`Page 1
` :
` Petitioners, :
` :
` :
` :
` :
` :
` :
` Patent Owner. :
` vs.
` Case No.
` IPR2018-01342
` Patent
` 8,934,535
` Deposition of SCOTT T. ACTON, Ph.D.
` Washington, D.C.
` Friday, May 10, 2019 - 9:05 a.m.
`Reported by:
`Dawn A. Jaques
`Job no: 25232
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`Page 2
`Examination of:
`the witness, was called for cross-examination by
`counsel for the Patent Owner, pursuant to notice,
`commencing at 9:05 a.m., at the law offices of
`Fish & Richardson PC, 1000 Main Avenue, Southwest,
`Washington, D.C., before Dawn A. Jaques, CSR, CLR,
`and Notary Public in and for the District of
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`Page 3
`On behalf of the Petitioner:
` Fish & Richardson PC
` 1000 Maine Avenue, SW
` Suite 1000
` Washington, D.C. 20024
` (202) 626-6380
` (202) 626-7751
`On behalf of the Patent Owner:
` Russ August & Kabat
` 12424 Wilshire Boulevard
` 12th Floor
` Los Angeles, California 90025
` (310) 826-7474
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`Page 4
` I-N-D-E-X
` Examination by Mr. Wang ........ 5, 91
` Examination by Mr. Shartzer .... 84, 92
` E-X-H-I-B-I-T-S
`Exhibit 1 Compilation of Declaration
` of Professor Scott Acton
` Re: '535 patent, and the
` Fallon, Dvir and Ishii
` references .................. 11
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`Page 5
` P R O C E E D I N G S
` was called as a witness, after having been
` first duly sworn by the Notary Public, was
` examined and testified as follows:
` BY MR. WANG: 09:05:34
` Q Good morning, Dr. Acton. We met 09:05:34
`briefly off the record. 09:05:36
` A Good morning, Mr. Wang. 09:05:37
` Q How many times have you been deposed? 09:05:38
` A Somewhere over a dozen. 09:05:41
` Q So you're well familiar with the 09:05:43
`ground rules of a deposition? 09:05:44
` A I am. 09:05:46
` Q You understand that you're under oath 09:05:48
`today? 09:05:50
` A I do. 09:05:51
` Q You understand that even though we're 09:05:51
`in a law office, the testimony you give under oath 09:05:53
`is subject to the same penalty of perjury as if 09:05:55
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`you were in a court of law? 09:05:58
` A Yes. 09:05:59
` Q I'm going to assume that you 09:06:02
`understand the questions that I ask you unless you 09:06:04
`tell me that you don't understand them. 09:06:06
` Is that fair? 09:06:08
` A Fair. 09:06:09
` Q If anything is unclear, please feel 09:06:10
`free to ask me to clarify. 09:06:13
` Is there anything that would prevent 09:06:16
`you from thinking clearly and testifying 09:06:18
`truthfully today? 09:06:21
` A There's not. 09:06:22
` Q From time to time, your counsel may 09:06:28
`object in the form of objection to form, but 09:06:29
`unless you're instructed not to, you must answer 09:06:33
`my questions. 09:06:36
` If at any time you need to take a 09:06:40
`break during the deposition, please let me know. 09:06:43
`I only ask that we don't take a break while a 09:06:45
`question is pending. Is that okay? 09:06:49
` A That sounds fine. 09:06:51
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` MR. SHARTZER: Counsel, can we pause 09:06:53
`for a second? 09:06:54
` MR. WANG: Yes. 09:13:31
` (Discussion held off the record.) 09:13:31
` (Pause in the proceedings to fix the 09:14:57
` realtime.) 09:13:31
` BY MR. WANG: 09:17:25
` Q Welcome back, Dr. Acton. 09:17:29
` A Thank you. 09:17:31
` Q For the record, this part of the 09:17:35
`deposition is for the '535 patent, patent number 09:17:41
`8,934,535. 09:17:45
` Dr. Acton, what did you do to prepare 09:17:53
`for today's deposition? 09:17:55
` A So I went over my two declarations. 09:17:59
` Q The two declarations on the '535 and 09:18:08
`the '610 patents? 09:18:11
` A That is correct. 09:18:13
` Q Did you do anything else? 09:18:15
` A Yes. 09:18:16
` Q What did you do? 09:18:17
` A I reviewed the references, the 09:18:21
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`references that were cited in the declarations. I 09:18:26
`reviewed the patents themselves, the '535 and the 09:18:32
`'610 patent. 09:18:39
` Q Anything else? 09:18:40
` A I met with counsel. 09:18:44
` Q How many times did you meet with 09:18:50
`counsel? 09:18:52
` A Essentially it was one meeting over 09:19:02
`two days. 09:19:04
` Q Was that the past two days? 09:19:06
` A That's correct. 09:19:09
` Q So today is Friday, and you met with 09:19:11
`counsel on Wednesday and Thursday? 09:19:13
` A That is correct. 09:19:15
` Q Who did you meet with? 09:19:16
` A I met with Matt Mosteller, 09:19:20
`Adam Shartzer, and Brian Livedalen. 09:19:26
` Q For how long did you meet with 09:19:34
`counsel? 09:19:35
` A During the business hours on Thursday 09:19:37
`and Wednesday. 09:19:39
` Q Did you meet with anyone else other 09:19:46
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`than the attorneys that you named? 09:19:47
` A In passing, sure, but I can't recall 09:19:56
`any names. 09:19:57
` Q And during your meetings, did you 09:20:03
`review the same documents that you named? 09:20:05
` A That's correct. 09:20:10
` Q Were all of the documents you reviewed 09:20:20
`submitted in this proceeding as an exhibit? 09:20:21
` MR. SHARTZER: Objection, speculation. 09:20:35
` MR. WANG: Counsel, please limit your 09:20:44
`objections to objection, form. 09:20:45
` MR. SHARTZER: No, objections aren't 09:20:48
`limited to objection to form. 09:20:49
` THE WITNESS: So as to the pending 09:20:56
`question, I want to say yes, but I'm not sure. 09:20:58
` BY MR. WANG: 09:21:04
` Q Have you reviewed the IPR petitions in 09:21:11
`this case? 09:21:13
` A I can't recall, but if I did, they 09:21:26
`would be cited in my, for example, '535 09:21:28
`declaration. 09:21:34
` Q The same for the '610 patent? 09:21:35
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` MR. SHARTZER: Objection, form. 09:21:43
` THE WITNESS: The same answer, and I 09:21:49
`can easily look at the report. 09:21:50
` BY MR. WANG: 09:21:54
` Q Did you bring anything with you today? 09:21:54
` A I did. 09:21:56
` Q What did you bring? 09:21:56
` A Essentially these are my supporting 09:21:59
`documents. 09:22:03
` Q Why don't we mark -- why don't we 09:22:05
`introduce this as an exhibit. So are they already 09:22:08
`marked? So did you bring a copy of your 09:22:13
`declaration in the '535 case? 09:22:16
` A That's part of it, yes, sir. 09:22:21
` Q So your declaration already has an 09:22:23
`exhibit number, DISH 1003, correct? 09:22:25
` A DISH 1003 is correct. 09:22:36
` Q So why don't we do this? We're going 09:22:39
`to mark that whole spiral as an exhibit for this 09:22:41
`deposition, and could you let me know what 09:22:48
`documents are in that spiral, please? 09:22:52
` A Right now? 09:22:56
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` Q Yes. 09:22:57
` (Acton Deposition Exhibit 1 was 09:22:57
` marked for identification.) 09:22:57
` THE WITNESS: So in the spiral we have 09:23:00
`DISH 1003, which is my declaration on the 09:23:04
`'535 patent. 09:23:09
` It appears we also have Exhibit 1029, 09:23:27
`a supplemental declaration. 09:23:33
` BY MR. WANG: 09:23:44
` Q Okay. 09:23:44
` A The next reference is the '535 patent, 09:23:46
`which we are discussing this morning. 09:23:52
` Q What's the exhibit number for that? 09:23:54
` A DISH 1001. 09:23:57
` Q Okay. 09:23:59
` A Next we have DISH 1004, which is what 09:24:08
`I will call this morning Dvir, D-V-I-R. 09:24:13
` Next we have DISH 1005, which I will 09:24:26
`refer to as Ishii, I-S-H-I-I. It's a patent. 09:24:32
` And I believe that's it for the first 09:24:49
`spiral. 09:24:50
` Q Okay. I want to make something clear. 09:24:51
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`Page 12
` The portion of your spiral that's 09:24:55
`Exhibit 1029, I am not introducing that as an 09:24:57
`exhibit. I understand that you brought it with 09:25:02
`you, but I am not introducing that as an exhibit. 09:25:05
`I don't believe that's part of this case. 09:25:09
` The other spiral, Dr. Acton, that has 09:25:13
`documents limited to the '610 IPR? 09:25:18
` MR. SHARTZER: Philip -- well, 09:25:35
`I'm sorry, you're in the middle of a question. 09:25:37
` You can provide an answer. 09:25:40
` THE WITNESS: So not to be too 09:25:41
`detailed, but I wouldn't say that's accurate just 09:25:48
`because there's at least one document that's in 09:25:53
`common, and I know that's not where you were 09:25:55
`going, but ... 09:25:57
` MR. SHARTZER: One thing for you. 09:26:02
` If you're planning on introducing this 09:26:04
`in this deposition, I mean, I'm not going to stop 09:26:06
`you, but maybe just try to have some sort of 09:26:09
`separation. 09:26:12
` MR. WANG: Yeah, I'm just trying to 09:26:13
`clarify that. That spiral is about the '610 09:26:14
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`Page 13
`proceeding, or directed to that, correct? 09:26:18
` THE WITNESS: Correct. 09:26:22
` BY MR. WANG: 09:26:22
` Q Okay, so we will introduce that when 09:26:22
`we get to the other proceeding. 09:26:25
` Returning back to the '535 IPR, did 09:26:29
`you review the Patent Owner's preliminary 09:26:34
`response? 09:26:41
` A For clarification, do you know how 09:28:24
`that would appear as a docket? 09:28:27
` Q So I don't think it existed at the 09:28:29
`time of your declaration. 09:28:32
` A Okay. 09:28:35
` Q So let me clarify my question, 09:28:36
`Dr. Acton. 09:28:39
` So in paragraph 26, starting at 09:28:40
`paragraph 26 of your declaration, you identify 09:28:47
`some materials that you reviewed; is that correct? 09:28:49
` A That's correct. 09:28:52
` Q So apart from the documents and the 09:28:53
`materials identified here, have you reviewed any 09:28:58
`other documents since? 09:29:02
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`Page 14
` MR. SHARTZER: Objection, form. 09:29:37
` THE WITNESS: There may have been 09:29:54
`additional documents in conjunction with 09:29:55
`Exhibit 1029, the supplemental, but I can't 09:29:57
`recall. 09:30:00
` BY MR. WANG: 09:30:01
` Q Do you recall reviewing the 09:30:01
`Patent Owner's Preliminary Response? 09:30:03
` A I don't recall. 09:30:11
` Q Do you recall reviewing the Board's 09:30:13
`Institution Decision? 09:30:16
` A No. 09:30:19
` Q Do you recall reviewing any other 09:30:20
`documents filed in this IPR, like different 09:30:23
`documents by either party? 09:30:28
` A I can't recall any beyond what is in 09:30:35
`Section C, which is paragraphs 26, 27, 28 and 29 09:30:38
`of my declaration. 09:30:44
` Q So apart from the documents identified 09:30:48
`in the Materials Considered here, and putting 09:30:52
`aside those in Exhibit 1029, are there any other 09:30:56
`documents you reviewed for this IPR? 09:31:03
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`Page 15
` A Not that I can recall. 09:31:09
` Q Did you take any notes during your 09:31:11
`meetings with counsel? 09:31:13
` A So I have before me basically my 09:31:28
`materials and what I studied to prepare, and 09:31:31
`basically there probably are some pencil marks. I 09:31:40
`don't know if I'd call them notes. 09:31:43
` In other cases, there might be a 09:31:45
`couple of numbers which might point to a different 09:31:48
`paragraph or a different part of a reference. 09:31:51
` Q Do you have a copy of those notes? 09:31:53
` A Yes, I do. 09:31:55
` Q Do you have them with you? 09:31:57
` A Yes. 09:31:57
` Q Can I have them? 09:32:02
` A These are they. 09:32:03
` Q Okay. So you've written on these 09:32:07
`documents? 09:32:12
` A A couple places I made scribbles. I 09:32:14
`don't know -- yeah, there's a scribble. 09:32:17
` Q So in preparing for the depositions 09:32:24
`today, you went back and looked at your 09:32:27
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`declarations? 09:32:31
` A Yes, sir. 09:32:31
` Q About how long did you spend doing 09:32:32
`that? 09:32:34
` A It's hard to say. A couple hours. 09:32:38
` Q Sitting here, do you have any changes 09:32:44
`or corrections to your declaration, Exhibit 1003, 09:32:46
`that you submitted? 09:32:52
` A Yes. 09:33:01
` Q What are they? 09:33:03
` A If I can point you to the table of 09:33:05
`contents, Latin index i through ii -- I don't know 09:33:09
`how people refer to that. So in the table of 09:33:21
`contents, which actually copies into the Word file 09:33:27
`that I used to make my declaration, there are 09:33:30
`repeated an error, the same error, which is 09:33:32
`"anticipated under 103." 09:33:40
` And when I say "anticipated," I should 09:33:46
`have said anticipated under 102 and rendered 09:33:47
`obvious under 103, so that's a correction. 09:33:51
` Q Anything else? 09:33:58
` A Not that comes to mind, no. 09:34:00
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` Q Do you have any other opinions to add 09:34:02
`to your declaration? 09:34:04
` A I guess we'll see. 09:34:08
` Q So you do have other opinions to add 09:34:10
`to your declaration? 09:34:13
` A Not that I can think of right now, but 09:34:16
`what I'm saying is maybe you'll ask me questions 09:34:17
`that will -- 09:34:20
` Q So your declaration contains your 09:34:21
`complete opinions about invalidity for the 09:34:23
`'535 patent? 09:34:27
` MR. SHARTZER: Objection to form. 09:34:29
` THE WITNESS: I believe that -- so if 09:34:33
`I can point you to paragraph 219 of my 09:35:13
`declaration, "I reserve the right to supplement my 09:35:20
`opinions to address any information obtained, or 09:35:29
`positions taken, based on any new information 09:35:31
`introduced throughout this proceeding." 09:35:35
` BY MR. WANG: 09:35:38
` Q So apart from that paragraph, do you 09:35:38
`have any opinions in mind now that you wish to 09:35:40
`supplement with? 09:35:44
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` A Not at this time, no. 09:35:58
` Q Who wrote your declaration? 09:36:03
` A So every paragraph in the 09:36:06
`declaration -- and we'll get to the '610 one 09:36:12
`later -- is my paragraph, my report. 09:36:15
` I did write it in collaboration with 09:36:21
`counsel. 09:36:23
` Q Did counsel provide a first draft for 09:36:26
`you? 09:36:28
` A No. 09:36:31
` Q But every paragraph is your opinion? 09:36:35
` A Every paragraph is my opinion. 09:36:41
` There are some paragraphs, as you'll 09:36:45
`notice, where I've been informed by counsel; for 09:36:47
`example, some of the legal portions. 09:36:51
` Q Let's turn to that right now. Let's 09:36:55
`turn to the section Statement of Legal Principles 09:36:58
`beginning on paragraph 30 of your declaration. 09:37:03
` Are you there? 09:37:14
` A Yes. 09:37:15
` Q So starting on paragraph 30, there's 09:37:16
`kind of three sections under Statement of Legal 09:37:18
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`Principles: Claim Construction, Anticipation, and 09:37:20
`Obviousness. Do you see that? 09:37:23
` A Yes. 09:37:29
` Q Was this what you were referring to, 09:37:30
`the legal standard section? 09:37:31
` A Yes, this is at least part of that. 09:37:38
` Q Apart from this, is there anything 09:37:41
`else? 09:37:42
` A Is there anything else? 09:37:45
` Q That was provided to you from counsel. 09:37:47
` A I think it's fair to say that the 09:38:46
`materials I relied on, they kept track of those 09:38:48
`materials with my help, probably drafted that 09:38:52
`section. 09:38:56
` Q Anything else? 09:39:00
` A Yes. 09:39:17
` Q What else? 09:39:18
` A So in terms of claim construction, I 09:39:23
`was provided claim construction by counsel, and 09:39:27
`that is paragraphs 40 through 44 of this 09:39:34
`declaration, and that construction or those 09:39:42
`constructions were provided by counsel, and I did 09:39:50
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`Page 20
`my analysis under those constructions. 09:39:55
` Q Did you perform any analysis of 09:39:58
`whether those constructions are correct? 09:40:01
` MR. SHARTZER: Objection, legal 09:40:04
`conclusion. 09:40:06
` THE WITNESS: No, that wasn't the job 09:40:16
`I was asked to do. 09:40:18
` BY MR. WANG: 09:40:19
` Q Counsel provided those constructions 09:40:19
`to you, and as part of your analysis, you applied 09:40:21
`those constructions? 09:40:25
` A That is correct. 09:40:28
` Q Turning back to paragraph 30, so the 09:40:31
`legal principles of claim construction, 09:40:35
`anticipation, and obviousness, they were provided 09:40:37
`to you from counsel? 09:40:40
` A I think it's fair to say they were 09:41:13
`provided by counsel or I was informed by counsel. 09:41:14
`Of course we discussed them. 09:41:19
` Q And you have some understanding of the 09:41:24
`legal standards for claim construction, 09:41:27
`anticipation, and obviousness, even before this 09:41:30
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`proceeding, correct? 09:41:34
` MR. SHARTZER: Objection, foundation. 09:41:37
` THE WITNESS: Yes. 09:41:39
` BY MR. WANG: 09:41:40
` Q Based on your work in other cases and 09:41:41
`other IPRs? 09:41:43
` A Yes. 09:41:45
` Q Let's talk about anticipation, 09:41:51
`paragraph 32, for a minute. 09:41:53
` You say in the middle of this 09:41:59
`paragraph that, "In order for the invention to be 09:42:01
`anticipated, each element of the claimed invention 09:42:03
`must be described or embodied, either expressly or 09:42:05
`inherently, in the single prior art reference." 09:42:08
` Do you see that? 09:42:12
` A Yes. 09:42:13
` Q Do you have any opinions about 09:42:13
`inherency in this case? 09:42:15
` A I can't recall. I don't know if you 09:43:08
`want me to search through the report. 09:43:10
` Q I can just ask you what you recall 09:43:13
`sitting here. 09:43:14
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` Do you recall expressing any opinions 09:43:16
`about inherency? 09:43:17
` A I can't recall. 09:43:19
` Q And the very next paragraph, the very 09:43:19
`next sentence that I read previously, it says, "In 09:43:21
`order for a reference to inherently disclose a 09:43:25
`claim limitation, that claim limitation must 09:43:29
`necessarily be present in the reference." 09:43:30
` Do you recall offering that opinion or 09:43:34
`providing that analysis about inherency? 09:43:37
` A So I'm sorry, your question is a 09:43:41
`little confusing. Are you -- 09:43:43
` Q I'm providing more background about 09:43:47
`inherency. Here in this paragraph you write, "In 09:43:49
`order for a reference to inherently disclose a 09:43:53
`claim limitation, that claim limitation must 09:43:56
`necessarily be present in the reference." 09:43:57
` Do you recall offering any opinions 09:44:00
`about inherency or opining that any claim 09:44:03
`limitation must necessarily be present in the 09:44:08
`reference? 09:44:11
` A I think I answered that question in 09:44:19
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`the previous question, and I can't recall. 09:44:20
` Q Paragraph 32, is this the legal 09:44:27
`standard that you applied in your anticipation 09:44:31
`analysis? 09:44:35
` A Paragraph 32 is a good description of 09:44:48
`anticipation and, yes, one which I would use in my 09:44:54
`analysis. 09:45:00
` Q Is this the description that you 09:45:01
`applied in your opinions? 09:45:03
` A I think it's a fair description, yes. 09:45:17
` Q So my question -- I'm going to ask it 09:45:19
`again -- is this the description that you applied 09:45:23
`in your opinions? 09:45:27
` MR. SHARTZER: Objection, asked and 09:45:44
`answered. 09:45:44
` THE WITNESS: I think it's congruent 09:45:47
`with my analysis, yes. 09:45:48
` BY MR. WANG: 09:45:51
` Q So my question is whether or not it's 09:45:52
`what you applied. My question isn't whether it's 09:45:54
`fair or whether it's congruent.

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