United States Patent (19)
`Kells et al.
`75) Inventors: Timothy Roger Kells. Round Rock;
`Thomas Frank Peebles, Austin, both of
`73) Assignee: International Business Machines
`Corporation. Armonk, N.Y.
`21 Appl. No.: 570,463
`22 Filed:
`Dec. 11, 1995
`(51) Int. Cl. ....................... G06F 11/00; HO4K 1/00
`(52) U.S. Cl. ....................... 395/186: 395/187,01: 380/23;
`364/222.5: 364/286.5
`58 Field of Search ............................... 395/186, 187.01,
`395/188.01: 38014, 23, 25.30: 364/222.5,
`286.4, 286.5, 260.81
`References Cited
`4/1993 Barlow ............................... 395/87.0
`5,235,642 8/1993 Wobber et al. ........................... 380/25
`5,239,662 8/1993 Danielson et al.
`... 364,239
`5.245,657 9/1993 Sakurai ..................................... 380/25
`5,329,619 7/1994 Page et al. ...
`5,369,705 11/1994 Bird et al.....
`... 330/1
`5,414.833 5/1995 Hershey et al. .
`. 395/80
`6/1995 Lee, Jr. et al. ...
`5,432,932 7/1995 Chen et al. ............................. 395/673
`5.434.562 7/1995 Reardon .......
`5.434,918 7/1995 Kung et al. ..
`. 380/25
`5,442,342 8/1995 Kung ............
`5,463.625 10/1995 Yasrebi ............
`5,491,752 2/1996 Kaufman et al.
`5,495.533 2/1996 Linehan et al...
`3/1996 Kaufman et al.
`... 380/23
`5,560.008 9/1996 Johnson et al. ......................... 395/680
`0398 492 A2 11/1990 European Pat. Off..
`Patent Number:
`45 Date of Patent:
`Jun. 9, 1998
`“Integrating Security in CORBA Based Object Architec
`tures”. Proceedings of the Symposium on Security and
`Privacy. May, 1995, #1081-6011/95, IEEE, pp. 50–61.
`"Personal Computer-Local Area Network Logon". IBM
`Technical Disclosure Bulletin, vol. 33, No. 10A, Mar. 1991,
`pp. 279-280.
`"Dual-Processor Boot Procedure for LAN Services", IBM
`Technical Disclosure Bulletin, vol. 35, No. 3. Aug. 1992, pp.
`306 316.
`"Secure Generic Authentication for Distributed Computing
`Environment Applications". IBM Technical Disclosure Bul
`letin, vol. 38, No. 5, May 1995, pp. 521-522.
`"Migration Utility for Distributed Computing Environment
`Application Enabler for OS/2". IBM Technical Disclosure
`Bulletin, vol. 38, No. 3, Mar. 1995, pp. 473–476.
`Primary Examiner-Robert W. Beausoliel, Jr.
`Assistant Examiner-Dieu-Minh Le
`Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Robert M. Carwell
`LAN server machines are configured to utilize their existing
`mechanisms to pass generic security subsystem (GSS) dis
`tributed computing environment (DCE) credentials. The
`server management block (SMB) protocol is extended to
`facilitate exchange of such credentials wherein the server
`utilizes the GSS API interface to obtain and validate such
`credentials. The GSS interface provides tokens which
`encapsulate all necessary information to perform mutual
`authentication between the client and server. A new protocol
`level is defined with respect to such SMB protocol exten
`sions which includes a new protocol name exchanged in the
`negotiate protocol (NP) SMB. Pre-existing LAN servers will
`turn on a bit in the SMB Secnode field in the NP response
`indicating that the server supports exchange of secpkgX
`SMB. The server will then wait for an SMB secpkgX or
`SMB sesssetupX response. The former response will permit
`the user/client and server to exchange GSS tokens utilizing
`a conventional LAN server mechanism and to thereby and
`mutually authenticate.
`9 Claims, 5 Drawing Sheets
`221,224, 226
`EX. 1079 .001


`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 9, 1998
`Sheet 1 of 5
`SÈ?7 gangas
`EX. 1079 .002


`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 9, 1998
`Sheet 2 of 5
`LAN 2.1
`N- 112
`FIG. 2
`SERVER N1 102
`FIG 3
`FIG. 4
`EX. 1079 .003


`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 9, 1998
`Sheet 3 of 5
`219, 222
`212, 216, 229
`220, 223, 225
`213,217, 230
`218, 231
`215, 225, 228
`221, 224, 226
`219, 232
`FIG. 5
`FIG. 6
`N 132
`EX. 1079 .004


`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 9, 1998
`Sheet 4 of 5
`TOKEN 1, 130
`CONNECT 1, 260
`CONNECT2, 264
`TOKEN 1, 130
`FIG. 7
`EX. 1079 .005


`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 9, 1998
`Sheet S of 5
`FIG. 8
`EX. 1079 .006


`This invention relates to authentication in computer sys
`tems and more particularly, to authentication techniques in
`client-server local area network environments.
`In a session setup of a typical local area network, a
`process transpires conventionally wherein, with reference to
`FIG. 2. a client-user 100 and a server 102 negotiate a
`network protocol 104 (NP). During such negotiation, a
`protocol and associated protocol level 208 are agreed upon
`(corresponding, for example, to CORE, LAN 2.1, etc.)
`whereupon a session key 106 is determined for the client
`The client-user 100 will typically transmit information
`such as the user's id, name, and password 112 to the server
`102 and, more particularly, to a redirector 116, FIG. 7 which
`serves as the network interface to and from the LAN server
`102. The redirector 116 essentially serves the purpose of a
`network interface, redirecting disk drives and file input/
`output, etc. For example, if a client connects to a drive, to the
`client it may appear to be a local drive. However, the
`redirector essentially serves as a file system which may pass
`the drive specification to the actual file system which will
`manage the drive, thereby redirecting requests from the
`client to the actual file server handling the drive, such
`process being transparent to the client.
`In conventional operation, the server 102 then would
`typically examine its database 118, FIG. 3, and based upon
`the user id, would extract the user's password and session
`key 106. FIG. 2, and determine if there was a match. If so,
`the server 102 would then fetch the user definition 120, FIG.
`3 out of the server's local database 118. It will be noted that
`this session key 106 is essentially a timestamp or serial
`number. In the implementation under consideration, for
`reasons which will become apparent in discussion of the
`invention, rather than employing the database 118, the
`implementation employs the Distributed Computing Envi
`ronment (DCE) and associated Kerberos registry 122, FIG.
`4, and more particularly, the directory and security server
`(DSS) component of DCE wherein the user definition
`Thus in summary, at logon, a client 100, when logging
`onto a distributed computing environment negotiates a pro
`tocol 104, FIG. 2, which results in a protocol level 208 being
`returned. It is desirable in some local area network server
`environments such as
`the LAN Server Enterprise (LSE)
`product of the IBM Corporation to employ DCE to authen
`ticate use with DCE and thus to associate DCE credientials
`for users that connect to the LAN because it is deemed to be
`a relatively more secure environment than that effected by a
`typical LAN server authentication mechanism. Thus it is
`desirable at logon to obtain DCE credentials which the
`server 102 may understand, such DCE credentials being
`normally obtained through remote procedure calls (RPC).
`It has been found, however, that a problem may arise in
`such local area networks wherein no mechanism is provided
`to obtain such DCE credentials from the client 100 to the
`server 102. More particularly, in the case
`of the LSE and
`similar LAN products, for example, RPC calls are not
`utilized natively but nevertheless the server needs to obtain
`genuine credentials to authenticate the user during the
`session setup. Such credentials are utilized in determining
`access to LSE resources which are protected by POSDX
`access controls lists (ACLs). Thus, a serious problem was
`presented of providing a mechanism to obtain such DCE
`credentials from the client to the server with current proto
`cols such as those typically defined by the X/Open Asso
`ciation as represented by the
`Server Management Block
`(SMB) protocols, for example, while nevertheless utilizing
`conventional LAN server mechanisms.
`In a preferred embodiment of the invention. LAN server
`machines in a computerized LAN network are configured so
`as to permit them to utilize their existing mechanisms to pass
`generic security subsystem (GSS) distributed computing
`environment (DCE) credentials. The server management
`block (SMB) protocol defined by X/Open is extended to
`facilitate exchange of such credentials wherein
`the server
`utilizes the GSS API interface provided by DCE to obtain
`and validate such credentials. The GSS interface provides
`tokens which encapsulate all necessary information to per
`form mutual authentication between the client and server.
`In the preferred embodiment, with respect to such SMB
`protocol extensions, a new protocol level is defined which,
`in the specific embodiment includes a new protocol name
`exchanged in the negotiate protocol (NP) SMB. Pre-existing
`LAN servers such as the IBM Lan Server Enterprise (LSE)
`product will turn on a bit (bit 2 with respect to LSE) of the
`SMB secmode field in the response, such bit indicating that
`the server supports exchange of secpkgX SMBs. The server
`will then wait for an SMBsecpkgX or SMBsesssetupX
`request. The former response will permit the user/client and
`server to exchange GSS tokens and mutually authenticate
`and will further allow the server to select from multiple
`packages. The pre-existing LAN server product will define
`a new package under an SMB pkgname which the LAN
`server will send and recognize in order to handle a GSSDCE
`token. A user on a client will be authenticated once the
`SMBsecpkgx has flowed because the authentication will
`allocate and return the necessary data structures in order for
`the server to track the user,
`Further in accordance with the invention, as to processing
`GSS tokens, on the client side, agss initiate sec context
`function is called in order for the client to obtain a token to
`send to the server. The token is sent to the server and a return
`token then received from the server. The return token is then
`passed to a gss initiate sec context function, which will
`now return whether or not the server is authenticated. If the
`server is not authenticated, session
`establishment is termi
`On the server side, when the SMBsecpkgX response is
`received, the token is extracted and processed by a gss
`accept sec context function. If
`the client is authenticated,
`a token to send to the client is also received. The token is
`sent to the client on the SMBsecpkgX response. After
`sending the SMB, the server extracts the user's credentials
`from the GSS token. The credentials are attached to the
`session data structures and are utilized thereafter whenever
`the user attempts to access resources.
`Regarding the redirector-GSS interface, in a preferred
`embodiment herein disclosed, the LAN server redirector
`normally runs at ring 0 whereas the GSS runs at ring 3,
`meaning that the redirector and GSS may not communicate
`directly. Accordingly, in accordance with the invention, a
`credential manager process is created as an intermediary.
`EX. 1079 .007


`The credential manager gives a captive thread to the redi
`rector at startup. As connections are made to the LAN
`servers, the redirector utilizes the captive threads to request
`and process GSS tokens. The credential manager uses the
`credentials of the user currently logged onto the LAN server
`to obtain the tokens. A user profile management (UPM)
`process notifies the credential manager of logon and logoff
`events. This allows the credential manager to track the
`logged-on user without querying the UPM on every session
`setup attempt.
`FIG. 1 is a functional block diagram of a computer
`network in which the invention may be advantageously
`FIG. 2 is a schematic illustration of protocol negotiation;
`FIG. 3 illustrates usage of a database by a server to obtain
`user definitions;
`FIG. 4 is a block diagram illustrating usage of DCE
`registry by a server in order to obtain user
`FIG. 5 is a block diagram depicting the components and
`signal flow of the invention implementable in the system of
`FIG. 1:
`FIG. 6 is a schematic illustration of the token mechanism
`of the invention;
`FIG. 7 is a block diagram illustrating the credential
`manager and redirector of the invention.
`FIG. 8 is a state machine employed in accordance with the
`Turning first to FIG. 1. a high level description of a
`network environment will first be provided in which the
`invention preferably may be embodied. With reference to
`FIG. 1. there is depicted a pictorial representation of a data
`processing system 8 which may be utilized to implement a
`method and system of the present invention. As may be seen,
`data processing system 8 may include a plurality of
`networks, such as local area networks (LAN) 10 and 32.
`each of which preferably includes a plurality of individual
`computers 12, 12a-12c, 30, 31.33 and 35. (Hereafter, when
`discussing a computer in network32, a computer 30 will be
`arbitrarily referenced, although the discussion could relate to
`any of the computers in network32). Computers 12 and 30
`may be implemented utilizing any suitable computer such as
`the IBM Personal System/2 (also called a “PS/2") computer
`or an IBM RISC SYSTEM/6000 computer workstation,
`both product of International Business Machines
`corporation, located in Armonk, N.Y. "RISC SYSTEM/
`6000" is a trademark of International Business Machines
`Corporation, "Personal System/2" and "PS/2" are registered
`trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation.
`Of course, those skilled in the art will appreciate that a
`plurality of intelligent work stations (IWS) coupled to a host
`processor may be utilized for each such network.
`As is common in such data processing systems, each
`individual computer may be coupled to a storage device 14
`and/or a printerloutput device 16. One or more such storage
`devices 14 may be utilized, in accordance with the method
`of the present invention, to store objects, such as documents,
`resource objects, or executable code, which may be peri
`odically accessed by any user within data processing system
`8. In a manner well known in the prior art, each such object
`stored within a storage device 14 may be freely interchanged
`throughout data processing system 8 by transferring an
`object to a user at an individual computer 12 or 30, for
`Still referring to FIG. 1. it may be seen that data process
`ing system 8 also may include multiple mainframe
`computers, such as mainframe computer 18, which may be
`preferably coupled to LAN 10 by means of conmmunica
`tions link 22. Mainframe computer 18 may be implemented
`utilizing an Enterprise Systems Architecture/370 (also called
`an "ESA/370") or an Enterprise Systems Architecture/390
`(also called an "ESA/390") computer available from IBM.
`Depending on the application a mid-range computer, such as
`an Application System/400 (also called an "AS/400"), may
`be employed. “Enterprise Systems Architecture /370".
`“ESA/370", "Enterprise Systems Architecture/370", and
`"ESA/390" are trademarks of IBM; "Application System
`1400" and "AS/400" are registered trademarks of IBM;
`"Application System/400" and "AS/400" are registered
`trademarks of IBM. Mainframe computer 18 also may be
`coupled to a storage device 20 which may serve as remote
`storage for LAN 10. Similarly, LAN 10 may be coupled via
`communications link 24 through a subsystem control unit?
`communications controller 26 and communications link 34
`to a gateway server 28. Gateway server 28 is preferably an
`individual computer or IWS which serves to link LAN32 to
`LAN 10.
`As discussed above with respect to LAN 32 and LAN 10,
`objects may be stored within storage device 20 and con
`trolled by mainframe computer 18, as Resource Manager or
`File System Manager for the stored objects. Of course. those
`skilled in the art will appreciate that mainframe computer 18
`may be located a great geographic distance from LAN 10
`and similarly LAN 10 may be located a substantial distance
`from LAN 32. For example, LAN 32 may be located in
`California while LAN 10 may be located within Texas and
`mainframe computer 18 may be located in New York.
`A preferred embodiment of the present invention may be
`incorporated within various computers depicted within data
`processing system 8.
`In the DSS protocol, which is part of DCE, the client 100,
`FIG. 2, will request a ticket from the registry 122, FIG. 4.
`which may then be passed to the server 102. With respect to
`some applications, they will issue
`a NetUse such as that
`shown at 124, FIG. 7 to the redirector 116 which will kick
`off the protocol-essentially a user-issued command trig
`gering the client 100 to set up a session with the server 102.
`In response to this NetUse, the redirector 116, then issues
`server management blocks (SMBs) according to the SMB
`communication protocol of X/Open in order to effect the
`negotiation of protocol and session setup. In accordance
`with the invention, however, in LAN servers utilizing a
`generic security subsystem (GSS) component of DCE, 126.
`FIG. 7, and a redirector such as that shown at 116, FIG. 7.
`as previously noted, a problem is presented of providing a
`mechanism for conveying requests through a credential
`manager 128, FIG. 8 to the CSS 126. In order to effect this
`mechanism, a state machine, FIG. 8, is defined for the
`credential manager 128 because there are commands inter
`changed between the credential manager and redirector
`required for setting up a session. The operation of this state
`machine will be hereinafter discussed with reference to FIG.
`8 in more detail.
`It will be recalled that the SMB defined by the X/Open
`protocol is essentially a free-form security extension which
`provides the concept of packages which are a mechanism
`employed to authenticate users. It is a significant feature of
`EX. 1079 .008


`the invention that a unique such package is defined in the
`implementation of the invention which will provide for
`passing of tokens such as 130. FIG. 7. Referring further to
`FIG. 7, this token 130 will be seen to be passed from the
`GSS 126 to the credential manager 128 and then to the
`redirector 116 (also shown in FIG. 6). It
`will be recalled that
`the redirector 116 essentially is the component of the client.
`The server will make a call gss accept context, 133, FIG.
`6, in order to process this token 130 after it has been received
`in the GSS package. Receipt by the redirector of the token
`in turn will cause the server 102 to obtain a second token,
`132. FIG. 6. The client 100 will then transfer this second
`token 132 to the credential manager 128 and then to the GSS
`126, whereupon the GSS may then authenticate the server
`In summary, when the first token goes across the network,
`the client essentially has authenticated itself to the server. If
`it is not authenticated, the session setup terminates whereas
`if it is authenticated, the session setup is effected. Because
`the server has already authenticated the client, the server
`now will issue a function call to GSS 126, and obtain a
`definition from GSS of the user as previously noted. In prior
`systems, it is important to note that, as previously described,
`servers maintained their own database such as that shown in
`FIG. 3, reference numeral 118, to obtain a user definition
`120 for verifying the user. However in accordance with the
`invention, the GSS is not replicated for every server. and
`also differing security mechanisms may be provided under
`GSS. The DCE extensions permit the system to obtain
`credentials and not only is the user authenticated but accord
`ing to the system, it is thereby known which server authen
`ticated the user. GSS is employed but it is actually the
`Kerberos functions in DCE which are employed underneath
`for the authentication.
`In summary, a system is herein disclosed permitting
`conventional LAN server workstations and servers inte
`grated with DCE to employ their existing mechanisms in
`order to pass GSS DCE credentials for authentication.
`Although the invention is not intended to be so limited, in
`the specific embodiment disclosed herein, changes are made
`to workstations and servers operating the OS/2 (TM) oper
`ating system available from the IBM Corporation. Further
`details, as background, regarding a representative LAN
`system may be obtained from "OS/2 Lan Server, Program
`ming Guide and Reference", copyright IBM Corporation,
`S10 H-9687-00, 1994, which is incorporated herein by
`reference. However, the aforementioned concept may be
`extended to stations and servers executing other operating
`systems as well.
`In the OS/2 embodiment, the modifications to existing
`Lan server products will now cause the second bit of the
`Smb secmode field in the NP response to be turned on. The
`server will then wait for the previously described SMBsecp
`kgX or SMBsesssetupX request. The former, of course, will
`permit the user and server to exchange GSS tokens and
`mutually authenticate, and is defined in "PROTOCOLS
`Section 11.2. available from the X/Open Corporation. This
`function permits a server to select from multiple packages.
`The SMBsesssetupX following an SMBsecpkgX request
`may have a zero length smb apasswd because authentica
`tion has already occurred, and any contents therein will thus
`be ignored. If no SMBsecpkgX request is received, or no
`known package was included in the SMBsecpkgX request
`and received, the smb. apasswd field must contain a valid
`password to allow the server to authenticate the user. In this
`case, the server must obtain the credentials for the user.
`In accordance with the implementation of the invention
`herein described, changes must be provided to the Negotiate
`Protocol (NP) as follows. A Set Flag will be made to enable
`the secpkgX(bit number 2 in the secmode field as previously
`described). Still further, a new srwhueristic bit will be
`provided which will determine whether or not the server will
`support legacy clients. If legacy support is turned off. then
`the server will not offer the set of legacy protocols when
`negotiating. This will prevent the less-secure legacy clients
`from connection.
`Also as previously noted, a new protocol level is defined
`which, in the specific implementation under consideration.
`provides that a string LSE 10 flow on the wire. In order to
`obtain tickets for cross-cell servers, the NP response will
`change to include the server's cell name and its length. The
`cell name will be after the domain name and will be used by
`the Credential Manager 128, FIG. 5, when obtaining the
`security context. The
`cell name is required for cross-cell
`authentication but will only be sent when negotiation results
`in the LSE 10 string.
`Also as previously noted, secpkgX changes will be
`required. As noted, this function is defined in "PROTO
`SION 2", Section 11.2 available from X/Open. This format
`will be employed in the present embodiment herein
`disclosed, with the specific information being defined for the
`particular LAN server which is employed, such as the LS
`4.0E available from the IBM Corporation. For the SMB
`pkglist structure, the SMB pkgname will be "Lan Server
`4.OE GSS/DCE Token" which, as previously noted, will be
`the only package that the LS 4.0E server product will send
`or recognize.
`In the following Table, the data structures for the afore
`mentioned SMBsecpkgX will be defined as follows:
`Request Format:
`smb com
`simb wot,
`simb com2;
`Smb reh2;
`simb off2,
`simb pkgtype;
`smb numpkge;
`simb pkglist);
`Package List Structure
`1 value = E
`f* value = 4
`1* secondary (X) command, 0xFF = none */
`J* reserved (must be zero)
`/* offset (from SMB hadr start) to next
`1 cmd (GPsmb wet)2
`f' package type = 0
`f* Number of Packages in list
`f' package list structure. 1 package
`f* list for LS 40E
`(simb. pkglist) Format:
`EX. 1079 .009


`TABLE 1-continued
`/* length of package name
`WORD Sinb-p
`WORD Simb pkgarglen;
`/* length of the package-specific info
`smb. pkgname?";
`f" name of the package
`Simb pkgargs(11;
`/* package-specific info for LS 40E
`Package Specific Information
`(smb. pkgargs). Format:
`DWORD Smb xp_flags;
`/* Bit - If set, a reply with a GSS
`f token is required for mutual
`f* authentication
`WORD smb xp TokenLen; /* Length of GSS token
`smb. Xp Token";
`f* The GSS Token containing
`f*Authentication info
`* Name of user to be authenticated
`simb xp_name;
`Response Format:
`simb wot,
`BYTE simb reh2;
`WORD simb off2;
`WORD Simb index;
`WORD smb-pkgarglen;
`WORD smb.bcc;
`Smb pkgargs l;
`Package Specific Information
`DWORD smb xp_flags;
`simb Kp Token;
`/* value = 7E
`/* value = 4
`f" secondary (X) command, OXFF = none
`/* reserved (must be zero)
`/* offset (from SMB hadr start) to
`f* cmd. (GSImb wet)
`1* number of the package selected by
`1* server. O for LS 40E
`f* length of package specific info
`f" package-specific information
`(smb. pkgargs) Format:
`f" Bit 0, GSS tokens require another
`f" round of exhanges.
`/* the GSS Token containing
`/* authentication info
`The first, as shown in FIG. 8, is the logon function 238.
`The credential manager 128 must obtain the DCE system
`credentials. The credentials will be imported from the logon
`exec. Next, the logoff event 236, FIG. 8, in like manner will
`affect the credential manager 128. The credential manager
`must clear all of the session information it was maintaining
`for the logon user. When a logoff occurs, the RDR will close
`all sessions and release the DCE system credentials
`it is
`using. This event will still be needed for cleanup and state
`maintenance. Thirdly, a credential refresh 234 is provided
`for in the manner described above. This event will prevent
`the credential manager from transitioning into a state of
`expired credentials. The credential cache name will not
`change. If the system is already in an expired state, a new
`context and cache name will be acquired. The credential
`manager will handle both types of refreshes. Fourthly,
`credential expiration is provided for in the state machine,
`shown at reference numeral 240, FIG. 8. When the creden
`tials expire, the credential manager 128 can no longer obtain
`tickets. The credential manager 128 will accordingly return
`an error code to the RDR when requests come in during this
`state. Once the user is in this state, the credentials cannot be
`refreshed, and a new set of credentials will be obtained by
`the logon exec.
`Another aspect of the credential manager 128 should be
`noted when the client 100 is being shut down. In such event,
`the redirector 116 will detect this (e.g. a Net Stop function).
`whereupon a close command (260, FIG. 7) issued by the
`redirector 116 will cause the credential manager process 128
`to terminate. When the systems are restarted, the redirector
`116 will obviously be started upon booting. However, the
`credential manager 128 is not yet running until the rest of the
`GSS is started. Once the GSS starts, the credential manager
`128 will send the token command 130 which will be held
`captive in the redirector 116. This thread of execution is then
`utilized by the redirector, which issues a connect 1 command
`262. A connect 2 command, 264, holds the thread captive in
`the credential manager 128.
`With the foregoing description in mind, additional factors
`in the implementation of the invention as described herein
`Referring now to FIG. 5 in greater detail, the basic flow
`of this system is depicted therein schematically. First, the
`user logs on, 210, with the login context being set as system
`context, 211. Next, LSCredMGR function obtains creden
`tials for a user, and the GSS credentials are created from the
`system context. 212. 213. This is followed by a session setup
`request to the server, 214. The next series of steps 215-218
`represent that a context token for the Server is obtained
`which includes the GSS call(s) to
`Continuing with FIG. 5, at step 219, the SMBsecpkg X
`call is sent which contains the system context token. At this
`point servers obtains credentials at startup time, 220. 221
`and the SMBsecpkg X is received, 222. Next, at 223, 224.
`the Server will validate the user with the GSS Accept
`context function and receives a response token which
`includes GSS call(s) to DCE. This is followed by the server
`extracting EPAC from the GSS token. 225, 226. Next, the
`SMBsecpkg Xresponse is sent containing the GSS context
`token. 227. Also, the SMBsecpkg X response is received,
`227. As shown by steps 228-231, the Server's context token
`is then validated which includes GSS call(s) to DCE.
`Finally. as shown at reference numeral 232, the
`SMBSessSetup X is sent and received.
`Another aspect of the invention relates to the conventional
`practice of providing tokens which have a finite lifetime.
`When the token expires, typically the server will automati
`cally then break connection to the client. Accordingly, some
`means is needed to periodically refresh the token.
`Thus, in accordance with the invention, after a session is
`set up, the credential manager 128, FIG.S. will determine
`what the remaining lifetime of a ticket is. Just before
`expiration, after making such determination, the credential
`manager 128 will thus preferably obtain
`a new token and
`transfer it to the server 102. This token may be seen
`represented as token 242 in FIG. 6, and will be described
`further with reference to the event monitoring function
`provided by the state machine of FIG. 8.
`The current logon status affects how the credential man
`ager 128 manages the contexts. There are essentially four
`logon events which will affect the credential manager as
`EX. 1079 .010


`are noteworthy. It will noted that in DCE terms, "creden
`tials' may be thought of as Kerberos tickets or, more
`generically, a definition of a user and the group, the user is
`a member of (e.g., administrator, guest, user, etc.). Such
`credentials are on a per process basis typically, wherein each
`process is in charge of managing its own process so to speak.
`In accordance with the invention, however, a credential
`manager has thus herein been provided for the whole
`networking system which will manager the individual pro
`cesses. Th

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