
`Patent Owner.
`Case IPR2018-01230 (Patent 9,248,772 B2)
`Case IPR2018-01231 (Patent 9,617,066 B2)1
`Record of Oral Hearing
`Held: October 17, 2019
`PAUL J. KORNICZKY, Administrative Patent Judges.
`1 We enter the same transcript in each proceeding. The parties are not
`authorized to use this style heading.


`Case IPR2018-01230 (Patent 9,248,772 B2)
`Case IPR2018-01231 (Patent 9,617,066 B2)
`150 North Riverside Plaza, Suite 2700
`Chicago, Illinois 60606
`300 North LaSalle
`Chicago, Illinois 60654
`The above-entitled matter came on for hearing on October 17, 2019,
`commencing at 12:58 p.m., at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office,
`Madison Building, 600 Dulany Street, Alexandria, Virginia, 22314.


`Case IPR2018-01230 (Patent 9,248,772 B2)
`Case IPR2018-01231 (Patent 9,617,066 B2)
`(Proceedings begin at 12:58 p.m.)
` JUDGE CHERRY: Good afternoon, everyone. This is the hearing in
`IPRs 2018-1230 and -1231, I believe. Arrows Up v. Oren Technologies.
` Will the parties please make their appearances.
` MR. JEDLINSKI: Steve Jedlinski of Holland & Knight. With me
`today is Allison Lucier, also of Holland & Knight.
` MR. MERKIN: Joel Merkin of Kirkland & Ellis on behalf of patent
`owner. And with me today is Kyle Kantarek, also of Kirkland & Ellis on
`behalf of patent owner.
` JUDGE CHERRY: Great. Welcome to you both. Welcome to
` This -- petitioner has the burden of proof. You'll have 45 minutes.
` How much time do you want to reserve for rebuttal time?
` MR. JEDLINSKI: I'd like to reserve 10 minutes.
` JUDGE CHERRY: Sure. You go first.
` I don't think there are any motions in this case.
` And then patent owner will have an opportunity to respond, petitioner
`will get its rebuttal time, and then patent owner also has an opportunity to
`reserve surrebuttal time.
` Whenever you're ready.
` MR. JEDLINSKI: I have -- I have physical slides as well, if --
` JUDGE CHERRY: Great. I'm the only one here, so -- but I'll take
`them. Thank you very much.
` MR. JEDLINSKI: Good afternoon.


`Case IPR2018-01230 (Patent 9,248,772 B2)
`Case IPR2018-01231 (Patent 9,617,066 B2)
` Today we're dealing with two patents; the U.S. Patent No. 9,248,772
`and U.S. Patent No. 9,617,066, but referred to as the '772 or '066 patents.
` The two patents are related to one another, as shown on Slide 2. The
`'066 patent is a continuation of the '772 patent. Each is entitled "Method of
`Delivering, Transporting and Storing Proppant for Delivery and Use at a
` Well Site".
` As I'm sure as you're aware by now -- sorry about that -- as I'm sure
`you're aware by now, these patents deal with proppant, which is essentially
`sand, ceramic, or other particulates that are used in connection with fracking
` operations.
` The patents each have the same three figures. Figures 1 and 2 illustrate
`an embodiment of the container, which are relevant to the claim construction
`argument today.
` As noted -- as noted on Slide 3, the container of the Figure 1 has an
`end wall 22, which is recessed inwardly and has a generally convex shape.
`In addition, there is a vent, an inlet, and -- and some other elements shown in
` Figure 1.
` Turning to Slide 4. Figure 3 is shown on this slide. This is --
`illustrates a system of the "present invention of the patents". And as you can
`see, the system generally involves containers, trains, trucks, and loaders and
` Slide 5 is just a background about the -- the claims in the prior art and
`the different grounds that are at issue in these petitions.
` The validity of the claims in the '772 and '066 patents have been
`challenged using four prior art references; Sheesley, Mintz, Uhryn, and


`Case IPR2018-01230 (Patent 9,248,772 B2)
`Case IPR2018-01231 (Patent 9,617,066 B2)
`Hedrick. Our discussion today will be primarily focused on Sheesley and its
`teachings to a person of ordinary skill in the art.
` I preface this now, but the crux of this dispute really revolves around
`whether one is limited to look at essentially the -- the figures of a patent in
`isolation or whether -- or whether or not the -- the reference must be viewed
`in its entirety from the viewpoint of a person of ordinary skill in the art, as
`petitioner asserts.
` Not surprisingly, it's petitioner's belief that the reference should be
`considered together with the knowledge of a person of ordinary skill in the
`art, and we do so, in part, citing the Board's decision in the Cisco v. Focal IP
` In the respective Institution decisions, the Board instituted trials on the
`grounds set forth on Slide 5.
` Turning to Slide 6. Slide 6 is about -- includes a figure from U.S.
`Publication No. 2013-0206415 to Sheesley.
` Sheesley is focused on a modification of a standard cargo container in
`order to carry fracking sand, and Figure 2 on Slide 6 illustrates some of the
`variety of applications that container can be used in to deliver proppant
`from a quarry or, importantly, a source (inaudible).
` Sheesley illustrates how the container can generally be moved via a
`variety of transportation methods, including ship, barge, rail, truck, and in
`and out of storage.
` Turning to Slide 7, we've included two figures of the container
`disclosed in Sheesley.
` Figure 14 is an end view of the container showing the doors and a
`control panel, which are at issue today.


`Case IPR2018-01230 (Patent 9,248,772 B2)
`Case IPR2018-01231 (Patent 9,617,066 B2)
` And then Figure 15 shows a partial sectional view of the container
`illustrating doors on the one end and then -- and then a back wall on the
`other end of the container.
` Slides 8, 9, and 10. We've had background about the other prior art
`references. I think we're going to skip over those for now. I don't think
`those are really at issue, but I have them in there for background in case they
`were necessary.
` So now, turning to Slide 11, this includes kind of a summary of the
`claim limitations that are at issue today.
` In view of the similarity of the terms and the relatedness of the patents,
`some of these arguments cross between the patents and will be addressed
` Outside of these limitations, patent owner does not dispute that the
`prior art combinations meet or disclose the remaining limitations. We have
`laid out in our petitions how the prior art meets all of those remaining
`elements of the claims.
` Additionally, patent owner has not disputed any of the motions or
`rationale to combine any of the references for those remaining limitations.
` Now that the briefing is done and the evidence is in, and the patent
`owner has failed to call into question those findings of the Board included in
`its Institution decision, instead, the patent owner has focused solely its
`arguments on the purported shortcomings of Sheesley's disclosure of these
`limitations. As a result, my plan for the remaining 20 minutes or so is to
`focus on these five limitations.


`Case IPR2018-01230 (Patent 9,248,772 B2)
`Case IPR2018-01231 (Patent 9,617,066 B2)
` On Slide 12, we simply included a full depiction of the content of
`Claim 1 of the '772 patent calling out a couple of the limitations that we'll be
`dealing with today; the vertically stacking and second different end surface.
` The claims of the '772 patent are directed to a method generally for
`transporting proppant comprising of these steps; vertically stacking the
`containers in close proximity to a rail line, filling those containers, and then
`transferring those containers.
` We do kind of a big overview as well on Slide 13 with respect to Claim
`1 of the '066 patent. Again, we've highlighted a couple of the limitations that
`are at issue; the positioning limitation and then the second different end
` Claim 1 of the '066 patent, again, similarly is directed to a method of
`loading and transporting proppant, but it has steps of positioning empty
`containers on a road vehicle, filling those containers, and then transferring
`those containers to a rail site using a roll vehicle and unloader.
` Turning to the first limitation that is at issue in these proceedings is
`second different end surface.
` Claim 1 of the '066 and the '772 patent each include a limitation
`directed to a second different end surface.
` In its preliminary responses, as shown on Slide 15, patent owner
`argued for a claim construction of this limitation, and the Board in its
`Institution decision agreed and set forth a definition of, "Two end surfaces
`that are structurally different, not mere duplication."
` In doing so, the Board cited to the specifications of the '772 and '066
`patents, in part, discussing the convex shape of the one end wall referenced
`in the wall 22 shown on Figure 1 on Slide 15.


`Case IPR2018-01230 (Patent 9,248,772 B2)
`Case IPR2018-01231 (Patent 9,617,066 B2)
` In addition, the patent owner, in its responses, noted that the presence
`of a flow gate 28 and inlet 32 and vent 34, all also shown in Figure 1,
`supported their construction of a second different end wall in connection
`with this structurally different claim construction. This certainly is
`instructive to the disclosures in the prior art, and in particular, in Sheesley.
` Petitioners advance, and the Board in its Institution decisions found,
`that there was a reasonable likelihood that Sheesley disclosed doors on one
`end of its modified container. This is clearly shown in the figures.
` However, patent owner has doubled down on its initial failed
`arguments that Sheesley is entirely silent as to whether or not the doors are
`on the other end of the container.
` First, as shown on Slide 16, Sheesley's disclosure tells a person of
`ordinary skill in the art that the doors are only on "one end thereof".
` The specification states as much. In paragraph 6, when introducing the
`general purpose cargo container, it states, "Doors are fitted at one end."
` Then in paragraph 50, when referring to Figure 9, the doors are noted,
`"On the one end thereof."
` This is also supported by the figures. See, for example, 15 which is on
`Slide 17. Figure 15 is a partial sectional view of the container, and there is
`no indication that that back wall can move like a door. Instead, the back
`wall is shown as a solid wall.
` Patent owner, in its papers and on its demonstrative Slide 23, argues
`that the portrayal of the doors in every figure of Sheesley somehow supports
`their argument; however, this is simply misdirection as these figures all
`show the exact same end of the container, the end with the doors.


`Case IPR2018-01230 (Patent 9,248,772 B2)
`Case IPR2018-01231 (Patent 9,617,066 B2)
` How do we know that? Because it is undisputed that the control panels
`are positioned only in one end wall. You can see this on Slide -- or in Figure
`15 on Slide 17 where the control panel, I believe, 200 is only shown on the
`one end wall.
` And each of these doors in the figures show the control panel;
`therefore, the figures are all depicting the same end wall, the end wall with
`the doors.
` Patent owner's argument that there is some ambiguity or vagueness that
`prohibits an obviousness finding is unsupported. This is not a scenario like
`In re Hughes or In re Turlay where the reference is vague.
` For example, the In re Turlay language at issue was, "A pair of exhaust
`valves are shown at 30 and 31." This phrasing was subject to two different
`interpretations; either there was a pair of valves at each of 30 and 31, or
`there was only one valve at 30 and 31. The language here is clear, "Doors
`are only on one end thereof."
` Furthermore, even assuming patent owner's manufactured ambiguity
`arguments are true, the presence of the control panel on the one end
`confirms that the end walls are structurally different, this is premised on
`patent owner's own claim construction arguments that the flow gate, inlet,
`and vent in only one end wall of the '772 or '066 patent container supported
`its construction of a second different end surface. A vent, for example, is no
`different structurally than a control panel.
` Finally, turning to Slide 18, patent owner's own expert confirmed that
`the control panels and doors were only described in Sheesley on a single


`Case IPR2018-01230 (Patent 9,248,772 B2)
`Case IPR2018-01231 (Patent 9,617,066 B2)
` JUDGE CHERRY: Was that -- the different end surface, was that
`added during the prosecution or -- or does the patent owner attribute any
`patentable significance to it?
` MR. JEDLINSKI: So we'd have to check with respect to the
`prosecution history. I don't recall there being additional -- of the second
`different end surface.
` But with respect to a discussion about the uniqueness of that second
`different end surface, outside of their -- the discussion of the wall being
`generally convex, I'm unaware of any statement in the specification that
`differentiates why that second different end wall is something special.
` JUDGE CHERRY: Okay. I'm aware that the patent owner put in
`evidence of -- that there are some cargo containers that have two sets of
`doors. Is there -- is there any evidence that indicates that that's all -- all ISO
`cargo containers have two doors, or does the evidence suggest that there can
`be different kinds?
` MR. JEDLINSKI: Yeah. So the evidence in record, and I believe I can
`get the exhibit number, I believe supported -- there are some additional ISO
`containers that show that there's only a single door on one end. And, in fact,
`the exhibits that patent owner have supplied that suggests there are a
`container with doors on both ends, it actually says it's an alternative, and
`when you look at what that alternative is provided by that manufacturer, it's
`a container with only doors on one end.
` So it is consistent with the availability – having doors on only one end
`is consistent with the availability of ISO containers, which Sheesley is a
`modification of in the marketplace.


`Case IPR2018-01230 (Patent 9,248,772 B2)
`Case IPR2018-01231 (Patent 9,617,066 B2)
` Turning to Slide 20. We're going to move on to the next limitation,
`which is the positioning limitation of Claim 1 of the '066 patent.
` And this element basically requires two things; positioning of plurality
`of empty containers on a trailer of a road vehicle.
` Turning to Slide 22. Sheesley teaches that its containers can be
`stacked on mode of transportation. This is clearly shown in Figure 5 of a
`railcar. And it shows the railcar -- or it shows -- it also demonstrates that the
`containers, when they were stacked, were empty.
` Sheesley further explains that its modified containers may be placed on
`alternative modes of transportation, not just the railcars shown in Figure 5.
`And one of those modes is importantly a truck, as you can see on Slide 20 --
`on Slide 21.
` On Slide 22, Sheesley also teaches how the containers can move
`through all these normal modes of transportation. For example, in Figure 2
`demonstrates that the source, or quarry 30, can provide proppant to any of
`these different variety of methods of transportation, and this is an illustrate
`of some of the -- the method of getting the proppant to the well site.
` So Sheesley further explains that modified containers cannot just be
`placed on, for example as shown in Figure 5, the -- the railcar, but can also
`be moved in these other varieties of methods of transportation.
` As an initial matter, patent owner -- owner incorrectly states in its sur-
`reply that, "Petitioner admits that Sheesley does not actually disclose this
`limitation," and you can find that on the Demonstrative Slide 51.
` And they do so by citing petitioner's use of the word "could", and in
`fact the POSITA reading Sheesley would understand that the containers
`could be filled with sand when positioned on the flatbed trailer.


`Case IPR2018-01230 (Patent 9,248,772 B2)
`Case IPR2018-01231 (Patent 9,617,066 B2)
` While there's nothing necessarily wrong with the inclusion of "could"
`being one of the embodiments that is disclosed in Sheesley, but furthermore,
`how Mr. Schaaf's declaration actually states that a POSITA would
`understand that Sheesley discloses, "Positioning empty container on a truck
`to be filled and transported," without that "could" language to alleviate any
`concerns that patent owner might have.
` Here, Mr. Schaaf, an undisputed person of ordinary skill in the art,
`does exactly that.
` Patent owner seems to imply that Sheesley teaches a first phase
`wherein the containers are filled with proppant, and then a discrete second
`phase wherein the containers are placed on vehicles for transport. This is
`plainly incorrect, and Figure 5 of Sheesley, for example, shows the empty
`containers being filled with proppant after being placed on a mode of
` Moreover, Sheesley makes it clear that these containers may be filled
`at any point in the supply chain, which includes the rail site.
` JUDGE CHERRY: So with respect to the "could", you're not saying
`that someone could modify Sheesley, you're saying that this is one of the
`embodiments that Sheesley discloses a person of ordinary skill could use,
` MR. JEDLINSKI: Correct. It's not necessarily saying you could take
`the teaching of Sheesley and then do something else to it. It's one of the
`teachings within Sheesley, so it's one of the options it has. So he could, as a
`person of ordinary skill in the art when reading Sheesley would understand


`Case IPR2018-01230 (Patent 9,248,772 B2)
`Case IPR2018-01231 (Patent 9,617,066 B2)
` Moving to Slide 24, we're going to move to the next couple limitations,
`which we refer as to the vertically stacking limitations.
` The first is found in Claim 1 of the '772 patent and requires vertically
`stacking a plurality of empty proppant containers in close proximity to a rail
`spur, and the second is found in a dependent claim which requires vertically
`stacking the second plurality of proppant-filled containers in close proximity
`to the rail spur.
` Both of these limitations require stacking containers in close proximity
`to a rail spur. In the first instance, the containers are empty and set to be
`filled by a source, which is a railcar, and in the second instance the
`containers have been filled by the source, the railcar, and then stacked.
`Sheesley discloses these limitations to a person of ordinary skill in the art.
` Turning to Slide 25. Sheesley teaches that the modified containers
`may be stacked while empty or filled with sand. And in fact, we note that
`during prosecution of the '066 patent, the examiner found that Sheesley
`disclosed vertically stacking containers in place, and that's at Exhibit 1011 at
`page 33.
` And specifically, Figure 3 of Sheesley offers a pictorial illustration of
`the stackability of modified cargo containers with or without sand therein.
`And then further goes on that the modified frack containers can be stacked
`whether in transit or at the frack site.
` Sheesley also teaches that these empty containers may be filled with
`proppant in the stacked container. This is clearly shown in Figure 5.
` And while Figure 5 specifically portrays these containers being filled
`on a railcar, Sheesley makes clear that the containers may be filled at any
`location in the supply chain, which includes at the rail site.


`Case IPR2018-01230 (Patent 9,248,772 B2)
`Case IPR2018-01231 (Patent 9,617,066 B2)
` And as petitioner's experts opined, an auger could be used to provide
`proppant from the railcar, which is the source in this claim, into proppant
`containers which would necessarily be nearby or in proximity to that rail
` And that's at paragraphs --
` JUDGE KORNICZKY: Counsel. So as I understand patent owner's
`position, I think they would agree that Figure 5 shows that the containers are
`on -- up on the rail spur, but they take the position that Sheesley does not
`show that the containers are in close proximities to the rail spur.
` What's your response to that?
` MR. JEDLINSKI: So the response is, is that there's a teaching in
`Sheesley that the -- that the source could be a rail -- could be a railcar. So
`not containers with proppant on a railcar, but the source of proppant material
`could be a railcar, which would necessarily mean, when you need to load the
`empty containers, those containers need to be nearby the railcar. And you
`would use the teachings of Sheesley, which shows using that auger to deliver
`proppant material from a source into an empty proppant container nearby.
` JUDGE KORNICZKY: So is your position then that Figure 5 does not
`show vertically stacked containers in close proximity to a rail spur?
` MR. JEDLINSKI: Correct. That is not necessary -- our position is not
`that the containers on the mode of transportation is necessarily in close
`proximity to a rail spur.
` JUDGE KORNICZKY: Why is that?
` MR. JEDLINSKI: Well, Your Honor, I think --


`Case IPR2018-01230 (Patent 9,248,772 B2)
`Case IPR2018-01231 (Patent 9,617,066 B2)
` JUDGE KORNICZKY: I mean, if you're on top of the rail spur, aren't
`you as near to the rail spur as you possibly can get?
` MR. JEDLINSKI: So Your Honor --
` JUDGE KORNICZKY: Isn't that in close proximity?
` MR. JEDLINSKI: Yeah. So, I mean -- so our – I guess, so our initial
`position in our petition was that not -- that was not necessarily the case.
` When patent owner made that challenge in its response of trying to
`differentiate between the "on" and "in close proximity to", we actually
`adopted that and said, yes, you know, that is now a claim construction
`argument, and furthermore, Figure 5 would show when -- when the railcar is
`on the rail -- rail spur, it is in -- necessarily in close proximity to.
` JUDGE KORNICZKY: I didn't catch that.
` If the containers are on the rail spur, as shown in Figure 5, are they in
`close proximity to the rail spur or are they not?
` MR. JEDLINSKI: So we think that distinguishment is -- is improper
`because that's a claim construction argument that wasn't -- and necessarily
`"in close proximity" would include "in".
` My point was that in our initial petition, we weren't necessarily saying
`that. You know. What our expert was saying was that the auger would
`provide proppant from that railcar source --
` JUDGE KORNICZKY: So -- so let's back up. What is your position?
`Is a vertically stacked container on a rail spur, as shown in Figure 5, is that
`in close proximity to the rail spur or is it not?
` MR. JEDLINSKI: So petitioners -- that is in close proximity to a rail
`spur. But also --
` JUDGE WOODS: You altered it.


`Case IPR2018-01230 (Patent 9,248,772 B2)
`Case IPR2018-01231 (Patent 9,617,066 B2)
` MR. JEDLINSKI: -- but also --
` JUDGE KORNICZKY: What's your support for that?
` MR. JEDLINSKI: So our support for that -- like I said, so in our initial
`petition, that was not the approach.
` When -- when the patent owner attempted to argue and differentiate
`and take our understanding that we are trying to say Figure 5 was on the rail
`spur, we actually said, you're right. Figure 5 is shown on a rail spur, and
`there is no difference, or in close proximity necessarily encompasses on a
`rail spur, and so that, too, as we set forth in our -- in our reply, would
`necessarily demonstrate it.
` But in our initial petition, we were relying upon the expert of saying
`containers would be stacked in proximity to the -- to a railcar, which would
`be delivering that proppant to it using an auger.
` JUDGE KORNICZKY: So just so that I'm clear, petitioner's position
`is that the -- the term "in close proximity to a rail spur" also covers
`containers that are on the rail spur.
` MR. JEDLINSKI: Correct.
` There are -- there are two teachings of – of Sheesley; the one
`embodiment which has it on the rail spur being filled, and then furthermore,
`as petitioner's expert, Mr. Schaaf, has said, that it would also teach him that
`these containers could be -- could be stacked near that rail spur because that
`rail spur would necessarily be that source of proppant that would be filling
`that container, as well.
` JUDGE KORNICZKY: And -- and where is that in Mr. Schaaf's
`declaration --
` MR. JEDLINSKI: It's --


`Case IPR2018-01230 (Patent 9,248,772 B2)
`Case IPR2018-01231 (Patent 9,617,066 B2)
` JUDGE KORNICZKY: -- or deposition testimony?
` MR. JEDLINSKI: So that's in his declaration, Exhibit 1002, at
`paragraph 68. And that's in Exhibit 1002 of the '772 patent proceedings, to
`be clear.
` So moving on. Patent owner attacks these disclosures by trying to look
`at what they teach in isolation rather than the holistic approach, let alone
`from the viewpoint of a person of ordinary skill.
` For example, patent owner improperly isolates Figure 3's teaching of
`stacking containers to well sites because paragraph 83 reads, "At the well
`site to be fracked, modified containers can be stacked as shown in Figure 3."
` But this statement simply emphasizes that the stackability portrayed in
`Figure 3 may be implemented at the well site, as well.
` And Sheesley's primary characterization of Figure 3, "a pictorial
`illustration of the stackability of modified cargo containers with or without
`sand therein," contains no such spacial limitation.
` Sheesley goes on to explain that, "The modified frack containers may
`be stacked in any conventional means, either while in transit or at the frack
` By focusing myopically on the particular figures and a statement in
`isolation, patent owner misses the larger teachings of Sheesley to a person of
`ordinary skill in the art that because Sheesley's containers may be stacked
`while empty and may be stacked while at any point in the supply chain,
`including at the rail site, they may be stacked while empty in close proximity
`to that rail site, as well.


`Case IPR2018-01230 (Patent 9,248,772 B2)
`Case IPR2018-01231 (Patent 9,617,066 B2)
` So taken together, these disclosures teach that Sheesley's containers
`may be stacked empty or filled at any point in the supply chain, including at
`the rail line. And indeed, to fill containers at a rail line, empty containers
` must be present, in close proximity thereto.
` Turning to Slide 27. This depicts Claim 4 of the '772 patent and the
`conveying proppant to a road vehicle limitation.
` This claim depends on Claim 1 and requires, in part, "Conveying the
`proppant from one or more of the plurality of proppant-filled containers to
`one or more proppant-transporting road vehicles on a second conveyer."
` Turning to Slide 28. Sheesley renders this limitation obvious.
`Sheesley teaches that the proppant could be unloaded from the filled
`containers by opening the lower hatch, unloading the proppant onto a
`conveyor, and which then directs that proppant to a blender.
` Sheesley also teaches unloading proppant from the modified container
`to a bulk sand container at the frack site.
` In light of these disclosures, petitioner's expert, Mr. Schaaf, understood
`-- and so this is an obviousness argument -- that proppant could just be -- as
`easily be unloaded from the filled containers by opening that lower hatch,
`unloading proppant onto a conveyor, and conveying that proppant to a road
` This is particularly true when Sheesley discloses use of a conveyor to
`unload containers, and that those containers may be emptied into a bulk
`proppant container such as a SandKing.
` JUDGE KORNICZKY: What's the basis for Mr. Schaaf's testimony?
` MR. JEDLINSKI: So he is looking at -- he's combining, saying look,
`Sheesley teaches me that I can unload this container onto a conveyor and


`Case IPR2018-01230 (Patent 9,248,772 B2)
`Case IPR2018-01231 (Patent 9,617,066 B2)
`direct that proppant to a frack -- to a frack container, like the SandKing.
`Therefore, I could also -- it would teach him that he could also unload it to a
`rail vehicle, as well, to another mode of transportation.
` And so the general teaching of being able to put it to a vehicle, such as
`a Frack King -- or a SandKing would also teach him the same.
` JUDGE KORNICZKY: Are you saying that the SandKing is a road
` MR. JEDLINSKI: No. So -- not necessarily. So we're saying the
`SandKing teaches him -- being able to deliver proppant or unload proppant
`on a conveyor and deliver it to a SandKing teaches him that he could do the
`same thing necessarily with a road vehicle.
` JUDGE KORNICZKY: Are you relying on anything else in Sheesley
`for that?
` MR. JEDLINSKI: No. Outside of the disclosures that we reference in
`Mr. Schaaf's declaration, that -- that is what we're relying upon in support of
`that. In connection with the teachings of a person of ordinary --
` JUDGE KORNICZKY: What -- what paragraph --
` MR. JEDLINSKI: Sorry about that.
` JUDGE KORNICZKY: -- what paragraph are you – in his declaration
`are you referring me to?
` MR. JEDLINSKI: I can get you that -- that quote on rebuttal. I don't
`have it here.
` Actually, I think it's -- going back, it's Exhibit 1002, paragraph 121,
`and it's at the end on Slide 28. I believe he goes on to say that.
` JUDGE KORNICZKY: Are you relying on anything in Figure 1 -- in
`discussion of Figure 1 in Sheesley?


`Case IPR2018-01230 (Patent 9,248,772 B2)
`Case IPR2018-01231 (Patent 9,617,066 B2)
` MR. JEDLINSKI: I have to -- I can double check, but I don't -- I don't
`believe Mr. Sheesley, in his express discussion of this, is pointing to Figure 1
`in the prior art methods of transporting material in connection with this
` So alternatively, if Sheesley alone doesn't necessarily teach a person of
`ordinary skill in the art this conveying limitation, this limitation is rendered
`obvious by Sheesley in view of Uhryn.
` Uhryn teaches unloading proppant from container 30 into a proppant
`transfer device, and that proppant transfer device may comprise of one or
`more of a hopper and a conveyor.
` You can see that hopper on 60 leading to -- to the conveyor on 58 on
`Slide 29 of -- of the demonstrative exhibits.
` Uhryn teaches -- further, Uhryn explains that the conveyor 62 may be
`moved -- could move proppant into a mountain mover 64, which is also
`shown in Figure 3 reproduced on Slide 29, and which that -- that mountain
`mover 64 notably has -- has wheels on it.
` As such, patent owner's assertion that Frac Sander cannot transport
`vehicles over a road is inaccurate. In light of these disclosures, petitioner's
`expert, Mr. Sch

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