`od "Davalopers Show Support:
`‘ ofrMicrosoftAuto> ESsive teddies. se
`“0 “products—theHan a
`- powered bythe MicrosoftWindows:
`"CE operating system version 2.0,
`Someof the PC Companion de-
`veloper companies include Clarion,
`MoblieSoft, Navigational Technolo-
`i gies Corp., Nissan Motor Corpora-
`tion U.S.A., ORA Electronics, Philips Mobile Computing Group,and Uniden.
` SEteanrenamerrenernoroneenntensesroerOhiciussdnvessoonaennunanegtTeseeLroberereneesEeRDLDeephtTEanesesPereMeeresebenrrtreevenweraeerenstoereedSeeevenryMOPtDereretOMEY
`Meanwhile, Etak, Inc, announcedthat it will extend its support of Microsoft's Win-
`daws CE operating system platform for handheld devices to the Auto PC and Palm PC
`platforms. Workingjointly with Cue Network Corporation, operator of the world’s largest
`FM paging radio network, and Metro Networks, the oldest and largesttraffic reporting ser-
`; Vice In the U.S, Etak will develop applications that send real-timetraffic and travelerin- ,
`formation over a paging network to wireless capable Auto PC-, Palm PC- and other CE-based
`i devices. These applications will be available in the form of both products andservices, and
`: may Includea Global Positioning System (GPS) guidance option.
`| BlitzSafe Designs “Smart”
`“ Integration Device
`dB istofcaraudiocompetitorsare familiarwith Biltedate.Theywere theguys that made the
`i Stealth-retractingfaceplatebackinthedayswhenpullout Benz! baxeswereall themage,BlltzSafe
`{ got started In OEM Integration with Mercedes dealers in North America, Mercedes had made it
`very difficult to integrate aftermarket head units into some vehicles because they would flip
`i wires onhamessestomakethem incompatiblewith the aftermarket. BltzSafecreated In-linecir-
`] cults to defeat Mercedes and allow dashboard democracy to reign,
`| ,_Leaping forwardto 1999, BlitzSafehascreateda newline ofCDIntegrationdevice with DMX
`(orDigitalMultiplexing) technology—theseallowtheeasyhook--upofan aftermarketAlpinsMBUS
`CDchangertoa factoryhead unitwith CDchangercontrols, What makes theseproductsso rev-
`| clutionaryis thattheyactuallyrecognizetheprotocolofthefactoryradioand communicatewith
`idhrough the useofa microprocessor.In otherwords,the BliteSafe unitcommunicateswith the
`passive units—theyjustchange positions ofthewires in theDIN harness, however, the BltzSafe
`| deviceis the onlysurefirewaytogetOEM-instaled CD changerperformance.
`; Signalsentfrom thehead unit to control thechanger, andthe signalfrom the changerto the unit,
`] TheBlitzSate unitls a place ofcake to Install—- they have taken al theguesswork outofit for che
`i Buys in theinstall bay.Allyou haveto doisplugthe aftermarkerCD changerinto the BlitzSale unit,
`‘and then plug the wiring hamess from the BlitzSafeinto the factoryreceptacle. Iffor somerea-
`json the manufacturerwas not nice enough to run a CD cable from the trunk to the dash,then
`thestockAlpinewire can be runfrom the trunkto thedash and the BlitzSafemaybe installedthere.
`‘The BlitzSafe units are engineered and made in the U.S.A. They feature a lifetime warran-
`tee againstfailure.The MSRP ofthe units will be from $60 to $110, But consider this: Mercedes
`! dealerships are charging$900foranOEM changer, so you can be sure an aftermarketoneisa cost-
`i effectiveoption. BlitSafemanufacturesunitsforMercedes,Volvo,Jaguar,Chrysler,and Honda
`| Accord vehicles (with CD changercontrols), However, theywill work in allVolvos, Jaguars, and
`{ Chrysler cars includingJeep, Dodge, and Plymouth. —-ZrettSolomon
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`Daimler Exhibit 1012
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`Daimler Exhibit 1012