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`Patent Owner.
`CASE IPR2018-0124(cid:25)
`U.S. Patent No. 8,479,969
`Hearing - Conference Call
`January 17, 2020
`10:30 a.m.
`---- Reporter: Desirea S. Jura ----
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`For the Petitioner:
`Fish & Richardson, PC
` By Steven R. Katz, Esquire
` By Roger Denning, Esquire
` One Marina Park Drive
` Boston, Massachusetts 02210-1878
` (617) 521-7803
`For the Patent Owner:
`Weil, Gotshal & Manges, LLP
` By Anish R. Desai, Esquire
` 767 Fifth Avenue
` New York, New York 10153-0119
` (212) 310-8730
` ALSO PRESENT: Dean Garner, Johnson & Johnson
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` P R O C E E D I N G S
` JUDGE COX: Good morning. This is Judge
`Cox. I have with me on the call Judges Myers and
`Wood. Do we have counsel for the petitioner on the
` MR. KATZ: Yes, Your Honor. This is
`Steven Katz and Roger Denning are on for petitioner.
` JUDGE COX: Thank you, Mr. Katz.
` And do we have counsel for the patent
` MR. DESAI: Yes, Your Honor. This is
`Anish Desai for patent owner. Also on the call with
`me is Dean Garner from Johnson & Johnson.
` JUDGE COX: Okay. Thank you, Mr. Desai.
`And it sounds like we have a court reporter; is that
` MR. DESAI: That's correct, Your Honor.
`We arranged for a court reporter.
` JUDGE COX: Thank you. If you could
`please file a transcript as an exhibit when it
`becomes available.
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` MR. DESAI: Absolutely.
` JUDGE COX: Okay. Mr. Desai, you had, I
`think, requested this call in respect to a motion to
`terminate. So why don't you just give us a little
` MR. DESAI: Sure. I will try to quickly
`frame the issue.
` The 1240 IPR is one of three IPRs filed by
`petitioner challenging claim 24 of the '969 patent.
`It also challenges claims 25 and 26. The other two
`IPRs, the 1247 and the 1254, which Your Honors well
`know had filed a petition for issue on Monday,
`January 13th. As to claim 24, in addition, the 1247
`IPR final decision also addressed claims 25 and 26.
` Patent owner's view is as a result of the
`final decision is the plain language of 35 USC
`315(e)(1), meaning that the 1248 IPR cannot proceed
`as far as the language is basically the petitioner
`and any third-party review of a claim in a patent may
`not request or maintain a proceeding before the
`office with respect to that claim on any ground that
`the petitioner raised or reasonably could have raised
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`during that interparty review.
` There's basically two issues in our
`brief -- the motion to terminate. The first is
`whether the estoppel applies, whether the grounds
`raised in the 1243 IPR could have been raised for the
`1247 or the 1254 IPR. Numerous courts and the Board
`held that the reason they could have raised
`language -- in anticipation or obvious grounds based
`on patents or printed publication that the petitioner
`actually knew about or that a skilled researcher
`could have diligently located.
` Here petitioner actually knew about Prisco
`and Cooper, which on the record that are in the 1248
`IPR. They're petitioner's own patent publications
`and they were asserting --
` (Reporter interruption.)
` MR. DESAI: I was talking about the motion
`of petitioner's where I think at least several months
`before the time that the IPRs were filed, the
`references were asserted and detailed charges -- our
`view is the estoppel applied -- first is that they
`could not have been raised because the statute
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`doesn't estop on those grounds petitioner reasonably
`could have raised -- and add those words to that
`statute severely narrow -- estoppel -- and not
`statute. I think the Hynix decision reference
`suggesting that --
` The second one was that the argument --
`did not apply that petitioners filed on the same day.
`Again, there's nothing in the language of the statute
`that provides such perception. Petitioner's basis
`for this argument, I think it appears to be from the
`Hynix decision saying that there was language in that
`petition was filed on the same day -- are not subject
`to Section 358. While the Hynix decision does say
`that, the Board's decision states it is clearly wrong
`and the Tenth Circuit case that the Hynix board
`cited, which is Progressive 625 APPX 552 clearly did
`not stand for that proposition.
` I think the first point we would make in
`our brief is that the Progressive case is
`non-precedential, but more importantly, it does cite
`and of course it couldn't say that 315(e)(1) does not
`apply to petition -- that day. Instead, Progressive
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`refused to give estoppel effect from one final
`written decision to another final written decision
`issued on the same day. They said that two final
`late petitions were struck that day can be considered
`simultaneous; therefore, one didn't have a preclusive
`effect on the other.
` That's not the situation here. There's no
`final written decision in the 1248 IPR. That
`proceeding is still pending. The situation in the
`Progressive case would have been analogous if we were
`asking the Board to vacate or terminate the decision
`of the 1254 IPR based on the final written decision
`of the 1247 IPR, but we're not asking for that. So
`that would be the first issue whether the estoppel
` The second is whether application of
`estoppel should result in termination of the IPR.
`And the patent owners do here -- any other option
`other than terminating. If the proceeding continues,
`the petitioner -- exactly what it is not a policy by
`statute, which is maintaining a proceeding before the
`office. The only way to give effect here to the
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`statutory awards may not maintain a proceeding is to
`terminate the 1248 IPR.
` I think we would address also in our brief
`the nonconfidential Progressive case again. And that
`was dealing with -- the estoppel statute for CBN, 35
`USC 225(b)(1). It's the same language. But we think
`the Progressive case there -- that suggests the
`termination based on the estoppel is discretionary.
`We don't think that's correct and we would like the
`opportunity to brief why it's not correct. If --
`Progressive to reach that issue on discretion because
`they had -- they had already decided that the two
`final written decisions issued on the same day and
`the one didn't have a preclusive effect on the other,
`so there's no estoppel, we don't need to reach the
`issue of whether termination was discretionary or
` So again, even if it is discretionary, we
`point out in our motion to terminate that the Board
`should exercise the discretion here just like the
`Hynix board did in that case and exercise the
`discretion to terminate. The Board does not need to
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`expend resources in writing a forward decision on
`claims 24 to 26 even if the estoppel applied.
`Certainly a situation here where the estoppel applied
`pushes below the -- decision to not promote -- the
`resolution of every proceeding.
` So unless Your Honors have any question,
`that is effectively what would be the subject of our
`motion to terminate.
` JUDGE COX: Thank you, Mr. Desai. We
`might have some questions, but I'd like to hear from
`Mr. Katz first.
` MR. KATZ: Thank you, Your Honors.
`Basically, we believe that this doesn't need to get
`past this teleconference stage and that there's
`really no reason to even bother filing the motion
`mainly because SK Hynix is kind of directly on point
`and states the rule, which is these petitions were
`filed on the same day. They weren't filed weeks
`apart or months apart. So the -- were we aware of
`Prisco at the time of the filing? Of course we were.
`We filed the petition on the same day, and Hynix is
`very clear that petitions are filed on the same day.
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` You can look at it in a variety of ways.
`Either they're treated as kind of a common petition
`for purposes of estoppel, or that you can look at it
`another way and say, well, clearly the fact that
`Prisco had to be filed on its own petition on that
`same day shows it couldn't have reasonably been
`inserted in one of the other two petitions.
` Either way you slice it, it comes out to
`the same result, which is when you file multiple
`petitions on the same day to deal with the word
`limit, the estoppel would not apply to any of those
`petitions. In fact, it's not only SK Hynix that
`makes that statement. It makes it very clearly in
`paper 32 of IPR 2018 364, but also that the Kingston
`versus SPEX Technology's decision, which is paper 12
`of IPR 2018 1002, makes a similar statement, which is
`that when you file -- the reasonably could have
`raised standard asks not whether you could have filed
`it in a particular petition, but whether you could
`have filed it in a petition or contemporaneously in a
`sibling petition. That was a direct quote from the
`Kingston case.
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` So we have two PTAB cases both saying the
`same thing. In fact, any other result would place
`form over substance and really wouldn't make any
`sense at all given that it wouldn't further any of
`the benefits supposedly of estoppel, given that,
`obviously, the Prisco decision grounds would have
`been included in one of the other two petitions if
`they could have fit there.
` And so whether you say that Hynix and
`Kingston stand for the proposition that petitions on
`the same day don't have estoppel or that if petitions
`filed on the same day demonstrates that you
`reasonably couldn't have raised the issues in the
`other petitions, you get to the same place, which is
`estoppel doesn't apply.
` I would also point out that this Board
`did, at petitioner's request, consolidate the hearing
`in the three cases. It maintains the three different
`numbers, but the hearings were consolidated into a
`single hearing, not just kind of even the line, but
`it was a single hearing for all three. And given
`that, in this particular instance, it seems as though
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`applying any estoppel from one decision to another of
`a consolidated hearing doesn't make sense to us.
` But, again, our position is this Board
`really need not go farther than SK Hynix and say,
`look, they're filed on the same day. There's really
`no reason to spend time briefing the issue.
` JUDGE COX: Okay. Thank you, Mr. Katz. I
`actually have two questions. One with the Hynix
`case, the panel in stating that the 315(e)(1)
`wouldn't apply for same day filings, are they basing
`that on the Progressive case, the federal circuit
`Progressive case? Is that your understanding?
` MR. KATZ: I believe they cited the
`Progressive case for support, but I don't believe it
`was -- they didn't claim the Progressive case
`controlled. They did discuss the Progressive case as
`part of their analysis, but I would not think that
`the basis was the Progressive case. I think it was
`they identified a federal circuit case in support.
` JUDGE COX: And one further question is if
`the 1248 petition, for instance, had been filed three
`days later, are we having a different conversation if
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`that's the result, if that was what happened?
` MR. KATZ: That would be a very different
` JUDGE COX: Okay. Thank you. I am going
`to confer with my colleagues.
` Before I do, Mr. Desai, what exactly are
`you asking for in terms of your motion and a
` MR. DESAI: I think we could be ready to
`file a motion Monday, if need be, if we have the
`draft ready. And so as far as -- I don't know what
`petitioner would like as far as time for a reply, but
`we can get ours on file very quickly.
` JUDGE COX: And how many pages -- I will
`ask Mr. Katz, but how many pages are you requesting
`as a part of your motion?
` MR. KATZ: I think ten pages is probably
` JUDGE COX: I do note that Monday is a
` MR. KATZ: That's right. We would do it
`on Tuesday.
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` JUDGE COX: Mr. Katz, if we do authorize
`the filing of a motion, would you like an opposition
`as well?
` MR. KATZ: Yes, Your Honors. We would
`certainly like an opposition.
` JUDGE COX: So if we were to permit ten
`pages and a filing on Tuesday of the motion and -- I
`have not conferred with my colleagues, so I'm not
`authorizing that yet, but just so I have full
`information, I assume you would want a ten-page
`opposition. And when would you file that if the
`motion is filed on Tuesday?
` MR. KATZ: I think ten pages -- an equal
`number of pages would be sufficient, because we
`definitely want to get this drafted and also get
`client input, I think we'd like to file the following
` JUDGE COX: Okay. I should point out that
`the panel -- if termination does not occur or
`anything of that sort, this panel is under an
`obligation to produce a final written decision by
`February 7th. So we would appreciate, if we
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`authorize the filings, filing promptly.
` But let me confer with my colleagues.
`Please stay on the call and we will return shortly.
` (Recess.)
` JUDGE COX: Hello. This is Judge Cox
`again. I have the panel with me.
` Mr. Katz, are you still on the call?
` MR. KATZ: Yes, I am, Your Honor.
` JUDGE COX: And Mr. Desai?
` MR. DESAI: Yes, Your Honor.
` THE COURT: Thank you. So the panel has
`discussed the issue and we are aware of the Hynix and
`the Kingston cases, but I think we would like to hear
`from the parties on this issue. There may be some
`nuances here.
` So we are going to permit the filing of
`the motion limited to no more than ten pages due on
`the 21st, January 21st. And we'll also permit the
`filing of a ten-page opposition due no later than
`Monday the 27th.
` The panel has nothing further. Is there
`anything else the parties would like to raise on this
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`call today?
` MR. DESAI: Nothing from patent owner,
`Your Honor.
` MR. KATZ: And nothing from petitioner,
`Your Honor.
` JUDGE COX: Thank you very much. If we
`have nothing further, the call is adjourned.
` (Whereupon, at 10:58 a.m., the instant
`proceedings ceased.)
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`Patent Owner’s Errata Sheet to the January 17, 2020, Conference Call
`Case Name: Intuitive Surgical, Inc., Petitioner v. Ethicon, LLC, Patent Owner
`IPR Number: IPR2018-01248
`Patent: U.S. Patent No. 8,479,969
`Now Reads
`know had filed a petition for
`final decision is
`and any third-party review
`on the record
`and detailed charges
`The second one was that the argument -
`- did not apply that petitioners filed on
`the same day.
`saying that there was language in that
`petition was filed on the same day – are
`not subject to Section 358.
`does cite
`petition -- that day
`later petitions were struck that day
`patent owners do here -- any other
`petitioner -- exactly what it is not a
`policy by statute
`CBN, 35 USC 225(b)(1)
`there --
`If -- Progressive to reach that issue
`pushed below the -- decision to not
`promote -- the resolution of every
`Page : Line
`4: 8
`Should Read
`know, had final written decisions
`final decisions
`in an inter partes review
`inter partes
`are the references
`in detailed contentions
`The second argument is that the
`estoppel does not apply to petitions
`filed on the same day.
`that has language that petitions filed
`on the same day are not subject to
`Section 315.
`doesn’t say
`petitions filed on the same day
`decisions issued the same day
`patent owner submits there is no other
`petitioner gets exactly what it is not
`entitled to by statute
`CBM, 35 US 325(e)(1)
`has dicta
`It is dicta because Progressive didn’t
`need to reach that issue
`pushing forward with the third
`decision does not promote the just,
`speedy, and inexpensive resolution of
`every proceeding.
`Ethicon Exhibit 2029.017
`Intuitive v. Ethicon


`I, DESIRAE S. JURA, RPR, hereby certify that I am the official court
`reporter who reported to the best of my ability and thereafter reduced to
`typewriting under my direction the proceedings in the foregoing matter.
`That I am neither counsel for, related to, nor employed by any of the
`parties to this matter.
`I further certify that I am not a relative nor employee
`of any attorney or counsel employed by the parties thereto, nor financially or
`otherwise interested in the outcome of this matter.
`dizegiUZfl Qi {gt/15$ /
`Ethicon Exhibit 2029.018
`Intuitive v. Ethicon
`Ethicon Exhibit 2029.018
`Intuitive v. Ethicon

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