`Page 1
` :
` Petitioners, :
` :
` :
` :
` :
` :
` :
` Patent Owner. :
` vs.
` Case No.
` IPR2018-01331
` Patent
` 8,867,610
` Deposition of SCOTT T. ACTON, Ph.D.
` Washington, D.C.
` Friday, May 10, 2019 - 2:15 p.m.
`Reported by:
`Dawn A. Jaques
`Job no: 25232
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`Page 2
`Examination of:
`the witness, was called for cross-examination by
`counsel for the Patent Owner, pursuant to notice,
`commencing at 2:15 p.m., at the law offices of
`Fish & Richardson PC, 1000 Main Avenue, Southwest,
`Washington, D.C., before Dawn A. Jaques, CSR, CLR,
`and Notary Public in and for the District of
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`Page 3
`On behalf of the Petitioner:
` Fish & Richardson PC
` 1000 Maine Avenue, SW
` Suite 1000
` Washington, D.C. 20024
` (202) 626-6380
` (202) 626-7751
`On behalf of the Patent Owner:
` Russ August & Kabat
` 12424 Wilshire Boulevard
` 12th Floor
` Los Angeles, California 90025
` (310) 826-7474
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`Page 4
` I-N-D-E-X
` Examination by Mr. Wang .......... 5
` Examination by Mr. Shartzer ...... 93
` E-X-H-I-B-I-T-S
`Exhibit 1 Compilation of the Declaration
` of Professor Acton, and the
` Fallon ('535), Dvir ('001), and
` Ishii ('789) references ...... 6
`Exhibit 2 Expert Declaration of
` Dr. Alan Bovik ............... 48
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`Page 5
` P R O C E E D I N G S
` was called as a witness, after having been
` first duly sworn by the Notary Public, was
` examined and testified as follows:
` Q Good afternoon, Dr. Acton. So my name 02:15:49
`is Philip Wang. I'm with the law firm 02:15:51
`Russ August & Kabat, and this is your deposition 02:15:54
`in the IPR No. 2018-01331, on U.S. patent 02:15:57
`number 8,867,610. The petitioners are Sling and 02:16:04
`Dish, and the Patent Owner is Realtime Adaptive 02:16:11
`Streaming. Good afternoon. 02:16:15
` A Good afternoon. 02:16:17
` Q So this is the afternoon session. We 02:16:18
`had your deposition in the '535 patent earlier 02:16:20
`this afternoon -- I mean earlier today. 02:16:24
` We don't need to go back through the 02:16:28
`ground rules, but you're well familiar with the 02:16:31
`rules for a deposition as we discussed this 02:16:33
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`Page 6
`morning, right? 02:16:35
` A I am. 02:16:36
` Q And is there anything that would 02:16:37
`prevent you from thinking clearly and testifying 02:16:40
`truthfully today? 02:16:43
` A No, there's not. 02:16:45
` Q And do you understand that your 02:16:46
`testimony is under oath, subject to penalty of 02:16:48
`perjury? 02:16:51
` A I do. 02:16:53
` Q Dr. Acton, what did you do to prepare 02:16:57
`for this deposition? 02:17:00
` A Well, first I looked over the patent, 02:17:12
`which I'm going to call the '610; then I looked 02:17:16
`over the references, in particular Vishwanath, 02:17:21
`Ishii, Kalra. That's at least part of my 02:17:28
`preparation. 02:17:41
` Q Dr. Acton, I see that you brought a 02:17:42
`spiral with you today; is that right? 02:17:44
` A That is correct. 02:17:47
` Q Could we introduce that as an exhibit? 02:17:48
`And could you please describe the spiral and 02:17:52
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`Page 7
`describe all the documents contained therein? 02:17:55
` And I would ask you, like you did this 02:17:58
`morning, to please refer to the exhibit numbers as 02:18:00
`you do so. 02:18:04
` A Certainly. So the first item in my 02:18:06
`spiral is DISH 1003, which is my declaration on 02:18:13
`the '610 patent. This time there's no additional 02:18:29
`supplement. 02:18:42
` The next document is the '610 patent 02:18:45
`itself, which is labeled DISH 1001. 02:18:50
` The next item in my spiral is 02:19:03
`DISH 1004, which I pronounce unauthoritatively 02:19:09
`"Vishwanath." 02:19:14
` The next item in my spiral is 02:19:24
`DISH 1005, which I call Ishii. We've already 02:19:29
`discussed Ishii a little bit this morning. 02:19:39
` The final item in my spiral is 02:19:42
`DISH 1006, which I call Kalra, K-A-L-R-A, and I 02:19:46
`believe that is the final item. 02:19:58
` Q Can we please turn to the table of 02:20:10
`contents of your declaration, please? 02:20:12
` A Yes. 02:20:18
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`Page 8
` Q I want to at a high level go through 02:20:19
`the different grounds that you have in your 02:20:22
`declaration, and you have four grounds, correct? 02:20:25
` A That is correct. 02:20:31
` Q Ground 1 is based on anticipation of 02:20:33
`Vishwanath. Do you see that? 02:20:37
` A I do see that. 02:20:41
` Q And here you correctly have it as 02:20:42
`under anticipation under Section 102, right? 02:20:44
` A Except for one spot. 02:20:49
` Q All right. And for that you meant to 02:20:51
`write 102? 02:20:53
` A That's correct. 02:20:54
` Q Apart from this, do you have any other 02:20:55
`corrections or changes to your declaration that 02:20:57
`you're aware of? 02:20:59
` A Not that I'm aware of. 02:21:02
` Q Ground 2 is obviousness based on 02:21:04
`Vishwanath, correct? 02:21:07
` A That's correct. 02:21:13
` Q Ground 3 is obviousness based on 02:21:16
`Vishwanath and Ishii, correct? 02:21:18
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` A Correct. 02:21:24
` Q And Ground 4 is obviousness based on 02:21:25
`Vishwanath in view of Kalra, correct? 02:21:29
` A That is correct. 02:21:39
` Q So to recap, Ground 1 is based on 02:21:40
`anticipation, and Grounds 2, 3 and 4 are based on 02:21:42
`obviousness; is that right? 02:21:46
` A Yes. 02:21:49
` Q Could you please turn to paragraph 27 02:21:56
`of your declaration, please. From paragraphs 27 02:22:04
`through 30, you describe the materials that you 02:22:19
`considered in providing your declaration; is that 02:22:23
`correct? 02:22:28
` A That's correct. 02:22:29
` Q Is there anything missing from here 02:22:31
`that you relied on or you reviewed in preparing 02:22:34
`your declaration or that you considered? 02:22:38
` A So I'm going to assume your question 02:22:44
`covers everything I mentioned in paragraphs 27 02:22:47
`through 30, which, for example, paragraph 29 talks 02:22:50
`about other background references without 02:22:56
`specificity, and 30 also discusses the knowledge 02:22:59
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`Page 10
`and experience of a person of ordinary skill. 02:23:20
` But I think the answer to your 02:23:26
`question is there isn't anything additional that 02:23:29
`comes to mind. 02:23:31
` Q This document was produced at least 02:23:33
`several months ago, correct? 02:23:38
` A Correct. 02:23:41
` Q Since this was submitted, have you 02:23:42
`reviewed any other materials? Would you have 02:23:45
`anything else to add to this list that would be 02:23:50
`relevant to your opinions? 02:23:52
` A Nothing comes to mind, no. 02:23:53
` Q Have you reviewed the Board's 02:23:56
`institution decision in the '610 IPR? 02:24:00
` A I have not. 02:24:04
` Q Have you reviewed Patent Owner's 02:24:05
`preliminary response in this IPR? 02:24:06
` A I don't believe so. I think we -- I 02:24:12
`won't refer to the other deposition, sorry. 02:24:14
` Q Have you reviewed any other documents 02:24:20
`submitted or filed in this IPR since you submitted 02:24:22
`this declaration? 02:24:26
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` A I can't think of any. 02:24:36
` Q Can we please turn to paragraph 31, 02:24:41
`that section of your declaration? 02:24:44
` So these are a statement of legal 02:24:49
`principles. Do you see that? 02:24:53
` A I do. 02:24:55
` Q As we discussed in the '535 IPR, were 02:24:57
`you provided with these principles from counsel? 02:25:02
` A I was. 02:25:05
` Q Do you know if this is the same 02:25:07
`language that was in the other IPR? 02:25:08
` A It appears to be so, yes. 02:25:38
` Q I'll ask you about paragraph 33. 02:25:44
` So in paragraph 33 of your declaration 02:25:49
`in this IPR, you have the statement, "In order for 02:25:52
`the invention to be anticipated, each element of 02:25:59
`the claimed invention must be described or 02:26:00
`embodied, either expressly or inherently, in the 02:26:02
`single prior art reference. In order for a 02:26:06
`reference to inherently disclose a claim 02:26:08
`limitation, that claim limitation must necessarily 02:26:09
`be present in the reference." 02:26:14
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`Page 12
` Do you see that? 02:26:17
` A Yes. 02:26:18
` Q Do you recall if you provide any 02:26:19
`opinions in the '610 declaration about a 02:26:22
`limitation being inherently disclosed? 02:26:25
` A So I don't have the ability to 02:26:48
`automatically search the document. I could look 02:26:50
`through the entire document for inherency. 02:26:53
` Q Do you recall if you offered those 02:27:01
`things sitting right now without looking through 02:27:04
`the whole document? 02:27:06
` A No, not off the top of my head. 02:27:07
` Q But if you did offer that opinion, it 02:27:12
`would be in your declaration? 02:27:15
` A I agree with that. 02:27:17
` Q And does paragraph 33 set forth the 02:27:20
`legal standard of anticipation that you applied in 02:27:25
`your invalidity opinions with respect to 02:27:31
`anticipation? 02:27:33
` MR. SHARTZER: Objection to form. 02:27:34
` THE WITNESS: It's congruent with my 02:27:39
`application of anticipation in my analysis, yes. 02:27:42
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`Page 13
` BY MR. WANG: 02:27:45
` Q Is it different from your application 02:27:45
`of anticipation in your analysis? 02:27:49
` A So you're asking if 33 is different 02:27:58
`than the way that I applied anticipation in my 02:28:01
`analysis? 02:28:05
` Q Yes, under Ground 1. 02:28:06
` A No. 02:28:08
` Q Apart from what's stated in 02:28:12
`paragraph 33, did you apply any other legal test 02:28:14
`or standard for anticipation in your analysis? 02:28:20
` A So paragraph 33 includes what 02:28:26
`attorneys call Section 102, which has its own 02:28:31
`disclosure and more details. 02:28:40
` This is just sort of a summary 02:28:42
`paragraph on anticipation, my paragraph 33. 02:28:44
` Q Did you review Section 102? 02:28:49
` A I can't recall. 02:28:54
` Q Are you familiar with Section 102? 02:28:56
` A To the extent that I should be as an 02:29:02
`engineer. I'm not an attorney and I haven't gone 02:29:05
`to law school. 02:29:09
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`Page 14
` Q Did you apply the requirements of 02:29:10
`Section 102 in your anticipation analysis? 02:29:13
` A I think I would agree with that, yes. 02:29:19
` Q If there's some requirement that's not 02:29:29
`in this paragraph and not in Section 102, do you 02:29:31
`know if you applied it or not? 02:29:34
` A No. 02:29:37
` Q You did not apply it? 02:29:40
` A I -- 02:29:43
` MR. SHARTZER: Objection to form. 02:29:44
` THE WITNESS: I think the way your 02:29:47
`question was stated was do I know if I applied it 02:29:48
`or not, and we don't even know what "it" is. 02:29:52
` BY MR. WANG: 02:29:56
` Q So you don't know if you applied it? 02:29:56
` MR. SHARTZER: Objection to form. 02:29:58
` BY MR. WANG: 02:30:01
` Q I'm not trying to confuse you, Doctor. 02:30:01
` When you answer no, you meant that you 02:30:04
`don't know whether you applied it or not? 02:30:06
` MR. SHARTZER: Objection to form. 02:30:09
` THE WITNESS: And can we say what the 02:30:10
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`Page 15
`antecedent is of "it"? 02:30:12
` BY MR. WANG: 02:30:16
` Q If there is some legal requirement 02:30:16
`that is not stated in paragraph 33 or Section 102, 02:30:19
`do you know if you consider that or applied that 02:30:27
`in your anticipation analysis? 02:30:30
` MR. SHARTZER: Objection to form. 02:30:33
` THE WITNESS: So let me try to break 02:30:40
`this down. I guess you're asking me if there's 02:30:42
`something in Section 102 that's part of the 02:30:46
`description of anticipation that I didn't apply in 02:30:53
`my analysis. 02:31:01
` BY MR. WANG: 02:31:02
` Q I'm asking you if paragraph 33 here, 02:31:02
`which is a description of anticipation, if it's a 02:31:09
`complete description of the legal test that you 02:31:11
`applied in your analysis? 02:31:16
` A I don't think I'm comfortable saying 02:31:31
`it's a complete description, but it is congruent 02:31:33
`with the analysis that I performed. 02:31:47
` Q What other description of anticipation 02:31:53
`did you apply, if this isn't a complete 02:31:56
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`Page 16
`description? 02:32:00
` MR. SHARTZER: Objection to form, 02:32:03
`foundation. 02:32:04
` THE WITNESS: First, I think that sort 02:32:06
`of mischaracterizes my answer, which was I'm not 02:32:07
`comfortable saying that it's a complete 02:32:10
`description. 02:32:13
` BY MR. WANG: 02:32:14
` Q Why aren't you comfortable? 02:32:14
` A Because "complete" seems like a loaded 02:32:17
`adjective that would suggest that all of the ideas 02:32:20
`that an attorney might have on anticipation could 02:32:29
`been encapsulated in one, two, three, four, five 02:32:31
`sentences, six sentences, which I'm not 02:32:40
`comfortable with. 02:32:47
` Q Let's move on to the next paragraph, 02:32:48
`obviousness. 02:32:50
` Is this a description of the legal 02:32:51
`test for obviousness that you applied in your 02:32:55
`obviousness analysis in Grounds 2 through 4? 02:32:57
` A Could you read back the question, 02:33:11
`please? 02:33:13
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`Page 17
` Q Is the description of obviousness in 02:33:15
`paragraph 34 consistent with what you applied in 02:33:17
`your obviousness analysis in Grounds 2 through 4? 02:33:25
` A So this question has "consistent" in 02:33:37
`it, and I appreciate that, and I say yes. 02:33:39
` MR. SHARTZER: Mr. Wang, I think we've 02:33:44
`lost the realtime feed again. 02:33:47
` MR. WANG: Let's go off the record. 02:33:51
` (Pause in the proceedings.) 02:39:32
` BY MR. WANG: 02:39:33
` Q Can you please turn to paragraph 52 of 02:51:40
`your declaration? This is the Claim Construction 02:55:23
`section of your declaration, paragraphs 52 through 02:55:29
`55. Do you see that? 02:55:32
` A I do. 02:55:34
` Q Similar to the '535 IPR, were these 02:55:35
`constructions provided to you from counsel? 02:55:39
` A They were. 02:55:43
` Q And in your declaration, you applied 02:55:44
`these constructions, correct? 02:55:47
` A That is correct. 02:55:51
` Q And you didn't offer any opinions 02:55:51
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`Page 18
`about whether or not you agreed with the 02:55:54
`constructions or analyzed them from a claim 02:55:57
`construction perspective? 02:56:00
` MR. SHARTZER: Objection to form, 02:56:03
`compound. 02:56:04
` THE WITNESS: I believe that is 02:56:11
`accurate. 02:56:11
` BY MR. WANG: 02:56:32
` Q I want to ask you about the 02:56:32
`construction for compression algorithms being 02:56:34
`asymmetric in paragraph 55, and Dish's proposed 02:56:38
`construction for this term is "an algorithm where 02:56:47
`compression of data and decompression of the 02:56:50
`compressed data take different amounts of time." 02:56:53
` Do you see that? 02:56:56
` A I do. 02:56:57
` Q And this is the same proposed 02:56:57
`construction in the '535 IPR, correct? 02:57:01
` A It is. 02:57:05
` Q Which we discussed earlier today in 02:57:06
`some detail. 02:57:09
` I also want to turn your attention 02:57:14
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`Page 19
`very quickly to paragraph 143. And in 02:57:17
`paragraph 143, you say that, "A POSITA would 02:57:28
`understand that, even though Vishwanath discloses 02:57:54
`some exemplary symmetric compression algorithms." 02:57:56
` Do you see that part of the sentence? 02:58:02
` A I do. 02:58:04
` Q What are the symmetric compression 02:58:06
`algorithms that Vishwanath discloses? 02:58:12
` MR. SHARTZER: Can I have the question 02:59:17
`read back, please? 02:59:18
` (The reporter read back the question.) 02:59:29
` THE WITNESS: So let's look at 02:59:45
`column 6 of Vishwanath, starting at line 62. 02:59:47
`Vishwanath says (reading from patent) a number of 02:59:53
`compression algorithms are applicable to this 03:00:01
`invention. They include Lempel-Ziv, Run Length 03:00:04
`Encoding, JPEG, Hierarchical Vector Quantization, 03:00:11
`ADPCM, MPEG, MPEG2, H.263, and Hierarchical Vector 03:00:21
`Quantization with Conditional Replenishment. 03:00:36
` In the '535 deposition earlier today, 03:00:47
`I think that we agreed that one exemplary 03:00:51
`symmetric algorithm would be run-length encoding. 03:00:58
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`Page 20
` BY MR. WANG: 03:01:05
` Q Are any of the other algorithms here, 03:01:05
`could they be considered a symmetrical algorithm? 03:01:07
` MR. SHARTZER: Did you say symmetrical 03:01:11
`or a -- 03:01:13
` MR. WANG: Symmetrical. 03:01:15
` THE WITNESS: Which maybe we can agree 03:01:17
`is also symmetric? 03:01:19
` BY MR. WANG: 03:01:20
` Q Yes. 03:01:21
` A So back to the question of are there 03:01:24
`any others, an answer would be JPEG. I believe 03:01:29
`JPEG. It would be hard to argue that JPEG was 03:01:39
`exemplary asymmetric, so therefore, those of skill 03:01:43
`would consider JPEG to be an exemplary symmetric 03:01:51
`algorithm. 03:01:58
` Q Any others in this list? 03:02:05
` MR. SHARTZER: Objection to form. 03:02:11
` THE WITNESS: So let me direct you to 03:02:15
`Figure 7 of Vishwanath. 03:02:16
` 03:02:18
` BY MR. WANG: 03:02:22
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` Q Can we stick with this list for a 03:02:22
`second -- 03:02:24
` A Sure, but -- okay, that's fine. 03:02:25
` Q -- or is Figure 7 -- 03:02:27
` MR. SHARTZER: The witness is 03:02:30
`providing an answer. 03:02:30
` BY MR. WANG: 03:02:32
` Q Are you still responding with respect 03:02:32
`to this list? 03:02:33
` A Yes. 03:02:36
` Q Okay, we can look at Figure 7 then. 03:02:36
` A So the list that I described in 03:02:47
`column 6 is basically visualized in this figure, 03:02:50
`Figure 7, in terms of algorithms that might be 03:02:56
`appropriate for a particular form of data and 03:03:03
`their compute power. So I was just going to 03:03:07
`mention that one of skill could argue that VQ, 03:03:10
`vector quantization, and even hierarchical vector 03:03:16
`quantization, were symmetric. 03:03:19
` A counterargument to that would be the 03:03:25
`building of the vector quantization dictionary, 03:03:28
`which takes a lot of time, but if the dictionary 03:03:32
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`Page 22
`were prefabricated, which is typically the case, 03:03:38
`vector quantization, or VQ, would be known as an 03:03:43
`exemplary symmetric algorithm. 03:03:50
` Q Okay, can we go back to the list in 03:04:02
`column 6? 03:04:06
` So apart from what you've testified, 03:04:09
`are there any other algorithms in column 6 at the 03:04:10
`bottom that could be considered symmetric? 03:04:15
` A Yes. 03:04:19
` Q What else? 03:04:21
` A So if one were to argue that vector 03:04:24
`quantization -- again, I had my caveat about the 03:04:28
`dictionary building. If one were to argue that 03:04:33
`vector quantization were, in general, symmetric, 03:04:36
`it would be hard to argue against hierarchical 03:04:42
`vector quantization with conditional replenishment 03:04:48
`not being symmetric. 03:04:55
` In other words, in general, that could 03:04:57
`be considered symmetric. Of course, there's 03:05:06
`exceptions. 03:05:08
` Q Anything else in this list? 03:05:09
` A Yes. 03:05:17
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` Q What else? 03:05:17
` A First of all, just to step back and 03:05:23
`say what we're talking about. We're talking about 03:05:26
`algorithms that in general could be examples of 03:05:29
`symmetric algorithms, in general, and I would say 03:05:34
`PCM is one of these. 03:05:38
` PCM stands for pulse-code modulation, 03:05:43
`and of course the D is for differential, and the A 03:05:49
`is for adaptive that precede it in this example. 03:05:53
` Essentially, it's a very simple method 03:06:00
`that encodes the differences between samples and 03:06:06
`requires very little computation on either side, 03:06:10
`encoding or decoding. I would consider it to be, 03:06:13
`in general, in the symmetric category. 03:06:17
` Now, one coul

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