`1 Didn’t
`r' KnowYou Could
`99* a ,\ Do That.’“..
`9 a;
`96 6"
`-.' \.‘
`__ "
`Guy Hart-Davis
`Rhonda Holmes
`Jaguar Land Rover
`Jaguar Land Rover
`Exhibit 1024
`Exhibit 1024
`Page 001
`Page 001


` MP3!
`I Didn’t Know You Could Do That...TM
`Guy Hart—Davis
`Rhonda Holmes
`San Francisco 0 Paris - Diisseldorf ‘ Soest - London
`Jaguar Land Rover
`Jaguar Land Rover
`Exhibit 1024
`Exhibit 1024
`Page 002
`Page 002


`Associate Publisher: Roger Stewart
`Contracts and Licensing Manager: Kristine O‘Callaghan
`Acquisitions and Developmental Editor: Gary Masters
`Editor: Laurie Stewart
`Project Editor: Susan Berge
`Book Designers: Franz Baumhacki. Kate Kaminski
`{Electronic Publishing Specialist: Adrian Woolhottse
`Project Team leader: Shannon Murphy
`Proofreaders: Shannon Murphy, Catherine Morris, Lisa Reardon. and Richard Ganis
`Indexer: Ted Lauri
`Companion CD: Ginger Warner
`Cover Designerllliustralorf: Daniel Ziegler
`Cover Photograph: PhotoDisc
`SYBEX is a registered trademark of SYBEX Inc.
`1 Didn’t Know You Could Do That... is a trademark of SYBEX Inc.
`Some screen reproductions produced with Collage Complete.
`Collage Complete is a trademark of inner Media Inc.
`Netscape Communications. the Netscape Communications logo. Netscape. and Netscape Navigator are trademarks
`of Netscape Communications Corporation.
`Netscape Communications Corporation has not authorized. sponsored, endorsed. or approved this publication and
`is not responsible for its content. Netscape and the Netscape Communications Corporate Logos are trademarks and
`trade names ofNetscape ('Iommunications Corporation. All other product names andior logos are trademarks of
`their respective owners.
`TRADEMARKS: S‘r’BEX has attempted throughout this hook to distinguish proprietary trademarks from descriptive
`terms lry following the capitalization style used by the manufacturer.
`The author and publisher have made their best efforts to prepare this hook. and the content is based upon final
`release software whenever possible. Portions of the manuscript may be based upon tire—release versions supplied by
`software manufactitrerls}. The author and the publisher make no representation or warranties of any kind with
`regard to the completeness or accuracy of the contents herein and accept no liability ofany kind including but not
`limited to performance. merchantability. fitness for any particular purpose, or any losses or damages of any kind
`caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly from this book.
`Copyright ©1999 SYBEX Inc.r l 151 Marina Village i’arkway. Alam eda. CA 91501. World rights reserved. No part of this
`publication may be stored in a retrieval system. transmitted. or reprodttced in any way, including but not limited to
`photocopy. photograph, magnetic or other record,wi1hout the prior agreement and written permission ot‘the
`library of Congress Card Number: 99-65400
`ISBN: 0—?821-2653—‘r’
`Manufactured in the United States ot'America
`10 Si 8 ?t-15 4 3
`Jaguar Land Rover
`Jaguar Land Rover
`Exhibit 1024
`Exhibit 1024
`Page 003
`Page 003


`Enter MP3. Providing almost (TD-quality audio together with a decent rate
`of compression, MP3 solves both the quality problem and the file-size
`problem. Recorded at a decent sampling rate (as you'll see in a bit, you can
`use various sampling rates when recording MP3 files), MP3 provides the
`high—quality sound that audiophiles demand, but with enough compres-
`sion that the resulting files can easily be transferred from one computer to
`another and from a computer onto Palm-size PCs and dedicated hardware
`MP3 players.
`That's the key feature of MPB—quaiity with portability. But wait. there's more.
`In addition to the audio information stored in an MP3 file, there’s also a
`ragma container with various slots to hold key pieces ofinformation about
`the MP3 files. A typical tag would contain the artist‘s name. the title of the
`song or audio item. the title ofthe album (if applicable), the genre, the year.
`and an optional comment.
`Tags are great because they give you the power to sort your MP3 files by
`any of the pieces ofinformation in the tags. As you'll see later in this book.
`most of the MP3 jukeboxes let you sort your collection ofMPB files by the
`information in the tags. So you can easily pull up everything in your
`Techno—Industrial, Nippon Pop. or Christian Metai collection.
`Compare that to WAV" files. WAVs have a fil'ename and nothing else. You can
`sort them by filename. but you haven’t a hope in hell of sorting them by
`genre or artist. AndWAV files ofa quality comparable to MP3 files are the
`same size as CD tracks. MP3 wins hands down.
`What Can You Do with MP3?
`Briefly put, you can easily create MP3 files from already-recorded music or
`audio [for example, from CDs} or audio you create yourself. You can save
`the tiles on your computer; play them back either on the computer or on
`portable players; sort them into collections or databases: and distribute
`them easily via the Internet (or other computer networks) or on conven—
`tional portable media such as CDs or removabie disks (Zip. Iaz, Orb, and
`others). In essence, you can become a music creator and publisher. David
`Geffen. move over.
`Jaguar Land Rover
`Jaguar Land Rover
`Exhibit 1024
`Exhibit 1024
`Page 004
`Page 004


`cnoose VISUALIZATIONS FOR WiNAMP B3 Check and Set Track
`Information with
`Winamp lets you quickly view and change the track information. called tag
`information. that each MP3 file can store.
`in the Plavlist Editor. right-click a track anti choose File Info from the con-
`text menu to displayr the MPEG File Info Box + ID3 Tag Editor dialog box
`{shown below} with the information for the track. (From the main window,
`you can display this dialog box by double-clicking the track title.) Change
`the information as appropriate and then click the Save button to save it to
`the MP3 file. You can also click the Remove ”)3 button to remove the tag
`information from the MP3 file.
`HPEE like Inio box - IDB tau edilol
`IFZWWCWF'B loKeaonfllema
`THE {Mmd'w'llhNoisel
`I 33%018‘3
`Allis! ITmrrny and Ihe Stomp-u:
`I hfi‘zgafifi‘
`l———_ 12mm km
`some 51...:
`You I193? 56"“ inchurremalfia v I EflCscNo
`emu-um hftflffmp3mmr’ltwmt-the-Sln WW“?
`I Emphm':Nm
`.EJ mfll _
`.15 Choose Visualizations
`for Winamp
`Winamp's Vis display provides visual entertainment (read: graphics that
`look way cool when you're totally spaced) keyed to the frequencies of the
`Jaguar Land Rover
`Jaguar Land Rover
`Exhibit 1024
`Exhibit 1024
`Page 005
`Page 005


`114 wmoows RIPPERS AND JUKEBoxes
`Keep in mind that you won’t be able to increase the sampling rate of any
`tracks you’ve already recorded. Though with certain specialized programs.
`you can decrease the sampling rate ifyou really want to do so.
`N OT E It doesn't take any more time to rip tracks at a higher sampling rate
`than at a lower sampling rate. (ln fact, with most ripping programs, ripping at a
`higher sampling rate takes less time because it requires less compression and
`less processing power.)
` Get, Install,
`and Configure
`MusicMatch Jukebox
`i— Es.
`We’ve included version 4 of MusicMatch Jukebox on the CD at the back of
`the book. To check for a newer version. browse http : //witw . mus-E cmatch . com.
`To install MusicMatch Jukebox, double—click the distribution file. install-
`Shield will walk you through a standard installation routine in which you
`accept a license agreement and specify an installation folder and Start
`menu group.
`The first item to note is the Question dialog box that asks ifyou want
`MusicMatch Jukebox to be your default MP3 player. if you’re using another
`MPS player [such as Winamp or Soniquci. you’ll probably want to just say
`No. if you'll be using MusicMatch Jukebox primarily or exclusively, select
`the Yes button. You’ll then get the same question for tnSu {Winamp play-
`list} files and CBS: make the choices that fit your situation.
`Click the Finish button to close the Setup Complete dialog box. You'rejttst
`about readyto rock. Double-click the MusicMatch Jukebox icon on your
`desktop to get going. The illustration on the next page shows the main
`window and the Music Library window.
`Jaguar Land Rover
`Jaguar Land Rover
`Exhibit 1024
`Exhibit 1024
`Page 006
`Page 006


`menu menu
`View button
`1tiiew button
`AutoDJ button
`atch Iukebox windows are easy to handle:
`9 You can drag the. windows around as you want.
`6 To make the Music Library window move
`the Music Library window so that one ofi
`main window.
`The MusicM
`with the main window. drag
`ts sides sticks to a side ofthe
`6 You can maize- tho Music Liht
`'ary window by clicking its border and
`Jaguar Land Rover
`Jaguar Land Rover
`Exhibit 1024
`Exhibit 1024
`Page 007
`Page 007


`120 wruoows RIPPE
`29 Rip Tracks with
`MusicMatch Jukebox
`'ve got (IDDB and your recording options set up. you'reteadf
`Now that you
`box l-lere's how to proceed:
`to rip tracks with MusicMatch luke
`1. Slot :1 ('11) into your CD drive [or DVD drive} and Close it. MusicMaldt
`lukehox will read the (ID. ll‘you're using ('ZDDB. Musicb-latchlukebm
`will retrieve the information for the (JD from (”DOB and will display
`album's name, the artist's name. and the track titles.
`Jigital Tracks button to displaythl'
`2. Click the Record Music CDs into 1
`Recorder window, as shown here:
`3. Select one or more tracks to record by selecting the check boxesfnt;
`the tracks or by clicking the All button.
`(lick the None button to deselect all currently selected tracks
`(lick the Refresh button to make MusicMatch lukebox reread!!!-
`(ID's contents. {This button is mainly useful if you have auto-' w:
`notification disabled for your CD drive and manage to inserta
`fresh (ll) without Musich‘lateh lukebox's noticing.)
`4. (lick the Start [lecording'l‘mck button to start ripping.
`Jaguar Land Rover
`Jaguar Land Rover
`Exhibit 1024
`Exhibit 1024
`Page 008
`Page 008


`122 thoows RIPPERS AND Juxzeoxes
`Keeping Everything You Need to Know in a
`Track’s Tag
`MusicMatch Jukebox makes it easy to add tag information to all the 1..
`from the same album:
`‘I. With a track selected in the Music Library. choose Options 3- Music I
`Library 7- }idit 'l‘rack Tag. or right—click the track in the Music Library.
`window and choose Edit Track Tag from the context menu. todisplef
`the Tag Songs dialog box. as shown here:
`1.11; Soot]; CAMPS“:
`2. Fnter info1mation for the track by typing in the text boxes and by
`choosingitemstn the drop- down list boxes 11 vou want to appiythe;
`same information to all the tracks from the same CI). selectthe ..._
`box to the right of the text box or drop-down list box.
`3. To add lyrics. notes, or bios to the track. click the Lyrics. Notes. or :1:
`button and enter the information in the text box.
`4. To add a bitmap or IPEG picture to the track. click the Art buttonto '.
`display the Open dialog box. Navigate to and select the picturefiie.
`then click the Open button. The picture will appear to the rightttfn’
`Remove button. Select the check box to the right ofthe pictureifyujl
`want to apply the picture to all the tracks from the CD. 50 ifyou :11.-
`Jaguar Land Rover
`Jaguar Land Rover
`Exhibit 1024
`Exhibit 1024
`Page 009
`Page 009


`You can create as many music libraries as you want. iiyou prefer to have all
`your music in one music library. that's fine, but be warned that it may
`become unmanageabiy large. We suggest segmenting your music into the
`different themes. moods, or occasions by which you’ll want to play it. You
`can put any individual track into multiple music libraries, so creating
`music libraries isn’t exactly difficult.
`have pix of Shania or Ricky on all your MP3 files. it won’t cost you
`much effort.
`5. Select the type oftag that you want to add by selecting the ID3V1 and
`1D3V2 check boxes. Usually you’ll want to select both. [An IDBVl tag
`contains title. artist. album, year. comment. and genre data, while
`ID3V2 can add Information, lyrics, and a picture on top of that.)
`6. Click the Update Tag button to update the tag or tags. The readout at
`the bottom of the dialog box will show you which file's tag Music-
`Match Jukebox is Currently updating. Iiyou're applying tag info to all
`the tracks from the Cl), it’ll take a little while.
`7. When it's finished, MusicMatch Iukebox will display a message box
`telling you the number of tracks updated. Click the OK button to dis—
`miss it.
`3. To remove a tag from the track. click the Remove Tag button.
`9. Click the Done button to close the Tag Songs dialog box.
`Build Music Libraries
`with MusicMatch
`MusicMatch Jukebox's key feature is its ability to create music libraries that
`you can use to store. organize, and retrieve your music files. By using music
`libraries, you can manage your music much more easily than SCthpping
`thousands of individual files in and out ofyour MP3 player.
`l ! | l
`(2 tracks
`i by
`oly the
`e check
`or Bios
`Ifyou don't have the Music Library window displayed. click the Music
`Library button on the main window to display it.
`Jaguar Land Rover
`Jaguar Land Rover
`Exhibit 1024
`Exhibit 1024
`Page 010
`Page 010


`About the CD
`The CD in that natty cardboard sleeve to thelight ofthis page is stuffed
`with MP3 tools and music. (Read the readmefit—filespn th‘eCD for infor—
`mation on the software and music.) Here’s what yen: get.
`More Than 150 MP3 Tracks
`Nearly 10 hours of high-quality musicfieverything from goothing elec-
`tronica to cutting—edge metal.
`MP3 Players
`0 Winamp {Windows}
`o Sonique [Windows]
`e RealPlayer Plus G2 (Windows)
`9 MacAMP Lite [Macintosh]
`6 SoundApp [Macintosh]
`MP3 Ripper-Jukebox Software
`0 MusicMatch ]ukehox
`SHOUTcast Broadcasting and Listening Software
`9 SHOUTcast DSP plugin for Winamp
`9 MPBSpy
`(CD-Playing and Recording Software
`0 CDfSpectrum Pro with Hypnogenic Screen Saver, Kinemorphic 3D
`Screen Saver, and Psychedelic Screen Saver
`v AudioCD MP3 Studio
`Music Editing Software
`0 Acid Pro Demo (Windows)
`6 Mixman Studio
`0 Sound Forge KP
`Image Editing Software
`9 Paint Shop Pro
`Compression Software
`0 WinZip
`Jaguar Land Rover
`Jaguar Land Rover
`Exhibit 1024
`Exhibit 1024
`Page 011
`Page 011


`Page 012N
`Exhibit 1024
`Jaguar Land Rover

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