`United States Patent and 'l‘radmnnrk (1mm
`{\(IHIJas. ggfilgleri‘gl‘fihfl FAR PATENT-‘5
`Alexandria. “mania 2"]13-1150
`Hours-phi .gm-
`371m DATE
`0111191’201 l
`SAN DIEGO, CA 92121
`Date Mailed: 02f17£2011
`It will not be examined for patentability and will
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`Vidya Narayanan, San Diego, CA;
`Sanjiv Nanda, Ramona, CA;
`Assignment For Published Patent Application
`QUALCOMM Incorporated, San Diego, CA
`Power of Attorney:
`Shyam Parekh——62767
`If Required, Foreign Filing License Granted: 02152011
`The country code and number of your priority application, to be used for filing abroad under the Paris Convention,
`is US 61/434,400
`Projected Publication Date: None, application is not eligible for pre—grant publication
`Non-Publication Request: No
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`Learning Situations via Pattern Matching
`Since the rights granted by a US. patent extend only throughout the territory of the United States and have no
`effect in a foreign country, an inventor who wishes patent protection in another country must apply for a patent
`in a specific country or in regional patent offices. Appli""" '"" '""" " "'"i‘" “" ""“ " " """""“""'
`application under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT). I
`effect as a regular national patent application in each PC
`Apple Inc. V. Qualcomm Incorporated
`Qualcomm EX. 2001
`Page 10f21
`Apple Inc. v. Qualcomm Incorporated
`Qualcomm Ex. 2001
`Page 1 of 21
`SAN DIEGO, CA 92121
`United States Patent and Trademark Office
`PO Box 1450
`Alexandria, Virgmia 22313-1450
`Date Mailed: 02/17/2011
`Receipt is acknowledged of this provisional patent application. It will not be examined for patentability and will
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`Applicant( s)
`Vidya Narayanan, San Diego, CA;
`Sanjiv Nanda, Ramona, CA;
`Assignment For Published Patent Application
`QUALCOMM Incorporated, San Diego, CA
`Power of Attorney:
`Shyam Parekh--62767
`If Required, Foreign Filing License Granted: 02/15/2011
`The country code and number of your priority application, to be used for filing abroad under the Paris Convention,
`is US 61 /434,400
`Projected Publication Date: None, application is not eligible for pre-grant publication
`Non-Publication Request: No
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`Learning Situations via Pattern Matching
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`! Attorney Docket Number
`! 103287P1
`Application Data Sheet 37 CFR 1. 76 :
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`Title of Invention I Learning Situations via Pattern Matching
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`I Attorney Docket Number ! 103287P'1
`Application Data Sheet 37CFR1.76 ,
`! AppHcation Number
`Application Information:
`I Title of the Invention
`! Leaming Situations via Pattern Matching
`---------------------~ --------
`: __ ~tto~~ey o~:~:_~Nu_~~er ----~-~~~~:~-~------------------------J Small_ Entity St~~~:--~~~!-~~-~-----Q ________ .
`Application Type
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`U.S. Palenl ;sn<J Trt<•:Jsrrwk Off•r:;e: U.S. OEPARrMENT OF COMMERCE
`Title of Invention
`learning Situaiions via Paitem Matching
`I This seclion allows for the applicant lo c!airn benefit of f;-;;;~-~~-;;~-;.>;~-~d-t~ici~~-tlf~:--~y-~~;;~foreig~-~ppH~alion for which priorlty is l.
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`Page 6 of 21
`Learning Situations via Pattern Matching
`This disclosure indudes example embodlments; however, othfo~r implementations can be
`The methodologies described herein can be implemented. by various means depending
`upon the application. For example, these methodologies can be implemented in hardware,
`firmware, softvvare, or a combination thereof. For a hardvvare implementation, the
`processing units can be implemented within one or more application specific integrated
`circuits (ASICs), digital signal processors (DSPs), digital signal processing devices (DSPDs},
`programmable logic devices (PLDs), field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), processors,
`controllers, micro-controllers, microprocessors, electronic devices, other electronic units
`designed to perform the functions described herein, or a cornbination thereof. Herein, the
`term "control logic" encompasses logic implemented by software, hardware, firmware, or a
`For a firmware and/or software implementation, the rnethodoiogies can be implemented
`with modules (e.g., procedures, functions, and so on) that perform the functions described
`herein. Any machine readable medium tangibly embodying instructions can be used in
`implementing the methodologies described herein. For example, softvvare codes can be
`stored in a memory and executed by a processing unit. Memory can be implemented
`within the processing unit or external to the processing unit. As used herein the term
`"memory" refers to any type of long term, short term, volatile, nonvolatile, or other storage
`devices and is not to be limited to any particular type of memory or number of memories,
`or type of media upon which memory is stored.
`If implemented in firmware and/or software, the functions may be stored as one or more
`instructions or code on a computer-readable medium. Examples include computer(cid:173)
`readable media encoded with a data structure and computer-readable media encoded with
`a computer program. Computer-readable media may take the form of an article of
`manufacturer. Computer-readable media includes physical computer storage media. A
`storage medium may be any available medium that can be accessed by a computer. By way
`of example, and not limitation, such computer-readable media can comprise RAM, ROM,
`EEPROM, CD-ROM or other optical disk storage, magnetic disk storage or other magnetic
`storage devices, or any other medium that can be used to store desired program code in the
`form of instructions or data structures and that can be accessed by a computer; disk and
`disc, as used herein, includes compact disc (CD), laser disc, optical disc, digital versatile disc
`(DVD), floppy disk and Blu-ray disc where disks usually reproduce data magnetically, while
`discs reproduce data optically with lasers. Combinations of the above should also be
`included within the scope of computer-readable media.
`In addition to storage on computer readable medium, instructions and/or data may be
`provided as signals on transmission media included in a communication apparatus. For
`Page 7 of 21
`example, a communication apparatus may include a transceiver having signals indicative of
`instructions and data. The instructions and data are configured to cause one or more
`processors to implement the functions outlined in the claims. That is, the communication
`apparatus includes transmission media with signals indicative of infonnation to perform
`disclosed functions. At a first time, the transmission media included in the communication
`apparatus may include a first portion of the information to perform the disclosed functi.ons,
`while at a second time the transmission media included in the communication apparatus
`may include a second portion of the information to perform the disclosed functions.
`The disclosure may be implemented in conjunction with various wireless communication
`netvvorks such as a wireless wide area network (W\VAN). a wireless local area netvvork
`(WLAN), a wireless personal area network (WPAN), and so on. The terms "network'' and
`"system" are often used interchangeably. The terms "position" and "location" are often
`used interchangeably. A WWAN may be a Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) network,
`a Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) network, a Frequency Division Multiple Access
`(FDMA) network, an Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMAJ network, a
`Single-Carrier Frequency Division Multiple Access (SC-FDMA) network, a Long Term
`Evolution (LTE) network, a WiMAX (IEEE 802.16) network and so on, A CDMA network
`may implement one or more radio access technologies (RATs) such as cdma2000,
`Wideband-CDMA (\1\T-CDMA), and so on. Cdma2000 includes IS-95, IS~2000, and lS-856
`standards. A TOMA netvvork may implement Global System for Mobile Communications
`(GSM), Digital Advanced Mobile Phone System (D-AMPS), or some other RAT GSM and W(cid:173)
`CDMA are described in documents from a consortium named "3rd Generation Partnership
`Project" (3GPPJ. Cdrna2000 is described in documents from a consortium named "3rd
`Generation Partnership Project 2" (3GPP2}. 3GPP and 3GPP2 documents are publicly
`available. A WLAN may be an IEEE 802.llx network, and a WPAN may he a Bluetooth
`network, an IEEE 802.15x, or some other type of network The techniques may also be
`implemented in conjunction with any combination ofW\1VAN, WLAN and/orWPAN.
`A mobile station refers to a device such as a cellular or other wireless communication
`device, personal communication system (PCS) device, personal navigation device (PND),
`Personal Information Manager (PIM), Personal Digital Assistant (PDA), laptop or other
`suitable mobile device vvhich is capable of receiving wireless communication and/or
`navigation signals. The tenn "mobile station" is also intended to include devices which
`communicate with a personal navigation device (PND), such as by short-range wireless,
`infrared, wireline connection, or other connection - regardless of whether satellite signal
`reception, assistance data reception, and/or position-related processing occurs at the
`device or at the PND. Also, "mobile station" is intended to include all devices, including
`wireless communication devices_, computers, laptops, etc. which are capable of
`communication with a server, such as via the Internet, Wi-Fi, or other network, and
`Page 8 of 21
`regardless of whether satellite signal reception, assistance data reception, and/or position~
`related processing occurs at the device, at a server, or at another device associated with the
`network. Any operable combination of the above are also considered a "mobile station."
`Designation that something is "optimized," "required" or other designation does not
`indicate that the current disclosure applies only to systems that are optimized, or systems
`in which the "required" elements are present (or other limitation due to other
`designations). These designations refer only to the particular described implementation.
`Of course .. many implementations are possible. The techniques can be used with protocols
`other than those discussed herein, including protocols that are in development or to be
`Pattern recognition is a commonly employed technique in supervised or unsupervised
`learning to dassify observations. Pattern recognition may be statistical or structural.
`Patterns can operate in multi-dimensional spaces vvith multiple sources of data, in which
`case, the patterns to be identified are vectors of observations in the multiple dimensions.
`More complex pattern recognition algorithms operate with templates - however, some
`prior knowledge of the domain is usually necessary to find variations that fit the general
`template. Pattern matching can require a rigid specification of the pattern to be found. A
`match implies an identical pattern found in test data. Distance metrics can be applied for
`approximate matching. Common pattern recognition algorithms work with a fixed known
`number of data sources. In an embodiment this invention deals \.Vith pattern recognition
`for unsupervised learning of situations from a variety of data sources monitored by a
`device or a collection of sensors on a device (e.g., phone), body area network and the
`Consider an Example Sensor Data Stream, E.g., sensor data stream of a typical go-to-work
`morning & return home evening
`• From 8am - 9am and from Spm - 6pm (Home -7 driving -7 park1ng Iot -7 office).
`Figure show 5-6pm.
`• Simulated sensors: accelerometer, VViFi, arnbient light, background noise
`Page 9 of 21
`Picking up patterns from a large number of sources, with an unknown and different subset of
`sources being relevant to different situations is a difficult and interesting problem. Another
`problem is identifying relevant situations and learning patterns that are correlated with
`those relevant situations. Pattern matching in multiple dimensions attempts to find
`approximate matches to a template. For detecting situations of interest, the relevant
`template may consist of some values that are fixed, e.g., motion state, and some values that
`are varying (e.g., location X to location Y)
`Pattern Identification and Analysis
`• Types of patterns:
`• Temporal Patterns: Repetitive patterns (repeating in time). However, note
`that the repetition period may be unknown (several times a day, or daily) or
`aperiodic (several times a day but at unknown times, only on weekdays, one
`day a week, etc.)
`• Action-Correlated Patterns: User's actions that can be observed or
`identified that are associated (or correlated) with certain situations (e.g,
`when ignoring calls, user may be in a "meeting" or other situations that lead
`to uninterruptible status)
`Page 10 of 21
`• Transition·Correlated Patterns: Transitions are a very important indicator
`of a significant and relevant situation. A transition in an observed context,
`e,g,, going from walking to driving is an important situation
`• Relational Patterns: Relations between contexts (e.g. context "location"
`always changes from x ~ x', y ~ y' \-vhile context "driving'' remains the
`Temporal Patterns
`• Temporal patterns are those that repeat in time
`• A pattern of values in different variables can be found at or around a given
`time of day or day of the 'llveek
`• A pattern can be found every given number of hours/rninutes
`• The pattern itself may last for a certain number of minutes/hours - it may be
`that unless the pattern lasts for a minimum amount of time, it is not an actual
`• A temporal pattern, in an example, can be said to correspond to a situation when:
`• A given subset of variables have repetitive values in time
`• However, the subset of variables that is relevant to a specific situation can be
`hard to identify, especially when the cardinality of the subset is unknown:
`Identifying a pattern in a small number of dimensions from a very
`large dimensional data space is a challenge. In the example below, the
`accelerometer, microphone and location are relevant to identifying
`the situation "running in the gym, while the time of day may change
`• Ensuring that the dimensionality is large and rich enough for the
`found patterns to correspond to interesting situations is another
`challenge and is in some respects, at odds '>-'v'ith the previous chalienge
`• Example Rule derived from observed temporal pattern
`Page 11 of 21
`. . .. . . . . . . ·--~ .... "" ..... ~
`. .,,._ ..... -"'---·· ............... , ..... , ........ , , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`/ .. Found this pattern 5 this week
`************ Begin of Pattern ............... .,..., .. ,.,..
`[sensor _id: 6
`time_stamp: 1281489300000
`context_ type: "Soundlntensity"
`context_value: "Loud"
`, sensor_id: 1
`context_ type: "PeriodicMovement"
`context_ value: "Running"
`value: .,.,
`*********U* End of Pattern ***********""**
`\ / (running_in __ gym
`' '
`(?user rdf;type http:Jfxmlns.comlfoaf foaf/0.1/Person)
`l ! (?ctO rdf:type contextlnfo#Contextlnfo)
`l !