`Patent Owner
`U.S. Patent No. 7,524,087


`I, Eric Bretschneider Ph.D., of 2622 Westwind Drive, Corinth, TX
`76210 have been retained by Sughrue Mion, PLLC on behalf of Everlight
`Electronics Co. Ltd. to analyze U.S. Patent No. 7,524,087 (“the ’087 patent”)
`relative to the state of the art at the time of the earliest application underlying the
`’087 Patent. In particular, my analysis relates only to claims 1, 6-8, 15, and 17. I
`have also been retained to provide analysis regarding what a person of ordinary skill
`in the art related to semiconductor-based light emitting devices and packaging would
`have understood at the time of the earliest application underlying the ’087 Patent.
`I am being compensated at my normal consulting rate of $400 per hour.
`My compensation is in no way contingent on the outcome of this case, or on the
`conclusions I reach. I have no financial interest in any of the above parties.
`I was asked to review and opine on the documents filed and positions
`taken in IPR2018-00522 filed by Seoul Semiconductor Co. Ltd. et. al., ("the SSC
`IPR"), including the Declaration of Michael Pecht Ph.D. and the exhibits cited
`This report summarizes the opinions I have formed to date. In general, as
`set forth below, I agree with most of the analysis and conclusions of Dr. Pecht. For the
`sake of efficiency, I have incorporated parts of Dr. Pecht's analysis with which I agree,
`into this Declaration.


`I reserve the right to modify my opinions, if necessary, based on further
`review and analysis of information that I receive subsequent to the filing of this report,
`including in response to positions taken by Document Security Systems, Inc. or its
`experts that I have not yet seen.
`I have over 25 years of experience with lighting and LEDs, including a
`comprehensive background on the full range of LED production technologies
`including MOCVD hardware/process design, LED chip fabrication,
`optical/thermal/mechanical design of LED packages, phosphor conversion, and
`testing/reliability of LED packages and LED fixtures.
`I am currently the Chief Technology Officer at EB Designs &
`Technology. In that capacity, I am (among other things) responsible for the design
`and development of solid-state lighting technologies for clients ranging from
`startups to fortune 100 companies.
`I am also current a member and Chair of the University of Florida
`Department of Chemical Engineering Advisory Board. I was the inaugural
`Conference Chair for LED Measurements and Standards. I am also a member of a
`number of professional societies, including SPIE, Materials Research Society,
`Illuminating Engineering Society. Inside the Illuminating Engineering Society I am
`one of six members of the Science Advisory Panel and I am the current Chair of
`Subcommittee S which is responsible for all test and measurement standards related


`to solid-state lighting.
`10. Prior to my position at EB Designs & Technology, I served as the
`Director of Engineering at HeathCo, LLC. In that capacity, I was responsible for
`advanced technology/product development related to solid-state lighting, sensors,
`notifications and control products.
`11. Prior to my position as Director of Engineering at HeathCo, I was
`positioned at the Elec-Tech International Co., Ltd., a multi-billion dollar solid-state
`lighting startup company headquartered in mainland China. There I held the
`concurrent positions of Chief Engineer, ETi Lighting Research Institute and VP of
`Research and Development, ETi Solid State Lighting. In this capacity, my
`responsibilities included developing all technology and product roadmaps for
`markets in North America, China, Europe, and Japan.
`In this role, I led and trained a staff of over 100 engineers, technicians
`and designers in the methods and procedures for designing solid-state lighting
`products. This included determining spectral content, LED package reliability,
`thermal management, optical design, control integration and electrical drive circuits.
`I also had technical responsibility for LED die, package and light engine design for
`products intended for the domestic Chinese market as well as markets in Japan,
`North America and Europe.
`13. Between 2004 and 2008, I was positioned at Toyoda Gosei North
`America, where I was a sales manager and was the sole technical support for


`Toyoda Gosei LED die and packages in the Western Hemisphere. My
`responsibilities included managing and developing LED die and package sales
`accounts in North America and Europe. In my role as technical support for the
`Western Hemisphere, I provided knowledge and experience necessary for customers
`to use LED die and packages. With respect for LED die, this included aiding and
`supporting customers with optical and thermal design of LED packages as well as
`phosphor conversion materials and techniques. For LED packages, my
`responsibilities included testing protocols, reliability evaluation, as well as thermal
`and optical design of LED light engines and fixtures
`14. Between 2003 and 2004, I was positioned at Beeman Lighting, where I
`was Director of Solid State Lighting Engineering, and my responsibilities included
`leading development of solid state lighting systems and materials.
`15. Between 1998 and 2003 I held a position at Uniroyal Optoelectronics,
`where I was Team Leader for the Epitaxial Growth and Materials Characterization
`areas. I later held the position of Director of Intellectual Property, University
`Relations and Government contracts. From 1999 through 2003 I had a concurrent
`assignment as a Senior Epi Scientist. Throughout these roles I supported all sales
`efforts for LED die and package sales.
`16. While at Uniroyal Optoelectronics, I had primary responsibility for
`thermal and optical design of LED die and packages. A part of my responsibility in
`supporting sales of LED die and packages included thermal and optical design of


`packages for LED die customers and thermal and optical modeling of LED modules
`and fixtures for LED package customers.
`17. My interactions with customers and potential customers included
`design work on a number of projects that would still be considered technically
`challenging today. The included exterior lighting for the US Navy DDX (Stealth
`Destroyer) program, a lighting module for the US Air Force for use on the XSS-11
`satellite, an implantable light source for the Paul Allen Foundation and linear chip
`on board (COB) lighting modules for the Boeing 737. I also worked on an internal
`project that developed a liquid based cooling system for LEDs that could dissipate
`more than 20 Watts of heat per square millimeter which is an order of magnitude
`greater heat flux than what is generated by current state of the art LEDs.
`18. Further, while working with a sister company (Norlux Corporation), I
`also helped design the “Hex” which was one of the first COB LED products released
`and which incorporated from approximately 40 to well over 100 LED chips and
`operated with electrical power input of 1 to 5 watts. I was also responsible for
`reverse engineering and destructive testing of internal and competitive products.
`I have also authored and presented more than a total of 30 publications,
`presentations, and seminars, and I am a named inventor on over 30 issued patents
`and over 25 pending patents.
`I earned my BSE in Chemical Engineering from Tulane University in
`1989. I earned a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from the University of Florida in


`1997. My graduate work focused on development of optoelectronic devices,
`including novel silicon based visible light LEDs, sulfide based TFELD structures
`and ZnSe blue LEDs. My research required optical and thermal package design and
`test development.
`21. Based on the above education and experience, I believe that I have a
`detailed understanding of the state of the art during the relevant period, as well as
`significant experience with and a substantial understanding of how persons of skill
`in the art at that time would understand the technical issues in this case. For more
`details about my experience and qualifications, see my CV, Ex. 1017.
`22. My opinions are based on more than 25 years of working with
`electronic packages and LEDs, as well as my industry and research experience.
`My opinions are also based on investigation and study of the relevant materials,
`including the patents at issue and their file history, and the prior art. In the course
`of forming my opinions I have reviewed all the exhibits of record.
`I may rely upon these materials and/or additional materials to rebut
`arguments raised by the patent owner. Further, I may also consider additional
`documents and information in forming any necessary opinions – including
`documents that may not yet have been provided to me.
`24. My analysis of the materials relevant to this proceeding is ongoing
`and I will continue to review any new material as it is provided. This report
`presents only those opinions I have formed to date. I reserve the right to revise,


`supplement, and/or amend my opinions stated herein based on new information
`and on my continuing analysis of the materials already provided.
`I have carefully reviewed the ’087 Patent. For convenience, all of the
`information that I considered in arriving at my opinions is listed in Appendix A.
`26. Based on my review of these materials, I believe that the relevant field
`for purposes of the ’087 Patent is semiconductor based light emitting diodes (LED)
`devices and their packaging.
`I believe the relevant timeframe for my analysis is approximately
`2007, which is the year during which the ’087 Patent was originally filed.
`28. As described above, I have extensive experience in the relevant field,
`including experience relating to the packaging of semiconductor light emitting
`semiconductor die. Based on my experience, I have an established understanding of
`the relevant field in the relevant timeframe.
`I have been informed that “a person of ordinary skill in the relevant
`field” is a hypothetical person to whom an expert in the relevant field could assign a
`routine task with reasonable confidence that the task would have been successfully
`carried out. I have been informed that evidence of the level of ordinary skill in the
`art can be determined based on information about the field including: the types of


`problems encountered, known solutions, the speed of innovation, sophistication, and
`the educational level of active workers. I have considered these types of information
`along with my own background working with students and other professionals in
`the field to reach my conclusion.
`It is my opinion that the person of ordinary skill in the art at the
`relevant time would have had at least Bachelor’s Degree in mechanical, chemical
`or electrical engineering and at least two years of experience in the design of LED
`devices and packaging. A higher level of education, such as a Master’s Degree, in
`electrical engineering, could substitute for work experience and additional work
`experience could substitute for a degree.
`31. Based on my experience, I have an understanding of the capabilities
`of a person of ordinary skill in the relevant field. I have supervised, directed, and
`instructed many such persons over the course of my career.
`32. A light emitting diode (LED) is a semiconductor device (also called a
`semiconductor die or chip) that emits light when powered. To protect the fragile
`semiconductor device and its connections, to aid in thermal management of the
`relatively high heat that is generated, and to aid in mounting the LED to a printed
`circuit board (PCB) or some other assembly, the LED die is packaged. The
`packaging of semiconductor devices is well known with a history of over 60 years.


`I have reviewed the patent owner’s infringement contentions in the
`SSC litigation. Below are two images taken from the contentions.
`34. The “second pocket” identified by the patent owner is an artifact left
`by the injection molding process. The rough surface of the very central portion
`indicates the location from which the injected resin flowed into the cavity. The
`roughening occurred when the resulting part (cross-linked resin) was broken away
`from the excess resin in the passage through the gate. The larger circle indicates the
`shape of the gate itself, which is generally a cylindrical piece of metal with a small
`hole in its center through which the resin (in liquid form) passes as it enters the
`35. I am informed by counsel and understand that statutory and judicially
`created standards must be considered to determine the validity of a patent claim. I


`have reproduced the legal standards relevant to this declaration below, as provided
`to me by counsel as I understand them.
`I understand that a patent claim is invalid if it is anticipated or
`37. Anticipation: I understand that for a patent claim to be “anticipated” by
`the prior art, each and every limitation of the claim must be found, expressly or
`inherently, in a single prior art reference as recited in the claim. I understand a claim
`limitation not expressly found in a prior art reference is inherent if the prior
`art necessarily functions in accordance with, or includes, the claim limitation. Mere
`probability that a limitation is included is not sufficient to establish inherency.
`38. Obviousness: I understand that a patent claim is not patentable for
`obviousness under 35 U.S.C. § 103 “if the differences between the subject matter
`sought to be patented and the prior art are such that the subject matter as a whole
`would have been obvious at the time the invention was made to a person having
`ordinary skill in the art to which said subject matter pertains.” 35 U.S.C. § 103. I
`understand that obviousness may be based on one reference and/or a combination
`of references. I understand that the combination of familiar elements according to
`known methods is likely to be obvious when it does no more than yield predictable
`I understand that when a patented invention is a combination of
`known elements, the Board must determine whether there was an apparent reason


`to combine the known elements in the fashion claimed by the patent at issue by
`considering the teachings of prior art references, the effects of demands known to
`people working in the field or present in the marketplace, and the background
`knowledge possessed by a person having ordinary skill in the art.
`I understand that a patent claim composed of several limitations is not
`proven obvious merely by demonstrating that each limitation was independently
`known in the prior art. I understand that identifying a reason those elements would
`have been combined can be important because inventions in many instances rely
`upon building blocks long since uncovered, and claimed discoveries almost of
`necessity will be combinations of what, in some sense, is already known. I
`understand that it is improper to use hindsight in an obviousness analysis and that a
`patent's claims should not be used as a “roadmap.”
`I also understand all prior art references are to be looked at from the
`viewpoint of a person having ordinary skill in the art at the time the invention was
`I understand that obviousness analysis requires consideration of: (1)
`the scope and content of the prior art; (2) the differences between the claims and
`the prior art; (3) the level of ordinary skill in the pertinent art; and (4) any objective
`indicia of non-obviousness, such as commercial success, long-felt but unresolved
`need, failure of others, industry recognition, copying, and unexpected results.
`I understand that in order to prove that a claimed invention is not


`patentable for obviousness, a petitioner must (1) identify the differences between
`the claim and particular disclosures in the prior art references, singly or in
`combination, (2) specifically explain how the prior art references could have been
`combined in order to arrive at the subject matter of the claimed invention, and (3)
`specifically explain why a person having ordinary skill in the art would have had
`reasons to so combine the prior art references.
`PUBLICATION NO. 2001-118868 (“KYOWA”) (Ex. 1009)
`Japanese Patent Application Publication No. 2001-118868 (“Kyowa”)
`is entitled “Surface Mounted Component and Method for Manufacturing Same” and
`pertains to a surface-mounted, light emitting device.
`45. Claim 1 recites:
`1. An optical device comprising:
`[a] a lead frame with a plurality of leads;
`[b] a reflector housing formed around the lead frame, the reflector housing
`having a first end face and a second end face and a peripheral sidewall
`extending between the first end face and the second end face, the reflector
`housing having a first pocket with a pocket opening in the first end face
`and a second pocket with a pocket opening in the second end
`[c] at least one LED die mounted in the first pocket of the reflector
`[d] a light transmitting encapsulant disposed in the first pocket and
`encapsulating the at least one LED die


`[e] wherein a plurality of lead receiving compartments are formed in the
`peripheral sidewall of the reflector housing
`46. The preamble of claim 1 recites “[a]n optical device.” Figures 2 and 3
`of Kyowa show LEDs within a housing. The combination of a housing and LEDs
`is an optical device as recited.
`47. The first element of claim 1 recites “a lead frame with a plurality of
`leads.” Reference numbers referring to the lead frame and the individual leads
`include 13 and 21-24 as shown, for example, in figure 4 prior to separation and in
`figure 2 in final form. Ex. 1009 (Kyowa) ¶¶ 1, 16, 18.
`48. The second element of claim 1 recites “a reflector housing formed
`around the lead frame, the reflector housing having a first end face and a second
`end face and a peripheral sidewall extending between the first end face and the
`second end face, the reflector housing having a first pocket with a pocket opening
`in the first end face and a second pocket with a pocket opening in the second end
`face.” The top surface of the housing (called a “resin package”) can be seen in
`figure 2 of Kyowa, where the large circle indicates the location of a first
`pocket/cavity. Abstract, ¶¶ 19, 44. Figure 5 shows the steps of forming the
`housing over the lead frame, which I described with respect to the first element of
`claim 1 above. The lead frame is pre-bent and then loaded into the mold to form
`the housing over the lead frame. Id. at ¶ 19.
`49. A cross sectional view of the housing is shown in figure 3, which
`again shows the first pocket/cavity formed in the top surface. The first cavity is


`formed as shown in figure 5(b) by including a core block 31, which results in a
`space without resin when the mold is opened and the core block is removed. Kyowa
`also explains that a “mirror surface treatment” is applied to the surface of the first
`pocket/cavity, rendering the housing reflective. ¶ 14. The area between the edge of
`the pocket/cavity and the outer edge of the device comprises a peripheral sidewall.
`50. In addition to the first pocket/cavity in the top surface of the housing
`of Kyowa, the reference also discloses a second pocket/cavity in the bottom surface.
`The second pocket/cavity is shown in figures 5(b) and (c), where a “resin injection
`hole 34” is used to inject resin (“M” in figure 5(b) and “m” in figure 5(c)) into the
`mold cavity for the housing. The use of a resin injection hole is and was then
`conventional technology. In particular, there must be a way for the resin to actually
`enter the mold. The standard technique as shown in Kyowa is to force the resin
`through a narrow aperture/hole. In most designs, the narrow aperture sticks out into
`the mold to allow any resin remaining in the hole to be broken off from the molded
`part. It is this projection of the “resin injection hole 34” down into the cavity that
`results in a second pocket/cavity in Kyowa as shown in figure 5(b) and (c).
`51. I note that figures 2 and 3 and the similar figures 6(a) and (b) both
`appear to show somewhat unconventional cross-sectional views. In particular,
`rather than a straight line through the housing as would be conventional, lines III-III
`and VI-VI, in effect, comprise different cross sections taken at different locations.
`The way I interpret the cross-sections, after cutting the package of figure 2 at lines


`III-III and rotating the cut face toward the viewer, the viewer of the resulting partial
`housing would see the surface in figure 3. In other words, the planes left by the
`horizontal cuts of figure 2 would comprise the surface facing the viewer and the
`vertical cuts of figure 2 would be transverse and therefore not visible to the viewer.
`A similar result would follow for figures 6(a) and 6(b), and therefore, the second
`pocket, which is comprised of the space left by the resin injection hole as shown in
`figure 5(b) would not be visible to the viewer in either figure 3 or 6(b).
`52. Although I believe that Kyowa directly and unambiguously discloses a
`second pocket/cavity, I also believe that the inclusion of such a pocket/cavity would
`have been obvious based on Kyowa. In particular, Kyowa’s disclosure of a resin
`injection port 34 extending into a mold cavity would have rendered it obvious to a
`person of ordinary skill to leave a second cavity in the back surface of the device.
`Such an artifact of the injection molding process was well known in the art and
`would have been seen as general background knowledge of a skilled artisan in the
`chip packaging field. Support for my opinion is provided in Oshio at paragraph
`20 and in the book Plastic Injection Molding at page 29. More specifically, when
`considering how to design a mold for injection molding, one important factor is the
`configuration of the gate (port) through which the hot liquid resin enters the mold.
`After the mold is filled and as the resin cures (crosslinks) and solidifies, any resin
`within the gate itself will harden and remain attached to the molded object. That
`unwanted part must be broken off from the desired molded object, leaving a small


`mark or scar on the surface of the object. If the injection molding gate is flush with
`the surface of the mold, the mark left by the gate will extend away from the surface.
`To avoid that result, most mold designers sink the gate a small distance into the
`mold, which results in a small depression in the molded surface. In other words,
`designers have reason to sink the injection gate into the mold to avoid an artifact
`extending above the surface. The fact that the artifact will sink into or extend above
`the surface is described, for example, at page 29 of the book Plastic Injection
`Molding and the desirability of a sunken artifact is described at paragraph 20 of
`53. The third element of claim 1 recites “at least one LED die mounted in
`the first pocket of the reflector housing.” Paragraph 14 of Kyowa describes three
`light emitting chips 17a, 17b, and 17c. The three chips are shown, for example, in
`figure 2 of Kyowa. Two of the chips are also shown in the cross-sectional view of
`figure 3 as disposed within the first pocket.
`54. The fourth element of claim 1 recites “a light transmitting encapsulant
`disposed in the first pocket and encapsulating the at least one LED die.” Paragraph
`14 of Kyowa explains that “the opening 12 is filled with a coating material 20, such
`as a transparent epoxy resin material.”
`55. The final element of claim 1 recites “wherein a plurality of lead
`receiving compartments are formed in the peripheral sidewall of the reflector
`housing.” As shown in figures 2, 3, and 5(a), (b) and 5(c), the package is formed


`by injection molding around the lead frame 13 having external leads 21, 22, 23,
`and 24. As shown in figure 5(a), the pre-bent lead frame is placed in the mold. The
`mold is then closed, pressing the metal leads against the surface of the mold as
`shown in figure 5(b). This process is described in paragraph 22, where Kyowa
`explains that the resin forms on the portions of the leads that are not in contact with
`the mold, resulting in leads flush with the surface of the resulting package as shown
`in figures 2, 3, and 5(c). The leads thus create their own pockets in the surface of the
`housing by stopping the resin from taking up that space in the final package.
`56. Claim 6 recites:
`6. The optical device of claim 1, wherein the plurality of lead receiving
`compartments define a plurality of ribs disposed between the plurality of
`lead receiving compartments.
`57. As I explained above with respect to claim 1, the leads 21-24 of Kyowa
`each create its own compartment during the injection process by excluding resin
`from the regions of the housing comprising the leads. The resulting compartments
`are separated by regions of resin where the leads are absent. Those separating
`regions of resin comprise ribs disposed between the lead receiving compartments.
`The ribs are shown, for example, in figure 5(c) of Kyowa.
`58. Claim 7 recites:
`7. The optical device of claim 1, said at least one LED die comprising three
`LED dies.


`59. Kyowa discloses three LED dies, which are labeled 17a, 17b, and 17c
`in figure 2. Kyowa also described the dies in paragraph 14.
`60. Claim 8 recites:
`8. The optical device of claim 7, said three LED dies comprising at least two
`61. As discussed above with respect to claim 7, Kyowa discloses 3 dies
`17a, 17b, and 17c. Kyowa further discloses that the each of the dies emit red,
`green, or blue light.
`62. Claim 15 recites:
`15. An illumination system, comprising
`[a] a reflector housing molded on a lead frame having a plurality of
`electrically conductive leads, the reflector housing having a first cavity and a
`second cavity on opposite sides of the reflector housing
`[b] at least one LED die mounted in said first cavity and electrically
`connected to said plurality of electrically conductive leads
`[c] said reflector housing further having a first end face and a second end
`face and a peripheral sidewall extending between the first end face and the
`second end face, the reflector housing having a cavity in the first end face,
`said peripheral sidewall having a plurality of lead receiving compartments
`formed therein.
`63. The preamble of claim 15 recites “[a]n illumination system.” As
`discussed above with respect to claim 1, Kyowa discloses an LED device
`comprised of a housing and multiple differently colored-light emitting dies. The


`package device can be mounted on a circuit board as explained in paragraphs 15
`and 23. Thus, Kyowa discloses an illumination system as recited.
`64. The first element of claim 15 recites “a reflector housing molded on a
`lead frame having a plurality of electrically conductive leads, the reflector housing
`having a first cavity and a second cavity on opposite sides of the reflector housing.”
`The third element of 15 recites “said reflector housing further having a first end face
`and a second end face and a peripheral sidewall extending between the first end face
`and the second end face, the reflector housing having a cavity in the first end face,
`said peripheral sidewall having a plurality of lead receiving compartments formed
`therein.” These elements are, in essence, a combination of portions of the first,
`second, and third elements of claim 1. Three differences exist. First, here the term
`“molded” is used instead of “formed.” Kyowa discloses molding its housing 11 over
`lead frame 13 in paragraph 19. Claim 15 also requires that the leads be electrically
`conductive, which is explained, for example, in paragraph 18 of Kyowa which
`describes the material for the leads as copper alloy. In addition, as shown in figure 2
`and paragraph 14, the leads are connected to and power the LED dies via wires.
`And finally, claim 15 uses the word pocket instead of cavity, but the ’087 patent
`itself uses these terms interchangeably.
`65. The second element of claim 15 recites “at least one LED die mounted
`in said first cavity and electrically connected to said plurality of electrically


`conductive leads.” Figure 2 and paragraph 14 respectively show and describe three
`LED dies in a first cavity/pocket formed in the top surface of the housing 11. The
`dies are electrically connected to conductive leads of the lead frame 13.
`66. Claim 17 recites
`17. The illumination system of claim 15, further comprising an
`encapsulant filling said first cavity around said at least one LED die.
`67. Kyowa discloses in paragraph 14 filling the first cavity with a
`transparent epoxy resin material to cover the parts within the cavity including the
`LED dies 17a, b, and c. Figure 3 of Kyowa shows the epoxy around the LEDs.
`2004/0206964 (“MATSUMURA”) (Ex. 1010)
`68. United States Patent Application No. 2004/0206964 (“Matsumura”) is
`entitled “LED Device and Manufacturing Method Thereof” and pertains to a
`surface-mounted LED lamp in which a plurality of LED elements are mounted.
`69. Claim 1 recites:
`1. An optical device comprising:
`[a] a lead frame with a plurality of leads;
`[b] a reflector housing formed around the lead frame, the reflector housing
`having a first end face and a second end face and a peripheral sidewall
`extending between the first end face and the second end face, the reflector
`housing having a first pocket with a pocket opening in the first end face and a


`second pocket with a pocket opening in the second end face
`[c] at least one LED die mounted in the first pocket of the reflector housing
`[d] a light transmitting encapsulant disposed in the first pocket and
`encapsulating the at least one LED die
`[e] wherein a plurality of lead receiving compartments are formed in the
`peripheral sidewall of the reflector housing
`70. The preamble of claim 1 recites “[a]n optical device.” Matsumura is
`directed to a surface mount device (SMD) comprising a resin package and light
`emitting devices (LEDs) within the package. Matsumura’s disclosed device,
`therefore, is an optical device as recited.
`71. The first element of claim 1 recites “a lead frame with a plurality of
`leads.” Figure 4 of Matsumura shows a lead frame comprising a plurality of leads
`during the manufacturing process. Figure 1A of Matsumura shows the leads in their
`final configuration. Each of the LEDs in the device has one connection to a
`dedicated first lead, as well as a second connection to a common lead. This
`arrangement is described in paragraphs 32, 33, 36, and 52.

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