Page 1
` ____________
` ____________
` Petitioners,
` v.
` Patent Owner.
` ____________
` Case IPR2018-01331
` Case IPR2018-01342
` ____________
` Administrative Patent Judges.
`GARTH D. BAER, Administrative Patent Judge.
` Telephonic Hearing
` September 3, 2019
` 2:00 P.M.
`Job No.: 25984
`TransPerfect Legal Solutions
`212-400-8845 -
`DISH 1035
`Sling TV v. Realtime


`Page 2
`Attorneys for Patent Owner:
` 12424 Wilshire Boulevard
` Los Angeles, California 90025
`Attorneys for Petitioner Sling TV and Dish Network:
` 1000 Maine Avenue SW, 10th Floor
` Washington, DC 20024
`2 3
`TransPerfect Legal Solutions
`212-400-8845 -


`Page 3
`Attorneys for Petitioner Arris Solutions:
` 98 San Jacinto Boulevard, Suite 1500
` Austin, Texas 78701-4078
`Attorneys for Petitioner Google:
` 875 15th Street NW
` Washington, D.C. 20005
`Attorneys for Petitioner Comcast:
` 235 Montgomery Street
` San Francisco, CA 94104
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`212-400-8845 -
`2 3


`Page 4
` JUDGE BAER: Good afternoon. This is
` Judge Baer from the Patent Trial and Appeal
` Board, and with me on the line are Judges
` Cherry and Kahn.
` This call is in reference IPR2018-1331 and
` 2018-1342. These all involve the same Patent
` Owner, Realtime Adaptive. We have also got
` then Petitioners Sling and Dish, RS Google and
` Comcast.
` We are here to address Patent Owner's
` request to either terminate these petitions and
` postpone all deadlines until resolution of
` their request.
` First, what we are going to do is get some
` appearances. And as you-all discovered in
` making your introductions, we have got a bit of
` a full house here, so I will try and keep
` everybody straight.
` Let's start with Patent Owner, Realtime.
` If you would go ahead and please state your
` appearance.
` MR. WANG: Good afternoon, your Honors.
` This is Philip Wang, counsel for Patent Owner,
` Realtime Adaptive Streaming LLC. I'm joined by
` my colleague, Jay Chung.
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`Page 5
` JUDGE BAER: Thank you, Mr. Wang.
` And now let's start with Petitioners Sling
` and Dish.
` MR. SHARTZER: Hi. Good afternoon, your
` Honors. This is Adam Shartzer, on behalf of
` the Sling and Dish Petitioners from Fish &
` Richardson, and with me today on the call is my
` partner, Brian Livedalen.
` JUDGE BAER: Thank you, Mr. Shartzer.
` Now let's go with Petitioner Arris,
` please.
` MS. NALL: Hello. This is Jennifer Nall
` with Baker Botts on behalf of Petitioner Arris.
` And on the call with me, I have Brian Oaks, a
` partner of mine at Baker Botts.
` JUDGE BAER: Thank you, Ms. Nall.
` And let's go to now Petitioner Google,
` please.
` MR. CITROEN: Thank you, your Honors.
` This is Phillip Citroen, on behalf of
` Petitioner Google, at Paul Hastings.
` JUDGE BAER: Thank you, counsel.
` And last but not least, Petitioner
` Comcast, please.
` MR. CALLAWAY: Good afternoon, your
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`Page 6
` Honors. This is Dan Callaway from Farella
` Braun & Martel for Petitioner Comcast.
` JUDGE BAER: Thank you, Mr. Callaway.
` I think that is everybody. I thought we
` have a heard we have a court reporter.
` Who was that retained the court reporter,
` please?
` THE REPORTER: It is TransPerfect. I'm so
` sorry. Fish & Richardson.
` JUDGE BAER: Thank you.
` I think I got everybody. If there is
` somebody who has not been accounted for, now
` would be the time to speak up.
` MR. SHARTZER: Your Honor, this is Adam
` Shartzer on behalf of the Dish and Sling
` Petitioners. I also inadvertently left off my
` partner, Carl Renner, who is also joined the
` call this afternoon.
` JUDGE BAER: Great. Thank you.
` All right. With that, I think we are
` ready to begin.
` As I said, we are here to discuss
` potential termination, in view of our recent
` decision in Go Pro versus 360 Heros. I think
` what we will do is start with the Patent Owner,
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`Page 7
` since this would be your motion.
` So why don't you tell us what it is that
` you are seeking, if you would, please.
` MR. WANG: Thank you, your Honors. This
` is Philip Wang on behalf of Patent Owner.
` To just give a very high-level overview,
` we know that your Honor doesn't want to hear a
` full oral argument. But our request would
` apply to both the 01331 and 1342 IPRs.
` And as your Honors know, Patent Owner, we
` argue that Petitioners were time barred in both
` the Preliminary Response and in our Patent
` Owner Response.
` The panel found that Section 315(b) did
` not apply because Patent Owner lacks standing
` at the time of the complaint, and that was
` briefed in a couple of rounds of briefing.
` But we think that the Board's precedential
` decision that was very recently issued on
` August 23rd, sort of overruled the Board's
` finding, and it even cited the IPRs in this
` case. And it held that the one year time bar
` under Section 315(b) has no exceptions for
` standing, just as Patent Owner argued.
` And so Patent Owner believes, we believe
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`Page 8
` that under this new precedent, Petitioners were
` and are time barred, and that the IPRs should
` not have been instituted.
` And based on that decision, we would
` request an opportunity to brief these issues
` more fully, and submit some kind of written
` request to terminate both IPR proceedings. And
` then as well to promote efficiency for all
` parties as well as the Board, we would ask that
` the deadlines be postponed until our motion is
` acted upon.
` JUDGE BAER: Thank you, Mr. Wang.
` Do you want to address the joined
` petitions and parties now? Or would you like
` to wait until we hear from them first?
` MR. WANG: Sure, your Honor. I can
` address that very briefly.
` So, in IPR 1331, the only joined
` petitioner is Petitioner Arris. And they were
` also time barred at the time of their joinder
` motion.
` And so we -- we think that that doesn't
` change the calculus at all.
` As to the other joined Petitioners in
` 1342, the 1342 IPR, Google and Comcast, Patent
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`Page 9
` Owner certainly never waived any arguments
` about the one year time bar, and we think that
` termination of the 01342 IPR is appropriate and
` that IPR should not have been instituted.
` If there is more specific arguments about
` joinder, certainly that -- that would be
` appropriate to resolve in briefing.
` JUDGE BAER: So is this your position,
` Mr. Wang, that neither Google nor Comcast would
` have been time barred at the time of their
` filing their petitions, the joinder petitions,
` is that correct?
` MR. WANG: I believe that is correct, your
` Honor.
` JUDGE BAER: Okay. Let's hear.
` MR. WANG: And sorry, your Honor.
` One more thing to -- one more quick point
` is that certainly at the time that they filed
` their joinder petitions, they were aware of
` sort of the time bar issue that we raised for
` these specific IPRs. They saw our briefing.
` They knew kind of the state of the law with the
` Click-to-Call decision. And so, in our view,
` they sort of took the risk that what we said
` would happen did happen.
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`Page 10
` JUDGE BAER: Okay. I mean, my guess is
` that they also saw our institution decisions on
` those, so -- but we will wait to hear from them
` on that.
` So let's start with Petitioners Sling and
` Dish. Mr. Shartzer.
` MR. SHARTZER: Good afternoon, your
` Honors.
` So addressing the issues raised by the
` Patent Owner here, this issues that we find
` ourselves in, where the Go Pro has come out,
` yet we are a prior matter is a issue of
` Realtime's own making.
` The Go Pro decision does not apply in this
` case in view of the Board's standard operating
` procedures. I will direct the Board's
` attention -- I know the Board doesn't have the
` benefit of prior briefing on this before the
` call, but Standard Operating Procedure 2,
` Section 3, Subpart D states that a precedential
` decision is binding Board authority in
` subsequent matters involving similar facts or
` issues.
` Now, Patent Owner concedes that our case
` was cited in the Go Pro decision. It is
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`Page 11
` clearly -- it is clear that our decision, or
` our case and our institution is a prior matter.
` And I will note that the Go Pro panel did
` not cite this particular institution decision
` and state that it was overruling it.
` It merely cited it because the other
` parties had cited this matter in their earlier
` briefing to the POP panel.
` Your Honors, we believe this case, or this
` matter should proceed to a final written
` decision. And as I mentioned earlier, this is
` problem of Realtime's own making, and that is
` so because Realtime did not pursue a rehearing
` request off of the institution decision.
` The POP panel operating procedures were
` available to Realtime at the time of the
` institution decision, but it decided to allow
` the rehearing time frame to elapse.
` And thus, it seems to have conceded that
` the issue would at least be decided at some
` point -- if it were to be decided at all, it
` would be decided at some future point.
` Here that should be the final written
` decision. And then if the -- if the Board is
` going to move forward and consider Realtime's
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`Page 12
` request, I would note that the Go Pro decision,
` while it ought not to apply here, it did note
` that there were matters where the one-year bar
` perhaps should be tolled in issues of filing
` with respect to bad faith.
` The Go Pro decision noted the need for
` discovery on those issues, and we would ask for
` discovery on issues with respect to bad faith
` and equitable tolling before any briefing
` process were to occur should the Board decide
` to retroactively apply the Go Pro decision.
` Let's go now to Petitioner Arris. It
` seems to me that you are relatively similarly
` situated as Sling and Dish.
` Anything you want to add to that?
` MS. NALL: Your Honor, this is Jennifer
` Nall. Thank you for letting us speak.
` With respect to Arris, we would request a
` chance to possibly do briefing on whether or
` not Realtime has waived the -- its objection to
` Arris -- its petition, Arris's own petition
` being time barred.
` Realtime, when we filed our petition and
` we filed our joinder motion, Realtime said that
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`Page 13
` it was preserving the time bar issue with
` respect to Dish and Sling, but did not object
` to Arris's petition as being time barred.
` Other than that, we are fully aligned with
` Dish and Sling.
` JUDGE BAER: And Ms. Nall, I know you
` filed your petition on February 27th. Do you
` happen to have the date of our institution
` decisions handy? I can look it up, if you
` don't.
` MS. NALL: No, your Honor. I don't have
` it. Sorry.
` JUDGE BAER: Give me just a moment. It
` looks like we instituted just before then on
` January 31st.
` Okay. Let's move next to Petitioner
` Google.
` MR. CITROEN: Thank you, your Honors.
` This is Philip Citroen, on behalf of
` Petitioner Google.
` So we certainly oppose Realtime's request
` to the extent that the request is that the
` proceeding be terminated as to the other
` petitioners in the 1342 proceeding. So that
` would be Google and Comcast. You know, at a
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`Page 14
` minimum, in our minds, if this proceeding is
` terminated as to Dish and Sling, it should
` continue as to Google and Comcast.
` I believe counsel for Realtime conceded
` earlier on the call that there is no argument
` against Google and Comcast that their petitions
` were not timely filed. That is, there was no
` complaint violating any infringement against
` Google and Comcast more than a year before they
` filed their IPR petitions.
` And just I would also like to note that
` the Go Pro case doesn't address this particular
` situation that we have here, which where is
` where you have joined parties, Google and
` Comcast, that are now being argued should be
` terminated as well.
` The Go Pro case did not address that
` particular situation. So we don't think it is
` applicable, at least with respect to Google and
` Comcast.
` So we see this situation, you know,
` similar to a settlement in a joined proceeding
` where a petitioner in the joined proceedings
` settle with the Patent Owner.
` Like in that situation, a joined
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`Page 15
` petitioner that is not part of the settlement
` should be permitted to maintain the
` proceedings. We think that should govern here
` as well. Google and Comcast should be able to
` go forward.
` And just from a fairness standpoint,s
` well, your Honor, the Board especially lately
` has impressed about petitioners to just reduce
` the number of petitions challenging a patent to
` avoid serial petitions and for efficiency
` reasons and so forth.
` And that is exactly what Petitioners
` Google and Comcast did here. We followed the
` board's guidance, and what they had asked the
` parties to do here, and filed their own
` petitions and requested joinder with the
` Petitioners here, Sling and Comcast.
` So, you know, now, terminating proceedings
` as to Google and Comcast would be, you know, it
` would be unfair in our mind and extremely
` prejudicial to us, given that we were doing
` what the Board has really asked petitioners to
` do in these types of proceedings where there
` are a lot of defendants that have been accused
` of infringement.
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`Page 16
` JUDGE BAER: And Mr. Callaway, anything
` for add for Petitioner Comcast?
` MR. CALLAWAY: Thank you, your Honors.
` Comcast opposes termination of
` IPR2018-1342. And we echo the remarks made by
` Google's counsel, with whom we believe we are
` similarly situated.
` Thank you.
` JUDGE BAER: And for Petitioner Google,
` has been Google sued? Is there a 315 date at
` all in play here?
` MR. CITROEN: Your Honor, I believe there
` is. But we filed the petition well within the
` one-year deadline.
` JUDGE BAER: And that is in both cases?
` I'm sorry. Just the 1342 case then, correct?
` MR. CITROEN: Correct. Just the 1342
` proceeding.
` JUDGE BAER: And the same question to
` Comcast, any potential 315(b) issues for you?
` Has Comcast been sued?
` MR. CALLAWAY: No, your Honor.
` Comcast filed its original IPR and request
` for joinder well within the one-year time bar
` period.
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`Page 17
` JUDGE BAER: Okay. And if I could go back
` to Mr. Shartzer for Sling and Dish, could you
` speak to any opposition, if you have any,
` towards Patent Owner's request to delay -- I
` think it is going to be Patent Owner's
` sur-reply is what is up next in both of these
` cases, but to delay the pending due date while
` we would get briefing on this issue?
` MR. SHARTZER: Your Honor, we would oppose
` that request because it would inconsistent with
` our belief that the proceedings should still
` proceed forward towards final written decision
` on the schedule that the Board authorized at
` the institution in January 2019.
` JUDGE BAER: Okay, thank you.
` And let's go back to Patent Owner
` Realtime.
` Anything you would like to say in
` response, really to any of the petitioners'
` comments?
` MR. WANG: Sure. Sure, your Honor.
` So there were a lot of comments and a lot
` of nuances, and so I think what we would
` reaffirm is our request that these issues be
` properly presented to the board through
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`Page 18
` briefing, and we also think that delaying
` deadlines or somewhat would certainly be
` reasonable, like under Section 315(a)(11), the
` board can extend the deadline for the final
` written decision for up to six months for good
` cause and in cases of joinder.
` And certainly the Board's precedential
` decision in Go Pro, which is on all fours with
` our case, I don't say that lightly, but it is
` directly on all fours would at least constitute
` good cause.
` JUDGE BAER: Okay. And Patent Owner, if
` we were to grant briefing on this, do you have
` a sense of what kind of length you would like?
` It doesn't mean we will give it to you, but can
` you tell us what kind of length you would like?
` MR. WANG: Do you mean page length, your
` Honor?
` MR. WANG: To be honest, we haven't given
` that a lot of thought. I think we would be
` amenable to whatever your Honors prefer.
` JUDGE BAER: And as far as schedule goes,
` do you have a sense of when you would be ready
` to submit that brief?
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`Page 19
` Again, that doesn't mean that's what we
` will grant, but I would like to hear what you
` have to say on the issue.
` MR. WANG: Sure, your Honor.
` I mean, our intention is not to delay
` anything. We would just like to present this
` issue properly before the Board and get
` resolution on it. And I think we would be able
` to put together a brief next week.
` JUDGE BAER: Okay. And let me give
` Petitioners a chance to address those two
` issues.
` If we were to grant briefing, do you have
` any input on how much briefing you think you
` would need and what sort of schedule would work
` for that briefing?
` Let's start with Petitioners Sling and
` Dish.
` MR. SHARTZER: Your Honor, Adam Shartzer
` for Sling and Dish.
` With respect to the amount of briefing, if
` we look back at what the Go Pro panel, the POP
` panel did with the briefing there, they did
` something a little different. They had
` simultaneous exchanges of two sets of briefings
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`Page 20
` from the Petitioner and Patent Owner. In
` total, it was 25 pages of briefing.
` So we would request for Petitioners at
` least a 25-page opposition to address some
` significant issues of statutory interpretation,
` Click-to-Call, the viability of this process
` under the APA. Some very kind of thorny issues
` that we would have to address in those 25
` pages.
` And then we would request 21 days from the
` brief that Realtime would file in order to put
` that together.
` JUDGE BAER: And Mr. Shartzer, would that
` 21 days then affect potentially the schedule,
` assuming we disagree with you about the
` schedule not be delayed? Would you understand
` that that 21 days would push out -- would push
` out the additional scheduling that we have
` already got scheduled? Would it still be your
` position that you wanted the 21 days?
` MR. SHARTZER: If it pushes the schedule?
` JUDGE BAER: Yes. If it would push the
` schedule the same amount of time that you would
` be asking for?
` MR. SHARTZER: Yes. I think we would
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`Page 21
` still ask for 21 days, even if it were to push
` our schedule slightly off. Although I think
` we -- I would imagine that Patent Owner can
` agree that we could brief these issues
` simultaneously as the substance of the
` Institutions decision and the substance of the
` issues before the Board proceeds towards the
` final written decision.
` JUDGE BAER: Okay. Let's go to Petitioner
` Arris. Anything we need to know about
` scheduling and briefing?
` MS. NALL: Your Honor, this Jennifer Nall
` for Petitioner Arris.
` Arris does not need -- can join Dish and
` Sling for the most part. We probably would
` need a half page to a page for our own issue.
` And other than that, we can fully -- we imagine
` that we can fully join with Dish and Sling.
` JUDGE BAER: Okay. And Petitioner Google,
` any thoughts on the same subject?
` MR. CITROEN: Thank you, your Honors.
` I think in terms of timing and page
` length, we are open to whatever the Board
` believes is necessary here.
` I think the one point that Google would
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`Page 22
` like to make is that we obviously would like an
` opportunity to respond to any briefing that is
` filed by Realtime.
` And I know this is a joined proceeding,
` and the order in place granting joinder states
` that papers should be consolidated unless the
` Board authorizes separate papers.
` And I do believe that this might be a
` situation where Google should have a separate
` response, or at least a combined response with
` Comcast, given we are similarly situated with
` Comcast.
` But we believe a separate paper would be,
` would be necessary here, given the facts and
` the situation is slightly different here with
` respect to Petitioners Google and Comcast.
` JUDGE BAER: Yes, I think you are correct.
` Are you saying, though, that you would be
` willing to file a joint brief with Petitioner
` Comcast?
` MR. CITROEN: Yes, we would be open to
` that, if Comcast is as well.
` JUDGE BAER: All right. Let's hear from
` Petitioner Comcast.
` MR. CALLAWAY: Thank you, your Honors.
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`Page 23
` This is Dan Callaway.
` Comcast would be amenable to filing a
` joint brief on this issue with Google, as
` counsel for Google mentioned. We think it is
` appropriate in this instance that the joined
` parties have an opportunity to weigh in. But
` we would be happy to do so with Google, since
` we believe we are similarly situated.
` JUDGE BAER: Okay. With that I think --
` is there anything that any of the parties want
` to add before we -- before we wrap up here?
` Let's start with Patent Owner, Realtime.
` MR. WANG: Yes, your Honor. Thank you.
` So, as I mentioned, we are amenable to the
` page limits that the Board feels is
` appropriate. However, we do think that it is
` important that we have sufficient pages to
` respond to all of the different petitioners'
` arguments.
` So we would ask that Patent Owner be
` granted sufficient pages in reply to sort of
` respond to the different arguments, whether it
` is one consolidated brief or separate
` briefings.
` JUDGE BAER: And just to clear up one
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`Page 24
` issue, Mr. Shartzer and Ms. Nall, would
` Petitioners Sling and Dish and Arris, are
` you-all prepared to agree to file a joint brief
` for Dish, Sling, and Arris, given that they
` seem to be similarly situated here?
` MR. SHARTZER: Your Honor, this is Adam
` Shartzer for Dish and Sling.
` Dish and Sling will not agree to that. We
` actually do see Arris's issues as significantly
` different. And so we would respectfully
` request that we be able to brief our particular
` issues separately from any of the other
` Petitioners.
` JUDGE BAER: Okay. Ms. Nall, any thoughts
` on that to add?
` MS. NALL: Your Honor, if Dish and Sling
` need their own brief, Arris is willing to file
` its own brief as well.
` JUDGE BAER: Okay. With that, I'm going
` to hold the line, go off the line here for a
` minute while we confer, so if you will hang
` with us for just a moment, please.
` (Thereupon, a recess was taken, after
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`Page 25
` which the following proceedings were held:)
` JUDGE BAER: Okay. The Panel is back.
` Thanks for your patience.
` What we are going to issue an order in the
` next few days addressing this issue. We are
` going to get briefing on this issue, and we
` will lay out in our order exactly what the
` schedule will be and what the page limitations
` for that will be.
` We are also going to -- we are not going
` to delay things indefinitely but we are going
` to push things out. And we will update the
` schedule with -- we will issue an updated
` scheduling order as well with those new dates.
` So, again, the Panel will issue an order
` in the next few days addressing the briefing on
` this issue, what briefs we are going to allow
` and the dates for the briefing and the -- those
` details.
` And then we will also issue an updated
` scheduling order with new dates for our -- our
` pending dates for the briefing and the oral
` hearing.
` So I think that is all we have from our
` side.
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`Page 26
` Does counsel for Patent Owner, Adaptive
` Realtime, have any questions about what we are
` going to do from here?
` MR. WANG: No questions. Thank you, your
` Honors.
` JUDGE BAER: Thank you.
` And counsel for Petitioners Sling and
` Dish?
` MR. SHARTZER: Yes, your Honor, just one
` issue.
` Earlier when the Board took arguments, we
` had made a request if the Board was inclined to
` take briefings to allow further discovery of
` Realtime with respect to any issues of bad
` faith, the types of issues that were identified
` by the Go Pro panel on page 23 of the POP
` panel's decision.
` Is the Board order going to address that
` request?
` JUDGE BAER: It will not. So the way that
` would proceed would be after we issue that
` order, you would make a request to file a
` motion for additional discovery and we would
` decide on that at that point.
` I will tell you we would be very hesitant
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`Page 27
` to issue -- to grant that request, but whether
` you do it or not is up to you.
` MR. SHARTZER: Thank you, your Honor. I
` appreciate it.
` JUDGE BAER: Does counsel for -- let's
` see, we are on Arris, have any questions?
` MR. OAKS: Your Honor, Ms. Nall had to
` drop. This is Brian Oaks, and Arris does not
` have any further questions.
` JUDGE BAER: Great.
` And counsel for Google, any questions?
` MR. CITROEN: No, you

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