`Page 001
`Jaguar Land Rover
`Jaguar Land Rover
`Exhibit 1024
`Exhibit 1024
`Page 001
`I Didn’t
`Know You Could
`Do That...
`@ *®
`Guy Hart-Davis
`Rhonda Holmes
`San Francisco ¢ Paris * Diisseldorf * Soest - London
`Jaguar Land Rover
`Jaguar Land Rover
`Exhibit 1024
`Exhibit 1024
`Page 002
`Page 002
`| Didn’t Know You Could Do That...™
`Guy Hart-Davis
`Rhonda Holmes
`4 S
`I i
`t |
`i ij |
`Associate Publisher: Roger Stewart
`Contracts and Licensing Manager: Kristine O'Callaghan
`Acquisitions and Developmental Editor: Gary Masters
`Editor: Laurie Stewart
`Project Editor: Susan Berge
`Book Designers: Franz Baumhackl, Kate Kaminski
`Electronic Publishing Specialist: Adrian Woolhouse
`Project Team Leader: Shannon Murphy
`Proofreaders: Shannon Murphy, Catherine Morris, Lisa Reardon, and Richard Ganis
`Indexer: Ted Laux
`Companion CD: Ginger Warner
`Cover Designer/IIlustrator/: Daniel Ziegler
`Cover Photograph: PhotoDisc
`SYBEX is a registered trademark of SYBEX Inc.
`I Didn't Know You Could Do That... is a trademark of SYBEX Inc,
`Some screen reproductions produced with Collage Complete.
`Collage Complete is a trademark of Inner Media Inc.
`Netscape Communications, the Netscape Communications logo, Netscape, and Netscape Navigator are trademarks
`of Netscape Communications Corporation.
`Netscape Communications Corporation has not authorized, sponsored, endorsed, or approved this publication and
`is not responsible for its content, Netscape and the Netscape Communications Corporate Logos are trademarks and
`trade names of Netscape Communications Corporation. All other product names and/or logos are trademarks of
`their respective owners.
`TRADEMARKS: SYBEXhas attempted throughoutthis book to distinguish proprietary trademarks from descriptive
`termsby following the capitalization style used by the manufacturer.
`Theauthorand publisher havemadetheir bestefforts to prepare this book, and thecontent is based uponfinal
`release software whenever possible. Portions of the manuscript maybe based uponpre-release versions supplied by
`software manufacturer(s). The author and the publisher make no representation or warranties of any kind with
`regard to the completeness or accuracy of the contents herein and accept no liability of any kind including but not
`limited to performance, merchantability,fitness for any particular purpose,or anylosses or damagesof anykind
`causedor alleged to be caused directlyor indirectly from this book.
`Copyright ©1999 SYBEX Inc., 1151 MarinaVillage Parkway, Alameda, CA 94501. World rights reserved. Nopart ofthis
`publication maybestored inaretrieval system, transmitted, or reproduced in any way, including but not limited to
`photocopy, photograph, magnetic or other record, without the prior agreement and written permissionofthe
`Library of Congress Card Number: 99-66400
`ISBN: 0-7821-2653-7
`Manufactured in the United States of America
`Jaguar Land Rover
`Jaguar Land Rover
`Exhibit 1024
`Exhibit 1024
`Page 003
`Page 003
`Enter MP3. Providing almost CD-quality audio together with a decentrate
`of compression, MP3 solves both the quality problem andthefile-size
`problem. Recorded at a decent samplingrate (as you'll see in a bit, you can
`use various sampling rates when recording MP3files), MP3 provides the
`high-quality soundthat audiophiles demand, but with enough compres-
`sion thatthe resulting files can easily be transferred from one computerto
`another and from a computer onto Palm-size PCs and dedicated hardware
`That's the key feature of MP3—quality with portability. But wait, there’s more.
`In addition to the audio informationstored in an MP3 file, there's also a
`tag—a containerwith variousslots to hold key pieces of information about
`the MP3files. A typical tag would contain theartist’s name,thetitle of the
`song or audio item, thetitle of the album(if applicable), the genre, the year,
`and an optional comment.
`Tags are great because they give you the powerto sort your MP3files by
`any of the pieces of informationin the tags. As you'll see later in this book,
`most of the MP3 jukeboxeslet yousort your collection of MP3 files by the
`informationin the tags. So you caneasily pull up everything in your
`Techno-Industrial, Nippon Pop,or Christian Metal collection.
`Comparethat to WAVfiles. WAVs havea filename and nothingelse. You can
`sort them by filename, but you haven't a hopeinhell of sorting them by
`genre or artist. And WAVfiles of a quality comparable to MP3files are the
`same size as CDtracks. MP3 wins hands down.
`What Can You Do with MP3?
`Briefly put, you caneasily create MP3files from already-recorded music or
`audio (for example, from CDs) or audio you create yourself. You can save
`the files on your computer; play them back either on the computeror on
`portable players; sort them into collections or databases; and distribute
`them easily via the Internet (or other computer networks) or on conven-
`tional portable media such as CDs or removable disks(Zip, Jaz, Orb, and
`others). In essence, you can become a musiccreator and publisher. David
`Geffen, move over.
`Jaguar Land Rover
`Jaguar Land Rover
`Exhibit 1024
`Exhibit 1024
`Page 004
`Page 004
`Check and Set Track
`Information with
`Winamplets you quickly view and change the track information,called tag
`information, that each MP3file canstore.
`In the Playlist Editor, right-click a track andchooseFile Info from the con-
`text menutodisplay the MPEGFile Info Box + 1D3 Tag Editor dialog box
`(shownbelow)withthe informationfor the track. (From the main window,
`you can displaythis dialog box by double-clicking the track title.) Change
`the information as appropriate andthenclick the Save buttonto saveit to
`the MP3file. Youcanalsoclick the Remove ID3 buttonto remove the tag
`information from the MP3file.
`MPEG file into box + ID3 tag editor
`[FAMusic\MP9 Files to Keep\mind_with_noise.mp3
`Tithe [MindwithNorse!
`| SenOe “4
`[Tommy and the Stompers
`| WireGl3ids
`Aton |
`44100hz Stereo
`‘Year fissa Genre [Instrumental Ro =|
`| ear"
`[http //mp3.com/TommpandtheSto patleye
`Cancel ‘ | Finavetpa|| EmreNowe
`Choose Visualizations
`for Winamp
`Winamp’sVis display provides visual entertainment(read: graphicsthat
`look way cool whenyou'retotally spaced)keyedto thefrequencies ofthe
`Jaguar Land Rover
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`Exhibit 1024
`Exhibit 1024
`Page 005
`Page 005
`Keep in mindthat you won't be able to increase the samplingrate of any
`tracks you've already recorded. Though with certain specialized programs,
`youcan decrease the sampling rate if you really wantto do so.
`NOTE It doesn’t take any moretimeto rip tracks at a higher sampling rate
`than at a lower sampling rate. (In fact, with most ripping programs, ripping at a
`higher sampling rate takes less time because it requires less compression and
`less processing power.)
`Get, Install,
`and Configure
`MusicMatch Jukebox
`We've included version 4 of MusicMatch Jukebox on the CDat the back of
`the book. To check for a newerversion, browse http: //www.musicmatch. com.
`To install MusicMatch Jukebox, double-click the distributionfile. Install-
`Shield will walk you through a standardinstallation routine in which you
`accept a license agreement and specifyan installation folder andStart
`Thefirst item to note is the Question dialog box that asksif you want
`MusicMatchJukeboxto be your default MP3 player. If you’re using another
`MP3player (such as Winampor Sonique), you'll probably wantto just say
`No.If you'll be using MusicMatch Jukebox primarily orexclusively, select
`the Yes button. You'll then get the same question for m3u (Winampplay-
`list) files and CDs; make the choicesthatfit your situation.
`Click the Finish button to close the Setup Complete dialog box. You'rejust
`about ready to rock. Double-click the MusicMatch Jukebox icon on your
`desktop to get going. Theillustration on the next page shows the main
`Jaguar Land Rover
`Jaguar Land Rover
`Exhibit 1024
`Exhibit 1024
`Page 006
`Page 006
`windowandthe Music Library window.
`menu menu Library—InfoControl
`Viewbutton View button
`AutoDJ button
`the Enter the Key (Include Hyphens) text box and click the OK button.
`The MusicMatchJukebox windowsare easyto handle:
`® Youcan drag the windows around as you want,
`@ To make the Music Library window move
`with the main window, drag
`the Music Library window sothat one ofi
`ts sidessticks to aside ofthe
`main window.
`@ You canresize the Music Libr‘ary windowby clickingits border and
`NOTE To register your copy of MusicMatch Jukebox, choose Register >
`Enter Key to display the MusicMatch Enter Key dialog box. Enter the key in
`Jaguar Land Rover
`Jaguar Land Rover
`Exhibit 1024
`Exhibit 1024
`Page 007
`Page 007
`29 Rip Tracks with
`MusicMatch Jukebox
`‘ye got CDDBandyour recording optionsset up, you'rereal
`Nowthat you
`box. Here's howto proceed:
`to rip tracks with MusicMatch Juke
`1. Slota CDinto your CD drive (or DVDdrive) andcloseit. MusicMattt
`jukeboxwill read the CD. Ifyou're using CDDB, MusicMatchJukebor
`will retrieve the information for the CD from CDDB and will display
`the album's name,the artist's name, and the tracktitles.
`Jigital Tracks buttonto displaythe
`2. Click the Record Music CDsinto |
`Recorder window,as shownhere: Ce aahaa
`a Ready.
`alb [a H e
`check boxesfat
`3. Select one or more tracks to record byselecting the
`thetracks or byclicking the All button.
`Click the None buttonto deselectall currently selectedtracks.
`ke MusicMatchJukebox rereadthe
`Click the Refresh button to ma
`ful if you have auto-instl
`Cp’s contents.(This button is mainly use
`notification disabled for your CDdrive and manageto inserta
`fresh CD without MusicMatchJukebox's noticing.)
`4. Click the Start RecordingTrack buttonto start ripping.
`Jaguar Land Rover
`Jaguar Land Rover
`Exhibit 1024
`Exhibit 1024
`Page 008
`Page 008
`Keeping Everything You Need to Know ina
`Track’s Tag
`MusicMatchJukebox makesit easy to add tag informationtoallthetrack|
`from the same album:
`1. With a track selected in the Music Library, choose Options > Music
`Library > Edit TrackTag, orright-click the track in the Music Library |
`windowand chooseEdit Track Tag from the context menu,to display
`the Tag Songs dialog box, as shown here:
`ERem ea|
`MattT hor
`2. Enter informationfor the track by typingin the text boxes and by
`choosing items in the drop-downlist boxes.If you wantto apply the:
`same information to all the tracks from the same CD, select the chet
`box to theright of the text box or drop-downlist box.
`3. To addlyrics, notes, or biosto thetrack,click the Lyrics, Notes, or Bio
`button and enter the information in the text box.
`4. To add a bitmaporJPEGpicturetothe track,click the Art buttonto_
`display the Opendialog box. Navigate to and select the picture file,
`thenclick the Openbutton.Thepicture will appearto therightofth
`Remove button. Select the check box to theright ofthe picture ifyai_
`want to apply thepicturetoall the tracks from the CD,Soifyou got
`Jaguar Land Rover
`Jaguar Land Rover
`Exhibit 1024
`Exhibit 1024
`Page 009
`Page 009
`Build Music Libraries
`with MusicMatch
`MusicMatchJukebox’s key featureis its ability to create music libraries that
`you canuseto store, organize, and retrieve your musicfiles. By using music
`libraries, you can manage your music much moreeasily than schlepping
`thousands ofindividual files in and out of your MP3player.
`You can create as many musiclibraries as you want.Ifyou preferto have all
`your music in one musiclibrary, that’s fine, but be warned that it may
`become unmanageablylarge. We suggest segmenting your music into the
`different themes, moods, or occasions by which you'll wantto playit. You
`can put any individual track into multiple musiclibraries, so creating
`music libraries isn’t exactly difficult.
`If you don't have the Music Library windowdisplayed, click the Music
`Library button on the main windowtodisplayit.
`i i
`e tracks
`ply the
`e check
`or Bios
`on to
`e file,
`tof the
`P ifyou
`u gotta
`have pix of Shania or Ricky on all your MP3files, it won't cost you
`5. Select the type of tag that you wantto addbyselecting the ID3V1 and
`ID3V2 check boxes. Usually you'll want to select both. (An ID3V1 tag
`containstitle, artist, album, year, comment, and genre data, while
`ID3V2 can add information,lyrics, and a picture on top ofthat.)
`6. Click the Update Tag button to update the tag or tags. The readoutat
`the bottom ofthe dialog box will show you whichfile's tag Music-
`Match Jukebox is currently updating. If you're applyingtag info to all
`the tracks fromthe CD,it'll take a little while.
`7. Whenit’s finished, MusicMatch Jukebox will display a message box
`telling you the numberoftracks updated. Click the OK buttonto dis-
`miss it.
`8. To remove a tag from thetrack,click the RemoveTag button.
`9. Click the Done buttonto close the Tag Songs dialog box.
`Jaguar Land Rover
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`Exhibit 1024
`Exhibit 1024
`Page 010
`Page 010
`About the CD
`The CDinthat natty cardboard sleeve to thetight ofthis pageis stuffed
`with MP3 tools and music. (Read the readme.txtfileson theCD forinfor-
`mationonthe software and music.) Here's what you get
`More Than 150 MP3 Tracks
`Nearly 10 hoursofhigh-quality music—everything from soothing elec-
`tronica to cutting-edge metal.
`MP3 Players
`@ Winamp (Windows)
`@ Sonique (Windows)
`@ RealPlayer Plus G2 (Windows)
`@ MacAMP Lite (Macintosh)
`@ SoundApp (Macintosh)
`MP3 Ripper-Jukebox Software
`@ MusicMatch Jukebox
`SHOUTcast Broadcasting and Listening Software
`@ SHOUTcast DSPplug-in for Winamp
`@ MP3Spy
`CD-Playing and Recording Software
`¢@ CD/Spectrum Pro with Hypnogenic Screen Saver, Kinemorphic 3D 4
`Screen Saver, and Psychedelic Screen Saver
`@ AudioCD MP3Studio
`Music Editing Software
`@ Acid Pro Demo (Windows)
`@ MixmanStudio
`@ Sound Forge XP
`Image Editing Software
`@ Paint Shop Pro
`Compression Software
`® WinZip
`Jaguar Land Rover
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`Jaguar Land Rover