`Nichia Exhibit 1014
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`Nichia Exhibit 1014
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`Nichia Exhibit 1014
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`Nichia Exhibit 1014
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`Nichia Exhibit 1014
`Page 3


` 730 Messrs. o metaphrase
`tnctnll- lir metallta- eimlbfnrrn INL. lr. L iiietitiiimi] : main]
`Nlessrx. \Illlcififl[7\ [pl iJJ'iuiTL (Au Jinn-S, Bi'uwni niiii Robinson)
`mes-tillage \'me.~i-\rij\ ii (ME, 1r AP. nrnh. ullei:
`iii 0F iiiniimgi- 7
`marcni’ Mtnimfltl‘te): I'REMISLHI‘J
`Inie.tnt-lic \nIa-'l:lulilt\ ad; [15c]
`i at. l'ullllltlfl In.
`messy \‘me-siix mi; Iness-i-ul': west (184.1)
`: marked by uonfnsiun.
`inside of or uanlniiling il meliii
`e :
`l'lilvill]: lining [MW .
`disorder. ni
`l. rt :
`tiN'tim‘ (u “w i'nnrii)
`2 .-
`liiclizing meanness (ii pieei-
`Z : yielding nie-tul
`3 : resembling tttrlal
`ll: hangar“?! w“-
`hion :
`t'Allt m xittvENIY<~ thinking) 3: cxueniely unpleasant ur
`ceritiiiicl reflective pi'npcrlim (~lilniidhriir) b: bnvi giiiint'li'l‘i
`in (m-
`IIIESS‘l-ly Vine-«in-If-t ridir — mess-i-ness \‘me-
`liy tiLc tiiiil of main: my: mi hug .1 N mug)
`: hut-ii. ”Gnu.
`.mi ii
`i-eiiiiliuneie : GRA‘l'INli (ii ~— vtiiCc)
`h : hit
`in; rm llllpclt‘icmnla lint“
`n1 s-ti-zn \mm’xté-zfl i! lStI. 1cm. ul inuitim] (eii 1533):
`i] woman who
`Ellilnit‘lll quality {it ~5rni|e> — mE-tuI-li-c
`Hilda-Mm “It” 111“-
`1 nicntizu
`lmntalllc u (19521 :
`(I fiber in giant mnde iii 0:
` ti-zu \-t.]zi'i\ ii. pi mail {59. fr. muslin-J. Ltd}.
`dial Wllh h,
`lr. LL iiii'x—
`:i Fabric nude with this
`met-nI-lii-er-ons \,nie-t’ -‘i-fla-1rnst\ mi; [IL iiietaliifcr.
`ll' vim-ii
`It mixrin'.
`:- 'I
`()l iili'i-iriiri- to mix — more at Mill] {15821 :
`[Jersuii Ul mixed blnn .' rpm-t)“: n perstin 01‘ mixed European and Ami—.r-
`Jerufcrous] (an. 1656] .- willing or continuing nit-till
`idim-i flitL‘ENIr)‘
`met-a! I'Lze ills” met-uI-ize \‘iiie-i
`1\ vi mctoal-llzed (the n
`ti: coal. inim ole|.u_
`\‘itiu- ti'miinl. -.nfil\
`[iiiclli— -i
`tu'lniflttn + iircgiiiini:
`I-ui] {1.1.162} : a .'.'_\'Illllclll‘ estrogen CHUNG; used in and
`Inn:- Withii itiztn! — met-niol Ln-tiorl \.tne-t’l-a-‘r.iiw51iaii\u.
`met-nI-IaR-rn-pliy \.inc-I‘
`Jet l'l [ESV]{ca. 186-11:
`t! simj
`metIth-‘(iiidprlrtp-iriui Ml-iFI
`structure of metals es;- With the minr
`'nipc —- met-rim“ q-
`mutu- ur mul- im-iix [NLI 8: ML. J‘r L or (i "
`.. l'r. Gk. :iniiing. Wllll.
`\.nie‘t‘l-’d-gra-iar\ ii — Ine-tBI-lo-nrnlthoic \l’l'‘lfl-Ilgi':t.l%{k\nlnhfif
`after. 11', riieru iinmng. Willi. z'lllfll'.‘
`i In 0 mid,
`ini'lii with. OHG
`me-tnI-lo- ruphuiiuiloly \-'i2rii-fi-iil:i-)|€-\ mii-
`l1: occurring. lateriliniiui'ii
`\‘nii:~t'i—,i'iid\ fr $1312)
`I :
`ii imiuiieliil llllll an” 0
`lit-canon I0; nltEr (iiirzcsirus)
`h: situated l'icliint'l tir heynnil {nimcncephzilum {im'raiJiirpua}
`with a metal lu fnrin itii iillnty 2: an element intL‘mtt‘dlalc in
`t': lulur
`or more highly nrnnn'xnl or specialized farm of (inemxyleni)
`tie: belwnciilhetypiml metunsnd rirm
`’mctnlloid nit-u met-ul-lol-ilnl Mme-I‘mm-(Fh adj (ca. 1850) 1.
`: change : Iriinnlnmiiiliun
`3 [irieiaiiii_i-.riijs]
`: more L‘l‘ll'llfll't'llfllllillr't'.‘
`ing to, or being .1 metalloid
`: triinseendiiig (mempsyuluiluiiy) — i .ert with the nniiii: nf ti discipline
`neniblingn metal
`2 ' nfi l't:l‘
`' rt
`tu ilcnlgllutu il new lllll related dlsclplinc designed iodetil critically will-i
`me-lul-Io-phnne \i 1-‘Iii-la-.i'i'iii\ n (ca. “€3.11
`: a percussion rn
`the III
`l uni.- (riiirmiiiiilltcmntios)
`lllh’flll'lflfi nubslitutiun nl
`l'nIstriiinciii cnnsistiiig at n uriL’fi of metal Inns of varying pitch slt’s'cfll
`nr chi:
`and by Ilm positions til the benzenering 1
`ill :iresepurnted
`Willi IIHIIII'I'IL‘f‘l
`“3‘ one cm hun iimm (Iiiulwxyleiic)
`h : derived lnll‘ll by lt!.'|.'i ml water
`met-iit-Iur-gy vine-inwar-Iie. eiEIilirii ma-‘lfl—lar-\ n [NL lltt'tuflumi
`(iiiuriifiiimnhoriu titlil)
`Inelall- + -iir ii: quay] (an. I?
`ll cseienei: iind technology U;
`‘ ”--
`mist-in ol-ic \.iiii.-~i.-i-'In‘:i-iik\ mi“ tlii4
`nln — met-al- ur-gl-cn] \.iiie-I’l~'.1r
`inn adj — "'fl-fll-lllr-glmilllfit’
`- nl. reliiiiiig to. t'll‘
`tinned on
`a—}Ié\ iii-iii
`lml-l-cal- 3' \- i
`\-litri-]ié\ adv— mei-nl-ln uist\'iue-l‘]v..1r-iist, an: Britlil-‘I‘I'm-lnr-{y
`metabolism -- ntet-
`ii [15% it. Gk nielnbuifieliniigc.
`mutual-mark Vine-I’l-miirln n (m 1909} :
`l'inily (RH
`iuiy of ti
`i'iriilniii to throw — more at DEVIL]
`nieiniiiil'iuin In change. Ir. iiii-lii-
`utiliiidncl of sum}! or mediuiuvsimd tniIL brightly culnreil elm-n). tr
`'t:!lSt.'.‘.i 11I
`t the sum (if the pri
`cal butterflies that iil’lcn iiiiyi: metallic eulorntiml on ll ’Wing5
`lllL‘ buildup and destruction
`n! iii-iiiniiliixni: .ipeiriIi‘:
`| cliniiges i
`living calls by which met-al-smith \-i3il'llllll\ N {14¢}: a person shuffled-in
`the chru
`energy it provided for Vllill I'll'{|t,'c.5§eS niitl neliviliL-ii and new nintcnnl is
`nIEl-nI-H'iare \~.wur. -.wcl\ ii [I396] : wnri: nitidi: of metal: a”); mai- '1
`llll: sum at [he riri new: by which :i INHliL'lllill
`h :
`utensils lur household um:
`is hum-fled in I'll: livaiig burly
`the sum nl the metabolic iic-
`t :
`met-HI-worli \—.wnrk\ ii
`tSSDi :
`i-uiliiel ul' ll'llllfllWl‘Ili‘inN “
`' tumult ltlncc in :1 F:11‘ltt.ulttl' am'irmlillciil (the ~ at ii Iulie)
`i ametal ribjeel nliiiaistie IllL‘l'l1 —met-nl’-warl-t-er hum-knit n '
`: MFIAMORI‘HDSH" -— usu. mind in eoiiibiiiulinn (liulonicraiioli
`niet-nl-wurltoing \-.w:ir-1iin\ H (1882) :
`the run or marten ul slmlijn
`tnb-n-litn \‘.II|\ ti {1211141
`a suth
`:i prudtiut ofrnctiil-iuliiim 2
`things out illmetal
`'[tniiisrn iii
`lu_ the lllfilflhflllhlll hi :i pitrlictllar
`to -.i
`meta-mflth-c-mnl-ics \‘iiii:-l:u-,miitlt~'liiii—tik.-i. -mfl-ll‘l:I-\
`iii iiiir my.
`tetnhnlic 13:11:“sz
`sing in corlstr icii.
`‘1 held nl' sludy concerned Irlllt llit: lumlal
`nm-tuh-o-Itze \-.1ir_\ vl- viizut‘l: dim-111g vi {1387].-
`to hub'u‘t In iiielnti-
`structure iiiitl properties
`iis llii: lillillllfilcnliy niirl COfllPlL'lL‘Ill'Sla lit “1.
`nlimi ~ w:
`in perinrm UlfllilbUllfil‘ll - r nie-tali-ti-liz-nb E \ina-nii-lm
`onisi nl'innilieiniiii ‘lsysilztnn- — inetn-niuth-wnal-i-enl \- 41mm
`'lt-znAlIaH aiii
`meta-mun: \‘mc-la
`- film-1m.
`Ir\ ii USV} {It}??? : any ol'zi linear fit.
`tin: tau-n r|'1I1fi iJr il ml:
`‘fllL'It‘l-Eflr-Pfll \.m
`Jr-pnu iiiijtli'J'Jl :
`iiively hilnllllr
`t‘lfi rclnting iii. Ill' being the
`Itclntiile in
`cuts into which the body at 'I higher in
`imeh‘lcflrpfll n “8511) :
`ll bunt.- ril the rum of the liniiil ii: turefuul bc-
`meta-muril-enl-ly \ *ki‘J-“lfl adv
`Vertebral: ii: dlvlliibll: 7 mela-mer-lt‘ \.nie-I:i~ iiicr-iii. -'rnip\ rid; _
`IWL'CU the carpus iII'IL'I the pllIllLIl'lgCti that typically rmitnini: i'iveinnre or
`rtie-LnIn-cr-inm \rl'lll-
`tho-irivlillli\ II (1877) : the condition of having
`lens cliiiigiitcd bane: when all the Lil
`tiii. llrtfht'l'll
`or thesmite.of ewilutionury developnienl characterized by a body made
`until nieliiniereii
`uteta-cnr-siiis \.me-t.3-'kiir-pas\ H l:
`i] (itiiti) :
`Ilie pitrl of the hiind or
`'lleinetnoarpu -
`lllIL‘fUOI tliiilcunti
`melat-mor-pliic \.ine-t.-i-‘ini'ir-lik\ mi} (1816)
`: of or relating to
`nie_t.iimirphmn5 2 rain mail: ul‘. J'clulin
`In. or produced by metamor-
`f1" mutil— muln-
`—Il- ovum:
`l1lit2tni — meta-mor-nhi'
`ail-Iy t-fiAkEa- lé‘. uzli‘
`center? {17%) :
`the palm ul intern-e-
`inetu-mnr-phism \-'i-iiijr .
`taint ii (lit-$51 :
`fl cliiiiige iii the leslitu-
`the Vt'l'lt'utl through Ilie :ciilei
`t1iiii ii
`limit of melt:
`.i [ii-unnunccd chnngi: effected by ['I'IJEL
`. lie.
`t-iuiinnIit'y til'
`:1 Hunting linily with
`and water illnl results in 11 mum mmnitet and. more highly
`ysiulli r.
`I'll: vurlluli tlii‘iiugh the new neuter ul
`tinny/unity when the land
`meta-tiinr-pliune \-.l‘fiz. ~.tniz\ vii -pl1fl5l_‘lll: -|‘lh[is-itl1: [riroh ti. MF
`cn-lrik\ viii
`inuiuinorpiimrr. lr. melziiiiorpiiimmntnniurphmis.1r. L ninirminrpimxii}
`l : ul nr rel; mg In :i
`vi [157!”
`luchinigc um: :1 different litiyxi - Ifnrulesp. by till'Il'JL‘I‘
`the L'Clilrtttllltrt' mEIchlnlBl: Icemui nfqravily‘
`2 : hiiviiip,
`iiulurnl rnizuriri
`to :liangestrikin Ily llii:appearanceor elitirtlctcrul
`malnut- niluiaterlw Illill the twnohi'o- 2 center of buoyancy, 3 new
`'I'RANSI’URM {you an- Hci mammary: iosud I can hardly think yuu my
`niosoniiit arms nrt‘. ul roughly equal
`center of buoyancy when liont-
`niiiruer - slink.) 2: to CBLiSC (ruck) tii iiiiilergn melnn‘inrnliixni “Hi
`length —mutucentrlc i'i
`ing body I: displaced, 41 point
`I : Lu uridcrgii rnelaniurpiimis 2 :
`tu burunm trunnfi'irmeii
`syn site
`ii {INJJ {[0381 :
`mohl-Il'lfll'AIJIIfl-HIS \.merin-'m('ir-l‘a-sa~\ i‘l'..l.l'l'-P'I0¢EL‘§ \- éz\ {Lilnfik
`l: cyslerl lute nivn ul'tl iiigurlutac Irenintndc {hill is. usu tile lurm which
`inrtmrlwpiltmrri tu trnnsinrm.
`i!Iiusit — mctu-cer-cur-l-sil\-E-.1|\fltU
`I'uim (1513]
`it : cliiinge nF pliysiuiil ltitrn, structure. or summits:
`rneta-chro-mInt-ii: Hart! nit-NM ridjllli‘i‘fill
`l.- siniiiingur L‘llm‘ilctcr—
`y supernatural illcflllft
`:i striking nIIuratiin-i iii
`mad by staining ||1 uItIil‘I‘crci-il ctilurI or tillrldl: 1mm wlnit is [wt
`c iiirnclen or circumstances
`2 :
`:1 Illiirkfll rind more or less iihrupl
`:1 (~
`granules III
`at intmerium)
`2 F
`derelupnientul change in the [arm or Sll‘uullll't: uliin mun-nil lur- .i iaiit-
`lllL‘ uiiiincity 1e hl-‘tltl dlfl'urcnt
`ll iJrItisi-uein dil'leiciil culnri. nr shades<~slums)
`terlly urn trogloueu 'itlg Nllbneullt'nl tu birth or hutcl' g
`\A'e-rhlksn 1'! pi but iisn rim: iii militia-(194”) :
`Ihi: study of
`uf ilieilirlnnii
`met-unal-y-sis \.nie-ta-'nn-ln-s:is\ ii (1914i: .1 l'eiulnl
`i, utethicul lL'i'ltlb. the iinture nlciliieal judgments. and the
`helium?" sounds or worth. retuiiing in different minstlluunlfi tin. in the
`I eat arguiniziils 7 melts-e1lI-i-cnl \vtlii-linu anti
`duveiopiiieiit «it rm ruirrni ii'iini til iiapmn}
`titetn-tlu-tiuii \-'fik-slinit\ n ”Wit; :
`nietn-nepIi-ros \-'ni:-frai.. -ilri'lh\ n. pl -rai \‘.lri':i\ [NL 1i. im-iu-
`hiuh rulers In or lakes iis
`l {.k
`it: whim helium-l wrilmit int
`ItlfpillflJN kidney - more ‘11 uni-iiiiiiis] 111184} : c|ll1i2r "minim at I11:
`5 utiltvelllmns — I'IIEh‘l-filC'ttilJlliul
`tlmi-isl\-sll(:-}nir.l\ ii
`ir of the three successive iiiin: or vellcl’rfllc
`\uilinal. -:<li:i—li°i\ inij meta-
`final and "krill enuiizil
`nI'iiztn-iullnnxy \-'gi1‘le-h‘§'\ i'l' [ltiV] (Him: the entire system of galax-
`ruiiiil nrguiis thiil luii
`nit in n |1ernuineiil adult
`' mnlllfi-
`-rnetii-ga-liicutie \«na-‘Ink-iikx mi}
`birds. and Ifiul'llllttlls hm not present at iii] in Iuwcr forms—ennIP-IFB
`in: UNlli'l'
`[Irina-an.“ I'I {ML} {$117 1864) :
`iilleriiiiiiuii nl i: ma.
`- meta-neph-ric Hriin at}!
`.‘Il'ltl'l‘llllai at,» : reniiiur uliemlinn ul ll sexual and :m asexual
`lllL inane n1 initusih' 1")"
`ii [[SV] USE?) :
`nleta-ge-net-ir: \-jav'nE—tll:\ mi}
`his ili which the t‘llrLtI11t')5L1IIIt'fi become arranged in [he L'tlimmr'“I
`'mct-tll Vine-71"“ ii. njtnn aim-iii [ME it. 01", fr. L iiii‘ml'liim rriiiiei mullll.
`i u!tilt:5.
`li‘. {3k mutation] (He-l
`: may of variuus Olmqllc. fut-iblc. ductile. rind metnnhnse p ate in {IHJUJ : n SEC-HOD in tllt' cquuloi-in] pizuic n! ”1‘
`ll'Pimlly lustrous I.‘illlt>lililt:l:\ Illa! nre gum-1 conductors 01 c1
`inetniilmse spindlellnvingtheelirontiiniiiiien oriented urini
`and lIL'-'
`furnl calluns Int 1055 Bidet-1mm. will yield lllll'ill.‘ nxidizs and
`iilct-a- linr Vine—tn fr'ii-
`rii‘so ~rni-\ M [Mr- or L; MF iiiniapiiiirit {r-
`hytlrnxttlmi: exp: uiie llltll
`:1 rhnniiniii I.
`iciil 113‘ diutiuguiniml from
`unity? war.
`it. (.ik.
`iiiirlripiii-reiii to transfer, 1r. meta,
`l phi-mt! “'I
`iul itlltu‘
`int-int: l:i
`Ilii: ii:
`iiir :iiilislnnecout D! which
`hair --
`-l'l11lt'l:lil Itljnlt] {1533)
`t :
`ti figure ofspeech in which.'i wut'li‘”
`II person or llilng It. "mile 5: giant: in its molten stiite It
`a : printing
`rilirnae lileriilly denoting one kind iii nhject nr i(|l.‘n l.'l uwd in plum "E
`tylu netnl
`: ninttct set in metiil lype
`5 :
`Ittml) METAL 6 : limw
`iiiiiilmi iu suggest it likeness ui- nimlniiy helm-en mm. {as .
`in money);
`linuidl‘y :
`ligiiiiitiirr: language
`7 etimpun: 31M
`2 = “'1
`ln'iutuiw min! or -nlled: ail-Int: m- ail-ling (Into; :
`in timer or fiir-
`n'nIiect. :iclwiiy. or idiui treated rn; £I ineiaiiiinr : svmnot, 2 — ttlel'
`Fill-ill Witll niciiil
`iilmr-ic \.Il'll:‘lu'«lr'[l'1I'-ilii -'l'L‘ir-\ urmct-n-pltor-i-cal \-l-I::?l\ ur.i’_l
`mom-Inn-guagc \‘nlc-l3-.I1III]ABWIJ\
`ii tl‘JinJ : n iiingunge uwd to talk
`u-phiir.i-cal-[y \vi-kta—llf\ .iiiii
`ulsolil IlunguiigeI
`meta-plina-plinte \.me-ia—'l‘i‘is-.fiit\ n [ISV] (1833) : a salt or ester 0”
`mntn-lm-izu -t|c \Yllilfiilflviltl-IILIWI
`In mi} [I'P-lni-l
`: oi in relating In El
`l lumen iliguistlu.
`rnt‘ltt-phos-phu-ric acid \-.fiis-'for-ik-. —'Fa'r-; -'fzis-f(:i-)rik-\
`ri (1833)
`meta-11min: 5 [1:34 Hum} fl ill hiii sing in L'miti'tr (194‘!) i
`fl glassy sulid liizid “1’03 rJr (tlFOJL‘ formed by heating orthoPhUS'
`it Iziniicli nf
`ca ihiitIcIeiils with llii- reliitimi between liingiiiige and other
`inl [llt'll'll'ii in it must}
`mclnapltrase\'mt:-ta-.frfiz\ rl (1640) : a literal translation
`i-aiid 1"“; I
`lrnlCd " g“ \Im
`its-51‘4“" -1 11in|
`I minimine; 1
`. h
`mlllfii slitt
`\-sli"t‘l‘|:‘|“‘ “1...”.
`| mc-l‘lls'm'iaksl
`ilpn. ll- L'
`'n'] (I
`more .11 511?: 'ili“
`l transfer a
`f 1115‘
`iinnlher lnarl o _
`tumklt‘: )Ié\
`I‘ll-U WI" "
`malls-tilts!“ \‘T‘
`lfiflm‘h‘r's“ \‘rf I
`by Dias‘rl"l"“"::_
`purl 0' the h'fmr'l
`lawnsand “IL Iliu‘i
`human balm”?- In
`me-ta-te "‘m‘ 3- "
`cumm- upper 5“
`llld‘5 i.maIIZ£
`.941 s \m‘
`mmmimnut I" 'r‘
`“57"" '
`PronunrlaltflltI‘I FEE
`tliflcl‘ult kind-'- "I -
`Inqlu‘ulr5i * “"- I
`\-|Il\\“(U—"Wt" '
`rlletsI-Ihu-rl'llz-k \l
`illlll'md 1“ 0‘ °“.'
`Mtlfl'lhu'rm‘ "f'
`mentni Ilii: lliuII x:
`Inch-1549'",“ '1‘
`lliiii difEl'EllllfllflH .
`callybl’ “mini”: '
`\-i H‘- .-
`meta-m-nn \-mung
`u gmnp {Mrlagmt
`Fwd “Ii “cl” PM”:
`Cflvlty llnegi with 5i.
`'mete \'mct\ vt
`W120" ‘0 measurgI
`(bet. 120)
`usu. used WlIlll HI"
`he“: fl lME- "-
`me-tcnI'PSJF-E 9'
`metii- -i
`(1591) :
`tilt- tlas'ii-f
`ilritisrior scgmcnl I
`fitlondliig [sun of
`Inc-(em- \'rnc'le-
`Gk niriefimll, fr-
`nriruiii tnlirtJUSt
`snowfall) 2 91 =
`llItni lhiii i‘ln’.’din:
`lluiial lit-,iiliiiit m
`l'lrndnued hy the
`mp-le-iir-ic \.n1E‘
`"red from H“: en
`meteor b: resell
`l”’l'illiance (a~It?
`ichia Exhibit 1014
`Page 4
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