(19) United States
`(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2002/0187794A1
`(43) Pub. Date:
`Dec. 12, 2002
`Fostick et al.
`US 2002O187794A1
`(75) Inventors: Gideon Fostick, Givat Shmuel (IL);
`Fei Yuval Shmuelevitz, Tel Aviv (IL)
`Correspondence Address:
`2100 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
`Washington, DC 20037-3213 (US)
`Appl. No.:
`May 4, 2001
`Publication Classification
`(51) Int. Cl." ....................................................... H04Q 7/20
`(52) U.S. Cl. ............................................ 455/466; 455/422
`A System and method for enabling improved management of
`SMS messages, and in particular automatic replies, forward
`ing, filtering, Saving and deleting of SMS messages on a
`wireless handset or alternative SMS enabled device. An
`SMS Center is used for managing SMS messages, an
`Auto-Reply Message Server (ARMS) stores Auto-Reply
`Messages and allows a message receiver to Set up, change,
`or delete Auto-Reply Messages, and an SMS Automatic
`Handling Server (SAHS) handles message instructions for a
`message receiver. The ARMS and SAHS may be separate
`components, a unified component, and may be operational
`Such that only one of them may be included in the System.
`ARM Server
`SMS Auto-Handling
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`Patent Application Publication Dec. 12, 2002 Sheet 1 of 2
`US 2002/0187794 A1
`ARM Server
`SMS Auto-Handling
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`Apple v. Qualcomm, IPR2018-01280
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`Patent Application Publication Dec. 12, 2002 Sheet 2 of 2
`US 2002/0187794 A1
`The MR may setup (1005) the details of one or more ARM on the ARMS. The
`ARMS stores these messages, and the MR may manage these messages.
`The MR may set up AHI (1010) on the SAHS Server (16), such as forwarding
`addresses, filtering commands and automatic deletion requests.
`The MS (10) sends an SMS message to the MR (12)
`The SMSC (14) intercepts the message and queries (1025) the ARMS for ARM, and processes
`the messages accordingly.
`The SMSC (14) intercepts the message and queries the SAHS for AHI, and processes the
`requests accordingly (1030)
`The SMSC sends (1035) the ARM to the MS and executes other available AHI
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`US 2002/0187794 A1
`Dec. 12, 2002
`0001) 1. Field of the Invention
`0002 The present invention relates to a system for allow
`ing a recipient of Short Message Service (hereinafter
`“SMS) messages to set up one or more automatic replies.
`These replies may automatically be sent back to any party
`who sends the recipient an SMS message. The invention also
`provides a framework for a variety of other automatic
`handling processes of SMS, Such as forwarding and auto
`matic deletion.
`0003 2. Description of the Related Art
`0004. The following terms are defined for background
`Automatic Handling Instruction
`ARM Automatic Reply Message
`ARMS Automatic Reply Message Server
`Message Recipient, who may be an individual, enterprise,
`service, or any other entity, and is a user and/or subscriber
`of the system.
`Message Sender, who may be an individual, enterprise, service,
`group, or any other entity.
`SAHS SMS Automatic Handling Server
`Short Message Service
`SMSC SMS Center
`0005 SMS (Short Message Service) is a service for
`Sending Small text messages of approximately 150 charac
`ters globally to other SMS enabled devices. It is supported
`by GSM and other mobile communications systems. SMS is
`Similar to paging, however, delivery of SMS messages do
`not require the mobile phone to be active and within range,
`messages are held in SMS Centers until the phone is active
`and within range. In this way SMS offers guaranteed deliv
`ery of messages. SMS messages are transmitted within the
`Same cell or to anyone with roaming Service capability. They
`can also be sent to digital phones from a Web Site equipped
`with PC Link or from one digital phone to another. Typical
`uses of SMS include interpersonal communication and noti
`fying Services to mobile phone owners. These notification
`Services include message notifications related to arrival of
`Voicemail, email and fax messages, and reminder Services,
`email interworking (this refers to allowing SMS message to
`be converted and sent as e-mail and Vice-versa); paging
`interworking, and information Services Such as weather
`reports, traffic reports, Stock quotes, exchange rates etc.
`0006 Short Message Service (SMS) is rapidly becoming
`the messaging medium of choice for larger and larger
`Segments of the public. It enables the Sending of Short text
`messages to wireleSS phones, and in this way it enables
`mobile phone users the benefits of limited functions from the
`Worlds of paging, email and instant messaging.
`0007. The popularization of SMS has also introduced a
`new chapter in information overflow. An SMS user that may
`receive messages at any time and from any device certainly
`requires a competent management tool to manage these
`messages. Existing SMS Services provide a means for for
`warding messages to users, assuming that the message
`recipient is available to receive the message. No means is
`provided for the message Sender to ascertain whether the
`recipient is actually available. A message Sent to a non
`available device, according to these existing SMS Services,
`may be stored by the SMS Center until the receiver is
`available, at which time the message may be sent. This
`guarantees delivery, however, the delay that this may cause
`may make the message irrelevant; and the delay is time
`limited before the system must drop it. There are also limits
`on the number of messages that can be Stored in this manner.
`0008 U.S. Pat. No. 5,973,613, which is incorporated
`herein by reference, describes a pager device receiving
`paging messages. The user reads a paging message, Selects
`one of a Set of Stored, predetermine reply messages, and
`transmits the Selected reply message from the pager. The
`reply signal is received by one of a set of local cellular
`receivers, which sends the received signal to a computer for
`interpretation. The computer initiates an action based on
`interpretation of the received reply Signal. This patent,
`however, refers to non-automatic replies.
`0009 U.S. Pat. No. 6,185,603, which is incorporated
`herein by reference, describes a messaging System that uses
`the Standard email Subject line to control where a message
`gets delivered, when a message gets delivered and the
`appearance of a message when it gets delivered. This
`enables a company to use its Standard intranet email System
`as a pseudo real-time messaging transport with a range of
`delivery options. Several codes control the features of the
`alerting message, and a predefined escape Sequence for use
`by the sender is recognizable by a dedicated server. This
`escape Sequence enables these codes. By placing the escape
`Sequence in a predetermined location in each message, the
`Sender indicates to the System that codes for controlling the
`features of the alerting message follow the escape Sequence.
`Using these codes, the user can then Specify when, how
`often and in what manner the alert message is displayed to
`the recipient in a window on the recipient's WorkStation. In
`addition, the Sender can attain certain aspects of message
`routing and delivery using these codes. In addition, routing
`of the message within the network can be controlled by the
`Sender in the Same manner by Specifying a particular routing
`within the Subject line of the message following the escape
`Sequence. This includes routing the message to a facsimile,
`a pager or a telephone, or Voice mail System. This is in
`addition to the normal email address used in the message.
`This patent, however, does not offer automatic replies of
`incoming messages.
`0010 U.S. Pat. No. 6,122,485, which is incorporated
`herein by reference, describes a System and method for
`confirming the receipt of a message by a meSS aging unit or
`pager. The System allows a caller to request page confirma
`tion from the Service provider. The System uses a caller
`identifier, entered by the caller at an input Source, and a
`Sequential indeX to Store and locate data relating to the page
`confirmation request in a data Structure. A page confirmna
`tion message is sent to the pager and the pager immediately
`Sends a confirmation reply message back to Service provider.
`At this point the Service provider indicates in the data
`Structure that the page was Successful. At any time, the caller
`can then access the Service provider to determine if his
`message was received by the pager. This patent, however,
`deals with receipt confirmation, and not automatically reply
`ing with true message content.
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`US 2002/0187794 A1
`Dec. 12, 2002
`0.011) Another related technology, from Novelsoft (http://
`easy implementation and operation of ones own SMS infor
`mation Services with very little effort. Accordingly, a cus
`tomer is able to access his/her information Service by
`sending a simple keyword via SMS to their server. A typical
`SMS information request occurs as follows: “your customer
`Sends an SMS message with a specific keyword to our global
`SMS access number +41 79 4002030.” However, this tech
`nology does not allow management of messages on indi
`vidual access numbers or private phone numbers.
`0012 Current Ericsson Technology
`0013 (
`2000047.pdf) offers SMS management possibilities. How
`ever this technology is a heavy, industrial grade System for
`information services such as SMS-based. It serves to high
`light the value of easy, Small-grades Solutions for the Small
`business/private subscriber. However it does not provide a
`Simple and reasonable Solution to SMS message manage
`ment. In brief, Ericsson's solution allows one to buy a
`platform and provide SMS information services. This solu
`tion does not enable end users to configure their own
`Services, on the Service provider's platform (without buying
`their own platform), but using their own phone number (as
`opposed to say Novelsoft).
`0014 ICO ( (Instant Messaging) has mes
`Sage management features that can be pre-configured to
`filter, reply etc. The ICO Software enables a user to instruct
`his or her desktop application to automatically reply to
`incoming messages, with customized response messages,
`Such as, “taking a break for half an hour”, “in a meeting” etc.
`In this way, ICO has similar functionality to conventional
`e-mail applications (such as Outlook and Exchange). These
`functions are currently available for messages Sent to Smart
`end terminals, Such as e-mail Servers and ICO terminals,
`which can implement auto-replies. This is opposed to SMS,
`that is designed for messages Sent via a transparent medium
`to a Stupid end terminal.
`0.015 There is thus a widely recognized need for, and it
`would be highly advantageous to have, a System that can
`enable an improved management of SMS messages, and in
`particular to enabling automatic replies, forwarding and
`filtering of SMS messages.
`0016. According to the present invention there is pro
`Vided a System and method for enabling improved end user
`customized management of SMS messages. This System and
`method thereby extend the functionality and power of the
`SMS Center (hereinafter “SMSC) to incorporate email-type
`automatic replies, forwarding, filtering, Saving and deleting
`of SMS messages on wireleSS handsets and other commu
`nication devices. This feature may be very useful for the
`following (and other) cases:
`0017 Automatic reply when the message receiver is
`unavailable (e.g., on vacation)
`0018 Auto reply when changing phone numbers
`0019. Other automatic-handling features include: Auto
`matic SMS forwarding, and pre-configured automatic dele
`tion of undelivered messages. Undelivered messages refer to
`messages that are kept in the hand-Set, Such as draft mes
`Sages that have not yet been sent, or expired (time-limited)
`messages that are no longer relevant to Send.
`0020. The present invention comprises the following
`0021 i. A Message Sender (MS), who initiates the
`Sending of a SMS message;
`0022 ii. A Message Recipient (MR) who receives
`the message.
`0023) iii. SMS Automatic Handling Server (SAHS),
`for handling the message management for the mes
`Sage receiver. The MR Sets up one or more Auto
`matic Handling Instructions (AHI) on the SAHS.
`0024 iv. An Auto-Reply Message Server (ARMS)
`that allows a user to Set up automated responses for
`incoming SMS messages. The ARMS has a database
`that Stores ARM messages, and a Server for Serving
`Auto-Reply Messages to the SMS Center. The MR
`Sets up one or more Auto-Reply Messages (ARM) on
`the ARMS.
`v. A SMS Center (SMSC) for managing the
`Sending and replying processes. The SAHS and/or
`the ARMS may be part of the SMS Center.
`0026. The present invention includes a method of auto
`matically replying to SMS messages, as well as a method for
`automatically managing SMS messages.
`0027 A further preferred embodiment of the present
`invention is a System for Setting up a plurality of automated
`replies by users, Such that a message receiver can configure
`the System to respond to Specific types of incoming mes
`Sages, in his/her chosen ways.
`0028. Another preferred embodiment of the present
`invention is a System for Setting up at least one alternative
`handling instruction, for enabling a user to automatically
`configure the System to respond to incoming messages by
`filtering, Saving, filing, deleting etc. Such messages.
`0029. The invention is herein described, by way of
`example only, with reference to the accompanying drawings,
`0030 FIG. 1 is a block diagram showing an embodiment
`of the invention.
`FIG. 2 is a flowchart for describing an embodiment
`of the invention.
`0032. The present invention relates to a system and
`method for better enabling users to manage SMS messages,
`by automating SMS message manipulation from the receiver
`0033 Specifically, the present invention can be used to
`automatically manage SMS messages from multiple
`Sources. This includes a mechanism for easily replying,
`forwarding, deleting, filtering and Saving these messages.
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`US 2002/0187794 A1
`Dec. 12, 2002
`0034. The following description is presented to enable
`one of ordinary skill in the art to make and use the invention
`as provided in the context of a particular application and its
`requirements. Various modifications to the preferred
`embodiment will be apparent to those with skill in the art,
`and the general principles defined herein may be applied to
`other embodiments. Therefore, the present invention is not
`intended to be limited to the particular embodiments shown
`and described, but is to be accorded the widest Scope
`consistent with the principles and novel features herein
`0035. The principles and operation of a system and a
`method according to the present invention may be better
`understood with reference to the drawings and the accom
`panying description, it being understood that these drawings
`are given for illustrative purposes only and are not meant to
`be limiting, wherein:
`0036). In FIG. 1, a Message Sender (MS) or initiator (10),
`Sends an SMS message from a Sending device to a Message
`Recipient (MR) (12), who receives the message on a receiv
`ing device. The aforementioned devices may be any com
`munications devices, including a PC, notebook, handheld
`computer, wearable computer, wireleSS phone, SMS-enabled
`device, etc.
`0037. An MR (12) sets up one or more Automatic Reply
`Messages (ARM) on an Automatic Reply Messages Server
`(ARMS) (18), and/or sets up other Automatic Handling
`Instructions (AHI) on an SMS Automatic Handling Server
`(SAHS) (16). These may include instructions to delete,
`forward, filter, and Save chosen messages. The SMS Sending
`and replying processes are managed by an SMS Center
`(SMSC) (14). ARMS (18) and SAHS (16) are components
`that may be located internally or externally to an SMSC
`(14). The ARMS (18) and SAHS (16) may be located as
`Separate entities, or as a separate Single entity. The ARMS
`(18) may alternatively be a part of the present invention,
`without the SAHS (16), and likewise the SAHS (16) may
`alternatively be a part of the present invention, without the
`ARMS (18). In order for the present invention to be opera
`tional, further development is required in an SMSC (14), in
`order to configure an SMSC to relay and receive messages
`to and from an ARMS (18) and/or SAHS (16). As is known
`in the art, an SMSC (14) transfers messages “transparently”,
`i.e. passes the messages on without any Special treatment.
`According to the present invention, an SMSC (14) is
`required to proceSS each message and query whether an
`ARM is set up, in which case an SMSC (14) initiates the
`auto-reply process. Likewise, an SMSC queries whether
`there is an AHI, and acts accordingly. In addition to these
`developments in an SMSC (14), the addition to the current
`system of an SAHS (16) and an ARMS (18) are innovations
`that add significant functionality to the current SMS system.
`The setup of the SMSC (14) incorporates a conventional
`means for routing SMS messages to an Application Server,
`known by those skilled in the art. This is a standard
`procedure, done with all MO-to-Application messages
`(Mobile Originated messages sent to external Applications).
`Accordingly, the MR (12) is provisioned in the SMSC (14)
`(or in a database accessible by the SMSC) to have his or her
`messages routed to the ARMS server (18). The SMSC (14)
`simply routes the messages to the ARMS (18), based on the
`provisioned information.
`0.038. The Process
`0039. The flowchart in FIG. 2 describes the process of
`the invention.
`0040. An MR (12) sets up (1005) one or more automated
`response messages (ARM) on an ARMS. The ARMS stores
`all the user messages, and optionally Stores all the messages
`for each Single user under his/her unique user profile. The
`MR sets up such ARMs either using a Web-based interface,
`wherein the interface is a simple HTML or other Web format
`form allowing an MR (12) to enter and confirm the ARM, or
`by sending at least one SMS message to the ARMS (18). A
`message might Say, for example, that “I'm on vacation for
`the week, contact me May 1st”, and the MR would send it
`to the phone number associated with the ARMS (18), e.g.
`+97254-4-REPLIES. Thus the MR (12) sets up the ARM. An
`additional empty message to the same number would cancel
`the ARM. An ARMS (18) may be either a standalone server
`or part of an SMSC (14).
`0041) The MS (10) sends an SMS message to the MR
`(12) (1020), via an SMS Center (14). The SMSC (14)
`intercepts the message and queries (1025) the ARMS for
`ARMS, and processes the messages accordingly. If there is
`no ARM, the message is sent directly to the MR (12). If there
`is one ARM, the ARM is sent to the SMSC (14). The SMSC
`(14) sends the ARM, and optionally the original message, to
`the MS (10).
`0042 A message sent to the MR (12) that causes the
`System to Send one or more reply messages (ARMs) is
`referred to as a “trigger message'. If there are multiple
`ARMS, each ARM is assigned a unique or Single "key'.
`Optionally a Single key can enable triggering of Several
`reply messages, Such as in the case where a long message is
`broken up into a Series of SMS messages. These keys
`correlate reply messages (ARMs) with trigger messages. In
`other words, the keys identify trigger messages and the
`ARMS that are to be sent in response to these trigger
`messages. One or more ARMS can be sent in reply to a single
`trigger message. This correlation is preferably accomplished
`by Storing triggering text or data, as well as the reply
`message, in a key data Structure, Such as a table. The ARMS
`(18) looks up the trigger in such a table in order to find the
`corresponding ARM(s). Upon finding one or more matching
`key data structures, the ARMS (18) extracts the ARM(s)
`from the matching key data structure(s) and forwards the
`ARM(s) to the SMSC(14). For instance, the key “w” may
`cause an ARM describing the weather to be sent, and the key
`“n” may cause an ARM describing the news to be sent. In
`both these cases, the text of the ARM is currently predeter
`mined by the MR (12).
`0043. These responses and keys are created and managed
`by a receiver/user of a SMS enabled wireless handset, by a
`Web-based HTML (or other format type) form allowing the
`entry of Several pairs of keys and asSociated messages, or by
`sending SMS messages to an ARMS (18) (e.g. “key w reply
`Cloudy” and “key n reply Peace talks stalled”). The relevant
`software for running an ARMS (18) and SAHS (16) is
`located on a mobile Server, and therefore is not a require
`ment for the client device. The Software provides a mecha
`nism to enable multiple users to Set up and manage multiple
`accounts/mailboxes/keys. For example, it enables a user to
`Set up, change, or delete ARM messages. An MR (12) may
`choose whether to configure an ARMS (18) to send the
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`US 2002/0187794 A1
`Dec. 12, 2002
`original message to the MR (12) when the MR (12) is
`available. The system of the present invention enables the
`configuring of different preferences for different MRS on the
`same system. An ARMS (18) may also be set up as a part of
`an SMSC (14). The ARMS (18) elects the appropriate ARM
`and returns both the chosen ARM and the original message
`back to the SMSC (14). The SMSC (14) sends the chosen
`ARM, and optionally the original message, to the MS (10).
`0044) An ARMS (18) receives one or more ARMs from
`an MR (12) by some interface (e.g. those described above)
`and places the ARM in a list or database. The list describes
`the ARM message (or messages, each message associated
`with a key) associated with each MR phone number who is
`using the service. An ARMS (18) can receive ARM update
`change requests (replace the old message associated with an
`MR (12) with a new message) or delete requests (remove the
`ARM associated with an MR (12) phone number). An
`ARMS (18) may answer to queries from an SAHS (16). A
`query is of the form “what is the ARM associated with phone
`number XXX, triggered by key KKK” and the ARM
`responds either with the appropriate ARM or with a message
`signifying “There is no ARM for that number”. This soft
`ware is developed by Standard Software tools Such as Java
`and Oracle database Software, and can reasonably be devel
`oped by one skilled in the art. An MR (12) may manage the
`messages in an ARMS (18), by means Such as canceling an
`ARM, by a similar process as that described above.
`0.045. In a further embodiment of the present invention,
`an MR (12) sets up alternative handling instructions (AHI)
`(1010) on an SAHS (16), as can be seen in FIG. 2. These
`AHI (1010) may include, for instance, forwarding the
`received SMS messages to another address, deletion of the
`accumulated undelivered messages (due to the MR being
`unavailable to the network or having a full inbox on the
`handset) in an SMSC (14), Saving particular messages in
`personalized folders (such as Saving all messages from a
`Superior in a folder marked “urgent'), filtering instructions
`about which SMS messages to accept, which to reject and
`what to do with them (for example, rejecting all SMS
`messages that are 3 days old, or all SMS messages from a
`particular Source) etc. An SAHS (16) may also be set up as
`a part of an SMSC (14), or may be implemented jointly with
`an ARMS (18), in a common software element. According
`to this embodiment, once an MR (12) has set up his or her
`personal preferences, via a web-based provisioning inter
`face, for example, on an SAHS (16), the SMS messaging
`process is executed as follows: An MS (10) sends an SMS
`message to an MR (12) (1020). In the cases where the MR
`(12) is not available, or chooses to filter incoming messages,
`the SMSC (14) intercepts the message and queries (1025) an
`SAHS (16) to determine whether there is an Alternative
`Handling Instruction (AHI). If there is no AHI, the SMSC
`(14) passes on the message directly to the MR (12). If there
`is one AHI, the SAHS (16) sends that AHI to the SMSC (14).
`If there is more than one AHI, the SMSC (14) sends the
`ARMS (18) the original message sent by the MS (10), and
`the ARMS (18) uses the message contents as a key to choose
`the appropriate AHI, and Subsequently returns the appropri
`ate AHI to the SMSC (14). The service, for example, may be
`limited to human MS. In this example, only Mobile-Origi
`nated SMS messages may receive the auto-reply, while
`machine-originated SMS messages (such as voicemail noti
`fication messages) may not receive an Auto-reply. Messages
`are commonly identifiable by the originating phone number,
`which is thus utilized for filtering purposes. In this and other
`ways, Subscribers may manage and filter SMS messages,
`according to pre-configured personalized alternative han
`dling instructions. The SMSC (14) executes the AHI accord
`ingly. Examples of Such executions include customized
`forwarding of messages to individuals and/or groups, delet
`ing messages, Storing messages and filtering messages
`according to chosen criteria. The SMSC (14) may or may not
`Send the original message to the MR (12), depending on the
`setup of the AHIs and/or ARMs.
`0046 Advantages of the Invention
`0047 The Auto-reply service according to the present
`invention allows an MR (12) to easily and automatically
`inform an MS (10) that the MR is unavailable, and in this
`case to automatically inform the MS (10) how to alterna
`tively contact the MR (12). This could be useful, for
`example, to inform an MS (10) that an MR (12) is on
`vacation, that an MR (12) has discontinued the use of the
`mobile phone Service, or has moved to a new mobile
`telephone number, or is available on a regular phone, Via
`email or instant messaging etc. Furthermore, this Service
`enables SMS users to manage, Store, automatically delete,
`reply and forward SMS messages, by means of an interface
`with control options, Similarly to that of common email
`interfaces that enable users to configure their email rules.
`The service also allows SMS subscribers to simply and
`easily Set up one or more messages that will constitute an
`information provision Service. For instance, Sending “w”
`will give back the current weather forecast in response, and
`sending “n” will give back the news.
`0048. The AHI framework provides an MR with addi
`tional functionality such as SMS forwarding to an MR's (12)
`new mobile number, and deletion of unsent SMS messages
`that have accumulated on an SMSC (14), e.g. as a result of
`extended unavailability of an MR (12).
`0049. The present invention is innovative in extending
`the functionality of SMS without changing the end-user
`hardware or Software. The proprietary Software components
`of the present invention reside on an SMSC (14), SAHS (16)
`and ARMS (18), and are transparent to the end user. The
`present invention easily allows a user to Set up an interactive
`and manageable SMS-based information service.
`0050. Several other embodiments are contemplated by
`the inventors. For example, a System enabling users to
`automatically delete certain messages from the Server, or
`forward messages to other (voice-based) devices. A System
`may also be provided for enabling users to configure SMS
`replies for group SMS messages. A System may also be
`provided for enabling customized storage and filing of SMS
`messages. These alternative embodiments are executable
`using the customized programming facilities of the SAHS,
`whereby a user Sets up pre-configured rules and preferences.
`0051. The foregoing description of the embodiments of
`the invention has been presented for the purposes of illus
`tration and description. It is not intended to be exhaustive or
`to limit the invention to the precise form disclosed. It should
`be appreciated that many modifications and variations are
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`US 2002/0187794 A1
`Dec. 12, 2002
`possible in light of the above teaching. It is intended that the
`scope of the invention be limited not by this detailed
`description, but rather by the claims appended hereto.
`What is claimed is:
`1. A System for managing at least one SMS message by at
`least one message receiver, comprising:
`i. an SMS Center (SMSC) for handling and processing the
`at least one SMS message for the at least one message
`ii. an Auto-Reply Message Server (ARMS) for storing
`and managing at least one Auto-Reply Message for the
`message receiver.
`2. The system of claim 1, further comprising an SMS
`Automatic Handling Server (SAHS) for handling at least
`one message instruction for the message receiver.
`3. The system of claim 2, wherein said SAHS is located
`within said SMSC.
`4. The system of claim 1, wherein said ARMS is located
`within said SMSC.
`5. The system of claim 1, wherein said ARMS includes:
`a mechanism for enabling Said at least one message
`receiver to Set up and manage at least one automatic
`reply message;
`a database for maintaining Said at least one automatic
`reply message for Said at least one message receiver;
`a Server for Serving Said at least one automatic reply
`message to said SMSC.
`6. The system of claim 2, wherein said SAHS includes:
`a. a mechanism for enabling Said message receiver to Set
`up and manage at least one alternative handling instruc
`b. at least one database for maintaining Said at least one
`alternative handling instruction for Said at least one
`message receiver; and
`c. a server for Serving Said at least one alternative han
`dling instruction to said SMSC.
`7. A System for managing at least one SMS message by at
`least one message receiver, comprising:
`i. an SMS Center (SMSC) for handling the at least one
`SMS message for the at least one message receiver; and
`ii. an SMS Automatic Handling Server (SAHS) for
`executing at least one message instruction for the at
`least one message receiver.
`8. The system of claim 7, wherein said SMSC includes an
`Auto-Reply Message Server (ARMS) for storing and man
`aging at least one Auto-Reply Message for the at least one
`message receiver.
`9. A System for managing at least one SMS message by at
`least one message receiver, comprising:
`i. an SMS Center (SMSC) for handling at least one SMS
`message for at least one Said message receiver; and
`ii. a component including an Auto-Reply Message Server
`(ARMS) for storing and managing at least one Auto
`Reply Message for Said message receiver, and an SMS
`Automatic Handling Server (SAHS), for handling at
`least one message instruction for Said message receiver.
`10. The system of claim 9, wherein said ARMS and said
`SAHS are separate entities.
`11. A method of automatically replying to SMS messages,
`i. Setting up at least one automated reply message on an
`Automated Reply Message Server (ARMS);
`ii. querying said ARMS in response to receiving an SMS
`message, to determine whether there is at least one
`automated reply message to be executed, by an SMS
`iii. where there is no automated reply message, Sending
`said SMS message to said SMS message's destination,
`by said SMS center;
`iv. if there is an automated reply message, Sending Said
`automated reply message to Said SMS center, by Said
`ARMS; and
`V. if there is more than one automated reply message,
`sending to said ARMS said SMS message, such that
`Said message acts as a key for choosing an appropriate

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