Bryan Knodel, Ph.D.
`Boston, MA
`Page 1
`Patent Owner.
`Case IPR2018-01254
`U.S. Patent No. 8,479,969
`April 4, 2019
`9:31 a.m.
`Fish & Richardson
`One Marina Park Drive
`Boston, Massachusetts
` 1
` 2
` 3
` 4
` 5
` 6
` 7
` 8
` 9
` 10
` 11
` 12
` 13
` 14
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` 17
` 18
` 19
` 20
` 21
` 22
` 23
` 24
` 25 ---- Reporter: Julie Thomson Riley, RDR, CRR ---
`Alderson Court Reporting
`Ethicon Exhibit 2011.001
`Intuitive v. Ethicon


`Bryan Knodel, Ph.D.
`Boston, MA
`Page 2
` 2 For the Petitioner:
` 3 Fish & Richardson, PC
`by Steven R. Katz, Esquire
`One Marina Park Drive
`Boston, Massachusetts 02210-1878
`(617) 521-7803
` 4
` 5
` 6
` 7
` 8
` 9
` 10 For the Patent Owner:
` 11 Weil, Gotshal & Manges, LLP
`by Anish R. Desai, Esquire
`767 Fifth Avenue
`New York, New York 10153-0119
`(212) 310-8730
`- and -
` 12
` 13
` 14
` 15
` 16
` 17
` 18
` 19
` 20 Weil, Gotshal & Manges, LLP
` 21
` 22
` 23
` 24
` 25
`by Christopher T. Marando, Esquire
`2001 M Street NW, Suite 600
`Washington, District of Columbia 20036
`(202) 682-7094
`Alderson Court Reporting
`Ethicon Exhibit 2011.002
`Intuitive v. Ethicon


`Page 3
`Bryan Knodel, Ph.D.
` 1
`Boston, MA
`I N D E X
` 2 Deposition of:
` 3 Bryan D. Knodel, Ph.D.
`by Mr. Desai
` 4
` 5
` 6
` 7
` 8
` 9
` 10
` 11
` 12
` 13
` 14
` 15
` 16
` 17
` 18
` 19
` 20
` 21
` 22
` 23
` 24
`Alderson Court Reporting
`Ethicon Exhibit 2011.003
`Intuitive v. Ethicon


`Bryan Knodel, Ph.D.
`Boston, MA
`Page 4
` 1 ----------------------------------------------------
` 2
` 3
`9:31 a.m.
` 4 ----------------------------------------------------
` 5
` 6
`* * *
` 7 having been satisfactorily identified and duly sworn
` 8 by the Notary Public was examined and testified as
` 9 follows:
` 10
` 11 BY MR. DESAI:
` 12
` 13
` 14
`Could you state your name for the record.
`Bryan Knodel.
`And you were deposed yesterday in the 1247
` 15 IPR; is that right?
` 16
` 17
`The Anderson case, yes.
`Okay. And for today's deposition, you
` 18 have a binder in front of you with the exhibits in
` 19 the 1254 IPR, which is the Giordano-based IPR; is
` 20 that right?
` 21
` 22
` 23
` 24
`Yes, I do.
`Including your declaration?
`Yes, I do.
`Okay. Why don't you -- before we do that,
` 25 what did you do to prepare today for this deposition?
`Alderson Court Reporting
`Ethicon Exhibit 2011.004
`Intuitive v. Ethicon


`Bryan Knodel, Ph.D.
`Boston, MA
`Page 5
` 1
`I looked over my declaration and the cited
` 2 references in it.
` 3
` 4
` 5
`And when did you do that?
`Last night.
`Okay. Did you meet with your attorney to
` 6 talk about the case?
` 7
` 8
` 9
` 10
`I did. Yesterday afternoon.
`For how long?
`Two hours.
`Okay. Do you have any corrections to make
` 11 to your declaration, which is Exhibit 1005?
` 12
` 13
` 14
`Not that I'm aware of.
`MR. KATZ: Do you happen to have an extra
` 15 copy of that one?
` 16
` 17
`MR. DESAI: Yes I do. Sorry.
`MR. KATZ: I think it would be helpful if
` 18 you have one.
` 19
` 20
`MR. DESAI: Okay. I'll hand out these.
` 21 This is the -- you already have the Giordano. I'll
` 22 give this to --
` 23
` 24
`MR. KATZ: Thank you.
` 25 BY MR. DESAI:
`Alderson Court Reporting
`Ethicon Exhibit 2011.005
`Intuitive v. Ethicon


`Bryan Knodel, Ph.D.
`Boston, MA
`Page 6
` 1
`Okay. So for claim 24, that starts in
` 2 your declaration at page or let's say paragraph
` 3 I think it's 122; is that right?
` 4
` 5
`That is correct.
`Okay. And as I understand your combination,
` 6 it's the Shelton stapler, adapted for use with
` 7 Giordano's articulation mechanism, and then
` 8 Wallace's surgical robot system; right?
` 9
` 10
`Okay. I'd like you to take a look at
` 11 Figure 5 of Giordano, which actually is on the next
` 12 page in your declaration. Okay. And then at the
` 13 same time, if you could look at Figure 11 of
` 14 Shelton.
` 15
` 16
` 17
` 18
`So Shelton stapler, Figure 11, includes a
` 19 firing bar 14 that moves linearly to fire the
` 20 stapler; is that right?
` 21
` 22
`That's correct.
`Okay. And Giordano's stapler includes a
` 23 rotary drive assembly that is formed of at least the
` 24 main drive shaft 48 --
` 25
`Alderson Court Reporting
`Ethicon Exhibit 2011.006
`Intuitive v. Ethicon


`Bryan Knodel, Ph.D.
` 1
` 2
` 3
`Boston, MA
`Page 7
`-- bevel gear assembly 52 --
`-- secondary drive shaft 50, drive gear
` 4 54, proximal drive gear 56 and helical screw shaft
` 5 36, and those are used to fire the stapler; right?
` 6
`I didn't see the last few numbers that
` 7 you -- you went pretty fast. Can you -- I was
` 8 following you up to the very end, the secondary
` 9 shaft, 36, and then what was after that? Sorry.
` 10
`No, yeah, I'll do it again. I'll try to
` 11 do it slower.
` 12
` 13
`Okay. So Giordano stapler has a rotary
` 14 drive assembly for firing the stapler that includes
` 15 the main drive shaft 48, bevel gear assembly 52,
` 16 secondary drive shaft 50, drive gear 54 --
` 17
` 18
`-- proximal drive gear 56, and then
` 19 helical screw shaft 36.
` 20
` 21
` 22
` 23
`Right. I followed it. Okay. Thank you.
`And those are used to fire the stapler?
`That's correct.
`Okay. And as I understand your declaration,
` 24 you're saying that the articulation mechanism of
` 25 Giordano would be incorporated into the Shelton
`Alderson Court Reporting
`Ethicon Exhibit 2011.007
`Intuitive v. Ethicon


`Bryan Knodel, Ph.D.
`Boston, MA
`Page 8
` 1 stapler, so in your proposed combination, the firing
` 2 of the stapler would be accomplished using Shelton's
` 3 firing rod; is that right?
` 4
` 5
`It could be.
`Well, what's your opinion in your
` 6 combination?
` 7
`Oh, I didn't -- in my opinion that I
` 8 formulated, I didn't feel like I needed to
` 9 distinguish, because either one -- I wanted to use
` 10 the -- I wanted to use the articulation of Giordano,
` 11 but whether I stuck with the firing bar of Shelton
` 12 or the rotary drive of Giordano, I felt was
` 13 not -- either one could have worked with that
` 14 articulation.
` 15
` 16
` 17
` 18
`So when you say the Shelton stapler --
`-- what do you mean?
`I mean because in your declaration, you
` 19 say the Shelton stapler would be adapted for use in
` 20 Giordano's articulation mechanism. What do you mean
` 21 by the Shelton stapler?
` 22
`The mechanisms of the Shelton stapler, but
` 23 my recollection is that there's a lot of -- you
` 24 know, they -- the Shelton stapler had used a firing
` 25 bar. The Giordano used a rotary drive, and they
`Alderson Court Reporting
`Ethicon Exhibit 2011.008
`Intuitive v. Ethicon


`Bryan Knodel, Ph.D.
`Boston, MA
`Page 9
` 1 were -- they both accomplished the same purpose.
` 2 They advanced the wedge and knife.
` 3
`Right. So but in your declaration, when
` 4 you tell the Board, I'm combining the Shelton
` 5 stapler, what do you mean?
` 6
` 7
` 8
`What parts of the Shelton stapler?
`The -- I believe that there's -- when I'm
` 9 combining -- first of all, I'm combining all three.
` 10 I'm combining Giordano and Shelton and Wallace, in
` 11 this -- that's what you started with.
` 12
`You said -- I'll reread it: One
` 13 of -- "specifically one of ordinary skill in the art
` 14 would have understood that the Shelton stapler
` 15 adapted for use with Giordano's articulation
` 16 mechanism and Wallace's surgical robot disclose this
` 17 claim."
` 18
`It's the combination of the three; right?
` 19 So I'm not -- I wasn't specifically trying to
` 20 identify this specific component versus this -- it's
` 21 the concepts of Giordano's articulation, Shelton's
` 22 rotary inputs and -- in the handle that lead to
` 23 driving, and those rotary inputs can rotary drive a
` 24 linear actuation or you can keep them rotary and
` 25 drive the helical screw, and Wallace has the adapter
`Alderson Court Reporting
`Ethicon Exhibit 2011.009
`Intuitive v. Ethicon


`Bryan Knodel, Ph.D.
`Boston, MA
`Page 10
` 1 to the robot. So I wasn't trying to identify -- this
` 2 exact part from Shelton is what I was considering.
` 3 That was not what I did.
` 4
`Okay. So when you said Shelton stapler,
` 5 you meant you're picking parts of the Shelton
` 6 stapler, parts of the Giordano stapler --
` 7
` 8
` 9
` 10
`And parts of Wallace.
`-- and parts of Wallace?
`Yes, that's what I mean.
`But what part of -- when you say the
` 11 Shelton stapler here, what part are you referring to
` 12 or parts?
` 13
`I didn't specifically try to identify
` 14 those.
` 15
`Okay. You've explained, I think, that the
` 16 articulation mechanism of Giordano that you're
` 17 incorporating includes the articulation control 16
` 18 and the articulation pivot 14; right?
` 19
` 20
`Can you point to my --
`Right. Yeah. So let's see, in
` 21 paragraph 122, you say Giordano's articulation
` 22 mechanism, and then you say see above claim 11;
` 23 right?
` 24
` 25
`You got that?
`Alderson Court Reporting
`Ethicon Exhibit 2011.010
`Intuitive v. Ethicon


`Bryan Knodel, Ph.D.
` 1
` 2
`Boston, MA
`Yes, I see that.
`And if we go to paragraph 117, that's
`Page 11
` 3 claim 11; right?
` 4
` 5
`Okay. And at the bottom there, you define
` 6 Giordano's articulation mechanism is including,
` 7 among other things, the articulation control 16 and
` 8 the articulation pivot 14; right?
` 9
`I do identify that the Giordano's
` 10 articulation mechanism includes, among other things,
` 11 these controls 16, yes, and articulation pivot 14,
` 12 yes.
` 13
` 14
` 15
` 16
`Okay. Looking at Shelton Figure 11.
`MR. KATZ: That's right here.
`Yeah. Thank you.
`How would the articulation pivot be
` 17 integrated into this device?
` 18
`The outer shaft 32 of Shelton is replaced
` 19 with the assembly of outer tube comprising 44 and
` 20 42.
` 21
`And you would maintain or you could
` 22 maintain, in your view, the firing rod 14; right?
` 23 You wouldn't change that?
` 24
`Fourteen. I am not -- I didn't make a
` 25 determination whether I would want to or needed to.
`Alderson Court Reporting
`Ethicon Exhibit 2011.011
`Intuitive v. Ethicon


`Bryan Knodel, Ph.D.
`Boston, MA
`Page 12
` 1 Maybe; maybe not.
` 2
`The Shelton stapler, am I correct, that it
` 3 is intended to be actuated by a clinician first
` 4 drawing back a closure trigger to close the jaws and
` 5 then drawing back the firing trigger to fire the
` 6 stapler?
` 7
` 8
`That is my understanding as well.
`Okay. For the Shelton stapler does the
` 9 clinician have to pump the trigger more than once
` 10 to fire or does pulling the trigger all the way
` 11 complete a full firing? Do you know?
` 12
`I don't recall. Did I -- did I comment on
` 13 that?
` 14
`I don't think you did. I'm asking if you
` 15 know.
` 16
` 17
`I don't recall.
`Okay. Are you able to determine that by
` 18 looking at the Shelton stapler in the patent?
` 19
` 20
` 21
`Perhaps, if I read through it.
`I don't know that I -- the -- I am hesitant
` 22 to try to state this because this patent references
` 23 other patents that may be included, and I don't
` 24 think that that's something that I have time to
` 25 delve into right now.
`Alderson Court Reporting
`Ethicon Exhibit 2011.012
`Intuitive v. Ethicon


`Bryan Knodel, Ph.D.
`Boston, MA
`Page 13
` 1
`Okay. What about Figure 6 of Shelton,
` 2 taking a look at that, and Figure 8? Limit it to
` 3 that. Do those figures instruct you as to how the
` 4 firing would work as to how many times the user
` 5 needs to pull the trigger?
` 6
`From Figure 6, I would deduce that the
` 7 firing -- the closure trigger is pulled once, and
` 8 the firing trigger is pulled once.
` 9
`Okay. In paragraph 127 of your declaration,
` 10 that's where you address what you've labeled as
` 11 limitation 24.2.2.
` 12
` 13
`Okay. And your primary position here is
` 14 that the Shelton stapler with the Giordano
` 15 articulation mechanism satisfies this limitation;
` 16 right?
` 17
`Giordano, in view of Wallace, where the
` 18 Shelton stapler with Giordano's articulation
` 19 mechanism, yes.
` 20
` 21
` 22
`But then you have a sentence at the very
` 23 end of the paragraph that says "Moreover, Wallace,
` 24 likewise, teaches a surgical instrument with an
` 25 articulation joint providing articulation about an
`Alderson Court Reporting
`Ethicon Exhibit 2011.013
`Intuitive v. Ethicon


`Bryan Knodel, Ph.D.
`Boston, MA
`Page 14
` 1 axis transverse to the longitudinal axis, and thus
` 2 Wallace likewise provides the necessary teaching to
` 3 add articulation to the Shelton stapler."
` 4
` 5
` 6
`Do you see that?
`I do see that.
`Okay. Are you proposing an alternative
` 7 combination here where the Shelton stapler utilizes
` 8 the platform wrist mechanism that's described in
` 9 Wallace as opposed to the Giordano articulation
` 10 pivot?
` 11
`What I'm proposing is that Wallace, that
` 12 the Wallace articulation joint creates a geometric
` 13 relationship where the axis is transverse to the
` 14 longitudinal tool.
` 15
` 16
` 17
` 18
` 19
` 20
`Okay. You didn't answer my question.
`Oh, I'm sorry.
`You answered a different question.
`I'll try again.
`Are you proposing a combination here where
` 21 the Shelton stapler utilizes the platform wrist
` 22 mechanism that's described in Wallace as opposed to
` 23 the Giordano articulation pivot?
` 24
`I'm not sure I understand the question. I
` 25 know this is the third time you've asked it, but.
`Alderson Court Reporting
`Ethicon Exhibit 2011.014
`Intuitive v. Ethicon


`Bryan Knodel, Ph.D.
`Boston, MA
`Page 15
` 1
`Okay. In your previous paragraph you
` 2 explain how the Shelton stapler will utilize a
` 3 Giordano articulation mechanism which we've
` 4 discussed as the articulation control 16 at least
` 5 and the articulation pivot 14; right?
` 6
`No. No, that's -- if you understood me to
` 7 say that, I wasn't saying that we would use that
` 8 exact articulation control 16. Sixteen is out on
` 9 the shaft, and it's -- it's -- I wasn't saying we're
` 10 using 16 specifically.
` 11
` 12
` 13
`So you're changing your declaration?
`Can you show me where I said -- identified
` 14 specifically part No. 16.
` 15
` 16
` 17
` 18
`I think we just went through that.
`Okay. Let's do it again.
`Paragraph 117.
`Okay. I identify that that is the
` 19 mechanism of Giordano, but I'm not specifically
` 20 saying that I'm using all the -- I'm not identifying
` 21 the pieces of -- when I'm saying that that is -- in
` 22 Giordano, 16 is the articulation control; that is
` 23 true. What I'm not saying that it is in a
` 24 combination that 16 is a part that I have identified
` 25 that I'm using. That's the clarification I'm
`Alderson Court Reporting
`Ethicon Exhibit 2011.015
`Intuitive v. Ethicon


`Bryan Knodel, Ph.D.
` 1 making.
`Boston, MA
`Page 16
` 2
`And so when you said or Giordano disclosed
` 3 an articulation mechanism, including among other
` 4 things, an articulation control 16 and articulation
` 5 pivot 14 --
` 6
` 7
` 8
` 9
`-- you said that right?
`I did say that, yes.
`And then later on in your declaration, you
` 10 say the Shelton stapler with Giordano's articulation
` 11 mechanism. That's what you said, paragraph 127?
` 12
` 13
`I understand that.
`Right. And so now you're changing
` 14 this -- hold on. Let me just --
` 15
`MR. KATZ: And hold on because I'm going
` 16 to object. So hold your horses.
` 17
`You're changing or you're modifying
` 18 paragraph 127 now, so that what you're saying here
` 19 is when you're saying Giordano's articulation
` 20 mechanism, you're not referring to the control 16?
` 21
`MR. KATZ: And objection to form.
` 22 Argumentative and mischaracterizes testimony.
` 23
`I'm saying that -- what I'm saying in
` 24 paragraph 17 is relative to Figure No. 2. I'm
` 25 identifying the articulation control in the pivot,
`Alderson Court Reporting
`Ethicon Exhibit 2011.016
`Intuitive v. Ethicon


`Bryan Knodel, Ph.D.
`Boston, MA
`Page 17
` 1 among other things, so that the reader can say, oh,
` 2 here's the articulation joint and its control.
` 3
`Later when I say I want to use Giordano's
` 4 articulation, I didn't identify all the elements of
` 5 the articulation. I identified them relative to
` 6 Figure 2 for identification, so I'm not specifically
` 7 saying that the combination requires the specific
` 8 component 16. That's what I'm trying to clarify.
` 9
` 10
` 11
`All right. So let's now go back to the
` 12 other question I was asking --
` 13
` 14
`-- which is where you say at the end of
` 15 paragraph 127, are you proposing a combination here
` 16 where the Shelton stapler would utilize the platform
` 17 wrist mechanism that's described in Wallace?
` 18
`I'm -- yes, so Wallace would provide a
` 19 longitudinal -- an axis -- Wallace articulation
` 20 would create an axis transverse to the longitudinal
` 21 tool if that were -- if that were included in a
` 22 combination with Shelton.
` 23
`So if someone were to use the platform
` 24 wrist mechanism in Wallace with the Shelton stapler,
` 25 you're saying that would be -- allow you to
`Alderson Court Reporting
`Ethicon Exhibit 2011.017
`Intuitive v. Ethicon


`Bryan Knodel, Ph.D.
`Boston, MA
`Page 18
` 1 articulate transverse?
` 2
` 3
` 4
` 5
`That's what you're saying?
`That's what I'm saying.
`Is it your position that somebody would --
` 6 a person of ordinary skill in the art would use the
` 7 platform wrist mechanism in Wallace with the Shelton
` 8 stapler?
` 9
`I didn't really -- I didn't consider the
` 10 question from that perspective. It wasn't a
` 11 question of would. It was a question of could.
` 12
`Have you explained here in your declaration
` 13 how the Shelton stapler with the platform wrist
` 14 mechanism of Wallace would have a proximal spine
` 15 portion pivotally coupled to a distal spine portion
` 16 at an articulation joint?
` 17
`Once, again, it might be faster if you
` 18 point to where you're -- which claim are you referring
` 19 to?
` 20
` 21
` 22
`Well, I'm talking about limitation 24.2.2 --
`-- and your only paragraph about that is
` 23 paragraph 127.
` 24
` 25
`And so do you think you've explained here
`Alderson Court Reporting
`Ethicon Exhibit 2011.018
`Intuitive v. Ethicon


`Bryan Knodel, Ph.D.
`Boston, MA
`Page 19
` 1 how the Shelton stapler with the Wallace platform
` 2 wrist would have a proximal spine portion pivotally
` 3 coupled to a distal spine portion at an articulation
` 4 joint?
` 5
`The Wallace articulation joint has
` 6 something beyond it that it's driving, and if we
` 7 look at Wallace --
` 8
`Well, before you do that, before you -- I'll
` 9 let you do that in a second.
` 10
` 11
`Okay. But first answer my question. Do
` 12 you think you've explained that here in paragraph 127?
` 13
`I think it -- I think I explained it to
` 14 the -- I guess it seemed obvious to me.
` 15
` 16
` 17
`You're not answering my question.
`My question is do you think you've
` 18 explained it here in paragraph 127?
` 19
`I felt that I -- 127 was clear in my
` 20 intention.
` 21
`You think it's clear in paragraph 127 that
` 22 you've explained how the Shelton stapler with the
` 23 Wallace platform wrist has a proximal spine portion
` 24 pivotally coupled to a distal spine portion at an
` 25 articulation joint?
`Alderson Court Reporting
`Ethicon Exhibit 2011.019
`Intuitive v. Ethicon


`Bryan Knodel, Ph.D.
`Boston, MA
`Page 20
` 1
`What I wrote I felt was sufficient for
` 2 someone to look at then what does Wallace have?
` 3 What does Shelton have? And that the combination
` 4 met the limitations of that claim.
` 5
`Okay. Where in Wallace have you pointed
` 6 us to?
` 7
`I didn't specifically point to Wallace. I
` 8 didn't try to identify a component by number that
` 9 said this is the distal spine portion.
` 10
`We talked about Wallace a bit yesterday.
` 11 I don't remember if we covered this or not. You'd
` 12 agree that the purpose of Wallace is to provide a
` 13 platform wrist mechanism that provides three degrees
` 14 of movement of an end effector?
` 15
` 16
`MR. KATZ: Objection to form.
`I don't -- I don't recall that statement
` 17 being made, no. Three degrees of freedom.
` 18
`You don't recall that being said in
` 19 Wallace?
` 20
` 21
` 22 I?
` 23
` 24
` 25
`Three degrees of freedom, no, that's --
`I didn't say three degrees of freedom, did
`You just did, yes.
`I said three degrees of movement.
`Alderson Court Reporting
`Ethicon Exhibit 2011.020
`Intuitive v. Ethicon


`Bryan Knodel, Ph.D.
` 1
` 2
` 3 freedom.
`Boston, MA
`Page 21
`Okay. Does that change -- does it matter?
`Well, I think of a wrist as two degrees of
` 4
`Okay. I didn't use the word "freedom";
` 5 so, I'll try again.
` 6
`You would agree that the purpose of
` 7 Wallace is to provide a platform wrist mechanism
` 8 that provides three degrees of movement of an end
` 9 effector?
` 10
` 11
`MR. KATZ: Objection to form.
`I don't really understand the question
` 12 or -- yeah, I don't understand what you're saying.
` 13
` 14
` 15
`Okay. You read Wallace; right?
`Yes, I did.
`All right. So why don't we take a look at
` 16 it. Column two.
` 17
` 18
`The bottom of column two, and you see it
` 19 says "Manipulation and control of these end
` 20 effectors is a critical aspect of robotic surgical
` 21 systems."
` 22
` 23
` 24
`Do you see that?
`I do see that. Mm-hmm.
`Okay. And then it talks about providing a
` 25 surgical tool which includes mechanisms to provide
`Alderson Court Reporting
`Ethicon Exhibit 2011.021
`Intuitive v. Ethicon


`Bryan Knodel, Ph.D.
`Boston, MA
`Page 22
` 1 three degrees of rotational movement of an end
` 2 effector.
` 3
` 4
` 5
` 6
`Do you see that?
`I do see that.
`You understand what that means?
`I do in this context. It's much more
` 7 clear than what I thought I heard you say before.
` 8
` 9
`Oh, okay.
`So now you agree that the purpose of this
` 10 patent is to provide a mechanism that provides three
` 11 degrees of rotational movement for an end effector
` 12 for a robotic surgical system; correct?
` 13
` 14
` 15
`MR. KATZ: Objection to form.
`You may answer.
`The entire device has three degrees of
` 16 motion, yes. The articulation is not providing
` 17 three degrees of motion.
` 18
` 19
` 20
`The third degree is the shaft roll?
`Exactly. That's what's confusing me.
`Okay. And the way that Wallace
` 21 accomplishes providing that three degrees of
` 22 movement is to have a shaft roll and a platform
` 23 wrist; right?
` 24
` 25
`That is correct, I believe.
`Wallace illustrates a tool base that
`Alderson Court Reporting
`Ethicon Exhibit 2011.022
`Intuitive v. Ethicon


`Bryan Knodel, Ph.D.
`Boston, MA
`Page 23
` 1 mounts to the robotic system and includes a drive
` 2 system for an end effector; right?
` 3
`Yes, Wallace has a tool base for
` 4 connection to a robotic surgical system that drives
` 5 the instruments, yes.
` 6
`And it's illustrated in Figures 26 to 30;
` 7 right. That's the tool base?
` 8
`You can see a portion of the tool base in
` 9 28 and 29. It is more clear in 27 and 30, yes.
` 10
`And 26 too; right? I think they're all
` 11 just different views of the same tool base; right?
` 12
`Yes. Basically, yes, I think so. I think
` 13 so.
` 14
`Is 62 is that what he calls it, a tool
` 15 base?
` 16
` 17
` 18
` 19
` 20
` 21 62.
` 22
` 23
`I think so.
`I just don't want to use the wrong term.
`You can check. Yeah, column 7.
`Column 7.
`Right around line 37, it says tool base,
`You can also see in the figures, the
` 24 description of the figures in column 7. There's say
` 25 Figure 26, they're all --
`Alderson Court Reporting
`Ethicon Exhibit 2011.023
`Intuitive v. Ethicon


`Bryan Knodel, Ph.D.
` 1
` 2
` 3
`Boston, MA
`Page 24
`-- referring to the tool base; right?
`Okay. Linkage 62. And then it's a little
` 4 bit weird. It talks about linkage 62.
` 5
`Right. If you just look at the description
` 6 of Figures 26 to 30 on column 7, you'll see that
` 7 they're referring to a tool base. Column 7.
` 8 I think you're in the wrong -- you're in the wrong
` 9 place.
` 10
` 11
` 12
`That's what was throwing me off.
`You've gone too far into your binder now.
`Yeah, I'd gone into Tierney. I'm like,
` 13 boy, I'm just not seeing what you're saying.
` 14
` 15
` 16
` 17
`Boy, I'm really confused.
`That's okay.
`Okay. Let me try again. Coupled to tool
` 18 base 62, yes, it is clear now. Thank you.
` 19
` 20
`No problem.
`All right. So the tool base that's shown
` 21 in Figures 26 to 30 of Wallace is not designed to
` 22 drive an endocutter that clamps and fires; correct?
` 23
` 24
`That is correct.
`Okay. The motions that are provided in
` 25 this tool base are articulation of the platform
`Alderson Court Reporting
`Ethicon Exhibit 2011.024
`Intuitive v. Ethicon


`Bryan Knodel, Ph.D.
`Boston, MA
`Page 25
` 1 wrist and a shaft roll; correct?
` 2
`No. I think there's also an actuation to
` 3 actuate an end effector.
` 4
` 5
`Are you sure about that?
`I'm not sure. That's why I say I think
` 6 there's an actuation as well.
` 7
` 8
`I don't --
`Well, I don't think there is, so by my
` 9 read of Wallace, there are -- that tool base
` 10 performs, as it's shown and described, performs the
` 11 shaft roll and the articulation.
` 12
` 13
` 14
` 15
` 16 yourself.
`Do you want to check that for yourself?
`No, that's fine.
`No, I actually need you to check for
` 17
` 18
` 19
` 20
`If that's what you believe.
`I want to know what you believe.
`MR. KATZ: Objection. Asked and answered.
`I just want to see -- because Wallace
` 21 shows, for example, in Figure 6B --
` 22
` 23
` 24
` 25
`Right. So I agree --
`-- Wallace shows --
`Go ahead.
`-- it shows a jaw to be actuated in
`Alderson Court Reporting
`Ethicon Exhibit 2011.025
`Intuitive v. Ethicon


`Bryan Knodel, Ph.D.
` 1 Figure 6B.
`Boston, MA
`Page 26
` 2
` 3
`Do you agree that that's a jaw?
`I agree that's a jaw. I don't agree that
` 4 Wallace discloses a tool base that actuates that.
` 5 So that's my question to you.
` 6
` 7
`So the same as 2A; right?
`All right. So why don't we stick to one
` 8 question at a time.
` 9
` 10
`Okay. Sorry.
`Show me in Wallace where it describes the
` 11 tool base is actuating the jaws?
` 12
` 13
`All right.
`Figure 30 -- show me what part of Figure 30
` 14 is actuating the jaw.
` 15
` 16
` 17 too, so --
` 18
` 19
`Okay. We can probably make this quicker
`-- there's in Figure 30, there's two
` 20 spools that are labeled 400. Do you see that?
` 21
` 22
`I do.
`Okay. And those are used for the platform
` 23 wrist; right?
` 24
` 25
`I believe that's correct, yes.
`Okay. And then there's the spool or gear,
`Alderson Court Reporting
`Ethicon Exhibit 2011.026
`Intuitive v. Ethicon


`Bryan Knodel, Ph.D.
`Boston, MA
`Page 27
` 1
`Do you see that?
` 2
` 3
`Yes, I do.
`Okay. And that is described as that's for
` 4 shaft roll; right?
` 5
` 6
` 7 right?
` 8
` 9
` 10
` 11
`Okay. So then there's one spool left;
`That is correct.
`And that --
`Not numbered.
`And that doesn't have any mechanisms
` 12 associated with it; right?
` 13
` 14
`Not in this figure; that's correct.
`Does it have any in Figures 26, 28 -- oh
` 15 sorry -- Figures 26, 27, 28 or 29?
` 16
`I do not see the fourth spool being
` 17 connected to anything --
` 18
` 19
` 20
`-- in those figures.
`All right. And so then you would agree
` 21 that the tool base that's shown in Figures 26 to 30
` 22 does not illustrate or show how you would drive the
` 23 actuation of jaws; correct?
` 24
` 25
`That is correct.
`Okay. And are you aware of any description
`Alderson Court Reporting
`Ethicon Exhibit 2011.027
`Intuitive v. Ethicon


`Bryan Knodel, Ph.D.
`Boston, MA
`Page 28
` 1 in Wallace of how the actuation of the jaws would be
` 2 accomplished?
` 3
`I'm not aware of that. I know that
` 4 Wallace shows jaws. We agree with that, but I don't
` 5 recall -- I'd have to look to see through the
` 6 reference to see if he ever describes that.
` 7
`Why don't you take a moment to see if you
` 8 can figure that out.
` 9
` 10
`So Wallace identifies the grasping jaws
` 11 and a whole bunch of other actuatable or devices
` 12 that would require actuation in column 7, around
` 13 line 48.
` 14
`So clearly Wallace is contemplating
` 15 actuating devices that require actuation, but, I
` 16 don't see -- he doesn't point to a figure where he
` 17 actually shows that connection.
` 18
`Okay. So in Figures 2A and, for example,
` 19 Figure 6B, and there's some description

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