`Network-Based Multicomputers: An Emerging Parallel Architecture
`H.T. Kung, Robert Sansom, Steven Schlick, Peter Steenkiste, Matthieu Arnould,
`Francois J. Bitz, Fred Christianson, Eric C. Cooper, Onat Menzilcioglu, Denise Ombres, Brian Zill
`School of Computer Science / Carnegie Mellon University / Pittsburgh, PA 15213
`Multicomputers built around a general network are now a vi-
`able alternative to multicomputers based on a system-specific
`interconnect because of architectural improvements in two
`areas. First, the host-network interface overhead can be
`minimized by reducing copy operations and host interrupts.
`Second, the network can provide high bandwidth and low
`latency by using high-speed crossbar switches and efficient
`protocol implementations. While still enjoying the flexibility
`of general networks, the resulting network-based multicom-
`puters achieve high performance for typical multicomputer
`applications that use system-specific interconnects. We have
`developed a network-based multicomputer called Nectar that
`supports these claims.
`Current commercial parallel machines cover a wide spec-
`trum of architectures: shared-memory parallel computers
`such as the Alliant, Encore, Sequent, and CRAY Y-MP;
`and distributed-memory computers including MIMD ma-
`chines such as the Transputer [15], iWarp [5, 6], and various
`hypercube-like systems [3, 17], and SIMD machines such as
`the Connection Machine [26], DAP, and MasPar. Like SIMD
`machines, distributed memory MIMD computers, or multi-
`computers, are inherently scalable. Multicomputers however
`can handle a larger set of applications than SIMD machines
`because they allow different programs to run on different
`processors. Multicomputers with over 1,000 processors have
`been used successfully in some application areas [14].
`Multicomputers are traditionally built by using system-
`specific interconnections to link a set of dedicated processors.
`Examples of these traditional multicomputers are any of the
`high-performance hypercube systems such as the iPSC-2 and
`2 of 10
`interface supported by phone carriers. The gigabit Nectar
`system is one of the five testbeds in a US national effort to
`develop gigabit per second wide-area networks [24].
`This paper describes architectural features that are desir-
`able for general-purpose networks if they are to be used
`as interconnects for high-performance multicomputers.
`Section 2 we summarize the advantages and interconnec-
`tion requirements of network-based multicomputers and in
`Section 3 we give an overview of the prototype Nectar sys-
`tem. We then look at design tradeoffs of critical network
`components: the host-network interface (Section 4) and the
`network interconnect (Section 5). We summarize our results
`in Section 6.
`2 Network-Based Multicomputers
`We first summarize the advantages of network-based multi-
`computers and then describe the architectural requirements
`for their interconnect.
`2.1 Network-Based Multicomputer Advantages
`Network-based multicomputers offer substantial advantages
`over traditional multicomputers that use dedicated intercon-
`1. Supports heterogeneous architectures. A network-
`based multicomputer can incorporate nodes specially
`selected to suit a given application. Instead of having
`computations with different characteristics use a sin-
`gle architecture as in conventional computer systems,
`network-based multicomputers support a new compu-
`tation paradigm that matches architectures to different
`computational needs.
`2. Use of existing architectures. By incorporating existing
`systems as hosts, a network-based multicomputer can
`take advantage of rapid improvements of commercially
`available computers. In addition, it can reuse existing
`systems software and applications.
`In fact, a network-based multicomputer provides a
`graceful environment for moving applications to new
`architectures such as special-purpose, parallel systems.
`In the beginning, an application can execute part of the
`computation on these new systems while using more
`conventional systems to run the rest of the application.
`The application can increase its use of the new systems
`as more software and application code for the new sys-
`tems is developed.
`3. Availability of large data memory. In a network-based
`multicomputer, applications can use the aggregate of
`the memory available in all the nodes. Since each node
`can have a sizable memory, the amount of memory is
`potentially huge, and it becomes possible to solve very
`large problems using relatively modest systems such as
`4. High-speed I/O. The underlying high-speed network is
`inherently suited to support high-speed I/O to devices
`such as displays, sensors, file systems, mass stores, and
`interfaces to other networks. For example, via such
`a network, disk arrays [18, 21] can deliver very high
`data transfer rates to applications. Thus, because of the
`combination of their I/O capability and their ability to
`incorporate powerful computing nodes, network-based
`multicomputers represent a balanced architectural ap-
`proach capable of speeding up both computation and
`2.2 Multicomputer Interconnect Requirements
`The requirements for a multicomputer network are a com-
`bination of the requirements of general-purpose networks
`and dedicated interconnects.
`In the first place they must
`have the high performance of the dedicated interconnects
`found in traditional multicomputers so that they can sup-
`port multicomputer applications efficiently, but at the same
`time, since they have to operate in the same environment
`as a general-purpose network, multicomputer networks must
`have the same flexibility and reliability as general-purpose
`Performance has both throughput and latency require-
`for large messages, the network bandwidth deter-
`mines how quickly a message can be delivered; however,
`for small messages, having a low overhead on the sender
`and receiver side is more important. In the case of network-
`based multicomputers, the network efficiency must increase
`in proportion to the computation rate of the hosts on the
`network. For today’s traditional multicomputers, the band-
`width of each interconnection link can be as high as several
`100 Mb/s [5] and the communication latency between pro-
`cesses on two processors can be as low as 50 to 500 mi-
`croseconds [4]. These numbers set performance goals for
`network-based multicomputers, and they have an impact on
`both the design of the network and the host-networkinterface.
`In terms of flexibility, the network must be general-purpose
`enough to allow the attachment of many types of computers.
`Moreover, the nodes of network-based multicomputers are
`typically distributed over a building or campus so regular
`interconnect architectures such as a torus or hypercube are
`not practical. Although regular interconnects are attractive
`when mapping regular algorithms on homogeneous multi-
`computers, they are not flexible enough to allow the matching
`of network bandwidth to the requirements of heterogeneous
`hosts, or to handle the adding and removing of nodes while
`the network is operating.
`As in any general-purpose LAN, the underlying network
`of a network-based multicomputer needs to cope with data er-
`rors and network failures, since the same physical media are
`3 of 10
`Fiber Pair
`Figure 1: Nectar system
`provide high speed transfers between the fiber port and the
`data memory, and between the data memory and the VMEbus
`3.2 Nectar Systems Software
`The Nectar system software consists of a CAB runtime sys-
`tem and libraries on the host that exchange messages with the
`CAB on behalf of the application. The CAB runtime system
`manages hardware devices such as timers and DMA con-
`trollers, supports multiprogramming (the threads package),
`and manages data buffers (the mailbox module). The threads
`package, derived from the Mach C Threads package [9], sup-
`ports lightweight threads in a single address space. Threads
`provide a low cost, flexible method of sharing the CAB CPU
`between concurrent activities, which is important for commu-
`nication protocol implementation. Mailboxes provide flex-
`ible and efficient management of buffer space in the CAB
`memory and form the endpoints of communication between
`processes on hosts or CABs.
`The streamlined structure of the CAB software has made
`it possible for Nectar to achieve low communication latency.
`For the existing Nectar prototype, the latency to establish a
`connection through a single HUB is under 1 microsecond.
`The latency is under 100 microseconds for a message sent
`between processes on two CABs, and about 200 microsec-
`onds between processes residing in two workstation hosts.
`The above figures do not include the fiber transmission la-
`tency of approximately 5 microseconds per kilometer. These
`performance results are similar to those of traditional multi-
`The CAB runtime system currently supports several
`transport protocols with different reliability/overhead trade-
`offs [10]. They include the standard TCP/IP protocol suite
`besides a number of Nectar-specific protocols. For TCP,
`when TCP checksums are not computed, the throughput
`between two CABs is over 80 Mb/s for 8 kilobyte pack-
`ets. When checksums are computed, TCP throughput drops
`to about 30 Mb/s. This indicates that hardware support
`for checksum calculation can significantly improve perfor-
`mance, at least for this type of system.
`3.3 Nectar Applications
`The network-based multicomputer architecture has made it
`possible to parallelize a new class of large applications [19].
`These applications were previously either too large or too
`complex to be implemented on parallel systems. We have
`successfully ported several such applications onto the Nectar
`prototype system. Examples are COSMOS [7], a switch-
`level circuit simulator; NOODLES [8], a solid-modeling
`package; and a simulation of air pollution in the Los An-
`geles area.
`Because Nectar uses existing general-purpose computers
`as hosts, applications can make direct use of code that has
`used in both cases. This is in contrast with traditional mul-
`ticomputers, which typically assume that the interconnect is
`reliable. One of the challenges of building multicomputers
`around general networks is to make sure that the techniques
`employed to insure reliability do not hamper the system per-
`In the rest of the paper we describe methods of achieving
`these requirements. We start by describing the Nectar system,
`our first system experiment in this area.
`3 Nectar System
`prototype uses 100 Mb/s fiber links and 16(cid:2) 16 HUBs. The
`To demonstrate the feasibility of network-based multicom-
`puters, we started developing the Nectar system [2] in 1987.
`Nectar is a high-bandwidth, low-latency computer network
`for connecting high-performance hosts. Hosts are attached
`using Communication Acceleration Boards (CABs). The
`Nectar network consists of fiber-optic links and crossbar
`switches (HUBs). The HUBs are controlled by the CABs
`using a command set that supports circuit switching, packet
`switching, multi-hop routing, and multicast communication.
`Figure 1 gives an overview of the Nectar system.
`3.1 Nectar Prototype
`We have built a 26-host Nectar prototype system to support
`early system software and applications development. The
`CAB is implemented as a separate board on the host VMEbus.
`The CAB is connected to the network via a fiber port that
`supports data transmission rates up to 100 Mb/s in each direc-
`tion. The fiber port contains the optoelectronics interfaces
`to the two fiber lines and FIFOs to buffer data transferred
`over the fibers. Each CAB has 1 megabyte of data mem-
`ory, 512 kilobytes of program memory, and a 16.5 MHz
`SPARC processor. The CAB also has a DMA controller to
`4 of 10
`previously been developed for these computers, and as a
`result, the Nectar implementation of the above applications
`took relatively little effort in spite of their relatively high
`In the distributed versions of both COSMOS
`and Noodles, for example, each node executes a sequential
`version of the program that was modified to do only part of
`the computation.
`The COSMOS simulator was ported to Nectar by partition-
`ing the circuit across the Nectar nodes. This makes it possible
`to simulate very large circuits, that cannot be handled on a
`single node, and it illustrates the benefit of being able to use
`the aggregate memory of a number of systems for a single ap-
`plication. Other applications, such as a chemical flow sheet
`application, were able to use a group of workstations plus a
`Warp systolic array.
`In addition to the use of existing code, the implemen-
`tation of applications on Nectar has emphasized the use of
`general-purpose supports for large-grain parallelization. This
`development approach complements existing fine-grain ef-
`forts in parallelizing inner-most loops of computations. The
`combined capability should significantly increase the appli-
`cability of parallel processing.
`4 Host-Network Interface
`The critical factor in parallelizing applications on a multi-
`computer is how quickly tasks on different hosts can commu-
`nicate. The latency is often determined by software overhead
`on the sending and receiving hosts, so reducing this overhead
`is a primary goal in the design of a host-network interface. In
`Nectar we decreased message latency by reducing the number
`of data copies for each message (each copy adds significant
`latency because main memory bandwidth is limited on most
`hosts), and by offloading protocol processing to an outboard
`processor so that the number the number of host interrupts
`is reduced (each host interrupt adds 10-20 microseconds to
`latency [1]).
`We first describe three design alternatives for the host-
`network interface, and examine how different software im-
`plementations can utilize these designs. We then discuss
`specific hardware and software issues for building interfaces
`for workstations, based on our experience with Nectar.
`4.1 Host-Network Interface Design
`The three components that play a role in the host-network
`interface are the host CPU, main memory, and network in-
`terface. Figure 2 shows three ways in which data can flow
`between these components when sending messages. The
`grey arrows indicate the building of the message by the ap-
`plication; the black arrows are copy operations performed by
`the system.
`The architecture depicted in Figure 2(a) is the network
`interface found in many computer systems, including most
`workstations. When a system call is made to write data to
`the network, the host operating system copies the data from
`user space to system buffers. Packets are sent to the network
`by providing a list of descriptors to the network controller,
`which uses DMA to transfer the data to the network. The
`main disadvantage of this design is that three bus transfers
`are required for every word sent and received. However, this
`is not really a problem if the speed of the network medium is
`sufficiently slow compared to the memory bandwidth, as is
`the case for current workstations connected to an Ethernet.
`The communication activity relative to the processing ac-
`tivity is much higher on multicomputers than on traditional
`general-purpose networks, and as a result, the network speed
`of multicomputers has to be a significant fraction of the pro-
`cessor and memory bandwidth of the computer to avoid that
`the network becomes a bottleneck. Existing workstations
`connected to a high-speed network (100 Mb/s or higher band-
`width) are an example. In these systems, the memory bus
`will be a bottleneck if the architecture of Figure 2(a) is used
`for the network interface. The performance can be improved
`by reducing the number of data copies done over the mem-
`ory bus by using external memory in the network interface.
`Figures 2(b) and 2(c) show two alternative ways of utilizing
`external memory.
`Figure 2(b) depicts an alternative in which the system
`buffers have been moved from host memory to external mem-
`ory on the network interface. When data is sent or received,
`the data is copied between the user buffer in main memory
`and the system buffers in the network interface. The copy-
`ing requires two bus transfers per word if it is done by the
`CPU, and one bus transfer per word if it is done by a DMA
`The approach used in Nectar is shown in Figure 2(c). With
`this approach the user buffers are located on the network
`interface (the CAB), and the data does not have to be copied:
`data packets are formed and consumed in place by the user
`process. As a result, communication latency is minimized
`and main memory bandwidth is conserved.
`4.2 Network Interface Software
`The design alternatives shown in Figure 2 are linked to the
`ways in which applications send and receive messages. With
`the Unix socket interface [20] users specify messages with a
`pointer-length pair. The semantics of the Unix socket read
`call is that the call returns when the message is available in
`the specified area. The socket write call returns when the
`message can be overwritten. The semantics of both calls
`requires that the data is logically copied as part of the call.
`This requirement is naturally met by the standard host inter-
`face implementation of Figure 2(a), although the design of
`Figure 2(b) can also be used in the socket model.
`To support the host interface of Figure 2(c), the Nectar
`interface implements “buffered” send and receive primi-
`tives [23] using the mailboxes mentioned in Section 3.2.
`5 of 10
`Figure 2: Design alternatives for the host-network interface
`With a buffered send, the application builds its message in a
`message buffer that was previously obtained from the system.
`As part of the send operation, the application gives up the
`right to access the message buffer, so the system can free it
`automatically when the data has been sent and appropriately
`acknowledged. Similarly for a receive, the system returns a
`pointer to a message buffer to the user process. The applica-
`tion has to return the message buffer to the system after the
`message has been consumed.
`The advantage of buffered sends and receives over socket-
`like primitives is that data no longer has to be copied as part
`of the send and receive calls. This gives the implementation
`more freedom in implementing the communication interface,
`and can result in a lower overhead to the application and lower
`message latency.
`Our experience with the Nectar system indicates that
`buffered primitives are faster for large messages, but that
`the immediate (socket-like) primitives are faster for short
`messages. The reason is that for immediate sends and re-
`ceives of short messages, the data can be included with the
`request that is exchanged between the host and the CAB.
`For short messages, the extra complexity of the buffer man-
`agement for buffered primitives is more expensive than the
`cost of simply copying the data.
`In the Nectar prototype,
`the buffered primitives are more efficient for messages larger
`than about 50 words.
`4.3 Design Choices
`We review the major design choices that were made for the
`prototype Nectar system and draw some general conclusions
`based on our experience with the prototype.
`4.3.1 Shared Memory
`One problem with the shared memory interface in the Nec-
`tar prototype is the relatively high latency of CAB memory
`accesses from the host. The access time to CAB memory
`is approximately 2 to 3 times greater than to main memory,
`depending on the particular host. A large part of this la-
`tency is due to the asynchronous VME bus that requires both
`the host and CAB to synchronize on every transfer. More
`recently-developed, high-speed synchronous busses [12, 25]
`couple the host more tightly to the I/O bus, thus reducing the
`latency of accesses across the I/O bus.
`Maintaining consistency between the host cache and the
`CAB memory is another problem that must be addressed.
`The current solution is to mark all buffers as uncacheable,
`which increases the latency for accesses to messages that
`are handled using buffered sends and receives. If the CAB
`memory were cached, it would be necessary to invalidate
`cache lines when new data arrives on the CAB.
`Immediate sends and receives are implemented by having
`the system software copy the data between the user buffer in
`main memory and the CAB. Alternatively, the network inter-
`face can implement block transfers between user buffers in
`main memory and the network interface using DMA. Com-
`pared with copying using the CPU, using DMA incurs an
`overhead to pin the affected user virtual memory pages and
`to invalidate cache lines. Whether CPU copies or DMA
`transfers are more efficient depends on the relative costs for
`the particular system. For large transfers these costs can often
`be amortized, while for small transfers it is typically better
`to have the CPU read and write the user buffers directly,
`avoiding the overheads of DMA.
`4.3.2 Checksum Hardware
`Most software implementations calculate the transport-level
`checksum in a separate pass over the data. As a result,
`one memory read is added for every word sent or received.
`This extra memory access can be avoided by calculating the
`checksum while the data is copied, either using the CPU or
`6 of 10
`special hardware in the DMA unit. The design shown in
`Figure 2(b), together with copying and checksumming by
`the CPU, corresponds to Jacobson’s proposed “WITLESS”
`interface [16].
`Since the cost of implementing checksum hardware is typ-
`ically small, it is attractive to calculate the transport-level
`checksum in hardware. In particular, when the user buffers
`reside on the network interface, or when DMA is used to
`transfer data between host memory and the network interface,
`calculating the checksum on the network interface means that
`the host system software does not have to touch the user data
`at all.
`4.3.3 Programmable CPU
`The programmable CPU on the CAB is a key feature of the
`Nectar prototype. The motivations for building the CAB
`around a general-purpose CPU with a flexible runtime sys-
`tem, were that we wanted to experiment with different pro-
`tocol implementations and open up the CAB to applications.
`For a prototype system, this flexibility is more important
`than the increase in performance that could be achieved with
`a complete hardware implementation.
`In the Nectar prototype, protocol processing can be com-
`pletely offloaded to the CAB. The main benefit of doing
`so is that the interaction between the host and the network
`interface is reduced to a single operation in which the ap-
`plication presents or accepts the data. The actual protocol
`processing overhead is small compared with the OS overhead
`cost of handling interrupts and system calls. A comparison
`of the host-host performance of the Nectar-native reliable
`message protocol (RMP) and the standard TCP/IP protocol
`shows that throughput is similar, although RMP has a smaller
`latency [10].
`Applications have access to the CAB so that they can
`exploit the low CAB to CAB latency. How useful this capa-
`bility is largely depends on whether restructuring application
`software significantly improves performance. An example
`in which this is the case is the dynamic load balancing per-
`formed by the CAB CPU in applications such as NOODLES
`(see Section 3.3). The centralized load balancer is placed on
`a CAB, allowing it to repond to about 10,000 requests for
`tasks per second.
`Inter-Device DMA
`The ability to transfer data directly from the CAB to another
`device on the VME bus has been very useful in the prototype
`Nectar. Data can be sent to or received from devices such
`as frame buffers without going through host memory. Di-
`rect DMA both reduces latency to the device and conserves
`host memory bandwidth. The ability to provide this feature
`depends on the specification of the target bus. Some newer
`synchronous busses (such as TurboChannel) do not permit
`inter-device transfers, the justification being that it compli-
`cates the system design [12].
`4.3.5 Other Host Architectures
`Multicomputers based on general-purpose networks have the
`advantage that they can include a variety of hosts. Some
`of these hosts place special requirements on the network
`interface. We look at the communication needs for some
`interesting classes of hosts: special-purpose supercomputers
`(such as iWarp and Connection Machine); general-purpose
`supercomputers (such as Crays and IBM mainframes); and
`“dumb” devices (such as disk farms and frame buffers).
`Special-purpose supercomputers currently often lack ad-
`equate external I/O bandwidth. Although the internal ag-
`gregate memory and interprocessor bandwidths of these ma-
`chines are very high, the bandwidth to external networks
`and the amount of network buffer space are often small. In
`addition, such machines are often not suited to tasks such
`as calculating checksums. As a result, it is desirable that
`the network interface of special-purpose supercomputer pro-
`vides functionality similar to that provided by our CAB, such
`as a large buffer area, checksumming hardware, and switch
`control and datalink hardware.
`General-purpose supercomputers are often capable of cal-
`culating packet checksums at near-network bandwidth rates
`using pipelined vector units. In addition, such machines have
`paths into large central memories with rates greater than a gi-
`gabit per second. Thus for general-purpose supercomputers
`it is less desirable to provide external buffering and checksum
`For “dumb” devices, it is highly appropriate to have a
`network interface with a general-purpose processor. Such an
`interface can provide sufficient intelligence to allow a dumb
`device to be connected directly to the network.
`Interconnect Architecture
`The other crucial component of a network-based multicom-
`puter is the interconnect or network itself. This section de-
`scribes alternatives for the interconnect and justifies how a
`general network, as is used in Nectar, is suitable for a multi-
`Interconnect Design
`The requirements for an interconnect for a network-based
`multicomputer are: high throughput (100-800 Mb/s avail-
`able to each host); low latency (100-500 microseconds be-
`tween hosts); good scalability (10-1000 attached computers);
`support for high-bandwidth multicast communication; and
`robustness so that recovery from network failures is simple.
`Some of these requirements are similar to those for general-
`purpose networks, while others, such as the performance
`goals, are much stronger.
`7 of 10
`below). A larger HUB crossbar switch (for example, 32(cid:2) 32
`or 64(cid:2) 64) would reduce these problems and allow networks
`connection every 70 nanosecond cycle.
`Because of the low switching and transfer latency of a sin-
`gle HUB, the additional latency in a multi-HUB system is not
`significant. Thus it is practical to build multicomputers con-
`sisting of small numbers of these HUBs and up to 100 hosts.
`Although it is possible to build larger multicomputers using
`the current HUB, the network management and configuration
`problems become greater with large numbers of HUBs (see
`General-purpose LANs based on a shared medium, such
`as Ethernet, token ring, or FDDI, do not meet the bandwidth
`and latency requirements of a multicomputer. As more com-
`puters are attached to the medium, the bandwidth available
`to each system decreases and the communication latency
`increases. On the other hand, LANs based on high-speed
`switches (such as Autonet [22], HPC [13] and Nectar) do
`meet the performance requirements of a multicomputers. In
`such LANs, each attached computer has an exclusive link to
`a local switch and can communicate with other computers
`on the same switch at the full bandwidth of the link. The
`aggregate bandwidth of the network is very high.
`During the design of Nectar, we concentrated on the net-
`work features that are important for multicomputer usage.
`For example, we concentrated on minimizing the overhead on
`the network interface and during the design of the switch, we
`concentrated on providing a low connection setup time and
`hardware multicast (see Section 5.3.3), since these features
`are important for multicomputer applications. Some features
`that would be needed to operate a large network in a general-
`purpose environment were not included. For example, we
`do not attempt to provide automatic network reconfiguration,
`since the configuration of a Nectar system is relatively stable
`and changes can be made manually. These features would
`result in additional hardware (including switch control pro-
`cessors) and software to manage the network. Autonet on
`the other hand explored the problems involved in managing
`large, general, switch-based networks. It presents exactly the
`same interface as an Ethernet to the workstations attached to
`it and it supports automatic network reconfiguration when
`hosts or switches are added to or removed from the network.
`In the rest of this section, we briefly describe the Nectar
`network and then discuss specific issues in the design of a
`network for a multicomputer, including flow control, routing,
`multicast, and robustness.
`of hundreds of hosts to be built and managed.
`5.3 Design choices
`We review the major design choices that were made for the
`prototype Nectar system and draw some general conclusions
`based on our experience with the prototype.
`5.3.1 Flow Control
`The network must provide flow control hardware to ensure
`that input buffers at the switches and hosts do not overflow.
`Lost packets have to be retransmitted by (software on) the
`sender and have a negative impact on both throughput and
`latency. Because of the strict performance requirements for
`multicomputers, avoiding lost packets is even more impor-
`tant for multicomputer networks than for general-purpose
`Flow control in Nectar is performed by hardware on the
`CABs and HUBs under the control of CAB software. The
`source CAB tests the status of the input buffer on its local
`HUB before sending a packet.
`It can check the status of
`buffers on intermediary HUBs and the destination CAB by
`using HUB commands provided for this purpose. These
`commands allow the next packet to start flowing when there
`is room in the buffer at the other end of a link.
`The acknowledgments that tell a CAB or a HUB that there
`is space in the next buffer are generated by hardware on the
`next HUB or by software on a destination CAB. On the
`HUB, the acknowledgment is generated when a packet that
`is currently stored in the input buffer starts flowing out of the
`buffer. On the destination CAB, the acknowledgment is gen-
`erated by the datalink software because only the software can
`know when there will be space in the input buffer. Typically
`the datalink software will send the acknowledgment when it
`has started the DMA to transfer the packet in the buffer to
`local memory.
`Implementing flow control in software has a small over-
`head cost:
`it reduces the datalink throughput by less than
`10% for 1 kilobyte packets. Nectar implements the flow
`control in software for flexibility reasons: we want to try
`out and compare different strategies. Providing full hard-
`ware flow control between HUBs and CABs would reduce
`the overhead.
`around HUBs, which are 16(cid:2) 16 crossbar switches. A HUB
`5.2 Nectar Network Overview
`As described earlier in Section 3, the Nectar network is built
`implements a command set that allows source CABs to open
`and close connections through the switch. These commands
`can be used by the CABs to implement both packet switching,
`in which case the maximum packet size is determined by the
`size of the input FIFO on each port of the switch, and circuit
`switching, in which case the maximum amount of data that
`can be sent is arbitrarily large.
`In the prototype HUB, the latency to set up a connec-
`tion and transfer the first byte of a packet through a single
`HUB is ten cycles (700 nanoseconds). Once a connection
`has been established, the latency to transfer a byte is five
`cycles (350 nanoseconds), but the transfer of multiple bytes
`is pipelined to match the 100 Mb/s peak bandwidth of each
`fiber link. Furthermore, the HUB controller can set up a new
`8 of 10
`5.3.2 Routing
`For a network the size of Nectar, the routing need not be
`dynamic or adaptive. Deterministic routing is sufficient, and
`is in fact preferable since it avoids deadlocks. Deterministic
`routing can be implemented using source routing. Source
`routing has the advantage of making the switches very sim-
`ple as they need no control software or h