G.A. Williams and M.J. Holt, ‘The future of vehicle
`electrical power systems and their impact on system
`design,” SAE Paper 911653, Future Transportation
`Technology Conference and Exposition, Portland,
`Oregon, Aug. 1991.
`M.F. Matouka, “Design considerations for higher
`voltage automotive electrical systems,” SAE Paper
`Conference and Exposition, Portland, Oregon, Aug.
`C.R. Smith, “Review of heavy duty dual voltage
`systems,” SAE Paper 911857,
`International Off-
`Highway & Powerplant Congress and Exposition,
`Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Sept. 1991.
`S. Muller and X. Pfab, “Considerations implamenting
`a dual voltage power network,” SAE Paper 98C008,
`Transportation Electronics (Convergence), Dearbom,
`MI, Oct. 1998.
`J. Becker, M. Pourkermani, and E. Saraie, “Dual-
`International Truck and Bus Meeting and Exposition,
`Toledo, Ohio, Nov. 1992.
`J. O'Dwyer, C. Patterson, and T. Reibe,
`voltage alternator,” /EE Colloquium on Machines for
`Automotive Applications, London, Nov. 1996, pp.
`J.C. Byrum, “Comparative evaluation of dual-voltage
`alternators,” S.M. Thesis, Dept.
`Electrical Engineering
`and Computer Science,
`Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sept. 2000.
`Open Systems and Open Mindsets: Entertainment, Information and
`Communication Systemsfor the Automotive Future
`Rolf Juergen Bruess
`Mannesmann VDO Car Communication
`This paper and presentation
`will describe how one companyis ad-
`dressing the convergence of entertain-
`information and communications
`for tomorrow's automobiles.
`The ap-
`proach presents a framework for incor-
`porating diverse technologies
`in cost
`effective and efficient ways to provide for
`both flexibility and future growth.
`offers a paradigm for integrating best-in-
`class technologies from third parties into
`that meet
`changing customer demands.
`The approach recognizes that
`automotive customers’ expectations for
`features and functions are increasingly
`driven by computing and telecommuni-
`cationscapabilities that they experience
`outside of their cars. Future in-vehicle
`multimedia systems will be based on
`combinations of leading edge technolo-
`involving computers,
`cellular or
`satellite communications, car radio and
`car navigation product technologies.
`The paper proposes an open
`systems approach to multimedia sys-
`multimedia word, automotive electronics
`suppliers are confronted with a variety of
`daunting challenges including technolo-
`gies that are emerging from outside the
`automotive industry. These technologies
`are more diverse and have shorter life
`cycles than almost anything in the tradi-
`tional automotive industry’s experience.
`suppliers must
`develop systems and architectures that
`bridge the gap betweenthelife cycles of
`consumer products
`measured in 6 to 18 months and vehicle
`lifecycles that can last more than ten
`(10) years including development times
`of 18 to 36 months.
`It is interesting to compare the
`market penetration rate for cars versus
`those of various electronics products as
`shownin Figure 1.
`Inside the Tornado- The behaviour of
`Consumer Markets
`Page 1 of 4
`Daimler Exhibit 1016


`Consumer electronics products
`clearly have faster penetration rates
`reflecting both their perceived entertain-
`ment and informational value to custom-
`In the last 40 years,
`in-car enter-
`tainment systems havereflected similar
`shifts in priorities, as they have moved
`from simple radios powered byelectronic
`tubes and providing very limited range
`and very poor sound quality to today’s
`automotive CD and DVD systems offer-
`ing stereo sound from multiple speakers
`combining with LCD displays to provide
`navigation and yellow page information.
`Tomorrow, we'll see further shifts to new
`and functions
`embodied in
`tems as shownin Figure 2.
`e New digital communications
`services—GPRS, UMTS,
`Bluetooth, etc.
`e Digital broadcast systems—
`DAB and DVB-T
`e Personal appliances—PDA,
`Smart Phone, Videophone
`Different mobile technologies are merging
`andwill be combinedIn new carsolutions
`Yellow Pages
`Volatile mass storage
`Downloadfrom internet
`Figure 3. Automotive solutions will integrate en-
`tertainment, information and communicationsin
`new ways.
`Productlife cycles are sub-
`stantially shorter than any-
`thing we have dealt with in
`the past
`e Key technologies are being
`launched outside our areas
`of core competence
`e The center of gravity of our
`businessis moving rapidly
`to software
`Clearly, our future success will depend on
`our being able to work with partners
`outside our industry, and on our ability to
`incorporate their technologies into ours.
`The keys to successwill be
`For VDO, the underlying struc-
`ture on which to build future multimedia
`solutions is a hardware and software
`architecture that we have called Top
`Level Architecture (“TLA”).
`TLA is an
`open, scalable, upgradeable and modu-
`Jar multimedia concept
`standard, proprietary and third party
`products and technologies.
`connectivity framework that allows us to
`focus our expertise and to leverage our
`resources without
`inventing the latest
`technologies that are created outside the
`automotive market.
`Schematically, this
`is illustrated in Figure 4.
`The TLA Concept- The invincible combination
`weaves] Eempatancies
`Moaular interface Mechanical Packaging
`end System Integration
`Partner Modules
`bostin class phiasophy
`Aclear “make-or-
`buy” strategy and a
`connectivity allows
`us fo focus on our
`own expertise and ta
`leverage our
`resources without re-
`inventing fatest
`technology which is
`driven outside the
`automotive market.
`Figure 4. The TLA Concept optimizes “best-in-
`class product offerings in entertainment, informa-
`tion, communication.
`From Communication Device to Open System
`* a vansparent handling of Input / Output devices.
`An open system is a system capable of procassing data fram arbitrary sources
`over arbitrary communicationlinks.
`Farthisit will have to provide

`the appropriate applications.
`»all using the Application Programming Interface (API)af the target
`*all coded to be binary compatible (Application Binary Interface (ABI)
`* a reliable security system,
`a transparent mechanism forinternationalization and localization.
`Identifying the right
`e Partnering with
`® Accelerating development
`The Internet is, of course,
`TLA is an open system capable
`primary driver and carrier of many of
`of processing data from arbitrary sources
`e Market penetration
`these new services. The car is becom-
`over arbitrary communication links.—It
`Flexibility and modularity
`ing an Internet device that merges sys-
`will provide the following functionality as
`in terms of
`described in Figure 5:
`communications, and driver assistance.
`The challenge for automotive electronics
`suppliers and OEMsis to define which
`services are most highly valued by the
`end customer and to provide them in the
`fastest and most efficient way. Stepping
`into the future of the connected automo-
`bile does not mean that a PC needsto
`be installed in every car.
`meansthat the vehicle must provide PC
`connectivity and opennessin a waythat
`ensures drivers and passengers with
`desirable features and functions in the
`Convergencein the Car
`Stand slone
`Marging of Car Audio end
`Navigation Functionality
`Top Level Architecture
`Figure 2. Convergence of entertainment,
`mation and communicationsin the car.
`automotive cus-
`tomer demand is created by consumer
`markets where new systems and serv-
`ices are being introduced seemingly on a
`daily basis. “Non-automotive” technolo-
`gies and products are thefirst priority for
`Page 2 of 4


`® Security
`e Transparency mechanism
`internationalization and
`e Transparent
`interfaces and can be tailored to be
`highly user-friendly.
`software will utilize a
`componentlibrary strategy (Figure 7).
`face between the physical devices and i
`direct one-to-ona,in other casesil could befairly sophisticated.
`TLA consists of four levels of
`functionality: Hardware, Resources,
`Services and Presentations. Hardware
`is obviously the physical
`providing the function. Resources are
`the hardware/software drivers that inter-
`the Services software. Services and
`Presentations software are describedin
`Figure 6
`Foundation - Service Concept
`* Software divided into two basic types:
`~Services - components which provide a piece of functionality, @.g. route-
`planning - no MMI. A service mayuse other services to provideits
`junctionality. For instance a route-planner would use a service exporting a
`mapdatabase.A serviceis definad by the AP!if exports - na coupling
`between implementations.
`=Presentations - a componentwhich uses one or more services and the
`rendition and MMI components to provide a userinterface for one or more
`userfunctions. In some cases the preseniation to service mapping will be
`Figure 6. Foundation software is divided into
`two software functions: Services and Presenta-
`Services are software components that
`provide a basic functionality, e.g., route
`planning or music entertainment. Serv-
`ices have no man-machine interface,
`rather they interface with Presentations
`via an Application Programming Inter-
`TLA ComponentStrategy
`* Strategy to use a componentlibrary
`* Components have following characteristics:
`-Responsible for a well bounded functionality
`- Can be decomposedinta sub-components
`- Fully encapsulated, minimum dependency on usage context
`~ Described through APIs (industry standard whera these exist)
`—Characterised for footprint and performance
`* Componentswill interact through a single integration plattarm
`—Alun-timeintegration througha client-server mode! which allows plug-and-
`“requirementsfortghtcouplingne(avers rorhandling, ete) a
`Figure 7. TLA uses a library of software components.
`This means that software components
`will have the following characteristics:
` well-
`e Responsible
`bounded functionality (e.g.,
`face, communications serv-
`e Decomposable
`minimal dependency on us-
`age context
`* Described through APIs
`e Characterized by footprint
`and performance
` sub-
`through a single integration platform that
`will provide run-time integration through a
`allows services and
`itself for use and also connectto the services whichit requires.
`in modules for security,
`provides built
`Input/Outputidevices are implemented in
`JAVAwithin the Presentations software.
`Figure 10 illustrates an exam-
`ple of TLA’s support for openness and
`Top Level Architecture
`Support for Openness and Connectivity
`Serviceinstallation and
`interaction is based on a
`broker system. The broker
`connectfoeservices they
`need on a as-needed basis.
`Thisis the basis of the “openness”of the TLA software framework.
`A Service which needs other services can beinstalled on the platform, register
`Figure 10. TLA supports opennessand connectivity.
`In this example, TLA allows for integra-
`tion of multiple phone and route planning
`services. TLA uses a “services broker’
`to control
`the interaction between the
`Services and Presentations. This allows
`users to locate and connect to services
`on an as-needed basis. Moreover,
`additional Services can be installed on
`the platform, register themselves for use
`and connect with other services that are
`required. This approach can readily be
`extended to such other third-party en-
`tertainment applications as MP3, video,
`and so forth.
`The overall TLA systems architecture is
`illustrated in Figure 8.
`System i 3
`TLA Overall SW-System:
`Object oriented and “Internet ready”
`A fult Object Oriented
`Design ofthe
`3 | | i é i * i 5 i “S.._foundationandevery
`fi g Sit
`single application
`Based on rock solid
`system software
`acomponents ensure
`secure systems with
`rapidly increasing
`An “Internat ready"
`system for the future.
`Figure 8. TLA’s software is object oriented
`and Internet ready.
`Services and Presentations software are
`contained within the Foundation-Service
`Module which utilizes a broker system to
`implement specific functionalities (Figure
`Foundation - Service Model
`* Sarvice installation and interaction is based on a broker system. The
`broker allows services and presentations to locate and connectto the
`services they need on a as-needed basis,i.e. at run-time.
`This is the basis of the “openness” of the TLA software framework. A
`service which naeds other services can beinstalled on the platform,
`registeritself for use and alsa connect to the services which It
`requires. This process cantake place in thefield.
`* Brokeris a service which providesthe following functions (or equivalent)
`inits API
`—Register Service/Lookup Service/Connectto Service/Disconnect
`Service/Unregister Service
`* The service modelfor TLA is symmetric for JAVA and Native code.
`Figure 9. Foundation Service Model is based on
`a broker system, allowing for as-needed use.
`Additional Services and Presentations
`Page 3 of 4


`ment technologies into the car in a cost
`effective and efficient manner.
`It ad-
`dresses key challenges facing suppliers
`fast-changing world of electronics
`where new technologies are emerging
`so rapidly that several productlife times
`will occur during the life of
`the car.
`Moreover, it enables suppliers, like VDO,
`to partner with a broader range of sup-
`pliers from outside the automotive in-
`dustry to meet and even anticipate cus-
`tomers’ demands.
`Gates, Bill, “Business @ The
`Speed of Thought” Warner
`Books, 1999
`Rolf-Juergen Bruess
`Executive Vice President
`Mannesmann VDO Car Communication
`Philipsstrasse 1
`35586 Wetzlar
`Role of Electronics in Automotive Safety
`Priya Prasad
`Ford Motor Company
`The past, current and future role of electronics in
`reducing accidents, crash severity and crash notification
`is discussed. A holistic approach that ties pre-crash,
`crash and post-crash factors in enhancing automotive
`safety is examined and the growing role of electronicsin
`affecting the three factors is discussed.
`technology has already entered the automotive safety
`arena,andits utilization in the future is expected to grow
`rapidly towards the goal of safer roadway environment.
`The use of electronic componentry in automobiles has
`been increasing steadily since the mid-1980's.
`responseto societal needsfor fuel efficiency and cleaner
`environment, the vast majority of powertrains are now
`controlled by electronic components due to their high
`Microprocessors are becoming faster and sophisticated
`algorithms have been developed to control powertrain
`Electronics has moved in to the field of
`automotive safety with application in Anti-lock Braking
`System and Enhanced Stability Protection Systems.
`Early airbag systems have used mechanical sensing
`diagnostics, display and design have beenelectronically
`controlled. With further advances in micro-machining
`and micro-processor technologies, the role of electronics
`in automotive safety has increased substantially in the
`mid-1990's, and is expected to grow exponentially in the
`Electronic sensing technology is already being used to
`enable anti-lock braking system and enhanced stability
`systems. The usage of these technologies in mass
`production continue to increase and are expected to
`reduce accidents in the future. Seat belt sensors are
`now being used to detect belted status of occupants to
`airbag deployment
`sensing of seat position is currently being used as a
`surrogate for occupant size and proximity to the airbag.
`Based onthe pre-crash information, airbag deployments
`are being controlled.
`increased belt wearing
`improved safety of occupants, "belt minders" have been
`introduced in mass production. Although the real world
`effectiveness of this intervention is too soon to estimate,
`the effect is certainly expected to be positive.
`Crash severity sensing in vehicles involved in crashesis
`evolving rapidly from mechanical to electronic sensing.
`Electronic crash severity sensing is used in front
`impacts, side impacts and rollover prediction.
`In frontal
`introduced in mass production that utilize
`electronic sensing technologies. The bundled use of
`crash-severity sensors, seat-track-position and buckle
`Sto eee8
`Page 4 of 4

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