`Frank Fronczak, Ph.D. - June 6, 2019
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` Petitioner,
` )
` )
` )
` ) IPR No.
` )
` vs. ) 2018-00936
` )
` )
` Patent Owner. )
` )
` Washington, D.C.
` June 6, 2019
`GregoryEdwards, LLC | Worldwide Court Reporting
` | 866-4Team GE
` 1
`Exhibit 1023
`Intuitive v. Ethicon


`Frank Fronczak, Ph.D. - June 6, 2019
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` Deposition of FRANK FRONCZAK, Ph.D., held
`at the offices of:
` Weil Gotshal & Manges, LLP
` 2001 M Street, NW, Suite 600
` Washington, D.C. 20036
` Taken pursuant to notice before Tina M.
`Alfaro, a Notary Public within and for the District
`of Columbia.
`3 4
`7 8
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` One Marina Park Drive
` Boston, Massachusetts 02210
` (617) 542-5070
` 2001 M Street, NW, Suite 600
` Washington, D.C. 20036
` (202) 682-7000
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` | 866-4Team GE


`Frank Fronczak, Ph.D. - June 6, 2019
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` I N D E X
` By Mr. Katz 5
` ******
`Exhibit 1001 '658 Patent 41
`Exhibit 1003 Knodel declaration 88
`Exhibit 1004 Wales reference 180
`Exhibit 1006 Tierney patent 72
` application
` publication
`Exhibit 2005 Fronczak declaration 6
`Exhibit 2008 Article 127
`Exhibit 2013 '320 Patent 121
` ******
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`Frank Fronczak, Ph.D. - June 6, 2019
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` (Witness sworn.)
`called as a witness herein, having been first duly
`sworn, was examined and testified as follows:
` Q. Welcome, Dr. Fronczak. Could you spell
`your name for the record.
` A. Sure. F-R-O-N-C-Z-A-K.
` Q. And do you understand that you're here to
`testify regarding IPR 2018-00936?
` A. I -- the numbers don't ring a bell, but I
`presume that you've got it correct.
` Q. Okay. Well, do you understand that you're
`here to testify about an IPR concerning the
`'658 Patent?
` A. Yes, I do.
` Q. Okay. Great. And you believe you're an
`expert in the relevant field of the'658 Patent?
` A. I believe I am, yes.
` Q. And what do you generally view that field
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`to be?
` A. Surgical devices, in general surgical
`devices. I think I have some of this in my report.
`Would you mind giving me a copy of my report
`because it will help refresh my memory as we go
`along. I'm sorry, declaration, not a report.
` Q. Yeah. I had that out here a moment ago.
`I think it's 2005. So I'm going to hand you what
`has been previously marked as Exhibit 2005 which
`is, I believe, your declaration; is that correct?
` A. Looks like it, yes.
` Q. Okay. So feel free to reference that. So
`my question is, again, what do you view the field
`to be at issue in this proceeding?
` MR. PEPE: Object to form.
` A. The broad field is surgical -- surgical
`devices, and then in particular this particular
`device -- let's just leave it as surgical devices
`as the broad field.
` Q. Can you just tell me what is the basis for
`your expertise in surgical devices?
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`Frank Fronczak, Ph.D. - June 6, 2019
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` A. Well, a variety of things. I'm a retired
`professor, title is emeritus professor. I was a
`professor of mechanical and biomedical engineering
`at the University of Wisconsin, Madison for about
`30 years or so. During that time I taught courses
`in mechanical design. I also instituted and taught
`a sequence of courses in biomedical engineering
`design of devices. Some of those devices that we
`designed, the students with my supervision designed
`was -- were surgical devices.
` I also am -- have been and am currently
`the principal mechanical design advisor for Marvel
`Medtech, LLC, which is a small, relatively early
`startup firm. In time we've been doing this for --
`working on this for several years, but I still
`consider us a startup firm working on a surgical
`device, minimally invasive robotic surgical device.
`So that work certainly is particularly relevant.
` I've also worked on projects both in
`conjunction with my teaching as well as my research
`in advising grad students in the area of robotics,
`some haptics surgical devices, for example. Marvel
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`Medtech is an outgrowth of a product that we
`designed, a minimally invasive MRI image-guided
`breast cancer biopsy needle-positioning device.
`We've extended beyond that instead of just doing it
`for taking biopsies, but also extending on into
`doing treatment of the tumors.
` We also -- I've also worked on a liver
`biopsy tool, surgical device, an intracranial
`router for infant surgery -- an intracranial -- I'm
`sorry -- a router for intracranial surgery on
`infants. I've also worked on a goniometer which
`was used for control -- providing input for control
`of a robotic hand. I've worked on meso scale,
`that's M-E-S-O scale, hydraulic systems for robotic
`applications, particularly a high torque, low speed
`harmonic drive hydraulic motor. I've worked on a
`continuum hydraulic pneumatic actuator.
` I don't think I've captured everything,
`but I think I've given you pretty much most of what
`is relevant. Oh, there's another one comes to
`mind. I worked on an intramedullar bone
`lengthening device.
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` Q. All right. And so you mentioned a lot of
`robotics in there. Do you view the '658 Patent as
`being limited to robotics?
` A. No. No. I didn't mean to -- there were a
`lot of things in there that I talked about that
`were not robotics as well.
` Q. And so in the Marvel Medtech company, do
`you view that as a company that is or is going to
`be in competition with Intuitive Surgical?
` MR. PEPE: I'm going to object and, Frank,
`caution you this is a public record. So be careful
`in terms of your response and any confidential
`information of that company.
` A. I don't know what all Intuitive's plans
`are. So I don't know if we would be in competition
`with them.
` Q. Okay. Setting aside Intuitive's plan,
`based on what Intuitive Surgical does today, does
`Marvel Medtech intend to develop robots that would
`be sold in competition to what Intuitive Surgical
`is offering today?
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` A. You know, I couldn't say, and I couldn't
`say -- on the basis of two reasons I couldn't say.
`Partly because our plans are continuously evolving
`with Marvel Medtech, we're still in relatively
`early stages, we're still deciding what we're going
`to do and how we are going to proceed with our
`device, and furthermore, I don't know the details
`of all that Intuitive is doing in this particular
` Q. Are you familiar with the Intuitive
`da Vinci robot?
` A. Let me back up and add to that just a
`little bit, elaborate on this. I don't see us in
`direct competition, although that does not mean
`that it couldn't happen or that there might be
`something that Intuitive is doing that I'm not
`aware of. But I'm not aware of any direct
`competition that we have with our device with what
`Intuitive is doing.
` Q. Are you familiar with the Intuitive
` A. I'm generally familiar with the Intuitive
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`da Vinci system robot.
` Q. Which one are you referring to?
` A. Well, which model number you're saying?
` Q. What time period?
` A. Oh, I'm generally aware of it from
`probably over the last ten years or so, give or
` Q. Okay. Have you ever actually used one?
` A. No, I have not.
` Q. Have you ever physically seen one?
` A. I may have. I don't recall specifically
`if I have or not.
` Q. All right. And so where -- where does the
`general familiarity come from?
` MR. PEPE: Object to form.
` Q. I'll ask it again. You say you're
`generally familiar with the da Vinci robot. Where
`does your information come from?
` A. Published information, conversations with
`surgeons. I guess that would be it.
` Q. Okay. And is some of the published
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`information including the exhibits that you cite in
`your declaration that refer to the da Vinci robot?
` A. Well, that would be included, but I don't
`know if there's anything particularly new that I've
`seen. Perhaps there is, but, once again, you know,
`I'm generally -- have been generally familiar with
`it. I've been working in the area of medical
`devices for several years, and so part of that is
`to become familiar with what's going on. Not
`necessarily intimately familiar, but at least
`generally familiar.
` Q. Do you consider yourself to be an expert
`in robotics?
` A. Well, I consider myself to be an expert in
`the robotics sufficiently to be able to assess the
`'658 Patent and the technology associated with the
`'658 Patent.
` Q. And the '658 Patent in addition to robotic
`embodiments has kind of handheld surgical
`instrument embodiments as well?
` A. I would have phrased it differently. I
`would say it has handheld surgical instruments and
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`in addition it has robotics, yes.
` Q. Do you believe that your expertise extends
`to handheld surgical instruments as well as robotic
`surgical instruments?
` A. Yes, I believe that would be correct. As
`I said, Marvel Medtech is a robotic medically-
`invasive surgical device, and so certainly
`they're -- I'm intimately familiar with our system.
` Q. Actually, I was referring to the handheld
`piece. Do you consider yourself to be an expert in
`just nonrobotic handheld surgical instruments?
` A. I believe that my expertise includes
`handheld surgical devices as well.
` Q. Have you ever designed a handheld surgical
` A. Certainly the liver biopsy tool is a
`handheld device. The intracranial router for
`infant surgery is a handheld device as well.
` Q. And what year was, if you know, the liver
`biopsy tool developed or over what period of years?
` A. I don't recall. It's been several years
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` Q. A lot -- in this deposition we're going to
`be talking a lot about what people would have known
`in 2006, which was before the earliest priority
`date of the '658 Patent.
` A. I thought it was 2007.
` Q. I'm saying -- I'm picking the year before
` A. Oh, okay. Okay.
` Q. So I'll be using 2006 because we know
`that's before --
` A. Okay.
` Q. -- the 2007 date of the '658 Patent. Do
`you know if the liver biopsy tool you designed was
`before or after 2006?
` A. I don't recall.
` Q. What about the cranial router tool?
` A. I don't recall.
` Q. Can you tell me a little bit about what
`the liver biopsy tool was physically?
` A. Well, it's a tool for taking biopsies of
`suspect tissue in livers, and in particular there's
`an issue with cauterization and a large -- part of
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`the work that I was focusing on at that time was
`including -- was looking at the cauterization
`issues associated with that tool.
` Q. Did the tool have like some kind of a
`gripper at the end, like a handle on one side, a
`long shaft, and a gripper on the other?
` A. I don't recall. It's been a long time
`since I've worked on that. I really don't recall
`and I haven't reviewed it in several years. So I'm
`really drawing a blank on that.
` Q. Have you ever worked on like the
`mechanical linkages of a surgical tool, you know,
`going from a handle through gears to some end
` A. Certainly without going into too much
`detail in our work in our Marvel Medtech, yes.
` Q. What year did that start?
` A. I don't know. If you give me my CV -- I'm
`sorry. My CV is here. I might be able to nail it
`down, but I'm not sure that I can or not.
` Q. Why don't you take a look and see if you
`can at least give it a range.
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` (Witness reviewing document.)
` A. I don't have the specific dates down here
`for when I was doing some of this work, but the
`best I can -- hang on a second. Maybe I can find
`one more thing here.
` Looks like the work on the liver biopsy
`tool was started somewhere around 2000 and extended
`for several years after that because I see that we
`have a paper in 2001. There was another paper in
`2003 on that, and then the work continued on after
` So that's -- and the breast cancer biopsy
`positioning device, that would have started about
`the same time. So I'd say late 1900s through --
`and then the work on the biopsy was extended from
`the late 1900s until now, continuously. I've been
`working on that somewhat in fits and spurts, but
`pretty much continuously over that period of time.
` Q. And your focus has been on the
`cauterization aspect of the tool?
` A. No, no, no. That was for the -- just for
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`the liver biopsy tool, the Marvel Medtech tool.
`The MRI image-guided breast cancer positioning tool
`focuses on everything, pretty much everything.
` Q. And you're saying that the breast cancer
`positioning tool work started prior to 2006?
` A. Oh, yeah. Yes. I'm sorry. Oh, yes.
` Q. Just as a reminder, the court reporter is
`motioning it's important that we don't talk over
`each other. That time I was talking over you. I'm
`going to refrain from doing that. Again, I'll wait
`until you finish, and if you wait until I finish,
`the court reporter will be much happier.
` A. I agree. I understand. I don't want to
`make her job any more difficult than it is. We've
`already thrown some words at her that I think
`probably challenge even the best court reporter.
` Q. Were there -- so in the tool you were just
`referring to, the breast cancer positioning tool,
`can you describe what is that tool? What does that
` MR. PEPE: Object to form.
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` A. Well, it's more than just the tool, it's a
`system. So what we have without -- there are
`certain things I can't tell you about it because
`some of this material is being protected by trade
`secret -- or the plan is to protect it by trade
`secret, our intellectual property. So I can't tell
`you everything about it, but I can tell you in
`general terms.
` Q. Let me just interrupt you there to make
`sure we're talking about the same thing. I want to
`talk about only work that was prior to 2006. So
`that's over ten years ago now. Is there -- are
`there still trade secrets tied to the work you did
`before 2006?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. So, again, talking about what this
`tool you were working on did in 2006, if you could
`tell me just generally without revealing
`confidential information what the tool consisted
` A. Okay. So what it -- it is a system which
`includes devices and control of those devices for
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`detecting and inserting a biopsy tool for -- which
`is MRI-image guided while in the bore of an MRI
`machine and actively guiding the positioning and
`insertion of the tool -- actually guiding the
`positioning of the tool while the tool is being
`inserted by hand.
` Q. To the extent you can tell me, how does a
`machine guide a tool if it's being inserted by
` A. The insertion of the tool -- I have to be
`careful here on what's been revealed or not.
` MR. PEPE: Frank, before you answer, I'll
`just caution you to be conservative obviously --
` THE WITNESS: That's what I'm thinking.
` MR. KATZ: I'm going to actually withdraw
`the question.
` Q. Let's talk about the biopsy tool. A
`biopsy tool is a tool that removes tissue?
` A. We're getting into some of the technology
`that -- let me ask -- I can only give you a partial
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`answer to that. It can be.
` Q. Okay. And you're saying that's a partial
`answer due to confidentiality, not due to lack of
` A. Not due to lack --
` Q. Are you telling me you can only give me a
`partial answer because to go any further would be
`confidential or that's the extent that you know?
` A. Confidentiality issues.
` Q. Okay. I'm just trying to figure out what
`this tool is. So this is a tool that was never
`released publicly you're talking about?
` A. Was not what?
` Q. Released publicly.
` A. Not to the general public, no.
` Q. Okay.
` A. Not the version that we've been working
`on. An earlier version was, but not the one that
`we're working on and have been working on
`continuously since around 2000.
` Q. Okay. So earlier version, you mean
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` A. I think it was pre-2000, yes.
` Q. Okay. I just want to understand what a
`biopsy tool is. I'm not a surgeon. So the one
`that was publicly known around or before 2000, what
`did that tool do?
` A. Okay. I can talk about that.
` I know we filed a patent application for
`that and I thought we got a patent on that early
`tool. We've gone well beyond that. Yeah. I think
`the early one -- I don't remember the year, but in
`my CV we have positional for medical devices such
`as biopsy needles, U.S. Patent No. 6,558,337.
` Q. Okay.
` A. So that work has been published -- public
`information. I don't remember the year of that
`patent, though. So that I can talk freely about to
`the best of my recollection. Our current work has
`changed -- progressed from that initial patent
` So what you have -- I can talk in general
`terms about this particular device and what is
`particularly important for us. MRI is generally
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`considered by a large number of -- I shouldn't say
`generally -- is considered by a large number of
`surgeons, oncology surgeons and radiologists as the
`premium way of detecting early cancer in breasts
`particularly. So roughly -- a tumor roughly the
`size of a BB can be identified pretty readily using
`an MRI machine.
` Now, currently when this is done or the
`standard practice has been to then insert a biopsy
`tool which is basically a cannula, a trocar, the
`needle goes in, severs the tissue, and then the
`cutting device is withdrawn. A biopsy tool is
`inserted, a small tissue is taken and pulled out,
`and then a biopsy is done on that.
` Q. Let me interrupt you right there just to
`make sure we're talking about the date. You used
`the word currently in your answer. I'm referring
`to technology around 2000.
` A. Certainly 2000. I'm not aware of any
`major changes since then.
` Q. So, again, you used the word then a biopsy
`tool is inserted. What I'm asking you is what is a
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`biopsy tool circa 2000?
` A. Well, to do the biopsy you've got to get
`access to the tumor. So the tool consists of the
`cannula, the trocar, and then the tool that you
`insert inside the cannula that then cuts a small
`piece of tissue away.
` So you can call the tool all of those
`components or you could specifically if you want
`to, if you're -- you could refer to it just as the
`device that cuts and removes the tissue inside the
`cannula, but you can't do it unless you've got the
`cannula there. So you've got to have all these
`things, you know.
` In a way it would be like -- a comparable
`thing would be, say, well, what's a socket? Well,
`a socket by itself is only the socket, the thing
`that goes on the nut, but that by itself doesn't do
`anything. You need the wrench as well. So you
`need to have these other things take place.
` So when I'm talking about a biopsy tool,
`I'm thinking about the tool that consists at least
`of these three parts and within the one part you
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`may have multiple components within the one part.
` Q. Well, the biopsy tool that cuts and
`removes tissue, does it -- is it a fixed tool or
`does it have movable parts in it?
` A. There's different ways of doing it. I
`can't recall specifically which one or ones we
`looked at at this point in time.
` Q. Well, do you know if biopsy tools in the
`2000 area used either cables or gears or anything
`like that?
` A. Typically I would think no. I'm not
`familiar with ones that used cables and gears and
` Q. Okay.
` A. I never finished what the MRI -- what our
`MRI tool did. I think the question was a broader
`question and I was answering that, and then I think
`you got away from that and started asking a
`specific question.
` Q. So you were working on an MRI tool that
`was used in conjunction with other people's biopsy
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` A. We would be -- no. We would have to
`have -- either modify existing biopsy tools or have
`someone else manufacture them, or we would have
`to -- it has to have certain characteristics.
`Typical biopsy tools did not have -- exhibit those
`characteristics because it was working inside the
`bore of an MRI machine.
` Q. So what are those characteristics you're
`referring to?
` A. Generally it has to be generally
`nonconductive. It certainly has to be nonmagnetic
`and it generally has to be a nonconductor of
` Q. So it didn't use metal?
` A. We're getting into proprietary --
` Q. Okay.
` Well, have you ever designed a surgical
`instrument prior to 2006 that used either gears or
`cables to transmit forces?
` A. The guide for the -- the guide for the
`biopsy tool itself, yes, used gears, mechanical
`components to transmit motion and to exert torques
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`and/or forces.
` Q. Okay. And is that -- can you say any more
`about that? You're saying anything further would
`go into confidential information?
` A. Certainly the details of much of the work
`is very confidential.
` Q. Okay. Let me try to get your expertise
`another way. I did notice in your CV that you said
`you designed -- or developed and taught various
`courses. One of them seems to be the basic
`mechanical engineering course that's called ME342,
`Elements of Machine Design?
` A. That is correct. I didn't develop that
`course. I taught that course.
` Q. You taught that course. Okay. I looked
`at the description on-line and one thing that that
`course involves is basic things like gears and
`other mechanical components to transfer forces?
` A. That's true. That's correct. That's one
`of many things that the course covers.
` Q. When you say that certainly prior -- what
`year are we talking about? When did you teach that
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`course? Was it prior to 2006?
` A. I'm pretty sure it was, yeah. I would say
`with confidence that it was prior to 2006. Then
`also I taught senior design 349 -- ME349. I also
`taught 491, 492, 351, and 352, which are all
`mechanical design courses, as well as ME549, which
`is also pretty much a mechanical design course.
` Q. And would you say that certainly prior to
`2006 standard introductory mechanical design
`courses would teach things like different types of
`gears that are used to transmit forces in
`mechanical devices?
` A. I'm sorry. Could you repeat the question?
` Q. Yeah. I'm saying prior to 2006 would you
`say that it was very typical that an introductory
`mechanical engineering design course would cover
`things like gears and different types of gears that
`are used to transmit forces?
` A. I would not characterize these as
`introductory courses. I would consider these as
`intermediate to senior-level courses. These are
`junior- and senior-level courses.
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` Q. Are they? So introduction of mechanical
`engineering wouldn't cover gears?
` A. It might, it might not, but not in much
`depth. An introduction to mechanical engineering
`course would not cover gears in much depth. You
`wouldn't have the background to be able to do much
`to analyze gears in an introductory course because
`you'd have to have a strength of materials or
`mechanics of materials course, and that in turn is
`usually taught sophomore year.
` Q. Okay. Fair. So let me ask a different
`question. By the time that a mechanical
`engineering student graduates with a degree in
`mechanical engineering they have taken a higher
`level mechanical engineering design course that
`certainly would have covered using various types of
`gears to transmit forces?
` A. You skipped over -- you jumped straight
`from introductory to higher level.
` Q. Yes.
` A. The word I used was intermediate, and I
`would call it intermediate. I would not consider
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`those higher level courses.
` Q. I'm sorry.
` A. That's fine. It's not a hard-and-fast
`thing, but at the University of Wisconsin the
`introductory courses are the 100 and maybe some 200
`level courses. Generally speaking, the
`intermediate courses are 3-, 4-, and 500 level
`courses. Advanced courses are 4-, 5-, 6-, and 700
`level courses with some exceptions.
` Q. Okay. That's helpful. So let me just ask
`it again. In your experience, certainly prior to
`2006, a mechanical engineering student taking
`intermediate level courses in mechanical design
`would learn about different types of gears to
`transmit forces?
` A. Characteristically, certainly in our
`curriculum and at the time, that would be

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