`(19) World Intellectual Property Organization a | I
`International Bureau
` (10) International Publication Number
`(43) International Publication Date
`27 July 2006 (27.07.2006)
`(51) International Patent Classification:
`GO6F 9/445 (2006.01)
`(21) International Application Number:
`PCT/EP2006/00035 L
`(22) International Filing Date: 17 January 2006 (17.01.2006)
`(25) Filing Language:
`(26) Publication Language:
`(30) Priority Data:
`22 January 2005 (22.01.2005)
`(71) Applicant (for all designated States except US): TELE-
`[SE/SE], -, -, SE-164 83 STOCKHOLM (SE).
`Inventors; and
`Inventors/Applicants (for US only): SVENSSON Mats
`[SE/SE]; Valdemars vag 98, SE-224 74 Lund (SE).
`[SE/SE]; Femmitesvagen 32,
`SE-247 33 Sédra Sandby (SE). BAUERNiclas [SE/SE];
`Regementsgaten 25A, SE-217 53 Malm6 (SE). AULIN
`Peter [SE/SE]; Regementsgatan 31C, SE-217 53 Malmé
`WO 2006/077068 A2
`(74) Agent: ONSHAGE, Anders; ERICSSON AB, Patent
`Unit Mobile Platforms, SE-221 83 (SE).
`(81) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM,
`CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI,
`GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, HR, HU, ID, IL, LN, IS, JP, KE,
`NO, NZ, OM, PG, PH, PL, PT, RO, RU, SC, SD, SE, SG,
`SK, SL, SM, SY, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US,
`UZ, VC, VN, YU, ZA, ZM, ZW.
`Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH,
`GM, KE, LS, MW, MZ, NA, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM,
`ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM),
`European (AT, BLE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DLE, DK, EE, ES, FL,
`GN. GQ, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
`without international search report and to be republished
`upon receipt of that report
`For two-letter codes and other abbreviations, refer to the "Guid-
`ance Notes on Codes and Abbreviations" appearing at the begin-
`ning ofeach regular issue of the PCT Gazette.
`“NN (57) Abstract: A conventional bootloadercan conflict with the operating system (OS) of a multis processorsystem. An OS-friendly
`bootloader and methodsare described that integrate an OS with a bootloader in any system in which a host processor andaclient
`processor have a communication mechanism that requires the OS for the mechanism to workandthe client has two memorysystems:
`one visible to both host and client and one visible only to the client.
`INTEL 1203
`INTEL 1203


`WO 2006/077068
`This invention relatesto initialization of electronic systems having multiple
`programmable processors.
`The process of starting, or booting up, an electronic system having a
`programmable processor connected to one or more memory devices for storing
`program instructions, or code, and data is not as simple as it might seem atfirst glance.
`An important part of the reason for this is the need for the processor to begin operation
`in a well-defined state.
`The traditional ways of loading program code and data to a bare system are
`either by "pushing" the code and data into the system's random-access memory (RAM)
`directly or by using a bootloader. The bootloader, which is sometimes called a boot
`loader or a bootstrap loader, is a set of instructions (i.e., program code, sometimes
`called "boot code") that can beeither "pushed" into the system's RAM or loaded into the
`RAM from a non-volatile memory, such as read-only memory (ROM).
`In its execution
`by the processor, the bootloader then "drags"in the rest of the code and data and starts
`the system.
`Examplesof prior mechanisms for starting processor systems, including
`bootloaders, are U.S. Patents No. 5,652,886 to Tulpule et al. and No. 6,490,722 to
`Barton et al. and U.S. Patent Application Publication No. US 2002/0138156 A1 to Wong
`et al. Barton et al., for example, describes a two-stage bootloader in which the second
`stagefinds, verifies, and loads the operating system.
`In Wong etal., a multiprocessor
`system uses a master processor coupled to a ROM to transfer boot code to slave
`processors, with memory controllers in the slave processors denying memory access
`requests until the boot code has been transferred to their RAMs.
`Asindicated by Barton et al. and Wong etal., for example, starting up a multi-
`processor system, which can be generally considered as having a masteror host
`processor,i.e., the system that orders the boot, and one or more slave or client
`processors,i.e., the system to be booted, is even more complicated than starting up a
`single-processor system.
`Advantagesof the "push" method are that it requires no code to execute in the
`slave during boot andthat the only synchronization requiredis to hold the slave in a


`WO 2006/077068
`reset state and release it when loading is finished. Nevertheless, the "push" method
`works only when the memory or memories of the slave are visible to the host. This
`visibility can be implemented in several ways. For example, a memory maybevisible
`on the address and data bussesof both the host and the slave processors or direct
`memory access (DMA)transfers may be allowed from the host's memory or memories
`to the slave's memory or memories.
`Whenthe slave's memory to be loadedis invisible to the host, the "push" method
`cannot be used.
`In that situation, some form of bootloading must be used. As noted
`above, the bootloader technique requires either that boot code can be pushed onto the
`slave (which in this case is not possible) or that the slave can load code from a non-
`volatile memory. The bootloader then initiates a transfer of code from the host to the
`slave and finishes loading the memory.
`Multi-processor systems in which some or all of a slave's memory is not visible
`to a host are possible.
`In such systems, it can be advantageousto take advantage of
`well-established software frameworks for loading and inter-processor communication,
`which render traditional bootloaders undesirable. Moreover, a bootloader can conflict
`with the operating system, which can be said to want to have control over the entire
`system and all of the memory.
`Among the problems faced whenintegrating a bootloader with an operating
`system (OS) are ensuring that code that is not yet loaded is not executed, efficiently
`loading code to a memory or memoriesinvisible to the host, and synchronizing with the
`host the loading and booting of the slave(s). Moreover, it is necessary to determine
`which portions of the system must be loaded to memories visible to both host and slave
`processors and howthe binary image to be loaded should be arranged for the
`bootloader to work together with the OS. Another issue that can be important is the
`integration of the bootloader and the OS, as an already established frameworkfor
`communication between host and slave then can be used during loading. Such a
`framework typically would include one or more primitives for communication that rely on
`This invention provides, in one aspect, a method of loading program codeinto a
`slave processor in a multi-processor system that includes a master processor and the
`slave processor. The method includes the steps of resetting the slave processor and


`WO 2006/077068
`holding the slave processor in a reset state; pushing information into a first memory that
`is accessible by the master and slave processors; booting the slave processor; starting
`an operating system in the slave processor, including blocking scheduling of processes
`having program code located in a second memory that is accessible by the slave
`processor and inaccessible by the master processor; reserving an intermediate storage
`areain the first memory; sending to the master processor information about a location
`and size of the intermediate storage area reserved; based on the sent information,
`loading the intermediate storage area with information to be loaded into the second
`memory; sending a first messageto the slave processorthat indicates the intermediate
`storage area has been loaded and whether loadingis finished or more information is to
`be loaded; copying information in the intermediate storage area to the second memory;
`and sending a second message to the master processor that indicates that information
`in the intermediate storage area has been copied.
`In another aspectof the invention, a multi-processor system includes a host
`processor, at least one client processor, a first random-access memory accessible by
`the host and client processors, a second random-access memory accessible by the
`client processor and not accessible by the host processor, and a bootloader. Thefirst
`memory includes an intermediate storage area, and the bootloader includes a host part
`and a client part. The host part is loadable into the first random-access memory and
`has a first stage and a second stage. The first stage resets and holds the client
`processorin a reset state and pushesinformation into the first random-access memory.
`The second stage is initiated by the client part, loads the intermediate storage area with
`information to be loaded to the second random-access memory, and sendsto the client
`part a first messageindicating the intermediate storage area is loaded. The client part
`is loadable into the first random-access memory, starts an operating system including
`an idle process andinitially blocking scheduling of all processes having program code
`located in the second random-access memory, copies information loaded into the
`intermediate storage area to the second random-access memory, and sendsto the host
`part a second message indicating information has been copied.
`In another aspect of the invention, a computer-readable medium contains a
`computer program for loading information into a slave processorin a multi-processor
`system that includes a master processor and the slave processor. The computer
`program performsthe steps of resetting the slave processor and holding the slave


`WO 2006/077068
`processorin a reset state; pushing information into a first memory that is accessible by
`the master and slave processors; booting the slave processor; starting an operating
`system in the slave processor,including blocking scheduling of processes having
`program codelocated in a second memory that is accessible by the slave processor
`and inaccessible by the master processor; reserving an intermediate storage area in
`the first memory; sending to the master processor information about a Jocation and size
`of the intermediate storage area reserved; based on the sent information, loading the
`intermediate storage area with information to be loaded into the second memory;
`sending a first message to the slave processor that indicates the intermediate storage
`area has been loaded and whether loadingis finished or more information is to be
`loaded; copying information in the intermediate storage area to the second memory;
`and sending a second messageto the master processorthat indicates that information
`in the intermediate storage area has been copied.
`The various features, objects, and advantagesof this invention will be
`understood by reading this description in conjunction with the drawings, in which:
`FIG. 1 depicts a multi-processor system;
`FIG. 2 is a flowchart of an OS-friendly bootloader; and
`FIG. 3 depicts an example of an organization of an intermediate storage area.
`As noted above, a conventional bootloader can conflict with the operating
`system of a multi-processor system. This application describes an OS-friendly
`bootloader and methods that meetthe challenge of integrating an OS with a bootloader
`in systemsin which the host and a client have a communication mechanism that
`requires the OS for the mechanism to work and the client has two memory systems:
`one visible to both host and client and one visible only to the client.
`FIG. 1 depicts such a multi-processor system 100 that includes a host processor
`102 and a client processor 104.
`It will be appreciated that although FIG. 1 shows one
`client processor 104, more can be provided.
`It will also be appreciated that the host
`and client processors may be any programmable electronic processors.
`In the example
`depicted in FIG. 1, the processor 102 is shown as the central processing unit (CPU) of
`an advanced RISC machine (ARM), and the processor 104 is shown as the CPU of a
`digital signal processor (DSP) device. The dashedline in FIG. 1 depicts the hardware


`WO 2006/077068
`boundary betweenthe host and slave devices, in this example, the ARM and the DSP,
`and also a non-volatile memory 106. The memory 106 may be a ROM, a flash
`memory, or other type of non-volatile memory device.
`Most commercially available DSP devices include on-chip memories, and as
`indicated in FIG. 1, the DSP includes"internal" single-access RAM (SARAM)and dual-
`access RAM (DARAM)108, as well as an "external" RAM (XRAM) 110. An
`intermediate storage area, indicated by the dashedline, is defined within the memory
`108 as described in more detail below. The arrowsin FIG. 1 indicate access paths,
`e.g., busses and DMApaths, between the CPUs and the memories. The ARM host
`CPU 102 can access the non-volatile memory 106 and the SARAM and DARAM 108 of
`the DSP, but not the DSP's XRAM 110, and the DSP slave CPU 104 can accessall of
`the RAMs 108, 110.
`The SARAM and DARAM 108 can be loaded from the non-volatile memory 106
`by the trivial "push" method. When code needs to be loaded to the XRAM 110 during
`boot, however, a bootloader solution is required because the XRAM 110 is invisible to,
`i.e., not accessible by, the CPU 102 and so boot code cannotbe pushedto the
`XRAM 110.
`As described in more detail below and in connection with the flow chart of FIG. 2,
`an OS-friendly bootloader advantageously has a host part and a client part that is
`loaded into a memory or memories visible to both the master and the slave (e.g.,
`SARAM and DARAM 108).
`The host part of the OS-friendly bootloader may be considered as including two
`stages or modes of operation. Thefirst stage resets and holds the slave 104 in the
`reset state (Step 202) and pushesinformation (program instructions and/or data) (Step
`204) in the usual way from the non-volatile memory 106 into the commonly visible
`memories 108. The information pushed into these memories is mainly the bootloader,
`the OS, and any necessary start-up code for the OS.
`It should be appreciated that an
`application or applications or parts thereof may also be pushed into these memories at
`start-up and may start executing during the loading of the "external" memory 110.
`Whenthis "push"is finished (Step 206), the slave 104 is allowed to boot (Step 208) and
`to start up the OS (e.g.,-it is released from the reset state) and its normal
`communication mechanisms(Step 210). The host part then awaits a message from the
`slave, whichinitiates operation of its second stage as described in more detail below.


`WO 2006/077068
`Theslave part of the OS-friendly bootloaderthatis loaded ("pushed" by the host
`part's first stage) into the commonly visible memories 108 starts the operating system,
`carrying out the following operations (Step 210). First, interrupt handlers are created.
`The codefor the interrupt handlers must be located in the memory that is already
`loaded becauseaninterrupt may occur at any time. Second, data structures (e.g.,
`processcontrol blocks and stacks) of commonprocesses,i.e., processes that run in
`both the host and the slave, are created.
`It should be understood that since these
`commonprocesseshave not yet executed, their code may be loadedat a later time and
`may very well be located in "external" memory visible only to the slave, e.g., XRAM
`110. Third, the system idle process is created. The codeforthe idle process must be
`located in the memory that is already loaded becausetheidle processis the process
`selected to run by the OSif there is nothing useful to do. Fourth, the scheduling of at
`least all processesresiding in, i.e., having program code ordata located in, the
`"external" memory 110 is blocked. Execution of processesresiding in the "internal"
`memory can thus advantageously start or continue in parallel with the loading of the
`"external" memory as noted above.
`It is also possible to stop scheduling all processes
`exceptthe idle process, but this is not necessary. Making this blocking the last thing
`done before the OS scheduler switches on ensuresthat the code in these processes
`will not run when the scheduler releases. Finally, the OS scheduleris released, which
`allows the OSto start executing code and scheduling processes.
`It will be understood
`that since at least all external-memory-process scheduling was blocked, all that the OS
`can now do is schedule interrupts and the idle process.
`At this point, the slave 104 is partly up and running. The slave part of the OS-
`friendly bootloader has been loaded, and the slave's idle process is executing. The
`slave's OS can schedule and execute code in responseto interrupts and can schedule
`the idle process and any unblocked processes having coderesiding in internal memory.
`OS mechanismsfor whichall code and data accesses are in memorythat has already
`been loaded (SARAM and DARAM 108, in this example) are available, including the
`usual communication mechanisms. These OS communication mechanisms, being
`high-level abstractions of DMA, shared memory,and structured registers, are more
`capable than simple semaphores and enable the host processor to communicate
`efficiently with a processor (the slave) that has not completely started, which is to say a


`WO 2006/077068
`processorthat is executing mainly only the OS, interrupt services, and processes
`residing in "internal" RAM.
`The idle process reserves a block of memory in the slave's heap of memory that
`is located in the memory visible to the host, such as "internal" memory 108 (Step 212).
`As described in more detail below, this reserved block of memory is used for
`intermediate storage of information (code and/or data) to be transferred to the slave-
`private memory,i.e., the memory thatis invisible to the host, such as "external"
`XRAM 110. The slave's idle process advantageously uses the established
`communication mechanisms to send to the host (Step 214) information about the
`address and size or length of the intermediate storage area reserved in the previous
`step. After sending the information, which may be contained in one or more suitable
`messages, the slave blocks, awaiting a message from the host. While "blocked", the
`slave does not conduct anyfurther loading activities until it receives the host's
`It will be understood that whether the slave's OS acts on aninterruptat this
`stage depends onthe nature of the interrupt. Since many OS mechanisms (like those
`used to communicate with the host, for example) rely on interrupts, and it cannot be
`known in advance whenan interruptwill occur, all interrupt code must have been
`loaded into "internal" memory.
`In that respect, interrupts are served during the second
`stage of the bootloading. Nevertheless, if an interruptis to trigger a chain of events
`such as processesstarting to do some data processing and the code or data for those
`processesare located or will be located in "external" memory, the interrupt is blocked
`and the interrupt service puts the request in the "in-queue" of that process so that the
`requestwill be served after booting hasfinished and that process can execute.
`On receipt of the slave's information, the second stage of the host bootloader fills
`the intermediate storage area with information (code and/or data) to be loaded into the
`slave's invisible memory (Step 216). Code and data is pushed to the intermediate
`storage area in the usual way becausethis area is memory that both processors can
`access, but the push is activated through the OS communication mechanisms.
`The host now sends a messageto the slave (Step 218) that indicates the
`intermediate storage area has been loaded and whether loading is finished or more
`code and/or data is available. This is the messagethe slave is waiting for. The host in
`turn now blocks, awaiting a message’from the slave. The slave copies the contents of ~


`WO 2006/077068
`the intermediate storage area to appropriate locationsin its slave-private memory (Step
`220), thereby implementing its actual loading. The slave then sends a messageto the
`host (Step 222) that indicates that the slave has copied the contents of the intermediate
`storage area.
`If there is more code and/or data to load (Step 224), this cycle of copying and
`messaging (Steps 216-224) can be repeated as many times as required. When the
`loadingis finished, i.e., when no more information needs to be copiedto the slave, the
`slave releases the blocking of processes that were blocked earlier, thereby allowing
`scheduling of codein its slave-private memory (Step 226). Loading is now complete.
`As described above, the hostfills the intermediate storage area in the memory
`108 with code and data that the slave further copies to end destinations in the slave-
`private memory 110. Perhaps the simplest way of doing this is to precede all code and
`data in the intermediate storage area with a tag that contains the destination address
`and length of the block to be loaded. FIG. 3 depicts one example of such an
`organization of the intermediate storage area. A block of code and/or data to be
`transferred into the intermediate storage area includes a headerthat indicates the
`length of the block and whereit is to be loaded in the slave memory,i.e., the destination
`address. As indicated by the dashedlines in FIG. 3, several such blocks may be
`concatenated in the intermediate storage area.
`The information (code and data) to be loaded can be arranged in many waysin
`the intermediate storage area and memories. Often the information is arranged as
`blocks of consecutive information that are to be loaded to different addresses, and thus
`an arbitrarily chosen size of the intermediate storage area may not match the sizes of
`all such blocks. Still, it should be understood that the system will operate more
`efficiently when the intermediate storage area is alwaysfilled. This meansthat if the
`blocks to be loaded are smaller than this area, a transfer of several (smaller) blocks
`should be done at the same time. This also means that a block should be splitif it is
`larger than the remaining part of the intermediate storage area, and one part
`transferred to the intermediate storage area with the remaining part transferred in the
`next block. Moreover, if a block is several times larger than the intermediate storage
`area, it may haveto be split more than once. All of this splitting and concatenation is
`donein the host part of the OS-friendly bootloader in ways that are well known to


`WO 2006/077068
`computer scientists. From the point of view of data communications engineers, the
`host part of the OS-friendly bootloaderis thus a kind of "transport layer".
`The artisan will understand the benefit of this splitting and concatenation of
`information into transfer blocks. Some kind of communication mechanism is required to
`perform the actual transfers of information between memories, and whatever the
`mechanism used, fewer large transfers are typically preferable to more small transfers.
`A kept-full intermediate storage area can make the mostefficient use of the available
`bandwidth by advantageously minimizing overhead on the communications channel.
`Each message requires some amountof administration and administrative information,
`and so fewer messages means less overhead.
`A good example of the benefit of block splitting and concatenation effect is DMA
`as the communication mechanism. DMAtypically requires some setup overhead(i.e., it
`takes some time to set up), but then DMAis very efficient once it has been started
`becausetransfers can be carried out in minimal CPU cycles.
`In order to gain the
`greatest benefit from the use of DMA,the largest DMAtransfer permitted by the
`hardware should be done every time. Thus, it is currently believed to be advantageous
`to set the size of the intermediate storage area to the maximum DMAblocksize.
`The host part of the OS-friendly bootloader should "know" when to leaveitsfirst
`stage (loading information by pushing it into memory) andto enter its second stage
`(loading information through one or more communication mechanisms). After all, the
`host cannot pushinformation into memory thatis invisible to it. Although the slave
`sends a message to the host part when it has reached the idle process, this may not be
`enough for the host part to tell the slave to start executing. This transition from pushing
`to bootloading will be seen as a change from the paradigm of passive loading (i.e., no
`code executing in the slave) to the paradigm of active loading (i.e., a partly alive,
`executing slave).
`One wayfor the host part to know when to change stagesis to tag the code and
`data to be loaded with information on what memory it shall be loaded to. For example,
`information intended for the invisible memory could include a tag or tags that indicate
`the informationis to be loaded to the invisible memory. The absenceof such a tag
`could indicate that the information is to be loaded to the visible memory, although it will
`be appreciated that a tag explicitly indicating that the information is to be loaded to the
`visible memory could also be used. -This enables the host to do two passes over the


`WO 2006/077068
`In thefirst pass, things
`information and load only the information required in each pass.
`that go into the internal memory would be found and loaded, and in the second pass,.
`things that go into the external memory would be found and loaded.
`Another way, which currently appears to be simpler, is to arrange the slave-
`private memory suchthatall of it resides above (or below) a predetermined address.
`The information to be transferred is then sorted accordingly, with all sections of code
`and data to be loadedto the slave-private memory put at the end (or the beginning) of
`the sorted image. Then, all the host part of the OS-friendly bootloaderhasto dois to
`enter its second stage when an addresslarger (or smaller) than the predetermined
`(boundary) addressis encountered.
`In order to save memory or increase codeintegrity and platform security on the
`host side, information to be loaded to the slave can also be pre-processed in several
`different ways. For example, the information may be compressed according to a
`suitable algorithm, thereby reducing the size of the memory neededfor it on the host
`side. For another example, the information may be encrypted, thereby strengthening ©
`platform security, as a potential hacker will not be able to disassemble the information
`It is currently believed that encryption is valuable if the information to be loaded
`to the slave is stored in the internal file system of the host, where the information is
`available (at least in theory) to anyone.
`From this description, it will be understood that OS mechanismsare available to
`the slave part of the OS-friendly bootloader that is executed by the slave processor and
`that the slave can reuse existing OS-dependent code required for communication.
`Moreover, the OS-friendly bootloader uses loading resources (e.g., DMA)efficiently,
`with the host part automatically deciding when to switch fromafirst stage, or push
`mode, to a second stage, or bootloader mode.
`It is expected that this invention can be implemented in a wide variety of
`environments, including for example mobile communication devices. Newer ones of
`such devices can employ the OS-friendly bootloader described here to boot their DSPs,
`which maybe provided to handle multimedia tasks, in cooperation with their main-
`processor software systems.
`The OS-friendly bootloader described here takes the operating system into
`account and actually executes on an operating system. The hostis fully running when
`the slave is booted or re-rebooted. This bootloader does notrequire the host processor


`WO 2006/077068
`to be in a certain state in order to start up the slave processor.
`Indeed, the startup of
`the slave processor can be carried out any time during the execution of the host
`processorsoftware. The OS-friendly bootloader does not need a special executable file
`that is run in the slave processor while information is being loadedto it from the host
`processor and the host-inaccessible RAM. One executable is linked to all of the slave
`processor's memories. The slave is booted beforeall code is loaded, but code thatis
`linked to host-inaccessible memory is not run until it is loaded with the help of code that
`is linked to the slave processor's host-accessible memory.
`It will therefore be understood that the OS-friendly bootloader described here
`also makesit possible to change software executing in the slave processorand to start
`slave execution of an application software before it is completely loaded. One or more
`application processes can be chosenfor "pushing" with the bootloader into the slave
`processor's host-accessible memory, and those processeswill start executing at the
`same point in time as the slave processor's host-inaccessible memory begins to be
`This capability can be important in many devices and many use cases. Ina
`mobile telephone, for example, such use cases include making a call, receiving a call,
`compressing/decompressing speech, playing musicfiles, etc. With the OS-friendly
`bootloader described here, one can load and execute new softwarein the slave
`processorvirtually anytime the host processor is running.
`It will be appreciated that procedures described above are carried out repetitively
`as necessary. To facilitate understanding, many aspects of the invention are described
`in terms of sequencesof actions that can be performedby, for example, elements of a
`programmable computer system.
`It will be recognized that various actions could be
`performed by specialized circuits (e.g., discrete logic gates interconnected to perform a
`specialized function or application-specific integrated circuits), by program instructions
`executed by one or more processors, or by a combination of both.
`Moreover, the invention described here can additionally be considered to be
`embodied entirely within any form of computer-readable storage medium having stored
`therein an appropriate set of instructions for use by or in connection with an instruction-
`execution system, apparatus, or device, such as a computer-based system, processor-
`containing system, or other system that can fetch instructions from a medium and
`execute the instructions. As used here, a "computer-readable medium"can be any -


`WO 2006/077068
`meansthat can contain, store, communicate, propagate, or transport the program for
`use by or in connection with the instruction-execution system, apparatus, or device.
`The computer-readable medium can be, for example but not limited to, an electronic,
`magnetic, optical, electromagnetic, infrared, or semiconductor system, apparatus,
`device, or propagation medium. More specific examples (a non-exhaustive list) of the
`computer-readable medium include an electrical connection having one or more wires,
`a portable computer diskette, a RAM, a ROM, an erasable programmable read-only
`memory (EPROM or Flash memory), and an optical fiber.
`Thus, the invention may be embodied in manydifferent forms, not all of which
`are described above, and all such forms are contemplated to be within t

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