Proc. Sixth NASA Goddard Conference on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies
`in conjunction with 15th IEEE Symposium on Mass Storage Systems
`March, 1998
`Internet Protocols for Network-Attached Peripherals
`Steve Hotz, Rodney Van Meter, and Gregory Finn
`Information Sciences Institute
`University of Southern California
`Marina del Rey, CA 90292
` hotz,rdv,finn
`tel +1-310-822-1511
`fax +1-310-823-6714
`This paper presents our thesis that the advantages of the internet protocol frame-
`work make it the best choice for communications protocols to, and between, network-
`attached peripherals (NAPs). Moreover, the IP suite is more appropriate than the spe-
`cialized protocol stacks being developed for commercial NAPs. The benefits of using
`IP include support for heterogeneous network media, wide-area connectivity, and re-
`duced research and development effort. We examine the issues for use of the internet
`protocols (TCP/UDP/IP) for NAPs, address commonly held concerns regarding its
`performance, and describe the Netstation project’s prototype implementations of IP
`1 Introduction
`Netstation is a research system architecture based on a switched gigabit network as a system
`backplane [10]; all of the major subsystems are network attached peripherals (NAPs). A
`network-attached display has been prototyped, and a software-emulated network-attached
`disk has been implemented. A camera NAP is also under development, based on the same
`motherboard as the display.
`One of the primary decisions in designing such a system is the choice of a communi-
`cation infrastructure. To provide maximal ubiquity and independence from specific media
`technologies, Netstation component communication is based on the TCP/IP protocol suite.
`This design choice is controversial, in that most commercial NAP efforts (e.g., Tandem’s
`ServerNet [15], Fibre Channel and HiPPI disks and disk arrays) and some research projects
`(e.g., Minnesota’s GFS [21]) use special purpose protocol stacks optimized for performance
`on specific media. Among research systems, the most similar effort is the High Perfor-
`mance Storage System NAP at Lawrence Livermore [26]. Digital’s Petal [18] uses UDP/IP
`over ATM as part of a large distributed virtual disk system implemented in general-purpose
`hosts. CMU’s Network Attached Secure Disk [13] does use IP for its higher level protocols
`which are derived from NFS, however, they provide a network “object store” rather than a


`block-level NAP. The two projects most closely related to Netstation are MIT’s ViewSta-
`tion [1] and Cambridge’s Desk Area Network [14], both of which use ATM to interconnect
`multimedia peripherals.
`The main reason cited for choosing a specialized protocol rather than the media-independent
`TCP/IP approach is the latter’s perceived lack of performance, or the expense to achieve
`the required performance. We believe that the advantages of TCP/IP merit further consid-
`eration for its use in NAP applications, and that the performance concerns are based on
`inaccurate comparisons with specialized protocol performance. We argue this by examin-
`ing protocol functionality and its overhead, and by presenting results of our implementation
`This paper presents the case for TCP/IP based NAPs. Section 2 discusses the current
`trend for NAP protocols, provides an overview of the IP protocol suite, and discusses the the
`use of TCP/IP for NAPs. Section 3 addresses the functionality and potential performance
`problems of using TCP/IP for NAPs, and Section 4 discusses implementation issues that
`are often perceived as protocol performance limitations. Section 5 describes the Netstation
`prototype implementations and their use of TCP/IP, and our conclusions are summarized
`in Section 6.
`2 Protocols for Network Attached Peripherals
`Networks such as HiPPI, SSA and Fibre Channel are becoming the access technology of
`choice for peripherals such as disk drives, tape drives and disk arrays. These networks scale
`better than traditional I/O channels, connecting more devices over greater distances and
`providing greater aggregate bandwidth. However, these networks require more complex
`protocols than are required for traditional bus-based channels such as SCSI.
`The NAP community, in most cases, has chosen to use specially developed protocols
`similar to channel access protocols rather than existing network standards such as TCP/IP,
`because of perceived differences in functionality, focus, complexity and especially perfor-
`mance. We reason that most of these concerns either reflect misunderstanding of the IP
`suite or are being met as the suite evolves.
`We further argue that the benefits of using IP, including wide-area connectivity, cross-
`media bridging and reduced research and development efforts, are substantial. Specialized
`protocols simply do not address inter-LAN communication, which will be important as ma-
`chine rooms integrate new LAN technologies into increasingly heterogeneous computing
`environments, and as new uses for sharing NAPs over a wider campus area emerge.
`Therefore, we believe that IP is the best choice for storage device peripherals, and
`should be the protocol selected by NAP system architects.
`2.1 IP Framework Overview and Definitions
`Throughout this paper we use the terms “IP protocol suite”, “IP protocol framework”, or
`“TCP/IP protocol suite”. We use these terms interchangeably to refer to a set of protocols
`that provide the functionality of the network layer and transport layer of the OSI seven-
`layer reference model. Specifically, this set of protocols are the DARPA Internet Protocols,
`and they include the Internet Protocol (IP) at the network layer, and both the Transmission


`Control Protocol (TCP) and the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) at the transport layer. It is
`important to note that there is exactly one network layer protocol, while there are multiple
`transport layer protocols. UDP and TCP are the most common and thus will be discussed
`in more detail. However, the framework does allow for other transport layer protocols.
`The network layer protocol, IP, provides the basic functionality of exchanging packets
`of data between any two entities connected to an internet, i.e., a network of networks which
`may include many different physical media and link layer protocols. The primary philoso-
`phy is that this protocol must be ubiquitous: IP runs on everything, and everything runs on
`IP. IP is intentionally simple and provides very basic functionality which allows it to be im-
`plemented on even the simplest of lower-layer protocols. It provides no guarantees on data
`delivery other than if a packet is delivered, it is delivered to the end host with the specified
`address. To this end, IP provides a common addressing scheme, a simple header check-
`sum to guarantee that the addresses are not corrupted, and a mechanism to fragment and
`reassemble packets to accommodate transmission over link layers with different maximum
`packet sizes.
`The transport protocols, TCP and UDP, build on top of IP, exchanging their own headers
`and data payloads using the basic facilities provided by IP. These protocols use different
`mechanisms to provide various levels of end-to-end functionality. UDP provides simple
`user-level access to the basic unreliable service provided by IP, and as such, it adds very
`little overhead to the exchange of data. On the other hand, TCP provides for a reliable, in
`order, byte stream and is by far the most complex of the three protocols discussed here.
`There exists other related and supporting protocols, such as an Address Resolution Pro-
`tocol (ARP) for mapping IP addresses to link-layer addresses, and various routing protocols
`to exchange information so that intermediate internetwork nodes can determine the correct
`disposition and forwarding of IP packets to their destination. However, these other pro-
`tocols do not directly impact the per-packet data processing overhead at end systems, and
`consequently are only mentioned briefly in this paper.
`2.2 IP for NAPs
`Choosing IP as the communication infrastructure for NAPs alleviates the problems of com-
`mitting to a protocol suite which is tied, for the most part, to the choice of physical media,
`e.g., Fibre Channel or ATM. This provides a growth path that is unconstrained by the future
`development of a particular technology. In the same vein, IP allows for cross-media bridg-
`ing with minimal incremental effort. Cross-media bridging will be useful given increas-
`ingly heterogeneous computing environments, allowing transparent interoperation among
`different types of networks. Finally, the wide area connectivity that is IP’s strength opens
`up new functionality for peripherals, for example, remote mirroring of disk drives and re-
`mote backup.
`Using IP will allow NAP developers to exploit the large existing body of research and
`development in flow control, routing, congestion control, and reliability. This will reduce
`R&D effort, as well as allowing quick integration of emerging features such as resource
`reservation and real-time protocols. The effort to adapt and optimize IP implementations
`for the NAP environment should prove less costly than reinventing pieces of the network
`solution as new NAP requirements are realized.


`We believe the concerns about IP performance are founded on comparisons between
`IP and specialized protocols, and that the performance differences are more dependent on
`implementation and environment than on the complexity of the protocols themselves. IP
`performance measurements are typically made in general purpose (and often outdated) op-
`erating systems with protocol implementations tuned for wide-area communication using
`relatively small packets, while NAP protocol performance benefits from a low-cost embed-
`ded operating environment, large data packets, and specialized protocol coprocessors.
`These concerns about IP performance and complexity should prove to be non-issues.
`The issues and differences can be classified and addressed in a general way as follows:
` Protocol functionality required by NAPs, already provided by IP. NAPs will ben-
`efit from the functionality such as segment size negotiation, reliability, flow control,
`and cross-media bridging already provided by IP. These common functionality re-
`quirements are the main motivation driving the use of IP for NAPs.
`IP protocol functionality and complexity not required by NAPs. Concerns about
`the performance impact of additional ”baggage” functionality can be addressed by
`fast-path and common-case implementations. As evidence, we note that the com-
`bined transport (TCP) and network (IP) processing of common-case packets has al-
`ready been optimized to approximately 200 machine instructions, which would cost
`2-8 microseconds on a typical NAP-embedded microprocessor.
` Protocol functionality required by NAPs, not provided by IP. While NAPs can
`take advantage of IP to avoid re-inventing a variety of technologies and functional-
`ity, there are clearly cases where the NAP community can (and must) extend the IP
`framework. Support for application-layer framing and fast application demultiplex-
`ing might be addressed by transport-layer options, or may require a new transport
`protocol to complement the existing UDP and TCP. Section 3.3 discusses these is-
`sues in more detail.
`Implementation and operating system issues. Many of TCP/IP’s known perfor-
`mance problems come from outdated implementations or restrictions imposed from
`outside, such as data copies through the UNIX socket API and ethernet’s small packet
`size limit. This overhead is considerable compared to the actual fast-path protocol
`processing. These problems will disappear as the protocol stack is moved into the
`highly-optimized embedded NAP environment. Section 4 discusses these issues in
`more detail.
`We reason that as systems move to larger, more complex switched networks for I/O,
`some sacrifice of performance is the inevitable result. However, IP has no inherent perfor-
`mance penalty relative to other protocol choices; the loss is entirely attributable to manag-
`ing the additional complexity. In this environment, IP offers significant advantages and few
`drawbacks. IP, therefore, should be the network protocol of choice for network-attached


`2.3 NAP Implementations of the IP Protocol Suite
`We do not expect that performance-critical NAPs will run based on current IP implementa-
`tions, or without additional development of the IP protocol suite. Rather, there is an open IP
`framework for network communication, and NAP networking development could benefit
`from working within this framework. Within this framework there are both design changes
`that can not be made, and considerable flexibility to accommodate NAP requirements.
`The discussion in Section 2.1 points out those parts of the IP suite that will not change,
`specifically, the IP network layer protocol itself. To be an IP NAP, a device must implement
`the IP protocol.
`There are three general approaches that NAP developers can take to adapt the IP proto-
`col suite for their devices:
` Use protocol options. Protocols of the IP suite, including IP and TCP, define proto-
`col options that allow the protocol to provide additional required features on a per-use
`basis, e.g. per IP packet or per TCP connection. If existing options do not provide for
`efficient NAP communications, new options can be introduced within the IP protocol
` Optimize implementations for expected NAP usage patterns. IP protocol imple-
`mentations can benefit from many of the same optimizations that facilitate special-
`ized NAP protocol performance. Section 4 discusses these issues in more detail.
` Develop an alternative IP-based transport protocol. TCP and UDP are the most
`widely used transport protocols in the IP suite, however, alternate transport protocols
`can also be supported within this framework (section 2.1). Sections 3.2 and 3.3
`discuss transport protocol issues in more detail.
`We believe these methods will allow NAP developers to adapt the IP protocol suite to
`their high-performance requirements, and gain the benefits of IP’s inter-LAN connectivity.
`Further, the development effort to adopt the IP suite can build on IP’s years of development
`experience to solve NAP-specific issues, and this effort should be less complex than the
`effort to develop media-specific protocols for NAPs.
`3 TCP/IP Protocol Stack Issues
`This section examines the functionality of the TCP/IP protocol to address the issue of com-
`plexity, and determine why the performance may be suitable (or unsuitable) for NAPs.
`Our general premise is “you get what you pay for”; functionality required by NAPs will
`have approximately the same overhead, regardless of whether it is implemented within an
`IP framework or in a specialized NAP protocol stack. Further, the overhead for portions of
`IP not required by NAPs can be minimized by fast-path, common-case implementations.
`The transport (TCP) and network (IP) processing of common-case incoming packets has
`already been optimized to approximately 200 machine instructions. This number was ob-
`served in [6], and is confirmed by analysis of our TCP/IP implementation for the Netstation
`display. This would allow a baseline 250,000 packets/sec on a relatively humble 50MIPS


`embedded NAP processor. This simple analysis indicates that the TCP/IP processing is not
`a performance bottleneck that would make it unsuitable for NAPs.
`3.1 Network Layer Processing
`Examination of the IP network-layer implementation shows that the IP end-host processing
`requires a relatively small amount of code. There are four primary functions that would
`affect an IP NAP: packet header processing, header checksum calculation, byte-swapping,
`and fragmentation reassembly. None of these functions represent a prohibitive processing
`Processing of the 20-byte IP header is straightforward, and should not represent a sig-
`nificant incremental overhead beyond processing for a specialized NAP protocol. The re-
`quired processing on outgoing packets generally involves an efficient bulk copy of a 5-word
`template, and then 4 load and store operations to modify the packet identifier, length, desti-
`nation address, and checksum fields. To verify proper reception, a simple implementation
`would have a compare and branch operation for each of the 12 header fields, although
`optimization can reduce this even further.
`The short IP header checksum calculation involves 12 16-bit add operations, 2 shifts
`and 3 mask operations; the nature of the checksum would allow optimizations using larger
`(32-bit) add operations. Although the header checksum itself is not a prohibitive cost,
`data checksumming incurs considerable overhead; we address data checksumming in Sec-
`tion 3.2.
`Byte-swapping is necessary only for little-endian machines, where byte order does not
`match network standard byte order [7]. However, it is an operation that may affect all net-
`work communications, thus this discussion applies to transport layer processing as well.
`Moreover, this implies that even in a non-IP NAP, this function is required to support het-
`erogeneous hosts.
`The most complex, and potentially expensive, functionality we must deal with is IP
`fragmentation reassembly. Fortunately, we can virtually eliminate this processing by send-
`ing appropriately sized transport layer segments. Sending such segments should be straight-
`forward for common-case NAP applications on a single local area network (LAN) where
`the maximum frame size is known. Mechanisms such as MTU discovery [19] can provide
`the analogous information across a WAN. For both cases, higher layer communication pro-
`tocols can avoid packet fragmentation by negotiating the segment size; this is specifically
`supported by TCP’s Maximum Segment Size option.
`3.2 Transport Layer
`Transport layer functionality is more complex than that of the network layer. In the case
`of TCP, it provides for in-order reliable delivery, with a number of window and congestion
`control mechanisms. However, we also do not believe transport layer functionality will
`prove prohibitive, rather this is the area where NAP developers would focus their efforts.
`The general reasons that we believe transport functionality in an IP stack is not pro-
`hibitive are as follows:


` UDP is available as a lower-overhead alternative. Assuming that NAPs will be
`commonly accessed within a local environment, the general-purpose functionality
`provided by TCP may not be needed. UDP provides a very simple protocol that
`provides for connection demultiplexing and checksumming. Both our Netstation
`VISA protocol (Section 5.2) and the common NFS protocol [22] implement their
`own simple reliability for LAN communications on top of UDP.
` Fast-path TCP is already reasonably efficient. As noted earlier in the paper, the
`common-case TCP overhead allows for many thousands of packets per second, pro-
`vided system issues such as data copies, context switching, and checksumming are
`addressed. These issues must be dealt with in either the case of an IP or a non-IP
`IP can support other transport protocols. This paper argues primarily for an IP
`NAP, and that there would be considerable advantage if NAP development could
`exploit either of the existing transport protocols (UDP and TCP) by providing im-
`plementations optimized for the NAP environment. However, IP already supports
`multiple transport protocols, and recasting current NAP-specific transport protocols
`into the IP framework seems a viable alternative. New general-purpose transport pro-
`tocols face a practical hurdle on account of the large installed base of TCP and UDP,
`and need for widespread deployment and backward compatibility. However, a NAP
`transport protocol could be deployed incrementally as NAPs are integrated into the
`computing environment, which would mitigate this issue of ubiquitous deployment.
`These general observations allow for the feasibility of an IP NAP with appropriate
`transport functionality. Due to the number of transport protocols and different levels of
`service, we cannot address the spectrum of transport protocol functionality. However, the
`most important transport functionality that a NAP would have to address will be common
`to any protocol, specifically data checksumming and retransmission and reliability. The
`issues of connection demultiplexing and segmentation and reassembly are addressed in the
`following section.
`Computing a checksum over the entire data packet is one of the biggest obstacles to
`low-overhead transport performance. In the case of a NAP (or any network node), either
`reliability guarantees are required from the transport layer or they are not. If this functional-
`ity is to be provided, the checksum overhead is incurred regardless of the particular protocol
`framework. If a checksum is not required or is not used by a NAP-specific protocol, then
`an IP-based stack can also eliminate this overhead. Currently, the UDP specification allows
`for non-checksummed payloads, and in the future, NAP developers could incorporate this
`functionality into their preferred transport layer protocol. Efficient checksum implementa-
`tion is discussed in Section 4.
`Our reasoning about reassembly and reliability mechanisms at the transport layer is
`much the same as for checksumming; either this functionality is needed, or the media layer
`provides sufficient guarantees to allow a simpler mechanism.
`In the former case, TCP
`has years of development lead time, in the latter case UDP provides a simple low-cost
`framework, and there is the option of developing another transport protocol to run over IP.


`3.3 Open Issues
`We classify the efforts required to achieve IP NAPs as either addressing implementation
`and system issues (discussed in Section 4), or as protocol development efforts. The latter
`includes (1) the selection, design, and development of a transport protocol and transport
`protocol options, and (2) providing support for application layer functionality.
`The transport layer issue is of practical as well as technical importance. The perceived
`lack of a suitable standard transport protocol is perhaps the most significant barrier to the
`development of IP NAPs. We have also run into this issue within the Netstation project, and
`are not 100% decided after having experimented with UDP, TCP, and our own specialized
`transport protocol designed to run over IP. The main action item is a study to decide whether
`(1) an enhanced implementation and operating system for TCP will provide sufficient per-
`formance, (2) a standardized simple reliability mechanism can be effectively provided on
`UDP, or (3) whether one of the current media-specific protocols should be brought into the
`IP framework.
`Support for high-performance application layer functions is also an open issue.
`particular, application layer framing and fast application demultiplexing may be critical
`functionality. Currently, support for these issues is minimal.
`Application layer framing is concerned with providing the efficient communication of
`application-sized data chunks (e.g. a disk block or track) using packet sizes provided by the
`lower layers. A simple case of this would be using a path MTU (maximum transmission
`unit) discovery mechanism to find that the physical network supports 20Kbyte packets, us-
`ing TCP’s Maximum Segment Size option to coordinate the transport layers, and providing
`this information to the application so it can send an integral number of its data blocks.
`However, this issue becomes more complex as application data units become larger than a
`single network packet. Application layer framing not only deals with protocol issues such
`as packet sizes and transport-layer fragmentation, but also must be integrated with other
`sources of overhead in the system such as interrupts and context switches (per network
`packet or per application data unit) and data copies often required for packet reassembly.
`Fast application-level demultiplexing and delivery is another issue, and one of the areas
`media-specific protocol stacks are addressing (e.g., Fibre Channel allows data blocks to
`be passed directly into pre-defined memory locations at a receiver, achieved by processing
`all network protocols in the host adapter). The first component of this issue is simply an
`efficient mechanism to associate an incoming packet with the expecting receiver. If there
`are thousands of open connections, a poor implementation of TCP, for example, can require
`considerable overhead to find the appropriate match on the tuple:
` source address, destination address, source port, destination port
`Implementations can use hashing or caching of recently active session to improve perfor-
`mance, but another option to examine is providing a short header “handle” that applications
`may pass back and forth. Providing for application-specific delivery or disposition of data
`is also an important area of research [9, 16, 2, 27].


`4 Implementation and System Issues
`Many of TCP/IP’s known performance problems come from outdated implementations or
`restrictions imposed from outside. In this section, we address some of those concerns in
`the context of implementing TCP/IP inside a network attached peripheral.
`Changing to larger data units can dramatically reduce the CPU load at high data rates.
`On media that support large packet sizes, the first step in reducing CPU utilization and
`increasing throughput is to increase the packet size, which IP supports. For disk drives, data
`payloads which conveniently map to file system pages, such as 4KB, may be particularly
`Much of the CPU cost of networking in general-purpose hosts comes from context
`switches and virtual memory management. With a lightweight, real memory embedded
`operating system in the NAPs, context switches are inexpensive. Without virtual mem-
`ory, maintenance of page tables, with their associated locking, mapping and protection, is
`Reduction of data-touching operations is required to achieve high performance with
`minimal CPU cost. Data touching takes two forms, data copies and checksum calculation.
`Data copies are reduced through integrated layer processing and possibly the use of
`zero-copy APIs, without the overhead of the Berkeley sockets layer. Data may be shared
`directly between the “application” (the SCSI command processor/disk drive track buffer
`manager, in the case of a disk drive) and the networking stack [8]. Fast demultiplexing of
`received data can also be used.
`The overhead of the checksum can be eliminated in several ways. The simplest but
`least desirable option is to eliminate it and depend on the LAN checksum to protect the
`data; this is common today for UDP, but does not protect data end-to-end or across network
`boundaries. Alternatively, the CPU can calculate the checksum in conjunction with a data
`copy [20]. This can generally be done for zero cost on RISC processors by putting the
`adds in the delay slots of loads and stores. The checksum can also be calculated on any
`data movement, such as the reception from the network or from the disk platter into buffer
`memory, with simple hardware modifications [11, 23].
`It is possible to store the TCP
`checksum on disk with the data by reformatting the disk with a larger sector size. Because
`the checksum is additive, storing it with each sector allows quick calculation regardless of
`the packet boundaries used for transmission.
`The remaining per-packet CPU costs can be controlled by careful use of a “fast path”
`through the system, in which the common case is optimized at the expense of unusual cases.
`For example, TCP header prediction assumes that most packets are either an in-order data
`packet or the next expected ACK, and simple optimized tests for these cases appear very
`early in the code. This improves performance for the majority of packets, but is additional
`(and redundant) processing for packets arriving out of order.
`5 Netstation Implementation Experience
`The Netstation Project has implemented prototype IP NAPs as part of its research into a
`LAN-based system architecture. We have built a display NAP based on a custom hardware
`design, and are currently completing a camera NAP based on the same hardware compo-


`nents as the display. Other NAPs, including the IP disk and keyboard, are emulated using
`SUN workstations. Netstation uses Sparc 20/71 workstations running SunOS 4.1.3 as the
`“CPU nodes” that control and access the IP NAPs.
`The remainder of this section provides a summary of the Netstation Project, and de-
`scribes our IP NAP implementations with a focus on the IP stack performance and over-
`5.1 Netstation Overview
`Netstation [10, 12] is a heterogeneous distributed system composed of processor nodes and
`peripherals (NAPs) attached to a high-speed LAN which provides high aggregate band-
`width; currently we use both a 640 Mbps Myrinet network and a 100 Mbps ethernet.
`Netstation is predicated on the observation that shared I/O buses provide poor scalabil-
`ity, and are falling behind the technology curve of high-speed LANs. By connecting periph-
`erals directly to a switched high-speed LAN, a Netstation system can avoid the shared-bus
`bottleneck. This allows Netstation components to communicate directly with each other,
`without intervention of the main system processor or server processor, e.g. a user can ini-
`tiate a disk backup to tape, and have negligible impact on a resource-intensive multimedia
`conference. This sharing of resources also creates flexibility in system configuration.
`The ultimate Netstation goal is a ubiquitous network-based architecture, but the results
`can also be applied individually to produce NAPs. The Netstation project concentrates
`on operating systems mechanisms and network protocols for NAPs. Netstation provides
`a single system image, allowing the CPU to access the NAPs in a manner as similar as
`possible to directly attached devices. Because the devices are attached to an open network
`with both trusted and untrusted nodes on the net, safe shared access and security at the
`NAPs are critical.
`Netstation has developed an abstraction we refer to as the derived virtual device, or
`DVD [25], that provides the mechanisms for safe shared device access. DVDs provide a
`protected execution context at the device, allowing direct use of the devices by untrusted
`clients, such as user applications. The owner of a device, or its managing process, specifies
`the DVD resources, DVD interface, and the security policy, then initializes this configura-
`tion at the NAP; in turn, the NAP’s DVD provides the specified interface to these resources
`and enforces the access policy. We believe that DVDs can accommodate all of the issues
`regarding shared access to NAPs, including third-party I/O transfers. Thus, a camera can
`be granted write access to a restricted region of a frame buffer, or a user application can be
`given read-only access to a DVD which represents a disk-based file or disk partition.
`Netstation has a number of IP NAP prototypes in various stages of development. A
`custom motherboard provides the basis for our Netstation display NAP, which provides a
`network-attached frame buffer interface. The display is controlled by an adapted version
`of the MIT X11R5 server, which drives its frame buffer remotely across the network. A
`camera NAP based on the same motherboard is under development. Support for third-party
`I/O, in which video will be transferred directly from the camera NAP to the display NAP, is
`a near-term goal. Netstation has also implemented an IPdisk, an emulated network-attached
`disk drive. Access to the IPdisk is made via the Virtual Internet SCSI Adapter (VISA),
`which provides a SCSI-to-DVD translation to support access to storage peripherals via the


`network. A simple keyboard NAP was also prototyped earlier in the project.
`Described below is our experience with two different IP stack implementations; a sum-
`mary of the standard SunOS IP stack performance for the IPdisk, and a more thorough
`discussion of our own TCP/IP implementation for the custom Netstation display system.
`5.2 IPdisk Performance and Issues
`IPdisk is our emulated network-attached SCSI disk drive. It currently runs as a user process
`on a Sun workstation. It provides all the mandatory commands for a SCSI direct access de-
`and others. Commands and data can be sent via either TCP connecti

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