Case 4:17-cv-01945 Document 69-1 Filed in TXSD on 10/09/18 Page 2 of 28
`912112018 3:54 PM
`Chris Daniel - Distdot Olerk Harris County
`Envelope N0.27718698
`By: Anais Aguin'e
`Filed: 9121 12018 3:54 PM
`cAUSE NO. 2016-03483
`$ {
`i $ {
`i $ {
`i $ $ $
`AI{IIOWS UP, INC (nlkla AI{iìOWS Ul'
`ancl JOI{N At.LlrGllET't'I
`On '['uesclay, June 5,2018, this case was called to trial.
`Plaintifß SanclBox Logistios, LLC and Sandy Creek Capital, LLC (collectively,
`"SallcllJox") appeared through their attorneys and announced they were ready fbr trial.
`I)cl'en<lants Arrows Up, Inc. (nl\</tt Arrows Up Iiloldings, Inc.) and Arrows Up, LLC
`(collectively, "Arrows Up") ancl Defendant John Allegretti appeared through their attorneys and
`anuouncccl they were reacly lbr trial.
`A juty of twelve qualifìecl jurors of Ilarris County was selected, sworn, and empanelecl,
`aftcr- which the jury hearcf the evicience ancl thc arguments of counsel.
`Following the conclusion of evidence, the jury made findings that the Court receivecl,
`filccJ, ancl enterecl of record on Tuesday, July 3,2018. The questions submitted to the jury ancl
`the jury's f-rndings ¿rre ¿rtt¿rched as trlxhibit I and incorporated by reference.
`'l'he Couú renclers juclgment f,or PIaintifï SandRox against Defendants Arrows Up ancl
`John Allegretti as fbllows:
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`Case 4:17-cv-01945 Document 69-1 Filed in TXSD on 10/09/18 Page 3 of 28
`PlaintifT S¿rnclllox shall recover jointly and severally fiom Defèndants Arrows Up
`521,686,428 in disgorÉlement Sandllox shall also recover from Defendant John Allegretti
`$15,603,300 in lost profit damages, and $846,599.33 in prejudgment interest (calculated on the
`past clarnage awarcl of $6,345,149 at the annual rate of 5%) through September 20,2018, plus
`$869.20 in prejr,rdgment interest pel clay for each day af'ter Septernber 20, 2018 until tlie day
`befbre the clate this Final Juclgmcnt is signecl. Provicled, however, that SandBox may not collect
`trrore tlran 521,686,428 in ac;tual damages and clisgorgement from all defendants.
`Sandllox shall also recover 527,541,840 for exemplary damages from Arrows Up, LLC,
`based on the concluct of'Anows IJp, Inc. and the jury finding against Arrows up.
`In llte ctllentctlive, shouicl the fiaucl oause oflaotion or the exemplary damages awarcl be
`set asicle, PlaintifÏ SandBox sh¿ill recover jointly and severally from Defenclants Arrows Up
`821,686,428 in clisgorgemettt, SandRox shall also recover lrom Defendant John AllegreLti
`$1-5,603,300 in lost profit clamages, and $846,599.33 in prejudgrnent interest (calculated on tlìe
`past clamage award of $6,345,I49 al the annual rate of 5%) through Septernber 20, 2018, ph"rs
`$8(19.20 in preju<lgrnent interest per clay fbr each day after September 20,2018 untii the clay
`befbre the date tltis lìinal Judgment is signed. SandBox shall also recover jointly ancl severally
`li'om f)efèndants Arrows {Jp and John Allegretti $2,511,310 in attorney's fees through trial,
`$200,000 in attorney's foes in the event of an appeal by Defendants to the Court of Appeals,
`$3-5,000 iIì attorney's fees in the event a petition for review is filecl with the Texas Supreme
`Court, $150,000 in attctmey's fèes in the event briefs on the merits are requested by the T'exas
`Suprerne Clourl, $,50,000 in att.orney's fees in the event oral argument is grantecl by the l'exas
`Supreme Couft, ancl S 1,069,01[l in expenses ftrr breach of contract,
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`Case 4:17-cv-01945 Document 69-1 Filed in TXSD on 10/09/18 Page 4 of 28
`In eilht:r .scenctrio, should the disgorgernent award be set aside, Plaintiff SandBox shall
`recover in its plaoe jointly and severally fiom Def-endants Arrows Up ancl John Allegretti
`$15,603,300 in lost prolÌt damages, and $846,599.33 in prejudgment interest (calculated on the
`past clarnage award o1'$6,345,149 at the annual rate of 5%) through Septernber 20, 201tì, plus
`$869.20 in prejuclgment interest per day for each day after September 20, 20IB Lrntil the day
`befbre the date this Iìinal Judgment is signed.
`The Couft cleclares that the frac sand shipping containers Arrows Up has manufactured,
`solcl, or lcasecl since signing the Settlement Agreement and Release ("settlement Agreemcnt")
`¿rre "Iìelated Inventiolts" as clefined by Section 4 of the Mutual Confidentiality arrd Non-
`Disclosr"lre Agreement ("NDA") ancl are owned solely and exclusively by Plaintifl Sandtsox.
`The Court deolares that the 1'ollowing features or components of Defenclants Arrows Up's
`post-Seitlernent Agreernent containers are each a "Iìelatecl Invention" as defrnecl by Section 4 o1'
`the NDA: c'limensions, weíght capacity, roof hatch, felt gasket material, stacking colles, tubular
`Ibrk pockets, funnel angles, ancl cletachable ladcler. Each is owned solely aud exclusiveiy by
`PlaintifT SandBox.
`Plaintiff Sandllox is awarcled title to and possession of any frac sand shipping containers
`that Alrows Up has manuf.acturecl, sold, or leased since entering into the Settlement Agreement
`which are in the ¡rclssession of Arrows Up on the date this Judgment is signecl. Arrows Up is
`orcf crecl to cleliver these shipping containers to SandBox within the later of 30 days of the date
`this.luclgment is sigrrecl or, if posl-juclgrnentmotions are liled,30 days afterthe date c¡f'the order
`overrul ing ¡rost-j uclgrn ent ln oti c-rns.
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`Plaintilf Sandllox is awarded titleto an<l possession of any frac sand shipping containers
`that Arrows Up lias lnanufàctul'ecl, solcl, or Ieased since entering into the Settlement Agreement
`ancl which are being cut'rently Ieased-including the containers being leased under the contracts
`iclentifiecf in Exhibit 2 and which forrned the basis of the award of future damages in this case--
`on the clay such leases expire. Arrows Up is ordered to deliver such containers to Sandllox
`within 10 days of the end of respective leases.
`Plaintiff SanciRox shail recover court costs from Defendants Arrows Up and Allegretti,
`including any court costs incurred in enforcement and collection.
`All awarcls shall bear post-jr-rdgrnent interest at the annual rate of 5% until paicl.
`All relief not expressly grantecl by this Judgment is denied. This judgment is final,
`clisposes of all claims and parties, ancl is appealable,
`'I'he Coult orders exeoution to issue for this Judgment, including any writs or processes
`for the enforoement ancl collection of this Judgment or the costs of court as necessary.
`SIGNtrD this __ day of
`,-<\-- l/ , /
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`Case 4:17-cv-01945 Document 69-1 Filed in TXSD on 10/09/18 Page 7 of 28
`cÄusE No. 2016-03483
`üËrrGrNAr Q\q
`$ $ $ $ $ $ $
`JUI - 3 20tB
`Members of the Jury:
`This case is submitted to you by asking questions about the facts, which you must decide from
`the evidence you have heard in this trial.' 'You are the sole judges of the credibility of the
`witnesses .and the weight to be given their testimony, but in matters of law, you must be
`governed by the instruotions in this charge. In discharging your responsibility on this jury, you
`will observe ali the instructions which have previously been given you. I shall now give you
`additional instructions which you should carefirlly and strictly follow during your deliberations.
`After the olosing arguments, you will go to the jury room to decide the case, atrswer the
`questions that arô attached, and reach a verdict. You may discuss the case with other jurors only
`when you are all together in the jury room.
`Remembsr my previous instructions: Do not discuss the case with anyone else, either in person
`or by any other means. Do not do any independent investigation about the case or conduct any
`reseàrch. Do not look up any words in dictionaries ot' on the Internet. Do not post information
`about the case on the Internet. Do not share any special knowledge or experiences with the other
`jurors. Do not use your mobile phone or any other electronic devices dwìng your deliberations. I
`will give you a number where others may contact you in case of an emergency.
`A¡y notes you have taken are for your own personal use and may be taken back into the jury
`room ald consulted by you during deliberations, but do not show or read your notes to your
`fellow jurors during your deliberations. Your notes are not evidence. Each of you should rely
`upon yóut independent recollection ofthe evidence and not be influenced by the fact that another
`juror lias taken notes.
`you must leave your notes with the baiiiff when you are not deliberating. The bailiff will give
`your notes to me promptly after collecting them from you. I will make sure your notes are kept in
`â safe, secure locatior and not disclosed to anyone. After you complete your deliberations, the
`bailiff will collect your notes. When you are released from jury duty, the bailiff will promptly
`destroy your notes so that nobody can read what you wrote.
`Thls lnslrument ls of poorquality
`at the timo of lmaglng.
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`ere are instructions for answering the questions.
`1. Do not let bias, prejudice, or sympathy play any part in your deliberations
`In arriving at your answers, consider only the evidence introduced here under oath
`and such exhibits as have been introduced for your consideration under the rulings
`of the court, that is, what you have seen and heard in this courtroom, together with
`the law as given you by the court. In your deliberations, you will not consider or
`discuss anything that is not represented by the evidence in this case.
`You are to make up your own minds about the facts. You are the sole judges of
`the credibility of the witnesses and the weight to give their testimony. But on
`matters of law, you must follow all of my instruotions.
`If my instructions use a word in a way that is different from its ordinary meaning,
`use the meaning I give you, which will be a proper legal definition.
`Since every answer that is required by this charge is important, no juror should
`state or consider that any required answer is not important.
`You must not decide who you think should win, and then try to answer the
`questions aocordingly. Simply answer the questions, and do not discuss nor
`concem yourselves with the effect of your answers.
`You will not decide the answer to a question by lot or by drawing straws, or by
`any other method of chance. Do not return a quotient verdict. A quotient verdict
`means that the jurors agree to abide by the result to be reached by adding together
`each juror's figures and dividing by the number ofjurors to get an average.
`Do not do any trading on your answors; that is, one juror should not agree to
`answer a certain question one way if others will agree to answer another question
`another way. For example, do not say, 'oI will answer this question your way if
`you answer another question my way."
`Unless otherwise instructed, you may render your verdict upon the vote of ten or
`more members of the jury. The same ten or more of you must agree upon all of
`the answers made and to the entire verdict. You will not, therefore, enter into an
`agreement to be bound by a majority or any other vote of less than ten jurors. If
`the verdict arrd all of the answers therein are reached by unanimous agreement,
`the presiding juror shall sign the verdict for the entire jury. If any juror disagrees
`as to any answer made by the verdict, those jutors who agree to all findings shall
`each sign the verdict.
`Some questions might ask you for a dollar amount. Do not agree in advance to
`decíde on a dollar amount by adding up each juror's amount and then f,rguring the
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`These instructions are given you because your conduct is subject to review the same as
`that of the witnesses, parties, attorneys, and the judge. If it should be found that you have
`disregalded any of these instructions, it will be jury misconduct and it may require another trial
`by another jury; then all of our time will have been wasted.
`The presiding juror or any other who observes a violation of the court's instructions shall
`immediately warn the one who is violating the same and caution the juror not to do so again.
`When words are used in this charge in a sense that varies from the meaning commonly
`understood, you are given a proper legal defrnition, which you are bound to accept in plaoe of
`any other meaning.
`Answer "Yes" or "No" to all questions unless otherwise instructed. A "Yes" answet must
`be based on a preponderance of the evidence, If you do not find that a preponderance of the
`evidence supports a "Yes" answer, then answer "No." 'Whenever a question requires an answef
`other than "yes" or "no", your answer must be based on a preponderance of the evidence unless
`you are told otherwise.
`The term I'preponderânce of the evidcnce" means the greater weight of oredible
`evidence admitted in this case. A preponderance of the evidence is not measured by the number
`of witnesses or by the number of documents admitted in evidence. For a fact to be proved by a
`preponderance of the evidence, you must find that the fact is more likely true than not true.
`Whenever a question requires other than a "Yes" or "No" answer, your answer must be based on
`a preponderance ofthe evidence,
`A fact may be established by direct evidence or by circumstantial evidence or both. A
`fact is established by direct evidence when proved by documentary evidence or by witnesses
`who saw the act done or heard the words spoken. A fact is established by circurnstantial
`evidence when it may be fairly and reasonably inferred from other facts proved,
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`"SandBox" means SandBox Logistics, LLC and Sandy Creek Capital, LLC.
`"Arrows IJp" means Anows Up, Inc. (now known as Arrows Up Holdíngs, Inc.) and
`Arrows Up, LLC, collectively.
`"NDA" means the Mutual Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement dated January
`"settlement Agreement" means the Settlement Agreement and Release dated January
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`Question No. I
`Did either of the parties named below fail to comply with the following subsections of
`the Settlement Agreement?
`Answer "Yes" or "No" with respect to each of the following:
`a. Section III-C-1?
`(A) Arrows un: Y€5
`V E-S
`(B) John Allegretti
`b. Section III'D-6?
`(A) Arrows Up Y<s
`(B) John Allegretti: V¿f>
`c, Section III-D-7?
`(A) Arrows Up:
`(B) Joln Allegretti : \/e9
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`Question No.2
`Did either of the parties named below fail to comply with Section III-D-I of the
`Settlement Agreement?
`In answering this question, it is your duty to interpret the term "substantially similar" in
`the definition of "Container(s)" in Seotion II of the Settlement Agreement,
`You must decide its meaning by determining the intent of the parties at the time of the
`agreement. Consider all the facts and circumstances surrounding the making of the
`agreement, the interpretation placed on the agreement by the parties, and the conduct of
`the parties.
`Answer "Yes" or "No" with respect to each of the following:
`(A) Arrows Up:
`(B) John Allegretti:
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`Question No,3
`Did Anows Up fail to comply with Sections 2 and 8.2 of the NDA?
`Answer ttYes" or ttNo,t'
`Answer: \/ Ø5
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`If you answered "Yes'o to any part of Questions 1-3, then answer the following question.
`Otherwise, do not answer the following question.
`Question No. 4
`What sum of money, if any, if paid now in cash, would fairly and reasonably compensate
`SandBox for íts damages, if any, that resulted from such failure to comply?
`Consider the following element of damages, if any, and none other:
`In answering questions about damages, answer eaoh question separately. Do not increase
`or reduce the arnount in one answer because of your answer to any other question about
`damages. Do not speculate about what any party's ultirnate recovery may or may not be,
`Any recovery wìll be determined by the court when it applies the law to your answers at
`the time ofjudgment,
`Do not add any amount for interest on damages, if any.
`Answer separately in dollars and cents for damages, if any,
`Lost profits sustained in the past in relation to SandBox oustomers who also
`became Arrows Up customers that were a nafural, probable, and forese.eable
`consequence of Arrows Up's failure to comply.
`Answer: Ø,3q5J14 , oo
`Lost profits that, in reasonable probability, will be sustained in the future in
`relation to SandBox customers who also became Arrows Up customers that are a
`natural, probable, and foreseeable consequence of Arrows Up's failure to comply.
`C. Amount of profit that furows Up acquired as a result of íts failure to cornply in
`the past.
`'{l "
`Amount of profit that Arrows Up will acquire as a result of its failure to comply
`that, in reasonable probability, will be sustained in the future.
`eq0 5ß7, aO
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`Question No. 5
`Do the frac sand shipping containers that Arrows Up has manufactured, sold, or leased
`since entering into the Settlement Agreement qualify as "Related Inventions" as defïned by the
`following sections of the NDA?
`Answer "Yes" or "No" for each of the following:
`(A) Section 4(A);
`(B) Section 4(B):
`(C) Sootion 4(C):
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`Did the following defendants commit fraud against SandBox such that SandBox was
`induced to enter into the Settlement Agreement?
`Question No, 6
`Flaud ogcurs when-
`a party makes a material misrepresentation, and
`the misrepresentation is made with knowledge of its falsity or made tecklessly
`without any knowledge of the truth and as a positive assertion, and
`the misrepresentation is made with the intention that it should be acted on by the
`other party, and
`the other party relies on the misrepresentation and thereby suffers injury
`"Misrepresentation" means a promise of future performance made with an intent, at the
`time the promise was made, not to perform as promised.
`Answer "Yes" or'1{o."
`(A) Anows Up:
`(B) John Allegretti:
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`If you answered "Yes" to Question 6(A) or 6@), then answer the following question with
`respect to the parties named below. Otherwise, do not answer the following question.
`What surn of money, if any, if paid now in cash, would fairly and reasonably compensate
`SandBox for its damages, if any, that resulted from such fraud?
`Question No. 7
`Consider the following element of damages, if any, and none other.
`In answering questions about damages, answer each question separately. Do not increase
`or reduce the amount in one ansv/er beoause of your answer to any other question about
`damages. Do not speculate about what any party's ultimate recovery may or may not be,
`Any recovery will be determined by the court when it applies the law to your answers at
`the time ofjudgment. Do not add any amount for interest on damages, if any.
`Answer separately in dollars and cents for damages, if any.
`Lost profits sustained in the past in relation to SandBox customers who also
`became Arrows Up customers that were a natural, probable, and foreseeable
`consequence of Arrows Up's fraud.
`Answer: 6t 241 t 14C{ " o0
`Lost profits that, in reasonable probability, will be sustained in the future in
`relation to SandBox customers who also became Arrows Up customers that are a
`natural, probable, and foreseeable consequence of Arrows Up's fraud,
`atrr*"t: %å"Sß,/5l.oo
`C, Arnount of profit that Anows Up acquired as a result of its fraud in the past.
`q'll , oO
`Answe': 8r 445 ,
`D. Amount of profit that Arrows Up will acquire as a result of its fraud that, in
`reasonable probabilþ, will be sustained in the future.
`Answer: ßJ A4O /581'oO
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`U ,t^
`Case 4:17-cv-01945 Document 69-1 Filed in TXSD on 10/09/18 Page 18 of 28
`of Question
`following question only if you have unanimously answered
`Otherwise, do not ans\iler the following question.
`to aq*pa*-
`To answer'oYes" to the following question, your answer must be unanimous. You may
`answer 'oNo" to the following question only upon a vote of ten or more jurors. Otherwise, you
`must not answer the following question.
`Question No. I
`Do you find by clear and convincing evidence that the harm to SandBox resulted from
`any fraud by Arrows Up found by you in Question 6?
`"Clear and convincing evidenee" means the measure or degree of proof that produces a
`firm belief or conviction of the truth of the allegations sought to be established.
`You are instructed that Arrows Up may be held liable because of an act by John
`Allegretti if, but only if John Allegretti was employed as a vice-principal and was acting
`in the scope of employment.
`A person ís a'ovice-principal" if-
`that person is a corporate officer; or
`that person has authority to employ, direct, and discharge an employee of Arrows
`up; or
`that person is engaged in the performance of nondelegable or absolute duties of
`Arrows Up; or
`Arrows Up has confided to that person the management of the whole or
`department or division of the business of Arrows Up.
`Answer ttYes" or ttNo.t'
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`Answer the following question only if you unanimously answered "Yes" to Question 8.
`Otherwise, do not answer the following question.
`You must unzurirnously agree on the amount of any award of exemplary damages.
`Question No. 9
`What sum of money, if any, if paid now in oash, should be assessed against Arrows Up
`and awarded to SandBox as exemplary darnages, if any, for the conduct found in response to
`Question 8?
`"Exemplary damages" means an amount that you may in your discretion award as a
`penalty or by way of punishment.
`Factors to consider in awarding exemplary damages, if any, ars-
`The nature of the wrong
`The character of the conduct involved,
`The degree of culpability of Arrows Up.
`The situation and sensibilities of the parties concerned.
`The extent to which such conduct offencls a public sense ofjustice and propriety.
`The net worth of Arrows Up.
`Answer in dollars and cents, if any
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`If you answered 'oYes" to Question No. 5, then answer the following question. Otherwise,
`do not answer the following question
`Do the following features or components of Arrows Up's post-Settlement Agreement
`containers constitute a "Related Invontion" as defined by Section 4 of the NDA:
`Question No. 10
`Answer'oYes" or "No" for each of the following:
`Weight Capacity:
`\l e-5
`l e,9t-
`I r
`Roof Hatch:
`Felt Gasket Material:
`Stacking Cones:
`Tubular Fork Pockets:
`Funnel Angles:
`Detachable Ladder:
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`If you have answered 'oYes" to any portion of Question No. 10, then answer the following
`question only for each feature ot component for which you have answered "Yes". Otherwise, do
`not answer the following question.
`Is SandBox estopped from claiming that the features or components listed below of the
`Gen 1 and Gen 2 prototype designs are a "Related Invention" under the NDA?
`Question No. 11
`SandBox is estopped if the following circumstances occurred:
`by words or corrduct made a false representation or concealed material
`facts, and
`with knowledge of the facts or with knowledge or information that would
`lead a reasonable person to discover the facts, and
`with the intention that Anows Up would rely on the false representation or
`concealment in acting or deciding not to act; and
`Arrows Up:
`did not know and had no means of knowing the real facts, and
`relied to its detriment on the false representation or concealment of
`material facts,
`Weight Capacity:
`Roof Hatch:
`Felt Gasket Material:
`Answer "YeS" or "No" fOr eaoh item for which you answered "YeS" in Question 10:
`A.l o
`/\.) o
`Stacking Cones:
`Tubular Fork Pockets:
`Funnel Angles:
`Detachable Ladder:
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`If you have answered "Yes" to either of Question No. l, 3, 5(A) or 5@), then answer the
`following question only for each Question for which you have answered "Yes". Otherwise, do
`not answer the following question.
`QuestÍon No. 12
`Has A:rows Up proven, by clear and convincing evidence, that the information that
`fonned the basis of yõui answer to Question No. 1, 3, 5(A), or 5(B) satisfïed the following
`was already known to Arows Up at the time of disclosure by SandBox as shown
`by Arrows Up's files and records immediately prior to the time of SandBox's
`disclosure: or
`was already in possession of the public or became available to the public other
`than through the act or omission of Arrows Up: or
`was obtained by Arrows Up from a third party lavdully in possession of such
`information at the time it was acquired by Anows Up and without a breach of
`such third party's obligations of confidentiality: or
`was independently developed by Anows Up without reference to or reliance upon
`the Confidential Data provided by SandBox under the NDA, as shown by
`documents and other competent evidence in Arrows Up's possession.
`You are instructed that specifîc disclosures made under the NDA do not satisfy any of these
`conditions merely becausó they were embraced by general disclosures in the public knowledge
`or literature or disclosures in the possession of Arrows Up.
`you are instructed that any combinations of features disclosed under the NDA do not satisfy any
`of these conditions merely because individual features were in the public knowledge or literature
`or in the possession of Arrows UP'
`,.Clear and convincing evidence" means the measure or degree of proof that produces a firm
`belief or conviction of the truth of the allegations sought to be established.
`Answer "Yes" or o'No" to each of the following:
`fú ()
`Question 1:
`Question 3
`Questions 5(A) or (B):
`Ex. 2006
`Arrows Up v. Oren Technologies
`Page 21


`Case 4:17-cv-01945 Document 69-1 Filed in TXSD on 10/09/18 Page 23 of 28
`When you go into the jury room to answer the questions, the first thing you will need to
`do is choose a presiding juror.
`Presiding Juror
`The presíding juror has these duties:
`a. Have the complete charge read aloud if it will be helpful to your deliberations.
`b. Preside over your deliberations. This means the presiding juror will manage the
`discussions, and see that you follow the instructions.
`c. Give written questions or comments to the bailiff who will give them to the judge.
`d, Write down the answers you agree on'
`e. Get the signatures for the verdict ceftiftcate.
`f, Notify the bailiff that you havç reached a verdict.
`Do you understand the duties of the presiding juror? If you do not, pleæe tell me now.
`Instructions for Signing the Verdict CertifÏcate
`1. You may answer the questions on a vote of 10 jurors. The same 10 jurors must agtee on
`every answer in the charge, This means you cannot have one group of 10 jurors agree on
`one ansv/er and a different group of l0jurors agree on another answer.
`2. If 10 jurors agree on every answer, those 10 jurors sígn the verdict.
`If 11 jurors agree on every answer, those 1i jurors sign the verdict.
`If all 12 of you agree on every answer, you are unanimous and only the presiding juror
`signs the verdict.
`3. Ail jurors should deliberate on every question. You may end up with all 12 of you
`agrèeing on some answers, while only 10 or 11 of you agree on other answers' But when
`you sign the verdict, only those 10 who agree on every ans\iler will sign the verdict.
`Do you understand these instructions? If you do not, please tell me now
`Ex. 2006
`Arrows Up v. Oren Technologies
`Page 22


`Case 4:17-cv-01945 Document 69-1 Filed in TXSD on 10/09/18 Page 24 of 28
`Verdict Certifïcate
`Our verdict is unanimous, All twelve of us have agreed to each and every answer
`the certificate for all 12 of us.
`The presiding juror
`name of Presiding Juror
`is not unanimous, Eleven of us have agteed to each and every answer
`and have signed the certifrcate below.
`Our verdict is not unanimous. Ten of us have agreed to each and every answer
`and have signed the certificate below.
`Check one:
`5 6
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`Arrows Up v. Oren Technologies
`Page 23


`Case 4:17-cv-01945 Document 69-1 Filed in TXSD on 10/09/18 Page 25 of 28
`if you have answered Questions No, 8 or 9, then you must sign this certificate also.
`Additional Ccrtificate /'\ /tS
`I certify that the jury was unanimous in answerf the following questions or parts of
`questions marked "yes" below. All twelve of us agreed t-o each of the answers marked "yes."
`The presiding juror has signed the certificate for all twelve of us'
`Answer "yes" or o'no" for each of the following:
`Question No. 6
`Question No. I
`Question No. 9
`'B¡"orn/o é u, I l¿"^
`Printed Name of Presiding Juror
`Ex. 2006
`Arrows Up v. Oren Technologies
`Page 24


`Case 4:17-cv-01945 Document 69-1 Filed in TXSD on 10/09/18 Page 26 of 28
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`Arrows Up v. Oren Technologies
`Page 25


`Case 4:17-cv-01945 Document 69-1 Filed in TXSD on 10/09/18 Page 27 of 28
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