`a2) United States Patent
`US 7,524,320 B2
`(10) Patent No.:
`Tierneyet al.
`(45) Date of Patent:
`*Apr. 28, 2009
`References Cited
`Inventors: Michael J. Tierney, Pleasanton, CA
`(US); Thomas G. Cooper, Menlo Park,
`CA (US); Chris A. Julian, Los Gatos,
`CA (US); Stephen J. Blumenkranz,
`Redwood City, CA (US); Gary S$.
`Guthart, Foster City, CA (US); Robert
`G.Younge, Portola Valley, CA (US)
`Intuitive Surgical, Inc., Sunnyvale, CA
`Subject to any disclaimer, the termofthis
`ec t54(b)by1036 ‘on under 3
`This patent is subject to a terminal dis-
`(73) Assignee:
`(*) Notice:
`(21) Appl. No.: 10/316,666
`4,038,987 A
`8/1977 Komiya
`Alexander, Arthur oe ana ofTelemanipulation on Modem
`Society,” International Centre for Mechanical Sciences, Courses an

`Lectures No. 201, vol. IT, pp. 122-136 (Sep. 5-8, 1973).
`Primary Examiner duardo C Robert
`Assistant Examiner—James L Swiger,III
`Robotic surgical tools, systems, and methods for preparing
`for and performing robotic surgery include a memory
`mounted onthe tool. The memory can perform a number of
`functions when the tool is loaded on the tool manipulator:
`first, the memorycanprovide a signal verifying that the tool
`is compatible with that particular robotic system. Secondly,
`the tool memory mayidentify the tool-type to the robotic
`system sothat the robotic system can reconfigureils program-
`ming. Thirdly, the memory of the tool may indicate tool-
`specific information, including measured calibration offsets
`indicating misalignment of the tool drive system, tool life
`data, or the like. This information maybe stored in a read only
`memory (ROM), or in a nonvolatile memory which can be
`written to only a single time. The invention further provides
`improved engagement structures for coupling robotic surgi-
`Cal tools with manipulator structures.
`(22) Filed:
`Dec. 10, 2002
`Prior Publication Data
`US 2003/0083673 Al
`May 1, 2003
`Related U.S. Application Data
`(60) Continuation ofapplication No. 09/929,453,filed on
`Aug. 13, 2001, now Pat. No. 7,048,745, which is a
`division of application No. 09/418,726, filed on Oct.
`15, 1999, nowPat. No. 6,331,181.
`Provisional application No. 60/111,713,filed on Dec.
`8, 1998.
`Int. Cl.
`AG6IB 19/00
`(52) US. Ch.
`eecccecceccecstessseetecstessnenseeses 606/130; 606/1
`(58) Field of Classification Seareh ..........cc000 606/1,
`606/130; 700/259, 260, 263
`See application file for complete search history.
`31 Claims, 22 Drawing Sheets
`Ethicon Exhibit 2003.001
`Intuitive v. Ethicon
`Ethicon Exhibit 2003.001
`Intuitive v. Ethicon


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`FIG. 2A.
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`Apr. 28, 2009
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`US 7,524,320 B2
`U.S. Patent
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`US 7,524,320 B2
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`U.S. Patent
`Apr. 28, 2009
`Sheet 14 of 22
`US 7,524,320 B2
`RED) £36 RED EST_[;
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`RED E33|[BLE40 [,
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`GND ~
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`aece EASE
`Fema reas ae|
`wesTkee St
`LOOP an
`TOOL_CHAN_SW >" coey
`upBlk e27eae|I,; °F
`RED E26|E47
`SLAVE-CLUTCH.SW>>, K E25(648|—/|
`FIG. &.
`Ethicon Exhibit 2003.016
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`Ethicon Exhibit 2003.016
`Intuitive v. Ethicon


`U.S. Patent
`Apr. 28, 2009
`Sheet 15 of 22
`US 7,524,320 B2
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`Intuitive v. Ethicon
`Ethicon Exhibit 2003.017
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`U.S. Patent
`Apr. 28, 2009
`Sheet 16 of 22
`US 7,524,320 B2
`uo_— <x
`< <t52>
`a5 \
`ws =
`Ethicon Exhibit 2003.018
`Intuitive v. Ethicon

`Ethicon Exhibit 2003.018
`Intuitive v. Ethicon


`U.S. Patent
`Apr. 28, 2009
`Sheet 17 of 22
`US 7,524,320 B2
`FIG. 10.
`Ethicon Exhibit 2003.019
`Intuitive v. Ethicon
`Ethicon Exhibit 2003.019
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`U.S. Patent
`Apr. 28, 2009
`Sheet 18 of 22
`US 7,524,320 B2
`FIG. 11.
`Ethicon Exhibit 2003.020
`Intuitive v. Ethicon
`Ethicon Exhibit 2003.020
`Intuitive v. Ethicon


`U.S. Patent
`Apr. 28, 2009
`Sheet 19 of 22
`US 7,524,320 B2
`OUT (S2)
`Sadapter Dichip
`D = Dallas chip ( 1 = present, 0 = not present)
`E = Endof use indicator (0 = Open, 1 = Shorted)
`R = Reed Switch ( 0= open, 1 = shorted)
`Events occur in DER order
`e.g. 101 means Dallas chip present; End of use
`indicator is open, Reed switchis closed)
`A= 110, 100,010, 110, 101, 111
`B=011, 101, 001
`C = 001, 010, 011, 100, 101, 110, 111
`Logging occursif the situation
`persists for more than 1 second
`Ethicon Exhibit 2003.021
`Intuitive v. Ethicon
`Ethicon Exhibit 2003.021
`Intuitive v. Ethicon


`U.S. Patent
`Apr. 28, 2009
`Sheet 20 of 22
`US 7,524,320 B2
` OO
`FIG. 13.
`Ethicon Exhibit 2003.022
`Intuitive v. Ethicon
`Ethicon Exhibit 2003.022
`Intuitive v. Ethicon


`U.S. Patent
`Apr. 28, 2009
`Sheet 21 of 22
`US 7,524,320 B2
`Ethicon Exhibit 2003.023
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`Ethicon Exhibit 2003.023
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`U.S. Patent
`Apr. 28, 2009
`Sheet 22 of 22
`US 7,524,320 B2
`FIG. 15.
`Ethicon Exhibit 2003.024
`Intuitive v. Ethicon
`Ethicon Exhibit 2003.024
`Intuitive v. Ethicon


`US 7,524,320 B2
`The present application is a continuation of U.S. patent
`application Ser. No. 09/929,453filed onAug. 13, 2001, andis
`a divisional application of U.S. patent application Ser. No.
`09/759,542filed Jan. 12, 2001, nowU.S. Pat. No. 6,491,701,
`whichis a continuation application ofU.S. patent application
`Ser. No. 09/418,726 filed Dec. 6, 1999, and in turn also claims
`priority to U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 60/111,
`713 filed on Dec. 8, 1998: U.S. patent application Ser. No.
`09/398,958 filed Sep. 17, 1999, nowU.S. Pat. No. 6,394,998;
`and U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 60/116,844filed
`on Jan. 2, 1999, entitled “Surgical Tools For Use In Mini-
`mnally Invasive Telesurgical Applications”. The entirety ofthe
`above-referenced applications is herein incorporated by ref-
`IJence, a numberofdifferent surgical instruments will typi-
`cally be introduced through the same trocar sleeve into the
`abdomen during,
`for example,
`laparoscopic procedures.
`Likewise, in open surgery, there is typically not enough room
`adjacentthe surgicalsite to position more than a few surgical
`manipulators, particularly where each manipulator/tool com-
`bination hasa relatively large range of motion. As a result, a
`number of surgical instruments will often be attached and
`detached from a single instrument holder of a manipulator
`0 during an operation.
`Published PCT application WO98/25666,filed on Dec. 10,
`1997 and assignedto the present assignee(the full disclosure
`of which is incorporated herein by reference) describes a
`Multicomponent Telepresence System and Mcthod which
`significantly improves the safety and speed with which
`robotic surgical tools can be removed and replaced during a
`surgical procedure. While this represents a
`advancementofthe art, as is often true,still further improve-
`ments would be desirable. In particular, each tool change
`which occurs during a surgical procedure increases the over-
`all surgery time. While still further improvements in the
`This application also incorporates by referenees the fol-
`lowing U.S. Design patent application Ser. Nos. 29/097,544 mechanical tool/manipulatorinterface mayhelp reduceapor-
`filed on Dec. 8, 1998, entitled “Portion OfAnInterface For A
`tion of this tool change time, work in connection with the
`Medical Instrument”; 29/097,552 filed on Dec. 8, 1998,
`present invention has shownthat the mechanical removal and
`entitled “Interface or A Medical Instrument”; 29/097,550
`replacementofthe tool may represent only oneportion ofthe
`filed on Dec. 8, 1998,entitled “Portion OfAn Adaptor For A
`total interruption for a tool change. U.S. Pat. No. 5,400,267
`Medical Instrument”; and 29/097,551 filed an Dec. 8, 1998,
`describes a memoryfeaturefor electrically powered medical
`entitled “Adaptor For A Medical Instrument”.
`equipment, andis also incorporated herein byreference.
`As more and more different surgical tools are provided for
`use with a robotic system, the differences between the tool
`structures (andthe interaction between the tool and the other
`components of the robotic system) become more pro-
`nounced. Manyof these surgical tools will have one or more
`degrees of motion betweenthe surgical end effectors and the
`proximalinterface which engagesthetool to the holder ofthe
`manipulator. The desired and/or practicable ranges ofmotion
`for an electrosurgical scalpel maybe significantly diflerent
`than those ofa clip applicr, for example. Work in connection
`with the present invention has found that evenafter a toolis
`properly placed on the surgical manipulator,
`the time
`involved in reconfiguring the robotic system to take advan-
`tage of a different tool, and to perfect the master controller’ s
`effective control over the degrees of motion of the tool, may
`add significantly to the total toal change delay.
`In light of the above,
`it would be desirable to provide
`improved robotic surgery tools, systems, and method. It
`would further be desirable to provide techniques for reducing
`the total delay associated with cach tool change. It would be
`especially desirable if these enhanced, and often more rapid,
`robotic tool change techniques resulted in still
`improvementin the safety and reliability of these promising
`surgical systems.
`This invention relates to robotically assisted surgery, and
`more particularly provides surgical tools having improved
`mechanical and/or data interface capabilities to enhance the
`safety, accuracy, and speed of minimally invasive and other
`robotically enhanced surgical procedures.
`In roboticallyassisted surgery, the surgeontypically oper-
`ales a master controller to remotely control the motion of
`surgical instrumentsat the surgicalsite. The controller may be
`separated from the patient by a significant distance (e.g.,
`across the operating room, in a different room, or in a com-
`pletely different building than the patient). Alternatively, a
`controller may be positioned quite near the patient in the
`operating room. Regardless,
`the controller will typically
`include one or more hand input devices (such as joysticks,
`exoskeletol gloves, master manipulators, or the like) which
`are coupled bya servo mechanismto the surgical instrument.
`More specifically, servo motors move a manipulator or
`“slave” supporting the surgical instrument based on the sur-
`geon’s manipulation of the hand input devices. During an 5
`operation, the surgeon may employ, via the robotic surgery
`system, a variety of surgical instruments such as tissue grasp-
`ers, needle drivers, electrosurgical cautery probes, etc. Each
`of these structures performs functions for the surgeon, for
`example, holding or driving a needle, grasping a blood vessel,
`or dissecting, cautcrizing, or coagulating tissuc.
`This new method of performing robotic surgery has, of
`course, created many new challenges. One such challenge is
`that a surgeon will typically employ a significant number of
`different surgical instruments during each surgical procedure.
`The numberof independent surgical manipulators will often
`be limited due to space constraints and cost. Additionally,
`patient trauma can generally be reduced by eliminating the
`numberof tools used at anygiven time. More specifically, in
`minimallyinvasive procedures, the numberofentry ports into
`a patientis generally limited because of space constraints, as
`well as a desire to avoid unnecessaryincisions in the patient.
`The present invention generally provides improved robotic
`surgical devices, systems, and methodsfor preparing for and
`performing robotic surgery. The robotic tools of the present
`invention will often make use of a memory structure mounted
`ona tool, manipulator arm, or movable support structure. The
`memorycan, for example, perform a number of important
`functions whena tool is loaded onthe tool manipulator:first,
`the memory can provide a signal verifying that the tool is
`compatible withthat particular robotic system. Secondly,the
`tool memory mayidentify the tool-type (whetherit is a scal-
`pel, needle grasper, jaws, scissors, clip applier, electrocautery
`blade, or the like) to the robotic system so that the robotic
`Ethicon Exhibit 2003.025
`Intuitive v. Ethicon
`Ethicon Exhibit 2003.025
`Intuitive v. Ethicon


`US 7,524,320 B2
`In many embodiments, compatibility of the component
`system can reconfigure its programming to take full advan-
`with the robotic surgical system will be verified using the
`tage of the tools’ specialized capabilities. This tool-type data
`signal transmitted from the componentto the processor. his
`may simply be an identification signal referencing further
`can be accomplished by providing uniqueidentification data
`data ina look-uptable ofthe robotic system. Alternatively, the
`on the component, and deriving verification data from the
`tool-type signal provided by the tool may define the tool
`identification data according to an algorithm. ‘lhe verification
`characteristics in sufficient detail to allow reconfiguration of
`data is stored with a memory ofthe component, the signal
`the robotic programming without havingto resort to an exter-
`transmitted to the processor including both the identification
`nal table. Thirdly, the memory of the tool may indicate tool-
`and verification data. The algorithm may then be performed
`specific information, including (for example) measured cali-
`on the transmitted unique identification data with the proces-
`bration offsets indicating misalignment between the tool
`sor, and the results compared with the verification data.
`drive system andthe tool end effector elements, toollife data
`Advantageously, this method can take advantage of unique
`(such as the numberof times the tool has been loaded onto a
`identification data which is often unalterably stored in a
`surgical system,
`the number of surgical procedures per-
`formed with the tool, and/or the total time the tools has been
`memoryof commercially available integrated circuits.
`In anotheraspect, the invention provides a robotic surgical
`used), or the like. The information may be stored in some
`tool for use in robotic surgical systems having a processor.
`form of non-volatile memory such as one-time program-
`The tool comprises a shaft having a proximal end and a distal
`mable EPROM,Flash EPROM, EEPROM,battery-backed-
`end. A surgical end effector is disposed adjacentthe distal end
`up SRAM,or similar memory technology where data can be
`of the shaft. The end effector has a plurality of degrees of
`updated and retained in either a serial or random access
`motion relative to the proximal end. An interlace is disposed
`, or with any ofa wide variely ofalternative hardware,
`adjacent the proximal end ofthe shaft. The interface can be
`firmware, or software. The invention further provides
`releasably coupled with a robotic probe holder. The interface
`improved engagementstructures for coupling robotic surgi-
`comprises a plurality of driven elements. A plurality of tool
`cal tools with manipulator structures.
`drive systems couple the driven clements to the degrees of
`In a first aspect, the invention provides a robotic surgical
`motion of the endeffector. The tool drive system has calibra-
`tool for use in a robotic surgical system. The robotic surgical
`tion offsets between a nominalrelative position of the end
`system has a processor which directs movement of a tool
`effector and the driven elements, and a measured relative
`holder. The tool comprises a probe having a proximal end and
`position of the end effector and driven elements. A memory
`a distal end. A surgical end effector is disposed adjacent the
`stores data indicating the offsets. The memoryis coupled to
`distal end ofthe probe. Aninterface is disposed adjacentto the
`the interface so as to transmit the offsets to the processor.
`proximal end of the probe. The interface can be releasably
`In yet another aspect, the invention provides a robotic
`coupled with the tool holder. Circuitry is mounted on the
`surgical system comprising a plurality of tools of different
`probe. The circuitry defines a signal for transmitting to the
`tool-types. Each tool comprises an elongate shaft with a
`processorso as to indicate compatibility of the tool with the
`cross-section suitable for introduction into an internal surgi-
`The tool will often comprise a surgical instrument suitable 35 cal site within a patient body via a minimallyinvasive open-
`for manipulating tissue, an endoscope or other image capture
`ing. A distal surgical end effector is coupled to the shaft byat
`device, or the like. Prelerably, the signal will comprise unique
`Jeast one joint. ‘Vhe joint is drivingly coupled to a proximal
`tool identifier data. The processor of the robotic surgical
`interface by atool drive system. Circuitryofthe tool transmits
`system mayinclude programming to manipulate the tool
`a tool-type via the interface. The tool types mayoptionally
`identifier according to a pre-determined functionoralgorithm 40 differ in at least one characteristic such as joint geometry, end
`so as to derive verification data. The signal transmitted to the
`effector geometry, drive system characteristics, end effector
`processor will often include the verification data. Alternative
`or drive system strength,or the like. The system also includes
`compatibility signals may include a signal whichis listed in a
`a robotic manipulator including a linkage supporting a tool
`table accessible to the processor, an arbitrary compatibility
`holder. ‘The tool halder releasably receives the interface. A
`data string. or the like.
`manipulator drive motor drivingly engages the linkage so as
`In anotheraspect, the invention providesa robotic surgical
`to move the tool holderrelative to the opening and position
`component for use in a robotic surgical system having a
`the shaft withinthe surgical site. A tool drive motor is coupled
`processor and a componentholder. The component comprises
`to the tool holder so as to drivingly engage the tool drive
`a component bodyhaving an interface mountable to the com-
`system andarticulate the joint. A processor is coupled to the
`ponent holder. The body supports a surgical end effector, and
`tool holder. The processor has programming that effects a
`a drive system is coupled to the body for moving the end
`desired movement ofthe end effector by transmitting drive
`effector per commands from the processor. Circuitry is
`signals to the tool drive motors of the manipulator. The pro-
`mounted on the body and defines a signal for transmitting to
`cessor reconfigures the programfor the different joint geom-
`the processor. The signal may indicate compatibility of the
`etries based on the tool-type signals.
`component with the system, may define a componenttype of
`In anotheraspect, the invention provides a robotic surgical
`the component, may indicate coupling of the component to
`system comprising a surgical tool having a surgical end effec-
`the system, and/or may indicate calibrationofthe component.
`tor and an interface. A manipulator assemblyhas a base and a
`Typically, the component will comprise a surgical tool, a
`tool holder for releasably engaging the interface. A plurality
`manipulator arm, a pre-positioning linkage supporting the
`of tool engagement sensors are coupled to the tool holder.
`manipulator arm, orthe like.
`Eachtool sensor produces a signal when theinterface engages
`Tn another aspect, the invention provides a method for
`the holder. A processor is coupled to the tool engagement
`installing, a robotic surgical componentin a robotic surgical
`sensors. The processor has a tool change mode anda tissuc
`system. The method comprises mounting the componentto a
`manipulation mode. The processor requires tool signals from
`component holder. A signal is transmitted from the compo-
`eachof the sensors before changing the tool change mode to
`nent to a processor ofthe robotic surgical system. The com-
`the tissue manipulation mode. The processor remains in the
`ponentis articulated in responseto the signal per commands
`tissue manipulation mode whenatleast one, but notall, ofthe
`ofthe processor.
`tool signalsis lost.
`Ethicon Exhibit 2003.026
`Intuitive v. Ethicon
`Ethicon Exhibit 2003.026
`Intuitive v. Ethicon


`The tools used in robotic surgery will be subjected to
`significantstructural stress during use. The stress mayresult
`in temporaryloss of an engagement signal from an engage-
`mentsensor. By providing at least two, and preferably three
`engagement sensors,
`the surgical procedure can continue
`salely with the loss of an engagement signal [rom an indi-
`vidual sensor so long as the system canstill verify proper
`engagement between the manipulator and tool. This arrange-
`ment results in a robust tool engagement sensing system that
`avoids frequent delays during the surgical procedure as might
`occur from the loss of an individual signal.
`In yet another aspect, the invention provides a robotic
`surgical system comprising a manipulator assemblyhaving a
`base and tool holder which movesrelative to the base. The
`tool holderhas a plurality of drive elements. A sterile drape
`covers at least a portion of the manipulator. A sterile tool has
`a proximal interface and distal end effector. The distal end
`effector has a plurality of degrees of motion relative to the
`proximal interface. The degrees of motion are coupled to
`drive elements ofthe interlace. An adapteris disposed. adja-
`cent the sterile drape between the holder and the interface.
`The adapter comprises a plurality of movable bodies. Each
`movable bodyhas a first surface driven by the drive elements
`ofthe holder, and a second surface driving the driven cle-
`ments of the tool.
`In yet another aspect, the invention provides a robotic
`surgical tool for use with a rabotic manipulator having a tool
`holder. The tool holder has magnetically actuatablecircuitry.
`The tool comprises a probe having a proximalend anda distal
`end. A surgical end effector is disposed adjacentthe distal end
`of the probe. An interface adjacent the proximal end of the
`probe is releasably coupleable with the holder. The interface
`comprises a magnet positioned so as to actuate the circuitry of
`the holder.
`FIG. 1 illustrates a robotic surgical procedure in which a
`surgeon al a master station directs movementof robotic sur-
`gical tools effected by a slave manipulator, and shows an
`assistant preparing to change a tool mountedto a tool holder
`of the slave.
`FIG.2 is a perspective view of a robotic surgical arm cart
`system in which a series of passive set-up joints support
`robotically actuated manipulators (typically, the center arm
`would support a camera).
`FIG.2Ais a perspective viewof a robotic surgical manipu-
`lator for use in the cart system of FIG. 2.
`FIGS. 2B and Care side and front views, respectively, of
`the linkage ofthe robotic manipulator ofFIG. 2, showing how 5
`the manipulator maintains a remote centerofrotation along a
`shaft of the surgical tool.
`FIGS. 3 and 3A are perspective views of exemplarycart
`structures with positioning linkages which support
`robotic manipulators in the system of FIG. 2.
`FIG.4 is a perspective view ofan exemplarytool according
`to the principles of the present invention.
`TIGS. 4A and B are schematic views ofalternative drive
`systems for the tool of FIG. 4.
`FIGS. 5A through H arc illustrations ofa varicty ofsurgical
`end effectors of differing tool-types.
`FIG.6 illustrates the mechanicaland electrical interface of
`the tool of FIG. 4.

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