`DELL Ex.1013.001
`starting point
`appl: passive open !
`send: <nothing> I!
`send: RST
`recv: SYN
`send: SYN, ACK
`simultaneous open
`active open
`apph close
`or timeout
`recv: FIN
`send: ACK ~,~..CLOSE_WAIT~
`data transfer state
`appl" close
`sendi" FIN
`appl: ! close
`send: ! FIN
`send: <nothing>
`passive close
`~ ,
`..FIN WAIT 1 ~
`recv: FIN
`simultaneous close
`recv:l ACK
`send <nothing>
`re : N _’~.r~ ’~^~rT-’~
`send:ACK .\TIME WAIT)
`2MSL timeout
`active close
`~ normal transitions for client
`normal transitions for server
`state transitions taken when application issues operation
`state transitions taken when segment received
`what is sent for this transition
`TCP state transition diagram.
`Structure Definitions
`radix mask
`r t_msghdr
`vi f
`DELL Ex.1013.004
`Praise for
`TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 1: The Protocols
`"TCP/IP Illustrated has already become my most-likely-to-have-the-answer reference book, the first resource I turn
`to with a networking question. The book is, all publisher hype aside, an instant classic, and I, for one, am thrilled
`that something like this is now available."
`--Vern Paxson, ;login:, March]April
`"This is sure to be the bible for TCP/IP developers and users."
`-- Robert A. Ciampa, Network Engineer, Synernetics, division of 3COM
`"... the difference is that Stevens wants to show as well as tell about the protocols. His principal teaching tools are
`straight-forward explanations, exercises at the ends of chapters, byte-by-byte diagrams of headers and the like, and
`listings of actual traffic as examples."
`-- Walter Zintz, Unix World, December 1993
`"TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 1 is based on practical examples that reinforce the theory -- distinguishing
`this book from others on the subject, and making it both readable and informative."
`-- Peter M. Haverlock, Consultant, IBM TCP/IP Development
`"While all of Stevens’ books are excellent, this new opus is awesome. Although many books describe the TCP/IP
`protocols, the author provides a level of depth and real-world detail lacking from the competition."
`-- Steven Baker, Unix Review, March 1994
`"TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 1 is an excellent reference for developers, network administrators or anyone who needs
`to understand TCP/IP technology."
`-- Bob Williams, V.P. Marketing, NetManage, Inc.
`"W. Richard Stevens has produced a fine text and reference work."
`-- Scott Bradner, Consultant, Harvard University OIT/NSD
`"Even marketing weenies (of a technical bent) will appreciate this book, as it is clearly written, and uses lots of
`diagrams. I especially like the author’s thoughtful use of asides--set in smaller type and indented--to explain this
`or that concept. "
`-- Ron Jeffries, ATM USER, January
`"Stevens takes a subject that has been written about rather prolifically, TCP/IP, and does something fresh and useful
`with it."
`-- Jason Levitt, Open Systems Today, March 7, 1994
`More Praise for
`TCP/IP illustrated, Volume 1: The Protocols
`"This book is a stone jewel .... Written by W. Richard Stevens, this book probably provides the most comprehensive
`view of TCP/IP available today in print."
`-- Boardwatch, April/May 1994
`"...you can’t get a better understanding of the workings of TCP/IP anywhere."
`-- Tom Nolle, Netwatcher, January 1994
`"’The book covers all the basic TCP/IP applications, including Telnet, NFS (Network File System), F-FP (file transfer
`protocol) and TFTP (trivial FTP)."
`-- Data Communications, January 21, 1994
`"The diagrams he uses are excellent and his writing style is clear and readable. Please read it and keep it on your
`-- Elizabeth Zinkann, Sys Admin, November
`"Stevens’ Unix-oriented investigations will be invaluable to the network programmer or specialist who wishes to
`really understand how the TCP/IP stack is put together."
`-- Joel Snyder, lnternet WorM, March/April 1994 issue
`"All aspects of the transmission control protocol/Internet protocol (TCP/IP) are covered here, from link layer and
`static/dynamic routing implementations to applications such as SNMP and Telnet."
`-- Telecommunications, March 1994
`"The author of TCP/IP Illustrated has succeeded in creating another indispensable tome of networking knowledge.
`This is the most comprehensible and complete book I have read on TCP/IP. It takes a different slant than other
`books, by presenting not only details of TCP, IP, ARP, ICMP, routing, etc., but actually shows these protocols (and
`common Internet tools) in action."
`-- Eli Charne, ConneXions, July 1994
`"The word ’illustrated’ distinguishes this book from its many rivals."
`-- Stan Kelly-Bootie, Unix Review, December
`TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 2
`Addison-Wesley Professional Computing Series
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`Marc J. Rochkind, Advanced UNIX Programming, Second Edition
`Curt Schimmel, UNIX ® Systems for Modern Architectures: Symmetric Multiprocessing and Caching for Kernel Programmers
`W. Richard Stevens, TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 1: The Protocols
`W. Richard Stevens, TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 3: TCP for Transactions, HTTP, NNTP, and the UNIX~
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`W. Richard Stevens/Bill Fenner/Andrew M. Rudoff, UNIX Network Programming Volume 1, Third Edition: The
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`W. Richard Stevens/Stephen A. Rago, Advanced Programming in the UNIX~ Environment, Second Edition
`W. Richard Stevens/Gary R. Wright, TCP/IP Illustrated Volumes 1-3 Boxed Set
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`Gary R. Wright/W. Richard Stevens, TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 2: The Implementation
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`Visit www.awprofessional.com/series/professionalcomputing
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`TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 2
`The Implementation
`Gary R. Wright
`W. Richard Stevens
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`Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
`(Revised for vol. 2)
`Stevens, W. Richard.
`TCP/IP illustrated.
`(Addison-Wesley professional computing series)
`Vol. 2 by Gary R. Wright, W. Richard Stevens.
`Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
`Contents: v. 1. The protocols - v.2. The
`1. TCP/IP (Computer network protocol) I Wright,
`Gary R.., II. Title. III. Series.
`TK5105.55.$74 1994
`ISBN 0-201-63346-9 (v.1)
`ISBN 0-201-63354-X (v.2)
`The BSD Daemon used on the cover of this book is reproduced with the permission of
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`Copyright © 1995 by Addison-Wesley
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`ISBN 0-201-63354-X
`Text printed in the United States on recycled paper at Courier Westford in Westford, Massachusetts.
`24th Printing September 2010
`To my parents and my sister,
`for their love and support.
`To my parents,
`for the gift of an education,
`and the example of a work ethic.
`DELL Ex.1013.012
`Chapter 1.
`Chapter 2.
`Introduction 1
`Source Code Presentation 1
`History 3
`Application Programming Interfaces 5
`Example Program 5
`System Calls and Library Functions
`Network Implementation Overview 9
`Descriptors 10
`Mbufs (Memory Buffers) and Output Processing
`Input Processing 19
`Network Implementation Overview Revisited
`Interrupt Levels and Concurrency 23
`Source Code Organization 26
`Test Network
`Mbufs: Memory Buffers
`Code Introduction
`Mbuf Definitions
`mbuf Structure
`Simple Mbuf Macros and Functions
`m_devget and m_pullup Functions
`TCP/IP Illustrated
`Summary of Mbuf Macros and Functions 51
`Summary of Net/3 Networking Data Structures
`re_copy and Cluster Reference Counts 56
`Chapter 3.
`Chapter 4.
`Chapter 5.
`Chapter 6.
`Interface Layer
`Code Introduction
`ifneL Structure
`i faddr Structure
`sockaddr Structure
`ifneL and ifaddrSpecialization
`Network Initialization Overview
`Ethernet Initialization
`SLIP Initialization
`Loopback Initialization
`i f_atLach Function
`ifiniL Function
`Summary 94
`Interfaces: Ethernet
`Code Introduction
`Ethernet Interface
`JoeL1 System Call
`Interfaces: SLIP and Loopback
`Code Introduction
`SLIP Interface
`Loopback Interface
`Summary 153
`IP Addressing
`Code Introduction 158
`Interface and Address Summary
`sockaddr_in Structure
`in_i faddr Structure
`Address Assignment
`Interface ±ocL1 Processing
`Internet Utility Functions
`±fneL Utility Functions
`Summary 183
`TCP/IP Illustrated
`Contents xi
`Chapter 7.
`Chapter 8.
`Chapter 9.
`Chapter 10.
`Domains and Protocols
`Code Introduction
`domain Structure
`#roLosw Structure
`IP doma±n and #rot.osw Structures 191
`pffindproto and pffindtype
`p[cLlin#uL Function 198
`IP Initialization 199
`syscL1 System Call 201
`Summary 204
`IP: Internet Protocol
`Code Introduction 206
`IP Packets
`Input Processing: ipintr Function
`Forwarding: i#_forward Function
`Output Processing: ip_outpuL Function
`Internet Checksum: in_cksum Function
`setsockopt and
`getsockopt System Calls
`ip_sysct 1 Function 244
`Summary 245
`IP Option Processing
`Code Introduction
`Option Format
`±#_doopt_ ±ons Function 249
`Record Route Option 252
`Source and Record Route Options
`Timestamp Option 261
`ip_insertoptions Function 265
`ip_pcbopL s Function 269
`IP Fragmentation and Reassembly
`Code Introduction
`ip_opLcopy Function 282
`Reassembly 283
`ip_reass Function
`ip_slowLimo Function
`Summary 300
`TCP/IP Illustrated
`Chapter 11.
`Chapter 12.
`Chapter 13.
`ICMP: Internet Control Message Protocol
`Code Introduction
`icmp Structure
`ICMP protosw Structure 309
`Input Processing: letup_input Function 310
`Error Processing
`Request Processing
`Redirect Processing
`Reply Processing
`Output Processing
`icmp_error Function 324
`icmp_reflecL Function 328
`icmp_send Function 333
`icmp_syscL1 Function 334
`Summary 335
`IP Multicasting
`Code Introduction 340
`Ethernet Multicast Addresses
`ether_multi Structure 342
`Ethernet Multicast Reception
`in_mulLi Structure
`ip_mopLions Structure
`Multicast Socket Options
`Multicast TTL Values
`ip_seLmopLions Function
`Joining an IP Multicast Group
`Leaving an IP Multicast Group
`ip_geLmopLions Function
`Multicast Input Processing: ipintr Function 373
`Multicast Output Processing:
`ip_ouLpuL Function
`Performance Considerations 379
`Summary 379
`IGMP: Internet Group Management Protocol
`Code Introduction
`igmp Structure
`IGMP protosw Structure 384
`Joining a Group: igmp_joingroup Function
`igmp_fasLLimo Function 387
`Input Processing:
`igmp_inpuL Function 391
`Leaving a Group: igmp_leavegroup Function
`Summary 396
`TCP/IP Illustrated
`Contents xiii
`Chapter 14.
`Chapter 15.
`Chapter 16.
`IP Multicast Routing
`Code Introduction 398
`Multicast Output Processing Revisited 399
`mrouted Daemon
`Virtual Interfaces
`IGMP Revisited
`Multicast Routing
`Multicast Forwarding: ip_mforward Function
`Cleanup: ip_mrouLer_done Function 433
`Summary 434
`Socket Layer
`Code Introduction
`socket Structure
`System Calls
`Processes, Descriptors, and Sockets
`socket System Call 447
`getsock and sockargs Functions
`bind System Call
`listen System Call
`tsleep and wakeup Functions 456
`accept System Call 457
`sonewconn and soisconnected Functions
`connect System call
`shutdown System Call
`close System Call
`Summary 474
`Socket I/0
`Code Introduction
`Socket Buffers
`write, writev, sendto, and sendmsg System Calls
`sendmsg System Call
`sendit Function 485
`sosend Function
`System Calls
`read, readv, recvfrom, and recvmsg
`recvmsg System Call
`recviL Function
`soreceive Function
`soreceive Code
`select_ System Call
`Summary 534
`TCP/IP Illustrated
`Chapter 17.
`Chapter 18.
`Chapter 19.
`Chapter 20.
`Socket Options
`Code Introduction
`seLsockopt System Call
`geLsockopL System Call
`fcnL1 and iocL1 System Calls
`geLsockname System Call
`geLpeername System Call
`Summary 557
`Radix Tree Routing Tables
`Routing Table Structure 560
`Routing Sockets
`Code Introduction
`Radix Node Data Structures 573
`Routing Structures 578
`rtable_init Functions
`Initialization: route_iniL
`Initialization: rn_init and rn_iniLhead Functions
`Duplicate Keys and Mask Lists
`rn_maLch Function 591
`rn_search Function 599
`Summary 599
`Routing Requests and Routing Messages
`rLalloc and rLallocl Functions 601
`RTFREE Macro and rtfree
`Function 604
`rLrequesL Function
`rL_seLgaLe Function
`rL iiq.± L Function
`rLredirecL Function 617
`Routing Message Structures
`rL_missmsg Function
`rL_± fmsg Function
`r t_newaddrmsg Function 628
`rL_rasgl Function
`rL_msg2 Function
`sysc L l_rLab]-e Function 635
`sysc L l_dumpenL ry Function
`syscL ]__i f ]_isL Function 642
`Summary 644
`Routing Sockets
`routedomain and protosw Structures
`Routing Control Blocks 647
`TCP/IP Illustrated
`Contents xv
`raw_init Function 647
`route_output Function 648
`rt_xaddrs Function 660
`rL_seLmeLrics Function 661
`raw_input Function
`rouLe_usrreq Function
`raw_usrreq Function
`raw_attach, raw_detach, and raw_disconnect
`Summary 672
`ARP: Address Resolution Protocol
`ARP and the Routing Table 675
`Code Introduction
`ARP Structures
`arpwhohas Function
`arpreques L Function 684
`arpintr Function 687
`in_arpinput Function
`ARP Timer Functions
`arpresolve Function
`arplookup Function
`Proxy ARP 703
`arp_rtrequest Function
`ARP and Multicasting
`Summary 711
`Chapter 21.
`Chapter 22.
`Protocol Control Blocks
`Code Introduction
`inpcb Structure
`in_pcballoc and in_pcbdeLach Functions 717
`Binding, Connecting, and Demultiplexing 719
`in_pcblookup Function
`in_pcbbind Function
`in_pcbconnecL Function
`in_pcbdisconnect Function 741
`in_seLsockaddr and
`in_seLpeeraddr Functions 741
`in_pcbnotify, in_rtchange, and
`Implementation Refinements 750
`Summary 751
`Chapter 23.
`UDP: User Datagram Protocol
`Code Introduction
`UDP proLosw Structure 758
`TCP/IP Illustrated
`UDP Header 759
`udp_ini r_ Function
`udp_output Function
`udp_input Function
`udp_saveopL Function
`udp_cL ]_inpuL Function
`udp_usrreq Function
`udp_syscL1 Function
`Implementation Refinements
`Chapter 24.
`Chapter 25.
`Chapter 26.
`TCP: Transmission Control Protocol
`Introduction 795
`Code Introduction 795
`TCP protosw Structure
`TCP Header 801
`TCP Control Block 803
`TCP State Transition Diagram
`TCP Sequence Numbers
`tcp_init Function 812
`Summary 815
`TCP Timers
`Introduction 817
`Code Introduction 819
`tcp_canceltimers Function 821
`Lcp_fasL Limo Function
`Lcp_slowLimo Function
`Lcp_Limers Function
`Retransmission Timer Calculations 831
`Lcp_newLcpcb Function
`Lcp_seLpersisL Function
`Lcp_xmiL_L imer Function
`Retransmission Timeout: Lcp_Limers Function
`An R]-I- Example 846
`Summary 848
`TCP Output
`tcp_output Overview 852
`Determine if a Segment Should be Sent
`TCP Options 864
`Window Scale Option
`Timestamp Option
`Send a Segment
`Lcp_LemplaLe Function
`Lcp_respond Function
`Summary 888
`TCP/IP Illustrated
`Chapter 27.
`Chapter 28.
`Chapter 29.
`TCP Functions
`Lcp_drain Function
`Lc#_dro# Function
`Lcp_close Function
`Lc#_ms s Function
`tcp_ct linput Function
`Lcp_noLi fy Function
`Lcp_quench Function
`TCP_REASS Macro and Lcp_reass Function
`Lcp_Lrace Function
`Summary 920
`TCP Input
`Preliminary Processing
`tcp_dooptions Function
`Header Prediction
`TCP Input: Slow Path Processing
`Initiation of Passive Open, Completion of Active Open
`PAWS: Protection Against Wrapped Sequence Numbers
`Trim Segment so Data is Within Window 954
`Self-Connects and Simultaneous Opens
`Record Timestamp
`RST Processing
`Summary 965
`TCP Input (Continued)
`ACK Processing Overview 967
`Completion of Passive Opens and Simultaneous Opens
`Fast Retransmit and Fast Recovery Algorithms 970
`ACK Processing 974
`Update Window Information
`Urgent Mode Processing
`tcp_pul louto fband Function
`Processing of Received Data
`FIN Processing
`Final Processing
`Implementation Refinements
`Header Compression 995
`Summary 1004
`Chapter 30.
`TCP User Requests
`Int~duction 1007
`Lcp_usrreq Function
`Lcp_aLLach Function
`Lcp_disconnecL Function
`xviii TCP/IP Illustrated
`tcp_usrclosed Function
`tcp_ctloutput Function
`Summary 1025
`Chapter 31.
`Chapter 32.
`BPF: BSD Packet Filter
`Code Introduction
`bpf_i f Structure
`bpf_d Structure
`BPF Input
`BPF Output
`Raw IP
`Introduction 1049
`Code Introduction 1050
`Raw IP proLosw Structure 1051
`rip_init Function
`rip_input Function
`rip_ouLpuL Function
`rip_usrreq Function
`rip_cLlouLpuL Function 1063
`Summary 1065
`Appendix A.
`Solutions to Selected Exercises
`Appendix B.
`Source Code Availability
`RFC 1122 Compliance
`Link-Layer Requirements
`IP Requirements
`I P Options Requirements
`IP Fragmentation and Reassembly Requirements
`ICMP Requirements 1105
`Multicasting Requirements 1110
`IGMP Requirements
`Routing Requirements
`ARP Requirements
`UDP Requirements
`TCP Requirements
`Appendix C.
`This book describes and presents the source code for the common reference implemen-
`tation of TCP/IP: the implementation from the Computer Systems Research Group
`(CSRG) at the University of California at Berkeley. Historically this has been distributed
`with the 4.x BSD system (Berkeley Software Distribution). This implementation was
`first released in 1982 and has survived many significant changes, much fine tuning, and
`numerous ports to other Unix and non-Unix systems. This is not a toy implementation,
`but the foundation for TCP/IP implementations that are run daily on hundreds of thou-
`sands of systems worldwide. This implementation also provides router functionality,
`letting us show the differences between a host implementation of TCP/IP and a router.
`We describe the implementation and present the entire source code for the kernel
`implementation of TCP/IP, approximately 15,000 lines of C code. The version of the
`Berkeley code described in this text is the 4o4BSD-Lite release. This code was made pub-
`licly available in April 1994, and it contains numerous networking enhancements that
`were added to the 4.3BSD Tahoe release in 1988, the 4.3BSD Reno release in 1990, and
`the 4.4BSD release in 1993. (Appendix B describes how to obtain this source code.) The
`4o4BSD release provides the latest TCP/IP features, such as multicasting and long fat
`pipe support (for high-bandwidth, long-delay paths). Figure 1.1 (p. 4) provides addi-
`tional details of the various releases of the Berkeley networking code.
`This book is intended for anyone wishing to understand how the TCP/IP protocols
`are implemented: programmers writing network applications, system administrators
`responsible for maintaining computer systems and networks utilizing TCP/IP, and any
`programmer interested in understanding how a large body of nontrivial code fits into a
`real operating system.
`TCP/IP Illustrated
`Organization of the Book
`The following figure shows the various protocols and subsystems that are covered. The
`italic numbers by each box indicate the chapters in which that topic is described.
`Chap. 2
`15, 16, 17
`24, 25, 26
`27, 28, 29, 30
`18, 19, 20
`We take a bottom-up approach to the TCP/IP protocol suite, starting at the data-link
`layer, then the network layer (IP, ICMP, IGMP, IP routing, and multicast routing), fol-
`lowed by the socket layer, and finishing with the transport layer (UDP, TCP, and raw
`Intended Audience
`This book assumes a basic understanding of how the TCP/IP protocols work. Readers
`unfamiliar with TCP/IP should consult the first volume in this series, [Stevens 1994],
`for a thorough description of the TCP/IP protocol suite. This earlier volume is referred
`to throughout the current text as Volume 1. The current text also assumes a basic under-
`standing of operating system principles.
`We describe the implementation of the protocols using a data-structures approach.
`That is, in addition to the source code presentation, each chapter contains pictures and
`descriptions of the data structures used and maintained by the source code. We show
`how these data structures fit into the other data structures used by TCP/IP and the ker-
`nel. Heavy use is made of diagrams throughout the text--there are over 250 diagrams.
`This data-structures approach allows readers to use the book in various ways.
`Those interested in all the implementation details can read the entire text from start to
`finish, following through all the source code. Others might want to understand how the
`TCP/IP Illustrated
`Preface xxi
`protocols are implemented by understanding all the data structures and reading all the
`text, but not following through all the source code.
`We anticipate that many readers are interested in specific portions of the book and
`will want to go directly to those chapters. Therefore many forward and backward refer-
`ences are provided throughout the text, along with a thorough index, to allow individ-
`ual chapters to be studied by themselves. The inside back covers contain an
`alphabetical cross-reference of all the functions and macros described in the book and
`the starting page number of the description. Exercises are provided at the end of the
`chapters; most solutions are in Appendix A to maximize the usefulness of the text as a
`self-study reference.
`Source Code Copyright
`All of the source code presented in this book, other than Figures 1.2 and 8.27, is from the
`4.4BSD-Lite distribution. This software is publicly available through many sources
`(Appendix B).
`All of this source code contains the following copyright notice.
`* Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1988, 1990, 1993, 1994
`* The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
`* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
`* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
`* are met:
`* i. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
`* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
`* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
`notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
`documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
`* 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software
`must display the following acknowledgement:
`This product includes software developed by the University of
`California, Berkeley and its contributors.
`* 4. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors
`may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
`without specific prior written permission.
`TCP/IP Illustrated
`We thank the technical reviewers who read the manuscript and provided important
`feedback on a tight timetable: Ragnvald Blindheim, Jon Crowcroft, Sally Floyd, Glen
`Glater, John Gulbenkian, Don Hering, Mukesh Kacker, Berry Kercheval, Brian W.
`Kernighan, Ulf Kieber, Mark Laubach, Steven McCanne, Craig Partridge, Vern Paxson,
`Steve Rago, Chakravardhi Ravi, Peter Salus, Doug Schmidt, Keith Sklower, Ian Lance
`Taylor, and G. N. Ananda Vardhana. A special thanks to the consulting editor, Brian
`Kernighan, for his rapid, thorough, and helpful reviews throughout the course of the
`project, and