`$3131 .
`‘ If 2’5“: 3:
`i Developers Show Support .
`" WrairtpwhemsofiAutoPC M “W,”
`outbad'sgmfifiefi’tfifidfl ..
`13%.? more-than
`'“”cxl‘flpgfi r
`Wealthy kg-_JL. . at
`products— a an held" agif
`. powered bythe Microsofthndows
`' CE operating system version 2.0.
`Some of the PC Companion dev
`veloper companies include Clarion,
`MobileSoft, Navigational Technolo-
`_ gies Corp. Nissan Motor Corpora-
`tion USA, ORA Electronics, Philips Mobile Computing Group, and Uniden.
`Meanwhile, Emit, Inc. announced that it will extend its support of Microsoft's Win-
`dows CB operating system platform for handheld devices to the Auto PC and Palm PC
`platforms. Working jointly with Cue Network Corporation, operator of the world's largest
`FM paging radio network. and Metro Networks. the oldest and largest traffic reporting set.
`. vice in the U.S., Etalt will develop applications that send real-time traffic and traveler in:
`formation over a paging network to wireless capable Auto PC-, Palm PC- and other CE‘based
`5 devices. These applications will be available in tlrel'orm of both products and services. and
`may include a Global Positioning System (GPS) guidance option.
`BlitheSafo Designs “Smart”
`Integration Device -
`'Alotofearaudlocompetitorsarefarnlllarwith iiiim'atemeywmumguya distributed}:
`got started in OEM Integration with Merwda dealers in North Arnerioa. Mercedes had made it
`: very diificult to integrate aftermarket head unit; into sonic velrides because they would flip
`wires orthomesestomakethem incompatiblewith the aftermarket. Blitfial‘e created ln-llne dr-
`' cults to defeatMemedes and allowdashboard democracy to reign.
`(orDigtralMultipleidng) tedinoioy—theseanwtheeesybnok-t_ipogan ahemiarltetAlpierBUS
`mdiangertoaiaotoryhmd unltwithCDchangercontmls. Whatmakes dieseproductssorev-
`olutionaryle that theyacmallyreoognlze the protocol ofthe lietorymdlo and comrnurileete with
`it through the uaeofa mluoprocssorJn odierwotds, the BlitzSal'e unlrcomrnunimtts with the
`factoryheadunltandflteCDdtangerandantsasau'arislaton Someunirsonthemrketaieonty
`WW—WfimdwnmedthewlmhflwDWhammhmn theBlitfiale
`device is the onlysurefire wayto get 0EM~lnstalled CD changer performance.
`TheDNDCtechnologyaflowsiortwuslgnalstobesentoverthesamewire— thecommand
`sigrmlsmtfiom thehead unittaoontrolthechanger. andtlieslgrialfiom theduingertotheunit.
`'I'heBllfiafe unltlsaplooe olcaltetolnstall~ they have takenallihegueesworkoutoiittorthe
`_ guysktdieixumnbayflyoulmvetodolsplugdie aftennatltetCDchmgerintotha BliizSaSe unit.
`and then plug the Mringhamess from the BlitzSeIe into the foctoryreceptade. lilo: some ree-
`' sontliemanuiecttuerwasnotniceenoughtomnawmle [mmthetrunlttothedash then
`The BlitzSafe unltsare engineered mm: in the USA They feature a lifetime warnin-
`tee naturist {ailme'l‘heMSRPofihe unitswillbet'rom $60 to 5110. But mnslderthEMercedes
`5 dealersliipsareoltarglnzSSOOforanOHMdiangensoyoueanbesureanahermaritetoneisaoost-
`efiecdve option. BlitzSale maruriacnnuuniuforMemengolvo. Jaguarfihrysler. and Honda
`- Accord vehicles (with CD changeroontmls). However, theywill work in aIlVolvos. Jaguars. and
`'Cbryaler ears lndudlngIeep. Dodge. and Plymouth. -~Brett$olamon
`... ~ ..-~._.. -... —... -...
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`Daimler Exhibit 1012
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`Daimler Exhibit 1012