`Customer No. 27614
`Mail Siop Amendment
`Commissioner for Patents
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`Our file:
`Serial No.:
`Filing Date:
`Tra M. Marlowe
`Audio Device Integration System
`Act Unit:
`Kurt, Jason R,
`Enclosedfor filing in the United States Patent and Trademark Office is the following:
`Response to Office Action
`Transmitial Sheet
`Ifany extensionof time is required for the submission ofthe above-identified items, Applicant requests thatihis
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`Respectfully submitted,
`Vent E.
`Makk E. Nikolsky
`Registration No. 48,319
`McCarter & English, LLP
`Four Gateway Center
`100 Mulberry Street
`Newark, NJ 07102
`Tel: (973) 639-6987
`Fax: (973) 297-6624
`1 herebycertify that this correspondence is being electronically filed with the United States Patent and
`Trademark Office (via EFS-Weh) on _¥/ 6/ 2007
`ME1 5217346v.1
`"PetitionerToyotaMotorCorp. Exhibit1102.
`Petitioner Toyota Motor Corp. Exhibit 1102
`Electronic AcknowledgementReceipt
`Confirmation Number:
`Title of Invention:
`Audio device integration system
`Utility under 35 USC 111(a)
`First Named Inventor/Applicant Name:
`lra Marlowe
`Correspondence Address:
`Mark E. Nikolsky
`Filing Date:
`Application Type:
`Submitted with Payment
`File Listing:
`Petitioner Toyota Motor Corp. Exhibit 1102
`Petitioner Toyota Motor Corp. Exhibit 1102
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`application as a national stage submission under 35 U.S.C. 371 will be issued in addition to the Filing Receipt,
`in due course.
`Petitioner Toyota Motor Corp. Exhibit 1102
`Petitioner Toyota Motor Corp. Exhibit 1102
`Effective December 8, 2004
`Application or Docket Number
`| ninwaf=]
`“© Hthedifference in column1 is less than zero, enter ‘0in column 2
` Column +t
` Palert ard Tageman Office, U.S, OEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Petitioner Toyo
`ta Motor Corp. Exhibit 1102
`Petitioner Toyota Motor Corp. Exhibit 1102
`EAST Search History
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`$13 9146|integrat$3 same (auxiliary US-PGPUB;|OR OFF 2008/01/08 14:45
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`Page 1
`Petitioner Toyota Motor Corp. Exhibit 1102
`Petitioner Toyota Motor Corp. Exhibit 1102
`United States Patent and Trademark Office
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, Virginia 22313-1450
`10/3 16,961
`Ira Marlowe
`NEWARK,NJ 07102
`Please find below and/or attached an Office communication concerning this application or proceeding.
`Thetime period for reply,if any,is set in the attached communication.
`PTOL-90A (Rev. 04/07)
`Petitioner Toyota Motor Corp. Exhibit 1102
`Petitioner Toyota Motor Corp. Exhibit 1102
`Application No.
`Office Action Summary
`Ant Unit
`2615 pe
`— The MAILING DATEof this communication appears on the cover sheet with the correspondence address -
`Period for Reply
`Extensionsof time may be available underthe provisions of 37 CFR 1.136(a).
`In no event, however, may a reply betimely filed
`after SIX (6) MONTHSfrom the mailing date of this communication.
`If NO periodforreply is specified above, the maximum statutory period will apply and will expire SIX (6) MONTHS from the mailing date ofthis communication.
`- Failure to reply within the set or extended period forreply will, by statute, cause the application to become ABANDONED(35 U. §.C. § 133).
`Anyreply received by the Office later than three monthsafter the mailing date of this communication, evenif timely filed, may reduce any
`earned patentterm adjustment. See 37 CFR 1.704(b).
`1)] Responsive to communication(s)filed on 06 September 2007.
`2a) This action is FINAL.
`2b)C] This action is non-final.
`3)L] Sincethis application is in condition for allowance exceptfor formal matters, prosecution as to the merits is
`closed in accordancewith the practice under Ex parte Quayle, 1935 C.D. 11, 453 O.G. 213.
`6) C other: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
`Disposition of Claims
`4) Claim(s) 1-13, 15-38, 40-57, 59-65 and 67-104 is/are pendingin the application.
`4a) Of the above claim(s)
`is/are withdrawn from consideration.
`5)L] Claim(s)._ is/are allowed.
`6)K] Claim(s) 1-13,15-38, 40-57, 59-65 and 67-104 is/are rejected.
`7)C] Claim(s)____ is/are objected to.
`8)C] Claim(s)___ are subjectto restriction and/or election requirement.
`Application Papers
`9)(] The specification is objected to by the Examiner.
`10) Thedrawing(s)filed on
`is/are: a)_] acceptedor b)[] objected to by the Examiner.
`Applicant may not request that any objection to the drawing(s) be held in abeyance. See 37 CFR 1.85(a).
`Replacement drawing sheet(s) including the correction is requiredif the drawing(s) is objected to. See 37 CFR 1.124(d):
`11) Theoath or declaration is objected to by the Examiner. Note the attached Office Action or form PTO-152.
`Priority under 35 U.S.C. § 119
`12)D Acknowledgmentis made of a claim for foreign priority under 35 U.S.C. § 119(a)-(d) or(f).
`a)_JAll bb) Some*c)L) Noneof:
`1.0] Certified copies of the priority documents have been received.
`2.[] Certified copies of the priority documents have been received in Application No. __
`3.0] Copiesof the certified copies of the priority documents have beenreceivedin this National Stage
`application from the International Bureau (PCT Rule 17.2(a)).
`* See the attached detailed Office action fora list of the certified copies not received.
`1) BX] Notice of References Cited (PTO-892)
`2) [J Notice of Draftsperson's Patent Drawing Review (PTO-948)
`3) LJ Information Disclosure Statement(s) (PTO/SB/08)
`Paper No(s)/Mail Date
`4) CJ interview Summary (PTO-413)
`Paper No(s)/Mail Date._
`5) L] Notice of Informal Patent Application
`PTOL-326 (Rev. 08-06)
`Office Action Summary
`Part of Paper No./Mail Date 20080109
`Petitioner Toyota Motor Corp. Exhibit 1102
`Petitioner Toyota Motor Corp. Exhibit 1102
`Application/Control Number: 10/316,961
`Art Unit: 2615
`Page 2
`Claim Objections
`Claim 100 is objected to becauseofthe following informalities:
`Claim 100 discloses “the second electrical connector’, there is a lack of
`antecedentbasis for this limitation within the claim.
`Appropriate correction is required.
`Claim Rejections - 35 USC § 112
`Thefollowing is a quotation of the second paragraph of 35 U.S.C. 112:
`The specification shall conclude with one or more claims particularly pointing out and distinctly
`claiming the subject matter which the applicant regards as his invention.
`Claims 1-3, 6, 11, 13, 16-20, 23-25, 27-28, 30, 42, 55-57, 59, 62-65, 67, 71-74,
`76, 80-82, 102-104 are rejected under 35 U.S.C. 112, second paragraph, as being
`indefinite for failing to particularly point out and distinctly claim the subject matter which
`applicant regards as the invention.
`With respectto claims 1, 6, 11, 13, 16-20, 23-25, 27-28, 30, 42, 55, 59, 62-63,
`67, 71-72, 76, 80-82, 102-104 the Applicant has amendedthe term “the car stereo” to
`read “a car stereo” throughoutthe claim language. By doingthis,it is unclear to the
`Examiner as to whichcar stereothe claim is referring. Are there multiple car stereos?
`For example, claim 1 discloses "a first connectorelectrically connectable to a car
`stereo”,...,"an interface connected betweenthefirst and second electrical connectors for
`channeling audio signals to a car stereo”. From this disclosureit is impossible to
`Petitioner Toyota Motor Corp. Exhibit 1102
`Petitioner Toyota Motor Corp. Exhibit 1102
`Application/Control Number: 10/316,961
`Art Unit: 2615
`Page 3
`determine where the audio signals are being channeled, thus rendering the claim as
`With respect to claims 2-3, 56-57, 64-65, and 73-74 the claims disclose “the
`apparatus of claim1, further comprising an OEM carstereo/ after-market car stereo".
`The term "further comprising" implies that these types of car stereos are in addition to
`the car stereo of claim 1. There is no support for a multiple car stereo system in the
`Applicant's disclosure.
`Claim Rejections - 35 USC § 103
`The following is a quotation of 35 U.S.C. 103(a) which formsthe basis forall
`obviousnessrejections set forth in this Office action:
`(a) A patent may not be obtained thoughthe inventionis not identically disclosed or described as set
`forth in section 102 ofthistitle, if the differences between the subject matter sought to be patented and
`the prior art are suchthat the subject matter as a whole would have been obviousat the time the
`invention was made to a person having ordinary skill in the art to which said subject matter pertains.
`Patentability shall not be negatived by the mannerin which the invention was made.
`Claims 1-6, 10-13, 15-30, 34-35, 37-38, 40-41, 47-52, 54-57, 59, 62, 81-82, 88-
`93, 98-99 and 102-104 are rejected under 35 U.S.C. 103(a) as being unpatentable
`over Owenset al (US 2002/0084910 A1) in view of Beckert et al (US 6,175,789 B1).
`With respect claim 1, Owens discloses an audio device integration system
`comprising: a first connector(fig.1 #32) electrically connectable to a car stereo (fig. 1
`#10); a second connector(fig.8 “L1,R1,V1”) electrically connectable to an after-market
`audio device (fig.1 #44,46,48) external to a car stereo (pg.2 [0032] In.9-11); a third
`Petitioner Toyota Motor Corp. Exhibit 1102
`Petitioner Toyota Motor Corp. Exhibit 1102
`Application/Control Number: 10/316,961
`Art Unit: 2615
`Page 4
`connector (fig.1 #12) electrically connectable to one or more auxiliary input sources
`(fig.1 #13) external to a car stereo and an after-market audio device (pg.2 [0025] In.3-6);
`an interface (fig. 1 #30,40) connected betweenthefirst and second electrical connectors
`for channeling audio signals to a car stereo from an after-market audio device (pg.2
`[0032]), wherein the interface remotely controls at least one of a plurality of auxiliary
`sources using a car stereo by receiving a control command from a car stereo through
`the first connector (pg.2 [0028]), transmitting a control commandtoat least one of a
`plurality of auxiliary input sources through at least one. ofthe plurality of auxiliary
`electrical connectors for execution by at least one of a plurality of auxiliary input sources
`(pg.1 [0006]); receiving data from one ofa plurality of auxiliary input sources through at
`least one ofthe plurality of auxiliary electrical connectors, and transmitting the data to a
`' car stereo through thefirst electrical connector for display by a car stereo (pg.3 [0035));
`and selecting one ofa plurality of auxiliary input sources from a car stereo (pg.2 [0026)).
`Owens doesnotdisclose expressly wherein the interface comprises a
`microcontroller programmed to execute code portions to process control commandsinto
`compatible formats betweenthe car stereo and after-market devices.
`Beckert discloses a vehicle computer interface system in cooperation with a
`vehicles audio system that allows for the operation of incompatible devices wherein
`the interface includes a microcontroller (fig.2 #64) in electrical communication with the
`car stereo (fig.2 #60) and after-market devices (fig.2 #74,78,80), the microcontroller
`programmedto execute:a first code portion for remotely controlling (col.4 In.22-31) an
`after-market audio device using a car stereo by receiving a control commandfrom a car
`Petitioner Toyota Motor Corp. Exhibit 1102
`Petitioner Toyota Motor Corp. Exhibit 1102
`Application/Control Number: 10/316,961
`Art Unit: 2615
`Page 5
`stereo through the first connector in a format incompatible with an after-market audio
`device, processing a received contro! commandinto a formatted command compatible
`with an after-market audio device, and transmitting a formatted commandto an after-
`market audio device through the second connector for execution by an after-market
`audio device (col.1 In.63-67, col.2 In.1-30); a second codeportion for receiving data
`from an after-market audio device through the second connector in a format
`incompatible with a car stereo, processing received data into formatted data compatible
`with a car stereo (col.3 In.41-67, col.4 In.1-7), and transmitting formatted data to a car
`stereo throughthefirst connector for display by a car stereo (col.4 In.17-22); and a third
`code portion for switching to one or more auxiliary input sources connectedto thethird
`electrical connector (col.5 In.28-37,56-62).
`At the time of the invention it would have been obvious to include the
`compatibility processing of Beckert in the interface of Owens. The motivation for doing
`so would have been to allow the use of after-market devices that do not rely on the
`same format as the car stereo.
`With respect to claim 2, Owens discloses the apparatus of claim 1, however does
`not disclose expressly further comprising an Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM)
`car stereo connectedto thefirst electrical connector. The after-market car stereo(fig. 1
`#10) of Owens contains the master microprocessor that performs the systems selection
`functions of auxiliary units (pg.2 [0034]) wherein this microprocessoris not available in
`an OEMcarstereo. Beckert discloses a system wherein the interface processing
`Petitioner Toyota Motor Corp. Exhibit 1102
`Petitioner Toyota Motor Corp. Exhibit 1102
`Application/Control Number: 10/316,961
`Art Unit: 2615
`Page 6
`occursin a unit (fig.2 #64,62) separate from the car stereo (fig.2 #60). At the time of the
`invention it would have been obvious to a person ofordinary skill in the art that the
`master microprocessorthat controls the interfacing functions of Owens could have been
`located within an external unit to the car stereo as taught by Beckert, such as the A/V
`interface module (fig.1 #30). The motivation for doing so would have been to allow a
`userto integrate auxiliary and after-market devices with the factory (OEM)car stereo.
`With respect to claim 3, Owens discloses the apparatus of claim 1, further
`comprising an after-market car stereo (pg.2 [0025] In.1-3).
`With respect to claim 4, Owens discloses the apparatus of claim 1, further
`comprising a CD player (fig.1 #10), CD changer(fig.2 #15), MP3 player, Digital Audio
`Broadcast (DAB) receiver, or satellite receiver.
`With respectto claim 5, Owensdiscloses the apparatus of claim 1, wherein the
`interface further comprises a plug-and-play mode for automatically detecting a device
`type of an after-market audio device connected to the second electrical connector and
`integrating an after-market audio device based uponthe device type (pg.2 [0034)).
`With respectto claim 6, Owensdiscloses the apparatus of claim 1, wherein the
`interface generates a device presence signal for maintaining the car stereo in a state
`responsive to processed data and audio signals (pg.2 [0034)). It is clear that as the
`Petitioner Toyota Motor Corp. Exhibit 1102
`Petitioner Toyota Motor Corp. Exhibit 1102
`Application/Control Number: 10/316,961
`Art Unit: 2615
`Page 7
`master microprocessor polls system the peripheral modules respond with a presence
`signal containing information pertaining to their status.
`With respect to claim 10, Owensdiscloses the apparatus of claim 1, wherein the
`interface processes video information generated by an after-market audio device (pg.2
`With respect to claim 11, Owensdiscloses the apparatus of claim 1, however
`does not disclose expressly wherein formatted data is displayed as a menu on the
`display of the car stereo. Owensdiscloses wherein an auxiliary input could be an MP3
`player (pg.2 [0025] In.3-5). Official Notice is taken thatit is well knownin the art that car
`stereo head units have the function of displaying menusoffiles stored in an attached
`MP3player. At the time of the invention it would have been obviousto a person of
`ordinary skill in the art to allow the head unit (fig.1 #10) of Owensto display a menu of
`the audiofiles stored in attached auxiliary source such as an MP3 player. The
`motivation for providing the stored audiofiles in the form of a menu onthe head unit
`would have beento provide a simple display to a userof the available audio optionsfor
`sound reproduction.
`With respect to claim 12, Owens discloses the apparatus of claim 11, wherein the
`display comprises a graphic panel (fig.10 #21, pg.3 [0035)).
`Petitioner Toyota Motor Corp. Exhibit 1102
`Petitioner Toyota Motor Corp. Exhibit 1102
`Application/Control Number: 10/316,961
`Art Unit: 2615
`Page 8
`With respect to claim 13, Owensdiscloses the apparatus of claim 1, wherein the
`commandsareinput by a user using one or more control buttons or presets on a car
`stereo (fig.10 #27,28, pg.3 [0038-0039)).
`With respectto claim 15, Owensdiscloses the apparatus of claim 1, wherein
`audio signals from the one or more auxiliary input sources are selectively channeled to
`the car stereo by the interface (pg.2 [0032]).
`With respect to claim 16, Owens discloses the apparatus of claim 1, wherein a
`user can select between the one or more auxiliary input sources by depressing keys on
`a car stereo (pg.3 [0039], “mode button”, “A/V source’).
`With respect to claim 17, Owensdiscloses the apparatus of claim 1, wherein a
`user can select one of the auxiliary input sources by entering a disc numberat a car
`stereo (pg.3 col.2 In.1-4).
`With respect to claim 18, Owensdiscloses the apparatus of claim 1, wherein a
`user can select one of the auxiliary input sources by entering a track number at a car
`stereo (pg.3 [0039] In.7-11).
`Petitioner Toyota Motor Corp. Exhibit 1102
`Petitioner Toyota Motor Corp. Exhibit 1102
`Application/Control Number: 10/316,961
`Art Unit: 2615
`Page 9
`With respect to claim 19, Owens discloses the apparatus of claim 1, wherein a
`user can select one of the auxiliary input sources by entering both disc and track
`numbersat a car stereo (pg.3 [0039)).
`With respect to claim 20, Owens discloses the apparatus of claim 1, wherein a
`user can select between the audio device and the one or more auxiliary input sources
`by entering a sequence ata car stereo (pg.3 [0037-0039)).
`With respectto claim 21, Owensdiscloses the apparatus of claim 20, wherein the
`sequence comprises a track up selection followed by a track down selection (pg.3
`With respect to claim 22, Owens discloses the apparatus of claim 1, further
`comprising a secondinterface (fig.1 #30) connectedto thefirst interface (fig.1 #40) for
`providing a plurality of auxiliary input sources.
`With respect to claim 23, Owensdiscloses the apparatus of claim 22, wherein
`both thefirst interface and the second interface are controllable using a car stereo (pg.1
`With respect to claim 24, Owensdiscloses an audio device integration system
`comprising: a first electrical connector (fig.1 #32) connectable to a car stereo(fig. 1 #10);
`Petitioner Toyota Motor Corp. Exhibit 1102
`Petitioner Toyota Motor Corp. Exhibit 1102
`Application/Control Number: 10/316,961
`Art Unit: 2615
`Page 10
`a plurality of auxiliary electrical connectors(fig.8 “L1-L3,R1-R3,V1-V3") connectable to a
`plurality of auxiliary input sources(fig. 1 #44,46,48); an interface (fig.1 #30,40)
`connected between thefirst electrical connector and the plurality of auxiliary electrical
`connectors for channeling audio from at least one of a plurality of auxiliary input sources
`to a car stereo (pg.2 [0032]), wherein the interface remotely controls at least one of a
`plurality of auxiliary sources using a car stereo by receiving a control command from a
`car stereo through thefirst connector (pg.2 [0028]), transmitting a control command to
`at least one of a plurality of auxiliary input sources throughatleast oneof the plurality of
`auxiliary electrical connectors for execution by at least one of a plurality of auxiliary
`input sources (pg.1 [0006]); receiving data from oneof a plurality of auxiliary input
`sources throughatleast one ofthe plurality of auxiliary electrical connectors, and
`transmitting the data to a car stereo throughthefirst electrical connectorfor display by a
`car stereo (pg.3 [0035]); and selecting one of a plurality of auxiliary input sources from a
`car stereo (pg.2 [0026)).
`Owens doesnot disclose expressly wherein the interface comprises a
`microcontroller programmed to execute code portions to process control commandsinto
`compatible formats between the car stereo and after-market devices.
`Beckert discloses a vehicle computer interface system in cooperation with a
`vehicles audio system that allows for the operation of incompatible devices wherein
`the interface includes a microcontroller (fig.2 #64)in electrical communication with the —
`car stereo (fig.2 #60) and after-market devices(fig.2 #74,78,80), the microcontroller
`programmedto execute:a first code portion for remotely controlling (col.4 In.22-31) an
`Petitioner Toyota Motor Corp. Exhibit 1102
`Petitioner Toyota Motor Corp. Exhibit 1102
`Application/Control Number: 10/316,961
`Art Unit: 2615
`Page 11
`after-market audio device using a car stereo by receiving a control command from a car
`stereo through thefirst connectorin a format incompatible with an after-market audio
`device, processing a received control commandinto a formatted command compatible
`with an after-market audio device, and transmitting a formatted commandto an after-
`market audio device through the secorid connector for execution by an after-market
`audio device (col.1 In.63-67, col.2 In.1-30); a second code portion for receiving data
`from an after-market audio device through the second connector in a format
`incompatible with a car stereo, processing received data into formatted data compatible
`with a car stereo (col.3 In.41-67, col.4 In.1-7), and transmitting formatted data to a car
`stereo through the first connector for display by a car stereo (col.4 In.17-22); and a third
`code portion. for switching to one or more auxiliary input sources connected to the third
`electrical connector(col.5 In.28-37,56-62).
`At the time of the invention it would have been obvious to include the
`compatibility processing of Beckert in the interface of Owens. The motivation for doing
`so would have been to allow the useof after-market devices that do not rely on the
`same formatas the car stereo.
`With respect to claim 25, Owens discloses the apparatus of claim 24, wherein the
`third code portion for selecting one of a plurality of auxiliary input sources processes a
`disc or track selection entered by a user control buttons of a car stereo to select one of
`a plurality of auxiliary input sources (pg.3 [0039)).
`Petitioner Toyota Motor Corp. Exhibit 1102
`Petitioner Toyota Motor Corp. Exhibit 1102
`Application/Control Number: 10/316,961
`Art Unit: 2615
`Page 12
`With respectto claim 26, Owensdiscloses the apparatusof claim 24, further
`comprising a CD player, CD changer(fig.1 #15), MP3 player, satellite receiver, or a
`Digital Audio Broadcast (DAB) receiver connected to one ofthe plurality of auxiliary
`electrical connectors.
`With respect to claim 27, Owensdiscloses the apparatus of claim 24, wherein a
`device type of at least one ofa plurality of auxiliary input sources is automatically
`detected by the interface and atleast oneof a plurality of auxiliary input sourcesis
`automatically integrated with a car stereo based upon the device type (pg.2 [0034)).
`With respect to claim 28, Owensdiscloses the apparatus of claim 24, wherein the
`interface is switchable into an auxiliary input mode by issuing a control sequence ata
`car stereo (pg.3 [0039] In.1-3).
`With respectto claim 29, Owens discloses the apparatus of claim 28, wherein the
`control sequence comprises a track up commandfollowed by a track down command
`(pg.3 [0039] In.3-5).
`With respect to claim 30, Owensdiscloses a method forintegrating an after-
`market device with a car stereo comprising: providing an interface (fig. 1 #30,40) having
`a first electrical connector(fig.1 #32) connectable to a car stereo(fig.1 #10), a second
`electrical connector(fig.1 “V1,L1,R1”) connectable to an after-market device (fig.1
`Petitioner Toyota Motor Corp. Exhibit 1102
`Petitioner Toyota Motor Corp. Exhibit 1102
`Application/Control Number: 10/316,961
`Art Unit: 2615
`Page 13
`#44 46,48) external to a car stereo (pg.2 [0032] In.9-11), a third electrical connector
`(fig.1 “V2,L2,R2”) connectable to an auxiliary input source (fig.1 #44,46,48); connecting
`the first electrical connector to a car stereo (fig.1 #18,32), the second electrical
`connectorto an after-market device external to a car stereo (fig.8, fig.1), and the third
`electrical connector to an auxiliary input source external to a car stereo and after-market
`device (fig.1,fig.8); remotely controlling the after-market device using the car stereo by:
`receiving control commandsfrom the car stereo at the interface throughthe first
`electrical connector; and processing the control commands and dispatching processed
`control commands to the after-market device through the secondelectrical connection
`(pg.1 [0006}); receiving data through the secondelectrical connector and audio from the
`after-market device at the interface; processing the data and dispatching the audio and
`processed data to the car stereo through the first electrical connector (pg.2 [0032));
`displaying the data on the car stereo and playing the audio through the car stereo (pg.3
`[0035]), and playing audio from the after-market device through the car stereo (pg.2
`[0032] in.13-17).
`Owensdoesnotdisclose expressly wherein the interface comprises a
`microcontroller programmed to execute code portions to process control commandsinto
`compatible formats betweenthe car stereo and after-market devices.
`Beckert discloses a vehicle computer interface system in cooperation with a
`vehicles audio system that allows for the operation of incompatible devices wherein
`the interface includes a microcontroller(fig.2 #64) in electrical communication with the
`car stereo (fig.2 #60) and after-market devices(fig.2 #74,78,80), the microcontroller
`Petitioner Toyota Motor Corp. Exhibit 1102
`Petitioner Toyota Motor Corp. Exhibit 1102
`Application/Contro! Number: 10/316,961
`Art Unit: 2615
`Page 14
`programmedto execute: a first code portion for remotely controlling (col.4 In.22-31) an
`after-market audio device using a car stereo by receiving a control command from a car
`stereo through the first connector in a format incompatible with an after-market audio
`device, processing a received control commandinto a formatted command compatible
`with an after-market audio device, and transmitting a formatted commandto an after-
`market audio device through the second connector for execution by an after-market
`audio device (col.1 In.63-67, col.2 In.1-30); a second code portion for receiving data
`from an after-market audio device through the second connector in a format
`incompatible with a car stereo, processing received data into formatted data compatible
`with a car stereo (col.3 In.41-67, col.4 In.1-7),