has generally been
`1. Field of the Invention
`The present invention relates generally to data processing
`systems and, more particularly, to a computer markup lan
`guage for use in a data browser and manipulator.
`2. Related Art
`Currently on the Internet, transmissions and communica
`tions are commonly conducted using a communication pro
`tocol called the HyperText Transfer Protocol (“HTTP)
`which can be used to pass files and documents formatted in
`the HyperText Markup Language (“HTML'). A markup
`language is a way of embedding markup "tags, special
`sequences of characters, that describe the structure as well as
`the behavior of a document and instruct a web browser or
`other program on how to display the document. Typically,
`documents or web pages formatted in HTML are simply
`ASCII text files that mix ordinary text with these markup
`HTML has a relatively limited structure that defines a
`fixed set of tags with specific purposes. Further, HTML
`typically only works with text and images and typically only
`instructs a browser on how to display a document: the
`browser may read and display characters but does not
`“understand the data content. To the extent that HTML
`browsers present numbers in their display, they still are not
`interpreted as numbers just text. Hence, HTML documents
`are not interpreted as “data” but rather as formatting instruc
`tions for displaying images. Users cannot 'Surf through
`numerical data, to see graphs, apply transformations, com
`bine numbers from different web pages, or load numbers
`into a spreadsheet in a manageable form. The numbers
`cannot be directly read by an analytical program without
`human intervention to cut-and-paste the text, determine the
`data type, etc. Consequently, conventional analytical pro
`grams allow for ad hoc review and manipulation of abstract
`numbers (e.g., a spreadsheet program or database program),
`but do not directly read their data from online sources. Such
`programs may perform statistical analysis, structural analy
`sis and simple transformations on data once it has been
`entered and interpreted.
`Given HTML’s limited capabilities, and SGML’s
`unwieldy complexity, a markup language called Extensible
`Markup Language (XML') was developed to help over


`underutilized because Such macros are “write once, use
`once” types of software; they are rarely reused by others.
`There are at least eight reasons that current programming
`languages and spreadsheet macros are not reusable or por
`table. One such problem is that spreadsheet data references
`usually are based on physical locations. Suppose a macro
`writer puts an interest rate assumption in cell “C4, and
`another person has a spreadsheet with the interest rate
`assumption in cell “BR47, a macro that expressly refer
`ences the absolute cell location C4 will not be usable in the
`second spreadsheet.
`Another related problem is that numbers in spreadsheets
`have no measurement or semantic designators describing
`their meaning. One spreadsheet may work with dollars in
`millions, while another works with dollars in thousands. The
`same macro cannot be used on both spreadsheets without
`human intervention to sort out all the inconsistencies and to
`modify one of the spreadsheets to match the other. As
`another example, a macro may be written to divide Stock
`price by earnings to get a P/E ratio, but numbers in a
`spreadsheet have no meaning besides words in the cell to the
`left or above the numbers. Absent a standard location and
`Vocabulary, those indicators are useless.
`An additional problem with conventional spreadsheet
`macros is the lack of documentation. Because macros are
`typically only usable by their creators on the single spread
`sheet they wrote them for, they tend to be totally undocu
`mented: no common-language description, no help files, no
`data standards as to permissible values, Source contact list,
`license information, etc.
`Furthermore, there is no mass distribution mechanism for
`macros. Spreadsheet macros are not web-friendly: they are
`generally limited to one spreadsheet brand and one platform,
`do not support hyperlinks, and cannot be searched by search
`engines. Also, they are not Supported by directory or clas
`sification system, and have no ready market.
`Even further, users typically do not include unit testing,
`validity testing, error handling, and other end-user protec
`tions on the macros that they write. The result is that users
`may be wary of the output of macros that they might try to
`add to their spreadsheets.
`Conventional spreadsheet macros have difficulty making
`graphical interfaces to the data. End users of a foreign macro
`do not want to have to understand every cell and location
`constraint, every limitation on valid values that can be input
`and so forth. The lack of related graphical components
`further fuels this problem.
`Finally, conventional spreadsheet macros are either too
`small to be worth a marketing effort, or too difficult to use
`to find a large audience. This results in a lack of a business
`incentive to make them. It is therefore desirable to overcome
`the aforementioned problems and other related problems.
`Methods and systems in accordance with the present
`invention provide a markup language, referred to as Reus
`able Data Markup Language (“RDML'), that permits the
`browsing and manipulation of numbers and provide a related
`data viewer that acts as a combination Web browser and
`spreadsheet/analytic application that may automatically read
`numbers from multiple online sources and manipulate them
`without human intervention. Using the markup language,
`users may browse online sources using numerical-based
`queries, and the data viewer may automatically combine and
`manipulate multiple documents on a single display.
`US 7,249,328 B1
`In accordance with an implementation consistent with the
`present invention, a method in a data processing system is
`provided that receives a first markup document and a second
`markup document, both the first markup document and the
`second markup document containing numerical values and
`tags reflecting characteristics of the numerical values. The
`method automatically combines the first markup document
`and the second markup document into a single data set and
`displays the single data set.
`In accordance with another implementation, a method in
`a data processing system is provided that receives a docu
`ment containing numerical values, and receives indications
`of characteristics of the numerical values, the characteristics
`including a unit and a magnitude. Further, it adds the
`received indications into the document as tags associated
`with the numerical values to create a markup document.
`In accordance with yet another implementation, a method
`in a data processing system is provided that receives a
`markup document having a set of numerical values and tags
`indicating characteristics of the numerical values and deter
`mines a transformation for the set of numerical values to
`reflect new characteristics. The method then accesses a
`plurality of the tags of the set of numerical values, the
`plurality of the tags indicating magnitude, Scale, modifier,
`units, measure, adjustment and aggregation. Furthermore,
`the method determines conversion factors for the magnitude,
`scale, modifier, units, measure, adjustment and aggregation
`tags to accomplish the transformation to the new character
`istics and multiplies the set of numerical values by the
`determined conversion factors to transform the set of
`numerical values to reflect the new characteristics.
`Methods and systems in accordance with the present
`invention provide a chart view that automatically manipu
`lates and graphically displays numerical data. The manipu
`lation and display is based on attributes associated with the
`numerical data describing characteristics of the numerical
`data. The chart view facilitates the simultaneous display of
`different series of numerical values of different types on a
`single chart and automatically displays appropriate descrip
`tive textual components (e.g., axis labels, axis titles, chart
`titles, number precision, legends, footnotes, axis Scales, etc.)
`The chart view allows single click transformations of series
`of numerical values and provides automatic formatting of
`descriptive textual components in response.
`In accordance with an implementation of the present
`invention, a method in a data processing system having a
`display showing a chart is provided that receives a series of
`numerical values with tags indicating characteristics of the
`numerical values and displays the numerical values on the
`chart. Further, the method automatically determines a title
`for the numerical values based at least one of the tags and
`displays the determined title on the chart.
`In accordance with another impl

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