`Kenneth A. Zeger, Ph.D. - July 31, 2019
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`Patent Owner.
`PTAB Case No. IPR2018-01342
`U.S. Patent 8,934,535 B2
`July 31, 2019
`1:26 PM
`San Diego, California
`on behalf of the Petitioners, at 12390 El Camino
`Real, San Diego, California, commencing at
`1:26 p.m. and ending at 5:07 p.m., Wednesday,
`July 31, 2019, before Audrey L. Ricks, RPR, CCR,
`CLR, Certified Shorthand Reporter, No. 12098.
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`DISH 1029
`Sling TV v. Realtime


`Kenneth A. Zeger, Ph.D. - July 31, 2019
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`For Petitioner:
` -AND-
` 1000 Maine Avenue, S.W.
` Suite 1000
` Washington, District of Columbia 20024
` 202.783.5070
`For Patent Owner:
` 12424 Wilshire Boulevard
` 12th Floor
` Los Angeles, California 90025
` 310.826.7474
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` | 866-4Team GE


`Kenneth A. Zeger, Ph.D. - July 31, 2019
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` I N D E X
` ******
` E X H I B I T S
` Number Description Page
` Exhibit 1 U.S. Patent, Fallon, et al., US 5
` 8,934,535 B2, January 13, 2015,
` 45 pages
` Exhibit 2 Declaration of Kenneth A. 11
` Zeger, Ph.D., in Support of
` Patent Owner's Response, Case
` IPR2018-01342, patent 8,934,535
` B2, 81 pages
` Exhibit 3 US Patent, Dvir, et al., US 42
` 6,557,001, April 29, 2003
` Exhibit 4 Journal/Article Printout by Web 52
` Enhanced, entitled "DVD
` Demystified," by Jim Taylor,
` Bates DISH 1020, 135 pages
` Exhibit 5 U.S. Patent, Ishii, et al., US 86
` 5,675,789, October 7, 1997
` ******
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` San Diego, California
` Wednesday, July 31, 2019
` having been first administered the oath, was
` examined and testified as follows:
` Q Good afternoon, Dr. Zeger. Could you
`please state your name for the record.
` A Ken Zeger.
` Q And who do you work for?
` A University of California, San Diego.
` Q And you just sat for a deposition in a
`related matter just a few minutes ago; is that
` A Correct.
` Q And that one was IPR2018-01331?
` A Yes.
` Q And you understand that this matter is for
` A Yes.
` Q Okay. And you understand the same ground
`rules apply?
`3 4
`7 8
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` A Yes.
` Q And you understand that the testimony
`you're giving today must be truthful, complete, and
` A Yes.
` (Exhibit 1 marked)
` Q All right. Dr. Zeger, you've been handed
`a document labeled Exhibit 1.
` Do you recognize it?
` A Yes.
` Q What is it?
` A This is what we call the '535 patent.
` Q And that is the patent being challenged in
`this matter?
` A I believe that's correct.
` Q And Dr. Zeger, what is the '535 patent
` A Well, I think the abstract is a pretty
`good summary. I could read that for you if you
` Q That's all right.
` Let's go to Claim 1, please.
` A Okay.
` Q And do you understand that Claim 1 is one
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`of the claims at issue in this matter?
` A Yes.
` Q Dr. Zeger, do you have an opinion about
`what makes Claim 1 new over the prior art that came
`before it?
` A I don't think that was an opinion that I
`offered in my report. My report was to rebut the
`opinions of Dr. Acton's report and the petitioner,
`and I went through their analysis and I offered
`opinions -- opinions about whether I agree or
`disagree with them. But I didn't see any reason why
`Claim 1 should be not a novel claim.
` MR. CHUNG: I'd just like to note for the
`record that this Exhibit 1 appears to be missing
`some of the pages, the reference cited. And I mean,
`it's -- just want to note that for the record, this
`copy of '535. For example, it's missing, like, the
`related application data that it has "continue," and
`I think maybe 20-some pages of reference cited
`that's not in this copy.
` MR. LIVEDALEN: I see. Okay. I guess --
`do you want us to get you a new one?
` MR. CHUNG: No. I just wanted to note
`that for the record.
` MR. LIVEDALEN: Okay. It looks like all
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`the figures are there; right?
` MR. CHUNG: I think so.
` MR. LIVEDALEN: All right. Looks like it
`has all Figures 1 through 4(b)?
` MR. CHUNG: Yeah. I believe so. So I
`think there's, like, maybe 29 some pages of
`references that were cited that's not in this
`particular copy of the Exhibit 1.
` MR. LIVEDALEN: Okay. We'll get a new
`version, if you want.
` MR. CHUNG: I don't care. I just wanted
`to note that it's not a complete copy.
` MR. LIVEDALEN: Okay. You don't have any
`objection in terms of the contents of it?
` MR. CHUNG: I don't know what kind of
`questions you will have, so I can't say I won't have
`any objections. But I just note for the record it's
`not a complete copy.
` MR. LIVEDALEN: All right. I guess would
`you agree with me to the specification in terms of
`the written description and claims are the same?
`Otherwise, we'll just wait and get a new one?
` MR. CHUNG: We can do that too. I mean, I
`haven't checked word for word, but that's the part
`that I think is definitely missing but I don't know.
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`I haven't checked every other pages to make sure.
` MR. LIVEDALEN: All right. Let's get --
`I'm going to get a different copy.
` MR. CHUNG: I mean, we can proceed if you
`want. But, you know.
` MR. LIVEDALEN: All right.
` MR. CHUNG: Like I said, I don't know what
`kind of questions that you will have. If you have
`questions about, like, priority, then obviously it
`is missing information.
` MR. LIVEDALEN: No, no, no. I just want
`to make sure that there's not an issue later where
`we're talking about the claims and there's an
`objection because the document is missing some pages
`about prior art listed on the front of it.
` MR. CHUNG: Okay.
` MR. LIVEDALEN: All right. Why don't we
`go off the record for, like, two minutes and we'll
`get it printed out.
` MR. CHUNG: Uh-huh.
` (Recess)
` Q All right. So I think we were looking at
`Claim 1. And so looking at Claim 1, are there any
`specific features in Claim 1 that make Claim 1 novel
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`over the prior art in your opinion?
` A That's not something that I offered an
`opinion about. I think the novelty of Claim 1 lies
`in its entirety, not just in one particular
`limitation out of context.
` Q So let's look at the first limitation of
`Claim 1, which says:
` "Determining a parameter or attribute of
`at least a portion of a data block having audio or
`video data."
` Do you see that?
` A Yes.
` Q And would you agree that determining a
`parameter or attribute of an entire data block
`having audio or video data would satisfy this claim
` A Well, as written, the limitation says:
` "Determining a parameter or attribute of
`at least a portion of a data block having audio or
` And since at least a portion of a data
`block could be satisfied by the entire data block
`itself, I think that answers the question.
` Q Which is what?
` A Could you repeat the question or do you
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`want me --
` Q Yeah. Would you agree that determining a
`parameter or attribute of an entire data block
`having audio or video data would satisfy the claim
`limitation determining a parameter or attribute of
`at least a portion of a data block having audio or
`video data?
` A I think the answer is yes, because an
`entire data block is a special case of at least a
`portion of a data block. And I think everything
`else you read was the same.
` Q Okay. And would determining a parameter
`or attribute of two data blocks having audio or
`video data satisfy the claim limitation, determining
`a parameter or attribute of at least of a portion of
`a data block having audio or video data?
` A Well, the word "data block" in the first
`step of the method, the determining step, provides
`an antecedent basis for future steps such as the
`compressing step refers back to it.
` So if you're hypothetically talking about
`substituting in two data blocks for the one named
`data block, in other words, a data block in the
`first step of the method, then it wouldn't be clear
`exactly what happens in the rest of the claim
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`because then you would have a reference to the data
`block in the compressing step and it wouldn't be
`clear what you are referring back to.
` So I guess it's hard for me to answer your
` Q Would you agree that at least a portion of
`a data block could include two data blocks?
` A Well, at least a portion of a data block
`in my mind sounds like it's a subset of a data
`block, so I'm not sure how a subset of a data block
`could be more than the data block itself and in your
`example, two data blocks.
` Q Well, it says "at least"; right? So that
`would indicate that it could include more than just
`a portion of a data block; right?
` A Could I have a copy of my report?
` Q Yeah.
` (Exhibit 2 marked)
` Q All right. So you've been handed a
`document labeled Exhibit 2. And is that the
`declaration you submitted in this matter?
` A Yes. In my report in paragraph 115, on
`page 45, I'm referring specifically to some of
`Dr. Acton's opinions regarding the referenced Dvir,
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`Kenneth A. Zeger, Ph.D. - July 31, 2019
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`and I'll just note the first sentence where I say:
` "A person of ordinary skill in the art
`would understand that each of these parameters is of
`the entire sample and not a subset of a sample."
` And this is related to the question you
`were asking. So in the '535 patent, Claim 1, the
`first step of the method, the determining step,
`requires that a parameter or attribute be determined
`that's of at least a portion of a data block and my
`reading of that is that it has to be at least
`some -- it basically has to be a subset of the data
`block. So it can't get bigger than the data block,
`but it has to be some portion of a data block.
` Q So what language are you relying on for
`your opinion that at least a portion of a data block
`cannot be more than a data block?
` A Well, it's reading the claim language
`itself, this entire limitation in the context of the
`patent specification as well. My reading of that
`tells me that a person of ordinary skill in the art
`would understand that that's what this means here,
`in this first limitation.
` And I'll also note that I don't think
`Dr. Acton said anything differently or even
`commented on this anywhere in his report or his
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` Q So the words "at least" mean that it has
`to be no smaller than a portion of a data block;
` A Well, I think "at least" could have
`different connotations than you're suggesting.
`Instead of being numerical quantity, it could be
`conveying the fact that the parameter or attribute
`has to at least be from a portion of a data block.
` In other words, it -- it can't be entirely
`a parameter or attribute of something else, for
`example. So it's indicating a connection to the
`data block.
` Q So it's your opinion that Claim 1 doesn't
`allow the parameter to be associated with a portion
`of a data block and something else?
` MR. CHUNG: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: I didn't say that. The
`wording here is "at least." So there has to be --
`there has to be some connection between a parameter
`attribute and a portion of a data block. I'm not
`excluding -- I'm not offering an opinion about
`whether it could be related to something outside of
`that data block.
` But -- oh, actually, let me just think
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`about that for a second. Well, I think the reading
`here is, it says it has to be a parameter or
`attribute of at least a portion of a data block. So
`it's -- it's from a portion of a data block. And
`that's the reading of it, so that's how I take it.
` Q But doesn't the words "at least" indicate
`that the parameter or attribute could be related to
`things beyond the portion of data block?
` A No. I don't think so. Because the word
`"of" indicates it's like a property of. Or in this
`case it's a parameter or attribute of.
` So it's -- this language is indicating an
`attachment of the parameter or attribute to at least
`a portion of a data block having audio or video
` And also let me note that the "at
`least" -- I think I need to revise something I said
`before. The "at least" actually here I think
`actually refers to having audio or video data, which
`is language in that same limitation.
` So in other words, or at least that's
`one -- one -- well, if you look at the wording, it's
`a parameter or attribute of a portion of the data
`block. And then the -- the "at least" could be
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`indicating that it has to have audio or video data.
` So the "at least" you can't really
`separate these words out separately. If you read
`the limitation as a whole, the meaning that I get
`from this -- let me just summarize to clean the
`slate here. The meaning that I get out of this is
`that the parameter or attribute has to be derived or
`somehow obtained or associated with a portion of a
`data block and there has to be audio or video data
`in there.
` Q So you're saying the words "at least"
`allow for there to be other types of data beyond
`audio or video data? Or in addition to audio or
`video data?
` MR. CHUNG: Objection to form.
` THE WITNESS: I think the "at least" is
`requiring the portion of the data block to be such
`that the portion has audio or video data. So it
`doesn't say anything about what might be in the data
`block other than in the portion. So conceivably, I
`haven't analyzed this or offered an opinion.
` But I guess one thing that I'm not ruling
`out is the possibility that there's not audio or
`video data inside the data block that's outside of
`the "at least a portion of the data block." So it's
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`the "at least a portion of the data block" that has
`to at least have audio or video data in it.
` Q Okay. But the parameter or attribute has
`to be associated with the portion of a data block;
`right? Not something greater than a portion of a
`data block?
` A That's correct. And that's the way the
`wording sounds.
` Q Okay. Is it possible to determine a
`parameter or attribute of two data blocks without
`determining a parameter or attribute of at least a
`portion of a data block?
` A Well, I can -- I can think of a
`hypothetical that's not within the scope of this
`claim where you might have two data blocks and you
`determine a parameter based on some of the first one
`and some of the second one. I think that might meet
`your question.
` Q And so under that scenario, that would or
`would not require determining a parameter or
`attribute of at least a portion of a data block?
` A Well, if the parameter or attribute were
`determined by, let's say, data or information that's
`spread out between two data blocks, then I wouldn't
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`say that that was a parameter or attribute of one of
`them. It's a perimeter or attribute of the union of
`the two or the combination of the two.
` So it would not be of the same form as
`this limitation we're discussing.
` Q Okay. All right. If you go down to the
`next limitation which says:
` "Selecting an axis profile from among a
`plurality of axis profiles based upon the determined
`parameter or attribute."
` Do you see that one?
` A Yes.
` Q Is it your opinion that having a single
`access profile would not satisfy the requirement for
`a plurality of axis profiles?
` A Well, I think the phrase "plurality of
`access files" requires two or more access files to
`be in the plurality.
` Q Okay. And the selection of an access
`profile from among a plurality is based upon the
`determined parameter or attribute; right?
` A I think mostly read the second limitation
` Q Yeah. And that determined parameter or
`attribute is referring to the parameter or attribute
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`of at least a portion of a data block in the earlier
`claim limitation; right?
` A Correct, but you left out the "having
`audio or video data."
` Q Right. Okay.
` A But yes.
` Q So the selection must be based upon the
`determined parameter or attribute, but it could also
`be based upon other things; right?
` A I'm not sure that this question you're
`asking me played a role in any of my opinions. Is
`there something in my report where this actually
`entered into an opinion?
` Q Well, generally, I'm just trying to
`understand whether or not other things can be
`considered. So let me just try to give you an
`example and see if this would help.
` So if I had a system that selected an
`access profile based upon the determined parameter
`attribute and also the time of day, would that
`satisfy the selection limitation of Claim 1?
` A I don't recall offering a specific opinion
`about that type of question in my report, since I
`was rebutting the opinions of Dr. Acton.
` So to the extent that this question plays
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`a role in one of the opinions in my report, I could
`answer that. I didn't offer a general opinion about
`whether or not the selecting process has to be based
`exclusively upon the determined parameter or
`attribute or otherwise.
` I may have offered an opinion related to
`that about a specific instance of an opinion of
`Dr. Acton's, and I can certainly answer that if you
`pointed to that. But I don't think I have a general
`opinion that I recall of.
` Q Okay. So sitting here today, you don't
`have an opinion, one way or another, as to whether
`the selecting an access profile from among a
`plurality of access profiles, based upon the
`determined parameter or attribute, exclusively
`requires that only the determined parameter or
`attribute is considered; is that right?
` MR. CHUNG: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: As I mentioned in the
`previous answer, I don't recall if I offered a
`general opinion of that nature. I may have offered
`a specific answer to a question similar to that with
`respect to a particular opinion in my declaration,
`and I could certainly refresh my memory if you
`pointed to such.
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` Q As of today's deposition, do you have an
`opinion, one way or another, as to whether the
`selecting an access profile limitation requires
`exclusively only considering the determined
`parameter or attribute?
` A Same answer I just gave.
` Q What if I selected an access profile from
`among a plurality of access profiles based upon the
`determined parameter attribute and a parameter or
`attribute of a second data block? Would that
`satisfy the selecting limitation?
` A I don't recall that situation arising in
`my report, because that's not what's being discussed
`in the claim here. The claim is not referring to
`parameters or attributes of more than one block
`being used in the selecting process. And I don't
`recall Dr. Acton giving an opinion of that nature
`that I had to respond to. I think in his case he
`was focusing on one block, as far as I can remember,
`and the selection process.
` So that's what I responded to. So the
`hypothetical you're asking is not something I
`offered an opinion about, and I would have to think
`about that.
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` Q Okay. So you don't have an opinion here
`today on that question?
` A The way you asked it, I would need to
`think about it because I don't think that arose in
`the opinions I offered.
` Q Okay. So we talked a lot today, both in
`this matter and the previous IPR matter, about
`compression algorithms; is that fair?
` A Well, certainly in the preceding one.
` Q Is it fair to say that at the time of the
`invention it was known that some compression
`algorithms are better suited for some types of
`information than others?
` A As a general matter, yes.
` Q At the time of the invention, how would a
`person of skill in the art select a compression
`algorithm for a particular type of data?
` MR. CHUNG: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: In that hypothetical, you've
`got to give me more details about what the setup is
`and what you're talking about. It's a very broad
` Q What are the factors I would consider in
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`selecting a compression algorithm for a type of
` A Well, it really depends on your situation.
`It depends what your goals are. Depends what your
`constraints are in terms of complexity and cost. It
`depends on why you are doing it. There's a lot
`of -- a lot of unexplained factors that you would
`have to mention.
` Q So what are some of the goals in
`compressing information?
` A Well, depends on the context. If we're
`completely outside of the context of this IPR case,
`sometimes people want to reduce the amount of data.
`Sometimes people want to trade off the -- the
`reduction in the number of bits used to represent
`data versus the quality of reproduction.
` If it's a lossy compression system,
`sometimes people are worried about the computational
`complexity. Sometimes people are worried about
`the -- what's called the space complexity or how
`much storage is used.
` The monetary cost is important to some
`people. And there's -- there's many different other
`reasons and combinations of the ones I've stated
`that all play roles in general situations outside of
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`the context of this IPR.
` Q Okay. You talked about the goal of
`reducing the amount of data. Was that one of the
`factors that you mentioned?
` A Yeah. I mean, that's the -- that's one of
`the most obvious things that somebody would think of
`when they talk about data compression is compressing
`the data, but that's not the only issue.
` Q And if you have a high compression ratio,
`that means that you've greatly reduced the amount of
`data. Is that fair?
` A Well, I don't want to use a specific word
`like "greatly." But as a general principle, the
`higher the compression ratio, the more reduction in
`data you achieve.
` Q Okay. So conversely, the lower the
`compression ratio, the less amount of data you've
`compressed; is that right?
` Let me ask that again.
` So the lower the compression ratio, the
`less reduction data you achieved?
` A That's not the way I would word it, but I
`think you're approximately right.
` Q Okay. I think we talked about MPEG in the
`previous IPR deposition; is that correct?
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` A Yes.
` Q And is that an example of a compression
`algorithm that's suitable for compressing video
` A Well, it depends what you mean by
`"suitable," but MPEG certainly has a portion of it
`dedicated to compressing video.
` Q And what makes MPEG good for video data
` A Well, depends what you mean by "good."
`One thing that some people like is the fact that
`it's a standard.
` Q Any others?
` A Well, depending on the needs of somebody
`that might want to use MPEG, if they weighed the
`benefits and the costs of using MPEG in terms of the
`data rates, the quality, the cost, the
`implementation complexity, run time complexity, and
`various other factors, they might either find that
`to be, as you say, good or possibly bad depending on
`how they weighed the various pros and cons.
` Q In your opinion, does MPEG-1, for example,
`provide a high compression ratio for the standards
`that were available at the time of the '610 --
`sorry -- '535 patent?
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` A It really depends what you mean by "high"
`in that question.
` Q Compared to other compression algorithms
`for video data, did MPEG-1 offer high compression
`ratios for compressing video at the time of the '535
` A It depends on which other algorithms
`you're comparing it to. If you compare MPEG at a
`particular compression ratio against another system
`that has a lower compression ratio, then by
`definition, it's a higher compression ratio.
` And conversely, if you compare it against
`another system that had a lower compression ratio,
`it would be the opposite.
` Q Sitting here today, are you aware of any
`other compression algorithms for video that had a
`better compression ratio than MPEG-1 or MPEG-2 or
`H.263 at the time of the '535 patent?
` A Sure. There's lots of them.
` Q Like what?
` A Well, anybody can make a compression
`algorithm that compresses video down to almost
`nothing if they want, but the quality will suffer.
` Q Well, are you aware of any specific
`examples that were used at the time of the '535
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`patent for compressing video data?
` A Are you asking me if I can give you a name
`of a standard that was somehow compared to MPEG?
` Q A standard or a nonstandardized video
`compression algorithm that you were aware of?
` A Well, as I say, there are lots of
`algorithms that could perform video compression,
`certainly before MPEG, that could compress the data
`much more than MPEG. You know, they didn't all have
`name. People in universities work on these things
`all the time with their graduate students.
` What really matters is the tradeoff
`between the compression ratio and the distortion
`that you get. Just asking in isolation about the

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