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`Application Data Sheet 37 CFR 1.76
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`Title of Invention|Intelligent Network Interface System and Method for Protocol Processing
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`Title of Invention|Intelligent Network Interface System and Method for Protocol Processing
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`Title of Invention|Intelligent Network Interface System and Method for Protocol Processing
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`Title of Invention|Intelligent Network Interface System and Method for Protocol Processing
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`Application Data Sheet 37 CFR 1.76
`Title of Invention|Intelligent Network Interface System and Method for Protocol Processing
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`Title of Invention|Intelligent Network Interface System and Method for Protocol Processing
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`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Underthe Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it contains a valid OMB control number.
`Attorney Docket Number|ALA-002B
`Application Data Sheet 37 CFR 1.76
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`Title of Invention|Intelligent Network Interface System and Method for Protocol Processing
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`DELL Ex.1002.008
`Cross Reference to Related Applications
`This application claims the benefit under 35 U.S.C. § 120 of(is a continuation of)
`U.S. Patent Application Serial No. 09/692,561, filed October 18, 2000, which in turn
`claimsthe benefit under 35 U.S.C. § 120 of (is a continuation of) U.S. Patent Application
`Serial No. 09/067,544, filed April 28, 1998, now U.S. Patent No. 6,226,680, which
`claims the benefit under 35 U.S.C. § 119(e) of U.S. Patent Application Serial No.
`60/061,809,filed October 14, 1997. The complete disclosure of all of the above
`applications is incorporated by reference herein.
`Technical Field
`The present invention relates generally to computer or other networks, and more
`particularly to protocol processing for information communicated between hosts such as
`computers connected to a network.
`The advantages of network computing are increasingly evident. The convenience
`and efficiency of providing information, communication or computational powerto
`individuals at their personal computer or other end user devices has led to rapid growth of
`such network computing, including internet as well as intranet systems and applications.
`DELL Ex.1002.009
`Asis well known, most network computer communication is accomplished with
`the aid of a layered software architecture for moving information between host computers
`connected to the network. The layers help to segregate information into manageable
`seaments,the general functions of each layer often based on an international standard
`called Open Systems Interconnection (OSI). OSI sets forth seven processing layers
`through which information may pass whenreceived by a host in order to be presentable
`to an end user. Similarly, transmission of information from a host to the network may
`pass through those seven processing layers in reverse order. Each step of processing and
`service by a layer may include copying the processed information. Another reference
`modelthat is widely implemented, called TCP/IP (TCP stands for transport control
`protocol, while IP denotes internet protocol) essentially employs five of the seven layers
`of OSI.
`Networks may include, for instance, a high-specd bus such as an Ethernet
`connection or an internet connection between disparate local area networks (LANs), each
`of which includes multiple hosts, or any of a variety of other known meansfor data
`transfer between hosts. According to the OSI standard, physical layers are connected to
`the network at respective hosts, the physical layers providing transmission andreceipt of
`raw data bits via the network. A data link layer is serviced by the physical layer of each
`host, the data link layers providing frame division and error correction to the data
`received from the physical layers, as well as processing acknowledgment frames sent by
`the receiving host. A network layer of each host is serviced by respective data link
`layers, the network layers primarily controlling size and coordination of subnets of
`packets ofdata.
`DELL Ex.1002.010
`A transport layer is serviced by each network layerand a session layer is serviced
`by each transport layer within each host. Transport layers accept data from their
`respective session layers and split the data into smaller units for transmission to the other
`host’s transport layer, which concatenates the data for presentation to respective
`presentation layers. Session layers allow for enhanced communication control between
`the hosts. Presentation layers are serviced by their respective session layers, the
`presentation layers translating between data semantics and syntax which maybe peculiar
`to each host and standardized structures of data representation. Compression and/or
`encryption of data may also be accomplishedat the presentation level. Application layers
`ate serviced by respective presentation layers, the application layers translating between
`programsparticular to individual hosts and standardized programsfor presentation to
`either an application or an end user. The TCP/IP standard includes the lower four layers
`and application layers, but integrates the functions of session layers and presentation
`layers into adjacent layers. Generally speaking, application, presentation and session
`layers are defined as upper layers, while transport, network and data link layers are
`defined as lowerlayers.
`The rules and conventions for each layer are called the protocol ofthat layer, and
`since the protocols and general functions of each layer are roughly equivalent in various
`hosts, it is useful to think of communication occurring directly between identical layers of
`different hosts, even though these peerlayers do not directly communicate without
`information transferring sequentially through each layer below. Each lowerlayer
`performsa service for the layer immediately aboveit to help with processing the
`communicated information. Each layer saves the information for processing and service
`DELL Ex.1002.011
`to the next layer. Due to the multiplicity of hardware and software architectures, systems
`and programs commonly employed, each layer is necessary to insure that the data can
`makeit to the intended destination in the appropriate form, regardless of variations in
`hardware and software that may intervene.
`In preparing data for transmission fromafirst to a second host, some control data
`is addedat eachlayerofthefirst host regarding the protocol of that layer, the control data
`being indistinguishable from the original (payload)data for all lowerlayers of that host.
`Thusan application layer attaches an application header to the payload data and sends the
`combined data to the presentation layer of the sending host, which receives the combined
`data, operates on it and adds a presentation headerto the data, resulting in another
`combined data packet. The data resulting from combination of payload data, application
`headerand presentation headeris then passed to the session layer, which performs
`required operations including attaching a session header to the data and presenting the
`resulting combination of data to the transport layer. This process continues as the
`information movesto lower layers, with a transport header, network header and data link
`headerandtrailer attached to the data at each of those layers, with each step typically
`including data moving and copying, before sending the data as bit packets over the
`network to the second host.
`The receiving host generally performs the converse of the above-described
`process, beginning with receiving the bits from the network, as headers are removed and
`data processed in order from the lowest (physical) layer to the highest (application) layer
`before transmission to a destination of the receiving host. Each layer of the receiving
`host recognizes and manipulates only the headers associated with that layer, since to that
`DELL Ex.1002.012
`layer the higherlayer control data is included with and indistinguishable from the
`payload data. Multiple interrupts, valuable central processing unit (CPU) processing time
`and repeated data copies may also be necessary for the receiving host to place the data in
`an appropriate form at its intended destination.
`The abovedescription of layered protocol processing is simplified, as college-
`level textbooks devoted primarily to this subject are available, such as Computer
`Networks, Third Edition (1996) by Andrew S. Tanenbaum, which is incorporated herein
`by reference. As defined in that book, a computer networkis an interconnected
`collection of autonomous computers, such as internet and intranet systems, including
`local area networks (LANs), wide area networks (WANs), asynchronoustransfer mode
`(ATM), ring or token ring, wired, wireless, satellite or other means for providing
`communication capability between separate processors. A computer is defined herein to
`include a device having both logic and memory functions for processing data, while
`computers or hosts connected to a networkare said to be heterogeneousif they function
`according to different operating systems or communicate via different architectures.
`As networks grow increasingly popular and the information communicated
`thereby becomesincreasingly complex and copious, the need for such protocol
`processing has increased. It is estimated that a large fraction of the processing powerof a
`host CPU maybe devoted to controlling protocol processes, diminishing the ability of
`that CPU to perform other tasks. Networkinterface cards have been developed to help
`with the lowest layers, such as the physical and data link layers. It is also possible to
`increase protocol processing speed by simply adding more processing power or CPUs
`according to conventional arrangements. This solution, however, is both awkward and
`DELL Ex.1002.013
`expensive. But the complexities presented by various networks, protocols, architectures,
`operating systems and applications generally require extensive processing to afford
`communication capability between various networkhosts.
`Summary of the Invention
`The current invention provides a system for processing network communication
`that greatly increases the speed of that processing andthe efficiency of moving the data
`being communicated. The invention has been achieved by questioning the long-standing
`practice of performing multilayered protocol processing on a general-purpose processor.
`The protocol processing method andarchitecture that results effectively collapses the
`layers of a connection-based, layered architecture such as TCP/IP into a single wider
`layer whichis able to send network data more directly to and from a desired location or
`buffer on a host. This accelerated processing is provided to a host for both transmitting
`and receiving data, and so improves performance whether one or both hosts involved in
`an exchange of information have suchafeature.
`The accelerated processing includes employing representative control instructions
`for a given messagethat allow data from the message to be processed via a fast-path
`which accesses message data directly at its source ordelivers it directly to its intended
`destination. This fast-path bypasses conventional protocol processing of headers that
`accompanythe data. The fast-path employs a specialized microprocessor designed for
`processing network communication, avoiding the delays and pitfalls of conventional
`software layer processing, such as repeated copying and interrupts to the CPU. In effect,
`the fast-path replacesthe states that are traditionally found in several layers of a
`DELL Ex.1002.014
`conventional network stack with a single state machine encompassingall those layers, in
`contrast to conventional rules that require rigorous differentiation and separation of
`protocol layers. The host retains a sequential protocol processing stack which can be
`employed forsetting up a fast-path connection or processing message exceptions. The
`specialized microprocessor and the hostintelligently choose whether a given message or
`portion of a message is processed by the microprocessororthe host stack.
`Brief Description of the Drawings
`FIG. 1 is a plan view diagram of a system of the present invention, including a
`host computer having a communication-processing device for accelerating network
`FIG. 2 is a diagram of information flow for the host of FIG. 1 in processing
`network communication, including a fast-path, a slow-path anda transfer of connection
`context between the fast and slow-paths.
`FIG.3 is a flow chart of message receiving according to the present invention.
`FIG.4Ais a diagram of information flow for the host of FIG. 1 receiving a
`message packet processed by the slow-path.
`FIG. 4B is a diagram of information flow for the host of FIG. 1 receiving an
`initial message packet processed by the fast-path.
`FIG. 4C is a di