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`Exhibit 1007


`T E N T H E D I T I O N
`Merriam-Webster, Incorporated
`Springfield, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
`Exhibit 1007


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`Exhibit 1007


`7|l.) 1 a:
`• Ihe sysioii
`j a : of or re
`perceptible to
`Jbtfruse; a/so:
`0f the early 1
`Bnd marked
`v.|c(>)|c\ at/y
`in metaphys
`of Aristotle's t
`the (works) aft
`works] (1569)
`e funds
`with m
`igy, cosrr
`rncl phiic
`CA|}cricrtcc 2 :
`aieta-pln-sin \-
`Hmue into an
`cells ol another
`Mycbology con
`id) ond proccssi
`untlrnled obieci
`mefa'.sc-qiioia 1
`auo/a) of fossil a
`totaily I hat ha v.
`(Lit leaves resem
`involves change;
`of rock — meta
`nieta*sta*ble V;
`only a slight ma
`Vsts-'bi-te-teX n
`me«ta5«ta*sis' \m
`lion, fr. Gk, fr.
`2 at 'itANDj
`: Ira
`nsfcr of u L
`toother pa
`rl of t
`liflnant tumor
`«|.|> \-ti-k(».)l<
`iSMas-ta-sizo \r
`(21?r as if by mc,
`wta.iar-sal \,iri
`730 Messrs. • metaphrase
`ic sar/A pi o/MR <~ Jones, Brown, aatl Robinson)
`Messrs. X'm
`uauo Vmcs-wij\ n [Ml:, fr. AF, prob. alter of OF /mwioge —
`Vns-'ta-likN ujj (15c) 1
`u : o». reiiiimg to, or beino ..
`nl Mf.NAorl (14c): PRRMISC 3b
`metal b : made of or containing a metal c : having proper lie* „( ^
`I ; marked by confuston,
`mcAB'lKJr; -est (1843)
`messy X'me-seX a d j
`metal 2 : yielding inelal 3 : rescmbliua: rnetal: as a : having incj^,
`UNTIDY <n — room) 2 ; Iticking neatness Of prcci-
`disorder, or dirt :
`Rl l ESS. SI.DVliNLY <~ iliinking) 3 : exUemcly unpleasant or
`ccnl ami reflective properties <~ blitntl hair) b : having an acrkl qlhf
`sion : CA
`ity like thai of metal <ihc tc.i has a ~ taste) 4 a : having a Hurxh
`trying^lawsuit*) mu.vs-Uly Vme-so-lcN nc/v— mesS'l-nciw V'me-
`he-ru->s\ it
`resonance : GRATING <a ^ voice) b : having an imper.Hunal «r ^
`me»*ti-xn Vme-'Hie-zaV n |Sp. fem. ol nic.sfiaoj (ca. 1582): a woman who
`cbauical quality <a ~smile) — me-tllMl^CaWy \-li-k(.-)-)ltv\ adv
`'metallic ti (1952) : a fiber or ynrn made of or coated with metal; a/,^
`is a mcsti/o
`: a fabric made with this
`mcs*ti>zo \-(i)/.<i\ «. pt -zos ISp, fr. mcjrnzo, adj.. mixed, fr. IX mix-
`llclus, h L mixfu*. pp. of mho.'rr to mix
`meMiMif-er-ouK \,nie-lal-,i-Kp-)ra»\ tu/j [l. mefal/ijL'r. fr. rne/al/ufti L
`more at Mix! (15H2) : a
`-/cr-ferousj tea. 1656); yieiding or containing metal
`person of mixed blootl; spectf: II person of mixed European mid Amer-
`met-liMize a/so n»et*Hhhc S'me-t^-.izX vf rnct-al-li/t-d a/.su
`ican Indian ancestry
`tzed^au^<<a]«liz^iii8o/foinet*ai*1z*iitg(1594<): tocoat, treat, or com*
`• emrapm 4- priigaane
`•. ii.> ,n"i. -.nuiN ;> [moth-
`(CJIMH.) 4 '-iff] (1962) : a synlhetic estrogen
`bine with a metal — mel»Hl-li-7.U'tion Vmc-t^l-a-'/a-shonN n
`used in oral
`inet««phy N.ine-t^l-'a-gra-feN n [ISVj (ca. 1864): a study of i|1c
`stmcture of metals esp with the microscope mct.aMoj? )
`nietu- or met- pre/i.v I N I & MK. fr. L Of Gk; L, li. Gk. anioiig. with.
`'ii-gra-farV n — iTU'-tnMo*grapli<ic Vrn^.t.vU-'gra-fikX
`II & Ml., fr. L or Gk; L, li. Gk, among, with,
`after, fr, mt'la among, with, after; akin to OR mid, mith with, OHO vlth, after, akin to Oli mid, mith with, OHO
`mc*taMf>*graph'i*cui'ly \-,gra fi-k(.'>-)lc\ uc/v
`,met-al«loin V,mr-l"'l-,6id\ a (1832)
`I : a nonmclal that can annhmc
`I a; occurring later than or m succession to : after (mctestrus) er (metestrus)
`with a metal to form an alloy 2: an element intei mediate in prom-,,
`li: situated behind or beyond (meMbce|)halon> <me'acarpu&) c: later il oehind or oeyonu ^mcfenccphalon? ^»»eiocarpus> c : later
`tics between llu-lypioil imMals ami nonmetals
`or more highly organized or specialized form of (mctaxylem) 2 highly organized or specialized form of (metorxylem) 2
`'metlilloid also mct«aMoi>dul \,ine-t^-^i-dlN adj (ca. 1850)
`: change : transformation
`J l#«e/up/(y.vicO : more comprehensive
`: transformation 3 tmetep/iystei] : more comprehensive
`1 : re-
`scmilling a metal 2 : of, relating to, or being a metalloid
`: transcending <me(£ipsychology)
`used with the name
`a discipline
`UvSed with the name of a discipline
`' to deal critically with
`rrustal*lo>phone Xmn-Ma-b-.fonV n (ca. 1883) : a percussion musical
`to designate a new but related discipline designed to deal critically with
`instrument consisting Of a series of metal bars of varying pitch struck
`the origmnl one <m4l0tlllltheniaiia^ 4 u : involving stlbertittmon at
`r oi
`with hammers
`araclcrized bytwo positions in the benzene ring thai arc separated
`l> : derived from by loss of water met*aMur-gy \*me-ti-,.->r je. esp Urn ma-'ta-lar-N « LNI. mi'fallurgia, fr
`by one carbon atom Owf«-xylenc> b\i
`metall- + -ureia -urgy | (c.i 17(.H) : the science and lechnolop.y of niei-
`'/rji"f<joho'.phoric acid)
`net'it'liobic'bii-likV udl (1845) : of. relating to. or based on
`als — nict*iiMiir*gi'Cnl ^me-t'l-'ar-ji-K.^lV adj met*ai>lur*gi*cal4y
`mct<n*boM»cal*ly \-li-k(.v)le\ qdV
`\-k(3-)le\ adv - met>al*lur*gist Vme-i'I-.or-jisi. csp Hm m.v'ia-brA n
`m Xma-'ta-b^li-zamS » flSV. fr. Gk metabole change, fr. mct*nl*niurk \'me-tsl-,mdrk\ n (ca. 1Q01)) : any of
`i family (Rj.
`to change, fr. me/o- i hallcln to throw — more at DEVILJ
`odimdae) of •anall or medium-sized usu. bnghtly colored chiefly iropi-
`the sum of Ihe processes in the buildup and destruction
`I a ;
`cal butterflies thai often have metallic coloration tin the wings
`of protoplasm, specif: the chemical changes in living cells by which mct«nksmith V.smithN/i (14c): a person skilled in metalworking
`energy is provided for vital processes and aciivitie?. and new matenal is met«nhwarc N-.war, -.weiA n (Ig'Jt)) : ware made of metal; esp ; i
`assimilated b ; the sum of the processes by which n particular sub-
`utensils for household use
`IKSO) : the oroduct of metalworking; esp
`' handled in the living bpoy e : the Blim Of the metaboik: ao mct-nl-work Viwar&S n (ca
`llvuies taking place m a parliculnr environment <lhe ~ of a lake) 2
`: a molal object ol artisiic ment —met*al*work»er X-.war-karN n
`met-al-workonu \-,w.7r-kii)\ n (1882) : the act or process of shaping
`: MKTAMOKrilosis2
`usu. used in combination (holomefoto/mn)
`mc'tub-O'lite V.btN n (18M4)
`1 : a product of metabolism 2: a sub-
`ihings out of metal
`nictn«mnth*e*mnt*ics Vme-la-.matli-'ma-tiks, -mu-tha-N n pi bul usu
`stance essential to the metabolism of a particular organism or to a
`in constr fca 1890) : a fidd
`pnrliculai metabolic process
`of study concerned with th
`vl) -llzcd; -liz>ing v/(1887); to subject to mclab-
`structure and properties (as the consistency and completeness of uxi-
`~ vi: io perform mciaboliNm mc-tab'0.liz»able \m3-,ta-ba-
`oms) of mathematical systems mota»mnth'e-mat>l*cal Vli-kalN odj
`oli i".'.
`meta-mcru Vme-to-.mirX n [ISVJ (1877); any of a linear series of rim
`'li-za-haIN adj
`•inetU'car'pal'kar-pnlS or//(173')) : of. relating to. or being the
`itively similar scgmentl mtn which the body of a higher invertebrate or
`vertebrate is divisible — metw-mer-ic Vnc-t^-'mcr-lk. -'mir-X flair-
`mctacarinisor a metacaipal
`meta*mer«f»cal«ly Vi-k(i»-)le\ udv
`^metacarpal /i (1854) ; a bone of the part of I he hand or forefoot be-
`m Xma-'ta-mo-.n-zpnA n i 1877) : the condition of having
`i ween the carpus and the i»halanges that typically contoms five more or
`if evolutionary devclopmenl characterized by a body made
`or llie stage o
`less elongated bones when all the digits are present
`iiietn-car«pu.s'kiir-pOHN n [NL] (1676); the pail of the hand or
`of metameres
`n'mor»phic \,mc-ta-'m6r-fik\ adj (1816)
`I ; of or rclatmn
`forefoot that contains the metacarpals
`amorpnosix 2 of u rock : of. relating to, or produced by metamOf'
`mutu-cemter Vme-tc-isen-tarV n [F
`sm — mctn'mor«phi-cal-ly \-n-k(o-)le\ adv
`n/re, fr meta- nieta-
`t- centre
`tu>mor>pliism V-'mdr-^i-zamX n (1845) : a change in the cottfliHJ'
`centcrl (1794) ; ihe point of intersec­
`m of rock; jpecf/: a pronounced change effected by pressure, nou;
`tion of the vertical through the center
`j water that results in a more compact and more highly cfystSJWff
`of buoyancy of a floating body with
`the vertical through Ihe new center of =
`. • • i
`metn-mor'phose \',fo/_ -.fosS v/> -pboscd; -phosdng [prob. ^r. ^Iji
`buoyancy when ihe btidy is d is phi
`mciamorphawr, fr. metamorphose metamorphosis, fr, L mctamarpnoi
`I : ,if or relating to a i
`vl (1576)
`I a: to change into » different physical form esp by
`natural means b: to change strikingly the npf>earance or charat.«c
`omere motacenter: / center of gravity
`2 : having
`: rkANsroRM <you are so metamorphoacd I can hardly think
`thetwochro- 2 contur of buoyancy, 3 n«w
`medially situated f.o that
`master—Shak.) 2: to cause (rock) to undergo metamorpmsni
`mosomal arms arc of roughly equal contor of buoyancy whon float-
`t ; to undergo metamorphosis 2 : to become transformed
`length - metacentric «
`log body is displacod, >1 point
`of inmrsoction
`th -'kcrA »i [NL] (1939# : a tailless
`meta*mor-pho«sis \,me-t3-'n)6r-fa-s3fi\ n. p/-pho-ses \-,sez\ I*-*
`mctamQrpndsis, (r rnniii/norplumn tO transform< (i WlffM*
`irncystetl late larvu of a digenetic trctrintode that is usu. tlu-liMni which
`is infective for the definitive host — mcta*cer»car«i»al Ve-al\ adj
`fonnl (1533) 1 a : change of physical form, structure, or ^
`esp. oy supemstunil means b ; a striking alteration in t'PP^1i>ryirt
`meta-chro.mat'ic N-krn 'ma-iikX w/) M 876)
`I : staining nr character-
`characict, or circumstances
`2 : a marked and more «'i ,^ im'
`i/cd by SUdning in a diffcreni color or shade from whul is typical
`developmental change in the form or structure of an anunai
`granules in a baclerium) 2 : having the capacity to stain different
`lerfly or a frog) occurring subsequent to birth or hatching
`dements Of a cell or tivsue in different colors or shades <~ stains)
`mefn-cth'lc.s N-'e-lbiles\ n pi but um sins
`constr (1949): the study of
`met<nnal>y>8is'na-b-sosN n (1914); a reanalysis n'in i'|f
`between sounds or words resulting in different constituenlt '
`lUe meanings of ethical termSi the nature of ethical jiulgmentn. and the

`development of ttn opwn fmni «
`types of ethical arguments mcla»cth«i«cal X-thi-kalX ac/j
`metu-fic'tlon V-'fik-shanX n (1978) : ficlion which refers to or lakes as metn«neph-r«s \-'ne-fras, -JrUsN n. pi -rui \-,froi\ [N1 . '' "ut
`r of I'JJ
`ntsphws kidney — more at NEPIlRirtS| (1884) ; eilhct ,liefl
`its subject ficiional writing and its conventions - meta«fic«tioii-al
`Vshnol.-sha-n^lX tfd/ - meta«fic*tion»ist Vsh(a-)mst\ n
`final and most caudal pair of the three successive pairs ot
`mctn-Riibaxy V-'ga-jnk-scN « [ISVJ (ic)30): the en I ire system of galaX'
`renal organs that fund ions as a permanent adult kidney 1
`les: UNlviiHsi;
`niota>ga*hic<tic X-ga-'lnk-tikV ar//
`birds, and mammals but is not present at all in lower fornix-
`meta«Kcn«e-Kis V-'je-n^-sasX n [NLJ (ca 1864) : altcrnalion of genera-
`WESONF.i'HROS, I'llONEJ'IIROS—meta-noph-rlc WrikX
`tions in animals, evp ; regular alteration of a sexual ami an asexual mctn-phusc* Vme-l3-»fa/.\ n {ISV) (1887) : the stage t>[h,
`generation — tiictn-(;c*net*ic \-jo-'ne-tik\ nrij
`meiosis in which the chromosomes become arranged in oM-
`'mct-ul Vme-tiX n, o/len attrih (MIZ. fr. OF, fr. L metallum mine, melal.
`plane of the spindle
`|0,ic ^
`fr (ik nwialion] (14c)
`I : any of various opaque, fufiible. ductile, and metaphosc plate u (1939) : a section in the equatorial I
`typically lustrous substances that ore good conductors of electricity
`metaphasc spindle having Ihe chromosomes oriented upon .
`niet*a*phor Vme-t3-,f6r aho -larX n [MF or 1.; Ml*" mcwi
`and heat, form cations by loss of electrons, and yield basic oxides and
`hydroxides, esp: one thai is a chemical element as distinguished from
`nwitaphom, fr. Gk. fr. metaphvrcin tn transfer, fr, rMt'fa-, .T. ^
`Hoy 2 a ; MtmLli la b: Ihe material or substance oul of which
`bear more at llEARj (1533) 1 : a figure of speech in
`rson or thing is made 3 ; glass m its molten state 4 a: printing
`jihrase literally denoling one kind of object or idea is l[^|n
`a pei
`tal h : matter set in metal type 5 : ROAI> MI TAt 6 ; HHAVV
`another to suggest a likeness or analogy between them
`(Vi mont-yh broadly : figurative language - compare *•_-Nifc/lcit^ fr. ni.,
`'metal vf -nled nr -ailed; -aldng or -aMing (1610) ; to cover or fur­
`object, activity, of idea treated ;ts a metaphor : SVMI'^,. adi"^
`phor-ic X^me-io-'for-ik, -TarA or mct->a*phor*i*cal
`.'W^l n ^
`n : ;|n
`nish with metal
`meta>lan*guagc Vme-ts-Jarj-gwijN n (1936) : a language used to talk
`about language
`iiiflu-lin-^iiis-tic N'riK -i.i-liij-.gwis-tikX adj (1944)
`: of or relating to a
`nicta>lin-giiiS<licN \ lik;A n pi but sing in constr (1949) : a branch of
`linguistics that deals with the relation between language and other
`cultural factors in a society
`mela^hos^hate N^
`; a glassy solid acid I IPO, or (HPOj). formed by heaimt
`n (ISV] (1833); »
`meta phrase Vme-ts-JrazN n (1640): a literal translation
`^ ^ n"^1^
`metnll- or inelullo- comb form [NL, fr L meiallum]: inclal
`i h
`. .
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`Exhibit 1007

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