`Page 1
` d/b/a Schutt Sports
` Petitioner,
` v.
` Patent Owner
` Case No. IPR2016-01649
` Patent No. 8,813,269
` Case No. IPR2016-01646
` Patent No. 8,528,118
` Case No. IPR2016-01650
` Patent No. 8,938,818
` The deposition of NICHOLAS SHEWCHENKO, P.Eng.,
` taken before Maria S. Winn, CSR, RPR and CRR,
` taken pursuant to the applicable rules of Civil
` Procedure for the United States District Courts
` pertaining to the taking of depositions, at
` Greenberg Traurig, 77 West Wacker Drive,
` Suite 3100, Chicago, Illinois, commencing at
` 9:32 a.m. on August 10, 2017.
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`3 4
`8 9
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`Page 2
` 77 West Wacker Drive - Suite 3100
` Chicago, Illinois 60601
` (312) 456-8400
` appeared on behalf of the Petitioner;
` 500 West Madison Street - Suite 3400
` Chicago, Illinois 60661
` (312) 775-8000
` appeared on behalf of the Patent Owner.
`2 3
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`Page 3
` I N D E X
` Examination by Mr. Lukas 5
` Examination by Mr. Scharff 152
` Further Examination by Mr. Lukas 154
` Further Examination by Mr. Scharff 155
` Exhibit 1019 Paper 8 43
` Exhibit 1020 Chapter 7 from Book 46
` Exhibit 1021 2007 Book by Dr. Newman 50
` Exhibit 1022 Board's Institution Decision 89
` Exhibit 1023 Proposal to the National 90
` Football League to Conduct
` Concussion Research
` Exhibit 1024 RID 923 through 942, Helmet 97
` Proposal
` Exhibit 1025 RI-BIO 4755 through 4756 101
` Exhibit 1026 Collection of Articles 105
` Authored by Mr. Shewchenko
` Exhibit 1027 Article, "Conclusion in 106
` Professional Football: Helmet
` Testing to Assist Impact
` Performance, Part 11"
` Exhibit 1028 Paper Describing the 109
` Performance of New Generation
` Football Helmets
` Exhibit 1029 Hand-drawn diagram 150
`8 9
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`Page 4
` I N D E X ( C o n t ' d )
` P R E V I O U S L Y M A R K E D E X H I B I T S R E F E R R E D T O :
` E X H I B I T P A G E L I N E
`E x h i b i t 1 0 0 1 2 8 1 9
`E x h i b i t 1 0 0 4 7 1 1
`E x h i b i t 1 0 0 5 8 4 9
`E x h i b i t 1 0 0 6 7 5 1 9
`E x h i b i t 1 0 0 7 6 5 2 3
`E x h i b i t 1 0 0 8 1 1 8 1 0
`E x h i b i t 1 0 2 3 8 3 1
`E x h i b i t 2 0 0 5 6 2 1
` ( E x h i b i t 1 0 0 8 w a s r e t a i n e d b y c o u n s e l . )
`4 5
`1 0
`1 1
`1 2
`1 3
`1 4
`1 5
`1 6
`1 7
`1 8
`1 9
`2 0
`2 1
`2 2
`2 3
`2 4
`2 5
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`Page 5
` having been first duly sworn, was examined and
` testified as follows:
` Q Okay. Good morning, Mr. Shewchenko. Is
` that how you say it?
` A Shewchenko. That's pretty good.
` Q Okay. My name is James Lukas. I
` represent Kranos Corporation, d/b/a Schutt Sports.
` You understand you're here pursuant to
` notices of deposition regarding -- I'll just kind
` of list the IPR numbers for the record.
` IPR 2016-1646, 2016-1650, and IPR
` 2016-1649.
` A Okay.
` Q You understand you're here pursuant to a
` notice of deposition regarding those IPRs?
` A Yes. My understanding was 0648, 49, and
` 50.
` Q 646, 650 -- 1650 and 1649.
` A Okay.
` Q They relate -- and just to be clear, they
` relate to the U.S. Patent Number 8,528,118.
` A Um-hm.
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`Page 6
` Q U.S. Patent Number 8,938,818 and
` U.S. Patent Number 8,813,269.
` A Um-hm.
` Q When I speak about the patents -- I'll
` speak about them, but just the last three numbers.
` When I say '118 patent, you realize I'm referring
` to the U.S. Patent Number 8,528,118?
` A Okay.
` Q Great. Thank you.
` (Discussion off the record.)
` MR. LUKAS: Do you want to introduce
` yourself for the record?
` MR. SCHARFF: Christopher Scharff for
` patent owner Riddell.
` MR. SPUHLER: And Hank Spuhler, also for
` patent owner Riddell.
` Q Okay. I'm going to start -- we're going
` to start talking mostly about the '118 patent and
` the '818 patent.
` (Document previously marked as
` Exhibit No. 2005 for
` identification)
` Q I'm going to hand you your declaration
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`Page 7
` regarding those two patents.
` And that's Exhibit 2005. And I think
` generally, I'm going to be referring to the
` exhibits from the '118 patent IPR, that being
` 2016-1646. If not, I'll let you know.
` But do you recognize this document?
` A Yes, I do.
` Q Okay. And what is it?
` A It is my declaration on the '118 and '818
` patents.
` Q Okay. And if I could direct you to the
` last page of Exhibit 2005.
` A (Witness complies.)
` Q At 41, is that your signature?
` A Yes, it is.
` Q Okay. And when you signed that, you
` realize you signed that under penalties of
` perjury?
` A Yes, I do.
` Q Okay. Can you summarize the conclusions
` of your expert report on the '818 and the '118
` patent?
` MR. SCHARFF: Objection, form.
` Go ahead. You can still answer the
` question. I was just making my objection for
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`Page 8
` the record. I hadn't mentioned that to you.
` A Yeah. The general summary was lack of
` anticipation and obviousness, based on a number of
` different elements, including the raised central
` band, the vent holes, the wall's shell thickness,
` and a series of other minor details.
` Q Okay.
` A But I will not recite all the claim
` numbers for you.
` Q That's fine.
` But if I could just direct to you
` page 40.
` A (Witness complies.)
` Q At paragraph 89, you agree that your -- a
` summary of your opinions is that the instituted
` claims would not have been anticipated or obvious
` based on the instituted grounds?
` A Correct.
` Q Okay. I'm going to look a little bit at
` your CV, which follows page -- it looks like it's
` 43 of Exhibit 2005.
` Do you see that?
` A Yes.
` Q Okay. That's your up-to-date CV?
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`Page 9
` A It is up to date as of May 2017.
` Q Okay. It's correct that you -- since
` 1984, you've been employed by Biokinetics &
` Associates?
` A That is correct.
` Q And since 2002, you've been the president
` of Biokinetics & Associates?
` A That's correct.
` Q Okay. When we refer to Biokinetics &
` Associates, we can just refer to Biokinetics?
` A Biokinetics, that's fine.
` Q What is your, I guess -- are you a
` partner or an owner in Biokinetics?
` A I am a shareholder in Biokinetics.
` Q Okay. And how many shareholders are
` there?
` A There are seven shareholders.
` Q Seven shareholders. Okay.
` Can you tell me who the other
` shareholders are?
` A They are the principals. There's Chris
` Withnall, Ed Fournier, Cheryl Christy, Benoit
` Anctil, and Ed Fournier.
` (Discussion off the record.)
` THE WITNESS: I'll go through the
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`Page 10
` list again.
` Chris Withnall, Cheryl Christy, Ed
` Fournier, Doug Baines, there is me, Benoit
` Anctil, and that's it. Six.
` Q Okay. Is it safe to say that your only
` post, I guess, graduate experience has been with
` Biokinetics?
` A Yes. I joined Biokinetics upon
` graduation.
` Q Okay. I just kind of want to look at
` some of your publications.
` So I'm at your CV of Exhibit 2005. And I
` think I've kind of highlighted, but I kind of --
` I'm at page 45.
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`Page 11
` Can we go through all the articles you've
` authored related to, I guess, American football?
` And does it start at Article Number 11?
` A Article 9, actually, relates to work that
` we did for the football league.
` Q It does? Okay. I missed that. Thank
` you.
` A It's not obvious from the title.
` Q Okay. So let's talk about that first.
` And what is MTBI?
` A The MTBI is mild traumatic brain injury.
` It's essentially another term for a concussion.
` Q Okay. And so this article, Number 9 in
` your CV, is authored with Mr. Withnall, who's also
` with Biokinetics?
` A That is correct.
` Q Okay. And was this -- actually, strike
` that.
` Did you do certain testing to write this
` article?
` A The article, or the publication, is a
` paper that was presented at a technical
` conference.
` Q Okay.
` A So I helped write the paper and verbally
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`Page 12
` presented this to the conference group.
` Q Okay. Was the presentation sponsored by
` any group or entity?
` A No, it is not. It's Biokinetics.
` Q Okay. And then if we could go on to the
` next article about relating to American football.
` A Sure.
` Q Is it Number 11?
` A So Paper 11 is another paper related to
` the research that we did for the National Football
` League regarding concussion assessments.
` Q Okay. And so is it accurate the NFL
` sponsored that research?
` A Yes. They sponsored several papers that
` you'll see down the list.
` Q Okay. Did Riddell sponsor any of that
` research for Number 11?
` A No, Riddell did not.
` Q Okay. And who is John -- Mr. Viano?
` A Mr. Viano and Mr. Pelman were part of the
` neck and spine injury committee at the National
` Football League who oversaw the medical aspects to
` concussion.
` Q Okay. They worked for the NFL?
` A Correct.
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`Page 13
` Q And then if we could go down to Article
` Number 12 of your CV at page 45.
` A (Witness complies.)
` Q Is that another article about American
` football, related to American football?
` A Yes. It's related to helmet performance
` in American football.
` Q Okay. And did any entity or group
` sponsor the research?
` A National Football League.
` Q NFL? Okay.
` Did Riddell sponsor a research related to
` that article?
` A No, they did not.
` Q Okay. And who is Mr. Bir?
` A Cynthia Bir is a research scientist at
` Wayne State University at that time.
` Q So it's Ms. Bir?
` A Yes.
` Q I apologize for that.
` And then it's Mr. Halstead?
` A Yes. David Halstead runs Southern Impact
` Research, who regularly conducts football helmet
` reconditioning and certifications.
` Q Got you. And he is actually a named
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`Page 14
` inventor on one of the patents that you opined on?
` A Yes, correct.
` Q Okay. So if we -- if we skip down, is 18
` the next article you've authored relating to
` American football?
` A Yes, 18 would be.
` Q Okay. And who -- excuse me.
` Did any entity or group sponsor the
` research related to that article?
` A This would be the National Football
` League as well.
` Q Did Riddell sponsor any of the research
` related to that article?
` A No, they did not.
` Q And who is Mr. Newman?
` A Mr. Newman was the original founder of
` Biokinetics.
` Q All right.
` A And Mr. Beusenberg is also an employee of
` Biokinetics.
` Q And back at page 45 of your CV, if you go
` down further, is the Article Number 25 the next
` article relating to American football?
` A Yes. 25 would be the next paper.
` Q And did any entity or group sponsor the
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`Page 15
` research related to that article?
` A This would be the National Football
` League, again.
` Q Okay. Did Riddell sponsor any research
` related to that article?
` A No, they did not.
` Q Okay. And then further down, is 28 the
` next article related to American football?
` A No. Paper 26 would be the next article.
` Q Okay. Just making sure. I noticed you
` have a lot of them that say football, and I know
` there's English football as well, you know. Okay.
` So...
` A European football.
` Q European football, I should say. World
` football.
` Okay. So that's in 2002. Paper 26 is
` related to American football.
` Did any entity or group sponsor the
` research related to that article?
` A The National Football League.
` Q Okay. Did Riddell sponsor any research
` related to that article?
` A No.
` Q And I believe all the authors there are
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`Page 16
` Biokinetics employees?
` A Yes.
` Q Okay, all right.
` And is 28 the next article relating to
` American football?
` A No. Article 27 is related.
` Q All right. And did any entity or group
` sponsor the research related to that article?
` A Yes. The National Football League
` sponsored the research that was presented.
` Q Okay. Did Riddell sponsor any of the
` research related to that article?
` A No.
` Q And then if we go on to 28, is that
` related to American football?
` A Yes, it is.
` Q Okay.
` A National Football League.
` Q The NFL sponsored the research related to
` that article, 28?
` A Correct.
` Q I just want to go back to 27.
` Who is Mr.- -- I don't know if we --
` Mr. Barr?
` A Cameron Barr is another employee of
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`Page 17
` Biokinetics.
` Q Biokinetics. Okay.
` Did Riddell sponsor any research related
` to 28?
` A Yes.
` Q Did Riddell?
` A No.
` Q No.
` And what is the IRCOBI conference?
` A It's the international conference
` reporting on injury in biomechanics. It's where
` the world experts assemble and report on their
` current research.
` Q Okay. So if we could just go to the next
` article you can find that relates to American
` football, let me know.
` A Number 30.
` Q Okay. All right.
` And did any entity or group sponsor the
` research related to that article?
` A National Football League.
` Q Okay. National Football League. All
` right.
` Did Riddell sponsor any research related
` to that article?
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`Page 18
` A No.
` Q Okay. If you could tell me the next
` article on page 46.
` A Article 33.
` Q Okay. And who is Mr. Welbourne?
` A Eric Welbourne was an employee of
` Biokinetics.
` Q Okay. And did any entity or group
` sponsor the research related to that article?
` A The National Football League.
` Q Did Riddell sponsor any research related
` to that article?
` A No.
` Q No.
` A Next article would be Number 34.
` Q Okay. And that article is also sponsored
` by the NFL?
` A Correct.
` Q And Riddell did not sponsor any research
` related to that article, Number 34?
` A They did not.
` Q How about the next article?
` A Article 35, the National Football League.
` Q The NFL sponsored research related to
` that article. Okay.
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`Page 19
` Did Riddell sponsor any research related
` to that article?
` A No.
` Q No.
` Are there any other articles related to
` American football?
` A No, there are not.
` Q Okay, thank you. I just want to go back.
` When you say "sponsored," does
` Biokinetics actually receive direct funding from
` the NFL?
` A Biokinetics receives funding to conduct
` the research. The reporting of the research in
` public forums is covered by Biokinetics
` themselves.
` Q Okay. And if you could estimate, what
` was the time frame for all of that NFL-sponsored
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`Page 20
` research?
` A It began early -- or late 1999, early
` 2000, and the results of the research were
` published for the next several years.
` So as you can see from the papers, the
` last paper was presented in 2007.
` Q Okay. Do you still do any work for the
` NFL? Does Biokinetics still do any work for the
` NFL?
` A Biokinetics does some activity for the
` National Football League, yes.
` Q Okay. What type of activity?
` A We conduct independent helmet performance
` tests for the medical committee at the National
` Football League.
` Q All right. And you were aware, at that
` time that you did this work for -- that
` Biokinetics did the work for the NFL, that there
` was an exclusive arrangement between the NFL and
` Riddell with respect to what manufacturer's helmet
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`Page 21
` was the official helmet of the NFL?
` A Yes. I believe we were aware that
` Riddell's helmets was the helmet endorsed by the
` National Football League.
` Q Okay. And that endorsement expired, I
` think, in 2013?
` A I'm not sure when the expire date is.
` Q Okay. Let's head back to the beginning
` of your declaration, Exhibit 2005.
` A (Witness complies.)
` Q I'm looking at paragraph 7 at page 3.
` It's confusing, because in the bottom left there
` is a 4, but I'm talking about the one in the
` middle, for future reference.
` A Okay.
` Q In paragraph 7 it says that you're being
` paid $300 an hour for your testimony.
` A Correct.
` Q Okay. And is that -- you're being paid
` by Riddell?
` A Yes, I am.
` Q Okay. If you could look at pages 4
` through 6 of your declaration, paragraphs 11
` through 16.
` A (Witness complies.)
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`Page 22
` Q That's where you provided various legal
` sections on obviousness; is that correct?
` A Correct.
` Q Okay. There's no legal section on
` anticipation. Agreed?
` A Agreed.
` Q Okay. And at paragraph 14, you discuss
` secondary considerations of nonobviousness.
` Do you see that?
` A Yes, I do.
` Q But you didn't offer any opinions on
` secondary considerations and nonobviousness?
` A No, I did not.
` Q Okay. Have you ever been deposed before?
` A No, I have not.
` Q Welcome. Okay. All right. I didn't
` think you were going to say that, but very nice.
` Have you ever submitted an expert report
` in a legal-type proceeding?
` A Outside the Riddell case, no.
` Q No? Okay.
` When you say "outside the Riddell case,"
` you're talking about the federal district case?
` A There's a current infringement case under
` way. It's in process.
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`Page 23
` Q Right. With respect to that, I believe
` you submitted a single declaration?
` A Correct.
` Q Okay. But beyond that, that's the only
` other declaration or report that you've submitted
` in a litigation-type proceeding. Okay?
` A Correct.
` Q Okay. Good.
` Is Mr. Newman still alive?
` A Yes, he is.
` Q Okay. So did he essentially retire and
` turn over the business to you?
` A He retired and arranged for the
` shareholders to buy him out over several years.
` Q Okay.
` A He arranged for the shareholders to buy
` him out over several years.
` Q Do you consider him a mentor?
` A At one time, yes.
` Q Okay. No longer?
` A He's been disassociated with the business
` for the past several years.
` Q Okay. But at one point you did consider
` Mr. Newman a mentor?
` A Definitely.
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`Page 24
` Q Okay.
` A He's highly regarded in the field of head
` injury.
` Q Okay. Do you have any -- well, let's
` talk a little bit about your design experience.
` Do you have any experience designing
` football helmets, American football helmets?
` A No direct experience designing the
` football helmet system.
` I've had experience looking at components
` that go into football helmets, such as liner and
` materials.
` Q Okay. So you're saying you don't -- your
` statement is that you didn't have any involvement
` in the design of, for instance, the Riddell
` Revolution?
` A Correct.
` Q Okay. But Biokinetics had involvement in
` the design of the Revolution?
` A Yes.
` Q Okay. How about any experience in
` designing ice hockey helmets?
` A I've worked on the liner system for ice
` hockey helmets.
` Q Okay. What type of ice hockey helmet?
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`Page 25
` What brand?
` A That was for Cascade.
` Q Cascade? All right.
` And what about any design experience in
` lacrosse helmets?
` A No direct experience in lacrosse.
` Q Okay. But what about design experience
` in -- I'm probably not going to say this right --
` motorcycle or automotive helmets, related helmets?
` A I'll elaborate a little more on helmet
` experience.
` Q Yes.
` A The sports helmets market, I've designed
` two bicycle helmets.
` Equestrian helmets.
` Curling helmets, if that is a sport.
` I certainly looked at linear material
` components, retention systems across the whole
` range of military, transportation, and sports
` helmets.
` I've had direct involvement in the
` Coast Guard helmets.
` Several programs with air crew helmets,
` looking at pilot ejection safety.
` And helicopter pilot helmet, looking at
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`Page 26
` neck strain.
` Q Okay. And I don't want to misspeak,
` but generally when you get involved in -- let's
` call it protective helmets or sports-related
` helmets -- are you concerned more with the liner
` systems?
` A I've been personally involved from all
` aspects, from liner systems retention
` individually. But also as part of a full complete
` helmet system from concept to preproduction.
` Q Explain what you mean by liner system
` retention.
` A So the liner system is typically what
` attenuates the impact. It's a crushable material
` that dissipates the energy and protects the head.
` Q Okay. Do you have any experience
` designing the outer shell of the helmet?
` A Yes. So bicycle helmets, equestrian
` helmets, industrial hardhats, combat helmets
` have all been parts of my experience in shell
` design.
` Q Okay. How about -- do you have injection
` molding experience?
` A As part of the helmet design, yes.
` Well, I've had to deal with injection
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`Kranos Exhibit 1033, Page 26
`Kranos Corp. v. Riddell, Inc., IPR2016-01650
`Kranos IP Exhibit 2002, Page 26 of 192
`Riddell, Inc. v. Kranos IP II Corp., IPR2018-01164


`Page 27
` molding issues, such as drafts, pulls, material
` selection, performance evaluation of the shells.
` Q Okay. And when you talk about injection
` molding, are we generally talking about plastic
` injection molding?
` A Plastic injection, yes.
` Q But you're not an industrial designer,
` though. You wouldn't cal

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