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`I 16 Benet and Homer
`Ì ÍÎ]ÎÏ^\]Ð^ÑdÎ]Î`
`binding of warfarin alone and in the presence of

`phenylbutazone. In this in vitro experiment, they clearly


`showed that phenylbutazone displaced warfarin from
`its albumin binding sites. From these two experiments,


`an in vivo drug interaction observation and an in vitro
`protein-binding experiment, they proposed a cause for



`a clinical observation; that is, an increase in fraction

`unbound in plasma (fu) caused the changes in pro-

`thrombin times by increasing the concentration of
`unbound drug. The problem is in the extrapolation from


`an in vitro observation to an in vivo effect.

`In reality, the clinical interactions observed with

`the anticoagulant and antidiabetic drugs described, as

`well as a number of others reviewed by MacKichan,2

 ©o  r
`Rolan,3 and Sansom and Evans,4 result from changes
`    # 
` $ %

`in drug metabolic clearance and not from changes in

`protein binding. However, because the protein-bind-

`ing changes do cause changes in pharmacokinetic


`parameters in certain cases, the belief in the clinical


`importance of these changes has persisted. We first


`review the basis for the pharmacokinetic parameter



`There is clear evidence that plasma protein binding


`is relevant in the pharmacokinetic modeling of drugs,

`as has been primarily emphasized in terms of individ-

` -

`ual pharmacokinetic parameters9; that is, the volume of


`distribution (V)
`   §¹¨
`V = [fu/fuT] VT + VP
`depends on the fraction unbound in plasma (fu), the


`fraction unbound in tissue (fuT), the volume of tissue

`(VT), and the volume of plasma (VP).10 For all drugs
`with a V value 230 L (when VP has only a minor effect
` ¹ 
½ *v§

`on V), changes in fu therefore translate directly into
` ¹¨  


`changes in V. 10
`All organ clearance models (here we use the simplest



`well-stirred venous equilibration modelloall) incorpo-

`rate a protein-binding term

`CL = [Qorgan - fu - CLint1/[Qorgan + fu - CLint]
`,vº»¾  ¿¿,v ¼†»¾  ˆ¿,v ¼ §r¨
`in which CL is organ clearance, Qorgan is blood flow to
`   ,v  
`the clearing (eliminating) organ, and CLint is the intrin-


`  ¨   ,v 
`sic organ clearance of the unbound drug. High extrac-

`tion ratio drugs (Qorgan << fu - CLim) exhibit organ
`   §¾  ÀÀ¿,v ¨
`clearance independent of fu (ie, CL E Qorgan), but for

,vÁ¾  ¨ 
`low extraction ratio drugs (Qorgan >> fu - CLim)
    §¾  ¿,v ¨
`CL 5 fuCLint
`§ ¨
`clearance depends on fu and the intrinsic ability of the


`organ to clear the drug (CLim).9a10
 §,v ¨(*
`MARCH 2002
`Again, with use of the well-stirred model as an exam-


`ple, the hepatic bioavailability (FH) is given by the fol-

`  u
`FH = QH/[QH + fll ' CLint]
`/!º¾!†»¾!ˆ¿,v ¼
`Then F E 1 for a low extraction ratio drug, but for a
`high extraction ratio drug
`/!Á¾!†»¿,v ¼
`in which FH is inversely related to fu and CLint and is
`   /! 

`also directly dependent on QH.

`Because the half-life (tr/2) may be defined in terms of



`the ratio of volume to clearance multiplied by ln2, it is


`recognized that for high extraction ratio drugs, when V

`230 L, this parameter will also depend on fu, as follows:
`½ *v  


`tlz E [0.693(fu/fuT)VT]/Qorgan
`ÃrÁ»*)( §†¨¹¼†¾ 
`However, tl/2 is independent of fu for low extraction ratio


`drugs, for which V 230 L, as follows:
`    ¹½ *v u
`a: a [0.693(VT/fuT)]/CLint
`ÃrÁ»*)( §¹†¨¼†,v 
`It is therefore correct that, depending on the pharma-


`cokinetic parameters measured and the intrinsic clear-


`ance of the drug, certain pharmacokinetic parameters


`will change with protein binding but others will not.
`Furthermore, the changes in the individual pharmaco-


`kinetic parameters may result
`in changes in the


`observed concentration—time profiles.12 However, the


`belief that the effective concentration of all drugs


`depends on protein binding is not correct, as we will


`show in the next section.

`The introduction of clearance concepts in the mid-

`1970s has had a major impact on recognizing the rele-

`vance of pharmacokinetics to the clinical practice of


`medicine. However, the pendulum has swung too far,


`and we now overemphasize the effect of disease states

` -

`and drug interactions on individual pharmacokinetic

`parameters rather than on the most relevant measure,



`drug exposure.

`Exposure is a term that reflects the drug levels to



`which a patient is exposed after a dose or a series of


`doses. It is a measure of concentration integrated over


`time, commonly referred to as area under the curve




`(AUC). In some cases, particularly for toxicity issues,


`the clinician may be concerned about the maximum

`exposure of drug at a particular time (Cmax) or that sys-

`temic concentrations be maintained above a threshold



`minimum effective concentration. However, we will


`consider the integrated exposure, AUC, because it is the



`parameter directly related to dose, as follows:




`AUC = [F - Dose]/CL
`First, let us look at oral dosing. When we dose orally,
 ª   &

`bioavailability (Feral) is the product of three availabil-
`    §/  ¨
`ity factors (assuming negligible lung first-pass effects)
` §

`as follows:
` u
`Feral = Fabs ' FG ' FH
`/  º/ ¿/n¿/!
`in which FabS is the fraction of administered drug that
`   / 
`is absorbed into the gut wall and does not flow back
`into the lumen, F6 is the fraction that gets through the

`gut wall unchanged, and FH is that fraction that passes

`through the liver and into the systemic circulation

`unchanged.13 Therefore, when a drug that is eliminated



`primarily by the liver is given orally, systemic AUC can


`be calculated by inserting equations 2, 4, and 9 into
 r% ( 
`equation 8 to give the following:

`AUCoral = [Fabs - FG - Dose]/[fu - CLim]
`k,  º»/ ¿/n¿i
¼†»¿,v ¼ §*¨
`Equation 10 is general and holds for both high and low
`$ *
`extraction ratio drugs that are cleared by the liver and

`given orally. It is the general consensus that pharmaco-

`logic effect is related to exposure to unbound drug con-

`centrations (AUCu). Therefore, for oral dosing when


`systemic elimination occurs from the liver, AUCu will


`be given by the following equation:

`AUCuoral = fu - AUCoral = [Fabs - FG - Dose1/CLint (11)
`k,  º¿k,  º»/ ¿/n¿i
¼†,v §¨
`Note that in equation 11 changes in fu have no effect

`on unbound drug exposure; therefore no changes in



`pharmacologic effect would be expected for drugs that


`are administered orally and eliminated hepatically



`(Table I).
`For any drug given orally when systemic elimination


`is not hepatic (FH = 1) or for any drug given intra-
§/! º¨    
`venously (F = 1), then substituting the definition of

`organ clearance (equation 2) into equation 8 yields the

`  u
`AUCuoral,nonhepatic = AUCIV = [Fabs . FG . DOSC
ºk,+¹º»/ ¿/n¿i

`(QH + fu ‘ CLintH/[QH ‘ fu ‘ CLint]
`§¾!ˆÓ,v ¨¼†»¾!¿¿,v ¼
`in which FabS and F6 for intravenous dosing equal 1.
`   /  /n   
`For a low extraction ratio drug (Qorgan >> fu - CLim)
    §¾  ¿,v ¨
`after intravenous dosing
`AUCuIV = fu - AUCIV E Dose/CLint
`§ ¨
`and changes in fu will not affect unbound exposure.

`This will also be the case for low extraction ratio drugs

`cleared nonhepatically when they are administered



`orally, although FabS and FG will need to be considered,
`     /  /n 


`as follows:
` u
`AUCuoral,nonhepatic E [Fabs ' FG ' DOSC]/CLint
Á»/ ¿/n¿i
¼†,v  §%¨
`Benet and Homer
`1 17
`ÍÎ]ÎÏ^\]Ð^ÑdÎ]Î` ¢
`Table I. Summary of types of drugs and routes of

`administration for which protein-binding changes may

`be clinically relevant
`yÈ{Ë‚{}Êzà yÈ{Ë‚{}Êzà
`Intravenous administration

`Hepatic clearance



`Nonhepatic clearance
`Oral administration



`Hepatic clearance


`Nonhepatic clearance



`*See Table H for drugs that meet these criteria.
`TNo drugs from a list of 456 dmgs14v15 met these criteria.



` %) %


`In summary, for all
`low extraction ratio drugs,
`regardless of route of administration, and for all drugs

`administered orally and eliminated primarily by the


`liver, total exposure is independent of protein binding


`and no dosing adjustments will need to be made for real
`   .


`or anticipated changes in fu (Table I). Only high extrac-
`tion ratio drugs given intravenously and oral drugs
`eliminated by nonhepatic high extraction ratio routes


`will exhibit changes in unbound drug exposure when

`protein binding changes; that is, for a high extraction
`ratio drug (Qorgan << fu - CLim), equation 12 becomes
`  §¾  ÀÀ¿,v ¨


`the following:
`and unbound AUC is obtained by multiplying both sides
`   k, 

`of equation 15 by fu, as follows:
`AUCuIV = fu - AUCIV a [fu - Dose]/QH
`This will also be the case for high extraction ratio drugs

`not cleared by the liver when they are administered



`orally, once FabS and F6 are considered as factors.
/  /n
`We can now explain why changes in protein binding
`cannot be important for warfarin. Warfarin is eliminated

`      &   


`by hepatic metabolism but is a low extraction ratio

`drug, so FH E 1 and in fact For,“ = 1.14,15 Therefore its
` /!Ö   /  º%

`total systemic exposure is described by equation 10 and


`its unbound exposure by equation 11, which is inde-


`pendent of protein binding. Changes in fu caused by

`either disease effects or drug interactions will therefore


`not be expected to influence clinical outcome, and no


`adjustment of drug dosing should be required.3a4 The


`effect of phenylbutazone on warfarin levels and effi-



`cacy can be explained by noting that phenylbutazone


`inhibits warfarin metabolism (CLint decreases).16 In



`1 18 Benet and Homer
`ç ÍÎ]ÎÏ^\]Ð^ÑdÎ]Î`
`MARCH 2002
`Table II. The 25 drugs in a list of 456 drugs14,15 for which protein binding may influence clinical drug exposure
r   %) %    


`after nonoral administration, with use of cutoffs of >70% for protein binding (f11 < 0.3) and 20.28 Qorgan for clear-
    §À* ¨ ½*r1¾   

`Protein binding (%)
`"    äåô
`i -

`i   ä
` äó
`Gold sodium thiomalate (INN, sodium aurothiomalate)?
`+   äó
`+  -

`j  ä
`j     äó


` äó
`f“, Fraction unbound in plasma; ngm, blood flow to the clearing (eliminating) organ.
`*Intravenous administration.


`  ¨  
`TIntramuscular administration.

`iDoes not apply for oral administration of this drug.
`§>0.28 QH; CLH 2 6 mllmin per kilogram; see text for explanation for this low cutoff for “high.”
`”Nasal delivery.
` †

       ø  ù
`1[>0.28 QR; CLR 2 4.8 mllmin per kilogram; see text for explanation for this low cutoff for “high.”

`#Probably metabolized in blood by nonspecific esterases.
` †

       ø  ù

`CL (ml/min - kg)
`l 1.5 §
`  ò
` rò
`r ò
`4. 8‘][
`l 8§
`fact, the package insert for warfarin does not recom-

`mend a change in dose with real or anticipated changes

`in fu. This recommendation is based on clinical experi-


`ence rather than on pharmacokinetic principles, but we


`have just shown that it is solidly grounded in the analy-
`sis of drug exposure.

`There are, of course, as we have shown, situations in


`which fu becomes a determinant of AUC“. The first is


`  k,
`high extraction ratio drugs that are eliminated primar-

`ily by hepatic metabolism when they are administered



`intravenously (equation 16). The second case is high

`extraction ratio drugs given either orally or intra-

`venously when the liver is not the main route of sys-



`temic elimination, as follows:


`   u
`AUCUIV = [fu - DoseIV]/QR
`AUCum-al = [Fabs ' FG ' fu ' DoseomyQR
`k,  º»/ ¿/n¿¿i
`in which we have assumed renal elimination and used




`renal blood flow (QR) in the organ clearance equation

`(equation 2).
`An examination of 456 drugs14,15 revealed that none

`  %) %


`which are administered orally come close to meeting


`the criteria of nonhepatic elimination (>50% excreted

`  §Â*æ

`unchanged), significant protein binding (>70% bound
`to plasma proteins), or high nonhepatic extraction ratio

`clearance (>0.5 QR; >8.5 mllmin per kilogram). They
` †

`do not meet the criteria even when the high nonhepatic



`extraction ratio clearance cutoff is lowered to >0.28 QR,
`or >4.8 mllmin per kilogram. However, there are drugs
` Â%1
` †

`that are administered by nonoral routes which meet the


`criteria of having significant protein binding (>70%)
`and having either a high hepatic or a high nonhepatic




`Benet and Homer
`1 19
`ÍÎ]ÎÏ^\]Ð^ÑdÎ]Î` 
`Table ]]I. Drugs for which changes in protein binding have been thought to be important and reasons these changes




`are not clinically relevant








`Valproic acid
` y~Êz
`Only given orally; low hepatic extraction ratio (0.08)

`Low hepatic extraction ratio (0.01)

`Very low hepatic extraction ratio (0.001)

`Low hepatic extraction ratio (0.02)

`Only given orally; low hepatic extraction ratio (0.06); probably long equilibration time


`Low protein binding (46%); low hepatic extraction ratio (0.06); probably long equilibration time


`Low extraction ratio (~0.03 in linear range, decreases with higher saturation concentrations)

`Only given orally; low hepatic extraction ratio (0.01); long equilibration time


`Very low hepatic extraction ratio (0.005)

`Only given orally; very low hepatic extraction ratio (0.002); long equilibration time


`extraction ratio clearance (Table II). To be as inclusive

`as possible, in Table II we list therapeutic agents that

`have protein binding of 270% and an extraction ratio
`of 20.2814a15; that is, hepatic clearance 26.0 ml/min

` †
`per kilogram or renal clearance 24.8 ml/min per kilo-
` †
`gram. We expanded the extraction ratio criteria far



`beyond those usually considered to be “high.” We did

ø  ù&

`this in part because the correct extraction ratio calcula-

`tion should be organ blood clearance divided by organ

`blood flow, whereas plasma clearances are given in

`Table II for all of the drugs except amitriptyline and

`propranolol.14a15 In Table II we included drugs that are
`     %+ 

`given intravenously, intramuscularly, or intranasally.
`However, drugs administered intramuscularly or

`intranasally may be incompletely absorbed from the


`site of administration, and therefore the equations for


`AUC (equation 15) and AUC11 (equation 16) will need
 ¨ k,§

`to be adjusted for that possibility.
`The listing in Table 11 suggests that only 25 drugs
`have the potential for exhibiting changes in clinical

`response, with changes in protein binding caused either

`by drug interactions or by disease states. As stated, a

`number of these are definitely borderline cases. Fur-


`thermore, this list would be even shorter if we were to



`consider the therapeutic index of each drug because if



`a drug has a wide therapeutic index (eg, propranolol),

`changes in free drug concentrations that result from
`protein-binding changes will have negligible clinical


`However, there is another pharmacokinetic-pharma—

`codynamic parameter that can expand the list of drugs

`beyond those in Table II. This parameter, developed by

`Sheiner et al17 and Holford and Sheiner,18 describes the

 0 !   #


`delay between drug effects and drug concentrations in


`terms of a pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic equili-

`bration half-time. Changes in protein binding caused

`by a drug interaction are assumed to instantaneously

`change free drug concentrations. Thus there should be


`a transient change in free concentrations while the body


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