`Video Staging: A Proxy-Server-Based Approach
`to End-to-End Video Delivery over Wide-Area
`Zhi-Li Zhang, Member, IEEE, Yuewei Wang, Member, IEEE, David H. C. Du, Fellow, IEEE, and Dongli Su
`Abstract—Real-time distribution of stored video over wide-area
`networks (WANs) is a crucial component of many emerging dis-
`tributed multimedia applications. The heterogeneity in the under-
`lying network environments is an important factor that must be
`taken into consideration when designing an end-to-end video de-
`livery system.
`In this paper, we present a novel approach to the problem of
`end-to-end video delivery over WANs using proxy servers situated
`between local-area networks (LANs) and a backbone WAN. A
`major objective of our approach is to reduce the backbone WAN
`bandwidth requirement. Toward this end, we develop an effec-
`tive video delivery technique called video staging via intelligent
`utilization of the disk bandwidth and storage space available at
`proxy servers. Using this video staging technique, only part of a
`video stream is retrieved directly from the central video server
`across the backbone WAN whereas the rest of the video stream
`is delivered to users locally from proxy servers attached to the
`LANs. In this manner, the WAN bandwidth requirement can be
`significantly reduced, particularly when a large number of users
`from the same LAN access the video data. We design several
`video staging methods and evaluate their effectiveness in trading
`the disk bandwidth of a proxy server for the backbone WAN
`bandwidth. We also develop two heuristic algorithms to solve the
`problem of designing a multiple video staging scheme for a proxy
`server with a given video access profile of a LAN. Our results
`demonstrate that
`the proposed proxy-server-based approach
`provides an effective and scalable solution to the problem of the
`end-to-end video delivery over WANs.
`Index Terms—End-to-end video delivery, heterogeneous net-
`working environment, MPEG, proxy server, video smoothing,
`video staging, video streaming.
`R EAL-TIME distribution of stored video over high-speed
`networks is a crucial component of many emerging
`multimedia applications including distance learning, digital li-
`brary, Internet TV broadcasting and video-on-demand systems.
`Because of its high bandwidth requirement, video is typically
`stored and transmitted in compressed format. As a result, video
`Manuscript received August 21, 1998; revised December 19, 1998 and
`July, 1999; approved by IEEE/ACM TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORKING Editor
`S. McCanne. This work was supported in part by University of Minnesota
`Graduate School Grant-in-Aid, National Science Foundation CAREER Award
`Grant NCR-9734428, and National Science Foundation Grant ANI-9903228.
`This paper was presented in part at the IEEE INFOCOM’98 conference.
`Z.-L. Zhang and D. H. C. Du are with the Department of Computer Sci-
`ence and Engineering, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455 USA
`Y. Wang and D. Su are currently with 3CX Inc., San Jose, CA 95125 USA
`Publisher Item Identifier S 1063-6692(00)06797-2.
`traffic can be highly bursty, possibly exhibiting rate variability
`spanning multiple time scales. This is particularly the case
`when constant-quality variable-bit-rate (VBR) compression
`algorithms are used [3]. Due to the bursty nature of compressed
`video, support for quality-of-service (QoS) guarantees for
`real-time transport of stored video across a network is therefore
`a challenging problem. This problem is further compounded
`when video is delivered over a wide-area network (WAN)
`where several heterogeneous networks are interconnected.
`The heterogeneity in the underlying network environments
`is an important factor that must be taken into consideration in
`the design of many distributed multimedia applications. For ex-
`ample, consider a distance learning application in a large univer-
`sity which has several geographically separate campuses. Each
`campus has its own campus-wide high-speed local area network
`(LAN). These campus networks are typically interconnected to
`each other through a backbone WAN owned by a third party.
`Suppose that the distance learning center is situated in the main
`campus with a central video server supplying video-based mul-
`timedia course materials to all campuses over the WAN. The
`backbone WAN is typically shared by a large number of insti-
`tutions or users, and it is generally more expensive to deploy
`additional resources in the backbone WAN than in local area
`networks. Given the emerging gigabit networking technologies
`such as Gigabit Ethernet and Fiber Channel, the cost of in-
`stalling and running a local-area gigabit network becomes in-
`creasingly cheaper. On the other hand, the WAN bandwidth is a
`much more critical and costly resource than that of campus-wide
`LANs. Therefore, reducing the total bandwidth requirement of
`the backbone WAN should be an important objective in the de-
`sign of a real-time video delivery system in such a scenario. The
`heterogeneous networking environment of the aforementioned
`example is also fairly common in other settings, e.g., in a large
`corporation where its intranet consists of several geographically
`dispersed LANs interconnected by a WAN leased from a net-
`work service provider, or in a residential setting where several
`residential access networks (operated by one network service
`provider) are connected to a large backbone WAN operated by
`another service provider.
`In this paper, we present a novel proxy-server-based approach
`to the end-to-end video delivery over WANs. For simplicity of
`discussion, the WAN in question is assumed to comprise sev-
`eral local area networks interconnected by a backbone WAN
`(see Fig. 1 for a simple example), although our approach can
`be applied to networks with more general topology and config-
`uration. Video streams are delivered from a central video server
`1063–6692/00$10.00 © 2000 IEEE
`DISH 1021


`Fig. 1. Video delivery over a simple heterogeneous networking environment.
`through the backbone WAN to a large number of users in the
`local area networks. As part of the network system architecture,
`we also assume that a special server with a disk storage system,
`which we shall refer to as a proxy (video) server,1 is installed in
`each LAN and is directly attached to the gateway router con-
`necting the LAN to the backbone WAN. This assumption is
`quite reasonable, given the relatively low cost of PC servers
`today. The major objective of our proxy-server-based video de-
`livery approach is to reduce the bandwidth requirement in the
`backbone WAN, whereas the bandwidth of LANs is assumed to
`be bountiful and thus not a major concern. We develop an effec-
`tive video delivery technique called video staging via intelligent
`utilization of the disk bandwidth and storage capacity available
`at proxy serves attached to the LANs. The basic idea behind the
`video staging technique is to prefetch a predetermined amount
`of video data and store them a priori at proxy servers—this op-
`eration is referred to as staging. Using the video staging tech-
`nique, only part of video data is retrieved directly from the cen-
`tral video server across the backbone WAN, whereas the rest of
`the video data is delivered to users from proxy servers attached
`to the LANs. In this manner, the WAN bandwidth requirement
`can be significantly reduced, particularly when a large number
`of users from the same LAN access the video data.
`Our proxy-server-based approach to the problem of
`end-to-end video delivery across WANs has several salient
`features. Because of the large storage space at a proxy server,
`for a given video, a sizable portion of its data can be staged at a
`proxy server. The video staging technique is designed in such a
`manner that the video data can be delivered across the backbone
`WAN using a constant-bit-rate (CBR) network service. Hence
`only fixed amount of (peak) bandwidth needs to be reserved
`1Although we use “proxy server” as the name for this special server, however,
`as will be clear later, the usage of proxy server in our context of real-time video
`delivery is quite different from the typical usage of a proxy server as a caching
`device in the context of web-based data applications. Despite this difference, we
`decide to borrow the terminology proxy server for lack of better nomenclature.
`from the central video server across the backbone WAN to
`a LAN, allowing simple admission control and scheduling
`mechanisms to be employed to ensure QoS guarantees for video
`delivery across the backbone WAN. This bandwidth reservation
`can also be done on an aggregate basis when multiple video
`streams are delivered from the central video server across the
`backbone WAN to the same LAN, thereby further simplifying
`the resource management and control in the backbone WAN.
`Furthermore, since the disk bandwidth and storage capacity
`available at a proxy server are shared by all users attached to
`the same LAN, statistical multiplexing gains can be effectively
`exploited to improve resource (e.g., disk bandwidth) utilization
`at the proxy server when multiple staged video streams are
`retrieved from the disk storage system of the proxy server
`across the LAN to various users on the LAN.
`We design several video staging methods and study their
`effectiveness in trading the disk bandwidth of a proxy server for
`the backbone WAN bandwidth. Given this trade-off in the disk
`bandwidth requirement of proxy server and the backbone WAN
`bandwidth requirement for each video stream, we proceed to in-
`vestigate the problem of how to determine the amount of video
`data from a collection videos to be staged at a proxy server
`with fixed disk bandwidth and disk storage space. We develop
`two heuristic algorithms to solve this problem. We evaluate our
`approach using simulations based on MPEG-1 video traces.
`Our results demonstrate that the proposed proxy-server-based
`approach provides an effective and scalable solution to the
`problem of the end-to-end video delivery over WANs.
`The remainder of our paper is organized as follows. In Sec-
`tion II, we describe our problem setting and present our proxy-
`server-based approach. In Section III, we present various video
`staging techniques in the context of a single video stream. In
`Section IV, we develop two heuristic algorithms to solve the
`problem of designing multiple video staging scheme for a proxy
`server with a given video access profile of a LAN. The paper is
`concluded in Section V.


`Fig. 2. Proxy-server-assisted video delivery.
`In this paper, we study the problem of end-to-end video de-
`livery over heterogeneous networking environments. A simple
`example is shown in Fig. 1, where several local area networks
`are interconnected by a backbone WAN. As an important part
`of the network system architecture, we also assume that a proxy
`video server is installed in each LAN and is directly attached to
`the gateway router connecting the LAN to the backbone WAN.
`A central video server system with a large disk farm is con-
`nected to the backbone WAN through a high-speed LAN back-
`bone (from the perspective of clients in other LANs across the
`backbone WAN, the central video server system can be viewed
`as if it is attached directly to the backbone WAN).
`In a typical heterogeneous networking environment we
`consider in this paper, we assume that the backbone WAN and
`the LANs belong to different administrative domains, in other
`words, owned by different entities. There are frequently a large
`number of users concentrated at a LAN concurrently accessing
`the central video server across the backbone WAN. Under
`these circumstances, reducing the backbone WAN bandwidth
`required to delivery video from the central video server to users
`on the LANs is therefore a major objective in the design of
`the end-to-end video delivery system. Instead of replicating
`the central video server at each LAN, which is generally too
`expensive to be practical, installing inexpensive proxy (video)
`server with appropriate amount of resources such as disk
`bandwidth and storage space is likely to be a most feasible and
`cost-effective approach to achieve this objective.
`The fundamental contribution of our proxy-server-based ap-
`proach to the problem of end-to-end video delivery over het-
`erogeneous networks is the notion of video staging. The basic
`idea behind the video staging technique is to prefetch a pre-
`determined amount of video data and store them a priori at
`proxy servers—this operation is referred to as staging. Unlike
`the caching technique commonly used in a proxy web server,
`where data files are cached in and purged out of the proxy web
`server based on on-line prediction of the random user access
`pattern, the video staging technique we develop in this paper
`determines the video data to be staged at a proxy video server
`based on several important factors which we will explain below.
`The video data are staged at the proxy server on a fairly long
`period of time instead of caching in and purged out dynami-
`cally. For example, in the case of a distance learning applica-
`tion, staged video data can be determined on a daily basis based
`on the course materials offered each day and the expected user
`access pattern to these materials.
`The objective of the video staging technique is to reduce
`the total backbone WAN (peak) bandwidth required for deliv-
`ering video to a large number of users on a LAN. As illustrated
`in Fig. 2, for a given video, if a portion of its video data is
`staged at a proxy server attached to a LAN, then when a user
`on the LAN accesses the video, only part of the video data is
`retrieved directly from the central video server across the back-
`bone WAN while the rest of the video data is delivered to the
`user from the proxy server. Since only a portion of the video
`data is transmitted across the backbone WAN, the bandwidth
`required is thus reduced. Moreover, if the video is accessed
`by a large number of users at the LAN, then this reduction
`in the backbone WAN bandwidth requirement can be signifi-
`cant. In the extreme case where the whole video is staged at the
`proxy server, then no backbone WAN bandwidth is required,
`and the video is delivered locally from the proxy server. Clearly,
`this reduction in the backbone WAN bandwidth requirement is
`achieved by consuming certain amount of resources such as the
`disk bandwidth and storage capacity at the proxy server. In light
`of the limited resources at a proxy server, it is therefore impor-
`tant to stage video data at a proxy server in such a manner that
`the total backbone WAN bandwidth required to deliver video to
`users on the associated LAN is maximally reduced while effi-
`ciently utilizing the resources at the proxy server.
`For a given video, the decision of whether to stage the entire
`video, or a portion of it, or none of it at a proxy server hinges on
`many factors. One important factor is the effectiveness of video
`staging in reducing the backbone WAN bandwidth requirement
`for the given video. This effectiveness will depend on both the
`characteristics of the video and the method used to decide which
`portion of the video to be staged at the proxy server. Such a
`method is referred to as a video staging method. Another impor-
`tant factor is the access pattern of a LAN, namely, the expected
`concurrent accesses to the video during a certain period of time.
`If the video is expected to be accessed numerous times by a large
`number of users on a LAN, it will likely be a good idea to stage
`the entire or a large portion of the video at the proxy server to


`reduce the backbone WAN bandwidth required to transmit the
`video. On the other hand, if the video is infrequently accessed,
`it may be better only to stage a small portion of it or none at
`all so that the disk bandwidth and storage space can be used
`for staging other videos. Given the video collection at the cen-
`tral video server, the expected number of accesses to each video
`can be derived from user access pattern of a LAN. This infor-
`mation is referred to the video access profile of the LAN. For a
`proxy server with limited amount of resources, particularly lim-
`ited amount of disk bandwidth and storage capacity, it is crucial
`to take both the video access profile and video characteristics
`into consideration when deciding the amount of video data to
`be staged at the proxy server. For a given collection of videos
`and a video access profile of a LAN, the problem of determining
`the amount of video data to be staged at the proxy server so as to
`minimize the total backbone bandwidth requirement is referred
`to as the multiple video staging design problem. The focus of
`the paper is thus on the developing video staging methods and,
`based on these methods, solving the multiple video staging de-
`sign problem.
`Before we delve into the details of our approach, we would
`like to point out that there are several implementation issues that
`must be resolved when applying the video staging technique in
`practice. For instance, if a portion of a video is staged at a proxy
`server while the rest of it is stored at the central video server,
`then these two portions of the video data must be synchronized
`during the playback of the video. This synchronization can be
`done either at the proxy server side or at the user side. In the
`former case, the video data stored at the central video server
`will be transmitted to the proxy server first, merged with the
`video data staged at the proxy server, and then delivered to a
`user. The disadvantage of this approach is that the processing
`capability of the proxy server can be a potential performance
`bottleneck. In the latter case, the two portion of the video data
`are delivered to a user separately, and then synchronized. This
`requires extra buffering capability and incurs more overhead at
`the user side. Another related issue is the signaling of the video
`delivery system, i.e., the issue of sending control signals to both
`the central video server and the proxy server to initiate the play-
`back of a video stream. For instance, these issues may be inves-
`tigated in the context of real-time transport protocol (RTP) [7]
`and real-time streaming protocol (RTSP) [8] protocols. Investi-
`gation of these issues is outside the scope of this paper, and will
`be the topics of future research.
`The effectiveness of staging video data at a proxy server in
`reducing the backbone bandwidth requirement can be measured
`by the ratio of the amount of the backbone WAN bandwidth
`reduction to that of the disk bandwidth required at the proxy.
`This ratio will be referred to as bandwidth reduction ratio. In this
`section, we present several video staging methods for a single
`video, and based on these methods, we study the effectiveness
`of video staging in reducing the backbone WAN bandwidth. We
`also integrate the optimal video smoothing technique [6] into
`the design of video staging methods to achieve further backbone
`Fig. 3. Simple video staging method using a cut-off rate.
`WAN bandwidth reduction when clients have extra buffering
`capabilities available for smoothing.
`A. Video Staging Without Smoothing
`We first consider the case where clients have no extra
`buffering capabilities available for smoothing and describe a
`simple video staging method for this case. This simple method
`will form the basis for our study. In order to simplify resource
`management at the backbone WAN, we will assume that a
`CBR network service with minimal delay and no loss is used
`for video transport across the backbone WAN. Without the
`presence of a proxy server, when a video is delivered from the
`central video server to a user at a LAN, the bandwidth reserved
`across the backbone WAN must then be equal to the peak rate of
`the video. With the presence of a proxy server, however, we can
`stage a portion of the video at the proxy server so that a portion
`of the video data is delivered directly from the proxy server
`to a user on the LAN. In this way, we can use the resources
`(disk bandwidth and storage space among others) available at
`the proxy to reduce the backbone WAN bandwidth required
`for video delivery across the backbone WAN. However, this
`reduction is achieved by devoting certain amount of disk
`bandwidth and storage capacity available at the proxy server
`to store and deliver the staged video data. Since the resources
`(especially the disk bandwidth) at the proxy server are limited,
`it is important to consider the effectiveness of video staging in
`reducing the backbone WAN bandwidth for a given video.
`Consider a video indexed by . Let
`be its frame period
`(measured in seconds), i.e., the time interval during two con-
`secutive frames are displayed, and let
`be its total number of
`frames. For
`, the size of the th frame is
`Then the peak rate of this video,
`, measured in bits per second,
`is given by
`. As a simple video staging
`method, we choose a cut-off rate
`, where
`, and divide video into two parts as illustrated
`schematically in Fig. 3. The lower part consists of a sequence of
`partial frames with size
`. The upper part consists of a sequence
`of partial frames with size
`The upper part will be duplicated and staged at the proxy server
`whereas the lower part will remain stored at the central server2
`(in fact, the whole video is always stored at the central video
`2Since the upper part contains the “bursty portion” of the video data while
`the lower part the “less bursty” portion, it is clearly beneficial to store the lower
`part instead of the upper part at the central server so that the reserved backbone
`WAN bandwidth can be more efficiently utilized.


`is, the more
`server). From Fig. 3, we note that the smaller
`video data is staged at a proxy server. Moreover, as
`the lower part of the video becomes less bursty, and eventually
`approaches to an essentially CBR stream.
`During the playback of video , only the lower part of the
`video is transferred from the central video server across the
`backbone WAN, thus reducing the backbone WAN bandwidth
`requirement from
`. The upper part of the
`video is delivered directly from the proxy server, consuming
`amount of disk bandwidth in the
`worst case. It also consumes an amount of disk storage space
`. Define the bandwidth reduction ratio, de-
`equal to
`noted by
`, as the ratio of the backbone WAN bandwidth re-
`duction to the disk bandwidth consumed at the proxy server.
`. When there are a large number of con-
`current accesses from users on the LAN, the effective disk band-
`width consumed by each video stream may be much less than
`due to statistical multiplexing gains. The potential statistical
`multiplexing gain can be significant because the staged video
`(the upper part of video ) at the proxy is generally bursty. Let
`denote the effective disk bandwidth consumed in this case. Then
`the bandwidth reduction ratio becomes
`B. Video Staging with Smoothing
`the video
`If clients have extra buffering capabilities,
`smoothing [6], [2], [4], [5] can be incorporated into the design
`of video staging methods to further reduce the backbone WAN
`bandwidth requirement. For simplicity, we assume that all
`clients on the same LAN have a buffer of size
`for smoothing
`(when the client smoothing buffer sizes differ,
`can be taken
`to be the smallest one). Given this client buffer, there are two
`basic approaches: we can either perform video smoothing first,
`and then select a cut-off rate [this approach is referred to as
`cut-off after smoothing (CAS)]; or select a cut-off rate first,
`and then perform smoothing on either part of the video or both
`parts [this approach is referred to as cut-off before smoothing
`(CBS)]. We describe these two approaches below, and assume
`that the optimal video smoothing algorithm developed in [6] is
`used for video smoothing.
`1) Cut-Off After Smoothing: Consider video
`frames and a sequence of frames with size
`For a buffer size
`, the optimal smoothing algorithm [6]
`generates the “smoothest” transmission schedule consisting of
`a sequence of transmission sizes
`(referred to as smoothed
`. Let
`be the
`peak rate of this smoothed transmission schedule. As in Sec-
`tion III-A, we choose a cut-off rate
`, where
`and divide the smoothed transmits schedule into two parts: the
`lower part consists of a sequence of partial smoothed frames
`with size
`; and the
`upper part consists of a sequence of partial smoothed frames
`with size
`. The upper
`part will be duplicated and staged at the proxy server whereas
`the lower part will remain stored at the central server. Hence,
`during the playback of video , only
`amount of
`backbone WAN bandwidth is reserved for the transmission
`of the lower part of video
`across the backbone WAN, while
`amount of disk bandwidth is
`required in the worst case to transfer the upper part from the
`proxy server to a user on the LAN. The total disk storage space
`consumed in the proxy server is
`2) Cut-Off Before Smoothing: As in Section III-A, let
`is the peak rate of video , which has
`. Under
`and a sequence of frames with size
`the CBS approach, we first choose a cut-off rate
`, where
`, and divide the video into two parts: the lower
`part consists of a sequence of partial frames with size
`, and the upper part consists
`of a sequence of partial frames with size
`. As before, the lower part will remain stored at
`the central video server while the upper part will be duplicated
`and staged at the proxy server. There are three possible ways to
`apply the optimal smoothing algorithm after the cut-off: we can
`use the client buffer to smooth either the lower part or the upper
`part or both parts to reduce the rate variability in transmitting
`these parts.
`If considerable rate variability exists in the lower part of video
`, using the client buffer to smooth the lower part will generate
`a smoother transmission schedule, thus reducing the backbone
`WAN bandwidth requirement that must be reserved across the
`backbone WAN. Formally, denote this smoother transmission
`schedule by
`. Then the reserved backbone
`which is
`WAN bandwidth is
`likely to be smaller than
`, the backbone WAN bandwidth
`that must be reserved if the lower part is not smoothed. We will
`refer to this video staging method as smoothing on the lower
`part (SOLP).
`In contrast, using the client buffer to smooth the upper part of
`video will reduce the burstiness of the video data staged at the
`proxy server, thereby reducing the disk bandwidth required to
`transfer the video data from the proxy to clients. We shall refer
`to this video staging method as smoothing on the upper part
`(SOUP). This method may be beneficial when the upper part of
`the video is very bursty whereas the lower part is almost CBR
`(e.g., when the cut-off rate
`is fairly small).
`We can also smooth both the upper part and lower part of
`video by appropriately partitioning the client buffer into two
`separate buffers. This method shall be referred to as smoothing
`on the upper and lower parts (SOULP). There are many pos-
`sible ways to partition the buffer. As an heuristic approach, we
`partition the buffer according to the ratio of the cut-off rate
`to the peak rate
`, namely,
`amount of
`the client buffer is used to smooth the lower part of the video,
`amount of the client buffer is
`used to smooth the upper part of the video. Using this method,
`both the reserved backbone WAN bandwidth and the disk band-
`width required at the proxy server may be reduced. However,
`the amount of reduction will depend on both the cut-off rate
`and the video characteristics.
`C. Empirical Evaluation
`In this section, we empirically evaluate the video staging
`methods presented in Section III-B. The evaluation is carried
`out based on simulation using MPEG-1 traces. Two MPEG-1
`video traces, Star Wars and Wizard of Oz, used in this simula-
`tion study are shown in Fig. 4. The video Wizard of Oz has a


`retrieval. Based on the experimental study in [10], we choose a
`block size of 200 kB which yields an effective bandwidth of ap-
`proximately 5 MB/s. From Table I, we observe that the storage
`capacity of an Elite-9 disk is about 9 GB.
`The purpose of our empirical study is to evaluate the effective-
`ness of using the disk bandwidth at the proxy server to reduce
`the backbone WAN bandwidth requirement. We first consider the
`case where only a single video stream is accessed, and thus there
`is no statistical multiplexing gain in disk retrieval. Assume that
`clients have no extra buffering capability for smoothing the video
`transmission. It is clear that for each unit of disk bandwidth con-
`sumed at the proxy server, we can reduce one unit of the back-
`of video data at the proxy server. Thus the bandwidth reduction
`(as defined in Section III-A) is one. When clients have
`extra buffers for smoothing, this observation still holds if the CAS
`staging method is used. However, this will not be the case when
`the three CBS methods (SOUP, SOLP, and SOULP) are used. In
`sidered, we assume that all clients have a total smoothing buffer
`of size 1 MB.
`First we consider the impact of cut-off rates on proxy server
`disk resource requirements for a single video stream under the
`various cut-off methods. In Fig. 5, the proxy server disk band-
`width requirement and storage requirement are shown as a func-
`tion of the cut-off rate for a single stream of Wizard of Oz. From
`Fig. 5(a), we see that in all the cases, proxy disk bandwidth re-
`quirement decreases as the cut-off rate increases. This is be-
`cause as the cut-off rate increases, less amount of video data
`is staged at the proxy server, as is demonstrated in Fig. 5(b).
`Note that in the case of the CAS method, since the peak rate of
`the smoothed video is much smaller than the original peak rate,
`when the cut-off rate increase beyond the smoothed peak rate,
`no video data is staged at the proxy server. Note also that with a
`fixed cut-off rate the no smoothing case and the three cut-off-be-
`fore smoothing cases (SOLP, SOUP and SOULP) have exactly
`the same disk storage requirement, since the same portion of the
`video data is stored at the proxy server. On the other hand, be-
`cause the upper part is smoothed under the SOUP and SOULP
`cases, their disk bandwidth requirement is less than that of the
`no smoothing case and the SOLP case. The latter two cases have
`the same disk requirement.
`Fig. 5 indicates that for a given cut-off rate (e.g., 1000 kb/s),
`the CAS method requires the least amount of proxy server re-
`sources. Since for a fixed cut-off rate, the amount of video data
`staged at the proxy server using CAS is less than those using
`SOLP, SOUP and SOULP, this may not seem to be a fair way to
`compare disk bandwidth requirement of these methods. In the
`following we consider an alternative approach where the cut-off
`rate is chosen in such a manner that the percentage of video
`data staged at the proxy server is kept the same under the var-
`ious cut-off methods. In the remaining simulation study, we will
`focus on the four video staging methods with smoothing.
`For a single stream of Wizard of Oz, the disk bandwidth re-
`quirement under the four methods is plotted as a function of the
`percentage of video data staged at the proxy server in Fig. 6(a).
`The corresponding backbone WAN bandwidth requirement at
`the proxy server is plotted in Fig. 6(b). The bandwidth reduc-
`Fig. 4. Video traces of (a) Wizard of Oz and (b) Star Wars.
`total of 41 762 frames and is approximately 23 minutes long,
`while the video Star Wars has a total of 174 055 frames and is
`approximately 96 minutes long. The frame rate is 24 frames/s
`for both videos.
`In our simulation, the disk system at the proxy server is mod-
`eled based on the Seagate Elite-9 disk, the relevant parameters
`of which is listed in Table I. We assume that the proxy server
`employs a simple two-buffer scheme for delivering staged video
`data of a video stream to a user on the LAN: during each round,
`one buffer is used to retrieve a block of video data from the disk
`system while the other is used to hold the previously retrieved
`video data block that is currently being transferred to the LAN.
`In the next round, the role of the buffers are swapped. Th

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