Kenneth A. Zeger, Ph.D. - July 31, 2019
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`Patent Owner.
`PTAB Case No. IPR2018-01331
`U.S. Patent 8,867,610 B2
`July 31, 2019
`8:00 AM
`San Diego, California
`on behalf of the Petitioners, at 12390 El Camino
`Real, San Diego, California, commencing at
`8:00 a.m. and ending at 1:21 p.m., Wednesday, July
`31, 2019, before Audrey L. Ricks, RPR, CCR, CLR,
`Certified Shorthand Reporter, No. 12098.
`GregoryEdwards, LLC | Worldwide Court Reporting
` | 866-4Team GE
`DISH 1030
`Sling TV v. Realtime


`Kenneth A. Zeger, Ph.D. - July 31, 2019
`Page 2
`For Petitioner:
` -AND-
` 1000 Maine Avenue, S.W.
` Suite 1000
` Washington, District of Columbia 20024
` 202.783.5070
`For Patent Owner:
` 12424 Wilshire Boulevard
` 12th Floor
` Los Angeles, California 90025
` 310.826.7474
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` | 866-4Team GE


`Kenneth A. Zeger, Ph.D. - July 31, 2019
`Page 3
` I N D E X
` ******
` E X H I B I T S
` Number Description Page
` Exhibit 1 U.S. Patent, Fallon, et al., US 12
` 8,867,610, October 21, 2014,
` Bates DISH 1001, 44 pages
` Exhibit 2 Declaration of Kenneth A. 24
` Zeger, Ph.D., in Support of
` Patent Owner's Response,
` IPR2018-01331, Patent 8,867,610
` B2, 88 pages
` Exhibit 3 U.S. Patent, Vishwanath, et 52
` al., US 6,216,167 B1, April 10,
` 2001, Bates DISH 1004, 19 pages
` Exhibit 4 Journal/Article Printout by Web 62
` Enhanced, entitled "DVD
` Demystified," by Jim Taylor,
` Bates DISH 1021, 135 pages
` Exhibit 5 U.S. Patent, Kalra, et al., US 146
` 5,953,506, September 14, 1999,
` Bates DISH 1006, 60 pages
` ******
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` | 866-4Team GE


`Kenneth A. Zeger, Ph.D. - July 31, 2019
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` San Diego, California
` Wednesday, July 31, 2019
` having been first administered the oath, was
` examined and testified as follows:
` Q Good morning, Dr. Zeger.
` A Good morning.
` Q Could you please state your full name for
`the record.
` A Ken Zeger.
` Q And are you employed?
` A Yes.
` Q By who?
` A I work at the University of California,
`San Diego.
` Q And you understand that you're testifying
`under oath today; is that right?
` A Correct.
` Q Just as if you would be providing
`testimony in a court of law?
` A Yes.
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`7 8


`Kenneth A. Zeger, Ph.D. - July 31, 2019
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` Q And so you understand your testimony must
`be truthful, complete, and accurate?
` A Yes.
` Q So I'll ask you a series of questions, and
`is it fair to say that if you don't understand a
`question, that you will ask for clarification?
` A Yes.
` Q And we'll take breaks about once an hour.
`If you want to take a break before then, just let us
` A Okay.
` Q And the only rule is that if there's a
`question pending, that you answer the question and
`then we'll take a break after you answer the
` Is that fair?
` A Yeah.
` Q Okay. And finally, if you ever need to
`correct something that you said earlier, always feel
`free to do that as the day goes on.
` Do you understand that?
` A Yes.
` Q So just for the record, this first
`deposition is going to be for IPR2018-01331, which
`is involving the '610 patent.
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`Kenneth A. Zeger, Ph.D. - July 31, 2019
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` So Dr. Zeger, have you provided a
`declaration with respect to the validity of the '610
`patent in this IPR matter?
` A I provided declaration for the matter you
`mentioned. Yes.
` Q Okay. And that declaration is on behalf
`of Realtime Adaptive Streaming LLC; is that right?
` A They are the patent owner and that's -- I
`guess the answer is yes.
` Q Okay. How many times have you been
`retained for Realtime Adaptive Streaming LLC?
` A What do you mean exactly by "retained"?
` Q Well, how many matters have you offered
`testimony on behalf of Realtime Adaptive Streaming
` A I'm not sure the exact number.
` Q Do you have a ballpark estimate?
` A It's a little bit complicated, because I
`provide consulting work for Realtime under -- I
`don't think it was originally called Realtime
`Adaptive Streaming, I think the name changed or I
`don't know legally exactly what happened. But they
`had a different name which was something like
`Realtime without the Adaptive Streaming in it. So I
`provided help for both of those organizations.
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`Kenneth A. Zeger, Ph.D. - July 31, 2019
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` So to figure out how many were for
`Realtime Adaptive Streaming, I'm really not sure,
`but I'd say several, maybe less than ten. Some of
`them have been very similar matters that were
`grouped together. So I really don't know the exact
` Q Okay. So it sounds like you provided
`testimony on behalf of a Realtime Adaptive Streaming
`LLC. And then is the other entity that you
`mentioned, is it Realtime Data LLC? Does that sound
` A I don't know if that's the exact official
`name, but it sounds correct.
` Q Okay. But there's two Realtime entities
`that you've worked for; is that right?
` A As far as I can tell, unless there's other
`names, but I think it's those two.
` Q Okay. So including both of those two,
`Realtime Adaptive Streaming and the other Realtime
`that you mentioned, about how many matters have you
`provided testimony for?
` MR. CHUNG: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: When you say testimony,
`could you clarify what you mean by that.
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`Kenneth A. Zeger, Ph.D. - July 31, 2019
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` Q Sure. Testimony, whether it's in a
`declaration or live testimony at trial, or
`deposition or expert report. Anything like that.
` A I know I've provided in some cases very
`short amounts of testimony such as a very small
`declaration and that's it. And other matters I
`provided more. And again, some of the cases have
`been grouped together, multiple cases. So to add
`them all up and figure out what the grand total is,
`is a little bit difficult, but I think the grand
`total is probably on the order of tens of cases. I
`don't really know how many exactly, though, but it's
`been a fair number.
` Q So would you say more than 20? Would that
`be fair?
` A I'm not really sure. I would say 20 is
`somewhere near where I would probably estimate, but
`I don't know if it's above or below.
` Q Okay. And have you been compensated by
`either Realtime Adaptive Streaming LLC or the other
`Realtime entity for the testimony that you provided?
` A Well, I've not been compensated for my
`testimony. I've been compensated for my time.
` Q Okay. And what's the billing rate that
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`Kenneth A. Zeger, Ph.D. - July 31, 2019
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`you charge for your time?
` A Well, right now I consult through a
`consulting company and that company bills my time at
`$690 per hour.
` Q And across the Realtime Adaptive Streaming
`and the other Realtime entity matters, across the 20
`or so matters that you mentioned, do you know how
`much money the consulting agency has billed for your
`time, roughly?
` A There's been so many cases, I really don't
` Q And for the $690 that the consulting
`agency charges, how much money do you get for each
` A Well, it's a -- when I say -- I don't know
`if I used the word "agency." That's your word, but
`it's a consulting company that I formed and it's my
`own consulting company.
` Q Oh, it's your company. Thank you.
` A Yeah.
` Q Gotcha. Is anyone else a member of your
` A It's a single member entity.
` Q Okay. Gotcha.
` But sitting here today, you don't know
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`exactly how much money that your consulting company
`has earned as a result of the time you provided on
`the Realtime matters?
` A I don't know because I've been involved in
`many cases not involving Realtime with other law
`firms, other organizations. So yeah, I didn't do
`that analysis for today's deposition.
` Q Okay. During your work with Realtime
`Adaptive Streaming LLC, have you ever disagreed with
`any of its positions?
` MR. CHUNG: Objection. Form.
` I'm going to caution the witness not to
`disclose privileged communication.
` THE WITNESS: When you say "its
`positions," do you mean its positions that have
`appeared in test -- in reports or in private
`conversations? Like, can you be more specific?
` Q Sure. Has there ever been a time that
`Realtime Adaptive Data LLC asked you to offer an
`opinion that you disagreed with?
` MR. CHUNG: Same objection. Same caution.
` THE WITNESS: I don't think Realtime LLC
`has ever asked me to offer any opinions. They've
`asked me what my opinions were and I provided them
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`Kenneth A. Zeger, Ph.D. - July 31, 2019
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`to them.
` Q Okay. So there's never been a time that
`Realtime Adaptive Streaming has asked you to offer
`opinion and you refused to do so?
` MR. CHUNG: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: I think my previous answer
`covered that.
` Q Okay. That would also be the same with
`the other Realtime entity? Same answer?
` A That is correct.
` Actually, I'd like to just clarify one
` Q Sure.
` A You asked me about Realtime, asking me
`about opinions. The fact of the matter is I always
`deal with the attorneys at the law firm representing
`Realtime. I don't normally interact directly with
`Realtime, so it's actually the attorneys that I talk
`to about various opinions.
` Q Okay. Well, has an attorney for Realtime
`Adaptive Streaming ever asked you to offer an
`opinion that you disagreed with?
` A It's the same answer as before, they don't
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`Kenneth A. Zeger, Ph.D. - July 31, 2019
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`ask my opinions. They ask me what my opinions are
`and then I tell them.
` Q Okay.
` (Exhibit 1 marked)
` Q Dr. Zeger, I've handed you a document that
`has been marked as Exhibit 1.
` Do you recognize it?
` A Yes.
` Q And what is it?
` A This is the patent that we abbreviate as
`the '610 patent.
` Q And that's the patent that is subject to
`this IPR proceeding; is that right?
` A That is correct.
` Q Dr. Zeger, in your own words what is the
`'610 patent about?
` A I could read you the abstract if that
`would help. I think that's a pretty good summary.
` Q Do you have any other opinions besides
`reading the abstract?
` A I have very many opinions. Yes.
` Q All right. So in your words, what is the
`'610 patent about?
` A As I said, I think the abstract is a
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`Kenneth A. Zeger, Ph.D. - July 31, 2019
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`pretty good summary. I could just read that for
` Q But beyond the -- but beyond the abstract,
`you don't have any other characterization of what
`the '610 patent is about?
` A I am sure I could come up with other
`descriptions, but I -- I wouldn't want to -- I don't
`see a reason why I should come up with something
`different since the abstract is a pretty good
` Q Okay. Dr. Zeger, what do you consider to
`be novel about the '610 patent?
` MR. CHUNG: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: Well, the claims at issue in
`the '610, if we turn to, let's say, Claim 1, for
`example, that's in column 20, I think the -- the
`novelty of the claim is the entirety of the claim,
`the words in the claim, what they mean, the
`limitations and how they are arranged.
` Q Looking at the '610 patent, in your
`opinion, what was new in the '610 patent as compared
`to the prior art that came before it?
` A I think that's the same answer. It's the
`entirety of the claims and the words in them and how
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`Kenneth A. Zeger, Ph.D. - July 31, 2019
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`they are arranged.
` Q So is -- in looking at Claim 1, is, in
`your opinion, determining a parameter or an
`attribute of at least a portion of a data black,
`having video or audio data, is that not known in the
`prior art before the '610 patent?
` MR. CHUNG: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: Well, as I said, it's the
`entirety of the claim, it's not just a particular
`limitation in isolation. That's the point of
`novelty of the invention.
` Q Okay. So with respect to Claim 1, sitting
`here today, are you able to identify any specific
`portion of Claim 1 that is the -- the novel aspect
`of the claim?
` MR. CHUNG: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: I think my previous answer
`covered that. It's the entirety of the claim that's
`the novelty. I don't know if you can identify any
`one specific part of a claim out of context of the
`entirety of the claim that would be novel. I
`haven't considered that issue for my deposition and
`I didn't -- I don't think I provided an opinion
`about that. So it's really the entirety of the
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`Kenneth A. Zeger, Ph.D. - July 31, 2019
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`claim that is novel.
` Q Okay. So you haven't identified any
`particular claim limitation in Claim 1 that is, in
`and of itself, new or different from the prior art
`that was before it?
` MR. CHUNG: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: Unless I'm forgetting
`something in my report, I don't recall offering an
`opinion about the novelty of specific aspects of the
`claim out of context of the entire claim.
` Q Okay. All right. Let's look a little bit
`more at Claim 1 since we're there.
` If you look at the second phrase that
`starts with "Selecting."
` Do you see that?
` A Yes.
` Q And then if you go about halfway down, it
`says that:
` "At least one of the plurality of
`compression algorithms being asymmetric."
` Do you see that?
` A Yes.
` Q So Claim 1 only requires that one of the
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`Kenneth A. Zeger, Ph.D. - July 31, 2019
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`plurality of compression algorithms is asymmetric;
`is that right?
` A Well, the portion that you read indicates
`that at least one of the plurality of compression
`algorithms being asymmetric. So "at least one,"
`that phrase means one or more. So I think that
`answers the question.
` Q All right. So a plurality of compression
`algorithms means at least two; right?
` A The word "plurality" in my understanding
`means two or more.
` Q Okay. And out of that plurality only one
`of the compression algorithms needs to be
`asymmetric, according to Claim 1; is that right?
` A Well, as I said, in the phrase you read,
`it says "at least one of the plurality." So "at
`least one" means one or more of the two or more
`compression algorithms.
` Q Okay. So I could have two compression
`algorithms, one being symmetric and one being
`asymmetric, and that would satisfy this limitation
`of Claim 1; right?
` A Well, there's quite a bit more to the
`limitation than just that aspect.
` Q All right. Well, I'm just focusing on the
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`Kenneth A. Zeger, Ph.D. - July 31, 2019
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`portion that says "at least one of the plurality of
`compression algorithms being asymmetric."
` So if I had one compression algorithm that
`was asymmetric and one compression algorithm that
`was symmetric, in that example, that would satisfy
`the claim language "at least one of the plurality of
`the compression algorithms being asymmetric."
` Right?
` MR. CHUNG: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: That one phrase "at least
`one of the plurality of compression algorithms being
`asymmetric," that limited portion, outside of the
`context of the rest of the claim, could be satisfied
`by having two or more compression algorithms, one of
`which is asymmetric, and one of which is symmetric.
` Q Okay. And if we zoom out a little bit and
`look at the full phrase, it starts with selecting
`one or more compression algorithms from among a
`plurality of compression algorithms to apply to the
`"at least the portion of a data block based upon the
`determined parameter or attribute in a throughput of
`a communication channel."
` Do you see that?
` A Yeah, although I think you misread one of
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`the words.
` Q Which one was that?
` A The word "and" I think you read as "in."
` Q Oh, okay. Well, so we'll try. Anyways,
`you see the phrase that I'm talking about?
` A I think I see what you're talking about,
` Q All right. So focusing on the beginning,
`"selecting one or more compression algorithms from
`among a plurality of compression algorithms," this
`language, in particular, does not require that the
`selected compression algorithm is either asymmetric
`or symmetric; right?
` A The selected compression algorithm, as
`described in Claim 1 where you read from, has to be
`from among a plurality of compression algorithms.
`And the portion of the limitation that says at least
`one of the compression algorithms being asymmetric,
`specifically says "at least one of the plurality of
`compression algorithms being asymmetric."
` So from the group of -- or the plurality
`that's being used to select one compression
`algorithm, at least one of the plurality has to be
`asymmetric. In this particular language you read, I
`don't see a limitation about the one that you
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`Kenneth A. Zeger, Ph.D. - July 31, 2019
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`selected having to be asymmetric.
` Q Okay. So if I had two compression
`algorithms, one that was asymmetric and one that was
`symmetric, I could select either the symmetric or
`the asymmetric compression algorithm according to
`Claim 1; right?
` A Are you saying in your hypothetical that
`your plurality consists of exactly two algorithms,
`one of which is symmetric and the other is
` Q Yeah.
` A And then you want to choose one of those
`and you are asking whether it matters which one you
` Q Yeah.
` A I mean, without knowing more details in
`that hypothetical, I don't immediately see any
`contradiction to what the claim is saying.
` Q Okay. So under -- under Claim 1, as long
`as there is a plurality of compression algorithms
`and one of those is asymmetric, I can still
`permissibly select the symmetric compression
`algorithm; right?
` MR. CHUNG: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: In a hypothetical where a
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`Kenneth A. Zeger, Ph.D. - July 31, 2019
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`plurality of compression algorithms is identified
`and one of those plurality is selected, according to
`the limitation in Claim 1, Claim 1 does not appear
`to require that the selected one has to be either
`symmetric or asymmetric.
` Q Okay. You just need to select a
`compression algorithm?
` MR. CHUNG: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: Who needs to select a
`compression algorithm?
` Q Claim 1. Right? The selecting limitation
`requires that you select a compression algorithm,
`but it's agnostic as to whether that algorithm is
`asymmetric or symmetric?
` A The selecting aspect of Claim 1 doesn't
`appear to require the selected one to be either
`asymmetric or symmetric.
` Q Okay. Thank you.
` Dr. Zeger, is it fair to say that any
`compression algorithm will either be symmetric or
` A I think the -- as described in the
`teachings of the '610 patent, the characteristic of
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`Kenneth A. Zeger, Ph.D. - July 31, 2019
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`being either symmetric or asymmetric is a property
`of the algorithm itself. So I think the answer is
`yes, because by the construction of what asymmetric
`is, if it's -- it either is asymmetric or it's not
`asymmetric. And the word "symmetric" is used as an
`antonym to asymmetric, so they cover all
` Q Okay. So if I choose a compression
`algorithm off the shelf, it's going to be either a
`symmetric compression algorithm or an asymmetric
`compression algorithm; is that right?
` A What do you mean by choose off the shelf?
` Q All right. So if I'm going to use a
`compression algorithm to compress data, that
`compression algorithm is going to be either an
`asymmetric compression algorithm or a symmetric
`compression algorithm; is that right?
` A Well, if you look at compression
`algorithms, you know, as an example, Lempel-Ziv is
`described within the '610 specification. That's an
`algorithm which is either symmetric or asymmetric
`and specifically, it's asymmetric as -- as taught in
`the '610 patent.
` And that type of characterization would
`apply to algorithms in general.
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`Kenneth A. Zeger, Ph.D. - July 31, 2019
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` Q All right. So all algorithms are going to
`fit into one of two categories; right? Asymmetric
`or symmetric?
` A By definition, that -- that has to be
`true, because they're opposites. And it's either --
`a compression algorithm is either asymmetric, and if
`it's not, then by definition, it's symmetric.
` Q Okay.
` A So at the time of this '610 patent, there
`were only two choices; right? You'd either choose a
`symmetric algorithm or asymmetric algorithm?
` MR. CHUNG: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: When you say you would
`choose, I'm not sure what you mean by the choosing
`aspect of it.
` Q Sure. If a system is to apply a
`compression algorithm, it only has two choices;
`right? Selecting a symmetric compression algorithm
`or selecting an asymmetric compression algorithm?
` MR. CHUNG: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: That's a very vague
`question. A system could choose to have no
`compression algorithms or three compression
`algorithms. It's not just one or the other of the
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`Kenneth A. Zeger, Ph.D. - July 31, 2019
`Page 23
`two things you said.
` Q Right. But if I'm selecting one
`compression algorithm from a plurality, that
`selection is always going to be either from an
`asymmetric compression algorithm or from a symmetric
`compression algorithm; right?
` MR. CHUNG: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: Well, that depends on the
`set of compression algorithms that comprises your
`plurality. If the plurality has only compression
`algorithms of one type such as asymmetric, then you
`don't have that option of choosing one or the other.
`And if it's only symmetric, then the same thing
`holds. So you really only have the choice between
`symmetric and asymmetric if you have in your
`plurality, hypothetically speaking, at least one of
` Q Okay. But a system that selects a
`compression algorithm from the plurality never has
`more than two choices; right? There's never going
`to be a third option beyond either selecting
`asymmetric or symmetric compression algorithm?
` MR. CHUNG: Objection. Form.
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`Kenneth A. Zeger, Ph.D. - July 31, 2019
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` THE WITNESS: Well, as I noted before,
`compression algorithms are either symmetric or
`asymmetric in response to a previous question. So
`if you ever are discussing any kind of compression
`algorithm, it's one of those two options.
` So I think that answers the question.
` Q Okay. Dr. Zeger, do you understand that
`the parties in this action have both offered
`constructions for the language compression
`algorithms being asymmetric?
` A Yes.
` Q And maybe we'll -- if you want to look at
`your declaration, that may be helpful. I think if
`you look at paragraph 49.
` A Actually, I'd prefer a stapled version if
`you have one.
` Q Yeah.
` A Yeah.
` Thanks.
` (Exhibit 2 marked)
` Q Dr. Zeger, you've been handed a document
`labeled Exhibit 2.
` Do you recognize this document?
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`Kenneth A. Zeger, Ph.D. - July 31, 2019
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` A Yes.
` Q And what is it?
` A It's the -- it's my Declaration in Support
`of Patent Owner's Response in this particular IPR
`proceeding. This is for the '610 patent.
` Q Okay. If you go to paragraph 49, there
`you talk about the claim constructions with respect
`to compression algorithm being asymmetric.
` THE WITNESS: Could I just ask a question
`about the screen? It's got a storage almost full.
` (Discussion held off the record.)
` THE WITNESS: Okay. I'm on page 49.
` Q Okay. All right. Sorry. Paragraph 49.
`Just to want to make sure we're on the same, looking
`at the same place. That's page 17.
` A Oka

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