`A Guide to
`David Salomon
`Exhibit 1010
`Page 1


`A Guide to
`Page 2


`Springer Science+Business Media, LLC
`Page 3


`A Guide to
`David Salomon
`With 92 Illustrations
`Page 4


`David Salomon
`Department of Computer Science
`California State University, Northridge
`Northridge, CA 91330-8281
`Cover I/lustration: "Abstract: Yellow, Blue", 1993, Patricia S. Brown/Superstock.
`Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
`Salomon, D. (David), 1938-
`A guide to data compression methods/David Salomon.
`p. cm.
`Indudes bibliographical references and index.
`ISBN 978-0-387-21708-6 (eBook)
`ISBN 978-0-387-95260-4
`DOI 10.1007/978-0-387-21708-6
`1. Data compression (Computer science).
`QA76.9D33 S28 2001
`I. Title.
`Printed on acid-free paper.
`© 2002 Springer Science+Business Media New York
`Originally published by Springer-Verlag New York, Inc. in 2002
`AII rights reserved. This work may not be translated or copied in whole or in part without the written permission of
`the publisher (Springer Science+Business Media, LLC), except for brief excerpts in connection with reviews or
`scholarly analysis. Use in connection with any form of information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation,
`computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed is forbidden.
`The use of general descriptive names, trade names, trademarks, etc., in this publication, even if the former are not
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`Merchandise Marks Act, may accordingly be used freely by anyone.
`Production managed by Frank M cGuckin; manufacturing supervised by Erica Bresler.
`Camera-ready copy prepared from the author's TeX files.
`9 8 7 6 5 432 I
`SPIN 10796580
`Page 5


`To the data compression community;
`visionaries, researchers, and implementors.
`Page 6


`1. Statistical Methods
`Variable-Size Codes
`Huffman Coding
`Adaptive Huffman Coding
`Facsimile Compression
`Arithmetic Coding
`Adaptive Arithmetic Coding
`2. Dictionary Methods
`LZ77 (Sliding Window)
`Image Compression
`Image Types
`Approaches to Image Compression
`Intuitive Methods
`Image Transforms
`Progressive Image Compression
`Page 7


`4. Wavelet Methods ______________________________________ 167
`Averaging and Differencing
`The Haar Transform
`Subband Transforms
`Filter Banks
`Deriving the Filter Coefficients
`The DWT
`The Daubechies Wavelets
`5. Video Compression ____________________________________ 227
`Basic Principles
`Suboptimal Search Methods
`6. Audio Compression ______________________ 241
`Digital Audio
`The Human Auditory System
`Conventional Methods
`MPEG-1 Audio Layers
`Bibliography __ ___ ___ ______ ___ _ __ _ _ 269
`Joining the Data Compression Community
`Appendix of Algorithms
`Thus a rigidly chronological series of letters would
`present a patchwork of subjects. each of which would
`be difficult to follow. The Table of Contents will show
`in what way I have attempted to avoid this result.
`-Charles Darwin, Life and Letters of Charles Darwin
`Page 8


`In 1829, Louis Braille, a young organist in a Paris church, blind since age 3, invented
`the well-known code for the blind, still in common use today all over the world and
`named after him. Braille himself modified his code in 1834, and there have been several
`modifications since. However, the basic design of this code, where each character is
`represented by a group of 3 x 2 dots, has remained intact. The dots are embossed on
`thick paper and each can be raised or flat (i.e., present or absent). Each dot is therefore
`equivalent to one bit of information. As a result, the Braille code (Figure 1) is a 6-bit
`code and can therefore represent 64 symbols (the code of six flat dots indicates a blank
`Braille's followers extended the capabilities of his code in several ways. One im(cid:173)
`portant extension is contractions. These are letters that, when they stand alone, mean
`words. For example, the letter "b" standing alone (or with punctuation) means the
`word "but," the letter "e" standing alone means "every," and "p" means "people."
`Another extension is short-form words. These are combinations of two or more codes
`that mean an entire word (short-form words may contain contractions). For example,
`"ab" means "about," "rcv" means "receive," and "(the)mvs" means "themselves." (The
`"the" in parentheses is a contraction, dots 2-3-4-6.) Figure 2 shows some examples of
`these special codes.
`A B C D E F G H
`J K L M
`.. .. •• •• .. •• • • •• .. . . .. .. • •
`. . .. .. • • .. .. ••
`. .
`.. .. . .
`•• .. •• •• .. . . •• • • . .
`. . •• •• . .
`•• •• .. .. •• •• . . • • •• • •
`.. • •
`.. .. .. •• •• .. ••
`N 0 P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
`.. .. ..
`. . •• • •
`Figure 1: The 26 Braille letters
`.. •• •• •• .. .. . . . . .. •• ••
`•• •• .. • •
`ING not and for of the with ch gh sh th
`. . .. .. ••
`.. •• •• •• •• • •
`•• ••
`• •
`• •
`Figure 2: Some contractions and short words in Braille
`Page 9


`The contractions, short words, and other extensions of the Braille code are exam(cid:173)
`ples of intuitive data compression. Those who developed the Braille code further and
`modified it for various languages realized that certain words and letter combinations
`are common and should be assigned special, short codes to facilitate rapid reading. The
`idea that common data items should be assigned short codes is one of the principles of
`the modern field of data compression.
`A Brief History of Braille
`Louis Braille was born on 4 January, 1809, at Coupvray, near Paris. An accident
`at age 3 deprived him of his sight and he remained blind for the rest of his life. At age
`10, he was sent to the Paris Blind School where he learned to read in a code of raised
`dots. This code was originally developed by M. Charles Barbier and later adopted by
`the military, which called it "night writing" and used it for soldiers to communicate
`after dark. Night writing was based on a twelve-dot cell, two dots wide by six dots
`high. Each dot or combination of dots within the cell stood for a letter or a phonetic
`sound. The problem with the military code was that the human fingertip could not
`feel all the dots with one touch.
`Braille spent nine years developing and refining night writing, eventually ending
`up with the system of raised dots that today bears his name. His crucial improvement
`was to reduce the cell size from 6 x 2 to 3 x 2 dots. This meant that a fingertip could
`enclose the entire cell with one impression and advance fast from one cell to the next.
`The Braille code was introduced to the United States in about 1860 and was
`taught with some success at the St. Louis School for the Blind. In 1868, the British
`and Foreign Blind Associations were founded. They introduced Braille into England
`and promoted it by printing and disseminating books in Braille.
`In North America, the Braille organization is Braille Authority of North America
`(BANA), located at http://www . brailleauthority. org/index.html.
`BANA's purpose is to promote and to facilitate the uses, teaching, and production
`of braille. It publishes rules and interprets and renders opinions pertaining to Braille
`in all existing and future codes.
`The predecessor of this volume, Data Compression: The Complete Reference, was
`published in 1977, with a second edition published in late 2000. It was the immedi(cid:173)
`ate and enthusiastic readers' response that encouraged me to write this slim volume.
`Whereas the original book is large, attempting to cover both the principles of data
`compression and the details of many specific methods, this book is less ambitious. It
`aims to guide a lay reader through the field of compression by conveying the general
`flavor of this field. It does so by presenting the main approaches to compression and
`describing a few of the important algorithms. The hook contains little mathematics,
`has no exercises, and includes simple examples.
`The Introduction explains why data can he compressed, presents simple examples,
`and discusses the main technical terms of the field.
`Chapter 1 discllsses the statistical approach to data compression. This approach
`is based on estimating the probabilities of the elementary symbols in the data to be
`compressed and assigning them codes of varying sizes according to their probabilities.
`Page 10


`The elementary symbols can be bits, ASCII codes, bytes, pixels, audio samples, or any(cid:173)
`thing else. The main concept treated in this chapter is variable-size (prefix) codes. The
`methods described are Huffman coding, facsimile compression, and arithmetic coding.
`The popular technique of dictionary compression is the topic of Chapter 2. A
`dictionary-based compression method saves bits and pieces of the file being compressed
`in a data structure called a dictionary. The dictionary is searched for each new fragment
`of data to be compressed. If that fragment is found, a pointer to the dictionary is written
`on the compressed file. The following compression methods are described in this chapter:
`LZ77, LZSS, LZ78, and LZW.
`Images are common in computer applications, and image compression is especially
`important because an image can be large. Chapter 3 is devoted to image compression.
`Most of the chapter discusses various approaches to this problem, such as run-length
`encoding, context probability, pixel prediction, and image transforms. The only specific
`methods described are JPEG and JPEG-LS.
`Chapter 4 is devoted to the wavelet transform. This technique is becoming more
`and more important in image, video, and audio compression. It is mathematically
`demanding, and a simple, nonmathematical presentation of its principles presents a
`challenge to both author and reader. The chapter starts with an intuitive technique
`based on the calculation of averages and differences. It then relates this technique to
`the Haar wavelet transform. The concept of filter banks is introduced next, followed
`by the discrete wavelet transform. The only wavelet-based specific compression method
`illustrated in this chapter is SPIHT.
`A movie is, in some sense, a generalization of a single still picture. Movies are
`quickly becoming popular in computer multimedia applications, a trend that has created
`a demand for video compression. A movie file tends to be much bigger than a single
`image, so efficient video compression is a practical necessity. Another factor in video
`compression is the need for simple, fast decompression, so that a compressed video can
`be decompressed in real time. Chapter 5 covers the principles of video compression.
`The last chapter, Chapter 6, examines the topic of audio compression. Sound is
`one of the "media" included in computer multimedia applications and is therefore very
`popular with computer users. Sound has to be digitized before it can be stored and
`used in a computer, and the resulting audio files tend to be large. The chapter presents
`the basic operation of the MP3 audio compression method (actually, this is the audio
`part of MPEG-l) and also includes a short introduction to sound, the properties of the
`human auditory system, and audio sampling.
`The book is intended for those interested in a basic understanding of the important
`field of data compression but do not have the time or the technical background required
`to follow the details of the many different compression algorithms. It is my hope that
`the light use of mathematics will attract the lay reader and open up the "mysteries" of
`data compression to the nonexpert.
`The CD-ROM included with the book is readable by PC and Macintosh comput(cid:173)
`ers. For each platform, the CD contains popular compression programs (freeware and
`shareware) and a catalog file listing the programs. In addition, there is one file with
`verbatim listings of the various code fragments (in Mathematica and Matlab) found in
`the book.
`Page 11


`Domain name BooksByDavidSalomon. com has been registered and will always point
`to any future location of the book's Web site. The author's present email address is
`david. salomon@csun. edu, but some readers may find it easier to use the redirection
`address (anyname)@BooksByDavidSalomon. com.
`Readers willing to put up with eight seconds of advertisement can be redirected
`to the book's web site from http://welcome . to/data. compression. Email sent to
`data. compression@welcome. to will also be redirected.
`Those interested in data compression in general should consult the short sec(cid:173)
`tion titled "Joining the Data Compression Community" at the end of the book, as
`well as the useful URLs . html and
`Northridge, California
`David Salomon
`Math is hard.
`Non mi legga chi non e matematico
`(Let no one read me who is not a mathematician.)
`-Leonardo da Vinci
`Page 12


`Those who use compression software are familiar with terms such as "zip," "implode,"
`"stuffit," "diet," and "squeeze." These are names of programs or methods for compress(cid:173)
`ing data, names chosen to imply compression. However, such names do not reflect the
`true nature of data compression. Compressing data is not done by stuffing or squeezing
`it, but by removing any redundancy that's present in the data. The concept of redun(cid:173)
`dancy is central to data compression. Data with redundancy can be compressed. Data
`without any redundancy cannot be compressed, period.
`We all know what information is. We intuitively understand it but we consider it a
`qualitative concept. Information seems to be one of those entities that cannot be quan(cid:173)
`tified and dealt with rigorously. There is, however, a mathematical field called informa(cid:173)
`tion theory, where information is handled quantitatively. Among its other achievements,
`information theory shows how to precisely define redundancy. Here, we try to under(cid:173)
`stand this concept intuitively by pointing out the redundancy in two common types of
`computer data and trying to understand why redundant data is used in the first place.
`The first type of data is text. Text is an important example of computer data.
`Many computer applications, such as word processing and software compilation, are
`nonnumeric; they deal with data whose elementary components are characters of text.
`The computer can store and process only binary information (zeros and ones), so each
`character of text must be assigned a binary code. Present-day computers use the ASCII
`code (pronounced "ass-key," short for "American Standard Code for Information In(cid:173)
`terchange"), although more and more computers use the new Unicode. ASCII is a
`fixed-size code where each character is assigned an 8-bit code (the code itself occupies
`seven of the eight bits, and the eighth bit is parity, designed to increase the reliability
`of the code). A fixed-size code is a natural choice because it makes it easy for soft(cid:173)
`ware applications to handle characters of text. On the other hand, a fixed-size code is
`inherently redundant.
`In a file of random text, we expect each character to occur approximately the same
`number of times. However, files used in practice are rarely random. They contain
`meaningful text, and we know from experience that in typical English text certain
`letters, such as "E," "T," and "A" are common, whereas other letters, such as "z" and
`Page 13


`"Q," are rare. This explains why the ASCII code is redundant and also points the way
`to eliminating the redundancy. ASCII is redundant because it assigns to each character,
`common or rare, the same number (eight) of bits. Removing the redundancy can be
`done by assigning variable-size codes to the characters, with short codes assigned to
`the common characters and long codes assigned to the rare ones. This is precisely how
`Huffman coding (Section 1.4) works.
`Imagine two text files A and B with the same text, where A uses ASCII codes and
`B has variable-size codes. We expect B to be smaller than A and we say that A has
`been compressed to B. It is obvious that the amount of compression depends on the
`redundancy of the particular text and on the particular variable-size codes used in file
`B. Text where certain characters are very common while others are very rare has much
`redundancy and will compress well if the variable-size codes are properly assigned. In
`such a file, the codes of the common characters should be very short, while those of the
`rare characters can be long. The long codes would not degrade the compression because
`they would rarely appear in B. Most of B would consist of the short codes. Random
`text, on the other hand, does not benefit from replacing ASCII with variable-size codes,
`because the compression achieved by the short codes is cancelled out by the long codes.
`This is a special case of a general rule that says that random data cannot be compressed
`because it has no redundancy.
`The second type of common computer data is digital images. A digital image
`is a rectangular array of colored dots, called pixels. Each pixel is represented in the
`computer by its color code. (In the remainder of this section, the term "pixel" is used
`for the pixel's color code.) In order to simplify the software applications that handle
`images, the pixels are all the same size. The size of a pixel depends on the number of
`colors in the image, and this number is normally a power of 2. If there are 2k colors in
`an image, then each pixel is a k-bit number.
`There are two types of redundancy in a digital image. The first type is similar to
`redundancy in text. In any particular image, certain colors may dominate, while others
`may be infrequent. This redundancy can be removed by assigning variable-size codes to
`the pixels, as is done with text. The other type of redundancy is much more important
`and is the result of pixel correlation. As our eyes move along the image from pixel to
`pixel, we find that in most cases, adjacent pixels have similar colors. Imagine an image
`containing blue sky, white clouds, brown mountains, and green trees. As long as we
`look at a mountain, adjacent pixels tend to be similar; all or almost all of them are
`shades of brown. Similarly, adjacent pixels in the sky are shades of blue. It is only on
`the horizon, where mountain meets sky, that adjacent pixels may have very different
`colors. The individual pixels are therefore not completely independent, and we say that
`neighboring pixels in an image tend to be correlated. This type of redundancy can be
`exploited in many ways, as described in Chapter 3.
`Regardless of the method used to compress an image, the effectiveness of the com(cid:173)
`pression depends on the amount of redundancy in the image. One extreme case is a
`uniform image. Such an image has maximum redundancy because adjacent pixels are
`identical. Obviously, such an image is not interesting and is rarely, if ever, used in
`practice. However, it will compress very well under any image compression method.
`The other extreme example is an image with uncorrelated pixels. All adjacent pixels
`Page 14


`in such an image are very different, so the image redundancy is zero. Such an image
`will not compress, regardless of the compression method used. However, such an image
`tends to look like a random jumble of dots and is therefore uninteresting. We rarely
`need to keep and manipulate such an image, so we rarely need to compress it. Also, a
`truly random image features small or zero correlation between pixels.
`What with all the ARC war flames going around, and arguments about which program
`is best, I decided to do something about it and write my OWN.
`You've heard of crunching, jamming, squeezing, squashing, packing, crushing, implod(cid:173)
`ing, etc ....
`Now there's TRASHING.
`TRASH compresses a file to the smallest size possible: 0 bytes! NOTHING compresses
`a file better than TRASH! Date/time stamp are not affected, and since the file is zero
`bytes long, it doesn't even take up any space on your hard disk!
`And TRASH is FAST! Files can be TRASHED in microseconds! In fact, it takes
`longer to go through the various parameter screens than it does to trash the file!
`This prerelease version of TRASH is yours to keep and evaluate. I would recommend
`backing up any files you intend to TRASH first, though ....
`The next version of TRASH will have graphics and take wildcards:
`... and will even work on entire drives:
`... or be first on your block to trash your system ON PURPOSE!
`We're even hoping to come up with a way to RECOVER TRASHed files!
`From FIDO News, 23 April 1990
`The following simple argument illustrates the essence of the statement "Data com(cid:173)
`pression is achieved by reducing or removing redundancy in the data." The argument
`shows that most data files cannot be compressed, no matter what compression method
`is used. This seems strange at first because we compress our data files all the time.
`The point is that most files cannot be compressed because they are random or close
`to random and therefore have no redundancy. The (relatively) few files that can be
`compressed are the ones that we want to compress; they are the files we use all the
`time. They have redundancy, are nonrandom and therefore useful and interesting.
`Given two different files A and B that are compressed to files C and D, respectively,
`it is clear that C and D must be different. If they were identical, there would be no
`way to decompress them and get back file A or file B.
`Suppose that a file of size n bits is given and we want to compress it efficiently.
`Any compression method that can compress this file to, say, 10 bits would be welcome.
`Even compressing it to 11 bits or 12 bits would be great. We therefore (somewhat
`arbitrarily) assume that compressing such a file to half its size or better is considered
`good compression. There are 2n n-bit files and they would have to be compressed into
`2n different files of sizes less than or equal n/2. However, the total number of these files
`Page 15


`N = 1 + 2 + 4 + ... + 2n/2 = 21+n/2 - 1 ~ 21+n/ 2 ,
`so only N of the 2n original files have a chance of being compressed efficiently. The
`problem is that N is much smaller than 2n. Here are two examples of the ratio between
`these two numbers.
`For n = 100 (files with just 100 bits), the total number of files is 2100 and the
`number of files that can be compressed efficiently is 251 . The ratio of these numbers is
`the ridiculously small fraction 2- 49 ~ 1. 78· 10- 15 .
`For n = 1000 (files with just 1000 bits, about 125 bytes), the total number of files
`is 21000 and the number of files that can be compressed efficiently is 2501 . The ratio of
`these numbers is the incredibly small fraction 2- 499 ~ 9.82 . 10-91 .
`Most files of interest are at least some thousands of bytes long. For such files,
`the percentage of files that can be efficiently compressed is so small that it cannot be
`computed with floating-point numbers even on a supercomputer (the result is zero).
`It is therefore clear that no compression method can hope to compress all files or
`even a significant percentage of them. In order to compress a data file, the compression
`algorithm has to examine the data, find redundancies in it, and try to remove them.
`Since the redundancies in data depend on the type of data (text, images, sound, etc.),
`any compression method has to be developed for a specific type of data and works best
`on this type. There is no such thing as a universal, efficient data compression algorithm.
`The rest of this introduction covers important technical terms used in the field of
`data compression.
`The compressor or encoder is the program that compresses the raw data in the
`input file and creates an output file with compressed (low-redundancy) data. The de(cid:173)
`compressor or decoder converts in the opposite direction. Notice that the term encoding
`is very general and has wide meaning, but since we discuss only data compression, we
`use the name encoder to mean data compressor. The term codec is sometimes used to
`describe both the encoder and decoder. Similarly, the term companding is short for
`"compressing/ expanding."
`A nonadaptive compression method is rigid and does not modify its operations,
`its parameters, or its tables in response to the particular data being compressed. Such
`a method is best used to compress data that is all of a single type. Examples are
`the Group 3 and Group 4 methods for facsimile compression (Section 1.6). They are
`specifically designed for facsimile compression and would do a poor job compressing
`any other data. In contrast, an adaptive method examines the raw data and modifies
`its operations and/or its parameters accordingly. An example is the adaptive Huffman
`method of Section 1.5. Some compression methods use a two-pass algorithm, where the
`first pass reads the input file to collect statistics on the data to be compressed, and
`the second pass does the actual compressing using parameters or codes set by the first
`pass. Such a method may be called semiadaptive. A data compression method can
`also be locally adaptive, meaning it adapts itself to local conditions in the input file and
`varies this adaptation as it moves from area to area in the input. An example is the
`move-to-front method [Salomon 2000].
`Page 16


`Lossy/lossless compression: Certain compression methods are lossy. They achieve
`better compression by losing some information. When the compressed file is decom(cid:173)
`pressed, the result is not identical to the original data. Such a method makes sense
`when compressing images, movies, or sounds. If the loss of data is small, we may not
`be able to tell the difference. In contrast, text files, especially files containing computer
`programs, may become worthless if even one bit gets modified. Such files should be
`compressed only by a lossless compression method. [Two points should be mentioned
`regarding text files: (1) If a text file contains the source code of a program, many blank
`spaces can normally be eliminated, since they are disregarded by the compiler anyway.
`(2) When the output of a word processor is saved in a text file, the file may contain in(cid:173)
`formation about the different fonts used in the text. Such information may be discarded
`if the user wants to save just the text.]
`Symmetric compression is the case where the compressor and decompressor use the
`same basic algorithm but work in "opposite" directions. Such a method makes sense
`for general work, where the same number of files are compressed as are decompressed.
`In an asymmetric compression method, either the compressor or the decompress or may
`have to work significantly harder. Such methods have their uses and are not necessarily
`bad. A compression method where the compressor executes a slow, complex algorithm
`and the decompressor is simple is a natural choice when files are compressed into an
`archive, where they will be decompressed and used very often, such as mp3 audio files
`on a CD. The opposite case is useful in environments where files are updated all the
`time and backups are made. There is only a small chance that a backup file will be
`used, so the decompressor isn't used very often.
`Compression performance: Several quantities are commonly used to express the
`performance of a compression method.
`1. The compression mtio is defined as
`CompresslOn ratlO =
`size of the output file
`f h'
`SIze 0
`t e mput
`A value of 0.6 means that the data occupies 60% of its original size after compression.
`Values greater than 1 indicate an output file bigger than the input file (negative com(cid:173)
`pression). The compression ratio can also be called bpb (bit per bit), since it equals
`the number of bits in the compressed file needed, on average, to compress one bit in the
`input file. In image compression, the similar term bpp stands for "bits per pixel." In
`modern, efficient text compression methods, it makes sense to talk about bpc (bits per
`character), the number of bits it takes, on average, to compress one character in the
`input file.
`Two more terms should be mentioned in connection with the compression ratio.
`The term bitmte (or "bit rate") is a general term for bpb and bpc. Thus, the main
`goal of data compression is to represent any given data at low bit rates. The term bit
`budget refers to the functions of the individual bits in the compressed file. Imagine a
`compressed file where 90% of the bits are variable-size codes of certain symbols and the
`remaining 10% are used to encode certain tables that are needed by the decompressor.
`The bit budget for the tables is 10% in this case.
`Page 17


`2. The inverse of the compression ratio is the compression factor:
`size of the input file
`f h
`fil .
`CompressIOn factor =.
`SIze 0
`t e output
`In this case values greater than 1 indicate compression, and values less than 1 imply
`expansion. This measure seems natural to many people, since the bigger the factor,
`the better the compression. This measure is distantly related to the sparseness ratio, a
`performance measure discussed in Section 4.1.2.
`3. The expression 100 x (1- compression ratio) is also a reasonable measure of compres(cid:173)
`sion performance. A value of 60 means that the output file occupies 40% of its original
`size (or that the compression has resulted in savings of 60%).
`4. In image compression, the quantity bpp (bits per pixel) is commonly used. It equals
`the number of bits needed, on average, to compress one pixel of the image. This quantity
`should always be compared with the bpp before compression.
`The probability model. This concept is important in statistical data compression
`methods. Sometimes, a compression algorithm consists of two parts, a probability model
`and the compressor itself. Before the next data item (bit, byte, pixel, or anything else)
`can be compressed, the model is invoked and is asked to estimate the probability of the
`data item. The item and the probability are then sent to the compressor, which uses
`the estimated probability to compress the item. The better the probability, the better
`the item is compressed.
`Here is an example of a simple model for a black and white image. Each pixel in
`such an image is a single bit. Assume that after reading 1000 pixels and compressing
`them, pixel 1001 is read. What is the probability that this pixel is black? The model
`can simply count the numbers of black and white pixels read so far. If 350 of the 1000
`pixels were black, then the model can assign pixel 1001 a probability of 350/1000 = 0.35
`of being black. The probability and the pixel (which may, of course be either black or
`white) are then sent to the compressor. The point is that the decompressor can easily
`calculate the same probabilities before it decodes the 1001st pixel.
`The term alphabet refers to the set of symbols in the data being compressed. An
`alphabet may consist of the two bits 0 and 1, of the 128 ASCII characters,

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