`US 9,820,768 B2
`(10) Patent No.:
`a2) United States Patent
`Geeet al.
`(45) Date of Patent:
`Nov. 21, 2017
`Inventors: Jacob S. Gee, Cincinnati, OH (US);
`Foster B. Stulen, Mason, OH (US);
`Kevin L. Houser, Springboro, OH
`(US); Craig N. Faller, Batavia, OH
`(US); Sora Rhee, Pennsylvania
`Fumace, PA (US); William D.
`Dannaher, Cincinnati, OH (US);
`Gregory W. Johnson, Milford, OH
`(73) Assignee: Ethicon LLC, Guaynabo, PR (US)
`(*) Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term ofthis
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C, 154(b) by 824 days.
`(21) Appl. No.: 13/538,733
`Jun. 29, 2012
`Prior Publication Data
`US 2014/0005681 Al
`Jan. 2, 2014
`2017/00734 (2013.01); A6IB 2017/22015
`(2013.01); A6/B 2017/22018 (2013.01); A6IB
`2090/508 (2016.02)
`(58) Field of Classification Search
`CPC ou... AG61B 17/320092; A61B 2017/003; A61B
`2017/00323; A61B 2019/2242
`USPC siessesnesesunsessnseeseeniee 606/169, 205, 207, 208
`See application file for complete search history.
`References Cited
`969,528 A
`1,570,025 A
`9/1910 Disbrow
`1/1926 Young
`2003241752 Al
`1634601 A
`International Search Report for PCT/US2013/045641, dated Nov.6,
`2013 (12 pages).
`Primary Examiner — Gregory Anderson
`Assistant Examiner — Sarah Simpson
`Int. Cl.
`A6IB 172
`A6OLF 9/007
`A61B 34/00
`AGIB 34/30
`Various embodiments are directed to surgical instruments
`A6IB 17/00
`for use in handheld applications or with robotic surgical
`AOIB 17/22
`systems. The surgical
`instruments may comprise an end
`A6IB 90/50
`effector to treat tissue and a shaft extending proximally from
`(52) U.S. Cl.
`the end effector along a longitudinal axis. Some embodi-
`CPC ...... A6IB 17/320092 (2013.01); A6IB 34/30
`(2016.02); A61B 34/7] (2016.02); A6IF—_ments may be usable with an instrument mountingportion of
`9/00745 (2013.01); A6IB 2017/003 (2013.01);
`a robotic surgical instrument. For example, the shaft may
`A6IB 2017/00305 (2013.01); A6IB
`extend proximally to the instrument mounting portion.
`2017/00323 (2013.01); A6IB 2017/00327
`(2013.01); A6/B 2017/00526 (2013.01); A6IB
`12 Claims, 76 Drawing Sheets
`Exhibit 1020
`Intuitive v. Ethicon
`Exhibit 1020
`Intuitive v. Ethicon


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