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`Qualcomm Exhibit 2023
`Apple v. Qualcomm, IPR2018-01279
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`Qualcomm Exhibit 2023
`Apple v. Qualcomm, IPR2018-01279
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`Qualcomm Exhibit 2023
`Apple v. Qualcomm, IPR2018-01279
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`Qualcomm Exhibit 2023
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`Leese etibeoe
`composing stick
`complexional @ compound fracture
`the department in a printing office wh,
`composing room n (1737):
`; overall aspect or character toy changing the ~ of the legislative
`typesetting andrelated operations are performed
`branch —Trevor Armbrister) — comeplex-ion-al
`\-shnal, -sha-n°l\
`composing stick n (1679)
`: a tray
`adj — com-plex-ioned \-shand\ adj
`with an adjustable slide that a compos-
`complex-iety \kam-'plek-sa-te, kiim-\ , pl -ties (1685) Ez the qual-
`itor holds in one hand and sets type
`into with the other
`ity or state of being semniples 2: something complex
`complex number # (1860):
`anumberof the forma + by —
`I where
`‘com-pos-ite \kim-"pa-zot, kam", esp
`eand b are real numbers
`Brit *kam-po-zit\ adj ([L compositus, Pp,
`complex plane n (ca. 1909): a plane whose points are identified by
`of compar
`(1563) 1: made up of
`means of complex numbers; esp + ARGAND DIAGRAM
`distinct parts:
`‘acap: relating to or
`com-pli-ance \kom-'pli-an(t)s\ n (1647)
`1 a: the act of propess of
`being a modification of the Corinthian
`complying to a desire, demand, or proposal or to coer cion
`b+ confor-
`order combining angular Ionic volutes
`mity in fulfilling official requirements
`2 : a disposition to yield to
`with the acanthus-circled bell of the
`others 3: the ability of an object to yield elastically when a force is
`Corinthian b: of or relating
`loa very
`applied : FLEXIBILITY
`large family (Compositae) of dicotyle-
`com-plivameey \-on(t)-se\, 4 (1643) : COMPLIANCE
`donous herbs, shrubs, and trees often
`compliant \-ant\ adj (1642) : ready or disposed to comply : SUBMIS.
`sive— comeplicantely adv
`plants and characterized by
`considered to be the most highly evolved
`florets arranged in dense heads that resemble single flowers
`ce: factor,
`com-pli-ca:cy \'kiim-pli-ko-sé\ 1, pl -cies (complicate) (ca. 1828)
`able into two of more prime factors other than I and itself (8 is a pog,
`z ths suality or state of being complicated 2: something that ts com-
`tive ~ integer) 2: combining the typical or essential characterisijes
`uals making up @ group (the ~ mancalled the Poet —Rich,
`icom-pli-cate \'kiim-plokat\ vi -eateed; -cat-ing (1621)
`1+ to com-
`bine esp. in an involved or inextricable manner 2: to mak complex
`3 of a
`statistical hypothesis ; specifying a range Of values
`for one or morestatistical parameters — compare SIMPLE 10 — com.
`or difficult 3+ INVOLVE: esp:
`to cause to be more complex orsevere Ca
`pos-ite-ly ady
`virus disease complicated by bacterial infection?
`tcomposite n (1656) 1; something composite ; COMPOUND 2 ; 3
`2¢om-pli-cate \-pli-kot\ adj [L complicatus, pp. of complicare to fold
`composite plant 3: ComPosiTE FUNCTION. 4: a solid material which js
`together, fr. com- +- plicare to fold — more at pey] (1638) 1: com
`composed of two or more substances having different physical charag.
`teristics and in which each substance retains its identity while contrib.
`com-pli-eat-ed \'kiim-pla-ka-tad\ adj (1656) 1: consisting of parts
`uting desirable properties to the whole; esp ta structural material
`intricately combined 2: difficult to analyze, understand, or explain
`made of plastic within which a fibrous material {as silicon carbide) jg
`comvpli-cat-ed-ly adv — com-pli-catved-ness 1
`com-pli-castion \,kiim-pla-ké-shan\ n (5c)
`Jcomposite vi -ited; -it-ing (1923): to make composite or into some.
`CACY: esp + a situation or adetail of character complicating the main
`thing composite (composited four soil samples)
`thread of a plot
`b za making difficult, involved, or intricate
`¢ = @
`composite function 1 (1965): a function whose values are found from
`complex or intricate feature or element d+ a difficult factor or issue
`often appearing unexpectedly and changing existing plans, methods, or
`two given functions by applying one function to an inependent vari:
`able and then applying the secend function to the result and whose
`20: secondary disease or condition developing in the
`domain consists of those values of the independent variable for which
`course of a primary disease or condition
`the result yielded by thefirst function lies in the domain of the second
`com:plice \'kim-plas, "kam-\.n (ME,Ir, MF, fr. LL complic-, complex,
`fr. L, closely connected,fr. complicare] (5c) archaic: ASSOCIATE
`com-po-sietion \,kam-pa-"zi-shan\ n [ME composicioun, fr. MF compo.
`sition, ft. L composition-, compositio, fr. componere] (4c)
`1 a: theast
`com-plic-it \kam-pli-sat\ adj (1973) : having complicity
`conrplic-it-ous \-'pli-sa-tas\ adj (1860): CoMPLICIT
`or process of composing; specif: arrangement into specific proportion
`or relation and esp. into artisticform b (1): the arrangementof type
`1 : association
`complicity \kam-'pli-s(o-Mé\ mm, pl -ties (ca. 1656)
`for printing ¢hand ~)
`(2): the Brochslion of type or typographic
`oF participation in or as ifin a wrongful act 2: an instance of com-
`characters (as in Photocomposition) arrangedfor printing 2 a; the
`manner in which something is composed
`b : general makeup ¢the
`com-pli-er \-'pli(-a)c\ (1660) ¢ one that complies
`‘eom-pliement \"kim-pla-mant\ a [F, fr. [t complimento, fr. Sp cunt
`changing ethnic ~ of the city —Leonard Buder> e+ the qualitative
`plimiento, tr. cumplir to be courteous — more at COMPL)
`(esa Ila
`and quantitative makeup of a chemical compound 3: mutual settle
`ment or agreement
`472 a product of mixing or combining various
`; an expression of esteem, respect, affection, or admiration; esp tan
`elements or ingredients 5: an intellectual creation: as a; a piece of
`admiring remark b: formal and respectful recognition + HOwoR 2 pl
`+ best wishes: REGARDS (accept my ~s> (~s of the season)
`writing; esp; a school exercise in the formof a brief essay b+ a writ:
`2¢om-pli-ment \-,ment\ vt (1735) 1: to pay acompliment to 25 to
`ten piece of music esp. of considerable size and complexity 6; the
`present with a token of esteem
`quality or state of being compound 7; the operation of forming 4
`com-pliamen-tasry \,kim-pla-'men-t(a-)ré\ adj (1716) oat express-
`composite function; alsa : COMPOSITE FUNCTION — com-po:si-tional
`\zish-nal, -zi-sha-n'l\ adj — com»po-sietion-alely adv
`ingor containing a compliment b: FAVORABLE (the tiovel received ~
`com-pose-tor \kam-"pé-zo-tar\ n (1569): one whosets type
`reviews) 2: given free as a courtesy or favor é~ tickets> — compli-
`com-pos mentis \'kiim-pas-'men-tes\ adj {L, lit. having mastery oof
`memtarily \“men-t(d-)ro-lé, atoimneanter-o:8 adv
`one’s mind] (1616): of sound mind, memory, and understanding
`complimentary close n (1919) ;
`the words (as sincerely yours) that
`conventionally come immediately before the signature of a letter and
`leomepost \'kiim-,post, espBrit past n[MF,fr. ML composturt,ftly
`neut, of compositics, compostus, pp, of componere] (1587) 2: a mixture
`express the sender's regard for the receiver — called also complimen-
`tary closing
`that consists Iurgely of decayed organic matter and is used for fertilize
`ing and conditioning land 2: MIXTURE, COMPOUND
`com-pline \'kim-plon, -plin\ 1, after cap [ME compline, complie, fr.
`OF complie, modif. of LL completa, tr. L, fem. of campletus complete]
`Zeompost vt (1829):
`to convert (as plant debris) to compost
`(L3e): He seventh and last of the canonical hours
`com-po.sure \kam-'po-zhar\ n (1647) : a calmness of repose esp: of
`leom-plot \‘kam-plat\ n [MF complot crowd, plot] (1577) archaic
`mind, bearing, or appearance ! SELF-POSSESSION=S¥n sect EQUANIMITY
`compote \'kim-pot\ 1 [F, fr. OF composte, fr, L composta,
`fent- of
`Icom-plot \kom-'plit, kam-\, vb (1579) archaic: PLor
`compostus, pp.] (1693) 1: a dessert of fruit cooked in syrup 2 i
`comply \kam-'pli\ vi com-plied; com-ply-ing [It complire fr. Sp
`bowlof glass, porcelain, or metal usu, witha base and stem fromwhic!
`cumplir to complete, perform what is duc, be courteous, modil. of L
`compotes,fruits, nuts, or sweets are served
`complére to complete] (1602)
`1 obs ; to be ceremoniously courteous
`Jcom-pound \kim-'paind, kam-, 'kém-, vb [ME compounen, fr M
`2: to conformor adapt one’s actions to another's wishes, toa rule, o1
`fr. L componere, fr. com- + ponere to put — more at er
`to necessity
`TION] vi (i4e)
`1+ to put together (parts) so as to form a whole + on
`com-po\'kiim-(,)po., 1,
`/ compos [short for composition) (1823): any
`BINE¢~ ingredients) 21 to form by combining parts (~ a medicine’
`of various composition
`to settle amicably : adjust
`by agreement
`b ;
`to agree for
`‘component \kom-'p6-nant, "kiim-, kéim-'\ nm (L component-, compo-
`consideration not to prosecute (an offense) (~ a felony) 4 8? a 4
`nens, prp. of componere to pul together — more at COMPOUND) (1645)
`(interest) on bath the accrued interest and the principal b: to a at
`1: aconstituent part: INGREDIENT 2 a: anyoneof the vectorterms
`: AUGMENT (we ~ed our error in later policy —Robert Lekachnt ne
`added to form a vector sum or resultant
`b } a coordinate of a vector;
`—~ vi
`1+ to become joined in a compound 2: to come to ternaS
`also + either member of an ordered pair of numbers Syvi see ELEMENT
`agreement — com-poundsable \-'paun-do-bal, -patin-\ adj — ©
`— com-po-nen-tial \,kim-po-'nen(t)-shal\ adj
`Icomponent adj (1664) + serving or helping to constitute : CONSTITU-
`reom-pound \'kiim-,paind, kiim-', kam-"\ adj [ME compouned. BPsiy
`compounen] (14¢) 1: composed of or resulting from union & Srila
`‘eonuport \kam-'port, -"part\ vb [MEF comporter to beur, conduct, fr. L
`ingredients, Or parts: as a: composed of unite
`comportare to bring together, fr. com-
`+- paortare to carry — more at
`elements esp. of a kind usu. independent fa -~ plant ovary)
`ape a
`FARE] vi (1589) :
`to be fitting + ACCORD <actions that ~ with policy>
`the blade divided to the midrib and forming two or moreleaflets
`~ yi: BEHAVE; esp: to behave in a manner conformable to what
`commonaxis a ~ leaf} 2: involving or used in a combination wo of
`right, proper, or expected (~ed himself well
`in the crisis
`sys see
`af @ word : constituting a compound b of a sentence + havin’ e
`HEHAVE — Com-port-ment \-mont\ ni
`more main clauses
`of com:
`igom-port \kim-port, «port\ n (1771): COMPOTE 2
`Jcompound \'kém-,padnd\ (1530)
`1 my a word consistinB” Fg
`com-pose \kam-'paz\ vb com-posed; com-pos-ing [ME, fr. MF com-
`ponents that are words (as rowboat, high school, devil-may-care rious
`poser, tr. L componere (pecf. indic. composut) — more at COMPOUND]vt
`word(as anthropology, kiloeyele, builder) consisting of any 9 visi
`1 a: toform by putting together ; FASHION (a committee com-
`combinations of words, combining forms, or affixes 2 : SOMance
`posed of three representatives —Current Biog:>
`to form the sub-
`formed by a union of clements or parts; esp t @ distinct 3U te pre
`stance of : CONSTITUTE (composed of many ingredients) ¢; to produce
`formed by speiee union of two or more ingredients in deli
`(as columns or pages of type) by composition 2 a: to create by men-
`portion by weight
`tal or artistic labor: propucE<~ asonnet) b (1): to formulate and
`4com-pound \'kim-,paind\ A Ib folk etymology fr. Malay kari
`write (a piece of music)
`(2): to
`compose music for 3; to deal with
`group of buildings,
`village] (16 3 : a fenced or Walled-in are@ ©
`or act on So as to reduce to a minimum <~ their differences)
`4% to
`ing a group of buildingsatid esp. residences
`wo of moe
`arrange in proper or orderly form $; to free from agitation > CALM.
`compound—complex adj (1923) of a sentence : having ¢
`SETTLE(composed aah ™~ vit to practice composition
`main clauses and one or more subordinate clauses
`of mally,
`com-posed \-'pézd\ adj
`(1607); free fromagitation : CALM) esp? SELF.
`compound eye 1 (1836): an eye (as of an insect) made uP
`POSSESSED sy'n See COOL — com-pos-edely\-'po-zad-1e\ ady —com-
`pos-ed-ness \-'pd-zad-nas\
`seperate visual units
`tala ope
`compound fract
`n (1543) sa bone fracture resulting 1
`com-posser \kam-'p6-zar\ 1 (1597): one that composes; esp: a person
`whowrites music
`wound through which bone fragments usu. protrude
`Qualcomm Exhibit 2023
`Apple v. Qualcomm, IPR2018-01279
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`Qualcomm Exhibit 2023
`Apple v. Qualcomm, IPR2018-01279
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